Judgment year for the Bulls. Clash of the Titans

Grigory Kvasha

“Science and Religion” No. 3, 2000.

Vector marriages.

If anyone doesn’t know or has forgotten, I highly advise you to know and remember: there is such a phenomenon in the structural horoscope - a vector ring in which pairs of signs swirl - one of them is the master, the other is the servant. Here it is: Horse => Boar => Dragon => Cat => Rooster => Dog => Bull => Tiger => Goat => Snake => Monkey => Rat => Horse... To the left of each sign is the owner, on the right is the servant.

Usually, people’s relationships have a pendulum nature: having reached the limit, hitting a dead end, they will definitely swing in the other direction. Therefore, in ordinary couples, first one partner and then the other can take turns gaining the upper hand. It’s not at all the same in a vector pair: there are no oscillations here, the energy goes only in one direction - from the servant to the master, who always reigns supreme.

This scary ring is a vector one. Between the master and the servant, unpredictable and indescribable relationships arise (being aware of this, I have nevertheless been describing this structure of the horoscope for many years now), beneficial and destructive at the same time. In all vector interactions, a powerful reaction occurs, all processes go faster and more intense, energy is released that heats up everything around, and a vortex arises that twists, bends space, and can drive you crazy. There is no logic in vector relationships, the mind has no power over them, they develop against the will of a person, unconsciously.

Now imagine that a vector couple (master sign and servant sign) enter into a marital union or enter into a love relationship. When meeting with such a couple, discerning people sense that the love here is not really love and that the matter is generally unclean... The writer Nina Berberova (Bull) talks about her relationship with her husband, Vladislav Khodasevich (Dog): “The ordinary standards of a “husband” and “wives”, “brothers” and “sisters” would not apply to us. My happiness was not quite of the quality that is usually defined in words: joy, light, bliss, well-being, pleasure, peace. It consisted in something else: in the fact that I felt life more strongly next to him... burning with life in its contrasts... the “intensity” of the charge was sometimes such that any miracle seemed possible.”

The vector twists the master and servant into one cocoon, they are perceived as one whole. They actually cease to exist as independent units. It was said about Alexey Tolstoy and Natalia Krandievskaya (one of the famous vector couples, he is a Horse, she is a Rat) that they have a common blood circulation. Is it good? Indeed, in such a union, a person loses his protective shell and even loses his own personality traits encoded in his annual sign. There are no clear answers to the questions that arise about the vector ring. There is only one method of understanding this strange structure: to describe cases of vector interactions again and again. Only descriptions of combinations, the testimonies of the heroes themselves can give a sense of what it is like - a vector pair... And let us not judge the master in advance and feel sorry for the servant. Both pay and both receive rewards. Let God judge!

At one time, the romance between Georges Sand (Rat) and Alfred de Musset (Horse) shook up the whole of France - so much energy was released from their relationship! Dozens of books and articles are devoted to their love story. Famous people argued about who was to blame for the transience of their violent passion - he or she. And they themselves could not understand their feelings, because this is simply not given to the heroes of any vector pair. George Sand wrote to Musset: “Farewell, farewell, I don’t want to leave you and I don’t want to take you again. I don’t want anything, nothing... I don’t love you anymore - and I adore you forever. I don't want you anymore, but I can't do without you. It seems that only one heavenly lightning could heal me by destroying me. Goodbye, stay, leave, but don’t say that I’m not suffering. This alone can make me suffer even more, my love, my life, my heart, my brother, my blood, go away, but kill me by leaving.”

One would like to doubt the complete sincerity of what is written - she is a writer after all - suddenly all this is her fantasy, all this heavenly lightning, all this blood and love at the same time as dislike. But I, as a person who has talked many times with people who have been in a vector “remake,” testify: this is surprisingly accurate - she is a writer after all! - a description of the horror and simultaneous bliss of the situation. Musset, by the way, said a very short, quiet phrase, but in magical power it surpasses the tirade of George Sand: “There was a moment in your arms, the memory of which still bothers me, and will continue to prevent me from approaching another woman for a long time.” There is a greater mystery here than even the mystery of love...

Of course, in love, vector relationships do not reach their apotheosis in one day. It is empirically clear that the degree of impact is proportional to the time of communication. Unbeknownst to themselves, people fall into a trap, they merge, become one, leave their shells, so parting seems impossible to them. But you must admit that living without a sign, without your own “I”, which is rapidly melting away in a vector marriage, is not an easy task, and for a long time almost impossible.

I responsibly say that vector ring relationships are not recommended for family life. Such a family lives on a powder keg. An explosion will definitely happen. When - no one knows. The breakup between Musset and George Sand shocked everyone also because they seemed like a painfully ideal couple. The vector ring always creates these. They are perceived as a single being.

The couple Sergei Yesenin (Goat) and Isadora Duncan (Tiger) looked the same. “They are smeared with the same world, similar to each other, tailored to the same image, both are talented beyond measure, both are emotional, unrestrained, reckless...” one of their friends wrote about them.

