Presentation of the lesson the variety of ways of knowing the world. Folk wisdom and common sense

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The variety of ways of knowing the world

Antique times Opinion and knowledge are different The first (opinion) is not necessarily reliable. The second (knowledge) is reliable by definition. Opinion can change, but knowledge is inherent in stability.

Middle Ages Correlation between knowledge and faith The main difference is in evidence. Knowledge requires logical reasoning, but faith does not.

New time Identification of knowledge and science Scientific knowledge becomes the main object of epistemology - the theory of knowledge. Knowledge is divided into types: religious, everyday, mythological, philosophical, artistic and figurative.

Myth and knowledge of the world Myth is the earliest way of understanding natural and social reality. This is always a narrative, its truth was not subject to doubt, and the content was somehow connected with real life. Myths served as a way to preserve the life experience of peoples.

Experience of everyday life Life practice is a way of knowing the world. Most practical skills do not claim to be theoretical justification. For example, in order to use a TV, it is not necessary to know the principles of transmitting an image over a distance.

Folk wisdom Folk wisdom - generalized practical knowledge, experience different people and even many nations. From the generalization of experience, sayings arose (Strike while the iron is hot), judgments (Ivanushka - the fool, in fact, is quite quick-witted).

Common sense Suggests what and how it is better to do or, on the contrary, to refuse any actions. For example, you do not know how to use the device. Common sense suggests asking a knowledgeable person or not touching it (the device) at all.

Cognition by means of art Art gives an idea of ​​the artistic development of the world. A work of fiction gives an emotionally charged representation not only of what the heroes of the past looked like, but also of how they behaved in certain situations. This helps to feel the spirit of the times.

Where science ends Parascience (near-scientific knowledge), in contrast to common sense, is characterized by vague and mysterious information. It often demonstrates intolerance towards traditional science, appeals not to professionals, but to the masses.

Cognition as a form of spiritual activity exists
in society since its inception, passing
along with it certain stages of development.
On each of them, the process of cognition is carried out in
diverse and interconnected socio-cultural forms developed in the course of history
Therefore, knowledge as a holistic phenomenon cannot be
reduce to any form, even if it is so important
as scientific, which does not "cover" knowledge
as such.
There are many different types of knowledge and forms
cognitive activity.

Types of knowledge

Kind of knowledge

from Greek word.
The rudiments of knowledge are connected,
elements of beliefs, etc.
Reflected understanding
natural phenomena.
Tells not only about
past, but also the future.
Indistinct division
subject and object, subject and
sign, spatial and
temporary relationships.
Replacing the Scientific Principle
explanations of things and the world as a whole,
origin story and
The humanization of nature, i.e.
transfer to the human world
Emotional figurative form
perception of the world.
Heroic - hide
real events.
Etiological - explain
origin of name,
rituals, customs.
Cosmogenic - about
origin of the world,
the origin of chaos in space, about
struggle of heroes and gods with
demonic powers.
Calendar - about the change of times
year, about the dead and risen
Eschatological - describe
the death of space, the end of the world and
space, about the resurrection of the world.
Biographical - birth,
origin, initiation
full age status, marriage,
death of mythological heroes

The basis is life experience
Knowledge is a side effect.
Mandatory way of formation,
apprenticeship with an experienced mentor.
Experienced knowledge contributes to its
Most of the experience is not
requires theoretical justification.
Man acquires not only
practical knowledge, but also evaluates
code of Conduct. Absorbs without
model action efforts.
Practically used by man
unconsciously and in its application, not
requires advanced systems
Unwritten character.
lived on
bank of a river or lake,
built a ship
for swimming on
the result of such
activities should
was to become a ship, and
side - knowledge about
which tree
take like and than it
process what
floating craft

The basis
folk wisdom
(aphorisms, sayings, proverbs,
riddles, etc.)
The basis of folk wisdom -
generalized practical knowledge
Different people.
Wisdom is the ability to understand
earthly events in themselves, without
correlation with the world of the gods.
A hallmark of folk
wisdom as a kind of code
command recipes for different
cases is that she does not
identical, contradictory.
Common sense - information
assimilated spontaneously, a phenomenon
in autumn they count /
Strike while the iron is hot
Can't get it without hard work
fish from the pond / Work not
the wolf will not run into the forest
"Hurry to do good" /
"Hurry up - people
make you laugh."
“Not knowing the ford, do not poke your head in
water” / “Risk is a noble
"The old horse of the furrow does not
spoil" / "Old Fools
dumber than the young."

