Fulfillment of desires is easy and simple. Wish Fulfillment Technique

In the culture of the Slavs, there are a huge number of rites, rituals, signs, covering all areas of life. Growing up and becoming, relations between a man and a woman, raising children, martial arts, healing, etc. Thousands of generations have accumulated experience in all these areas. Knowledge was transmitted mainly orally, from father to son. Therefore, much knowledge has acquired a somewhat mystical connotation.

For example, omens. Why do we believe in them?

Sign. One thing happens and we somehow know that something will happen that is not directly related to the first event, but naturally associated with it. Why do we believe? First, it is the memory of blood. What the ancestors knew and passed on to us. Secondly, it is the subconscious, to which a longer logical chain is available than we can master with the mind. Sometimes we don't see patterns where there are patterns. And since the subconscious controls the consciousness, and not vice versa, we consider the omen to be true, although we cannot explain this.

Why do many signs come true?

It would be better to put the question differently. Where did the knowledge about the chain “something happened - and there will definitely be another” come from? Probably, a sign is an event that has already happened many times before us and has acquired certain properties that do not change from time to time.

And there are two reasons for this. The first, as already mentioned, is the experience of generations. These are observations. For example, a person saw some birds flying unusually close to the ground. Then a heavy downpour began. Man did not attach importance to these two phenomena. After a while history repeated itself. The man thought. The next time he was deliberately birdwatching. Then he passed on his knowledge. And so on. And the more repetitions, the stronger the belief in this sign.
In this simplest example, the mechanism for the appearance of signs becomes clear. Only it is more complicated and extended in time.

The second reason that signs come true lies in such a phenomenon as psychoenergetics. It is no secret that a person's thought has power and can influence quite material objects and processes. So the thought of one person or a group of people makes an event more likely if it is thought about. And they think - thanks to the signs that describe it!

Do signs come true that we do not know about? Does magic live apart from us?

This complex of events and actions makes signs real, come true.
Faith in omens helps us today. This is a piece of the wisdom of our fathers, inherited by us in the form of a huge number of traditions and beliefs. Spilled salt - there will be a quarrel. On a subconscious level, a person already knows this. And how many more beliefs and rituals that we don’t even know about! They are echoes of ancient antiquity, the life of our ancestors. They were preserved for us not only in the words of great-grandmothers, but also written down on paper and are now available to everyone. Probably, ignorance will not exempt from this causal relationship.

Signs are a small part of Slavic sorcery!

This knowledge was available to our ancestors, but today it is not so well known and applied. They are trying to cut us off from our roots. They want to cut down our mighty tree and plant alien rhizomes with views and values ​​alien to the Slavs. But, thanks to caring people, today we can touch the knowledge of our ancestors.

IN Slavic magic there are different directions. Someone turns to Lada - the Goddess of Love, the patron of the family, for help in relationships with loved ones; someone - to Veles - the God of Wisdom and Sorcery, the God of passions and impulses, for the implementation of other goals; someone to other deities and forces. But there is something that unites all people - this is the thread of the Fate of the Goddess Makosh, which everyone has, everyone has their own. She is unique. She is earth path person. With all joys and sorrows. This thread is like a guiding star for the traveler. The Goddess knows what was and what will be. After all, fate itself is in her hands!

Let's turn to the Goddess of Fate and Sorcery, to the Great Makosh!

Appeals to Makosh, ceremonies and rituals in her honor are an indispensable attribute of the life of the ancient Slavs. And in the matter of preserving these traditions, the book of Slavic magic "The Legacy of the Goddess Makosh" will help us like nothing else. wish fulfillment book. It describes in an accessible way the rituals of addressing this particular Goddess. To perform magical rituals, the Slavs tuned their energy in the right way. Depending on the subject of the rite and the Force to which they turned, this happened in different ways. The main and common were the concentration on the action, concentration, the absence of extraneous thoughts.

Dream fulfillment magic

Communicating with the Gods, you need to devote your mind and heart to this occupation, not being distracted by something else. Sometimes the desires that live in us are not ours - they are imposed from outside. The fulfillment of such desires can be harmful or simply unnecessary. Therefore, it is necessary to clearly understand: first, what we want. Secondly, do we really need it. This book describes a rite by which you can understand what exactly you want. What is your soul doing? Fulfillment of a cherished desire- also in the power of the Goddess of Fate and magic.

