Intuitive energy. Subtle human energy bodies

The subtle bodies of a person are the components of his spiritual essence. It is believed that the aura is permeated by 7-9 subtle bodies, each of which has its own meaning.

The physical body is the temple of the soul. In it she exists in her current incarnation. Functions of the physical body:

  • Adaptation to the surrounding world for a comfortable existence.
  • A tool for gaining life experience through various lessons of fate and working off karmic debts.
  • A tool for fulfilling the soul’s program, its calling and purpose in the current incarnation.
  • A biological organism responsible for existence, vital functions and simple needs.

In order for the physical body to exist and remain alive, it is fueled by energy from the nine chakras that make up the human aura.

Etheric body

The first subtle body of a person is the ethereal. It performs the following functions:

  • Guardian and conductor of prana - vital force.
  • Responsible for endurance and tone, as well as immunity. Helps resist diseases on an energetic level. If there is little energy, a person becomes tired, constantly wants to sleep, and loses vigor.
  • The main function of the etheric body is to saturate with energy and literally revitalize the physical body for a comfortable and harmonious existence of a person in society.
  • Provides connection with the energy of the Cosmos and its circulation throughout the body.

The etheric body looks similar to the physical body, is born along with it, and dies on the ninth day after the death of a person in his earthly incarnation.

Astral body

The astral, or emotional, body is responsible for the following functions:

  • Everything that concerns a person’s emotional state: his desires, emotions, impressions and passions.
  • Provides a connection between the ego and the outside world, as a result of which a person is able to react to external circumstances with certain emotions.
  • Controls the state of the right (creative, emotional) hemisphere of the brain.
  • Controls the work of the etheric body, is responsible for the interaction of energy centers with the physical state.
  • Together with the etheric body, it monitors the health and well-being of the physical entity.

It is believed that the astral body dies completely on the fortieth day after the death of the physical body in the earthly world.

Mental body

The mental essence contains all thoughts and conscious processes occurring in the brain. This is a reflection of logic and knowledge, beliefs and thought forms. Everything that is separated from the unconscious. The mental body dies on the ninetieth day after the death of the earthly body.

Functions of the metal body:

  • Perception of information from the surrounding world and its transformation into thoughts, conclusions, reflections.
  • All information processes occurring in the head - their course, sequence, logic.
  • Creating thoughts.
  • A repository of all information that penetrates a person’s consciousness from his very birth.
  • The repository of information flow - that is, absolutely all the knowledge of the world. It is believed that every person has access to a common field of information and is able to gain the wisdom of their ancestors. But this can only be achieved with the help of special spiritual practices.
  • Responsible for connecting emotions, feelings with memory and mind.
  • Motivates a person to act in life in accordance with his needs and wants, to benefit himself and others.
  • Responsible for controlling instincts and other unconscious processes. If this control is “turned off,” a person literally turns into an animal without reason.
  • Controls all thought processes.
  • Provides a rational approach to decision making.

The mental, etheric and physical bodies do not exist forever. They die and are born along with the physical body.

Karmic subtle body

Other names are casual, causal. It is formed as a result of the actions of the human soul throughout all incarnations. It exists forever: in each subsequent incarnation, karmic debts that remain from past lives are worked off.

Karma is a kind of method of higher powers to “educate” a person, force him to go through all life lessons and heal from past mistakes, gain new experience.

To heal the karmic body, you need to learn to work on your beliefs, control your emotions and train awareness (thought control).

Intuitive body

The intuitive, or buddhic, body is the personification of the spiritual principle of a person. It is by “turning on” the soul at this level that one can achieve a high degree of awareness and enlightenment.

This is the body of values, the result of the interaction of the astral and mental essence of a particular person with the analogous essences of the surrounding souls.

It is believed that a person should live and die in the place of his birth, because the purpose given at birth to the intuitive body is to complete the task required in that particular place.

Watch a video about the subtle human body:

Other bodies

The above entities are most often mentioned in the description of the “composition” of the human soul. But there are others:

  1. Atmanic - a body that personifies the divine principle that every soul has. “There is nothing but God, and God is in everything.” A symbol of the unity of the human soul with the entire vast world. Provides connection with the information space of the Universe and the higher mind.
  2. The solar is the object of study of astrologers, the interaction of human energy with the energies of the Moon, Sun, planets and stars. Given at birth depending on the location of the planets in the sky at the time of birth.
  3. The Galactic is the highest structure, ensures the interaction of the unit (soul) with infinity (the energy field of the Galaxy).

