Why is the zodiac sign Scorpio dangerous? Zodiac sign: Scorpio

Vika Di

Scorpios are reliable, courageous and brave people, marked by the sign of water. What does it mean to belong to a water sign? This will to live, perseverance and the desire to go only forward.

A person of this sign is very strong and resilient; he endures any adversity of life’s journey.

This very sensual, sometimes contradictory natures, within which serious passions boil, although outwardly this may not manifest itself in any way. They know how to control their emotions and keep their face.

Scorpios are reliable, courageous and brave people

For people born under this sign, characterized by composure and calmness even in the most extreme situations. They always know how to act and what to do.

They always strive for complete independence from others and rarely ask for help, preferring to cope with everything on their own

The description of this sign is very contradictory - in these people, in an amazing way opposite qualities combine: passion and composure, impetuosity and prudence.

Scorpio birth dates

Scorpio is the eighth sign of the zodiac, one of the three water signs (Scorpio, Cancer, Pisces). This sign is ruled by the planets Mars and Pluto.

Their birth month is in autumn this is October-November. The Scorpio birth period begins on October 24 and ends on November 22.

Scorpios have a surprising combination of opposite qualities.

Compatibility of Scorpios with other zodiac signs for relationships

Who is suitable for Scorpios in love and relationships? First of all, these are others water signs zodiac – Cancer and Pisces. The most suitable relationships for marriage with Scorpios can develop with Pisces and Taurus.

Pisces is a patient sign, capable of withstanding all the storms of Scorpio’s temperament, and Taurus is characterized by the inner strength so valued by Scorpios, which is also inherent in them.

Zodiac signCompatibility with Scorpios
AriesLittle compatibility
TwinsAverage compatibility, sex
a lionNo compatibility
ScalesNo compatibility
ScorpionNo compatibility
SagittariusAverage compatibility, sex
CapricornAverage compatibility, friendship
AquariusGood compatibility, love
FishStable compatibility, marriage

The best sexual compatibility for people of this sign will be with Gemini and Sagittarius. Windy Gemini will be held back by the passion of Scorpio, and jealous Scorpio will be calm in his relationship with faithful Sagittarius.

Best sexual compatibility for Scorpios with Gemini and Sagittarius

Natural element of Scorpio

Water is the native element of the representatives of this sign. It is better for people with this sign to live closer to water: near a river, lake, sea. Not the worst option is cold, snow-covered areas most of the year. They need a humid climate and it is completely contraindicated to live in dry places. Without the opportunity to relax near a body of water, these people often get sick and their energy runs out. Water is a source of strength and inspiration for them.

Scorpio children: choosing a name for a child

Children born under this sign incredibly active and inquisitive. Their insatiable thirst for activity can take them far, so little Scorpios should not be left unattended.

But locking up a child and limiting his freedom of action is also a bad idea - the Scorpio child will strive to break any ban out of internal stubbornness

The best strategy for a parent in this case would be to explain why something or other cannot be done. A child of this sign is capable of adult dialogue. Such children are reliable friends and faithful comrades, can take charge of juniors and are able to take care of others

How to choose a name for a Scorpio child? Regardless of whether it is a boy or a girl, the name should be sonorous and noble. It is better to give Scorpio boys courageous names, such as Dmitry, Alexander, Gleb, Nikolai. Scorpio girl better to call it a bright, sunny name, reflecting the energy of the child of this sign: Agatha, Maryana, Varvara, Anastasia.

Scorpio children are incredibly active and inquisitive

What profession is suitable for Scorpio?

Scorpios are born researchers: in the profession they need to express themselves and constantly prove to others that they are capable of achieving everything on their own.

The best thing will manifest themselves in forensic activities– they can be prosecutors, investigators, criminologists, forensic psychologists. Such professions reveal their passion for solving mysteries and the desire to get to the bottom of the truth.

They can find theirs calling to work with children– they make excellent teachers, educators, teachers, nannies. This gives them the opportunity to constantly study the psychology of children and guide their development.

Symbols of Scorpio people

The main symbol of this sign is, of course, Scorpio himself.

People of this sign always It's better to have some detail with you associated with Scorpio: keychain, pendant, ring, figurine. The best option is a figurine of a mummified scorpion in amber.

Also symbols of the sign are snakes, beetles, and eagles.

Talisman tree and flower of Scorpios

Tree mascots for people born under this zodiac sign: chestnut, walnut and dragon tree, or as it is also called dracaena. Chestnut represents strength and nobility, walnut – flexibility and inflexibility, dracaena – sensuality and uniqueness.

Flowers of the Scorpio sign are chrysanthemums, peonies and carnations. Chrysanthemum is a symbol of wealth and nobility, peony is a flower of passion and love, carnation is charm and generosity.

Chrysanthemum is a symbol of prosperity for Scorpio

Colors suitable for Scorpios

Because these people bright, extraordinary personalities, then their colors reflect all the passion of their nature. The most suitable colors for Scorpios are all shades of red, pink, and orange. Also suitable for them White color, it will emphasize the nobility and independence of this zodiac sign.

Metal talisman of Scorpio people

The mascot of the representatives of this sign is - metal. It perfectly reflects their steadfastness, inflexibility - it's steel and iron. A simple solid steel chain that can be worn on a belt or bag, and clothing with a lot of metal studs are good choices.