not dismembered
displaying the world and especially
person in the world.
expresses the aesthetic
person's attitude towards
The specific way is
use of artistic
Literary account of the event
is not the event itself, but it
makes it possible to recreate
through the imagination of the reader.
With the help of artistic
art creates its own image
kind of hypothesis of the surrounding world
or its parts.
cognitive activity
very varied.

haziness and mystery
the information she handles.
using information that is not confirmed in
experiment that do not fit into the accepted
theories or simply contradictory
common and proven practice
scientific knowledge.
claims to be universal.
don't try to answer questions
peremptorily uses such
formula, explaining with its help the reasons
diseases and other human manifestations.
overestimation of claims for attention to oneself.
Any suggestions for additional
examinations or checks are perceived as
insult and distrust.
avoiding specific explanations, striving
circumvent those facts that contradict or do not
consistent with the methods used.

Myth - (from Greek mythos - legend, legend) -
a story about gods, spirits, deified heroes and
ancestors that arose in primitive society. IN
myths intertwine the early elements of religion,
philosophy, science and art.
The myths of different peoples have similar and
recurring themes and motifs:
1) myths about the origin of the world, the universe (cosmogonic
2) eschatological myths;
3) a person (anthropogonic myths);
4) about the origin of the sun (solar myths);
5) moons (lunar myths);
6) stars (astral myths);
7) myths about animals;
8) calendar myths;
9) myths about the origin and introduction of cultural goods
(making fire, the invention of crafts, agriculture);
10) myths about the establishment of certain social
institutions, marriage rules, customs and rituals.

(from Greek eschatos -
extreme, last and logos - teaching) -
the doctrine of the final destinies of the world and
individual eschatology, i.e. the doctrine of
the afterlife of a single human
and world eschatology, i.e. the doctrine of the goal
space and history and their end.

Practical knowledge is the knowledge of how
act in the course of the transformation of natural and
social world, what properties do
materials, objects, what is the order of operations in
daily and specialized activities.
folk wisdom, common sense.
Common sense (eng. - common sense) - common, inherent in
in one way or another, every person has a sense of truth and
justice, acquired with life experience.
Common sense does not rise to the level of scientific and
philosophical understanding of reality, but also
opposed to the artificial
Common sense is fundamentally not knowledge. Quicker,
this is a way of selecting knowledge, then general illumination, thanks to
which in knowledge distinguishes between the main and the secondary and
extremes are outlined.

In the spiritual experience of a person, along with the scientific, there are also various ways extra-scientific knowledge. They do not fit into the strict framework of scientific thinking, its language, style and methods. The variety of ways and means of cognition of the world testifies to the inexhaustible richness of the intellectual and spiritual culture of man, the perfection of his abilities and the huge potential of opportunities and prospects. Through a wide range of knowledge,

the surrounding world can be explained in different ways: not only by the feelings and mind of a scientist, but also by the spirituality of a believer, aesthetic images or moral standards.

It can be comprehended by the eye of the artist and sculptor, as well as by the typical, generic abilities of any individual. Only in this way is the truth known and comprehended - when considering an object from different angles, with the help of diverse ways of interpreting it.

Non-scientific ways and means of mastering the surrounding sea and oneself by a person include: ordinary, mythological, religious, artistic, moral knowledge and others.

In the spiritual and practical activity of a person, a prominent place is occupied by everyday knowledge. Sometimes it is called "everyday" (or "everyday") sensory reflection and thinking, "ordinary mind". It reflects the immediate, immediate conditions and content of people's life - the natural environment, life, economic and other processes in which each person is included every day. The core of everyday knowledge is the so-called common sense, which includes elementary correct information about the world. A person receives them in the course of his daily life and from other people through the transfer of cultural experience. Common sense serves the purposes of orientation in the world and its practical development. It is known, for example, that it is important for a person to know what can be consumed and what cannot be consumed, that water exists in a solid, liquid and vapor state, and boils when heated to 100 ° C, that it is dangerous to touch a bare electrical conductor, etc. P.

This form of cognition includes not only the simplest and most necessary knowledge about outside world, but also beliefs and ideals of a person, elements of folklore as a kind of crystallization of cognitive activity. Ordinary knowledge "grasps" superficial information about the connections of being: if birds began to fly low above the ground, it means to be raining; if there are a lot of red mountain ash in the forest, then this is for a cold winter. Within the framework of everyday knowledge, people are able to come to deep generalizations and conclusions that relate to their relationship to other social groups, to the political system in society, to the state. In such generalizations, there is folk wisdom, the sociocultural experience of peoples.

