Robert Monroe binaural beats. How binaural therapy works

About binaural rhythms caused quite a big resonance - many wanted to try these very rhythms on themselves or on others. So I decided to describe here the principles of their work and lay out instructions for self-production.

But before I start, I would like to clarify one point. I DO NOT encourage anyone to use these rhythms. I DO NOT guarantee that it is absolutely safe for your health and does not have any side effects. First of all, I want to explain what the principle of this technology is based on. If you want to try it on yourself, make sure that you have no contraindications (epilepsy, etc.) and be prudent - do not abuse it.

So, how exactly can these rhythms affect the state of consciousness? And they affect the rhythms of the brain, which are visible on the EEG. It turns out that in certain states of consciousness, certain rhythms dominate. In order not to drive you from page to page, I will bring it right here short description some brain rhythms, taken from Wikipedia.

delta rhythm
Frequency: 1 to 4 Hz.
State of consciousness: deep natural sleep.
Notes: fluctuations in this range can be recorded in the resting EEG during some forms of stress and prolonged mental work.
Theta rhythm
Frequency: 4 to 8 Hz.
State of consciousness: the dominant rhythm of the electroencephalogram in healthy children aged 2-8 years. According to other sources - a state of meditation, creative activity.
alpha rhythm
Frequency: 8 to 13 Hz.
State of consciousness: calm wakefulness, relaxation, improved susceptibility, a sense of serenity and the emergence of a special so-called. "expanded state of consciousness".
beta rhythm
Frequency: 14 to 30 Hz.
State of consciousness: active wakefulness, increased attention, mental stress, emotional arousal.
Gamma rhythm
Frequency: 30 to 120-170 Hz. According to other sources - up to 500 Hz.
State of consciousness: this rhythm is observed when solving problems that require maximum concentrated attention.

The theory of binaural beats is based on the fact that if you somehow act on the brain with a signal with a certain frequency, then this signal will enter into resonance with the corresponding rhythm of the brain, which will lead to an increase in the corresponding state of consciousness.

If this signal is an ordinary sound of a certain frequency, then a person simply cannot hear it for physiological reasons. Therefore, two channels of sound from the range of audible frequencies are used. In this case, the frequency difference on these channels should be equal to the brain rhythm we need. As a result, when a person listens to such a recording, a superposition of these frequencies will occur in his brain, which will be subjectively felt as a pulsation of sound (amplification and attenuation of amplitude). The frequency of this pulsation will be equal to the difference between the frequencies on the left and right channels.

Well, actually, how to record such a rhythm yourself. To do this, you need an audio editor with the ability to separately edit the right and left channels and a simple frequency generator that produces a sine wave. We select the main frequency - the sound that we will hear. Somewhere from 150 to 2000. Try it yourself - as you like. For example 250 - this will be the right channel. Next, you need to decide on the state of consciousness that you want to strengthen (reach) and look at the frequencies corresponding to it. For example, relaxation is 8-13 Hz. Select 10 - then the left channel should be 240 Hz (260 Hz).

If this is played in headphones (only headphones can work these rhythms), then we will hear a smooth low pulsing rumble. Quite unpleasantly out of the ordinary. So my suggestion is to put a white noise track on top (the same on the left and right channels), which is easy to get by forcing the microphone to record silence.

As you can see, all numbers are given as ranges, so try different meanings. You can also try to put pure rhythms on the music. Then I would advise you to choose an even one, without an annoying rhythm (like a dance one), and so that it corresponds to the expected state of consciousness.

P.S. In the comments, many say that this is unscientific and cannot be. To somehow visually demonstrate where low frequencies come from, I present a graph of the function sin (x / 50) + sin (x / 55). On it we see frequent fluctuations - this is the main signal, level fluctuations - this is the very rhythm that has an ultra-low frequency.
I deliberately reduced the ratio of the frequency of one channel to the difference in frequencies on the channels so that the lines do not merge with each other.

When you hear two tones, one in each ear, that are slightly different in frequency, your brain processes the rhythm at the difference in frequency. This is called a binaural beat.

Here is an example:

Let's say you're listening to sound in your left ear at 132 Hz (Hz). And in your right ear you are listening to the sound at 121 Hz. However, your brain is gradually moving into synchrony with the difference - or 11 Hz. Instead of hearing two different tones, you instead hear a tone at 11 Hz (in addition to the two tones given to each ear).

Binaural beats are considered auditory illusions. For a binaural beat, the two tones must have frequencies less than 1000 Hz and the difference between the two tones must not exceed 30 Hz. Tones also need to be heard separately, one through each ear. Binaural beats have been studied in music and are sometimes used to tune instruments such as pianos and organs. More recently, they have been linked to potential health benefits.

Potential Benefits

What are the health benefits of binaural beats that are claimed to have?

Binaural beats are said to induce the same mental state associated with meditation practice, but at a much faster rate. Basically, binaural beats are called:

  • reduce anxiety
  • increase focus and concentration
  • lower stress
  • increase relaxation
  • promote positive moods
  • promote creativity
  • help with pain >
Meditation is the practice of calming the mind and adjusting the amount of random thoughts that pass through it. Regular practice of meditation has been shown to reduce stress and anxiety, slow the rate of brain aging and memory loss, promote emotional health, and increase attention span. Practicing meditation regularly can be quite challenging, which is why people turn to technology for help.