July 27, 2018, 12:40

Characteristics of the sign

It was previously ruled by Mars, but currently, according to astrologers, by Pluto.
According to Greek myth, when the hunter Orion angered the immaculate goddess Artemis (goddess of the Moon and patroness of hunting), she awakened a scorpion so that it would sting Orion and kill him. From Greek myths Scorpio and Orion were transported to the sky.
Later, Roman astronomers began to call the part of the constellation Scorpio, which formed its claw, the constellation Libra.
Scorpio is symbolized by its legs and sting. Astrologers claim that this sign is an image of the severed tail of a lizard; in ancient Egypt it meant a standing lizard with an arrow-shaped tail.
In some ways, this is the most powerful sign of the Zodiac, as its lords are Mars and Pluto. As a rule, Scorpio strives for self-improvement. He is characterized by willpower and strong emotional impulses. Often the life of a Scorpio is a struggle with these incessant impulses in order to subordinate them to the creative goal principle and keep them under control.
Sign of sexuality; Scorpio is a passionate lover. If Scorpio's passion gets out of control, it leads to an insatiable thirst for possession, jealousy, and violence. He never takes life lightly. Everything he does, he does seriously. His desire is to do everything perfectly, which prevents him from relying on others.
Developed types are passionate advocates of justice. In contrast to Aries, Scorpio is very persistent, since he is a fixed sign. He despises weakness in himself and in people, but can be generous, compassionate, and will do everything to help. But after this, the expectation is that the person will learn to be independent and take care of himself.
Diplomacy is not his element. His talents in the field of science are great, especially in the study of occult phenomena. He is not a talker, and woe to anyone who reveals his secrets or earns his wrath. In struggle, he does not know pity and does not expect it himself.
Scorpios are strong and strong in physique, they have a piercing gaze, they spread something mystical around them and radiate magnetism. Scorpio has good intuition, he knows how to guess people's thoughts and can easily make them spill the beans.
His accomplishments often border on miracles. He does not know the fear of death, since he is characterized by a mystical understanding of reincarnation “die and be.”
His motto is: “I lust, I hunger.”
Best paired with: Capricorn, Pisces, Cancer, Virgo
Average compatibility with: Libra
Least compatible with: Aquarius, Aries, Leo, Sagittarius
Born under this sign: Lomonosov, Voltaire, Paganini, Marie Antoinette, Dostoevsky, Claude Monet, M. Curie, Rodin, Khlebnikov, Turgenev, Vivien Leigh, Picasso, R. Kennedy.

Were you born under the sign of Scorpio?
Then be sure to watch this video

Children's horoscope

The emotions that Scorpios experience are much more intense than those of people born under other zodiac signs. This applies to both love and hate. Adult Scorpios are outwardly restrained and know how to control themselves well. Small children have not yet learned this. They are fighters by nature and independent in nature. They don’t care what others, even adults, think about them, they themselves know what to do. The fight begins with food. Young children have their own rather pronounced likes and dislikes when it comes to food. If the parents are also Scorpios, war is inevitable. But it’s better not to fight, but to rely on your child’s taste: these children intuitively feel what they need and what they don’t need.
Children love to fight, both literally and figuratively. They are quite aggressive, especially boys. They can hurt others. They must be taught to control themselves. If a child has hurt you, be sure to bring this to his attention. But never answer him in kind, otherwise he will grow up cruel. Try to translate his aggressiveness into an intellectual plan. They are interested in the mysteries of life.
Boys love to play with soldiers and guns. You can buy him a drum if the noise doesn't bother you. Girls love to play boyish games.
They are selective in their friendships, so their likes and dislikes are clearly expressed. These children are demanding of their friends and may grow up impatient.
Try to gently explain that all people have flaws. But do this carefully, as these children do not like it when their weaknesses are discovered.
Scorpio children love everything secret. They may organize some kind of secret society where you will not be accepted. Don't insist. The only thing you can do is provide a place for secret gatherings. Your child has a strong craving for mysticism, mysteries, and secrets. If a child has learned to read, he may be attracted to detective stories because he enjoys solving mysteries. His favorite hero is Sherlock Holmes. But he is also strongly attracted to scientific and medical literature. This child is difficult to raise. It happens that sometimes it is difficult for you to refrain from punishing him: you can temporarily deprive him of some privileges, but in no case use physical or moral violence. If you give him an example of violence, sooner or later he will strike you. Never punish him without sufficient reason. If you think your child is wrong, use his ability to reason and prove.
Always stand in a position of justice and then you will not lose his respect.

Scorpios can go to extremes. If they want something, they will pursue it until they get it. If your child is a bad student, try to awaken his interest in learning, and then he will achieve success himself. Scorpio children are ambitious, so you may notice to your child that his friends are doing better than him, because Scorpio does not like to see anyone succeed. If a child has set a goal that you do not like, you will not be able to convince him. You can try to switch his attention to another, more worthy one. It is almost impossible to convince him, you can only help him. If he is interested in some business or science, do it together. This is a good way to make contact.
About health. Scorpios symbolize the genitals and bladder. Infants may have irritation in the genital area and possible eye infections. Teach him to hygiene as early as possible, this will help him avoid genital and urinary infections. Poisoning, hemorrhoids, fevers, and colds are also possible. Girls have early menstruation. The child is too temperamental, this can lead to overexertion. In early childhood, there may be accidents with hot or sharp objects. Scorpio's overall vitality is very high.