Everyday knowledge, especially of modern man, includes elements scientific knowledge and presentations. In general, it develops spontaneously, “through life”, therefore it combines not only common sense, but also all kinds of prejudices, beliefs and superstitions, mysticism.

mythological knowledge appeared in ancient times, when there was no free individual with a developed intellect.

A myth is a fantasy emotional-figurative perception of the world, which has fixed itself in legends, legends and traditions, all sorts of fiction. In ancient myths, there was a humanization of the forces of the surrounding nature and spirit, which were incomprehensible to man and over which he still had no power. The world in the mythological consciousness is an arena of activity and rivalry of gods, titans, goblin, brownies, devils, etc., where a person is mainly a spectator of their fights and feasts.

From ancient mythology For example, naive ideas have come down to us about how the world arose from dark Chaos, how Earth and Sky, Night and Day, Light and Darkness were born, how the first living beings appeared - gods and people. Legends have been preserved about the almighty Zeus and the titan Ocean, about the guardian of the underworld Tartarus, about the golden-haired Apollo and the mighty Athena, about other deities. The legend about the hero Prometheus, who allegedly stole fire from the gods and gave it to people, was also preserved from antiquity, but was chained to a rock as punishment and doomed to eternal torment. Ancient myths left behind not only a figurative style of thinking and an emotionally colored worldview. They provided very rich food for artistic creation, the development of other forms of social consciousness and the entire culture of society.

Elements of myth-making also exist in the consciousness of modern society as archetypes of culture. This is due to the historical continuity of development spiritual world people, the needs not only in acquiring various true knowledge, but also in a fairly free, non-strict thinking associated with a dream, ideal, fantasy, hope.

Among the ways of human cognitive activity, a specific place is occupied by religious knowledge-comprehension. It is a dogmatic thinking based on belief in the religious supernatural, it includes a complex set of illusory ideas about the world. The essence of religion is belief in such a supernatural, with which a person can establish contact under special conditions, receive from the supernatural salvation, protection and other benefits, as well as punishment for sins and other negative actions. In many religions, the main supernatural is God as the creator of the world, his great creative deeds. In this sense, religious knowledge is knowledge of God. Religious feeling and thinking are based on supposedly unconditional dogmas. So, in Christianity, the main dogmas are the provisions on the trinity of God, on the creation of everything that exists by God from nothing, on the presence of the divine principle in everything earthly, including man himself.

Religious knowledge has formed its own picture of the world, which has left a huge imprint on the worldview of people and spirits.

helluva culture of mankind. Religion is one of the most important forms of the spiritual experience of mankind, which embodies the search for a more humane world than this imperfect earthly world.

One of the manifestations of extra-scientific comprehension by a person of the surrounding world is artistic reflection of reality. It represents thinking with artistic images, embodied in various forms of art and folk art. Artistic image in this case, it is the main means of cognition and comprehension of the world, a sensually visual embodiment of the object of cognition.

Knowledge of the world in art as a professional artistic creation is carried out with the help of such concepts as beautiful and ugly, comic and tragic, sublime and base, serious and playful. The most important types of art are theater, music, fine arts, architecture, cinema, audio and video art, fiction, etc. Each type of art has its own methods and means of cognition: sound in music, plastic image in sculpture, visually perceived image in painting, literary character, etc. Thanks to art, a person discovers the perfection, harmony and beauty of the surrounding reality and his being, learns to create a new world according to the laws of beauty. But initially, the artistic comprehension of being was formed in an unusually diverse and rich in content folk art.

The universalism of human cognitive activity is expressed philosophical knowledge. It is characterized by the desire to generalize and synthesize all other forms of cognitive activity, the closest connection with the entire spiritual culture of society. Philosophical knowledge is characterized by a specific language, a deeply personal attitude of the thinker to the object under study, and many other features. Philosophy seeks to bring the totality of information about the world into a coherent system, to understand everything that exists as one and diverse. Philosophy is an organic unity of scientific knowledge and everyday life wisdom of a person. Philosophizing means not only thinking about the world, but also asking about yourself in this world, about the meaning and goals of your own life. Philosophy is always in dialogue with other forms of knowledge - ordinary and scientific, mythological and religious, artistic. Its purpose is to comprehend the universal in being (the beginnings of being, its laws, connections and principles, properties), to find answers to the most important worldview questions. Philosophical intelligence - great gift and the acquisition of the spiritual culture of mankind.

