Confucius expressions quotes. Confucius (Kun Tzu)

Confucius quotes, aphorisms, sayings

Confucius (in Chinese Kunzi) (551 - 479 BC) is a great thinker and philosopher of China. Already at the age of just over 20 years, he became famous as the first professional teacher in the Celestial Empire. His teachings had a profound influence on the civilization of China and East Asia, becoming the basis of the philosophical system known as Confucianism.

Author of the work “Conversations and Judgments”. Died 479 BC. to Qufu. Quotes, aphorisms, sayings and “Conversations” of Confucius have been popular for centuries, and in the present time - the “time of information”, his quotes are only gaining popularity among the entire population of the Earth.

Aphorisms and quotes from Confucius about life

Confucius had a turbulent, difficult life, which gave him a wealth of experience, which was reflected in his sayings and quotes about life.

“If we know so little about life, what can we know about death?”

“Without knowing fate, you cannot become a noble husband. Without knowing what you should, you cannot find support in life. Without learning to understand the true meaning of words, you cannot know people.”

“The word by which you can live your whole life is Forbearance.”

“You can curse the darkness all your life, or you can light a small candle.”

“A noble husband must beware of three things in his life: in his youth, when vitality is abundant, beware of infatuation with women; in maturity, when the vital forces are powerful, beware of rivalry; in old age, when vitality is scarce, beware of stinginess.”

“Care, that is, consideration for others, is the basis of a good life and the basis of a good society.”

“In fact, life is simple, but we persistently complicate it.”

“Only a fool never changes his mind.”

“The greatest glory is not in never making mistakes, but in being able to get up every time you fall...”

“A noble man is serene and free, but a low man is disappointed and sorrowful.”

“We take advice in drops, but we give it in buckets.”

“Never tell anything good or bad about yourself. In the first case, they won’t believe you, but in the second, they will embellish you.”

“Tell me and I’ll forget, show me and I’ll remember, let me do it and I’ll understand.”

“No matter how fast you move towards your goal, the main thing is not to stop.”

“Be hard on yourself and gentle on others. This way you will protect yourself from human hostility.”

Best Confucius Quotes - Life's Greatest Lessons

The collection of the best quotes from Confucius includes his vision of life - how you should try to live your life, what you should strive for.

"It doesn't matter how slowly you walk, as long as you don't stop." If you continue on the right path, you will eventually reach your goal. A person who achieves success is one who remains committed to an idea and, despite the circumstances, moves towards his goal, albeit slowly but surely.

“It's easy to hate and hard to love. Many things in our life are based on this. Any good thing is hard to achieve, and it is much easier to get something bad.”
This explains a lot. It is easier to hate, easier to be negative, easier to make excuses than to love, forgive and be generous with all your big heart, big mind and big effort.

“Life expectations depend on diligence and diligence. A mechanic who wants to improve his work must first prepare his tools."
Confucius said: “Success depends on preliminary preparation, and without such preparation failure is sure to occur.”
Whatever you do in life, if you want to succeed, you must first prepare. Even the biggest failure can speed up the path to success.

"There's nothing wrong with being wrong"
There is nothing wrong with being wrong as long as you don't keep remembering it. Don't worry about trifles. Making a mistake is not a great crime. Don't let mistakes ruin your day. Don't let negativity occupy your thoughts. There is nothing wrong with making a mistake! Celebrate your mistakes!

“When you are angry, think about the consequences.”
Solomon said: “He who is long-suffering is better than the brave, and he who controls himself is better than the conqueror of a city.” Always remember to maintain your composure and think about the consequences.

“If it is obvious that goals cannot be achieved, do not adjust the goals, adjust the actions.”
If your goals don't seem achievable this year, now is a good time to agree on your plan to achieve them. Don't take failure as an option, set your sails for success and move smoothly towards your goal.

“If I go with two other people, then each of them will act as my teacher. I will imitate the good traits of one of them, and correct the shortcomings of the other.”
You can and should learn lessons from everyone, be they a crook or a saint. Every life is a story filled with lessons ripe for the picking.

“Whatever you do in life, do it with all your heart.”
Whatever you do, do it with full dedication or not at all. To succeed in life, you will be required to give the best you can, and then you will live without regrets.

“Before you take revenge, dig two graves.”

“People spend their health to make money, and then spend money to regain their health. Nervously thinking about the future, they forget about the present, so they live neither in the present nor for the sake of the future. They live as if they will never die, and when they die, they realize that they never lived.”

“Live the way you want, not the way others expect you to live. It doesn’t matter whether you live up to their expectations or not, you will die without them. And you will win your victories yourself!”

“Everything global begins with little things.”

“When the heart is light, the heavens shine in a dark dungeon. When thoughts are dark, demons breed in the light of the sun.”

“The most beautiful sight in the world is the sight of a child walking confidently along the path of life after you have shown him the way.”

Confucius talking to a woman

Once upon a time, a very educated lady at that time came to visit the great Chinese thinker Confucius and asked him a question:
- Tell me, Confucius, why when a woman has many lovers, she is subjected to public censure, but when a man has many women, then this is normal.
Before answering, Confucius silently brewed tea and poured it into six cups.
“Tell me,” he asked her after that, “when one teapot pours tea leaves into six cups, is it normal?”
- Yes. - the woman answered.
“You see,” answered Confucius, “and when six teapots are poured into one cup at once?...

Confucius quotes about love

Confucius understood the power of Love, knew it, and with his quotes about Love shows what it is - real Love.

“Love is the beginning and the end of our existence. Without love there is no life. That is why love is something that a wise man bows to.”

“A person who does not have love cannot endure poverty for a long time and cannot constantly be in joy.”

“When desires are pure and imbued with love, the heart becomes truthful and straight. And when the heart becomes truthful and straightforward, a person improves and becomes better. And when a person improves and becomes better, then order is established in the family. And when order is established in the family, then prosperity is established in the country. And when prosperity is established in the country, peace and harmony are established throughout the entire Universe.”

“The attraction of hearts gives birth to friendship, the attraction of minds - respect, the attraction of bodies - passion, and only all three together give birth to love.”

“Love is the spice of life. It may sweeten it, or it may oversalt it.”

“The village where love reigns is beautiful.”

Confucius quotes about happiness

Happiness is a varied and vague concept. Reading quotes and sayings of Confucius about happiness, you understand that happiness exists and it is nearby.

“Happiness is when you are understood, great happiness is when you are loved, real happiness is when you love.”

“In the pursuit of happiness, sometimes you just have to stop and be happy.”

“It’s very easy to recognize a happy person. He seems to radiate an aura of calm and warmth, moves slowly, but manages to get everywhere, speaks calmly, but everyone understands him. The secret of happy people is simple: the absence of tension.”

“Never return to the place where you were once happy.”

“Misfortune came - man himself gave birth to it, happiness came - man himself raised it.”

“Unhappiness and happiness have the same doors, benefit and harm are neighbors.”

“The one who knows is far from the one who loves. The lover is far from joyful.”

Confucius quotes about women

Confucius, in his quotes about women, gives tips on how to live, love and understand with them. Sometimes he is categorical in his statements about them, probably because he had an unhappy love.

“An ordinary woman has as much intelligence as a chicken, but an extraordinary woman has as much intelligence as two.”

“Building relationships correctly is most difficult with women and low people. If you bring them closer to you, they will become untied; if you move them away from you, they will hate you.”

Confucius said: “The world is divided. Man is the power of nature, he is the king. A man is a ruler and a reigning person. A woman is the bottom and the dirt.”
Lao Tzu objected to him: “Nature and man are one, and man and woman are one. A woman is the beginning of the world.”

Confucius quotes about work

Confucius understood that work occupies a large part of a person's life, and is the basis of any state, just like the family. What Confucius learned about in his quotes about work.