It is important to understand that each subtle body is necessary and important: these essences contain a certain energy. It is necessary that the interaction of subtle bodies exist in harmony, so that each performs its functions fully and radiates the correct vibrations.

In its essence, INTUITION is one type/source of spiritual energy, emanating from levels above the mental and taking on one or another similarity/correspondence/variety, according to the individual development of his physical, etheric, astral and mental vehicles/bodies and centers/chakras.

In other words, whether we are talking about the intuitive body, insight, anticipation or special instinct, we are talking about one thing - intuition. It is true that it is worth noting that the same quality of intuitive vision and self-awareness was not inherent in humanity in different eras of evolution.

In the current era of the Aryan race, the Muan and Atlantean intuitive discrimination of emotional-mental nature is being replaced by straight-knowledge, enhanced by spiritual intuition.

It's time to lift the centuries-old veil from intuition so that intuitive abilities become our natural heritage.

But what is more important - to discover or develop intuitive abilities?

Let's try to understand the quality and property of our nature that does not leave us indifferent and attracts us to comprehend it and discover the secrets of mastery.


Intuition is the compass of the soul, which shows the individual the direction to follow in the endless ocean of preferences...

Almost every person in his life has encountered situations, the correct or the only correct way out, from which he was “suggested” by an invisible force, an inner voice, a certain presence, a vision, whose name is intuition or instinct.

Intuition is one of the most widespread meanings of our time, causing in many aspirants genuine interest and a desire to touch its omniscient ability. For the possession of knowledge that does not require reflection and proof is the acquisition of one’s own power and mastery.

Intuition has always caused many philosophical disputes and controversial judgments. Democritus and Plato, Plotinus and Descartes, Hegel and Freud, as well as many others, contributed to the study and understanding of intuition.

For example, the French philosopher Henri Bergson claimed that “The essence of life is incomprehensible to the intellect and is grasped only with the help of intuition, which is life’s comprehension of itself.”

In Duetik, intuition is viewed as an insight that makes our lives fulfilling and attracts us to further exploration of paths. Unlocking your intuitive abilities requires a connection between the heart and mind.

In turn, the German philosopher Arthur Schopenhauer believed that “the whole world of reflection (authentic reflection - turning consciousness back on itself, thinking about thinking) rests on the world of intuition as its basis of knowledge.”

Indeed, intuition still serves as the basis today for both contradictory research and all kinds of insinuations.


Let's try to give a capacious and concise definition of intuition, although, as psychology shows, this is definitely very difficult to do. Forin modern psychology, intuition is considered like knowledge without awareness, And almost instant search, And mental function that informs about the possibilities of the present, And illogical component of thinking, And unconscious possibility of "direct discretion", And unconscious insight.

Spiritual psychology considers intuition much wider and deeper, touching on the area of ​​the unconscious and subconscious, conscious and supraconscious (superconscious) levels, including instinctive and sensual, mental And spiritual intuition.

The key point in the development of intuitive abilities can rightfully be considered expansion of consciousness, How larger capacity capacity through removing perception barriers For acceptance of greater truth, which in turn leads to integral vision and understanding.

In the article “ I have discussed these aspects in detail.

As is the case with different levels of intuition, when the instinctive subsequently gives way to sensory and mental intuition,the main thing in the disclosure or expansion of consciousness lies in the evolutionary movement: from rudimentary consciousness- To feeling consciousness– then to mental-conscious and, subsequently, to divinely understanding in contact with the world of spiritual realities and possibilities, encompassing the fifth, spiritual kingdom of souls.

To establish a stable channel with the Soul, meditation, lucid dreaming, observation and, in fact, expansion of consciousness and the ability to calm emotions and mind are suitable.

And here detecting Light and enhancing its glow will require several different actions from us. For Light in our nature is mostly unmanifest light of the physical body, barely noticeable light of the ethereal body And foggy light of the astral plane together with separate flashes of body-mind form the so-called auric glow. Accordingly, certain efforts will be required to detect it on the one hand and activate it on the other.