What is contraindicated for your child?
Do not use violence against him, otherwise he may become violent. Don't fight with your baby over food, leave it to his discretion. If he has secrets, do not try to penetrate his secret.

What does he need?
When raising him, use the power of persuasion, appeal to his sense of justice. If a child is a poor student, awaken his interest in science, and then he will achieve everything on his own. You may also hurt his ambition. Try to translate his aggressiveness into an intellectual plan by giving him popular science books to read. Teach him tolerance towards others.

Temperament and character

Scorpio is the sign of love and death, greatly influencing others. The Water sign is feminine, constant, fierce, silent, resourceful, fertile. Motto: "Song of love on the battlefield." Ruled by Mars, Scorpio is influenced by Pluto, the newest of the Planets. The water of Scorpio is stagnant, in contrast to the water of Pisces (ocean), Cancer (spring).
Scorpio has a bad reputation. It is associated with the eighth house - the house of death, forgetting that the whole house is wealth, inheritance, benefits. Changeable or constant, Scorpio has enormous resistance and, like the Phoenix, can be resurrected.

Scorpio is dominated by two qualities of Mars: eroticism and aggressiveness. This type lives to the fullest with alternating successes and failures. Dry and sultry Mars makes Scorpio stubborn and hot-tempered, he has warlike qualities. Scorpio has dangerous energy, just like Aries. Scorpio is the duality of love and death, energy, drama, passion, mystery, individualism, rebellion.
Pluto symbolizes depth of soul, devilish image. Scorpio is defined by hidden animal strength and asserts itself confidently and unquestioningly. This manifests itself in untouchability and disorder, restraining life's aspirations, leading to internal conflicts, suffocation and neurosis (ruthless Pluto reveals the deep meaning of existence). An imperious, frantic instinctive character, irrepressible, even if the fire is hidden under the mask of infantility.
Scorpio carries strong passions that lie dormant, but do not die. This character does not change. Satisfied with himself, despite external changes. He knows what he wants. The essence of his nature is determination. The taste for life is tireless. Rebels under any coercion, rebellious to the point of anarchism if he is contradicted.

An individualist who despises public opinion and customs. Born under an inharmonious sky. His decisions are irrevocable. Armed for life, he knows how to defend himself, but is afraid to attack, thanks to his strong will and perseverance.
Scorpio's influence on other signs is great. He penetrates the souls of others at one glance: he himself is distrustful, the secret is impenetrable and inaccessible. The fulfillment of sensual desires in a mysterious way liberates him, calms him and elevates him.

Not a talker and not expansive. Scorpio is hardworking and more or less a sadist-masochist. Aggression and eroticism are the most destructive and prolific sign.
Scorpio women are wonderful cooks, in the physical sense - of medium height, dense, with strong limbs, a dense face and enormous capacity for work. In general, they are active, proud, reserved, demanding, curious, irritable, stormy, and thoughtful. Researchers and observers are envious, ironic and contradictory. They are easily excited, capable of kindness, prone to magnetism and strong sexuality; reformists, sometimes clairvoyants, know how to moderate their chimerical plans and use their will constructively. They love struggle and never lose heart when overcoming difficulties. They have many children.
Among them you can find the type of “femme fatale”.

Psychosexual characteristics

Scorpio is sex personified. Their sign rules the genitals. Need I say anything more? Their brain cells, under the aggressive influence of Mars, endow both men and women of this sign with a huge sexual appetite. There are no moral restrictions here, because... Scorpio looks at sex as an independent area of ​​human relationships, and, in addition, sex restores their strength.
Among lovers throughout the Zodiac, Scorpios are highly valued. They have a certain experience that is suitable not only to satisfy their desire, but also to please their partner.

Non-sexual maneuvers
Scorpio is considered to be one of the most opportunistic signs of the Zodiac. However, my calculations show that sometimes Cancer, Virgo and Sagittarius are superior.
So, when we talk about non-sexual maneuvers that Scorpio resorts to to achieve his goals, we mean that he wants to achieve some goal through “sexual activity.” They marry for money and even have "sex dates" for business purposes. They usually marry after overpowering themselves, out of convenience, but they are smart enough to choose a person with whom they are mentally compatible, because... understand that the power of the mind is as valuable as gold.
Already married, Scorpios often engage in extramarital affairs, but they rarely allow these relationships to threaten the security of their married life. They are able to cope well on “two fronts” - marital and extramarital, and do this with ease and without any tension.
Scorpio can involve a partner in sexual intercourse so skillfully and imperceptibly that he himself does not understand how this happened until he himself is overwhelmed by passion.

How to satisfy a Scorpio
Provide some sex, but don't do it too quickly. In their younger years they are romantic, amenable to music and soft light. Later they become less reserved, more courageous, and may like bright lights and mirrors. Scorpio spouses must be neat and clean.
Positive features

People of this sign are always spiritually faithful, even if they indulge in extramarital affairs. This loyalty also extends to chosen friends, of whom they do not have very many, but from whom they demand the same loyalty.
In their home, Scorpios create a “protective atmosphere”, as if the generals of Mars were guarding the fortress from the whole world.
Scorpios are excellent providers in the family, they are very smart in business. Women of this sign often occupy leadership positions. Scorpios are excellent parents, although they are a little harsh and demanding.
They will work tirelessly with their colleagues in any job, and they are usually punctual.