Volumes have been written about their relationship, everyone sees something different, but everyone recognizes the anomaly here, explaining what happened to them by the uniqueness of the spouses themselves. This reason cannot be denied either. In the whirlwind of vector adventures, there is neither cause nor effect: either they behave this way because they are in a vector marriage, or they ended up in a vector marriage because they wanted to behave this way. Yesenin threatening to jump out of the window; Duncan, in her dance, falling to her knees in front of Yesenin; scandals, jealousy, mutual reproaches, sudden separations and stormy meetings, and again scandals, scandals.

It seemed to many that this was already madness. How many times Yesenin beat and destroyed everything around her, but Duncan could have done the same (fortunately, the means allowed). Isadora alternately hides from Yesenin and then begins to look for him. She admits to her friend Roberts that if she does not find her husband who has disappeared again, she will die or go crazy. All these discords and reconciliations with mountains of broken porcelain and crystal and mangled expensive furniture would have been funny if not for the reality of the tragedy that everyone around them felt.

And here is the opinion of another friend who observed another pogrom perpetrated by Yesenin: “Isadora enjoyed this wild spectacle, what came over the gentle, shy Isadora?.. His attacks had the same pacifying effect on her as a crazy race in a car or a flight in an airplane.” . Soon she herself is enthusiastically throwing plates against the walls.

Vector spouses cannot find a place for themselves on this cozy ball, as if they are no longer people, as if the earth itself no longer holds them. They take turns running away from each other, crossing the ocean back and forth. In M. Desty's memoirs, Yesenin and Duncan appear as two lost souls. Irina Odoev-tseva describes the atmosphere in the couple’s home more figuratively: “Is it fun? No, it's not fun here. It’s not only not fun, but somehow surprisingly uncomfortable. And although the room is warm, it seems that there is a draft coming from the windows hung with pink velvet curtains. There is something unsatisfactory in the air, and even the crystal chandelier glows somehow hysterically bright among the smoke of cigarettes.” Surprisingly, these quiet words are no less striking than the description of the famous scandals of famous spouses.

This romance, this marriage, lasted less than two years. However, during this time there were several novels, plays, and countless memoirs and memoirs. They separated in 1923. Yesenin’s death occurred in 1925 (December 28), and Duncan died on August 17, 1927. The circumstances of the two deaths are surprisingly intertwined. Yesenin committed suicide in the very hotel room where he and Isadora were staying; she was strangled by a scarf, the same scarf that symbolized Yesenin himself in her dances. Mysticism, mysticism in everything... Vector...

And here is another famous vector couple: Anna Akhmatova (Bull) and Nikolai Gumilyov (Dog). This union, as depicted by its participants and witnesses, looks like a fierce duel of freedom-loving passionate natures. Even before marriage she writes:

What can marriage add to the relationship of two fires merging into one fire? They had everything that a vector pair should have, otherwise Akhmatova would not have admitted:

Anyone who has been in a vector union knows how the soul is drunk through a straw, all without a trace.

Passion completely captured Anna. Nikolai Gumilyov wrote that “she still wanted to wage a “love war” - to torment and torment, to arrange scenes of jealousy with stormy explanations and stormy reconciliations...”.

Fatal, vector love ruined this union...

The ring does not spare royalty either. And although Emperor Alexander II (Tiger) was not in a vector marriage, the vector played a fatal role in his fate. He met with Ekaterina Mikhailovna Dolgorukova (Koza). She is young and beautiful, she is not yet 18 years old. He is in the prime of his life, he is 47, he is kind, courteous, after all, he is an emperor... So far there is nothing particularly vectorial. However, simple love did not end here.

“A late passion completely captured Alexander II; she became the main impulse of his life. She suppressed the responsibilities of a husband and father; she exerted influence on major political issues; she subjugated his conscience and all of him until his death” (from the memoirs of M. Paleologue). Here the vector, as they say, takes on flesh and blood, it is already pushing out other topics from the life of the emperor, just as a cuckoo pushes other chicks out of the nest. Marriage is essentially designed to save strength, love is designed to inspire and inspire... But this is not the case with the vector, it does not give strength, but takes it away, completely disconnecting a person from external life.

Here is the emperor’s confession: “Since I fell in love with you, other women have ceased to exist for me... For a whole year, when you pushed me away, and also during the time that you spent in Italy, I did not want and did not approach any woman.”

“Frequent meetings of lovers filled them with rare happiness. Alexander Nikolaevich managed to create a delightful lover out of an inexperienced girl. She belonged to him entirely. She gave him her soul, mind, imagination, will, feelings...” (M. Paleologue). And again, once again I want to stop the author of the lines. Completeness! I gave my soul, my will... All these are big words! Who verified the fact of soul transfer? What instruments were used to record this transmission? Where are the witnesses? It turns out that there is a witness - a structural horoscope. He testifies: yes, in a vector marriage the soul is given, just as everything is given, without a trace.

The most common vector scenario is when happiness and unhappiness, pleasure and torment, delight and despair go hand in hand and reach their climax. It happens that the exacerbation occurs so rapidly that a breakup is inevitable, but the scars of the former merger remain for life.

Here is the story of a vector pair of ice dancers, favorite figure skaters. Maya Usova (Dragon), Alexander Zhulin (Cat). A third element was added to the pair - Oksana Grischuk (Boar), resulting in the formation of a completely wild vector triangle, which cost a lot of strength and health to all its sides.

