Stars born on February 29th.

Pisces - the zodiac sign of those born on February 29 endows its wards with pleasant charisma, charm, tact, politeness and diplomacy. Their charm attracts a large number of people to them, many of whom become friends of those born on February 29. They get along well with a variety of people, they know how to find an approach to everyone, which is greatly facilitated by polite manners.

However, those born on February 29 themselves are often considered less optimistic than they really are, and they are not always correctly understood. It happens that they are also considered too careless, but this is a misconception. Those born on February 29 have serious ambitions, are not afraid to manipulate people around them, know how to convince them that they are right, and willingly use their gift of influencing the crowd.

Diseases of those born on February 29

These people are naturally endowed with good health. They risk ruining it with their addiction to fashionable dubious diets and experiments. They should be more restrained in matters of health and either consult a good doctor or use only old and proven remedies.

It is useful for them to engage in cooking, in which they can quickly realize their ambitions, but they themselves should control their diet and not overeat. To prevent your nervous system from letting you down, do not forget about regular rest. Try not to sleep too long during the day so as not to develop insomnia at night. Participation in sports competitions is ideal for these people. They are also recommended to take fitness and dance classes.

Those born on this rare day, which occurs only once every 4 years, are usually lucky. They are healthy, look good, putting a minimum of effort into it, they are lucky, failure passes them by. Regardless of what zodiac sign they are on February 29, they sometimes do strange and eccentric things that everyone usually expects from Aquarius, but not from Pisces. Nevertheless, any antics are forgiven to them, either due to their luck, or due to their charm.

In general, these people are unusual and somewhat strange from birth, which they themselves realize very early. They always remain young at heart, as if they really age four times slower, sometimes this pleasantly complements their charisma, and sometimes it makes them infantile and dependent people.

Work and career of those born on February 29

Those born on February 29 do not like to stand out from the crowd, so they hide their difference from others by pretending to be ordinary people. Date of birth: February 29, the zodiac sign Pisces gives them stupid imagination and fantasy, but they show this only to relatives and friends; at work they try to behave like ordinary pragmatic people, alien to mysticism and hobbies of the otherworldly.

However, these people must remember that they should not deny themselves and their own nature to too much extent, otherwise fortune will turn away from them.

But your behavior can also be adjusted towards social expectations and decent behavior in society. Outrageousness is not always your friend. The main thing is to maintain a sense of proportion in everything and not try to force yourself into the framework of normality at any cost. Otherwise, instead of spiritual development and self-improvement, which is important for Pisces (Pisces is the answer to the question on the date of February 29 - what is the zodiac sign), you will suppress and break your nature, as a result of which you will become an unhappy person and will not be able to realize yourself.

Those born on February 29 try to somehow compensate for their shortcomings, imaginary and real. Sometimes along the way they can get too carried away with self-aggrandizement and develop a “Napoleon complex.” The other pole is an escape from harsh reality into a fictional world, a deviation towards idealism. Both are extremes; those born on February 29 need to avoid them, remembering a sense of proportion, and stick to the middle.

The fact that the Earth makes a full revolution around the Sun not in an exact number of days, but in 365 days and 6 hours, was known back in Ancient Egypt. The leap year system was legalized by Julius Caesar. The year, which is a multiple of four, became longer by one day - February 29 appeared. For the Romans, the New Year fell at the beginning of spring, February was the final month.

Beliefs and legends

There is perhaps no more mystical date on the calendar than February 29th. It is not surprising that so many legends and superstitions are associated with this day. According to the Orthodox calendar, Kasyan celebrates his name day. This name was not widespread among the Slavs, since Kasyanov’s day has long been considered unlucky and even dangerous. Bulgarian belief says that Saint Kasyan was kidnapped by demons as a child. This explains his evil temper and envy. The year when Kasyan celebrates his name day brings losses and failures.

Another legend tells that one day Nikolai Ugodnik and Saint Kasyan saw a peasant who was struggling to pull out a stuck cart. The peasant turned to the saints for help. Kasyan refused him because he didn’t want to get his clothes dirty. Nikolai Ugodnik rolled up his sleeves and pulled the cart out of the mud. The saints have come to heaven. God, having learned why one of them had a robe stained with dirt, while the other had a clean one, deprived Kasyan of his name day for his unresponsiveness to the requests of poor people.

According to another Slavic belief, Kasyan must guard hell. He can rest only one day in four years, and his work is carried out by 12 apostles.