Negative traits
They spare no effort in their race for success, which exhausts them physically and mentally. Then they often take it out on their spouses. Although some smart Scorpios choose a spouse who would help them avoid these extremes.
Extreme jealousy and possessiveness also distinctive features Scorpio, especially Scorpio women. These are usually wives who are like detectives who must know the whereabouts of their spouse at any moment.
Scorpios retain a sense of resentment for many years after a quarrel - a trait unworthy of them. It has already been said that they are not always best friends, unless they themselves want it. But of course they easily become worst enemies. They are very vindictive and vindictive when they are offended.

Economics of love
Scorpios rarely need to enter into the love economy game, provided they are physically attractive, because... they are very popular among women. They often have several affairs at the same time.
Scorpio rules the 8th house and people of this sign often appoint heirs to their wealth. The 8th house also rules the financial affairs of other people, especially the spouse. Scorpios often outlive them and reap their achievements. So, we see that they are well prepared for old age. And even in his youth, when he finds himself in a situation where he has to buy what he wants, he rarely hesitates, even if sex is on sale. He rarely passes up the opportunity for business advancement, even if it must be won at the price of sex. They look at this situation as if it were their own business transaction. But they must be confident that they will get what they are bargaining for.
Most suitable partners

Up to 29.5 years best partners are among the signs of Cancer and Pisces. All three are water signs, which at this age are extremely emotional and act in a mental-sexual way. Sometimes Scorpio is well compatible with the signs of Capricorn and Virgo.
After 29.5 years of age, he usually begins to mature and become aware of his permanent self, which gradually becomes extremely aggressive and domineering. Then they are often compatible with the signs of Taurus and Libra, whose ruling planet is Venus. These signs have great patience and the ability to endure the domineering nature of Scorpio.
After 41.5 years, Scorpio should already be fully developed as a person and gain control over his intellectual self. At this time, he is often compatible with the sign of Sagittarius and Aquarius.

Fidelity Score
In the younger years - average, unless you are looking for something more physical in them. In marriage - excellent. They protect and strengthen their home and marriage, provided they are allowed to have extramarital affairs. They know how to hide them and never flaunt them in front of their beloved. The best period to gain the fidelity of a Scorpio is after he has turned 29.5 years old and when there is great agreement between the partners from the very beginning. But under these conditions, who would not be faithful?

Questions for Scorpio
Why are you such a bad listener when we think you have mastered the art of conversation?
Why, when you experience the bitterness of rejection or disappointment, do you run away? Stop and analyze the situation.
And finally, why did the stars make your personality so interesting and sparkling like a diamond?

Erotic horoscope

The epithets “fatal”, “mysterious”, “furious” are applicable to it. Her passion is limitless. All her actions are subordinated to one goal - obtaining sexual pleasure. She is energetic, smart, beautiful. Men simply “go crazy” after meeting her. She usually gains erotic experience early. Those who dream of a “sultry woman” find the ideal embodied in her. She has excellent self-control, but in moments of intimacy she throws away all conventions and, nevertheless, becomes especially beautiful in her madness and frenzy. Her partners grow in their own eyes, and this makes her even more attractive. It is dangerous for men who, having experienced the heights of intimacy, cannot tear themselves away from it and become slaves to their feelings. Because of such women, careers are destroyed, families are broken up, but men again and again rush into this pool. However, she often becomes a good assistant to her husband and does everything to ensure that he achieves brilliant success.

Most often, this is a temperamental person, capable of the most unexpected actions. He is a great player and a great artist. An excellent sexual partner, he never allows himself to relax and fall under a woman's spell. The greatest value for him is personal freedom. Sex for him is a sport in which he finds application for his intelligence and talent for transformation. He is not attracted to accessibility; the highest pleasure for him is to defeat a woman equal to him in terms of intellect, free and independent, like him. He is interested not so much in the fact of victory as in the process of the game itself. He treats the vanquished nobly, as his own code of honor tells him. As a reward, they get his temperament and rich sexual experience. Many women believe that losing to him is the same as winning. It's hard to imagine him as a husband. Most often they remain bachelors.


They make navigators, surgeons, sailors, chemists, miners, and mechanics.
If he doesn’t have a bad voice, he will probably have a career as a good pop or opera singer.
Scorpio has an excellent balance of reason and emotions, and if he is highly intellectual, he can be a philosopher and search for the meaning of life.


Scorpio is a sensual nature, prone to excesses, including in love. Scorpio seems to be made for her. He strives for her with all his being.
Scorpio does not allow defeats. Knows the value of his charm. Scorpio, if circumstances are such that it is impossible to conclude a marriage, will love his chosen one stronger and more tenderly than his legal wife or husband. He listens only to what his heart says.
The Scorpio man is not inclined to show his feelings in public. In public he is rude, inattentive, and even cruel, but in private he admits his true attitude. He is very suspicious and jealous.

The Scorpio woman is partly a witch. With her sixth sense, she recognizes her future chosen one at first sight. He has no choice but to submit to her witchcraft spells.
She is an unusually passionate person. But passion has only to do with love. He experiences such feelings in extremes: he either loves him very much or hates him madly.
The Scorpio woman, being terribly jealous, does not like it when people are jealous of her. And it is very difficult to resist jealousy towards Scorpio, since she attracts glances.
Cancer, Pisces, Libra, Virgo are suitable for marriage and cooperation. Must avoid Aquarius and Leo.