Basic concepts Extra-scientific knowledge, everyday knowledge, mythological knowledge, religious knowledge, artistic knowledge, philosophical knowledge.

"Cognitive processes" - The main parameters of sensations Aistingute p?hidimensioonid intensity intensiivsus quality kvaliteet time aeg space ruum. Cognitive processes Tunnetusprotsessid. Properties of perception Taju omadused constancy p?sivus selectivity valivus meaningfulness m?testatus apperception apertseptsioon.

"The problem of knowledge" - Dream. Analysis, synthesis, movement from simple to complex, from phenomena to essence. Johann Goethe worked on the border between classicism and romanticism. True. The basic principle of sensationalism is "there is nothing in the mind that would not be in the senses." The result of research activity. The result is the acquisition of new scientific knowledge - objective truth.

"Scientific knowledge" - Responsibility of scientists for their discoveries and inventions. Lesson Plan: Deals with a specific set of reality objects. В1-09: Arkhipov Alexey Maksimov Maxim Vladimirova Olga. What instruments designed for scientific research do you know? Music. 3. The role of science in modern world. Chain reaction.

"The problem of the cognizability of the world" - The problem of the cognizability of the world. Epistemology. Correspondence of knowledge with reality. The main problem in philosophy. Kinds of truth. Philosophical solutions to the problem of criteria of truth. Types of knowledge. Basic concepts of the theory of knowledge. Objectivity. Heliocentric system of the world. True. Features of scientific thinking.

"Knowledge of the World" - Give examples of law and hypothesis. Hypothesis and law. scientific knowledge. Theory is a specially constructed system of interrelated statements, the laws of science. When does a hypothesis become a law? What is the difference between a hypothesis and a law? The reasons for the transition of people to alternative forms of knowledge - "The Crisis of Science".

"Knowledge" - Perception - a set of sensations that create a holistic image of an object. Truth and its criteria. Truth is relative and absolute. Knowledge is the result of knowledge. Truth is the result of knowledge. There is no history without people. The humanist considers reality in terms of goals, motives, and orientation of a person.

In total there are 20 presentations in the topic

Social science grade 10

Lesson topic: The variety of ways to know the world

Target: explain the concepts and terms: "levels of human knowledge", "mythological knowledge", "rational-logical knowledge", "life experience", "common sense", "eschatology", "parascience";


    to acquaint with the types and levels of human knowledge;

    develop in students the ability to carry out a comprehensive search, systematize social information on the topic, compare, analyze, draw conclusions, rationally solve cognitive and problem tasks;

    contribute to the development of the civic position of students.

Lesson type: lesson - business game.

During the classes

I. Organizational moment

Various types of knowledge have been considered in history: rational and sensual, logical and illogical, scientific and non-scientific, ordinary and artistic, moral and philosophical, etc. And the process of cognition is far from always carried out behind written or in scientific laboratories. Not always people aspired to academic knowledge. Any prayer, said I.S. Turgenev, comes down to one thing: "Lord, make sure that twice two is not four."

Indeed, does humanity need faith in the miraculous?

What role did fantasy play in the process of knowing the truth?

Does art help you understand the world better?

Let's think about these questions.

The theme of the lesson: "The variety of ways of knowing the world." We will consider the following questions:

1. Myth and knowledge of the world.

2. "And experience, the son of difficult mistakes ..."

3. Folk wisdom and common sense.

4. Knowledge by means of art.

5. Where science ends.

II. new material

Even now, in the 21st century, most people do not get information about the world from scientific treatises. Like mushrooms growing astrological forecasts, announcements appear with promises to solve all problems from "famous" clairvoyants, mass wellness sessions By . Therefore, along with science, there are many ways of knowing. This will be discussed in the lesson, which I propose to conduct in the form of a role-playing game.

So, the class should be divided into groups, each of which will represent a certain role of convinced supporters of their own, non-scientific ways of knowing the world and truth. There is only one condition: you must be convincing when presenting your way of knowing. And for this you will have to work with the materials of the paragraph and additional materials.

Group 1 prepares a speech in defense of mythological knowledge, using paragraph 1 "Myth and knowledge of the world" § 23 and additional material.

Group 2 prepares a speech in defense of ordinary knowledge, using paragraph 2 “And experience, the son of difficult mistakes ...” § 23 and additional material.