How many times have they lived through love and betrayal, meeting and separation in dance, and how many times in life? It is known that Maya went through fifteen depressions, two of which were severe.

This “ice” story ended, if not idyllic, then quite encouragingly. A castling took place, an exchange of partners, or partners, as you wish, resulting in the formation of the pair Platov-Usova (Goat-Dragon) and Zhulin-Grischuk (Cat-Boar). U. Maya Usova and Alexander Zhulin began a fundamentally new life, since their vector alliance fell apart, their vector nightmare ended. I think that in the end it was Zhulin who was most fortunate, who was a servant in alliance with Usova, and is now free. But, as we see from Usova’s example, the vector ring, not sparing the servants, cripples the owners even more, breaking their psyche. For the structural horoscope and its creator (me, therefore), the most important thing so far is the usual demonstration of the anomaly of a vector marriage.

Finally, the example is not tragic, although, how can I say... Maria Mironova (Dog) and Alexander Menaker (Bull). From the memoirs of Maria Vladimirovna: “Alexander Semenovich Menaker, when we met, was already a famous artist, and I was a nobody. And if it weren't for him. maybe they would never have recognized me. After all, he buried himself for my sake, deliberately faded into the background on the stage (emphasis mine. - Author). Everyone thought that I was first and in charge, but everything rested on him - the repertoire, the direction, and the complexities of our existence. He always took the fire upon himself, and there was a lot of fire.” We have before us a rare case when the owner objectively evaluates the vector sacrifice of the servant. It remains to be noted that Mironova lived 86 years, and Menaker 69 years, although the age difference between them is only three years.

How, after all, should people behave who happen to find themselves in a vector marriage, about which so many frightening things are told here, right up to the loss of their “protective shell”? Run? But there is love, a joint household, and often children. What to do to save the family? First of all, don't panic. Take a closer look at your life, compare it with other cases of vector marriages, try to assess the power of this phenomenon over you. Understand yourself: do you like what is happening to you or not? Remember that it is always easier to go with the wind than against the wind, especially if it is not a wind, but a hurricane. It is important to know that the master is always right, right in his own eyes, in the eyes of others, and even in the eyes of the servant, so the servant should abandon all thoughts of justice. There is no need to download rights, try to change fate and win dominance. It’s better to freeze - a step to the left, a step to the right... - and you fly into the abyss. There will be a desire and opportunity to see each other less often, do not resist this, get a break. If the relationship becomes tense and unbearable, do not hope that it will pass and that it will improve: the vector ring does not spin back.

The master in a marriage must feel sorry for the servant, understanding that he is not to blame for his mistakes, the reason for everything is the vector law. After parting with the owner (if you succeeded, which is desirable in most cases), never try to take revenge on him, much less return.

The option of a “temporary” divorce is often encountered: some relief before a new reunion. This option is no good at all - if you’ve already managed to escape, then you have to scurry away without looking back, there may not be a second chance. If you are unable to leave a vector marriage, then take comfort in the fact that life is your temporary state; the fact that other marriages are not much better; the fact that other marriages compared to vector ones are sheer boredom.

Finally, advice for vector lovers: do not rush to formalize your vector marriage, do not rush to give birth to vector children. Whether Pushkin or Blok will be born to you (and these poets were born into vector families) is not yet known, but the risk of turning your life, the life of your loved ones, the lives of your children into a living hell is too great. Take your time, take yours, swim in the stormy sea of ​​feelings, suffer, be delighted, rise and fall, but do not drag this pandemonium into the sacred institution of marriage. Marriage needs balance; it is designed to save energy, and not waste it endlessly. In the end, out of 144 possible marriages, only 24 are vector, and there are much more normal (equilibrium) marriages - 120.

So, there are almost no recommendations. Unless there are possible types of compensation that a servant can pay to the owner. You can give the owner your youth, you can give your authority and skill, or you can simply buy him off with money. Try to neglect a servant if he is a millionaire or a general secretary, a people's artist or a Nobel laureate!

However, it is worth remembering that everything is ground in a vector meat grinder; neither Nikita Khrushchev, nor Ted Turner, nor James Joyce, nor Ilya Glazunov are immune from humiliation (all of the listed persons have been in vector marriages). Try to see yourself from the outside, and if not be horrified, then at least be surprised. Remember that the strength of the vector impact is directly proportional to the time of contact, therefore, by increasing the frequency of separation, you will weaken the hurricane. If you want to avoid too violent excesses, try to live up to your role, one should be a kind and caring master, the other an executive and devoted servant. However, these tips are similar to recommendations for preventing a volcanic eruption. Sometimes a good surgical quarrel is more useful than half-hearted appeasement therapy. In a word, if you don’t want the “last days of Pompeii”, stay away from volcanoes.

A servant who intends to run away from his master should look as insignificant as possible in his master's eyes. This is not so difficult, because every day the servant's personality melts away. With his insignificance and pitiful behavior, the servant lulls one's vigilance, and when the owner becomes completely insolent, one must suddenly give in. After escaping from the owner, do not communicate with him under any circumstances for some time. When health is restored (we are talking about all types of health: physical, moral and mental), then you can meet him, but maintaining a distance, because the owner, once he has sucked the blood out of you, will always want to fall to the source again, especially if the source has recovered so well.