Since Makosh belongs to the bright part of being, She brings good, no matter what people think about it. Therefore, there is one condition for the fulfillment of desire: the world must become a little better! Good must be done! At least for one person, not counting you, our Earth should become brighter. Many folk tales describe this phenomenon. After all, you can't get anything without giving. This is the law. If it arrived in one place, it left in another. And goodness must multiply! This is wisdom.

And this is nothing but a real Slavic rite that came from hoary antiquity. And the ancient - tested by time and hundreds of generations - cannot be wrong. Rites have the same origin as omens. So why should we not believe in them, as we believe in legends!

ancient magic still strong!

It is a delusion that some "modern and progressive" people believe that times have changed and the customs of our ancestors are outdated, do not have their former strength and are not relevant. This is explained by the age of high technology, the development of civilization. But, having invented the wheel, people were sure that it was their century - the century of high technologies. By inventing the ship, having sailed to the other side in it, people considered themselves modern and progressive. However, this did not prevent them in a difficult situation from calling on the Gods, to Rod, to their mother. So is today. Nothing changed. History repeats itself, goes in a spiral. And people, their morals do not change dramatically. To comprehend the rites of the ancestors is another step towards the revival of our people. We cannot do otherwise!

In these 30 steps, you will be able to set yourself and your life in a positive way. These lessons deal with the main tasks of a person who wants to achieve the best standard of his life. This crash course will help you set up your life for the best. A practice or technique to help you learn that lesson.


when you experience negative feelings (resentment, failure, etc.) just close your eyes and live the most pleasant of what you are capable of in your imagination. It can be any scene, even a fantastic one. If only they really kindle positive, love, kindness, pleasure, etc. in you.

The main thing is to replace one feeling with another.


try to play that the problem is as if invisible to your world. Get used to this role of such reality as the most professional actor. Do it really from the point of view of the game, not scientific and serious practice.

Simply put, you can choose your reality of feelings and play them like in a theater. The main thing is not to waste your feelings on the problem. Feel nothing for her.

Get cold-blooded about what you don't like and just step over it like invisible men or insects.


get a thick notebook, and preferably two or five! Describe in depth and insight how you will live in a few years and how you will feel from it. Write down several notebooks in this way in any order and at any interval of time. The main thing is that everything goes easily and the practice really brings joy, not a burden.

Therefore, do not suppress the creative side of practices with conventions and rules. Think of them for yourself. The main thing is to generate attention, but how this is already an individual question.


this is called progressive thinking. Before bed or the next morning, start the day by listing all your recent successes and positive changes.

Always remember your achievements and successes. Keep them as if in the background of the mind, whatever you do.

You can even make a short list of today's miracles every day.


list all the best you have. In this way, you activate your strengths. Give yourself compliments mentally, and if you really want to, then you can also hear them. Do this several times a day and in difficult situations.

Of course, you need to work on your sides of character. Just like that, no one will start to think positively and progressively.

Thinking is tuned by the spirit of man, the properties of his will.


do it in this order > frankly admit to yourself any negative belief you are trying to cover up with a mask of positive self-belief (ask yourself: what do I really feel about this?) > write it down on a piece of paper > then incline this point of view in writing various arguments, for example: What is good about it? what will help me to change it? How do I feed this negativity? What good will a new look at these things give me? Why can I be wrong about this negative belief? Etc.


after each flight inside your fears or negative thoughts, remind yourself that everything always leads to good. Instead of being afraid of negative materializations, think about how the universe can take care of you. Give these thoughts to the waste-recycling of the universe.

She even makes something good out of them. Tell yourself: even out of this, my world will make me happy, it will take only the best from my consciousness and realize happiness for me.

This is how you create an individual law of reality.


if you are oppressed by your negative thoughts, if this worries you from the point of view of the theory of the materiality of thoughts, then always repeat the installation in thinking: "my world will take care of me." The main thing is to understand what this phrase or belief means to you. So clarify your attitude: “my world protects me - this means for me that only positive things come true for me.”

Thus, you put either a gasket or a fuse in this mechanism, as it were. That is, you understand that it is stronger than any negative inside, because you invest more time in it and are more familiar with it than with new negative thoughts. It's relaxing.


notice in the world what you want to receive yourself. If you want love, then pay attention to couples on the streets and put an “anchor of attention” on them, that is, an accent. You can say that this may be a manifestation of your desires and that soon it will be attracted to you too.