Group 3 prepares a speech in defense of folk wisdom and common sense, using paragraph 3 "Folk wisdom and common sense" § 23 and additional material.

Group 4 is preparing a speech in defense of artistic and figurative knowledge, using paragraph 1 "Myth and knowledge of the world" § 23 and additional material.

Group 5 prepares a speech in defense of parascientific knowledge, using p, 4 "Where science ends" § 23 and additional material.

Each group will present the results of their work at a round-robin meeting. based on questions and assignments.

Material for group 1


Man's attempts to create a picture of the universe were first carried out in the form of myths. For a long time myth was considered a fantastic fiction, a fairy tale created by ignorant savages. But in this case, it remains incomprehensible why a person in the conditions of a fierce struggle for existence would tell each other fairy tales?

Through the efforts of a whole generation of researchers, the importance of myth for the development of society has finally been revealed.

What is a myth and how did it appear?

Myth is a word, a legend. By definition, N.A. Berdyaev, myth is desacralization (removal of holiness, mysticism, “secularization”) of secret, magical knowledge. It is said rather one-sidedly, but true in essence. Myth is really a word that establishes a connection between the real world and a secret, sacred world. bringing higher meanings into the world, the myth comprehends, arranges it, harmonizes it, makes it manageable.

The myth is the true Prometheus, who brought down heavenly fire (secret knowledge and hidden meaning) to the Earth and thus enlightened this world. Myth is a virginal, autocratic, royal word. Myth holds the world together: myth reproduces the world, protects it, restores order in it.

The myth thus appears, according to the definition of the Russian philosopher, religious thinker Alexei Fedorovich Losev (1893-1988), magic word(name), that is, a word that reveals the secret essence of the world and allows you to simultaneously influence the world, subdue it. In this hypostasis (quality), myth is the forerunner of science in its transformative and cognitive role.

Today it has become clear that the most ancient forms of comprehension of the world not only do not remain at the origins of history, but continue to live. It turns out that the mythological consciousness is able to form new rings on the living tree of culture, new branches and give unexpected fruits. Bringing Meanings From Hidden Depths human soul, into which even science cannot look, is easily realized, of course, by myth. It is sometimes difficult to recognize him in a new modern guise - sometimes scientific, sometimes poetic, sometimes philosophical, but an experienced philosopher will immediately determine: before him is a modern myth.

So the myth lives, dies and is reborn again. It cannot be eliminated. After all, modern researchers can draw an abyss of knowledge from it.

Before you is one of the ancient Greek myths read it and answer the questions to it.

The first was Darkness, and out of Darkness came Chaos. From the union of Darkness with Chaos, Night, Day, Erebus (darkness) and Air arose.

From the union of the Night with Erebus, Fate, Old Age, Death, Murder, Voluptuousness, Sleep, Dreams, Quarrel, Sadness, Annoyance, Nemesis, Inevitability, Joy, Friendship, Compassion, Moira (goddess of fate) and Hesperides (nymphs, guardians of the golden apples of eternal youth).

From the union of Night, Air and Day, Gaia-Earth, Sky and Sea arose.

From the union of Air and Gaia-Earth, Fear, Tiresome Labor, Fury, Enmity, Deception, Oaths, Blinding of the soul, Intemperance, Arguments, Oblivion, Sorrows, Pride, Battles, as well as the Ocean, Metis (thought), titans, Tartarus (space , located in the very depths of space, below Hades), three erinnia, or furies (goddesses of revenge and remorse).

Giants arose from the union of the Earth and Tartarus.

The myths below were created different nations. But there is something that unites them all. What general idea do they carry? What can they tell us?

IN ancient egyptian mythology it is said that the first people were created by the god of fertility from clay on a potter's wheel.

The Akkadian myths contain information that the gods created people from clay in pairs, and then through the umbilical cord they instilled life into them.

The myths of the peoples of Scandinavia tell how the gods found the unfinished figures of the first pair of people on the seashore and revived them. The figures were made of different types of wood. So Ask (Ash) and Embla (Willow) were born.

Some peoples living in Burma and Bangladesh believe that humans are descended from birds.

The ancient Chinese myth of Pan-gu tells of the origin of the world from the parts of a dead being. His breath became wind and clouds, his voice became thunder, his blood became rivers and reservoirs, his hair and mustache became constellations, sweat became rain and dew. People descended from insects that lived on the body of Pan-gu.