Advice for those who are completely happy in a vector marriage and consider everything said to be the author’s invention (usually the owner of the couple): live serenely and do not pay attention to anyone, because you have already gone into your own world, and we remain in this, and understand each other We won't be able to have a friend anymore. I urge the rest to continue anti-vector propaganda, the results of which to date have already been enormous, and in the future they will reverse the balance between darkness and light, good and evil.

If you would like to share your own or a vector story you know, I will be glad to know it. After all, you can talk and write about these relationships endlessly, and everyone will endlessly read and listen with interest.

In short, everyone finds that horoscope in which different things are predicted for him and does not believe bad horoscopes for himself :) A defensive reaction of the psyche. They sent me a horoscope, where the Oxen, based on their year of birth, definitely will not survive next year... a karmic year. What if I have accumulated positive karma? And the court will be in my favor?!
“The year of judgment for the Bulls, the most intense in the entire 12-year cycle.
A karmic year is coming. Those who managed to obtain some immunity in the form of switching spheres of activity from the work business sphere to the home - union sphere, will undoubtedly have an easier time living the coming year. Whereas time and events in business will offer difficult, sometimes insoluble tasks, which will be extremely difficult to cope with even with outside help. Therefore, it is advisable for Oxen to reduce activity to complete zero in all areas of activity (social, business), and seek support and support exclusively among family and friends. Any irresponsible adventures are doomed to failure. Not an easy year. Test of strength. The best position to avoid possible problems in the business and social sphere: choose the neutrality of an outside observer. Health is vulnerable, depression is common, time forces an internal inventory and rewards for actions committed (or not committed in time) by the Oxen over the past 12 years. Time support 1 out of 12, minimal!"
The most interesting thing is that my boyfriend is also a BULL: (We will get stuck in a destructive relationship together, what else is left?
“The risk of being unhappy in love, getting stuck in unhealthy relationships with a huge need for Love, it’s difficult to make the right impression, the inability to fall in love with yourself in 2018 – Goats, Dragons, Bulls!”
Well, what should two Bulls do? We will be unhappily in love with each other and it will be extremely difficult to make the necessary impression on each other... In general, it is better to have the second half of another year of birth, then he is sausage, then I am easier to bear.
source: http://www.liveinternet.ru/users/pretty_woman/post427583853/?aid_refresh=yes
Thank you Ira Bino.
I’m removing the forecast under the cut, otherwise the site was unavailable:
"First, the Love Formula for 2018 Year of the Dog.

They will radiate Love, they will be able to easily make people fall in love with themselves, while remaining sane, because in 2018 they do not need Love, but they will constantly be surrounded by admirers and admirers - Dogs, Roosters, Tigers, Cats, Snakes!

The risk of being unhappy in love, getting stuck in unhealthy relationships with a huge need for Love, it is difficult to make the right impression, the inability to fall in love with yourself in 2018 - Goats, Dragons, Bulls!

In general, the year 2018 has prepared for us:

The Rooster (successfully) and the Bull (difficulty) will synchronize with the current time and current events in the business sphere.

Star year for the Roosters, the best year in the 12-year cycle, in which they receive maximum support! Roosters who are active in business relationships and in the business sphere will deservedly receive a long-awaited reward and, subject to safety rules and prudence, will be able to make the most of their success. In 2018, temporary tactical retreats are also possible, depending little on the efforts made. But still, attentiveness and prudence will guarantee success. Time support 12 out of 12 possible!

The year of judgment for the Bulls is the most intense in the entire 12-year cycle.
A karmic year is coming. Those who managed to obtain some immunity in the form of switching spheres of activity from the work business sphere to the home - union sphere, will undoubtedly have an easier time living the coming year. Whereas time and events in business will offer difficult, sometimes insoluble tasks, which will be extremely difficult to cope with even with outside help. Therefore, it is advisable for Oxen to reduce activity to complete zero in all areas of activity (social, business), and seek support and support exclusively among family and friends. Any irresponsible adventures are doomed to failure. Not an easy year. Test of strength. The best position to avoid possible problems in the business and social sphere: choose the neutrality of an outside observer. Health is vulnerable, depression is common, time forces an internal inventory and rewards for actions committed (or not committed in time) by the Oxen over the past 12 years. Time support 1 out of 12, minimal!

Tigers and Cats will have constant efforts in fulfilling business karma in 2018, successful creative work.
For these signs, 2018 is the most successful application of individual forces in the sphere of external activities. These are work and business relationships, new contracts, major purchases, important acquaintances. But not social projects - politics, show business, sports - successes in this area are possible, but, unfortunately, they will be temporary and short-lived.

A free year for the Tiger.
Tigers can act quickly and decisively. Career growth will be taken for granted.
Changing a career or place of work (who needs it) will be easy, without losses, (of course, subject to full support from family and allies), with new acquisitions in the professional sense. This is a year of permissiveness and risky projects. You can and should take risks in order to achieve success in your chosen field of activity. The karmic two-year period 2016-2017 ends, the time of luck and the fulfillment of the most daring, long-standing plans and desires begins, everything falls into your hands, act! Time support 11 out of 12!