Likewise with money. Learn to see wealth, love and success in the world.

You see in the world what you yourself are. Therefore, the theme of the transformation of character and spirit is so important. The practical importance of this is automatic and manifests in everything from the way you speak to the way you start moving or practicing positivity.

Transformation within itself will change your thinking and attention. One practice here cannot be. This is a whole complex stretched for many months or years.


there is still something you can do! Define your comfort zone - this is the zone of life and your decisions that is convenient for you, BUT NOT FAVORABLE! That is, you understand that it is convenient and good for you to relax on the couch on the weekend, but all life passes by in this way.

Knowing exactly what is comfortable for you but not profitable is not necessary, but very useful. Thus, you can set mini-goals for getting out of your comfort zone. This stimulates the character to transform.


take a break from a goal or from a wish. That is, stop working on them and strive for them for a while. It can be from 2 to 14 days. In some cases, a rather long vacation or break is obtained. Tell yourself that you are gaining strength and will not spend it now on goals. But if they themselves begin to be realized without your efforts, then you do not mind.


aim for peace within, not for remaking yourself and your thinking. If you achieve harmony inside, then this is the most important "remake". You have to accept your shortcomings. If you are unhappy with something about yourself, just tell yourself that you need to compromise with it, and not destroy it.

If the compromise is strong, then the shortcomings themselves will go away or their negative impact. Tell yourself that this is just your property, not a flaw, and that you may one day find a good compromise with these properties within.


you need to pay less attention to other people's feelings and their opinions. You need to believe in your own world. The next time you perceive something, do not turn around, do not read comments, do not look for support from authorities. Trust your experience and feelings. Think with your head, not with other people's points of view.


find 5 pluses in any circumstance. But these should be advantages that are really valuable to you, and not those that people usually find. Don't follow other people's patterns.

That is, these 5 arguments should really convince you of the best. These are the advantages that are especially significant for you personally. Find 5 pluses always in any situation. Train for it.


very similar to 5 pluses! When a problem arises, always think first of all: "so ... what 3 opportunities does this bring me?". Train yourself to see the problem not as a limitation or suffering, but as an opportunity. Start looking for at least three not so much “just” pluses, but real opportunities that this new state of affairs opens up.

Let the perception begin to perceive them not as dead ends, but as steps to the top! A problem is not a problem, but a new state of affairs. Start with these words. “Now, but…” or “it gives me…”


take time for yourself and your little dreams. Write down the things that probably bring you great pleasure from the very process of doing these things. Dealing with them is better than dealing with problems, even if problems are more important to you.

That's what is important for you from the point of view of doing, then it will be real for you, that is, it will materialize. Make happiness and pleasure more important than worries and worries.


Imagine pictures that bring you absolute joy. Pictures don't have to be about your life, or about real life or logical ones. It may even be a real fantasy.

It's all about feelings here. Give yourself good experiences. They will at least set you up for positive. And this is the maximum that you just need!


Remove from your area of ​​attention everything that stimulates you to despondency or depression. It's kind of like feng shui. If you are more happy with money, then it is better to scatter it around the house than debt bills, which are depressing.


there are thoughts that cut down thoughts like a knife switch. They are like a code to silence. For example: watch - what will be the next thought? After all, what do we usually do with our thoughts? We analyze and look for solutions (mostly). But when you understand that you are better aware of everything in silence and the best decisions come in silence, then thoughts go away. Learn to stop VD - internal dialogue. After all, sometimes bad thoughts just get sucked into the funnel. Sometimes only silence can stop this disgrace in thoughts.


Think about what practice of the power of positive thinking gives you the most ease and joy? It is it that needs to be repeated systematically and every day until it gets bored. Then again choose for yourself the same technique for thinking that pleases you with the process itself.



transform the desire or goal according to this principle. Modify it so that it ignites you even more. It's about HOW or WHAT exactly you will get in it. To remake means that your desire becomes focused on other conditions of desire. It may be necessary to reconsider new nuances of implementation or the quality of the desired. The main thing is that desire should not be a burden, but a joy.

Write down on a piece of paper the main thing you want, but what does not turn you on. Ask yourself: what is better than this? Or how it could be even happier for me. Try to play with new goal statements and then just let it go and pity your oh with fire!


reconsider your requirements for your life and for the way things should be. Ask yourself: am I looking up to someone else's examples and stories? Any examples are a window into someone else's reality, and you have your own, special world. Measure life only with your yardsticks and feelings. Examples and stories - this is not what happened in reality, this is what you were told. So it's not your experience. One day, you will understand the value of this.


don't react to your negativity. That is, do not play that it is not that bad once it happened inside you. Living means living. Whenever you break down - it's your right to your views and your reality.