In other words, there are three types of light emitted by our body, which can be “discovered” empirically. But for this you need to know or, least, guess about its existence. So we have:

1) dark light of the body (cells)– photon light, which is reflected by the etheric body and conducted by the physical (can be detected through cell studies).

The apparent darkness of our body is only the shadow of the sun, which allows us to grow a beautiful garden of the soul in its alleys without the burning effect of its rays.

2) actually aura light(etheric or vital / vital body), which is colored by the thoughts, emotions and feelings of a person on the one hand and receiving / reflecting the light of the soul - is recorded / imprinted using the Kirlian method;

3) light of the causal/karmic sheath– the external body of the soul, transmitting it to the etheric body, is internal in terms of its exploration by a specific person. This is also the Light of the Soul or Spiritual Intuition. The Light of true Enlightenment, Illumination and Understanding. Light that eliminates all kinds of distortions and helps to realize, see and feel the nature of Unity.

“Through the light of the soul the soul can be known.” – Theogenesis.

The light of the intuitive body is the light of knowledge, which is transmitted by the Soul through the revitalization of the two upper centers - Vishuddha - the center of the throat and Ajna - the brow center. Thus the creative throat and the perceiving, spiritually aware mind come together in the act of self-construction.

The light in the head is partly related to the light that the intuitive body transmits, thereby producing changes at the physiological level.

Another step towards developing intuitive abilities isdevelopment of sensitivity, as an internal ability for greater vision and perception.

In this sense, sensitivity is the ability of a person’s internal representative systems, aimed at an internal response to the Soul.

Development of sensitivity- internal ability to perceive, becomes possible thanks to human representative channels: auditory, visual, digital and kinesthetic.

In other words, all our five senses, as well as the mind, are directed to the body as the main receiver, recorder and transmitter of sensations, which, together with mental images, associations and feelings, create an intuitive channel between the invisible world and the world of our sensory perception.

The “purity” of this channel depends on many components - the ability to abstract, independent thinking, sensory perception and that assemblage point that allows not only to receive the necessary “material” from intuition, but also provides the ability to decipher or decode it.


One way or another, intuition, which constantly “makes itself known” to the individual, leads a person to certain effective achievements, including various abilities of a sensual and supersensible nature.

Eg, results of the emerging straight-knowledge is ability To:

  • /recognition– the natural ability to accept or reject various facts or elements that the mind borrows through the channel of the soul.
  • Inspiration or insight- an incomparable feeling of mastering the inner space, as if suddenly the inner Voice of Silence spoke within you .
  • Revelation - a state when, like a vision, the Truth is revealed in all its radiant fullness and knowledge, which is achieved by establishing contact with the superconscious, through spiritual intuition.

“Spiritual intuition always touches true reality; it is the luminous harbinger of spiritual consciousness, or its radiant light itself; she sees what other powers of our being struggle to study; it grasps the solid truth of the abstract ideas of the intellect and the phenomenal ideas of the heart and life, a truth which is itself neither remotely abstract nor externally concrete, but something else; Why are these two different sides of its psychological manifestation for us? Sri Aurobindo "Synthesis of Yoga".


It is spiritual intuition that serves the heart and life, reason and feeling, being “ integral truth finder».

It becomes a unifying link between personal expression and mental life, reflecting universality and integrity, even a certain completeness, if the completeness of something exists ideally.

But, one way or another, truth is the knowledge of what is necessary or right at the moment of accomplishment and in its essence and expression it is always relative in the process.

In addition, the flower of wisdom does not open its petals of knowledge to everyone, and this is quite natural. Without a holistic picture of your worldview, there is always a chance that the truth you seek will not be your cornerstone.

In any case, the desire for knowledge does not go unnoticed by the action of the individual, towards whom the gaze of the soul is latently directed. “To him who knocks, let it be opened!”

And in this sense, intuition is the light of the soul in the dark kingdom of matter, breaking through and slipping out through the armor and shell of emotional-sensual layers and mental raids. Intuition is the truth that hastens to destroy and dispel all the illusory nature of external and rational life.

In the eternal search for one’s own meaning in life, intuition, which sublimates the intellectual and sensory-emotional sides of life and sweeps away the walls of conventions and restrictions, becomes the torch of the spirit, its messenger and exponent of the idea, which contains the ability to live creatively, consciously and with “ breakthrough into infinity».