“Find something you love and you will never have to work a single day in your life.”

“A gemstone cannot be polished without friction. Likewise, a person cannot become successful without enough hard attempts.”

“Opening a store is easy, but keeping it from closing is an art.”

Confucius quotes about the state

Confucius was a statesman, held a post and understood the importance of the state in governing such a large country as China. His wisdom is reflected in quotes about the state.

“Rule the people with dignity, and the people will be respectful. Treat people kindly and people will work hard. Exalt the virtuous and instruct the unlearned, and people will trust you.”

“When there is justice in the country, it is a shame to be poor and insignificant; when there is no justice, it is a shame to be rich and noble.”

“In a country where there is order, be bold in both actions and speeches. In a country where there is no order, be bold in your actions, but careful in your speech.”

“When the law does not work in a country, many people become bosses.”

“When the state is governed in accordance with reason, poverty and want are shameful; when the state is not governed in accordance with reason, then wealth and honor are shameful.”

One day a sage was passing near a mountain. Some woman was sobbing loudly over the grave. Bowing as a sign of respect on the front of the chariot, the sage listened to her sobs. And then he sent his student to that woman, and he asked her: “You’re grieving like this—it seems like this isn’t the first time you’ve grieved?” “So it is,” answered the woman. “My father-in-law once died from the claws of a tiger. After him, my husband died from them. And now my son died from them. - Why don’t you leave these places? - asked the sage. “There are no cruel authorities here,” the woman answered. “Remember this, student,” said the sage. — Cruel power is fiercer than any tiger. And virtue will never remain alone. She will definitely have neighbors.

“If the sovereign honors his parents, then the common people will be humane. If a master does not forget old friends, then his servants will not be soulless.”

Sayings of Confucius about man

“A noble man makes demands on himself, a low man makes demands on others.”

“Repay injustice with justice, goodness with goodness”

“Work on clearing your thoughts. If you don’t have bad thoughts, you won’t have bad deeds.”

“To control oneself enough to respect others as oneself, and to treat them as we would like to be treated, is the right way of life, true behavior.”

“If you want to feed a man once, give him fish. If you want to feed him for life, teach him to fish.”

“A journey of a thousand miles begins with one step.”

“The best fighter is the one who wins without fighting.”

“Your home is where your thoughts are calm.”

“Man can make the path great, but it is the path that makes man great.”

“Simplicity is one of the best qualities of a person.”

“The man who is at the very top of the mountain did not fall there from the sky!”

“Where patience ends, endurance begins!”

Three things that cannot be achieved:
- love of humanity without sorrow;
- knowledge without delusion;
- courage without fear.

“Wherever you go, go with all your Soul”

“He who has the sun shining in his soul will see the sun even on the gloomiest day.”

“Knowing what needs to be done and not doing it is the worst cowardice.”

“You can only overcome bad habits today, not tomorrow.”

“I have seen people die from water and fire, but I have not seen anyone die from philanthropy.”

“It’s easy to be rich and not boast about it; It’s hard to be poor and not complain.”

“If you close your eyes to anything, you will soon notice that you are forced to close your eyes to everything.”

“When words lose their meaning, people lose their freedom.”

“People in ancient times did not like to talk much. They considered it a shame for themselves not to keep up with their own words.”

“There are three useful friends and three harmful ones. Helpful friends are a straightforward friend, a sincere friend and a friend who has heard a lot. Harmful friends are a hypocritical friend, an insincere friend and a talkative friend.”

“If you sit on the river bank for a long time, you can see the corpses of enemies floating by.”

“Birds cry sadly before they die, people talk about important things before they die.”

Sayings of Confucius on Education

Knowing the power of education, Confucius left his wisdom in quotations.

“Three paths lead to knowledge: the path of reflection is the noblest path, the path of imitation is the easiest path, and the path of experience is the most bitter path.”

“Study as if you were constantly lacking in your knowledge, and as if you were constantly afraid of losing your knowledge.”

“Learning without thought is in vain; thought without learning is dangerous.”

Aphorisms of Confucius about God

“The highest goal of human life is to find and implement in life the will of God, His law, that is, to manifest the true, moral essence of our self
The will of God is what we call the law of our lives. Fulfilling the law of our life is what we call moral, true life. When the laws of our life are collected in order, set out in sequence, this is what we call religion.”

“The true way, or the law of God, by which we must live, is not far from people.”

“If people create for themselves rules, laws, ways of life that are far from the simplest reasoning of their minds, then these paths cannot be considered true”

How amazing how wonderfully a person can unfold and manifest the heavenly gift inherent in him! We look for it and do not see, we listen and do not hear, and yet this divine essence penetrates into everything that exists, nothing can exist without it.

Funny Confucius Quotes

Confucius was not deprived of a sense of humor, and his funny quotes are proof of this.

“If they spit in your back, that means you’re ahead!”

"Victory is defeat."

“Only the smartest and the stupidest cannot change.”

“Anyone who, having lived to the age of forty, causes only hostility, is a finished person.”

“Blessed is he who knows nothing: he does not risk being misunderstood.”

“I don’t understand how you can deal with a person you can’t trust? If a cart doesn’t have an axle, how can you ride it?”

“I have never yet met a person who loved virtue as much as they love a woman’s beauty.”

Success in achieving goals. Rules of Confucius

9 rules from Confucius that will bring success in achieving your goals.

1. Maintain constant movement towards your goal.

People who have achieved success are those who constantly maintain movement towards their goal. It doesn't matter how slow you move, but the movement must be constant, don't stop. And if you go in the right direction, you will reach your destination.

2. Sharpen your tools.

Life does not stand still, conditions and circumstances are constantly changing, and this requires increasing skill in any kind of activity. If you want to achieve your goal, you need to take into account changing conditions and circumstances, constantly learn, acquire new necessary skills and improve - and this will lead to success. This important rule of Confucius is often overlooked by people.

3. Adjust the methods of achieving the goal, but not the goal itself.

If you feel that the goal is correct, but becomes unattainable, you do not need to change the goal, you need to adjust the methods of achieving it. In other words, you need to find other ways to achieve your goal that will be effective at this stage of the journey. Remember that life is always changing, so in order to achieve your goals, you need to take these changes into account and change yourself. Success in achieving your goals depends on this.

4. Do your best, do your best.

Whatever you do, do it well, efficiently, with love - as much as possible. By doing the best you can, you won't regret it later. Confucius says: “Wherever you go, follow there with all your heart.” To succeed in life, it takes everything you can.

5. Your environment determines your future.

A person largely depends on his environment, which significantly influences the value system and worldview, and thus the future of a person. Confucius recommends not to deal with people who are not engaged in self-improvement. Such people are “frozen” in their development, and will only slow you down on the path to success and achieving your goals. Do business and communicate more with people who keep up with the times and develop. By following this rule, you will also constantly develop.

6. Good things are expensive.

It's hard to achieve everything good because everything that's truly worthwhile requires a lot of effort. It's much easier to hate than to love. It's easy to be negative and hard to be positive. It is easier to do evil than to do good. All the best that can be achieved in this world requires great effort and work on oneself. But it's worth it. Confucius says that the outer world is a reflection of our inner world, therefore, if we want to make the outer world better, we must take care of ourselves, develop our best qualities. Working on yourself is an integral part of success in achieving any goals. Make it a rule to try to do something for self-development every day.

7. Resentment is destructive.

To be resentful is to live in negativity, and living in negativity cannot lead to anything good. What we emit, we attract. By emitting negativity, we cannot attract positivity, as this is contrary to the laws of life. Leave grievances in the past, let them go, and your movement towards success and happiness will accelerate significantly. Confucius advises to continue moving towards your goals, despite the offensive actions of other people, without allowing insults to derail us. Using this rule is mandatory for those who want to make their life better.