Who was Kasyan really? John Cassian became famous for his righteous life, was a monk and theologian, and wrote books about Christian morality. The Church considers him a saint. In addition to Kasyan, Ilya, Porfiry, Sofia and Euphrosyne celebrate the day of the angel on February 29.

It is believed that a happy fate awaits those whose name day coincides with their birthday. It is enough to make a request to your patron on this day, and your wish will certainly come true.

What about those whose birthday is February 29? Some esotericists believe that in a non-leap year the ghost day can be caught at midnight from February 28 to March 1. In this short period of time you need to make a wish.

What's special about people's character?

The characteristics of people born on February 29 are quite interesting. Formally, they are four times younger than their peers, since they celebrate their birthday once every four years. Mystically, this is reflected in their appearance, they remain young in body and soul for a long time. A fresh perception of reality makes them surprised by what others do not notice. When they become adults, they remain children at heart. People around them sometimes consider them a little childish. However, this is not always the case.

People often wonder if a birthday falls on February 29, which zodiac sign determines a person’s character and destiny. According to astrological data, the Sun in the horoscope of these people is at 10° Pisces. They are typical representatives of the water element. The ruling planet Neptune endows Pisces with hypersensitivity and developed intuition, often also the gift of foresight and extrasensory abilities.

The second ruler of the sign is Jupiter. Pisces received from him generosity, generosity and open-mindedness. In the zodiac sign of Pisces, the planet Mercury is in exile. Representatives of this sign not always inclined to make decisions and act rationally. They trust their strong intuition and limitless imagination more. Those born on February 29 are attracted to mysticism; they themselves have an unsolved secret. They have a strong interest in the otherworldly, the irrational.

There is some inconsistency in the character of those born on this unique day. You can know them for many years, but never fully know them. They are balanced and at the same time capable of showing strong emotions, modest and at the same time ambitious. Pisces seek the company of other people and at the same time keep their distance from them. Nature generously endows Pisces with artistry, artistic and musical abilities. Among them there are polyglots; learning foreign languages ​​is very easy for them.

Women who were lucky enough to be born on February 29 are beautiful, charming and look even younger with age. They are characterized by compliance and efficiency; they always have a need to take care of someone.

Their moods can be changeable, sometimes they lack determination. There should be an understanding and sensitive partner nearby. They are deeply hurt by rudeness and inattention.

Typical representatives of Pisces - men born on February 29: A man's zodiac sign is manifested in the fact that he is often guided by feelings in his actions. Rational motives rarely come first for him, and pragmatism is not a strong point. Kind and forgiving, delicate and peace-loving, they tend to succumb to the influence of others.

Talismans and stones that bring good luck:

  • talisman flowers: lily, violet, iris, narcissus;
  • numbers: 3, 7, 12;
  • stones: amethyst, aquamarine, rock crystal, moonstone;
  • metal: silver;
  • colors: blue, lilac, purple.

Child born on February 29

Children born on February 29 are unselfish, impressionable and receptive. The child lives in the fantasy world of his imagination, therefore, cannot always distinguish truth from fiction. He cannot be accused of deliberately lying; he himself believes what he says. He has a sympathetic and vulnerable soul. He does not like deception and doubts about his sincerity, therefore, when instilling realism, it is important not to offend his sensitivity.

By nature, those born on this day are endowed with insight and strong intuition. They are generous and always ready to help, but do not strive for leadership.

For young Pisces, the environment in which they live is very important. They need to feel valued and respected, otherwise they will lose confidence in themselves. By providing support, the child must be taught to be psychologically independent and independent. Thanks to his natural talent, he can achieve a lot on his own. Since childhood, he has a good sense of his exclusivity, he knows that he is not like everyone else. It is important that the child does not feel resentment for “lost” birthdays.

Choice of profession

Those born on this day often choose professions that make them feel useful to people. They are good psychologists, psychotherapists, nurses, social workers. Among them are gifted artists, musicians, poets and science fiction writers with the gift of foresight. Their works are sometimes ahead of their era.

Famous people

Celebrities whose birthday occurs once every four years:

  • Dana Carlsen is a famous film actress who played in the films “Barefoot on the Pavement” and “Knockin’ on Heaven’s Door.”
  • Raisa Smetanina is a skiing legend, world champion and four-time Olympic participant.
  • Irina Kupchenko is a Russian theater and film actress.
  • Gioachino Rossini is an Italian composer, author of The Barber of Seville.
  • Michele Morgan is a French film actress, known for the films “Great Maneuvers” and “Promenade of Fogs”.
  • Glen Miller is an American composer and leader of a jazz orchestra.