The Indians from the Jaivats tribe believed that they descended from the monkey god Hanuman, who could fly, change his appearance, and could tear hills and mountains out of the earth. Some tribes of Tibet associate their origin with monkeys-ancestors. The tribes of the Malay Peninsula (Southeast Asia) have a legend that they are descendants of white monkeys.

Myth is the first form of knowledge and explanation of society

The main thematic cycles of myths:

cosmogonic myths - myths about the origin of the world and the universe;

anthropogonistic myths - myths about the origin of man and human society;

myths about cultural heroes - myths about the origin and introduction of certain cultural goods;

eschatological myths - myths about the "end of the world", the end of time;

biographical motives - birth, initiation into full-age status, marriage, death of mythological heroes.

The role and meaning of myths:

we draw knowledge about the system of rules and values ​​adopted in a given society;

we create a picture of the integral life of the people;

myths preserve the life experience of peoples;

comprehending myths, a person correlates his personal experience with the generic experience of the team, the community of people;

ensures the continuity of cultural experience;

conveys the best moral qualities of the heroes and invites them to follow the next generations.

Material for group 2

The historian of the last century S. M. Solovyov described the construction of the Assumption Cathedral in the Moscow Kremlin. Read the text and think about what practical knowledge the Russian people gained during the construction of the cathedral.

From the "History of Russia from ancient times"

The cathedral church was considered the main decoration of the city, and Moscow could least of all boast of this decoration. The cathedral church of the Assumption, built under Kalita, had already become so dilapidated that the vaults were moved, and therefore they were forced to support the building with thick wooden pillars; it was necessary to think about building another church, and in 1472 Metropolitan Philip called two masters - Krivtsov and Myshkin - and asked them if they would undertake to build a church the same as the Vladimir Cathedral of the Virgin. The masters took it, and the metropolitan appointed a large collection of silver from all the priests and monasteries for the church building, and the boyars and guests voluntarily gave money; when the silver was collected, they set to work, destroyed the old church and began to build a new one; but when in the third year they began to reduce the vaults, the building collapsed. The Grand Duke sent to Pskov for the local craftsmen who came from the German land; the craftsmen arrived, examined the collapsed building, praised the smoothness of the work, but blasphemed the lime, which dissolved in a liquid, not gluey, which was the main reason for the fragility of the work. The Pskov craftsmen, however, were not allowed to correct the mistake of Krivtsov and Myshkin; in all likelihood, Sofia Fominichna, who had arrived in Moscow shortly before, persuaded her husband to call a more reliable artist from Italy, and the Grand Duke, sending Semyon Tolbuzin to Venice, ordered him to look for a church master there. Tolbuzin found many craftsmen in Venice, but only one of them agreed to go to Moscow for ten rubles a month's salary; it was the native of Bologna, Aristotle Fioravanti; and he was even forcibly released with Tolbuzin, Aristotle brought his son Andrei and disciple Peter; having examined the old church work, he praised their smoothness, but said that the lime was not gluey and the stone was not hard, and therefore announced that he would begin to do everything again; the remains of the former structure were smashed with a wall-beating machine - a ram. “An amazing thing,” says the chronicler. “They did it for three years, and in less than a week it ruined it, they didn’t have time to take out the stone.” Aristotle also went to Vladimir; looking around the church there, he praised it and said; "This is the work of some of our masters." He arranged an oven for firing bricks behind the Androniev Monastery, making bricks already the same as before, but longer and harder; to break them, it was necessary first to soak them in water; lime also ordered to interfere thickly, so that when it dries up, it is impossible to split open with a knife; to lift stones up, Aristotle made a wheel; it was wonderful to watch how stones were lifted by a wheel, hooking them to a rope. In 1475, Aristotle began his work, in 1479 he finished. John celebrated the consecration of the cathedral church magnificently: he ordered alms to be distributed throughout the city, he treated the metropolitan, bishops, archimandrites and all the boyars to dinner; the next day, the metropolitan and all the cathedrals (white clergy) dined with the sovereign in the middle room, and the grand duke himself stood in front of them and with his son. All cathedrals ate and drank in the court of the Grand Duke for seven days. But the activities of Aristotle were not limited to the construction of the Assumption Cathedral, for he was not only a skilled murol (architect), but also knew how to pour cannons and shoot from them, cast bells, and mint coins.

Read the episode from N. S. Leskov’s story “Lefty”, where the tsar examines the work in a small scope - horseshoes on the legs of a mechanical “English” flea and cannot see them in any way, and answer the interrogation, how everyday experience helped the master to cope with the task: shoe a flea.