Do not criticize yourself, I do not demand from myself what you cannot give. The main thing is to understand yourself, and not to be understood by others.

This is last. It is rather practical advice full picture :)

We continue to study ways of knowing and improving ourselves and our lives, and especially in the aspect of developing more feminine states.

Each of us has our own ways of working on ourselves, and this is normal, and this is right. Moreover, they can change at different stages of life and self-improvement. Those that have proven to be very effective on initial stage, may gradually become less effective, especially when you have already gained something. Therefore, as soon as you feel that the existing practice or technique no longer "inserts" you so much, does not give you the same sharp and vivid states as before, is no longer so effective for you, try something new. New states, new energies, new forms of work…
Moreover, today there are such a huge number of methods and methods of self-improvement that it is not a problem at all to choose one for yourself. And every day there are more and more new ways of working on yourself, including all the best that was before. For example…

I remember that several times I came across the phrases “Slavic gymnastics”, “Slavic dance”. But, to be honest, they didn’t particularly attract me (although I love all kinds of energy practices). Until one day, quite by accident, at one of the yoga fests, I tried them on myself. And… something hooked me in them. Of course, the state that practice gives cannot be completely conveyed in words. But I cannot fail to tell you that such a direction exists. And suddenly, it will be useful to some of you, and someone will change their lives.

Because I myself know little about this direction, I asked Eva Byuksel, an instructor in Slavic gymnastics and dance (mentor of the School of Slavic practices "Sila Beregini"), to talk about it.

- Eva, tell us what kind of practice it is, what it gives and who would be interested and useful?

This is a purely female practice. It is necessary and useful for all women without age restrictions.
What gives practice? It gives the alignment of the spine, the formation or restoration of natural deflections; normalization of hormonal levels, women's health, getting rid of inflammatory processes, reducing pain during menstruation and reducing their intensity and number of days; increases the likelihood of conceiving a child, the successful course of pregnancy and childbirth (practice prepares the body for childbirth so that they pass as easily and freely as possible).

- I heard that there is Slavic gymnastics and Slavic dance. Now we're talking about...?

In general, we are talking about gymnastics. Dance is what gymnastics develops into. Those. in our deep conviction, in those times when this practice was widespread in the Slavic territory, it was, naturally, in the form of a dance. The “fragments” of this dance came down to us in the form of gymnastics, which they began to recreate on the territory of Belarus, then it began to spread ... and now we represent one of the directions - “Beregini's Power”.

Basically, they start with gymnastics, and they come to dance later, because dance is more energetic, it goes more through feeling, and gymnastics is a more logical approach, it is easier to start with. Someone stops on it, someone goes to the dance.

- I.e. This practice is exclusively for women, men are not allowed to do it?
(banner_adsens) Men really can't do it, because. gymnastics is aimed at developing a hormonal background for women, and the same processes begin in men. And they don’t need the female hormonal background at all :) there is a transition into female energies. There were experimenters who tried :) Of course, advances in terms of trade, some women's affairs begin, but at the same time, interest in women disappears.

At the expense of the fact that our gymnastics has something in common with yoga. Yes, indeed, it has something in common with yoga, but the key difference is that yoga is a practice that works with energy from space and brings it to earth, so it is predominantly male, despite all its modifications. Our practice is purely female, focused on working with the energy of the earth. Yoga is also good, incl. and for women, for example, for inspiration, for some creative ideas out of touch with life, but then the energy of the earth is needed for implementation.

Regarding the interesting “combination” of body and energy work, as I said, there are several directions in our practice - female Slavic gymnastics (if you “google”, you will see what they are). Why do I like my direction, because it combines energy work, physical and psychological (those phrases (“conspiracies”) that we uttered really work like affirmations, like “attunement”). There is work for the brain, and there is a moment of creativity. For example, now we have clearly done what goes on the base, what is drawn on the cards. But when the girls practice long enough, they make the movements that the body itself tells them. This is the moment of creativity that turns on. And so, slowly, gymnastics turns into dance.