Scorpio's health is entirely in his control. He can both destroy himself with sad and angry thoughts and disregard for danger, and he can heal himself by gathering together a strong will. The vitality of Scorpio, given to him from birth, is enormous.

Scorpios rarely get sick, but if they do get sick, the illness is severe. Scorpios often have pain in: nose (chronic bleeding), throat, heart, back, legs. Diseases of the circulatory system and varicose veins are common.
Due to contempt for danger, many accidents occur; Scorpios should be wary of fires, explosions, etc.
The vital energy of Scorpios is so great that at his birth, additional forces (energy) are required to ensure his birth (his birth is accompanied by the death of one of his relatives a year or a year after his birth). And vice versa, when Scorpio goes into another world, the released energy becomes so much that it is enough for the life of a new creature (the death of Scorpio leads to the appearance of a newborn in the family a year before the sad event or a year after it).

Gastronomic horoscope

Sign of a born psychologist and analyst. The most powerful and decisive sign of the Zodiac. But very susceptible to infection. Including a glass of water with honey and apple cider vinegar in your daily diet will have a beneficial effect on your overall well-being. A lack of potassium in the blood can lead to heart disease, which is why it is so important for SCORPIO. To increase the protective forces of the blood, he needs to observe moderation in food and drink, a minimum of alcoholic drinks, fatty and spicy foods. Products containing sodium sulfate and iron, as well as vitamins B, C, E are needed.
Recommendations. Avoid fatty and spicy foods and excessive fluid intake. Your daily diet should include grains and cereals, especially buckwheat. To improve blood formation, beef liver and milk are needed. The best medicinal tea is made from knotweed and nettle. It is recommended to add garlic, sage, rosemary to food.

Your stones


Color - in daylight - bluish-green or emerald green, and in artificial light - red, crimson, purple or violet-red.
The mineral is a chromium-containing variety of chrysoberyl - beryllium and aluminum oxide.
Correspondence to the zodiac sign: Scorpio.
It is recommended to wear several stones at once, and the more, the better, because... A stone alone can bring its owner a lot of trouble.

Properties of the stone. Alexandrite is an extremely rare stone and very expensive, which is why it is considered a stone of prosperity. This stone is suitable only for people with a strong spirit, because it constantly sends challenges to the owner, and the person who has overcome them will feel the beneficial influence of the stone. Alexandrite has strong energy and reacts by changing color to changes in the condition of its owner. It regulates blood circulation, cleanses the blood, strengthens blood vessels. Able to make a person more calm and balanced. In Rus' it was believed that it is a widow's stone if you wear one alexandrite.

From the history of stone. The stone was discovered in 1834, and named in 1842 in honor of the future Tsar Alexander II. It is reliably known that the stone was known before, but was not called by a special term. Thus, since ancient times, Hindus and Sinegalians have called it “vaidurya,” which means “iridescent, changing color.” The Alexandrite found in Sri Lanka is considered one of the largest, weighing 66 carats and kept at the Smithsonian Institution in Washington.


Color - has a greenish iridescence or a light stripe that changes its position when the stone is turned. This optical effect is very similar to the iris of a cat's eye.
Mineral - precious a variety of chrysoberyl or a greenish variety of quartz with the inclusion of asbestos fibers, which is an ornamental stone.
Compliance with the sign Zodiac - Pisces, Cancer, Scorpio.
Properties of the stone. Stabilizes human health and spirit, prevents foreign influences and helps strengthen the family.

From the history of stone. Stones with similar light phenomena have always been considered magical and were used to make amulets-amulets. The largest cat's eye weighing 313.2 carats is kept in the Tower of London. The yellow cat's eye, called Hope's chrysoberyl, weighs 45 carats and is on display in the British Museum. Of the gems, the most famous are kept in the Smithsonian Institution in Washington. For example, a gray-green stone from Sri Lanka weighs 1,715 carats, and a yellow-green stone from Brazil weighs 114.3 carats.

12 Dec

Scorpio: character, choice of profession, love, famous Scorpios

  • Patron planet: Pluto
  • Element: water
  • Mascot: beetle, scorpion
  • Color: red
  • Sign Chinese horoscope: pig
  • Lucky Day: Tuesday
  • Difficult day: Monday
  • Lucky number: nine (9)