Thus, intuition can be defined asanticipation, foresight, insight, clear understanding And awarenesssomething by a person at the time of her visit.


Intuition, as straight-knowledge, is the step that an aspiring person must initially climb, comprehending the evolution of feelings and discovering intuition in all its diversity, choosing the necessary instrument of cognition.

By using intuition as a tool for daily conscious action, a person automatically brings enlightenment and a sense of purpose into his life, without limiting his creative ability to choose the desired and preferred direction.

In order to achieve true and spiritual intuition, it is necessary to approach a crisis point when the cognizing mind has exhausted itself and all its resources.Then, having made your mind transparent, neutral, dispassionate and detached, consciousness is able to descend into the body, making it mobile and relaxed, ready to reflect all processes through direct sensation, without any change or distortion.

That is, direct knowledge will not flow from the outside, but will emanate, radiate from within, illuminating and revealing the true essence of what we are in contact with at a given moment in time, thanks to the illuminated revelations of our true psychic being or Soul.

This is how intuition manifests itself as a true guide and life inspirer.

And this remarkable ability of hers to emanate truth from the world of Spirit and Divine Ideas does not go unnoticed by the integrated personality, increasingly listening to the voice of the silence of the Soul, transmitting impressions through straight-knowledge.

Soon the personality becomes a full-fledged individual or Soul, manifesting itself through the personality through an incomparable life experience that allows one to discern “reality with clarity, free from the magic spells and illusions of the three worlds.”

Be that as it may, in order to develop intuitive abilities, it is necessary to reveal your own dormant potential.

And the sooner we direct our impartial gaze to this area of ​​natural science, the more significant the progress will be in our lives. The more conscious our life steps will be and the more obvious the path of suffering will be, which is “voluntarily” ready to relinquish its powers in favor of the path of love and wisdom.

And the best guide in this replacement and transformation will be our higher “I” or Soul, speaking through intuition. DOWING AND DEVELOPMENT OF INTUITION

Chapter 4. Energy and stability

I have no doubt that any man or woman can achieve what I have if they only put in the same effort and maintain the same hope and faith.


What components create or maintain stability in anything? What makes a tree, house, tent or car stable? What do we do to protect something from collapse? Of course, there are many possibilities, but the key principle is to strengthen the foundation: the foundation or root system. Sometimes it is a matter of widening, sometimes deepening, sometimes strengthening helps.

Human beings are much more dynamic than houses or cars. Just like plants whose root systems must be nourished to ensure the growth and productivity of the branches, we need to constantly and carefully keep the balance or energetic base strong, well-tuned and vibrant. We can use attention to achieve greater stability and maintain a sense of contact with our core.

How to learn to direct attention to self-strengthening.

When our attention is focused and unified, our ability to function increases. In fact, phenomenal things can happen. We've all heard the story of the grandmother who lifted the car to save her child, or the boys who moved the tractor to save the father who was trapped under it.

Energy is like light. Being distracted, it gives a pleasant sensation. When energy is concentrated, it is like a laser, the most powerful instrument we know. We have the ability to both dissipate energy and concentrate it.

Energy follows attention

Energy tends to go where there is most admiration, clarity, intensity. Energy follows attention. Whatever you focus your attention on, energy will follow. By focusing our attention, we can stabilize. There are times in our lives when we feel inspired and know what we want. Other times we are confused and confused. In such turbulent times, we can arbitrarily choose some quality to strengthen ourselves and shift our attention.

In addition to establishing neutral basic stability, one of the first steps on this path is the ability to say what we want and where we are moving. Most people, those who are not on the path and those who do not focus on the positive, focus their attention and energy on the negative aspects. By using basic practice and adding qualities, we shift our attention to a state of balance and stability.

The experience of a beginning student illustrates how energy follows attention.

When I first took Wendy's class, I was training for a rowing competition. I was a strong but not an endurance athlete and became extremely focused on my lack of endurance. While rowing, I often heard my inner voice screaming hysterically, “I don’t have enough stamina.” When discussing rowing with others, this negative mantra began to express my self-worth.

One day, while driving home from work, I was thinking about my lack of stamina and it dawned on me: “Energy follows attention!” Then I asked, “What am I doing to myself?” From that day on, I began to ask, “If I could have more endurance in my life, what would that look like?” Since I was physically involved in the rowing, I felt a bodily sensation in response to the question.