Binaural beats from 1 to 30 Hz are said to produce the same brainwave pattern that one would experience during meditation. When you listen to a sound at a certain frequency, your brain waves will sync to that frequency. The theory is that binaural beats can help create the frequency your brain needs to create the same waves that are typically experienced during meditation practice. The use of binaural beats in this way is sometimes referred to as brain capture technology.


How do you use binaural beats?

All you need to experiment with binaural beats is a binaural audio beat and a pair of headphones or headphones. You can easily find audio files of binaural beats online, such as on YouTube, or you can purchase CDs or download audio files directly to your mp3 player or other device. As mentioned earlier, for a binaural beat to work, two tones must have frequencies less than 1000 Hz, and the difference between two tones cannot be more than 30 Hz.

You will need to decide which "brain wave" corresponds to your desired state. Generally:

  • delta (1 to 4 Hz) have been associated with deep sleep and relaxation. Binaural beats in range
  • theta (4 to 8 Hz) are associated with REM sleep, reduced anxiety, relaxation, and meditative and creative states. Binaural beats in frequencies
  • alpha (8 to 13 Hz) are believed to promote relaxation, increase positivity and reduce anxiety. Binaural beats in lower
  • beta frequencies (14 to 30 Hz) have been associated with increased concentration and alertness, problem solving, and improved memory. Find a comfortable place free of distractions. Just listen to the sound of the binaural beat for at least 30 minutes every day with headphones to make sure the beat is entrained (gets in sync) throughout your brain.

You can experiment with time as you listen to binaural beats to see what works for you. For example, if you are experiencing high levels of anxiety or stress, you may want to listen to the audio for an hour or longer. Remember that you must use headphones for binaural beats. You can also listen with your eyes closed.


Is there any research to support the claims?

While most studies on the effects of binaural beats have been small, there are a few facts that suggest that this auditory illusion does have health benefits, especially those related to anxiety, mood, and performance.

One blinded study in 29 subjects found that listening to binaural beats in the beta band (16 and 24 Hz) was associated with both improved performance on a given task and a reduction in negative moods compared to listening to binaural beats in the theta and delta (1.5 and 4 Hz) or plain white noise.

Another controlled study in about 100 people who underwent surgery also found that binaural beats were able to significantly reduce preoperative anxiety compared to the same sound without binaural tones and no sound at all. In the study, anxiety levels were cut in half for people who listened to binaural sound beats.

Another uncontrolled study asked eight adults to listen to a binaural beat CD with a delta (1 to 4 Hz) beat frequency for 60 consecutive days. Participants completed surveys before and after the 60-day period, which asked questions about their mood and quality of life. The results of the study showed that listening to binaural beats for 60 days significantly reduced anxiety and increased the overall quality of life of these participants. Because the study was small, uncontrolled, and relied on patient surveys to collect data, larger studies will be needed to confirm these effects.

One larger and earlier randomized and controlled trial looked at the use of binaural beats in 291 patients admitted to the emergency department in a hospital. The researchers observed a significant reduction in anxiety levels in patients exposed to sound with embedded binaural beats compared to those who listened to audio without binaural beats or no sound at all (headphones only).

Side effects

Are there any side effects to listening to binaural beats?

There are no side effects to listening to binaural beats, but you should make sure that the sound level passing through your headphones is not too high. Prolonged exposure to sounds at or above 85 decibels can cause hearing loss over time. This is approximately the level of noise generated by heavy traffic.

Binaural beat technology can be a problem if you have epilepsy, so you should talk to your doctor before trying it. More research needs to be done to see if there are side effects to listening to binaural beats for an extended period of time.

bottom line

The bottom line

With several human studies to support health claims, binaural beats appear to be a promising tool in the fight against anxiety, stress, and negative mental states. The study showed that daily listening to CDs or audio files with binaural beats has a positive effect on:

  • memory
  • mood
  • creation
  • attention
  • Becoming a master at meditation is not easy. Binaural beats will not work for everyone and they are not considered a cure for any particular condition. However, they can offer the perfect outlet for those looking to relax, sleep more peacefully, or enter a meditative state.

As you know, the human brain operates with electrical signals. It constantly generates electrical impulses, which are called brain waves (or brain rhythms, brain waves, waves of brain activity). The frequency of these pulses is measured in hertz or cycles per second. Well, the dominant frequency of brain waves determines the general state of the brain.

Why dominant? The thing is that the brain does not work as a whole at one frequency. This means that one area of ​​the brain can produce more beta waves while other areas of the brain emit impulses at a different frequency. In general, he may be in a calm relaxation, for example, but part of the subcortex will "itch" about stress and problems at the background level.

They write that the rhythms of electromagnetic oscillations of our brain are directly related to electromagnetic oscillations between the Earth's surface and the ionosphere, coinciding with them in terms of the main resonant frequencies. Probably, there is a key here to the existence of large and small rhythms of the world's existence, some of which are represented in a person in different ways, and the part that resonates with them is in the surrounding space. How a guitar string makes a sound in unison with a tuning fork, how a bridge begins to vibrate in resonance with the wind, and so on. () So we can tune in with different cycles and frequencies in the world, entering into resonance with them by simple tricks. One of them is as old as human societies. It `s music. Especially the rhythmic one.