Zodiac sign Scorpio: stones, talismans and colors

  • Day ruler- Pluto, nocturnal - Mars, in exaltation - Uranus, in debilitation - the Moon, in exile - Venus.
  • Motto:“I lust”, “I hunger”, “I create”.
  • Brief description of Scorpio: feminine, passionate, fruitful, nocturnal, secretive, sinuous, Martian, negative, fixed Water sign. The energies and influences of Scorpio rule in the world mortality, inheritance, gifts, dowries, radical reforms through violence; passionate energy that suddenly breaks out, a sudden attack, the aggressive side of militarism. Science, meditation, deep research and difficult research, medicine, in particular surgery, are subordinate to him.
  • Personality- silent, active, passionate, leadership, rebellious, resourceful.
  • Temperament hidden emotional, dual, fiery-water.
  • Soul and mind with the energies of Mars (activity) and Pluto (power, transformation) predominating.
  • Spirit and Mind with the predominance of Uranus energy (reformation, anarchy, freedom).
  • The basis of the worldview- dynamism (will to action).
  • In esoteric Christianity The sign of Scorpio corresponds to the Apostle Thomas.
  • Stage of the alchemical process personified by Scorpio, - separation.
  • Colors: burgundy, dark purple, black.
  • Metals: iron, steel, titanium, metal ceramics.
  • Plants: Araliaceae family, coffee, Chernobyl, coriander, garlic, blackthorn.
  • Talisman: beetle, scorpion.
  • Lucky numbers: 9 and all numbers divisible by 9.
  • Lucky day: Tuesday. Bad days: Monday and Friday.
  • Common diseases: damage and diseases of the genital organs, bladder, kidneys, throat.
  • Scorpio Stones: topaz, amethyst, bloodstone. Stones zodiac sign, the opposite of Scorpio (Taurus stones), being in dissonance with his nature, can destroy well-being and life: agate, carnelian, white coral, all white transparent stones.
  • The happiest talisman for Scorpio in February and March there will be amethyst, and in November and December there will be topaz.

Scorpio: description of the zodiac sign, full characteristics

(Professional astrologer, expert numerologist)

The Scorpio personality is a volatile combination of antagonistic forces. Spirit and flesh are constantly fighting among themselves, and therefore Scorpio sometimes seems like a “devil”, and sometimes like a “saint”.

Since the Kundalini energy is largely associated with sexual functions and is a reserve, an untouchable reserve, which is realized in case of emergency or on the verge between life and death, people of this zodiac sign Scorpio can use it either to achieve unity with the cosmos, or to realize own egocentric goals and creating negative karma.

The description of the zodiac sign Scorpio says that the harmonious influence of Scorpio energy allows you to evolve, change how own destiny, and the fate of peoples and nations. This is achieved through the use of new scientific, cultural, religious, philosophical, socio-political achievements and proper cooperation with nature and cosmic forces.

Strengths– conviction, inspiration, attractiveness, discipline

Weak sides– ruthlessness, fanaticism, vindictiveness, suspicion, unreliability

The characteristics of the zodiac sign indicate that people with strong Scorpio in the horoscope they are often endowed with a superman complex, which allows them to work in extreme conditions. As a rule, they have intuition, deeply feel nature, and are able to bring original projects to life. In personal horoscopes, astrologers associate these qualities with the influence of the planets Mars and Pluto on the Scorpio zodiac sign, which manifests itself in a strong will, determination, the ability to navigate in the most difficult situations, generosity, breadth of nature and readiness to protect the weak, a sharp insightful mind, high creative and sexual potential.

The description of the Scorpio man and woman indicates that the disharmonious energy of the sign gives rise to rudeness, ignorance, promiscuity in funds and contacts, and conflict situations relying on brute force. This energy is spent on organizing clans, mafias, totalitarian regimes with subsequent spiritual degradation and fatal consequences for society. The description of the horoscope for the zodiac sign Scorpio warns that the negative influence of Scorpio energies can lead to illnesses, which are a punishment for sins and are often associated with individual karma.

The description of the zodiac sign suggests that Scorpios have a supernatural ability to analyze almost everything, to get to the essence of any phenomenon.

In their youth, Scorpios make many mistakes due to the fact that their excessive aggressiveness does not allow them to think and look inside themselves. Judging by full description zodiac sign, as a rule, Scorpios rarely achieve great success in life (material or spiritual) until the age of 29, which coincides with the first cycle of Saturn. Only much later do they begin to receive from life what they did not receive in their youth.

With dissonance, this is a type of proud choleric person who denies everything that cannot be explained rationally. This is often a destructive type of person, arrogant and jealous, who should be feared because he is capable of following his basest instincts.

Best video on the topic: characteristics of the zodiac sign Scorpio

Money, career and best professions for Scorpio

When asking what professions are suitable for Scorpio, it should be taken into account that they are characterized by the desire to know oneself, others, manage the situation with minimal physical and energetic impact, challenge nature and attempts to change the predetermined order of events. Therefore, among the professions for the Scorpio sign, work in the field of medicine, physics, astronomy and astrology, in scientific and extrasensory research of human nature predominates. Most often, success in work is achieved by Scorpios with an abnormally high energy potential of this sign, as well as planets close in spirit to the nature of Scorpio.

Since the zodiac sign Scorpio is the first of the four permanent signs, he performs every job with incredible persistence until he finally understands and masters it. When considering professions for the Scorpio zodiac sign, remember that fighting to the end, regardless of the consequences, is one of the most important traits of Scorpio.

People of the Scorpio zodiac sign have powerful sexual potential, passion in love, high performance, and these qualities are often realized in intellectual, scientific and artistic creativity.

When wondering what profession to choose for Scorpio, remember that people of this sign are very diligent and have an innate desire for scientific research, and show a genuine interest in this type of activity. The work that suits a Scorpio woman or man is quite different; they perform especially well in professions related to nature, because they have extraordinary abilities for scientific research, especially in the field of biology and natural history.

If they are not disturbed by other planetary aspects in the horoscope, they can become specialists in medicine and especially in surgery. Analyzing the best professions for Scorpio, we can also say that their abilities in military sciences are clearly manifested. The sign of Scorpio is often found in professional horoscopes of people of art, for example, sculptors. Sometimes it is associated with police activities.