Contrary to superstitions, on February 29, on the verge of winter and spring, romantic and bright personalities are born. It is important for them to be able to combine extremes - while striving to be like everyone else, they cannot lose their uniqueness.

Attention, TODAY only!

The personalities born on this unique day, February 29, are unusual in themselves.
February 29 is a day created artificially in order to compensate the world for the fact that the year is several hours longer than 365 days. With the light hand of Julius Caesar, a new day appeared - February 29 - which began to be celebrated on the calendar once every 4 years.
It is difficult to disagree with the fact that people who celebrate their birthday only once every 4 years (if you count your age by counting birthdays) are much younger than their peers. Oddly enough, but outwardly, people born on this day really look very youthful.
Their unusualness begins at birth and continues throughout their lives. They sometimes have strange habits or inclinations that are incomprehensible to others. However, these natures rarely show them off, but are rather ashamed of their uniqueness and consider it signs of “abnormality.” For this reason, they try to choose earthly professions that allow them to solve pressing problems of society. Their fantasies find outlet only at home, while in society these people try to look “ordinary.”
It seems that not only cats have 9 lives, but also people born on February 29th. Often, any of their actions is viewed by others through the prism of their unusual birthday. Indeed, they sometimes commit strange actions that are incomprehensible to society, but “come out unscathed.” They tend to find something unusual or even secret in completely ordinary things. Often these people give the impression of children who value a simple toy. At worst, they look like frivolous individuals with exorbitant demands and needs.
Those born on February 29 should not give up on their own individuality. Suppressing it and getting rid of real and imaginary shortcomings can lead to a nervous breakdown. However, there is no need to take care of yourself like a porcelain figurine. Let your individuality show itself in society, but don’t shock others.

As a child, I really felt sorry for my cousin, who was born on February 29th. It seemed terribly unfair to me that a person can celebrate his birthday only once every four years. But my mother explained to me what people all over the world who were born on this unusual day do... They celebrate their birthday on a different day of the calendar!

German professor Heinrich Hemme developed a special schedule for the 4 million people born on February 29th. It all depends on the hour of birth. If a person was born between 0.00 and 6.00, in non-leap years he celebrates his birthday on February 28. Those born between 6.00 and 12.00 two years after the leap year celebrate their holiday on February 28, and in the third year on March 1. From 12.00 to 18.00 - in the first year after a leap year they celebrate on February 28, the second and third - on March 1. Those born after 18.00 celebrate their birthday on March 1.

The leap year was introduced along with the Julian calendar in 46 BC. For a long time, people could not adjust the calendar to the revolution of our planet around the Sun, which it does not complete in a whole number of days. The best option was to add one day every four years. Later, this calendar was clarified by excluding from the number of leap years those years that are divisible by 100 (except those that are divisible by 400). Since the Gregorian calendar was introduced in Russia in 1918 (336 years later than in Europe and America), we had 3 more leap years. 1600 was a leap year for everyone, but 1700, 1800 and 1900 were only for our country.

A characteristic sign of a leap year is February 29. In Russia, this date is Kasyanov's day. There is an instructive legend that tells how one day Saint Kasyan and Nicholas the Pleasant were walking along the road and saw a man trying to pull a cart out of the mud. The man turned to them for help, but Kasyan refused, for fear of staining his robe. Nikolai Ugodnik, rolling up his sleeves, silently lifted the cart and put it in a dry place. So Nikolai Ugodnik and Kasyan came to heaven - one in a soiled robe, the other in a clean one. Having learned the reason, God deprived Kasyan of his annual name day for his ill will towards poor people.

But that’s in Russia. In Scotland, for example, they did not go into such deep philosophizing, considering calendar changes from purely everyday positions: in a leap year, women had the right to woo men. And the man who refused was required by law to pay a fine. There are many signs associated with February 29 and leap years in general. There are both bad and good. I suggest you not follow them. Although it is believed that a leap year brings disasters, crop failures, and wars, statistics do not confirm such superstitions.

On February 29, the writer Fyodor Abramov (1920), actresses Alina Pokrovskaya (1940) and Irina Kupchenko (1948), Olympic champion in cross-country skiing Raisa Smetanina (1952), boxer Vadim Tokarev (1972) were born. , TV presenter Garik “Bulldog” Kharlamov (1980).