8. Always remember the consequences.

Every word and action leads to one or another consequence, and this rule must always be remembered. Confucius says: “When anger arises, consider the consequences.” Anger turns off rationality and sanity. Under the influence of emotions, a person does stupid things, which can slow down his spiritual development and push back his goal. The ability to control your emotions is the key to success in achieving your goals.

9. Everyone can teach you something.

Every person can become our teacher in some way. Confucius says that you can imitate something good in another person (try to instill in yourself, develop), and when you see something bad in another, you can try to eradicate it in yourself. Thus, every person has something to teach us. Try to use this rule every day in your interactions with every person.

For you

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Parables, wise thoughts, quotes...

This man did not invent anything new, but his main merit is that he was a truly sensible person and thought about ordinary people more than about himself. The teachings of Confucius offered people not paradise in heaven after death, but paradise on earth, moreover, during life - here and now.

If humanity had listened to his words and tried to follow the teachings of Confucius, the world today would certainly be a very different and much better place. One thing Confucius did not take into account is that people who are not accustomed to thinking will not think about his teaching, which means they are unlikely to ever understand and accept Confucianism.

But Confucius still believed in man and therefore devoted his entire life to preaching his teachings. However, there were people who nevertheless appreciated the teachings of Confucius - at one time Confucianism was even considered the official state religion (during the Han Dynasty - 206 - 220 AD).

The basis of Confucius's teachings was two simple virtues - "ren" and "li". “Ren” can be translated as “benevolent attitude towards others,” and “li” can be translated as “rules of behavior, etiquette, traditions, respect for elders.” That's it, everything is very simple and clear.

But still, the peculiarity of Confucius’s teachings lies primarily in humanity. Perhaps Confucianism is the only religion (even though it is not a religion at all) that cares primarily about the living person, and not about mysterious invisible souls or a mythical afterlife.

A person, an ordinary living person, first of all a small person - this is the hero of the teachings of Confucius, this is who the great philosopher cared about, and therefore, even when Confucianism was banned in China (during the Qin Dynasty - 221 BC), people secretly passed on the teachings of Confucius from generation to generation so that it would be passed on to their descendants. Thanks to the good people for this foresight.

However, despite the very wide dissemination of the teachings of Confucius in the East, Confucianism has not taken root in the West - where the cult of dictatorship and profit flourishes, people are less and less concerned about honest and fair relations among themselves. Looking at the current state of affairs in most regions of the Earth, it seems that Westerners should take the teachings of Confucius more seriously.

Without a doubt, the great philosopher Confucius and his teaching will remain with humanity forever, at least as long as people are still born who are capable of thinking and thinking soberly.

Confucius was one of the first to propose the idea of ​​​​building a highly moral and harmonious society. And the golden rule of his teaching sounded like this: "Don't do to others what you don't wish for yourself" . The lessons of Confucius are simple and understandable to every person - this is probably why they inspire and make people better people so effectively.

We bring to your attention the most famous sayings and advice of this Great and Wise Man.

9 life lessons from Confucius

1. Just keep moving. "It doesn't matter how slow you go as long as you don't stop."

If you keep moving in the right direction, you will eventually arrive at your destination. Perseverance must be consistent, everyone can achieve success without stopping movement. A person who achieves success is a person who remains committed to his goal, despite the circumstances.

2. Sharpen your tools. "Expectations in life depend on diligence. A craftsman who perfects his work needs to sharpen his tools.".

Confucius said: “Success depends on preliminary preparation; without preparation you will definitely fail.”. Whatever you do, if you want to succeed, you need to be prepared for it. This applies not only to your internal work, but also to your external work. This includes planning, acquiring the necessary skills, and connecting with the right people.

3. Adjust the plan, but not the goals. “When it becomes obvious that a goal cannot be achieved, do not change your goal, change your practical steps.”.

If you're starting to realize that you're not making progress toward your goal this year, it's a good time to make changes to your plan. Don't accept failure as an option, set your sails and calmly move towards your goal. If you don't see much results by doing the same thing every day, try doing something different, but don't change your goal, just find a different path to it.

4. All or nothing. “Wherever you are going, follow it with all your heart.”

Whatever you do, try to do it as much as possible, or don't do it at all. To succeed in life, it takes everything you can. Do the best you can and you will live without regrets.

5. Your environment determines your future. “Never befriend a man who is not better than himself.”

Your environment influences your values, goals and worldview. Your friends have a special influence on you because you trust them most.

6. Good things are expensive."It's easy to hate and hard to love. That's how our world works. Good things are hard to achieve, but bad things are very easy."

This explains a lot. It's quite easy to hate, to just be negative, to just make excuses. Love, forgiveness and wisdom require a big heart, a big mind and a lot of effort. None of us strives for something bad, at least for ourselves. Everyone wants a better fate for themselves, but how can you get there if you don't make an effort to be positive. Remember, your outside world is a reflection of your inner world.

7. Being offended is destructive."Being offended is nothing if you don't keep remembering it."

Don't let other people's misdeeds ruin your life. Don't let their negativity enter your mind and heart. Being offended is nothing if you agree to leave it in the past. Stay the course and allow other people to be themselves. Accept it. Keep moving no matter what.

8. Be aware of possible consequences."When anger arises, think about the consequences."

Solomon said: “He who knows how to restrain his anger is greater than the mighty.”. Try to keep your mood in check, keeping in mind the consequences. Anger will not lead to anything good; being angry, you stop thinking sensibly, which means you can do stupid things. Know how to restrain your emotions, especially negative ones, if you value the reputation and results that you have accumulated over the years. Be wiser.

But there is also "righteous anger", remember this too. It must be demonstrated in appropriate situations.

9. You can learn from everyone."If I walk with two other people, each of them, in some way, can be like a teacher to me. I will look for something good in them and imitate them in this, and something bad in order to correct it in myself ".

You can and should learn from every person you meet along the way. Be it a rogue or a holy man, you can take something useful from each. Every person's life story is filled with valuable lessons. Everyone can and should be grateful for something.

  1. Three paths lead to knowledge: the path of reflection is the noblest path, the path of imitation is the easiest path, and the path of experience is the most bitter path.
  1. If you hate, it means you have been defeated.
  1. In a country where there is order, be bold in both actions and speeches. In a country where there is no order, be bold in your actions, but careful in your speech.
  1. Before you take revenge, dig two graves.
  1. Give instructions only to those who seek knowledge after discovering their ignorance.
  1. Happiness is when you are understood, great happiness is when you are loved, real happiness is when you love.
  1. In fact, life is simple, but we persistently complicate it.
  1. Intemperance in small things will ruin a great cause.
  1. Only when the cold weather arrives does it become clear that pines and cypresses are the last to lose their decoration.
  1. People in ancient times did not like to talk much. They considered it a shame for themselves not to keep up with their own words.
  1. We take advice in drops, but we give it out in buckets.
  1. A gemstone cannot be polished without friction. Likewise, a person cannot become successful without enough hard attempts.
  1. A noble man makes demands on himself, a low man makes demands on others.
  1. You can only overcome bad habits today, not tomorrow.
  1. Three things never come back - time, word, opportunity. Therefore: do not waste time, choose your words, do not miss the opportunity.
  1. Choose a job you love, and you will never have to work a single day in your life.
  1. I don't get upset if people don't understand me, I get upset if I don't understand people.
  1. Try to be at least a little kinder, and you will see that you will not be able to commit a bad act.
  1. In ancient times, people studied in order to improve themselves. Nowadays people study in order to surprise others.
  1. You can curse the darkness all your life, or you can light a small candle.
  1. Misfortune came - man gave birth to him, happiness came - man raised him.
  1. There is beauty in everything, but not everyone can see it.
  1. A noble person is serene at heart. A low person is always preoccupied.
  1. If they spit in your back, it means you are ahead.
  1. He is not great who has never fallen, but he is great who has fallen and gotten up.