Scorpio in love and social relationships

This is perhaps the most energetic and mysterious sign of the Zodiac. A person with pronounced Scorpio energy in the horoscope makes a strong impression in love - he is a man fatale for women or a femme fatale for men. Often the magnetism of a Scorpio man in love cannot be resisted, because without regret he uses the secret and powerful energy of sex, the energy of life and death - the mysterious energy of Kundalini in yoga.

Scorpios are very selective of partners, they choose only those who are truly worthy of them, then systematically move towards their goal. If a Scorpio catches your eye, you can be sure it's on purpose—they're interested, and they want you to know it.

Unlike Aries Mars, who can be imagined as a young, inexperienced soldier going into battle with the romantic ideals of youth, Scorpio Mars is an old, wise general who goes into battle not out of desire, but out of necessity.

The zodiac sign Scorpio in communication considers his life to be a struggle with his inner self and outside world, as it very often remains misunderstood. This happens because Scorpio signs in love and relationships do not know how to express themselves. They are silent and secretive, they want to achieve their goals on their own, without introducing others to their affairs, because they believe that no one can understand them.

Very often in love, a Scorpio man appears as a person with a strong will, so strong that it turns into aggressiveness and creates many obstacles to finding happiness. Women and men of the Scorpio zodiac sign fight for success in love with much more energy than all other signs combined. However, although many Scorpios want to succeed in love, only a few succeed, since first of all they need to win the fight with themselves. Only then will they achieve what they want.

If you want to know the secrets of communicating with a Scorpio man or woman, remember that they have a sharp, critical, caustic and caustic mind. The social behavior of a Scorpio man and woman in love is very dependent on the likes or dislikes they experience; their reaction is directly related to their positive or negative feelings.

Behind their outwardly cold and phlegmatic behavior lies a firm, strong will. Women in Scorpio men respect pride, toughness, diplomacy and dexterity. In love, a Scorpio man is characterized by passionate feelings and strong convictions, so it is very difficult to convince him. This zodiac sign has a fighting, even aggressive, spirit, driven by the desire to win, to overcome obstacles, and sometimes this is done by any available means.

Symbol of the zodiac sign Scorpio: what does the image of Scorpio mean?

The symbolism of the sign of Scorpio ♏ is a double sign of Aries. This is a transformation of energy in the physical and energetic world, allowing it to be concentrated in the form of a sting or arrow for manifestation in the spiritual world, the world of archetypes and universal knowledge.

The description indicates that for the zodiac sign Scorpio, mysterious and mysterious phenomena in the physical world, the laws of nature, the mysteries of birth and death, sexual relationships, and psychoanalysis are of great interest.

The arrow in the Scorpio symbol is a bee's sting and a snake's tooth, a doctor's or acupuncturist's needle, a secret weapon or medicine that changes the state of the body, consciousness and perception. The characteristics of the zodiac sign indicate that the power of spiritual Scorpio is aimed at destroying illusions, old shells of the body, energy and consciousness that interfere with a new life and vision of reality.

The zodiac sign Scorpio is a sign of high internal potential and tension before the transition of quantity into quality, before the barrier of the transcendental and unknown, mysterious and mysterious, before meeting death and entering new life. Therefore, many Scorpios could quite justifiably take the motto “memento mori”, but not for sad waiting, but for activities that allow them to live with maximum fullness.

The characteristics of the zodiac sign indicate that the period from October 24 to November 22, when the Sun passes the sign of Scorpio, destructive and self-destructive processes are observed in nature, leading to rebirth. In humans, the influence of this sign manifests itself in an increasing tendency towards introversion. This is the type of reformer, scientist, explorer.

Scorpio Celebrities

1st dean's office

: S. Ordzhonikidze, V. Borovsky, D. Ustinov, J. Danton, T. Roosevelt, Chiang Kai-shek, J. Goebbels, F. Mitterrand.

Scientists: I. Michurin, A. Alekhine, X. Columbus, E. Rotterdamsky, A. van Leeuwenhoek, E. Galois, E. Halley.

Artists: V. Vereshchagin, A. Bely, M. Yanshin, Papanov, Paracelsus, N. Paganini, I. Strauss, J. Bizet, D. Scarlatti, J. Vermeyer, B. Cellini, P. Picasso, L. Visconti.

2nd dean's office

State and political leaders: A. Menshikov, L. Trotsky, D. Yazov.

: D. Andreev.

Scientists: M. Yangel, M. Kalashnikov, A. Tupolev, D. Cook, M. Skladovskaya-Curie.

Artists: I. Turgenev, O. Bove, F. Dostoevsky, Komissarzhevskaya, V. Khlebnikov, S. Roerich, F. Schiller, A. Hitchcock, R. Clair.

3rd dean's office

State and political leaders: A. Kolchak, M. Kalinin, M. Suslov, E. Rommel, B. Montgomery, D. McCarthy, R. Kennedy, I. Gandhi.

Public and religious figures: D. Nehru, M. Luther.

Scientists: M. Lomonosov, L. Dagger, R. Capablanca.

Artists: A. Borodin, 3. Gippius, I. Pyryev, M. Plisetskaya, D. Guarneri, O. Rodin, R. Stevenson, C. Monet.