Our practice can be perceived in different sections: you can focus on the physical part, you can add physics with energy. And this is where the “magic” comes in. It can also be “everyday magic”, which works with everyday tasks, and the definition of one’s purpose and the ability to realize oneself and build space for oneself, the ability to negotiate with space. This is the practice of the state. States of dialogue with space: we tell it what we want, and it does what we want.

Eva Büksel was with us. Thank you, Eva, for an interesting conversation.
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In the photo: Eva Büksel

Eva Büksel
Mentor of the School of Slavic Practices "Strength of Beregini"

If you really want something, then the Universe will direct its efforts to ensure that the desire comes true. Surely, you have noticed that when you forget about a dream a little, it starts to come true? This is the law of the universe, not a miracle. When the desire has been backed up by the hot energy of the soul, it comes true. Let's consider what kind of technique for fulfilling desires:

Fulfillment of desires with the help of thoughts

How to dream right? Some will say that this has never happened to them. And the thing is, you need to dream correctly. There is a list of rules that must be considered in order for the wish to come true:

  1. Formulate clearly! The more detailed, clearer and more specific the desire sounds, the better the result. For example, “I want a house” is completely different from “I want my own two-story house in this city.” You need to present your desires as if they already exist. An inaccurately formulated message may not only not come true incorrectly. Suppose the desire “I want to travel” can be realized as just a trip to the other end of the city, and the reasons may not always be pleasant. Therefore, before launching a desire into the Universe, you need to clearly understand what exactly you want;
  2. Focus! In one period of time, the desire should be one. In this case, all your energy will be focused on its execution;
  3. Think real things! A completely unfeasible thing, of course, will never happen. But the Universe will try very hard for you, so again the system may fail, responding to dreams with its own interpretation. If you wish to become the king of Britain, then you can get a cardboard crown with the inscription "king" from your friends for your birthday, which is celebrated in the restaurant Britannia. The universe sometimes jokes quite witty;
  4. Play to win! As women's wisdom says, "if you want to marry a banker, then go to the bank." Without playing, it is impossible to win. Make some efforts in the direction of your dream, go to it, and the Universe will gladly help you along this path;
  5. Visualize! The most popular visualization technique is the creation of a "dream poster". To do this, you need to attach a sheet of drawing paper to the wall, on which to place all the images that symbolize or show your dreams. The main thing is that this poster should be constantly in your field of vision in order to regularly be able to view it;
  6. Concentrate your strength! You can fulfill desires with the power of thought only if you keep silent about them. If you constantly share dreams, the energy intended to fulfill them dissipates. That is why no one should see the dream poster;
  7. Be patient! It is necessary to wait for the fulfillment of desires humbly, with the understanding that it is impossible to count on quick success. Knowing how to wait is half the battle. You can’t be impatient, because it is your emotions that determine the ways and timing of the realization of a dream.

Your thoughts and energy spent on the realization of desire will definitely pay off, but be sure to think: do you know exactly what you want and at the same time continue to desire?

Ritual for the fulfillment of desires

The rituals and ceremonies designed to fulfill desires are very powerful, but they only work if the seven above-mentioned rules are observed. Thanks to magical intervention, you can make any dreams come true. The only question is whether you have enough energy to fulfill them.

Simoron - a letter to the Universe

Since one can count on the materialization of a dream only on one's own, that is why we will consider the techniques of modern light magic, which has received scientific justification. We are talking about the "simoron" technique. The effectiveness of the teaching is so great that it cannot be called anything other than magic.

Buy a new envelope good paper and a nice pen. All these items must be chosen with the soul, and not according to something, for example, the budget. Write a letter to the universe detailing what you would like so much. Outline very colorfully, do not miss the details. Be sure to talk about the reasons why you want to have what you want. Never sit down to write with negative emotions. It is important to indicate what you are ready to do in order to make your dreams come true.

lazy method

Magic for the lazy is famous for using sacred numbers. In this case, when it comes to the realization of a dream, let's talk about the number 21. This is three times 7. Seven is the strongest number on which the Universe is built.

If something doesn’t work out for you, but you really want it, then use this method. Scientists have noticed that it takes exactly 21 days for a person to get used to any fact in his life, for example, a new changed appearance or environment. We can change a habit, too, only by working on it for 21 days.