Being born on February 29 is very rare. The probability of such an event is 1:1461. And if you were born on this day, it depends only on you whether you consider your peculiarity to be bad luck or a lucky sign. ]

You are determined and imaginative and creative. Idealistic and empathetic, you have an intuitive understanding of people and a kind heart.

You were born on February 29, zodiac sign Pisces. Despite the abundance of great ideas, a tendency to worry can weaken your determination and self-confidence. You are impressionable and endowed with a strong “sixth sense”. Charming, you are able to captivate others with your inspired dreams and idealism.

PERSONAL HOROSCOPE - now available on our website. It is compiled according to YOUR individual birth data, that is, for you PERSONALLY. You will find out what the planets say about your personality.

While the key to your success is imagination and positive thinking, you also need to be realistic and keep your eyes on the ground. You are sensitive to sounds and have a sense of rhythm, and therefore music can have a calming effect on you.

Since motivation is necessary to realize your intellectual potential, education is of great importance to you. By treating everything as a learning experience, you can overcome your tendency to become frustrated and impatient.

The talent for communicating with people suggests that by showing open-mindedness and tolerance, you will be able to realize the endless opportunities given to you by fate.

Until the age of 20, sensitivity and emotions occupy a major place in your life. You will search for ideal situations and relationships or live a rich inner life.

After the age of 21, you will gradually become more confident, assertive and ambitious, strive for new achievements or be more open in your relationships with people.

At age 51, there will be another turning point, after which the pace of your life will slow down and you will need more stability and financial security.

Personal qualities of those born on February 29

Your wide range of emotions indicates artistry, creativity, and a strong desire to express yourself. Without the opportunity to express your feelings and thoughts, you are prone to depression and disappointment in people.

To fully realize the enormous potential of your birthday, you need to develop a positive approach to life, which includes patience and persistence.

You are gifted and will be able to find an outlet for your creativity in art, music or the stage (or at least become a keen connoisseur of beauty).

With a strong sense of responsibility, you love to repay debts, but can sometimes be too hard on yourself and others. Those born on February 29th are generous, idealistic and kind-hearted, and at the same time have a strong sense of duty, commitment and loyalty.

Since education, both traditional and non-traditional, is a key factor in your success, you need to constantly update your knowledge and gain new ones.

Work and vocation of those born on February 29

With your love of knowledge and communication skills, you are capable of distinguishing yourself in education or science.

A natural inclination towards business, coupled with good organizational skills, will help you find yourself in any profession you choose.

A sense of color and sound can draw you into the world of art, design, poetry, music or dance. With the same success, those born on February 29 may be interested in literature, in particular science fiction.

Natural sensitivity and philosophical streak can be revealed in service to the church or charity. On the other hand, your artistry will help you succeed in show business.

Love and partnership born on February 29

Relationships with people are very important to you, but beware of becoming too dependent on your partner. You need to cultivate an independent outlook and give outlet to your many talents.

You are loyal and are looking for a faithful and loving soul mate. You are not inclined to hide your feelings and strive to establish a long-term relationship with one partner.

You are kind-hearted, love society and friends, and have the ability to be interesting to others.

An ideal partner for those born on February 29

In your quest for reliability, empathy and love, you will have more luck with those born on the following days.

  • Love and friendship : January 1, 15, 26, 29, 30; February 13, 24, 27, 28; March 11, 22, 25, 26; April 9, 20, 23, 24; May 7, 18, 21, 22; June 5, 16, 19, 20, 23; July 3, 14, 17, 18, 31; August 1, 12, 15, 16, 29, 31; September 10, 13, 14, 27, 29; October 8, 11, 12, 25, 27; November 6, 9, 10, 13, 23, 25; December 4, 7, 8, 21, 23, 29.
  • Favorable contacts : January 1, 2, 10, 14, 27; February 8, 25; March 6, 23; April 4, 21; May 2, 6, 19, 30; June 4, 17, 28; July 2, 15, 26; August 13, 24; September 11, 22; October 9, 20; November 7, 18; December 5, 16.
  • Soulmate : January 21; February 19; March 17; April 15; may 13; June 11; July 9, 29; August 7, 27; September 5, 25; October 3, 23; November 1, 21; December 19th.
  • Fatal attraction : August 31, September 1, 2, 3, 4.
  • Troubled relationships : January 17, 26; February 15, 24; March 13, 22; April 11, 20; May 9, 18; June 7, 16; July 5, 14; August 3, 12, 30; September 1, 10, 28; October 8, 26, 29; November 6, 24, 27; December 4, 22, 25.
Not everyone celebrates birthdays strictly according to the calendar. A working person does not always manage to find free hours during the working week. Therefore, more and more often, birthday people are trying to postpone the celebration to the next weekend. This can be done by someone who happened to be born 29. As a rule, this is the first day off after a birthday, since there is an opinion that congratulating someone in advance is not a very good omen.