If there were a better smallscope that magnifies five million, then you would deign to see that on each horseshoe the master's name is displayed: which Russian master made that horseshoe.

And is your name on there? - asked the sovereign.

No way, - answered the left-hander, - mine alone is not.


But because I worked smaller than these horseshoes: I forged carnations with which the horseshoes were clogged - no small scope can take it there.

The Emperor asked:

Where is your melkoscope with which you could produce this surprise?

The lefty replied:

We are poor people and because of our poverty we do not have a small scope, but we have shot our eyes like that.

What practical activity or everyday situations gave rise to the following proverbs and sayings? Continue their series by choosing your own examples.

You recognize a person when you disentangle a pound of salt with a spoon with him.

A tailor without a caftan, a shoemaker without boots, and a carpenter without doors.

The buyer of the house praises, and the merchant - in the shop.

A home-made penny is better than a visiting ruble.

"And experience, the son of difficult mistakes..."

The experience of everyday life (life practice) is a special way of knowing the world.

Its peculiarity is that obtaining knowledge is not an end in itself, but a “by-product”.

The method of formation of practical knowledge is labor activity.

Practical knowledge does not pretend to a theoretical justification and do without it.

Practical knowledge has its own language: “a little bit”, “by eye”.

Not only practical knowledge is acquired, but also assessments, norms of behavior (spiritual and practical).

Material for group 3

Before you are Russian folk tales and proverbs on social and everyday topics. Having become acquainted with them, try to prove the legitimacy of N. A. Nekrasov’s statement: “Russian folk legends, proverbs ... finally, Russian folk tales are the memory of our long past, the repository of Russian history.”

Stubborn Wife

A husband and wife lived. The husband went to the market and bought cats. Comes home. The wife looked: there are cats in the bag. “Husband,” he says, “to whom are cats ku-gGyl?” - "Mother." - "I'll die! Why did you buy mother's cats?

Don't eat for a day, don't eat for two. The husband came: “Well, what are you doing, what are you dying for?” - “Tell me, to whom did you buy the cats?” - "Mother".

She doesn't drink, she doesn't eat, she's sick. Again the husband comes: “Well, what are you dying for?” - “Tell me, to whom did you buy the cats?” - "Mother".

She became more ill; sent for the priest. The husband comes: “Well, what are you dying for?” - "Who did you buy the cats for?" - "Mother".

The priest came. The husband comes again. She asks: “Who did you buy the cats for?” - “Mother.” - “Make a coffin, put me in a coffin!”

They made a coffin, put it in a coffin, carried it to bury. The husband comes up to her: “Stupid! What are you dying for? - “Tell me, to whom did you buy the cats?” - "Mother!" - "Bury me in the ground!"

So they buried it.

Shemyakin Court

Once upon a time there were two brothers: one was rich, the other poor. The poor man came to the rich man to ask for a horse. The rich man gave a horse, but did not give a harness. Well, what's a poor brother to do? He tied the cart to the tail, went into the forest and chopped a large pile of firewood. He came home, opened the gate, and the cart got stuck in them; the horse twitched - the tail came off. He brings a horse without a tail to his brother, and the brother got angry: “I will take you to Shemyaka the judge!”

Go. We drove, we drove, the night came. We went to a rich merchant. The rich and the rich sit, eat, drink vodka, and the poor lie on the stove; he wanted to see what the rich eat, leaned over the stove, could not resist, fell into the cradle and crushed the child. The merchant shouted: “And I will go to Shemyaka the judge!”

The three of us have already gone. They are going - there is a big bridge on the road. The poor man thinks: “I’m lost anyway. Let me jump off the bridge and kill myself." And below, the master was carrying his sick father. The poor man jumped off the bridge, but fell right on the patient and killed him.

The master wailed: “And I will go to Shemyaka the judge!” They come to the judge. The rich brother complains, while the poor brother wraps the stone in a handkerchief and shows it to the judge. Shemyaka the judge thinks that he wants to give him money, and says to the rich brother: “Give him the horse, and let him keep it until the tail grows!”

The merchant began to complain, and the poor man again showed the judge a stone in a scarf. Shemyaka-judge says to the merchant: “Give him his wife, and let him keep her until the child is born!”

The master began to complain, and the poor man again Shemyaka points to a stone in a scarf. He says: “You, poor man, stand under the bridge, and you,” he says to the master, “jump on him and kill him.”