Author of the work “Conversations and Judgments”. Died 479 BC. to Qufu. Quotes, aphorisms, sayings and “Conversations” of Confucius have been popular for centuries, and in the present time - “the time of information” his quotes are only gaining popularity among the entire population of the Earth.

Aphorisms and quotes from Confucius about life

Confucius had a turbulent, difficult life, which gave him a wealth of experience, which was reflected in his sayings and quotes about life.

- “If we know so little about life, what can we know about death?”

- “Without knowing fate, you cannot become a noble husband. Without knowing what you should, you cannot find support in life. Without learning to understand the true meaning of words, you cannot know people.”

- “The word, guided by which, you can live your whole life - Forbearance.”

- “You can curse the darkness all your life, or you can light a small candle.”

- “A noble husband must beware of three things in his life: in his youth, when vitality is abundant, beware of infatuation with women; in maturity, when the vital forces are powerful, beware of rivalry; in old age, when vitality is scarce, beware of stinginess.”

- “Caring, that is, consideration for others, is the basis of a good life and the basis of a good society.”

- “In fact, life is simple, but we persistently complicate it.”

- “Only a fool does not change his opinion in his life.”

- “The greatest glory is not in never making mistakes, but in being able to rise every time you fall...”

- “A noble man is serene and free, but a low man is disappointed and sorrowful.”

- “We take advice in drops, but we give it in buckets.”

- “Never tell anything good or bad about yourself. In the first case, they won’t believe you, but in the second, they will embellish you.”

- “Tell me and I’ll forget, show me and I’ll remember, let me do it and I’ll understand.”

- “It doesn’t matter how fast you move towards your goal, the main thing is not to stop.”

- “Be strict with yourself and gentle with others. This way you will protect yourself from human hostility.”

Best Confucius Quotes - Life's Greatest Lessons

The collection of the best quotes from Confucius includes his vision of life - how you should try to live your life, what you should strive for.

- “It doesn’t matter how slowly you walk, as long as you don’t stop.” If you continue on the right path, you will eventually reach your goal. A person who achieves success is one who remains committed to an idea and, despite the circumstances, moves towards his goal, albeit slowly but surely.

- “It's easy to hate and hard to love. Many things in our life are based on this. Any good thing is hard to achieve, and it is much easier to get something bad.”
This explains a lot. It is easier to hate, easier to be negative, easier to make excuses than to love, forgive and be generous with all your big heart, big mind and big effort.

- “Life expectations depend on diligence and diligence. A mechanic who wants to improve his work must first prepare his tools."
Confucius said: “Success depends on preliminary preparation, and without such preparation failure is sure to occur.” Whatever you do in life, if you want to succeed, you must first prepare. Even the biggest failure can speed up the path to success.

- “There’s nothing wrong with being wrong.”
There is nothing wrong with being wrong as long as you don't keep remembering it. Don't worry about trifles. Making a mistake is not a great crime. Don't let mistakes ruin your day. Don't let negativity occupy your thoughts. There is nothing wrong with making a mistake! Celebrate your mistakes!

- “When you are angry, think about the consequences.”
Solomon said: “He who is long-suffering is better than the brave, and he who controls himself is better than the conqueror of a city.” Always remember to maintain your composure and think about the consequences.

- “If it is obvious that the goals cannot be achieved, do not adjust the goals, adjust the actions.”
If your goals don't seem achievable this year, now is a good time to agree on your plan to achieve them. Don't take failure as an option, set your sails for success and move smoothly towards your goal.

- “If I go with two other people, then each of them will act as my teacher. I will imitate the good traits of one of them, and correct the shortcomings of the other.”
You can and should learn lessons from everyone, be they a crook or a saint. Every life is a story filled with lessons ripe for the picking.

- “Whatever you do in life, do it with all your heart.”
Whatever you do, do it with full return or don't do it at all. To succeed in life, you will be required to give the best you can, and then you will live without regrets.

- “Before you take revenge, dig two graves.”

- “People spend their health to make money, and then spend money to regain their health. Nervously thinking about the future, they forget about the present, so they live neither in the present nor for the sake of the future. They live as if they will never die, and when they die, they realize that they never lived.”

- “Live the way you want, and not the way others expect from you. It doesn’t matter whether you live up to their expectations or not, you will die without them. And you will win your victories yourself!”

- “Everything global begins with little things.”

- “When the heart is light, the heavens shine in a dark dungeon. When thoughts are dark, demons breed in the light of the sun.”

- “The most beautiful sight in the world is the sight of a child walking confidently along the path of life after you have shown him the way.”

Confucius talking to a woman

Once upon a time, a very educated lady at that time came to visit the great Chinese thinker Confucius and asked him a question:
- Tell me, Confucius, why when a woman has many lovers, she is subjected to public censure, but when a man has many women, then this is normal.
Before answering, Confucius silently brewed tea and poured it into six cups.
“Tell me,” he asked her after that, “when one teapot pours tea leaves into six cups, is it normal?”
- Yes. - the woman answered.
“You see,” Confucius answered, “and when six teapots are poured into one cup at once?...

Confucius quotes about love

Confucius understood the power of Love, knew it, and with his quotes about Love shows what it is - real Love.

- “Love is the beginning and end of our existence. Without love there is no life. That is why love is something that a wise man bows to.”

- “A person who does not have love cannot endure poverty for a long time and cannot constantly be in joy.”

- “When desires are pure and imbued with love, the heart becomes truthful and straight. And when the heart becomes truthful and straightforward, a person improves and becomes better. And when a person improves and becomes better, then order is established in the family. And when order is established in the family, then prosperity is established in the country. And when prosperity is established in the country, peace and harmony are established throughout the entire Universe.”

“The attraction of hearts gives birth to friendship, the attraction of minds - respect, the attraction of bodies - passion, and only all three together give birth to love.”

- “Love is the spice of life. It may sweeten it, or it may oversalt it.”

- “The village where love reigns is beautiful.”

Confucius quotes about happiness

Happiness is a varied and vague concept. Reading quotes and sayings of Confucius about happiness, you understand that happiness exists and it is nearby.

- “In the pursuit of happiness, sometimes you just need to stop and be happy.”

- “It’s very easy to recognize a happy person. He seems to radiate an aura of calm and warmth, moves slowly, but manages to get everywhere, speaks calmly, but everyone understands him. The secret of happy people is simple: the absence of tension.”

- “Never return to the place where you were once happy.”

- “Misfortune came - man himself gave birth to it, happiness came - man himself raised it.”

- “Unhappiness and happiness have the same doors, benefit and harm are neighbors.”

- “The one who knows is far from the one who loves. The lover is far from joyful.”

Confucius quotes about women

Confucius, in his quotes about women, gives tips on how to live, love and understand with them. Sometimes he is categorical in his statements about them, probably because he had an unhappy love.

- “An ordinary woman has as much intelligence as a chicken, but an extraordinary woman has as much intelligence as two.”

Funny Confucius Quotes

Confucius was not deprived of a sense of humor, and his funny quotes are proof of this.

- “Victory is defeat.”

- “Only the smartest and the stupidest cannot change.”

- “Anyone who, having lived to forty years, causes only hostility, is a complete person.”

- “Blessed is he who knows nothing: he does not risk being misunderstood.”

- “I don’t understand how you can deal with a person you can’t trust? If a cart doesn’t have an axle, how can you ride it?”

“I have never yet met a person who loved virtue as much as they love female beauty.”

Confucius quotes about work

Confucius understood that work occupies a large part of a person's life, and is the basis of any state, just like the family. What Confucius learned about in his quotes about work.