Alpha rhythm (α-rhythm, alpha rhythm)- EEG rhythm (electroencephalogram) in the frequency band from 8 to 13 Hz, the average amplitude is 30–70 μV, however, high- and low-amplitude α-waves can be observed. Registered in 85-95% of healthy adults. It is best expressed in the occipital regions. The α-rhythm has the greatest amplitude in a state of calm wakefulness, especially with closed eyes in a darkened room. It is blocked or weakened with increased attention (especially visual) or mental activity.

Alpha rhythm characterizes the process of internal "scanning" of mental images by a person when focusing on some mental problem.

When we close our eyes, alpha rhythms intensify, and this property is successfully used when conducting meditation-relaxation or a hypnosis session. For most people, alpha waves disappear when they open their eyes and this or that real picture appears before them. Statistical and experimental data indicate that the nature of the alpha rhythm is innate and hereditary.

Most people who have a well-defined alpha rhythm, the ability to think abstractly predominates. A small group of people show a complete absence of alpha rhythms even with their eyes closed. These people are free to think visually, but have difficulty solving problems of an abstract nature.

People who have learned to analyze information when their brain works in alpha rhythm have access to much larger amounts of information, creative ideas, inspired thoughts come to them more often, intuition sharpens, which allows them to find new unexpected solutions to problems. No wonder they say: "Close your eyes, and the decision will come by itself."

When the brain works in alpha rhythm, a person's potential to control his life grows. Understanding how to better deal with various life problems, such as excess weight, insomnia, anxiety, tension, migraines, bad habits and much more. There is an opportunity to learn how to tune your psyche in such a way as to achieve your goals and turn dreams into reality.

The work of the brain in the alpha rhythm allows you to quietly enter a state of shallow meditation, as with auto-training and relaxation exercises. Scientists have found that when a person engages in such practices, at the physiological level, the rhythm of the functioning of the brain decreases to the level of the alpha rhythm. Taking a warm bath or shower is directly related to the dominance of the alpha rhythm.

Why is the alpha rhythm so remarkable and why does the human body need it? Everything rests on the human mind. In a state of complete relaxation and immersion in oneself, alpha waves increase, and healing and cleansing processes begin their course in our psyche, hidden resources wake up: intuition comes to life, concentration of attention becomes ideally honed, psychic abilities. The world around begins to play with completely different colors, making a person joyful.

Beta rhythm (β rhythm)- low-amplitude oscillations of the total potential of the brain with a frequency of 15 to 35 oscillations per second, amplitude - 5-30 μV. This rhythm is inherent in the state of active wakefulness. Refers to fast waves. This rhythm is most pronounced in the frontal areas, but with various types of intense activity it sharply increases and spreads to other areas of the brain. Thus, the severity of the beta rhythm increases upon presentation of a new unexpected stimulus, in a situation of attention, with mental stress, emotional arousal. Their amplitude is 4–5 times less than the amplitude of alpha waves.

In the state of the beta rhythm, our brain plunges into the routine of being with a huge number of different problems, into an endless cycle of stressful situations, solving various problems and active concentration, a shifting focus of attention. Attention is directed outward.

The beta rhythm is by no means our enemy. It is thanks to the beta rhythm that humanity has reached unimaginable heights in technical progress: built cities, went into space, created television, computers; The development of medicine is also directly related to these waves. This is the rhythm of active creation and life.

Gamma rhythm (γ rhythm)- fluctuations in EEG potentials in the range from 30 to 120–170 to oscillations per second. The amplitude of the gamma rhythm is very low - below 10 μV and inversely proportional to the frequency. If the amplitude is above 15 μV, then the EEG is considered as pathological. The gamma rhythm is observed when solving problems that require maximum focused attention. The gamma rhythm reflects oscillations that are simultaneously triggered in neurons by an incoming signal from the activating system of the reticular formation, causing a shift in the membrane potential.

The gamma rhythm is observed when solving problems that require maximum focused attention. This is the rhythm of composure and concentration on a problem or task, the rhythm of an active collected solution and work. There are theories linking this rhythm with the work of consciousness. A number of publications report on various gamma-activity disorders in patients with schizophrenia.

Gamma rhythm is also a state of human communication with "something" that is beyond the understanding of our consciousness. The brain vibration frequency of 50 Hz is called enlightenment by some researchers of Buddhist meditators. Although this is doubtful. This is just the frequency of maximum concentration, presence here and now. That is, the gamma rhythm allows us to become something bigger and perceive the world already from the point of view of this larger one. It is, as it were, a superstructure over the human consciousness, which we can use.

delta rhythm- from 0.5 to 4 oscillations per second, amplitude - 50–500 μV. This rhythm occurs both in deep natural sleep, and in narcotic, as well as in coma. The delta rhythm is also observed when electrical signals are recorded from areas of the cortex bordering on the area of ​​a traumatic focus or tumor. Low-amplitude (20–30 μV) oscillations of this range can be recorded at rest during certain forms of stress and prolonged mental work.

Characteristic of the stage of deep sleep without dreams. And also, for a state of very deep meditation-dhyana (not relaxation, like the alpha rhythm).

Theta rhythm (θ rhythm)- EEG rhythm Frequency 4–8 Hz, high electrical potential 100–150 microvolts, high wave amplitude from 10 to 30 μV. Theta rhythm is most pronounced in children from two to five years old. This frequency range contributes to deep relaxation of the brain, good memory, deeper and faster assimilation of information, awakening individual creativity and talents.