Free year for the Cat.
It is important for Cats who caught luck last year and are leading their careers in the coming 2018 to be disciplined and learn to strictly follow previously set goals and objectives, while not allowing doubts about success. Only hard work and patience will lead to success in implementing current tasks and long-term plans. It's a calm year for cats. Time support 10 out of 12!

External objective observation of events.
The area of ​​application is social, politics, big business (at the level of international corporations), show business for the Dog and the Snake.
Name year for the Dog.
The dictates of the times are to try to quickly close the doors on what was left behind last year. What has already become obsolete and unnecessary to you is gone. In the new 2018, everything is new, everything is different. Feel free to demonstrate the ideas you accumulated over the past year, show yourself and your abilities. You can and should be a trendsetter, while boldly dictating your terms in any of your endeavors; people will listen to you and give you honors. At the same time, responsibility for decisions made increases. Decisive success in negotiations in resolving controversial issues. The authority of the Dog as a mediator (arbitration) in 2018 is indisputable. Time support 9 out of 12!

Presentation year for the Snake.
A real opportunity to achieve success in politics and show business. Reasonable risk will take you to the pinnacle of success.
Be sure to make yourself known and, without false modesty, demonstrate to everyone your business qualities and social abilities. Be sure that when elected from among candidates on a competitive basis, under all equal conditions, you will be preferred. Help everyone and don’t be afraid of difficulties, you have enough strength for everything! Time support 8 out of 12!

External subjective observation of events.
The scope of application is reactive, short-term activity that requires quick reactions in rapidly changing situations in the social sphere - politics, sports. The Rat and the Boar will be involved here.

An easy year for the Rat after difficult 2015, 2016, 2017.
Maintain equanimity and calm in any emerging and rapidly changing situations.
It is possible to allow some personal intervention in current events, but with minimal effort and with the obligatory accurate calculation of the consequences. Spontaneous actions and adventures are absolutely unacceptable.
Try not to dramatize situations, do not fuss and treat everything with indifference. At the same time, follow the dictates of the times. Time support 7 out of 12!

2018 was an easy year for Boar too; Boars in 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017 also suffered.
In the business sphere, the most favorable application of forces is aimed at implementing decisions already made.
New ideas, new plans and new beginnings are possible. Trust yourself and rely only on your own strengths. The year 2018 will be calm, but under one condition - your personal participation in current events should be kept to a minimum. Don’t tell anyone about your plans, then there will be fewer difficulties in implementing them. Time support is 6 out of 12, and that’s quite enough!

Constant effort to fulfill allied duties.
The scope of application is alliance relationships, home, family for the Horse and Monkey.

The Shadow Year of the Horse is not much different from last year's actions in the field of social and business relations. No particular difficulties are expected in these areas, but at the same time, it is advisable to be moderately active or completely disconnect from participation in public life. It is beneficial to devote your attention to improving union relations. Efforts aimed at strengthening the family will be successful, bringing not only joy and satisfaction. Time support is insufficient; anything below 5 is not enough. 5 out of 12.

Shadow and for the Monkey - unlike last year 2017, it is advisable to curtail activities in society and all social programs. In the new year, the dictates of the times are distance from all socially significant public affairs.
It is advisable to only maintain business relationships, but one cannot count on success.
The coming year is useful for strengthening family relationships and personal alliances. Devote your free time to caring for and raising the younger generation. Switching your attention to managing household and household affairs will be beneficial for you and your allies. 4 out of 12.

Reactive actions that are not related to current external events, but are related to alliance relationships.
Scope of application – Beginning, building and developing alliance relations. Also, karmic time tests the strength of the 2018 Dragon and Goat in all ways. Hardships, a decline in energy, the health of yourself and your loved ones, and loved ones in general will require a lot of attention from you - Bulls, Dragons and Goats! Many of you have been feeling the pressure of time since August-September 2017, in 2018 the tension will only increase.. Time has removed its Protection from you.

A difficult year for the Dragon. Freedom, combined with strict discipline in business and social spheres of activity in 2017, is now being replaced by new preferences that lie in the field of solving the most difficult problems presented by the new time. Innovators will be successful. This means that taking risks can lead to personal professional success. And he will be noticed. But prepare yourself for the fact that innovation will not be rewarded. Do not deliberately take risks, only where there is no other choice! In other cases, it is better not to highlight. All efforts may be in vain, a blank wall that cannot be broken through. It is advisable for Dragons to pay their attention not to business relationships - failures are possible here - but to the area where they will have real, not imaginary, successes. This is an alliance relationship. Raising children, housekeeping, helping the elderly, as well as developing and strengthening alliance relationships. Dragons are entering the third year of Karma - 2018, 2019, 2020, time will hit the weakest points, so without bravado and arrogance, take care of yourself! Only 3 out of 12!

2018 is a tough year for the Goat too.
Organize your personal affairs. A favorable time for creating alliances. In business relationships, the Year of the Dog is a time to analyze the current situation. Own performance is at a very low level. It is better to observe and analyze than to try to innovate and change the status quo. Innovation is doomed to failure. This is the time to break old outdated business and personal ties. At the same time, it is possible to terminate previous dependencies. The minimum time support is 2 out of 12 possible.