- “A gemstone cannot be polished without friction. Likewise, a person cannot become successful without enough hard attempts.”

- When it's obvious that a goal is unattainable, don't change the goal—change your action plan.

Whatever you do in life, do it with all your heart.

I hear and forget. I see and remember. I do and understand.

Confucius quotes about the state

Confucius was a statesman, held a post and understood the importance of the state in governing such a large country as China. His wisdom is reflected in quotes about the state.

- “Rule the people with dignity, and the people will be respectful. Treat people kindly and people will work hard. Exalt the virtuous and instruct the unlearned, and people will trust you.”

- “When there is justice in the country, it is a shame to be poor and insignificant; when there is no justice, it is a shame to be rich and noble.”

- “In a country where there is order, be bold in both actions and speeches. In a country where there is no order, be bold in your actions, but careful in your speech.”

- “When the law does not work in a country, many bosses become in it.”

- “When the state is governed in accordance with reason, poverty and need are shameful; when the state is not governed in accordance with reason, then wealth and honor are shameful.”

- “If the sovereign honors his parents, then the common people will be humane. If a master does not forget old friends, then his servants will not be soulless.”

Sayings of Confucius about man

Great and memorable sayings of Confucius about Man.

- “A noble man makes demands on himself, a low man makes demands on others.”

- “Work on clearing your thoughts. If you don’t have bad thoughts, you won’t have bad deeds.”

- “If you want to feed a person once, give him fish. If you want to feed him for life, teach him to fish.”

- “The best fighter is the one who wins without fighting.”

- “Your home is where your thoughts are calm.”

- “Man can make the path great, but it is the path that makes man great.”

- “Simplicity is one of the best qualities of a person.”

- Don’t do to others what you wouldn’t wish for yourself.

Not talking to a person who is worthy of talking means losing a person. And talking to a person who is not worthy of conversation means losing words. The wise man loses neither people nor words.

There are three ways for a person to act wisely: the first, the most noble, is reflection; the second, the easiest, is imitation; the third, the most bitter, is experience.

A restrained person has fewer mistakes.

How can you deal with someone you can't trust? If a cart doesn't have an axle, how can you ride in it?

A noble husband helps people see what is good in them, and does not teach people to see what is bad in them. But a short person does the opposite.

The teacher said: “My case seems hopeless. I have never met a person who, knowing about his mistakes, would admit his guilt to himself.”

To respect every person as ourselves, and to treat him as we wish to be treated—there is nothing higher than this.

If a person is firm, decisive, simple and quiet, then he is already close to humanity.

Even in the company of two people, I will certainly find something to learn from them. I will try to imitate their virtues, and I myself will learn from their shortcomings.

An angry person is always full of poison.

It is not easy to meet a person who, having devoted three years of his life to teaching, would not dream of occupying a high position.

When you meet a worthy person, think about how to become equal to him. When dating a low person, take a closer look at yourself and judge yourself.

-“Whoever can think deeply, speak simply and be truthful has a chance of becoming a perfect person.”

Sayings of Confucius on Education

Knowing the power of education, Confucius left his wisdom in quotations.

- “Study as if you constantly feel the lack of your knowledge, and as if you are constantly afraid of losing your knowledge.”

- “Learning without thought is in vain, thought without learning is dangerous.”

Aphorisms of Confucius about God

- “The highest goal of human life is to find and implement in life the will of God, His law, that is, to manifest the true, moral essence of our self
The will of God is what we call the law of our lives. Fulfilling the law of our life is what we call moral, true life. When the laws of our life are collected in order, set out in sequence, this is what we call religion.”

- “The true way, or the law of God, by which we must live, is not far from people.”

- “If people create for themselves rules, laws, ways of life that are far from the simplest reasoning of their minds, then these paths cannot be considered true.”

How amazing how wonderfully a person can unfold and manifest the heavenly gift inherent in him! We look for it and do not see, we listen and do not hear, and yet this divine essence penetrates into everything that exists, nothing can exist without it.

MonumentConfucius in Moscow


Quotes and Aphorisms 10.09.2017

“You’re just Confucius!” - with similar words we sometimes express our respect for the mental abilities of someone around us. But more often than not, we know only a few well-known facts about the “prototype” itself, the hero of our comparison.

Today I would like to introduce you, dear blog readers, better to this extraordinary personality. Together with you, we will touch the sources of his wisdom and re-read the aphoristic statements of the eastern thinker.

Reading publications about people endowed with knowledge about the world, the ability to apply it in life and the gift of foresight, we sometimes wonder: how does Eastern philosophy differ from Western philosophy? In my opinion, there are more similarities than differences. If this is true wisdom, then it goes back to a single source. However, Eastern gurus also have their own characteristics. Which? I hope that after getting acquainted with the quotes and aphorisms of Confucius, we will become closer to solving this centuries-old mystery.

Where did it come from: childhood and adolescence

In his homeland, he was called Kun-fu-tzu, which means “Teacher from the Kun clan,” or he was addressed simply and accurately: Teacher. And the name Confucius is already a Latinized form. The years of his life are considered to be 551-479 BC.

It is surprising that numerous sayings and aphorisms of Confucius have survived to our time, most often in retellings and records of later students and interpreters.

The philosophy of several eastern peoples: the Chinese, Japanese, Koreans, and Vietnamese is based on his teachings. Confucianism is sometimes called a religion, but it is a much broader system of views, moral and ethical standards, and spiritual values. He spoke about the state and society, about family and the moral foundations of life. He spoke as a person who acquired this knowledge through special spiritual vision, revelation. And they believed him and followed him.

His main belief, the golden rule of behavior: “Do not do to others what you do not wish for yourself.” It seems so simple. But centuries and millennia have passed, and today this call is still as relevant as in ancient times. Is this advice so difficult to follow, or are we simply unworthy of calling ourselves a reasonable person? These and other questions of existence, our relationships with the world and with each other are again and again prompted by quotes and aphorisms, wise sayings of Confucius.

The birthplace of one of the most powerful minds of antiquity is Qufu (this is the current Shandong province). He came from an ancient, aristocratic, albeit impoverished family. Shuliang He, the father of the future genius, was unable to find a healthy heir in two marriages: daughters were born, and the only son from his second wife was terminally ill; according to our understanding, he was disabled since childhood.

Finally, the father of the future genius ventured into a third marriage, with a young concubine. And then a miracle happened: she gave her happy husband a healthy, strong man, a long-awaited heir. But three years later my father passed away.

The mother turned out to be a highly moral woman who devoted a lot of time to raising her son. Her pure spiritual qualities later greatly contributed to the formation of his ideas about an ideal society and a harmonious person.

But the early loss of his father also had a serious impact on him: he had to start working early, engage in self-education, and search for the truth. From early childhood, having mastered literacy, the future founder of philosophical teaching read a lot. Then he creatively comprehended much of what he read; the fusion of thoughts of worthy sages of the past was transformed into the aphorisms of Confucius.

And when he began to study “traditionally”, he easily mastered the skills that were considered necessary at that time: not only writing, reading and counting, but also perceiving music, competently participating in ritual ceremonies, driving a chariot and accurately shooting from a bow.

His “track record” includes the position of caretaker of warehouses and state lands, which he held in his early youth, thanks to his undoubted knowledge and skills, incredible hard work and sense of responsibility. But he understood that this was not his calling.

At the age of 22, the young man became the first in the future glorious cohort of private Chinese teachers. A little time passed, and he was already considered the best, most famous, sought-after teacher in the Middle Kingdom. At his school, children from all walks of life were educated, regardless of their level of wealth.

Wanderings and return

The wittiest aphorisms and quotes of Confucius were born in communication with people, in his long wanderings, where he gained impressions and comprehended the world around him “by touch.”