First - formulate your dream in a short, capacious phrase, taking into account all the details. Of course, we are considering the option that the dream is already being visualized in detail. Then take a notebook, take one sheet for each day. Every day, without missing a single day, write briefly about your dream at least 10 times on the page. After the notebook is over, you can begin to wait for the fulfillment of desire.

church candle

Buy a candle in the temple, wrap it in a clean white cloth and bring it home. With a needle, scratch 6 dividing lines on the candle so that the candle is divided into 7 sections. Write your wish on a piece of paper and put a candle on it. Light a candle at night. While the first division is burning, say, like a mantra, what you desire. Imagine what you are talking about. Don't blow out the candle! Extinguish it with your fingers.

Repeat the ritual the next night. So spend 7 nights. When the candle is over, set fire to the sheet with the desire and the remnants of wax in a plate so that all the paper burns without residue. While the paper, charged by you for 7 nights, will burn, imagine how with fire the whole dream flies into the Universe, into the Cosmos, through the subtle worlds and time to return to reality in your physical world. Scatter the ashes in the wind, saying the wish again. After that, wait for its execution. Don't forget the rules above.

Divination for the fulfillment of a wish

Who does not remember how, in childhood, the petals of a flower were torn off, accompanying each of them with owls “loves”, “does not love”? Without knowing it, we performed the rite of comprehending the secrets of the future. In childhood, the attitude to this fortune-telling was not serious, we did not know how to prepare our mind and emotions for the right result. But now you already have the basic knowledge in order to repeat the children's fortune-telling, but with a more "professional" approach.

Most often, resort to card divination. To use it, shuffle the deck, and as you shuffle, think about your dream in as much detail as possible. After thinking of a question, pull out a card. The spade suit indicates that the desire is most likely unfulfilled at this point in time. The higher the rank of the card, the less likely the wish will come true. The ace of spades speaks of the futility of the undertaking, while the six of spades says that a desire can be fulfilled, but not without difficulty. Club suits say that your dream is achievable, but everything is associated with serious risk. Tambourines may suggest that the dream will come true, but you won’t get the hassle. Heart cards promise a trouble-free and happy fulfillment of desire. The higher the heart card, the more luck.

If, while shuffling, you dropped a card, it is your answer. If the answer is unfavorable, you should not pretend that you accidentally dropped the card. The deck has already given you the answer. Do not demand from her what you would be pleased to hear. Accept the answer as it appeared before you, or do not start guessing if you are not ready.

This is the easiest divination option. There are specialists working on Tarot cards. If you wish, visit one of the professional fortunetellers.

So that the dream does not remain unfulfilled, use all options! Christians for this turned to Saint Martha or Martha. This is a Catholic prayer addressed to Saint Martha. Please note that in order for any prayer to work, it is necessary to honor this Saint, learn about her deeds. First of all, you should pray to the Holy Trinity, then the Holy Mother of God, and after St. Martha.

There are collective and single magical Volkhov and priestly rituals that must be observed strictly exactly. Otherwise, every Slav is free to praise the Gods as he wants, and no one has the right to tell him.

About Gods.

There are a lot of Slavic Gods. Choose any one you like. Remember, there are no bad and good Gods, there are different sides of their character and different functions that they perform on Earth. The Goddess of Death Mara or Marena (Morena) is not bad and terrible because she kills people - this is her function, work. Goddess Makosh, who spins the threads of fate, can spin good fortune, and maybe bad.

Since ancient times, Christ worshipers-foreigners were surprised at Russ when they simultaneously glorified Belbog and Chernobog. For Christians, everything is simple: God is good, and the Devil is evil. If you serve the Devil, you will burn in hell.

The pagans are more interesting: troubles happened - you can turn to Belobog to give good, or you can turn to Chernobog to remove evil. The pagans didn't have hell, so they didn't care where to turn, as long as there was help and support. The gifts of the Gods were generously paid for by bringing demands, sacrifices.

When a person becomes very ill and is dying, the Magi call for help from several Gods at once: Khvorst, the God of Diseases, to take away the disease; Morena, to let her live a little longer and not take her life; The God of Destiny is asked to be allowed to stay longer and is asked to change the entry in the Book of Destiny. Makosh, Alive, is called upon to nourish the unfortunate with vitality.

You can turn to several Gods - these are your parents, or you can choose one and make friends with him more tightly, communicate, make gifts to each other. Read the history of Rus': warriors worshiped Perun, merchants Veles or Svyatovit. The main thing is the result of communication. Turn to several Gods - with whom you like to work more, cooperate with that.