Minimum losses to everyone and Happiness in the New Year 2018!”

This year, we talked about some of the results of the work of researcher Grigory Kvasha: for each person, 12-day, 12-month, 12-year cycles form a clear time rhythm. Thanks to this, it is possible, for example, to predict whether a marriage with a particular partner will be successful. But not only individual people, but also entire states live in a strictly given rhythm. Everything, as Kvasha claims, is natural and predetermined: both internal crises and wars between countries.

“We don’t know God’s plan,” says the researcher. “But finding a country’s cycle on a timeline and understanding how events will develop is not that difficult.” Each cycle lasts 144 years and consists of four 36-year phases. The order of the three periods within the phase depends on which of the three rhythms the country is developing in (see infographics).

Infographics: AiF

Ukraine is not a state?

It is interesting that Imperial cycles (this is when all phases “dance” in the Imperial rhythm) happened in the history of different countries. But there are only 3 nations in the world that have as many as 4 such cycles behind them. The Jewish and British have already gone through them completely, having fulfilled their super-mission: the Jews gave the world monotheism, and the British (their fourth Imperial cycle ended in 1905) - a universal economic order. But the Russians are finishing the fourth Imperial cycle right now, we are in the last (ideological) period of the last phase. “You can’t understand Russia with your mind,” as he wrote Tyutchev? Everything is exactly the opposite,” says G. Kvasha. “The history of Russia is a standard, all events in it happen exactly at the right time, you just need to see the patterns.”

By the way, Ukraine, according to the researcher, has never managed to go through a single cycle in its entirety. They try to compose history from other people's events and heroes. Their own appeared only after 1921, when the historical cycle in the Western rhythm began there at the same time as Poland. The outlines of a new ideology were formed there during the corresponding period - from 1933 to 1945. It is not surprising that the Ukrainians got the theorist of extreme nationalism as heroes S. Bandera, punisher and murderer R. Shukhevych and other criminals. The Ukrainian cycle came out of the shadow of the Russian one after the collapse of the Union, but part of the country continued to live according to the “Russian clock”. And when Russia began its 12-year ideological period in 2013, two different ideologies began a battle. Now the east of Ukraine will gradually gain strength, become aware of itself and regain positions. The conflict between the two Ukraines will not be resolved before 2017 - until the “Westerners” have completed their 12th ideological anniversary. The country will be reduced to a single denominator or will fall apart without ever becoming a real state again.

Getting ready for war

The fourth Imperial cycle began in Russia in 1881. Regardless of what rhythm the country lives, the first phase is always fermentation, a gain of energy. At the end of the first phase, we experienced the revolution of 1917. In the second, “power” phase, as destined by history, charismatics came to power - Lenin And Stalin. And it doesn’t matter whether they are white or red - any leader would tighten the screws at this time. By the way, the charismatics of the second phases in the history of Russia in different cycles were Alexander Nevskiy And Ivan groznyj. Meanwhile, the result of the third phase (as “faded” as the first) in our current cycle was the collapse of the USSR.

But the fourth phase of the Imperial cycle is an amazing and incredible time! It began with our 12th political anniversary in 1989: at that time we received a new balance of power, the communists left the historical stage. Since 2001, there has been an economic period when everyone had only dollars in their eyes. On the other hand, during this time we have learned to collect taxes from our oil wealth and strengthened our economic rear. And finally, in 2013, we began the final and fourth phase, and the entire Imperial cycle ideological period - a time of incredible patriotic upsurge and unexpected at first glance breakthroughs and victories. In the same way, nothing foreshadowed the end of the previous Russian Imperial cycle, for example, victory in the Battle of Sinop, the capture of the Izmail fortress (with smaller forces than the defending Turks), etc. Victories have already begun: a breakthrough in Russian diplomacy in Syria, a triumph at the Olympics , the bloodless return of Crimea. And patriotism is “off the charts”... By the way, at such a time the imperial nation is not inclined to pay attention to economic problems. Bad news from stock markets, Western sanctions? I don't care!

Meanwhile, history does not tolerate disharmony. Every empire must have opponents, “totalitarian twins” - usually two countries, one following the Western and the other the Eastern rhythm. Britain's counterpart, for example, in the third Imperial cycle was Spain. It seemed invincible, but was defeated due to the incredible rise of the British.

It is important that the conflict between the empire and its “double”, or even both at once, is inevitable and occurs at one of the intersections of their ideological 12th anniversary. Thus, the Second World War was a clash between the Russian Empire and its “twins” - Germany and Japan. Tens of millions of victims! But from the point of view of history, the “doubles” only moderated their global ambitions and arrogance, they became “ordinary” countries of the world. Their place was taken by... yes, the USA and China. China, following the Eastern rhythm, for which ideology always comes first, is trying to become the leading economic power in the world. And America, which is destined to work hard and count profits, is trying to impose its policies and ideology on the world. This cannot last long. And it won't! In Russia, the “victorious” ideological period has already begun. In 2017, the United States will enter its next ideological 12th anniversary, and China in 2021.