For the most part, in children under 5 years old, the brain functions in the daytime in this particular wave range, which allows children to phenomenally memorize a huge supply of various information, which is unusual for adolescents and adults. In the natural state, this rhythm in the majority of adults dominates only during the phase of REM sleep, half-drowsiness. Characteristic for deep meditation-dhyana. It is in this frequency range that there is enough energy in the brain to assimilate large amounts of information and quickly transfer it to long-term memory, learning abilities are enhanced and stress is relieved. In this range, the brain is in a state of heightened susceptibility. This state is ideal for super learning, the brain is able to maintain concentration, extroversion for a long time and is not subject to anxiety and neurotic manifestations.

This is the range of the upper connections of the brain, connecting both hemispheres and directly the layers of the cerebral cortex with its frontal zones.

Sigma rhythm- The spontaneous sigma rhythm has a frequency of 10 to 16 Hz, but is generally 12 to 14 cycles per second. The sigma rhythm is a spindle-shaped activity. This is explosive or flash activity, spindle-shaped flashes, recorded in a state of natural sleep. It also occurs with some neurosurgical and pharmacological effects. A characteristic feature of the sigma rhythm is the increase in amplitude at the beginning of the burst of the sigma rhythm and its decrease at the end of the burst. The amplitude is different, but in adults it is mostly not less than 50 microvolts. The sigma rhythm appears in the initial stage of non-REM sleep, which immediately follows drowsiness. During sleep with delta waves, the sigma rhythm rarely occurs. During the transition to REM sleep, the sigma rhythm is observed in the EEG, but is completely blocked in the developed phase of REM sleep. In humans, this rhythm occurs from about three months of age. With age, the frequency of rhythm fluctuations, as a rule, does not change.

Instant relaxation and stress relief- Frequencies between 5 and 10 Hz are used for different levels of relaxation.

Sleep replacement- a thirty-minute session at 5 hertz replaces 2-3 hours of sleep, allowing you to wake up early in the morning more vigorous, listen for half an hour before falling asleep and getting up in the morning.

Fighting insomnia- waves between 4 and 6 hertz for the first 10 minutes, then transition to frequencies below 3.5 Hz (for 20-30 minutes), gradually descending to 2.5 Hz before ending.

Raising the tone- Theta waves (4-7 Hz) for 45 minutes a day.

You can also read about the rhythms of brain activity and.

Stimulation of brain rhythms

Consider the ways available to each person to stimulate the rhythms of the brain to improve natural abilities, including memory, creative insights.

Alpha Rhythm Stimulation

People have varying degrees of alpha wave production. For some, the level of these waves is naturally very low, for others, on the contrary, it is high. In children, alpha and theta waves are predominant. Therefore, children do not need stimulation of the alpha rhythm.

As we get older, our brains begin to produce more beta waves. Psychologists say that the alpha rhythm prevails in extroverts (sociable optimists who easily interact with society) and is significantly reduced in introverts (reserved, a little shy and withdrawn people who focus on their own inner world). Stimulation of alpha waves helps introverts feel more confident in society.

Ways to increase the alpha rhythm are:

  1. Synchronization of waves with external signals. It consists in listening to certain tracks composed of stereo signals (see more below).
  2. Daily meditation-relaxation- takes practice and time. It is enough for beginners to devote 20 minutes a day to training to learn how to relax.
  3. Yoga- contributes to the complete relaxation of the body and an increase in the level of alpha waves. Proper and constant yoga classes will help to consciously control the alpha rhythm.
  4. Deep breathing- a method of saturating the cells of the brain and body with oxygen. By mastering this method and making it a habit, you will help your brain automatically tune in to the formation of the alpha rhythm.
  5. Visualization. As soon as we close our eyes and start dreaming, drawing positive images, the brain immediately begins to actively produce alpha waves.
  6. Alcohol- an effective, but the most unhealthy way to increase. People easily get used to relieve stress with alcohol. When it is taken, there is a sharp rise in the production of alpha waves, a state of relaxation and tranquility sets in. That is why, with the help of stimulating alpha waves with special equipment, you can do the opposite - treat alcoholism and drug addiction.

The negative effects that occur with excessive stimulation of the alpha rhythm include increased drowsiness, fatigue, and even depression. It is important to understand your condition. If you feel tired, drowsy, and beginning to feel depressed, then your brain needs to be stimulated not by alpha waves, but by beta waves.

An increase in the alpha rhythm will be useful in case of depression associated with fear, nervousness and tension. There is no need to increase the alpha rhythm in a calm, relaxed state with a clear mind. This can lead to feelings of frustration, boredom, and loss of interest in life. When these effects appear, you need to stop the stimulation of alpha waves and increase the beta rhythm.

Stimulation of the Beta Rhythm

What benefits does a person get from stimulating his brain with beta waves? These waves naturally begin to dominate in conversation and learning activities. Increasing the beta rhythm improves social skills, mental abilities, raises the level of energy, sharpens the senses, and concentrates attention. Researchers have found that people with an IQ above average have an increased production of beta waves in the brain. This is not surprising, because these waves speed up the work of the brain and increase the perception of educational information. Beta stimulation is helpful for those who feel tired and overwhelmed during the day.