Home temple

The temple is a place where the Slavs turned to the Gods, performed magical rituals, sacrifices. Usually temples were arranged in nature, in the forest, in the mountains, caves, near the river. Altars and idols were erected, bonfires were kindled, sacrifices were made.
You will need the idols of the Gods. It is clear that you will not install wooden carved poles at home. You can limit yourself to images of the Gods. Here you can and should use your imagination. You can find the image Slavic god on the Internet and print on the printer, finally, draw it by hand with a ballpoint pen. Instead of an image, you can use the SIGN of God. The most interesting thing is that almost everyone starts with freehand drawings and printouts from the Internet, and after a year they already install carved paintings and figurines at home. These are people who have established contact with the Gods.

Most Popular Gods:
Supreme god. Victory, military luck, achievements, protection, punishment of enemies and much more. Lightning is Perun's fire, which he overthrows from heaven. God of air phenomena.

Money, wealth, trade, magic.

Sun. Giver of blessings, gifts, happiness in the family.

Belbog (Belobog).
Happiness, kindness, good luck.

Goddess of love, marriage. You can see her sign in the form of two connected rings on wedding cars.

Fertility. The patroness of women.

I will not bring detailed description, features, signs. This is all you can find yourself and this will mean your desire to come to the Gods. Use the Internet, literature.

Once prepared, you can start the appeal:

1. Put in front of the image of God what you are going to sacrifice to him. The choice of sacrifice, or treba, can be approached freely, but keep in mind that it is better not to bring meat, blood, raw eggs and other products of violence to "bright" deities. IN this ritual we will work with liquid demand: wine, beer, mead, kvass, vodka, juice, tea with sugar, milk. You can even mix everything together. It is advisable to use natural requirements.

2. Raise the bowl with the demand with both hands and, turning to the deity, say: "Belobog! (For example) How do you give us Happiness, Luck, Good, charge me with your energy! Help me to do this and that ...". In no case do not cry, do not whine, do not humiliate yourself, do not bow, do not kneel. God is your ancestor and relative! After all, when you ask your father or grandfather for something, you don’t kneel, do you? You are the SON (DAUGHTER) of God, and NOT a SERVANT OF GOD! The Slavs did not have the concept of a slave, by the way, they did not have hell either.

3. Breathe in the smell of your drink through your nose, imagine how the energy and aroma of the liquid fills your lungs. Exhale through your mouth on the image of God with full confidence that you are feeding it, transferring your energy to it.

4. Drink three sips from the cup, then right hand with the bowl, move your hand to the side and slightly behind your back and spill some liquid on the floor. Feed your keeper.

5. Again raise the bowl to and addressing the deity say: "GLORY to the White God!".

6. Leave the drink overnight near the image of the deity. After that, you can do as you wish with the request: you can drink it, you can pour it on the ground. Pay attention to the taste, it is usually very diluted, watery, as if all flavoring components have been removed from it. In places of power, where the magicians constantly practice, all liquids and edible things disappear.

How do you know that you have succeeded? After a successful appeal to God or the Gods, the following may occur:
1. Feel a chill down your back.
2. Warmth, a feeling of euphoria, as if someone covered you with a warm blanket.
3. Outside, the wind may blow or it may suddenly rain.
4. Electrical appliances can suddenly go haywire.
5. There may be a feeling of fear, a sense of presence.
6. Dreams on this day can be very bright and beautiful. You can experience pleasure in a dream, you can see God.
If this happened, then the Gods heard you and came to the call. Your shrine is activated.

You asked for something and now there may be several options for help: some event may actually happen that can help the implementation of the plan, or you can get information that can help. It happens differently for everyone. But be sure: if it worked out once, then the Gods paid attention to you and will not leave you alone, they will establish contact with you, bring you together with the right people, feed you with happiness, good luck. In response, do not forget them and parents will always help you and your family in any business.

Collective ritual of turning to the Gods
The same can be done in field conditions and several people can participate, and the more people, the stronger and faster the result comes. For example, you can ask for good luck hunting or searching for the gifts of the forest and taiga.

1. On wood, draw, scratch, or carve a SIGN or picture of God. Or put a few stones in the form of an idol, you can draw a face or a SIGN on the stones.

Men are encouraged to carry a knife. The complete success of the ritual, when after a few minutes or seconds the Gods manifest themselves - it can be the sky cleared of clouds, a flock of birds flying by with screams or an animal emerging from the forest, as well as a fallen branch, a sudden gust of wind.

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