The world will become Russian

But the clash of titans can take place without Russia’s direct participation at all. The task of our foreign policy is to drive a wedge between the US and the EU so as not to leave Europe on the other side of the “barricades”. All territorial disputes with China have been resolved. It is interesting that the Celestial Empire is now coming to the end of the last - economic - 12-year period of the third “faded” bureaucratic phase. They clearly cannot avoid a crisis. At some point, China will likely demand that the US return hundreds of billions of dollars of its reserves. The Americans will not be able to, the unbacked dollar will collapse, the “bubble” called the “American superpower” will burst. As a result of the crisis, China will also “pupate” within its borders, as it has done more than once in its history. However, with the end of the Imperial cycle in Russia in 2025, the need for “doubles” will disappear altogether.

“But the question remains: what is the super mission of the Russian nation? - continues G. Kvasha. - Humanity has long lived under the illusion that technical devices will make our lives happy. But there are many devices, but no happiness. I think Russia will begin to turn humanity away from the technological world to the humanitarian one, to provide answers to questions that the “British” world order is moving away from: what is the meaning of life, how to build relationships in marriage, raise children? Is it necessary, for example, to condone gays and recognize the right of pedophiles to their desires? And where are the boundaries of personal freedom in general? Russia will formulate answers that the whole world will accept.”

As part of his theory, Grigory Kvasha makes another prediction: presidents can change, but a change in the balance of elites occurs only during the political period. In 2029, the Russian Federation will begin a new cycle in the Western rhythm; the next political period will only be reached in 2053. Until then, it is pointless to engage in politics in our country, to call for revolution, etc.

| G. Kvasha, 12/26/2016
Grigory Kvasha, interview with Alexander Kolesnichenko
Weekly "Arguments and Facts" No. 52, 2016
What does the world expect in 2017?

In the new year - with a premonition of change.
New risks will appear in world politics and new opportunities will open up. Our analyst Grigory Kvasha has already warned about some of them on the pages of AiF.

Recently, the media company Bloomberg released a rating of threats that await the world next year. Considering that in December 2015, Bloomberg experts predicted both Brexit (the exit of Great Britain from the European Union) and the victory of Donald Trump in the US elections, their latest forecast cannot be ignored.

What are they afraid of?

The list of threats from Bloomberg includes political upheavals in Europe and the rise to power in France of Marie Le Pen, anti-Trump riots in the United States, American sanctions against China and vice versa. A war between Iran and Saudi Arabia is possible, as a result - a shortage of oil and rising prices for it, an increase in the international prestige of Russia, and a strengthening of the ruble. But experts also admit a new aggravation of relations between the Russian Federation and the United States - when V. Putin proposes to open, for example, a base in Cuba...

Interestingly, some of these assumptions coincide with the forecasts of Grigory Kvasha, which he began to make more than 20 years ago, developing his concept of theoretical history. According to this concept, states do not live and interact with each other chaotically, but in strict accordance with 12-year periods, which, in turn, alternate in a certain order, forming 144-year historical cycles (for more details, see AiF No. 15 for 2014 and No. 32 for 2016).

In the main, Grigory Kvasha’s conclusions are unchanged. The ideological period that began in Russia in 2013 (the last in the imperial cycle) will only bring us victories. The United States and China, aspiring to the role of empires, will eventually moderate their ambitions and take care of themselves. But to do this, the world will have to go through a painful gap in interdependence between China, which makes money, and the United States, which spends this money and lives on debt. This will also mean the dramatic death of the global financial system in its current form, where everything depends on the dollar. Kvasha long ago predicted that 2017 would be a turning point - with the election of Trump this became obvious to everyone. However, the researcher makes an important caveat: “The result is known, but the trajectory of movement towards it may have variations.”

Examiner Trump

Thus, under President Hillary Clinton, the risk of conflict with Russia would be extremely high. But under D. Trump, there is an opportunity to build the most even relations with the United States and wait until 2021, when the ideological 12-year period begins in China. That is, to stand on the sidelines when the new Chinese leadership wants to return the savings accumulated through Chinese hard labor from the United States... This is where the main thing begins. Although Trump may bring the “apocalypse” closer.

“The struggle for a more equitable distribution of money will also take place within the United States,” the expert believes. - Trump will now squeeze Wall Street businessmen who trade “air” in favor of firms and people who produce real goods. He will have to explain the inevitable problems in the economy with Obama's miscalculations. The fact that America is living beyond its means became especially obvious in 2008: the unemployed took out loans and built themselves 3-story mansions. Obama acted dishonestly: he swept the problems under the rug. Here you can remember Gogol: Obama played the role of Khlestakov, but Trump is a real auditor.”

The French will push the Germans

G. Kvasha is convinced that a turning point in 2017 awaits not only America. The ideological period in Germany will end in the new year. The recent terrorist attack in Berlin can be considered a death sentence for the ideas of tolerance and hospitality that Germany promoted as the leader of Europe. The Germans are in shock - they don’t understand why they are being crushed by trucks. A new political 12-year period is beginning in Germany, the Germans will shake up the existing political alignment. Today it seems that Merkel has no competitors, but the results of the 2017 elections will likely result in a different party coalition. Most likely, Merkel will leave; in any case, the Germans will give up leadership in Europe.