True, initially the young man did not show any particular desire to change places. As befits a philosopher, he would like to engage in contemplation while being at peace. But his extraordinary abilities and balanced approach to solving pressing problems helped him climb the career ladder very quickly. The young thinker received the prestigious position of Minister of Justice.

But there was also a serious danger lurking: the young “careerist” had plenty of envious people. They used such a powerful weapon as slander. The blow turned out to be targeted, the ruler believed the slander and expelled his faithful associate from the territory under his control.

So Confucius inevitably became a wanderer, a wandering preacher. In neighboring lands they repeatedly persuaded him to stay and settle with them, but the dervish was adamant. He decided that in this way Fate itself was giving him a chance to teach and enlighten the maximum number of people.

This unusual pilgrimage lasted for 13 years. The aphorisms of the wisdom of Confucius were heard in different parts of China and beyond. Returning to his native land, he devoted himself entirely to his favorite work - the pedagogical mission. It is believed that by the end of his life the number of his followers was about three thousand people.

He did not consider philosophy an abstract science, divorced from life. On the contrary, by his example he tried to show how relevant the postulates of his teaching are, how applicable they are to various everyday situations.

Biographers of the great Teacher claim that he knew the date of his death in advance. And only after his departure it became clear how huge a niche he occupied in the culture of the country. Fortunately, this teaching found not just admirers, but intelligent followers, persistent successors. This is how Confucianism was formed, which became from 136 BC. official religious cult in China.

The philosopher himself began to be deified, and temples in his honor grew throughout the country. Only at the beginning of the turbulent 20th century, when the “fashion” for overthrowing centuries-old authorities came, did this worldview system shake. The specific starting point was the Xinhai Revolution of 1911, which established a republican form of statehood in the country.

Philosophy of life and the book “Lun Yu”

Quotes and wise aphorisms of Confucius were collected by his students in the book “Lun Yu” - “Conversations and Judgments”. It is also known in a number of European countries under the name "Analects of Confucius". Analects are collections of quotes, apt sayings and short poems. The term goes back to the Greek word ανάλεκτα, which translates as “read out”, “selected”.

The work to create this unique collection, written in ancient Chinese, lasted almost half a century. This book was necessarily studied, moreover, memorized in order to demonstrate their scholarship.

Proclaiming the importance of such concepts as humanity, piety, reverence for elders and other moral and ethical foundations of society, the philosopher did not at all call for equality and brotherhood. He considered it fair to divide society into classes, but at the same time he was sure that power and wealth are not given simply by birthright, but must be earned.

Unlike, say, the Christian tradition, Confucianism does not consider the desire for poverty in spirit to be a moral model. No, a high level of well-being is an undoubted advantage; it is only important to achieve it through righteous means.

Confucius today

Quotes and aphorisms, wise sayings of Confucius were questioned, and attempts were made to simply eradicate his teachings when the communist government came to power in China. This is the downside of almost all revolutions: there is a great temptation to destroy everything built by their predecessors “to the ground.” But then comes sobering up, the realization of the shaky foundation in which dangerous voids have formed.

In recent years, interest in Confucianism and the personality of the Teacher has been revived in China. Tourist routes are being developed to places associated with his name, commemorative events are being organized, and the teaching is again finding a place of honor in educational programs for schoolchildren and students.

For the sake of objectivity, I would like to note that the current texts of Lunyu with quotes and aphorisms of Confucius are not a reprint of old publications. Unfortunately, our compatriots were unable to preserve the original texts. Or we have not yet discovered these primary sources, perhaps similar discoveries are still awaiting seekers of truth. But during the reign of the Qin dynasty, the Teacher’s works were deliberately destroyed. Then, decades later, these fundamental works had to be revived again. That is why today you can find different editions of the sayings of the Chinese guru and conflicting interpretations of his teachings.

Good and evil, virtue and vice

An extensive category of quotes and aphorisms, wise sayings of Confucius is devoted to thinking about such fundamental concepts of existence and consciousness as good and evil. The thinker came to understand the commonality of the laws of nature and human development.

He was sure: everything in the world is not only interconnected, but also subject to a single algorithm. It only seems complicated at first glance. But if you follow the moral compass developed over centuries and millennia, then you will not get lost in life, you will not go astray from the path of virtue. And he himself contributed to the creation of such moral guidelines.

The teacher himself was a diligent student, learning the legacy of his predecessors. But he didn’t just paraphrase, he actually rethought it, adding his own conclusions, his own conclusions, judgments tested in practice.

When interpreting Christian postulates, we often doubt the instructions of our great truth-seekers that we must respond to evil with good. Like, this is the only way to break the chain of evil, otherwise it will continue to be transmitted from one person to another and come back to us again.

The thought is deep, and in a high, fundamental sense true. But, admit it, each of us has wondered more than once how to react to the insults inflicted on us, especially if we are sure that this is being done quite deliberately? Sometimes we want to answer “mirror”, but we convince ourselves that this is wrong, that “God sees everything”, and punishment will someday overtake the offender automatically.

But even among our people they say: “God is God, but don’t be bad yourself!” And in the same Bible, many lines are devoted to just retribution, and, moreover, completely man-made. And it also says that self-abasement is better than pride. But how to find the right “fairway” between these two “rocks” of sin is up to everyone to decide, and often we move in the dark, without an experienced helmsman.

The aphorisms of Confucius, especially those that at first glance seem paradoxical and do not fit into the usual system of values, may well become a reliable “navigator” in the raging ocean of everyday passions. This is how the Teacher answered the question that you and I, dear readers of the blog, often ask: “Evil must be repaid with justice, and good with good.” Really, unexpected? In any case, “in fairness” is already our own moral choice; we set the measure of this adequacy of the response. And someone up there evaluates everything and measures out our well-deserved reward...

If he himself is direct, then everything will be done without orders. And if they themselves are not straight, they will not obey, even if they are ordered.

Be hard on yourself and gentle on others. This way you will protect yourself from human hostility.

Try to be at least a little kinder, and you will see that you will not be able to commit a bad act.

Virtue will not remain alone. She will definitely have neighbors.

If you have the opportunity to show mercy, do not even let the teacher go ahead.

It is wonderful where mercy resides. Is it possible to achieve wisdom if you do not live in its region?

Separately, about nobility

Much attention in the writings of the eastern sage is paid to nobility. And again, the observant reader will probably note the same thing that seemed important to me. His instructions are not always flawless from the point of view of everyday experience. Let’s say this maxim: “A noble person helps people see the good in themselves and does not teach people to see the bad in themselves. But a low person does the opposite.” Alas, both you, dear regulars, and new guests of the blog, have repeatedly noted the opposite: it is those who have something to hide who are especially successful in the art of disguising their mental and spiritual wormholes. And recognizing these carefully retouched defects can sometimes be very difficult.

However, life and man, of course, are far from linear functions. There are many nuances, contradictions, and cross-currents here. The paradoxes of other people's consciousness are good, first of all, because they make us think, maybe debate, or at least try to somehow change the emphasis, choose different angles of view. And then the world will indeed become more interesting, diverse and colorful. For example, how about this statement from a collection of quotes and aphorisms by Confucius: “A noble person attached to the comforts of home is not worthy to be called such.” I think it’s quite controversial, isn’t it?..

A noble person is serene at heart. A low person is always preoccupied.

Noble people live in harmony with other people, but do not follow other people; lowly people follow other people, but do not live in harmony with them.

A noble husband does not expect deception from anyone, but when he is deceived, he is the first to notice it.

A noble person must beware of three things in his life: in his youth, when vitality is abundant, beware of infatuation with women; in maturity, when the vital forces are powerful, beware of rivalry; in old age, when vitality is scarce, beware of stinginess.