As I trained, I added additional qualities to rowing. By asking, “If I could have more power in my life, what would that look like?” I released hidden reserves. The most important achievement, however, was the realization that I could overcome the panic that could unexpectedly overwhelm me in the water.


Decorating the main practice

Energy follows attention: whatever we direct our attention to, the object will develop and grow. Our neuroses can be very fickle and confusing in many different ways.

They can appear as living bright pictures or be awakened by some sounds and smells. Our neuroses tell stories about being the best or the worst. They may say that we are right and the other person is wrong, or vice versa, that someone is right and we are wrong. The “if only…” style allows neuroses to tell stories about what we should do. Neuroses often have a compulsive quality, like a looping piece of music repeating the same line over and over again.

It's hard to focus and stay balanced when all these wild scenarios are unfolding within us. This complexity is simply the reality of our practice. It's as if we were in a room with a giant color movie screen controlled by our neuroses, and below it there was a tiny black and white TV showing our core practice. Both would compete for our attention. It's hard to watch that small TV when it's so easy to turn to a big bright screen. So part of the test is to embellish our main practice so that it becomes interesting enough to hold attention.

To get back to yourself, you need to be creative. The more energy we put into practice, the greater the richness of the sensations of returning to ourselves. We can ask about our breathing, the field, the feeling of gravity. The goal is to keep attention at home. A basic practice, for example, can be a quick and simple technique for gathering and stabilizing oneself, or it can be extended and developed into a meditative practice that holds attention for a longer period of time. I developed a personal meditation based on a basic practice using spiral breathing to clear and strengthen energy.

Spiral Breathing Meditation

I start with the following: I imagine that my feet are open, and through them you can receive the energy of the earth. As I inhale, I imagine that I am drawing in the energy of mother earth. The inhalation moves counterclockwise. When I exhale, the breath moves clockwise, returning to the earth. Inhalation is associated with cleansing. Exhalation is associated with gaining strength.

To focus on breathing, I use nine areas of the body. Cleansing and strengthening each individual zone requires one to five full inhalations and exhalations. This number depends on my sense of strength or health in a particular area, as well as my ability to focus. If I feel distracted, I take three to five breaths to focus my attention in the right area. When I lose concentration in any area, I return to the beginning or take additional breaths to focus my awareness.

I begin my spiral breathing meditation by inhaling, drawing the breath in through my feet and turning it counterclockwise through my shins. I think of this part of the breath as cleansing the ankle joints. As I exhale, I focus on returning the breath through my shins, this time in a clockwise direction. I move to my knee joints, imagining that my breath is twisting into a spiral there. With each exhalation, I imagine my knees becoming stronger. Attention moves to the base of the pelvis and genitals as the same process is repeated: inhalation cleanses, exhalation strengthens. The next point is the hara, or belly, where I again repeat the process, drawing breath from the earth and spiraling it around the belly. Then I move to the solar plexus and continue the same breathing pattern. From the solar plexus I move to the heart, then to the neck, then to the center of the head, located behind the eyes. Finally, I draw my breath to the very top of my head, and it spirals into the heavens. The exhalation comes from above, spiraling through the body and strengthening my entire being.

Once I finish this part, I relax and let the breath flow naturally. But even when relaxed, I still remain aware of the cleansing inhalation moving counterclockwise and the empowering exhalation moving counterclockwise.

After being in a relaxed state with normal breathing for some time, I sit down, as if expecting to hear or feel something, and plunge into a state of “not-knowing.” If I see, hear or feel something, I notice it and return to a state of openness. I find this state of mind very useful in breaking down preconceived notions about the immediate future.

When I feel it’s time to end the meditation, I switch to breathing. I inhale upward in a spiral, cleansing, and exhale downward in a spiral, strengthening. I check the perimeter of my field in all directions: front, back, right and left, above and below. Then I turn my attention to the feeling of heaviness or lightness. I spend time awakening quality. At this moment I open my eyes, get up and start moving. Sometimes the feeling or experience gained during meditation stays with me, sometimes it escapes.

With regular practice, our experience will grow and become a viable, functioning part of ourselves. Experience can balance us, helping us to tolerate aspects of ourselves that make us uncomfortable. Meditative practice gives us a framework from which we can openly look at ourselves and work with ourselves. This is a ritual in the sense that we put enormous meaning into it. We practice again and again to collect and strengthen the energy pattern. It is both something sacred and something everyday - on a daily basis we practice the sacred concentration of presence in a given moment.