Ways to stimulate beta waves:

  1. Wave synchronization- with the help of music containing binaural beats (see details below).
  2. Reading interesting books- increases the activity of the left hemisphere and the production of beta waves.
  3. Caffeine- enhances beta waves, but only for a short time. Harmful energy drinks and smoking give a surge of wave activity. However, soon after getting up, you will feel a sharp drop in energy and spend the rest of the day in a broken state.

Disadvantages of Beta Rhythm Elevation. If you naturally have elevated levels of beta waves, then additional stimulation will lead to feelings of fear, inexplicable anxiety and even panic. The beta rhythm increases muscle tension and blood pressure. These waves affect the processes of excitation of the nervous system and relieve drowsiness. Therefore, hypertensive patients and those suffering from insomnia should not get involved in stimulating beta waves.

Stimulation of Theta waves

Theta rhythm brings our body into a state of deep relaxation, in which we see dreams. These waves are a thin line between the conscious and the subconscious. Under their influence, self-healing mechanisms are launched in the body, there is an improvement in the physical and spiritual state. Thanks to deep relaxation during theta rhythm, our body quickly recovers from heavy loads.

Entering the state of theta rhythm contributes to the emergence of a deep connection with the subconscious and the emergence of paranormal abilities (the exit of consciousness beyond the physical body, establishing contact with other world, extrasensory perception). Staying in it brings us feelings of bliss and peace.

Psychotherapists use device and other theta wave stimulation in the treatment of patients from mental trauma. The principle of treatment is based on a person remembering a traumatic event hidden in the depths of the subconscious, and changing attitudes towards it.

Great activity of theta waves is found in children and creative people. Theta rhythm awakens and enhances our emotions and feelings, allows you to program the subconscious, get rid of negative thinking.

Ways to stimulate theta waves:

  1. Synchronization of the brain with special rhythms.
  2. Listening to pleasant music. The sounds of such music are associated with the development of emotions and sensations, and this is a direct way to increase the activity of theta waves.
  3. Meditation (light relaxation and dhyana with some immersion)- produces alpha and theta rhythm. The easiest way to learn how to produce alpha waves, and only after positive training comes the ability to control the theta rhythm.
  4. Hypnosis and self-hypnosis. Allow to strengthen the alpha and theta rhythm.
  5. Yoga- helps to consciously control the state of theta waves and get the most out of it.

Unhealthy ways to increase theta rhythm include the use of hallucinogenic drugs and alcohol. In a state of intoxication, the activity of alpha waves first increases, a feeling of peace and relaxation sets in, then a phase of violent activity begins - beta rhythms, then they are replaced by theta oscillations. Chronic alcoholics experience constant theta activity, which impairs their speech, memory, and reasoning abilities.

Reasonable meditation, yoga and hypnosis help a person to know himself, dive into the subconscious, learn to generate alpha and theta waves.

The disadvantages of increasing theta brain activity include:

  • Theta stimulation is not suitable for dreamy people who are prone to fantasizing, as it will make them even more absent-minded.
  • An increase in theta rhythm leads to a decrease in concentration and drowsiness. Therefore, you should not stimulate theta waves before work. Just like alpha, theta fluctuations in large quantities cause apathy and boredom.

Delta Wave Stimulation

The stimulation of delta waves is the most difficult process, because delta waves "shape" the subconscious and in the subconscious. Ordinary people are in a state of delta-rhythm dominance only in deep sleep, coma or unconsciousness. Only experienced healers, psychics, shamans, and experienced meditators can consciously control delta oscillations. Without studying special techniques and methods, without a competent assistant, it is not recommended to increase delta brain activity on your own.

The easiest way to achieve a steady onset of delta waves is to breathe rhythmically at a rate of about 60 breaths per minute.

This method is used by shamans in ritual dances before going to the "subtle" world for answers to their questions.

Synchronization of waves with external signals

Our brain has the ability to synchronize its dominant frequency with an external signal, this is called "frequency response". Due to this, targeted synchronization of brain waves is possible - the targeted use of sound or light to synchronize the frequency of the electrochemical activity of the brain with a frequency corresponding to the desired state of the brain.

The main types of sounds used for brain wave synchronization (BMW) are:

binaural beats are two tones of slightly different speed (or frequency) delivered separately to each ear. These rhythms are perceived as if they arise right in the head. In this case, the brain begins to work at a frequency that is obtained by combining these two frequencies. Headphones are necessary condition, because there is no other way to deliver a specific sound to each ear in isolation.

This effect is produced in the brain, not in the ears, as is the case with monaural beats. This is a mixed product of the activity of neurons located in the ear and brain. Binaural beats are different from monaural beats that occur in the environment (external to the ear), it's like hitting two guitar strings at the same time, having slightly different frequencies.

This is how a binaural beat is generated:

Binaural beats were first discovered in 1839 by a German experimenter (H. Dove). Then binaural beats were considered a kind of monaural beats. Monaural and binaural beats are rare in nature, but they often appear in man-made objects.

The binaural beats are not too noticeable as the modulation depth (the difference between loud and soft sound) is 3 db. This means that binaural beats do not produce any significant CMW, but have a hypnotic and relaxing effect.