The noble one awaits the commands of Heaven with dignity. A noble person thinks about what is right. A low person thinks about what is profitable.

A noble man lives in harmony with everyone, but a low man seeks his own kind.

A noble person honors duty above all else. A low person waits for luck.

A noble man, endowed with courage, but ignorant of duty, can become a rebel.

The noble one is aware of his superiority, but avoids competition. He gets along with everyone, but does not collude with anyone.

A noble person does not strive to eat his fill and live richly. He is hasty in business, but slow in speech. Communicating with virtuous people, he corrects himself. About such a person we can say that he is devoted to teaching.

A noble man endures adversity steadfastly, but a lowly man crumbles in trouble.

A noble person thinks about the righteous path and does not think about food. He can work in the field - and be hungry. He can devote himself to teaching - and accept generous rewards. But the noble one worries about the righteous path and does not worry about poverty.

Man and woman, parents and children, friends

And now I offer you a “portion” of sayings and aphorisms of Confucius, describing our relationships with the closest people: family and immediate circle, friends. Here, both great joys and great disappointments await each of us. The philosopher does not even moralize, but gives very specific, useful advice. Just read it: it might come in handy when you come to the realization that it’s time to “tweak something in the conservatory.”

Building relationships correctly is most difficult with women and low people. If you bring them closer to you, they will become cheeky; if you move them away from you, they will hate you.

A respectful son is one who upsets his father and mother only with his illness.

I don’t understand how you can deal with a person you can’t trust? If a cart doesn't have an axle, how can you ride it?

In relations with friends, advise them to do only what they are capable of doing, and lead them to goodness without violating decency, but do not try to act where there is no hope of success. Don't put yourself in a humiliating position.

If you are overly cordial in your friendship, you will lose the favor of your friends.

Knowledge and experience, truth and wisdom

“Only the wisest and the most foolish cannot be taught” is another of the many quotes and aphorisms of Confucius. He considered knowledge to be an absolute good, the highest goal of a self-respecting person. He studied all his life and passed on his experience to numerous students. And now you and I, dear friends, have the opportunity to touch this bottomless source of wisdom.

If you get to know the whole world in the morning, you can die in the evening.

Reverence without knowledge of what is due turns into self-torture. Caution without proper knowledge turns into cowardice. Bravery without proper knowledge turns into recklessness. Straightforwardness without knowledge of what is due turns into rudeness.

Three paths lead to knowledge: the path of reflection is the noblest path, the path of imitation is the easiest path, and the path of experience is the most bitter path.

Study as if you constantly feel the lack of your knowledge, and as if you are constantly afraid of losing your knowledge.

A scholar seeking the truth, but ashamed of poor clothing and rough food! What else is there to talk about!

The most beautiful sight in the world is the sight of a child walking confidently along the path of life after you have shown him the way.

Archery teaches us how to seek the truth. When a shooter misses, he does not blame others, but looks for the blame in himself.

Those who do not think about distant difficulties will certainly face near-term troubles.

He who cannot instruct his family to goodness cannot learn himself.

Anyone who learns without thinking will fall into error. Anyone who thinks without wanting to learn will find himself in difficulty.

Silence is a great friend that will never change.

A wise man does not do to others what he does not want done to him.

Not talking to a person who is worthy of talking means losing a person. And talking to a person who is not worthy of conversation means losing words. The wise man loses neither people nor words.

Steps to success, paths to happiness

The wittiest aphorisms and quotes from Confucius are perhaps devoted to issues of success and achieving happiness. For those who suffer from the machinations of envious people and other detractors, he gave a universal recipe for finding balance, advising them to learn one simple truth: “If they spit in your back, it means you are going ahead!”

Misfortune came - man gave birth to him, happiness came - man raised him.

Happiness is when you are understood, great happiness is when you are loved, real happiness is when you love.

Three things never come back - time, word, opportunity. Therefore: do not waste time, choose your words, do not miss the opportunity.

A gemstone cannot be polished without friction. Likewise, a person cannot become successful without enough hard attempts.

Choose a job you love, and you will never have to work a single day in your life.

Young people should not be looked down upon. It is very possible that as they grow up, they will become outstanding men. Only those who have achieved nothing, having lived to be forty or fifty years old, do not deserve respect.

When it seems to you that a goal is unattainable, do not change the goal - change your action plan.

Only when the cold weather arrives does it become clear that pines and cypresses are the last to lose their decoration.

It's not easy to be human

“You can curse the darkness all your life, or you can light a small candle.” In this phrase, as in other quotes and wise aphorisms of Confucius, the moral experience of many generations is concentrated. We see a lot of critics around us, but there are much fewer people who want to roll up their sleeves and at least correct something that disgusts us so much.

“If you hate, you are defeated!” - another accurate observation by the classic of Eastern ethics and philosophy. But, like all of us, great Teachers tend to slightly idealize the past and somewhat biasedly evaluate the present. This is noticeable, say, in this maxim: “In ancient times, people studied in order to improve themselves. Nowadays people study in order to surprise others.”

People want wealth and fame for themselves; if both cannot be obtained honestly, they should be avoided. People are afraid of poverty and obscurity; if both cannot be avoided without losing honor, they should be accepted.

By their natural inclinations people are close to each other, but by their habits they are far from each other.

People in ancient times did not like to talk much. They considered it a shame for themselves not to keep up with their own words.

A worthy person cannot but possess a breadth of knowledge and fortitude. His burden is heavy and his path is long. Humanity is the burden he bears: isn’t it heavy? Only death completes his journey: isn’t it long?

If nature overshadows education in a person, the result is a savage, and if education overshadows nature, the result is a scholar of the scriptures. Only one in whom nature and education are in balance can be considered a worthy husband. A truly humane husband achieves everything through his own efforts.

If a person is firm, decisive, simple and quiet, then he is already close to humanity.

Man expands the Path, not the Path expands man.

Is true humanity far from us? You just have to desire her, and she will immediately be there!

Only a truly humane person is capable of both loving and hating.

Anyone who speaks beautifully and has an attractive appearance is rarely truly human.

A worthy person does not follow in the footsteps of other people. Evaluating worldly affairs, a noble man neither rejects nor approves of anything, but measures everything with justice.

That's life

The aphorisms of the wisdom of Confucius are difficult to scrupulously sort out. He is interested in everything and everyone, he is observant, inquisitive, in some places he is logical and consistent, in others he is controversial or acts as a subversive of established truths. Preaching kindness and philanthropy, he suddenly makes such an unexpected, but extremely apt observation: “The beloved of the village is the enemy of virtue.”

He is as vast as life itself. As another sage, the legendary Kozma Prutkov, used to say, “you cannot embrace the immensity.” But I think it’s worth a try!

How can we know what death is when we do not yet know what life is?

Sending people to war untrained means betraying them.

When away from home, behave as if you are receiving honored guests. When using the services of people, behave as if you were performing a solemn ceremony. Don't do to others what you wouldn't want for yourself. Then there will be no discontent either in the state or in the family.

Before you take revenge, dig two graves.

Observe a person’s behavior, delve into the reasons for his actions, look closely at him during his leisure hours. Will he then remain a mystery to you?

The unshakable middle is this virtue, the highest of all, but has long been rare among people.

Sometimes we see a lot, but we don’t notice the main thing.

To overcome oneself and return to what is proper in oneself is what true humanity is. To be humane or not to be - it depends only on ourselves.

When you meet a worthy person, think about how to become equal to him. When dating a low person, take a closer look at yourself and judge yourself.

Give instructions only to those who seek knowledge after discovering their ignorance. Provide help only to those who do not know how to clearly express their cherished thoughts. Teach only those who are able, having learned about one corner of a square, to imagine the other three.