Stand your time

The Universe is dynamic, its energy is always pressing on us. Once we become able to handle one aspect of life, another challenge arises as an opportunity for growth. But our goal is not to become stable once and for all, but to stabilize in the moment. Clarifying this, O-Sensei said, “This does not mean that I do not leave the center. I come back so fast that no one can see me.” The idea is to become skilled at coming back rather than freezing in one place. Developing the ability to return has benefits. The more often we practice returning to the center, the more we are able to center ourselves in everyday situations.

When we are united and able to experience ourselves as a force, it is sometimes scary. Feeling powerful can become an identity crisis. We tend to self-sabotage and return to the old familiar pattern. The idea of ​​unity, the capacity for tolerance and the embodiment of current experience is a long-term, lifelong practice.

I encourage acceptance of the duration of practice and activities of this nature. There is nothing immediate about them. Insights can be momentary, but there is a difference between experiencing insight and experiencing insight. If insight alone were enough, then all the people who take hallucinogens or write books on personal development would be happy and enlightened. But that's not true. Insight does not necessarily lead to embodiment experience. In fact, having an epiphany and then having your body react in a different way can be quite painful. We need to understand that conscious embodiment is a long-term process that is integrated into our daily lives.

Establishing a formal practice helped me a lot. It is formal in the sense that I do it every day at a set time. I stop and pay attention to my breath, feel my field in front, behind, left, right, above and below, pay attention to the feeling of gravity, and then awaken the chosen quality.

For anyone interested in conscious embodiment, I recommend a basic daily practice three times a day at set times. For example, after waking up, before going to bed and somewhere throughout the day. If you eat at the same times, before or after meals works great. For me, the morning is the best time to practice spiral breathing meditation. This sets the tone for the entire day and can even be worked into your schedule by getting up earlier.

Ritual meditation practice is important for conscious embodiment. We agree to meditate for a certain amount of time: three, five, ten minutes or more. It is significant to spend a real amount of time. Our practice should be guided by what we can actually do. It takes time to build and carry out a meditation practice.

Practice is an essential part of spiritual growth. To obtain a higher education diploma, you need to spend a certain amount of time. To experience the benefits of calming the mind through meditation, we must dedicate a certain amount of time and effort to the daily practice. Things of value take time. Strengthening muscles, building a house, or getting a doctorate takes time. Yes, time is necessary, but if we put in the work, we will see the benefits: a strong, capable body, a home to live in, a Ph.D. Someday you have to start. Today is the best day.

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It is also sometimes called intuitive, and some people associate it with the karmic body. The vibrations of this body are much higher than the vibrations of other bodies, and it is the subtlest of them. In many people this body is still undeveloped or only partially developed. For people who have not yet achieved spiritual awareness, the spiritual body does not extend far beyond the physical body. In a spiritually developed person with awareness, the aura of the intuitive body can spread over a considerable distance, and its oval shape can turn into a perfect circle that surrounds the person with its light.

Aura – Spiritual (intuitive) body

The spiritual body stores everything that lies beyond the boundaries of the rational and logical. Through this body, a person receives intuitive messages, insights and knowledge, and also receives extrasensory information, gains understanding, sees telepathic and prophetic dreams, feels “in the gut,” and receives knowledge from above.

The more balanced this body is, the more a person is aware and understands it, the easier it is to accept and decipher the intuitive messages that a person receives constantly, but is often not aware of this fact. Or he is aware, but does not pay attention.

The spiritual body can be felt when you are next to an enlightened, educated, fair person. Being near him, we can experience a special feeling that goes away when we move some distance away from this person and leave the area of ​​distribution of his aura. The aura of such people creates a feeling of love, peace, security and serenity.

The aura of the spiritual body is colored with luminous colors. This body often receives higher energy, which, in order to be absorbed and understood, is converted into lower frequencies that can be perceived by the mental, astral and etheric bodies. It makes itself compatible with the frequencies of these bodies and helps them achieve the highest possible level of expression in their sphere. How we receive, respond to, and store energy depends on the state of our chakras.