This is partly due to the Ganzfeld effect. The Ganzfeld effect is a process when the mind calms down as a result of a monotonous effect on the senses.

A natural example of the Ganzfeld effect would be when you are sitting in a field in a village, staring up at the spacious blue sky and listening to the rustle of leaves on the trees (white noise) away from the hustle and bustle and other manifestations of city life.

Due to the Ganzfeld effect, binaural beats, as a psychological tool, rather play an assisting role in the generation of the CMW process, the purpose of which is peace of mind and soul.

monaural rhythms arise in the ears as a reaction to sounds of a different nature. Like binaural beats, these sounds do not occur in nature, but are common when listening to machinery that constantly makes a sound. For example, you may have heard two motors running creating a resonance effect in a building. At the same time, you can literally feel the vibrations with your whole body that occur when the sounds of these engines “collide” with each other.

With the help of monaural rhythms, musicians tune string instruments. Both monaural and binaural beats are the result of the arithmetic sum of the waveforms of two tones as they complement or “negate” each other, getting louder, then quieter, then louder again.

This is how a monoural rhythm is generated:

Isochronous tones are directly spaced tones that turn on and off very quickly. Synchronization occurs due to the rhythmic switching on and off of sounds of a certain frequency. Isochronous tones are currently considered the most effective means of auditory stimulation, and are recognized as more effective for synchronization than monaural and binaural beats. They cause a pronounced reaction and are liked by most people.

Isochronous tones, consisting of a pure tone (complex waves), with a frequency of 150-180 Hz show the best result of personal perception so often that they are recommended for general use.

Unlike binaural beats, isochronous sounds can be heard through external speakers, or listened to with the whole body. The brain perceives sound not only with the ears, it perceives signals coming from the whole body.

Isochronous sounds do not require headphones, but using headphones can achieve a clearer effect by eliminating external sound interference.

It is assumed that isochronous tones also have hypnotic properties, however, this does not mean that they inspire any ideas or additional affirmations. These are vibrations that help you relax, meditate deeper and work with your subconscious, for example, when clearing it.

A Brief Overview of the Three Types of Synchronized Sounds

  1. binaural beats: Two sounds slightly different in frequency create a frequency to synchronize. Headphones are used while listening; one sound goes to the left ear, the other to the right, exactly at the same time. The brain begins to work at a frequency that is obtained by combining these two frequencies. You hear not two sounds, but one. Headphones are a prerequisite because there is no other way to isolate a certain sound to each ear (both ears hear both sounds, and the brain starts to work at the desired frequency).

    And although some say that binaural beats are not as effective for synchronization as monaural or isochronous sounds, binaural beats are more effective for synchronization of the cerebral hemispheres. It is believed to contribute to clarity of thought and is characteristic of the thinking of geniuses, when logic and creativity are used in equal measure.

  2. monaural rhythms: monaural rhythms arise in the ears as a reaction to sounds of a different nature. Like binaural beats, these sounds do not occur in nature, but are common when listening to machinery that constantly makes a sound. For example, you may have heard two motors running creating a resonance effect in a building. At the same time, you can literally feel the vibrations with your whole body that occur when the sounds of these engines “collide” with each other.

    Or perhaps you've heard two guitar strings tuned to different frequencies sounding at the same time: you're hearing a consonant frequency, not two different frequencies. Headphones are not required for monaural rhythms.

  3. Isochronous sounds very fast pulsing, rhythmically turning on and off. The synchronization frequency is obtained very simply - by repeatedly turning on and off the sound of the desired frequency. Isochronous sounds do not require headphones, but using headphones can achieve a clearer effect by eliminating external sound interference. Experts generally agree that isochronous sounds can be more effective at timing than monaural and binaural beats.

Isochronous sounds are felt by the body, not just heard by the ears.

Unlike binaural beats, isochronous sounds can be heard through external speakers, or listened to with the whole body. The brain perceives sound not only with the ears. Have you ever felt the rhythm with your whole body - for example, at a rock concert? Even the deaf can "hear" sounds by feeling the vibrations with their body rather than their ears.

Both the brain and the body perceive (“hear”) constant external stimuli. Isochronous sounds are a relatively new technology., which replaced the binaural and monaural rhythms that have been used for about a hundred years. You can achieve a deeper synchronization effect with isochronous sounds than with binaural beats due to whole body synchronization.

Are isochronous sounds safe? Yes. Brain Sync is not brainwashing! The brain naturally tends to synchronize with any repeated sound. Sounds affect the electrochemical activity of the brain in the same natural way that listening to repeated light drumming calls for relaxation. It only affects your mood and the state of your consciousness - brain wave synchronization does not instill any thoughts or ideas in your consciousness, and also does not cause physical harm.

The note. In short, the essence: the planets are not needed at all in astrology, it’s just that in the world there are cycles (rhythms) to which everything in it is attached, or with which everything in it is synchronous (resonant) - you can calculate these rhythms by finding some common cycles in a person and something more or less permanent and global (if a nightingale outside the window has a global cycle, all astrology can be perfectly tied to a nightingale).

For people involved self-knowledge And self-development for the last time binaural beats have become very relevant. Let's take a closer look and find out what hides binaural sound.

binaural rhythms(from lat. bini - pair, two and auris - ear) - an artifact of the brain, imaginary sounds of controlled music that the brain perceives ("hears"), although there are no real sounds of this frequency.