Between February 28 and March 1

If you still think that you need to celebrate your birthday strictly according to the calendar, keep in mind that February 29 in a normal year is the moment after February 28 and before March 1. That is, you can celebrate both on the last day of February and on the first day of March. According to the German scientist Heinrich Hemme, the hour at which you were born is important. The easiest way to schedule a date is for someone born between midnight and 6 a.m. on February 29 and from 6 p.m. on February 29 to 0 a.m. on March 1. The former can safely celebrate their birthday on February 28, the latter - on March 1. The professor suggests a more complex schedule for those who were born during the day. If the hour of birth falls in the first half of the day, two years after a leap year can be celebrated on February 28, the third - on March 1. Those born between noon and 6 o'clock have a different schedule - the first two years they celebrate their birthday on March 1, the third on February 28. The birthday boy decides whether to follow this rule or not.

Four years later - but for real

Usually those born on February 29th try to arrange a special celebration for their real birthday. Even anniversaries are not as important for them as the opportunity to celebrate their holiday on the very day recorded in the passport as their date of birth. This is a great reason to host a large gathering of guests. The birthday person can prepare a short and witty opening speech in which he talks about a rare event in his life. You can ask your guests to prepare funny toasts in advance, which will also reflect the special date. The uniqueness of the event can be emphasized in the design of the hall and dishes.

If you are celebrating a birthday at home

Decorate the room. For example, you can make a panel of balloons in the form of a circle, in the center of which the date is written - February 29. The panel can be made from flowers, real or artificial, and from paper stars. Order a large cake with the appropriate inscription. Create a welcome speech. It will be very good if it is written in verse. If you yourself do not know how to beautifully express your thoughts in rhyme, order a poem that will talk not only about the occasion that brought all the guests together, but also about the date, because not everyone has such an event in their life.

Tip 2: How people born on February 29 celebrate their birthdays

February 29th occurs only once every four years. This day appeared to level the difference between the astronomical and earthly calendars. People born on this day celebrate their personal New Year either on the days closest to February 29, or once every four years.

A simple solution

Most often, people “don’t bother” on the twenty-ninth and celebrate their birthdays on the first of March or the twenty-eighth of February in non-leap years. Usually the chosen date of celebration depends on national traditions and other things. For example, in Russia, where celebrating days is considered bad luck, the celebration is usually moved forward.

In ancient times, it was believed that people born on this day became magicians or prophets.

However, there are stubborn people who celebrate their holiday once every four years. There are also quite a lot of such people. The calendar incident makes them special, makes them proud of such exclusivity, so they are ready to do without feasts and gifts. However, birthday celebrations every four years quite often result in completely crazy parties for a truly exceptional occasion.

Complex math option

But the German scientist Heinrich Hemme compiled a calendar of celebrations for those born on February twenty-ninth. He claims that a birthday can be celebrated every year, but the day should depend on the hour of birth of each individual person. Thus, those who were born on the night of the twenty-eighth to the twenty-ninth of February can celebrate their personal holiday on the previous day. Those born between six in the morning and twelve in the afternoon of the twenty-ninth of February should celebrate their birthdays on the twenty-eighth of February for the first two years (out of three non-leap years), and in the third year on the first of March. Accordingly, those born between twelve in the afternoon and six in the evening should celebrate their first birthday on the twenty-eighth of February, and the next two on the first of March. Well, those born closer to the end of the twenty-ninth of February can celebrate their day on the first day of spring with a clear conscience.

It should be noted that the probability of being born on this day is not very high - only 1 in 1461.

However, to say that the twenty-ninth of February is a day that happens once every four years is not entirely correct. In fact, it happens every year, it’s just that three out of four days only a minute is allotted to this day - between midnight and one minute past midnight. Great time to have a small celebration.

Many parents try to register a child born on February twenty-ninth for the coming days, so as not to deprive him of the holidays, although, on the other hand, a child with such an unusual date of birth, as a rule, becomes a celebrity among his peers.

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