Through the spiritual body we experience a feeling of unity with life, the Lord, the Universe, with our smaller brothers, as well as with nature. When a person operates from his spiritual field, he gains the ability to understand and receive everything that exists in the universe.

This body is immortal and this is our Divine spark. Other bodies may change and even disappear during our many incarnations.

Through the spiritual body we understand the purpose of our life and our calling in this world and in this incarnation. When connected to this conscious body, all the actions of a person come from his higher self, and he acts exactly in accordance with the laws of the universe. He is filled with boundless love, which affects his surroundings. Confidence, wisdom, strength and calm constantly accompany him.

The spiritual body is connected to an additional body - the karmic one, which contains knowledge regarding our destiny and past incarnations, as well as our role as part of the universal whole.

Manifestations of karma, for example, are physical defects, congenital defects, serious actions and crimes directed against a person, severe mental disorders, genetic defects, hopeless poverty, and so on. Of course, we must remember that everything is predetermined, but we still have freedom of choice. This means that despite various karmic influences, a person can and must fight to achieve balance in all his bodies. The purpose of karmic influences is to teach a person to cope with a certain situation in the most correct and pure way, directed from above.

Since all auras maintain a close connection with each other, a state of imbalance in one body has a direct impact on the other bodies. This circumstance is very important when we begin to treat a certain disease or solve a certain problem. Often a physical illness can lead us to discover the cause of that illness. But the disease itself can aggravate the original imbalance until the cause is eliminated.

When we look at the problem from a holistic point of view, that is, looking at the body, mind and soul at the same time, we find that there are no “physical” and “mental” ailments as such. Any imbalance in one way or another affects the various layers and is affected by them. When a person succumbs to some disease, careful examination reveals an imbalance in his other bodies. Often an imbalance is associated with a chakra, which affects both a certain mental state and certain physical organs.

As an example, the possible source and development of the problem from the point of view of its manifestation in various layers.

In the modern world, many people suffer from constipation. This clearly manifests itself in the physical body and can lead to many complications such as accumulation of excess toxins in the digestive system, flatulence, chronic indigestion and so on. When we look at the source of this disturbance in the emotional-mental layer, we find that, theoretically, constipation represents an inability to release (which is what actually happens with constipation). It is possible that when we study the characteristics of a person, we will find that it is difficult for him to get rid of everything - money, unnecessary things, past events, and so on. When observing his emotional behavior, we can see that he has difficulty expressing his emotions - he does not allow himself to show love, anger or any other feeling, or cannot break his dependence on the people he encounters in life, and so on. . If we observe his mental, conceptual behavior, we will notice that he clings to old ideas that he has inherited from his parents or other people and refuses to get rid of them. This adherence to old, unnecessary patterns of thinking may well be expressed in the intuitive layer as an inability to perceive new knowledge and ideas, to be open to receiving different messages, thereby damaging its intuitive abilities. Of course, this is just an example (and each person must be approached individually, examining all his problems and the properties of his personality and body), but it clearly demonstrates the relationship that exists between different bodies.

Problems or imbalances can arise in any of the bodies, but it is not easy to determine which one arose before the others - as in the case of the famous chicken and egg question - and, above all, whether there is such an “antecedent”, since the relationships of the bodies are extremely cramped.

All these problems, states of imbalance or disharmony are an expression of blockages that arise in the human body. Just as the smooth flow of blood requires healthy, elastic arteries and veins, the flow of energy also requires free and healthy “channels” without blockages. The correct flow of energy - a natural and even flow - will restore balance at every level and, of course, brings a person physical, mental and spiritual health.

In the past, various philosophers, based mainly on theoretical concepts, have gravitated towards the idea that energy exists within man, and man, from an energetic point of view, is a closed circuit, that is, he nourishes and balances himself through his own essential energy. On the contrary, many cultures, religions and thinkers believe that the source of energy lies in a vast energetic force that exists everywhere, constantly and in everything.

Some have called this force "God," the "Great Spirit," the "Cosmic Force," and many other names, including attributing the role of energy source to nature (which, of course, is also the embodiment of the cosmic force, or God). This force gives life to a person and affects his movement in the same way as it affects the movement of stars and the rotation of the Earth around its axis, and the movement of particles inside an atom. It is this colossal energy that “seeps” into the inner being of a person, and the mere fact that it resides within him makes him, in a certain sense, “Divine.”