Binaural beats are a specific kind of sound effect known to mankind as long as there is a musical culture. In order to understand the manifestation of this effect, it is enough to visit organ concerts, where you can hear very well binaural pulsation. Or listen to the recording of the stereophonic sound of sacred music - the Orthodox choir, Tibetan monks, Gregorian chant. The voices of people singing in unison merge into one pulsating tone- this is the perception of binaural beats. The same pulsation effect is observed during the ringing of bells, the famous Tibetan "singing bowls" - it is heard in the recording, in the general flow of music. So it turns out that the whole religious world , have been enchanting people with binaural beats since ancient times.

binaural beats, binaural pulse, binaural beat or binaural effect- all these phenomena of physics ( the frequency of the beats that occur when two sound vibrations with close frequencies (tones) are superimposed is equal to the difference between these frequencies ).

In the 1950s, an American researcher Robert Monroe began to study how binaural beats on human brain. He found that when listening to sounds of a similar frequency on different channels (right and left), a person just feels binaural rhythms (beats), binaural effect- This is the result of the activity of neurons located in the ear and brain. binaural beat is born in the human brain only with a combination of electromagnetic waves coming from synchronously working hemispheres of the brain. Today it is scientifically proven that brain stimulation with the help of binaural beats, promotes the synchronous work of both hemispheres and brain activity.

What happens in the human brain during binaural pulsation?

Binaural beats affect the brain, changing its rhythms, causing waves in it. There are four main types of electrical oscillations in the brain. The waves affecting the brain have different purity, which accordingly contributes to causing different states of consciousness in a person.

There are five main brain frequency ranges:

delta range(0.5Hz - 4Hz) - deep sleep phase;
theta range(4Hz - 8Hz) - phase of REM sleep, semi-dream, deep meditation;
alpha range(8Hz - 13Hz) - relaxation, meditation;
beta range(13Hz - 45Hz) - active wakefulness;
gamma range(45Hz - 60Hz) - an altered state of consciousness (difficult to achieve, and therefore little studied).

beta waves- they are the fastest. Their frequency is from 14 to 42 Hz. Beta waves predominate in the waking state, wakefulness, concentration, cognition. In the case of their excess, there is anxiety, fear and panic. A lack of beta waves is associated with depression, poor selective attention, and memory problems.

Brain stimulation in the beta range allows you to get rid of depressive states, increase the level of awareness, attention and short-term memory.

alpha waves- occur when we close our eyes and begin to passively relax, relax not thinking about anything. At the same time, bioelectrical oscillations in the brain slow down, and “bursts” of alpha waves appear, i.e. fluctuations in the range from 8 to 13 Hertz. If we continue to relax without focusing our thoughts, alpha waves will begin to dominate the entire brain, and we will fall into a state of pleasant peace, also called the “alpha state”.

Theta waves- this state appears when a calm, peaceful wakefulness turns into drowsiness. The oscillations in the brain become slower and more rhythmic, ranging from 4 to 8 Hertz. The theta state is also called "twilight", because in it a person is between sleep and wakefulness. It is often accompanied by visions of unexpected, dream-like images, accompanied by vivid memories, especially childhood ones. The theta state allows access to the contents of the unconscious part of the mind, free associations, unexpected insights, creative ideas.
On the other side, theta range(4-7 oscillations per second) is ideal for accepting external attitudes, since its rhythms reduce the action of the corresponding protective mental mechanisms and allow transforming information to penetrate deep into the subconscious. This psychophysiological state (similar to hypnotic states in the pattern of distribution and combination of electrical potentials of the brain) in 1848 Frenchman Maury gave the name hypnagogic (from the Greek hipnos = sleep and agnogeus = conductor, leader). Using theta-brain stimulation in just three weeks, you can learn to achieve creative states at any time and in any place - at will.

delta waves- begin to dominate when we fall asleep. They are even slower than theta waves because they have a frequency of less than 4 oscillations per second. However, there is growing evidence that some people can be in a delta state without losing awareness. It is generally associated with deep trance or "non-physical" states. It is noteworthy that it is in this state that our brain secretes the largest amounts of growth hormone, and the processes of self-healing and self-healing are most intensive in the body.
Recent studies have established that as soon as a person shows a real interest in something, the power of the bioelectrical activity of the brain in the delta range increases significantly (along with beta activity).

Modern methods of computer analysis have shown that a person in a state of wakefulness with effective brain functioning has frequencies of absolutely all ranges.

Binaural beats are a simple and at the same time powerful means of influencing the bioelectrical brain activity. Binaural therapy often uses sound along with text to guide the listener. Working with such an audio program, the listener gets significant results. Binaural therapy is effective in solving many problems, and most importantly, this method of exposure is not addictive.

The audio program with binaural beats is a unique tool in the hands of a person who knows what he wants in life. Be happy!!!

Today we will put on headphones, relax in a comfortable position and listen to binaural beats, which are also called electronic medicine. These sounds are said to massage your brain, give various effects of psychedelic experiences and behavior modification. Let's take a critical look at these claims and understand the scientific basis for binaural beats.

Binaural beats are generated by playing a different tone for each ear and the slightly offset frequencies create the illusion of beats. These recordings are intended to be listened to with headphones and must not overlap. If you try to play with the sound balance, you can understand that there are no rhythms and this is just an acoustic illusion.