When everyone left, Shemyaka calls the poor peasant: money, they say, come on, and he unfolds his handkerchief and says: “I wouldn’t judge according to me, I would kill Shemyaka the judge!” Shemyaka the judge was delighted: “Thank God that I judged so!”

Here a poor man comes to his brother for a horse, and he says to him: “I will give you a cow, a few quarters of bread, just leave the horse!” The poor man took all this and went to the merchant. The merchant was frightened and began to ask him: “I will give you a bull and a few quarters of bread, just don’t take the mistress!” The poor man took all this and went to the master. “Well,” he says, “I will stand under the bridge, and you jump on me.” The master was afraid to jump from the bridge and asks: “Take a horse and a few quarters of bread, but I won’t jump ...”

The poor man took all this for himself and now lives richly.

What value judgments follow from the following proverbs? Do you agree with their assessment?

Don't ask the old - ask the seasoned.

To another grief - learning, to another - torment.

You won't become a master without messing things up.

He lived in people, he saw the light; he put an ax on his leg, girded himself with an ax handle.

It is better to live poor than to be rich in sin.

Folk wisdom and common sense

Folk wisdom - generalized practical knowledge.

Examples of folk wisdom:

aphorisms: “If you like to ride, love to carry sleds”;

sayings: “Without labor, you can’t even pull a fish out of a pond”;

judgments: "Strike while the iron is hot";

riddles: “What you want, you can’t buy it; what you don't need, you can't sell."

A distinctive feature of folk wisdom is a set of recipes for behavior for different cases life.

Common sense is the spontaneously developing views of people on the surrounding reality and themselves under the influence of everyday experience

Material for group 4

1. Select a passage from a literary work that clearly demonstrates the validity of Hesiod's statement: "The Muses speak lies that look like the truth."

2. Analyze the poem.

After visiting the Saint-Geneve de Bois cemetery in Paris, where many members of the white movement are buried, R. Rozhdestvensky wrote the following verses:

I touch history with my palm.

I'm going through a civil war...

How they would like to go to the Mother See

Ride once on a white horse! ..

How are they forgotten, former -

Cursing everything now and henceforth,

Rushed to look at her

the winner

Let the incomprehensible

Let the unforgiving

dear earth

And - die!


Birch reflection of peace.

In the sky - Russian domes,

And clouds like white horses

Rushing over the canopy of Saint-Genevieve de Bois.

3. Before you is a painting by S. V. Ivanov "In the order of Moscow times."

What knowledge can you learn about the political system of the 17th century by looking at it?

Knowledge by means of art

Works of art help to feel the spirit of the times.

The peculiarity of this form of cognition is an artistic generalization, an image. They help to present an ideal thought through a real incarnation and understand this incarnation through the expression of a thought.

The artistic image creates a hypothesis of the surrounding world or its parts.

Material for group 5

What phenomenon does the text below illustrate? What do you think about this phenomenon?

The famous English physicist J. Rayleigh was interested in parapsychology and spiritualism, and towards the end of his life he was even president of the Society for Psychical Research. He approached the study of all these mysterious phenomena with the thoroughness of an experimental physicist. So, to test the abilities of one medium who knew how to make spirits write and draw at a seance in the dark, Rayleigh soldered a sheet of paper and two pencils into a large retort. The experience ended in failure, the guests from the next world could not leave a trace on paper. This retort is kept in the Rayleigh House Museum in Essex, and the paper has remained clean for over 120 years.

What is your opinion on the following information? Justify your answer.

Some enthusiasts are trying, if not to prove the existence of ghosts and ghosts, then at least rationally explain where these phantoms can come from. The Canadian neurophysiologist M. Persinger collected 203 reports of the appearance of the ghosts of the dead over the past 37 years and compared them with geographic data on magnetic activity on the corresponding days. It turned out that ghosts usually appear during high geomagnetic activity, during periods of magnetic storms.

Where Science Ends Character traits parascience - the nebula and mystery of the information with which it operates.

The reason for the appearance limited opportunities science that cannot answer all questions.

Distinctive features parascience:

Parascience is distinguished by its claim to universality.

Exaggerated claims for attention to yourself.

Often intolerant of traditional science. The positive impact of parascience is that it contributes to the advancement of new scientific problems.

III. Lesson summary

This is the end of our press conference. Let's summarize it.

What unscientific ways of knowing the truth have we met? Which of them seemed the most convincing to you?

What unites all these areas?

Can it be argued that unscientific knowledge leads a person to the truth? Justify your answer.

Complete the tasks for the paragraph.


Learn § 23, do the tasks.

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