About the art of managing people

What do we most often discuss when we get together in a friendly group? One of the constant themes of feasts, parties, and other gatherings is politics and social life. Many people around are confident that they know better than statesmen how to competently govern the country. And at the same time they shrug their shoulders when some problems arise in the family or in the work team. Perhaps I will not delve further into these thoughts, but will simply present to your attention the relevant sayings and aphorisms of Confucius.

If the sovereign honors his parents, then the common people will be humane. If a master does not forget old friends, then his servants will not be soulless.
If you rule on the basis of virtue, settle according to ritual, the people will not only be ashamed, but will also express humility.

The secret of good government: let the ruler be the ruler, the subject the subject, the father the father, and the son the son.

Intemperance in small things will ruin a great cause.

Don't worry about not having a high rank. Worry about whether you are worthy to have a high rank. Don't worry about not being known. Worry about whether you are worthy of being known.

Without knowing fate, you cannot become a noble husband. Without knowing what you should, you cannot find support in life. Without learning to understand the true meaning of words, you cannot know people.

Heaven and Earth are separate, but they do the same thing.

Everyone can become a noble husband. You just need to decide to become one.

Anyone who, turning to the old, is able to discover new things, is worthy of being a teacher.

Rule the people with dignity and the people will be respectful. Treat people kindly and people will work hard. Exalt the virtuous and instruct the unlearned, and people will trust you.

About Me

And finally - a few quotes and aphorisms of Confucius about himself.

Expand your knowledge without showing off to others; study diligently without feeling tired; to instruct others without knowing disappointment - all this comes to me without difficulty.

I live in solitude in order to achieve my goal, and follow what is necessary in order to realize my truth. I have heard these words, but I have never met such a person.

Even in the company of two people, I will certainly find something to learn from them. I will try to imitate their virtues, and I myself will learn from their shortcomings.

I don't get upset if people don't understand me, I get upset if I don't understand people.

I hear and forget.
I see and remember.
I do and understand.

In any village of ten houses there will be a person who is not inferior to me in virtue. But no one compares with me in my love of learning.

Seeing good in front of me, I run forward as if I’m afraid to fall behind. Seeing evil in front of me, I run away as if I had stepped foot into boiling water.

Eating rough food and drinking spring water, sleeping with your head on your own elbow - all this has its own joy. And unjustly acquired wealth and nobility are like floating clouds to me!

My case seems hopeless. I have never met a person who, knowing about his mistakes, would admit his guilt to himself.

I convey, not compose. I believe in antiquity and love it.

I set truth as my goal, made virtue my assistant, found support in humanity and found my rest in the arts.

Dear friends, our journey into this wonderful world of amazing thoughts and witty observations of the Eastern sage has come to an end. Let them remind us of the main thing, let them help us cope with difficulties and make the right life choices. And I thank the reader of my blog, Lyubov Mironova, for her help in preparing this material.

And finally, I suggest watching the video material. 10 life lessons from Confucius.

see also

A noble husband lives amicably with other people, but acts in his own way. A low person imitates those around him, but does not live in harmony with them.

Peace of mind is the hallmark of a noble person. Ordinary people are always worried about something.

The high soul blames itself, the low soul blames others.

Three things to avoid:

- in youth, when vital energy is abundant, avoid being overly interested in girls;
- in adulthood, when health is still strong, avoid unnecessary competition;
- in old age, when your strength has weakened, avoid stinginess.

A noble person cares about the path of virtue and does not care about material gain. He can remain hungry while working in the field, or he can accept rich rewards. But he always thinks about righteousness and does not worry about possible poverty.

Possessing superiority, an exalted person nevertheless does not compete with anyone, trying to maintain harmony.

A noble husband has no desire to live in luxury and eat delicious dishes. His thoughts are aimed at doing good deeds.

Above all, for a noble husband, it is worth fulfilling his duty.

A noble man awaits the commands of Heaven with dignity. A low person waits for luck.

Wisdom knows no worries, courage knows no fear.

Happiness is when you are understood, great happiness is when you are loved, real happiness is when you love.

Confucius was once asked the question: “Is it right to return good for evil?”
To which he replied: “You need to respond to good with good, and you need to respond to evil with justice.”

Having learned the truth in the morning, you can die in the evening.

Anyone who speaks beautifully and has an attractive appearance is rarely truly human.

I don’t get upset if people don’t understand me, I get upset if I don’t understand people.

If you study without thinking, you fall into error. If you think without wanting to learn, you end up in error.

Out of ten huts in any place you can find a person not inferior to me in virtue. But in love for learning, no one can compare with me.

If you want to feed a person once, give him a fish. If you want to feed him for life, teach him to fish.

A person has three ways to act wisely: the first, the most noble, is reflection; the second, the easiest, is imitation; the third, the most bitter, is experience.

You can curse the darkness all your life, or you can light a small candle.

We take advice in drops, but give it in buckets.

If you hate, it means you have been defeated.

In a country where there is order, be bold in both actions and speeches. In a country where there is no order, be bold in your actions, but careful in your speech.

The attraction of hearts gives birth to friendship, the attraction of the mind - respect, the attraction of bodies - passion, and only all three together give birth to love.

Never tell anything good or bad about yourself. In the first case, they won’t believe you, and in the second, they will embellish it.

Before you take revenge, dig two graves.

Give instructions only to those who seek knowledge after discovering their ignorance.

In fact, life is simple, but we persistently complicate it.

Intemperance in small things will ruin a great cause.

Tell me and I will forget, show me and I will remember, let me do it and I will understand.

People in ancient times did not like to talk much. They considered it a shame for themselves not to keep up with their own words.

Only today, not tomorrow, can you overcome bad habits.

Three things never come back - time, word, opportunity. Therefore: do not waste time, choose your words, do not miss the opportunity.

Choose a job you love, and you will never have to work a single day in your life.

In ancient times, people studied in order to improve themselves. Nowadays people study in order to surprise others.

If they spit in your back, it means you are ahead.

Not talking to a person who is worthy of talking means losing a person. And talking to a person who is not worthy of conversation means losing words. The wise man loses neither people nor words.

When it's obvious that a goal is unattainable, don't change the goal—change your action plan.

You can't regret anything in this life. It happened - draw a conclusion and move on with your life.

Sometimes it's worth making a mistake, if only to know why you shouldn't have made it.

Consider whether what you promise is true and possible, for a promise is a duty.

When the state is governed according to reason, poverty and want are shameful; when the state is not governed according to reason, wealth and honor are shameful.

It doesn’t matter how fast you move towards your goal, the main thing is not to stop.

The best fighter is the one who wins without fighting.

Those who do not think about distant difficulties will certainly face near-term troubles.

There are three useful friends and three harmful ones. Helpful friends are a straightforward friend, a sincere friend and a friend who has heard a lot. Harmful friends are a hypocritical friend, an insincere friend and a talkative friend.

A person who makes a mistake and does not correct it has made another mistake.

I don't understand how you can deal with a person you can't trust? If a cart doesn't have an axle, how can you ride it?

Seeing good in front of me, I run forward as if I’m afraid to fall behind. Seeing evil in front of me, I run away as if I had stepped foot into boiling water.

Young people should not be looked down upon. It is very possible that as they grow up, they will become outstanding men. Only those who have achieved nothing, having lived to be forty or fifty years old, do not deserve respect.

If you have the opportunity to show mercy, do not even let the teacher go ahead.

The noble one faces the wrath and mercy of the superiors with equal dignity.

If the sovereign honors his parents, then the common people will be humane. If a master does not forget old friends, then his servants will not be soulless.

Rule the people with dignity and the people will be respectful. Treat people kindly and people will work hard. Exalt the virtuous and instruct the unlearned, and people will trust you.

A respectful son is one who upsets his father and mother only with his illness.

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