If you search the Internet, you can immediately understand that an entire industry revolves around the idea of ​​​​binaural beats, which convinces potential buyers of various effects on the human brain. Binaural beats can improve your mood, help you stick to your diet, or help you quit smoking. Improve athletic performance, give calmness, improve sleep and memory, act as an aphrodisiac, relieve headaches and even balance your chakras. is offering a $30 audio CD that is being called the first "electronic medicine". They say it can intoxicate without side effect. offers a range of audio recordings that claim to replace the real drugs Demerol, Oxycontin, and Vicodin. Suffice it to say, no matter what kind of magic power you need today, what is being sold on the Internet is exactly what should solve the problem.

But you don't have to spend money on binaural beats. They are very easy to obtain with the help of affordable and free programs. The author, for example, used a program called . It is quite easy to use and after a little trial, you can get some really good binaural beats. Binaural beats consist of two tones, but some people add background sound. Nothing unusual.

The question remains: Do binaural beats affect the brain in a special way? Many people think so. It is based on the assertion that binaural beats give the effect of "resonant involvement" (resonant entrainment). Engagement, in physics, is when two systems that have independent oscillation frequencies synchronize with each other to some common frequency. An example is the chirping of crickets or the croaking of frogs. Even a dancing couple is an example of engagement.

So, the main claim is that binaural beats involve electromagnetic brain waves, tuning them to the desired frequency.

Most sites give a short explanation of engagement. The most common example is with the participation of the Danish polymath Christian Heygen (Christiaan Huygens), who in 1665 placed two clocks with a pendulum side by side on the same wall. He noticed that after a while the oscillations of the pendulums became synchronous, but always in antiphase, as if negating each other. Hagen repeatedly destroyed this synchronicity, but the result, after a while, was the same. An example with pendulums is given by supporters of binaural rhythms, as confirmation of the existence of a spiritual connection between systems, through an "energy field". Unfortunately, they did not understand the essence of the phenomenon, not having read the story to the end. When Hagen removed one clock from the wall, the effect disappeared, as the physical connection of the clock through the wall disappeared. It was not the "spiritual closeness" of the watch, but their mechanical connection. Swinging, the pendulums transmitted an infinitesimal energy to the wall. According to one of the laws of thermodynamics, the system tends to a minimum amount of energy. Thus, the pendulums tend to balance each other and minimize the total energy of the system.

With regard to binaural beats, proponents say that the entrainment effect drives the brain's EEG to a certain frequency. If this is so, then the effect of involvement is completely irrelevant. Observations have shown that the EEG of the brain changes depending on the type of human activity. For example, in the state of sleep, the sinusoid of the encephalogram wave has a frequency of 4-8 Hz, which is called the Theta rhythm. A relaxed state with closed eyes without sleep corresponds to a frequency of 8-12 Hz and is called the Alpha rhythm. Only a few such states have been described, and they are far from being detailed. At the same time, the statements of sellers of binaural beats are quite specific. For example, a binaural beat at a frequency of X drives your brain to a certain effect, similar to the drug Vicodin. This is not true and is unacceptable. The brain does not work in this way, and we do not know the exact frequency of our state. It is absolutely unacceptable to say that the brain will come into state X if we listen to the frequency of X Hz.

But that's not all. Sellers of binaural beats say that brain waves work in reverse. Certain brain states produce certain waves, but waves do not produce a brain state. You can't run 6.5Hz and get instant happiness.

Lack of scientific justification does not mean that the effect is not real or simply has not been explained. Perhaps you get a certain result from listening to binaural beats that is not yet understood. Let's turn to the research and try to answer the question: Are there any results at all?

In a 2008 study at Hofstra University, patients with high blood pressure were played two different binaural beats and a babbling stream. No difference was found between the groups. Another small study from 2006 in Japan was published in the Journal of Neurophysiology. The Japanese played different binaural rhythms to patients and took electroencephalograms. All results were different. It has been suggested that binaural beats cause activity in the cerebral cortex, but this is more of a conscious reaction of the patient to the sound and is not related to its frequency. There is, however, another publication in 2005, which refers to the obtained correspondence of the EEG with the frequency of the binaural rhythm, but this was once in non-anonymous testing.

No research is required to understand that different music influences differently. Many people who work outside the home listen to music through headphones, which energizes and makes work easier. Some play music to help you sleep. The Muzak company is recording a special. Music affects our senses, so we assume that binaural beats have an effect too. Some people find them relaxing, while others find them energizing. But, so far no confirmation has been found that the influence of binaural beats is somehow different from the influence of other sounds. One thing can be said with certainty: The assurances of binaural beat sellers are not based on anything.

Except for the power of persuasion. If I offer you an audio track for a headache, you will not say that it did not help with a headache, but it improved your memory. It would be interesting to let five friends listen to the recording for the effect of intoxication, without giving out details. And then ask about the sensations with a choice from the list of answers. Most likely the answers will be different. If you have a friend who believes in binaural beats, do your experiment.

The author suggests a conclusion: Binaural beats do not work as advertised. They work no worse and no better than other audio recordings. If they put you to sleep, as the author, use instead of sleeping pills. If they relax you, nothing prevents you from relaxing. But don't expect more impact than regular music.

Translation Vladimir Maksimenko 2014

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