This point of view, based primarily on spiritual quests, is the most established among those people who work with energies, see or feel them. The reason for this is simple: when a person develops the ability to observe the aura, he can see how, in various situations, the person whose aura he is observing receives a “flow” of energy of a certain form from an external source. For example, sometimes you can see a line, ball/balls or cone of light above the head of a person immersed in meditation, contacting or praying.

To receive this energy, a person must be spiritually pure and have the desire to receive it, as well as the belief that he deserves this energy. He will be given a certain “portion” of energy (and he deserves it), which at the moment corresponds to his physical, mental and spiritual development. Sometimes people try to obtain more energy, either by "storing" or "accumulating" as materialists would say, or by trying to attract more energy to themselves in its purest and more spiritual form. Attracting excess energy through artificial means (such as drugs) leads to a situation where a person is unable to retain this amount of energy. The consequences can be unfavorable and dangerous, as well as if a person does not receive enough energy, which can manifest itself in various states of imbalance, for example, weakness, fatigue, loss of vitality, and so on.


My depression is brighter than their euphoria. © Overcome insomnia by suicide. ©


Introvert 56%
Extrovert 44%

Intuitive 68%
Realistic 32%

Logic 34%
Principles 66%

Planning 41%
Seekers 59%

Confident 23%
Cautious 77%

INFPs are true idealists, always looking for a spark of goodness even in the worst of people or events, looking for ways to improve the situation. While many people perceive them as calm, reserved, or even shy people, INFPs have an inner fire and passion that can shine through at some point. Making up only 4% of the population, INFPs often risk being misunderstood - but when they find like-minded people to spend time with, the harmony they feel becomes a fountain of joy and inspiration.

As part of the Diplomat (NF) type group, INFPs are driven by principles rather than by logic (Analysts), excitement (Seekers), or practicality (Guardians). When deciding how to move forward, they will consider considerations such as honor, beauty, morality and virtue - INFPs are driven by their purity of intentions, not rewards or punishment. People who have the INFP personality type are proud of this quality, and have every right to be, but not everyone else understands what drives these feelings, which can lead to isolation.

“Not all gold shines bright, Not all wanderers are lost. Frost will not destroy deep roots, Old strength does not fade.”
J. R. R. Tolkien


When used at their best, these qualities allow INFPs to convey deep thoughts to people, easily using metaphors and parabolas, allowing them to understand and create symbols for their ideas. The power of this intuitive communication style allows for creative writing, and it's no surprise that many famous INFPs are poets, writers, and actors. It is important for INFPs to understand themselves and their place in the world, and they explore these ideas by projecting themselves into their work.

INFPs have a talent for self-expression, revealing their beauty, their secrets through metaphors and fictional characters.
INFPs' aptitude for languages ​​doesn't stop at their native language - like many people who fall into the Diplomat type group, they are thought to have a gift for learning a second (or third) language. Their gift of communication also fits well with INFPs' craving for harmony, a recurring theme among Diplomats, and helps them move forward as they find their calling.


Unlike their Extroverted neighbors, INFPs will only focus their attention on a few people, one worthy goal - if they spread their efforts too thin, they will run out of energy, and they may even become overwhelmed and overwhelmed by all the evil in the world that they are unable to do. to correct. This is a sad sight for INFP friends who begin to feel dependent on their constant angelic contentment.

If they are not careful, INFPs can lose themselves in their quest for good deeds and forget about the daily tasks that need to be done. INFPs often get lost in deep thoughts and enjoy thinking about philosophical and hypothetical questions more than any other type. If left unchecked, INFPs may begin to lose touch with reality, becoming reclusive, and their friends and partners will have to work hard to bring them back into the real world.

Luckily, like flowers in spring, INFPs' passion, creativity, altruism, and idealism always return, rewarding them and their loved ones, perhaps not in a logical or utilitarian sense, but in the form of passion, kindness, and beauty along their life's journey.

Famous INFPs:

William Shakespeare J. R. R. Tolkien Björk Johnny Depp Julia Roberts Lisa Kudrow Tom Hiddleston Homer Virgil

Fictional INFPs:

Frodo Baggins from The Lord of the Rings Anya from Green Gables Farm Fox Mulder from X-Files Diana Troy from Star Trek Wesley Crusher from Star Trek

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