The voice of Europe will be France, where in 2017 the ideological period, on the contrary, is just beginning. “With a 95% probability we can assume that ex-Prime Minister Francois Fillon will become the new president following the spring elections,” continues Kvasha. - We tend to underestimate France. But this is the country of Napoleon and de Gaulle, and not just the funny Sarkozy or the weak current President Hollande.”

By the way, although France was the founder of NATO, in 1966-2009. was not a member of the military structures of the alliance and kept to herself. “And now the French can light up again, albeit briefly, but brightly,” Kvasha believes. “To raise the question about the role of NATO in Europe, and about the fact that Russia in Syria does not create a wave of refugees, but, on the contrary, saves the EU from an even greater wave, that Europe itself needs to open a new page in relations with Russia.”

Will the “hot” ones cool down?

But the war in Syria, which has been going on for 5 years, will gradually fade away in 2017. Moreover, if Turkey joins the efforts of Russia and Iran - and is already joining. Saudi Arabia will lose a significant part of its influence in the region, especially since the Saudis’ problems with the United States will worsen: Trump knows very well that the royal family was betting on Clinton.

Another hot spot - Donbass - will also remind you of itself. G. Kvasha does not rule out a new short-term aggravation there; in addition, early elections may be held in Ukraine. But the logic is this: in 2017, the 12-year ideological period will also end in Ukraine. “This means that people will have no time for ideology. Conversations that there is a war with Russia, that you need to endure and repel the terrible aggressor, will no longer excite anyone, not counting a handful of marginalized people. It will suddenly become clear to most: there is no war. And since there is no war, we need to ask the authorities: where is order? And if she throws up her hands, then bring other people to power.”

Theoretically, such a period does not so much try to kill a person as to crush him. The weak will break, and the strong will move to a new level, receive new energy, a new program for the next 12 years/days. Karmic turning points are especially important at a time when a person’s destiny is being shaped especially actively.

Passing the Karmic period is aerobatics. Don’t hide, repent, expose yourself and at the same time come out alive and renewed.

Vector impact is the highest degree of excitation. Some people immediately fall down, while others only scream louder. In any case, success in the karmic cycle is undesirable and will still backfire. The joyful passage of a karmic period is like having the flu on your feet - the greatest risk and then it will hit you very painfully. A vector impact is some specific event during a karmic period. It knocks a person out of the rut, breaks his brain so that he can be “reprogrammed” to a different path.

However, if the gods have given up on you, then there will be no vector crisis. A crisis is the lot of those who rise and actively develop. Those who have completed their rise do not experience any crises. So you should hope for a crisis if you haven’t given up on yourself yet.

Don't take risks and take responsible actions.

Antikarmic period(Dashing luck) - the period of the vector Servant. It is the opposite of karmic. If in karmic a person is pressed to the ground, then in anti-karmic he becomes weightless. He is lucky, everything works out, good luck, luck all around. The most dizzying careers are achieved precisely in the anti-karmic years. However, a person becomes like a baby left at home without parental supervision. Do what you want, you can light matches, taste everything that is in the cabinets and refrigerators, and so on. The consequences are very different. In terms of mortal risk, such a year is the most dangerous, as it deprives a person of a sense of vigilance and danger.

It's worth taking a risk and trying to make a daring dream come true. The main thing is to turn off excessive caution and gain courage. However, if you press the gas all the way down, you won’t lose your head completely.

Period of absence of a Servant (Roller Coaster, Free Flight), who has the anti-karmic period of his Servant (the year of the Servant of the Servant). Dangerous for those who are not used to relying on their own strength and pin all their hopes on their retinue. The retinue (vector servants) seems to be chosen from under the eternal vector power, and the satrap (vector Master) becomes powerless. The period is similar to karmic. It requires a certain amount of courage and even a thirst for adventure. Well, and of course the ability to stay in the saddle on steep turns.

Activates the most mysterious sides of the soul. The main thing is to analyze yourself less and trust more intuitive impulses and secret desires.

Period of absence of the Owner(Relaxation), who is going through a karmic period (the period of the Master of the Master). It’s like the second anti-karmic one. It is especially good for those whose real career obviously lags behind their real opportunities and abilities. This period must be used for career advancement. At the same time, in such a cycle you can find out by what element a person is holding back. If money comes in, then the person has a karmic ban on money; if his head becomes clear, then he is banned from mental activity. And so on.

Nominal not so simple (the paradox of its year). Increased tension. It seems that the characteristics are the same as the presentation of his ideological troika, but since the vector Master in the personal year is without brakes, and the Servant is knocked out, the birthday boy has no one to rely on, then holding this period is not such a holiday with guaranteed luck and gifts, as is commonly believed - rather walking on a sharp edge. You are required to be in full dress uniform, present yourself, but not let your guard down. Everyone suddenly remembers the person and strives to express all their feelings, both good and bad.

In total, summing up all three components, we first take into account the third (sign) factor and plot four special points on the 12-year scale. Then we take into account the movement of the native element (the second factor) and only then add the first factor to the resulting scale.


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