The astrological forecast is based on: February 23, 2020(Moscow, GMT +3:00)

It is better to plan important things for the first half of the day: at this time it will be easier for you to concentrate and get into a serious mood. Business negotiations will go well if you show firmness and do not make concessions. There is a chance to receive an offer that will open up new professional horizons for you.

The second half of the day will not go so well; numerous minor difficulties and annoying misunderstandings are possible. Some representatives of the sign argue with loved ones, others allow themselves to make offensive statements about others and make new enemies.

Sign element: water

Color: purple, raspberry

Sign stone: topaz

Metal of the sign: cobalt, platinum

Zodiac sign Scorpio: horoscope

These are very secretive people. The Scorpio horoscope fills their lives with unusual situations, but you may not know about it. It is the fast pace of life and unusual situations that allow them to feel alive and allow all the amazing talents of Scorpio according to the horoscope to reveal themselves.

Those born under this sign always maintain clarity of thinking, the ability to make an informed decision, and calmness. The more serious the issue, the more the zodiac sign Scorpio is prone to risk and struggle.

Purposefulness is the main characteristic of Scorpio; nothing can distract his attention from the chosen object. No wishes, threats, requests will force him to back down, it will only become more interesting. Any means are good to achieve the goal.

He can stop only if all the tasks are solved and the goal is achieved. Such inflexibility, perseverance, and will evoke respect and sometimes reverent fear among others.

The zodiac sign Scorpio is prone to research, inspection, identifying cause-and-effect relationships, and finding out all the details. Many of them find pleasure in extreme sports or dangerous professions, and enjoy risking their lives.

They tend to control what is happening around them and eliminate the causes of their discontent, and in such a way that others may not notice.

The love horoscope of Scorpio is also extreme. Often unknowingly. Their home is not a quiet haven, a refuge from worries, but an experimental field where something is changing all the time. And not always for the better.

Those born under this sign are often lonely, although they really need a loved one who can understand and support them. The fact is that the responsibilities that fall on Scorpio in close relationships weigh heavily on him, and he will not allow anyone to patronize and take care of himself.

First decade (October 24 - November 2)

People born during this period absorbed as much as possible all the brightest features of Scorpios. These are proud, merciless and independent representatives of this sign, who can be very aggressive, cruel and strong. They live their lives exclusively for themselves, regardless of the desires of others. On the other hand, these people are damn attractive, charismatic and jealous. However, having a rational mind, they know exactly who and when to demonstrate their feelings.

Despite constant conversations about sex, demonstrations of rudeness and intolerance, deep down each of them would like to submit to a stronger partner.

Second decade (November 3 - November 12)

Scorpios of the second decade are less aggressive and cruel, but are more passionate about art and science. Their hobbies are also supported by curiosity and a lively mind. Always honest with people, but at the same time secretive, rarely sharing their experiences with loved ones. The worst thing for Scorpios in the second decade is to demonstrate their helplessness in any situation.

They can be kind, generous and attentive, but as soon as Scorpio becomes disappointed in a friend or partner, he will immediately cut him out of his life. The generosity and monstrous cruelty of representatives of this sign always go hand in hand.

Third decade (November 13 - November 23)

During this period, most of the outstanding scientists, great thinkers and philosophers, and famous politicians were born. And this is not surprising, because people, mainly Scorpio men, born during this period are purposeful, emotional, capable of getting to the very essence of any issue, they are also independent and very talented. Men born during this period most often become recognized geniuses.

With women of this period it is a little more difficult. Basically, these are insatiable maniacs, obsessed with love and sex. If there is little love in their lives, then over time they become nervous hysterics who end their lives within the walls of psychiatric hospitals.

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Scorpio is one of the most mysterious and controversial signs of the zodiac. Its diversity does not fit into ordinary frameworks. Coldness and passion, independence and devotion, strength and weakness - all these qualities are inherent in Scorpios, who simultaneously include all the best and the worst that a person can have.

Zodiac sign Scorpio is the eighth in zodiac horoscope. Its element is Water, and its ruling planets are Mars and Pluto. The symbol of the zodiac sign Scorpio is its tail, in which the sting is located. Scorpio's bite is fatal, so you should always be on guard when dealing with him.

A lot can be said about the sign of Scorpio. This is one of the most powerful and outstanding zodiac signs, whose representatives are very resilient both physically and mentally. Under no circumstances, even the most dramatic ones, do they lose heart. Scorpio will never give up when achieving a goal, even if he has to go over his head. He will fight by any means, sometimes not always consistent with ethical standards.

Scorpio considers himself always and in everything right, and it is not possible to convince him of this. It is useless to praise or scold Scorpio. Flattering words will not evoke absolutely any emotions in him, however, neither will insults or blasphemy. His equanimity in any situation cannot be admired. He himself will also never allow himself to flatter or grovel before anyone. These people are accustomed to telling the truth right in the eyes of their interlocutor. It is for this quality that they are respected not only by friends, but also by enemies, but there are also those who fiercely hate such individuals, envying their strength and endurance.

Scorpios remember the good done to them, but they also remember the insults inflicted on them. Their sting can instantly hit the enemy, but there are also cases when these people hatch a plan of revenge for a long time.

In general, according to the horoscope, Scorpio is a very passionate and self-confident person. His strong will is combined with a great desire to possess. It is characterized by perseverance, perseverance, a sense of ownership, sometimes getting out of control, which can lead the representative of the sign to use violence. His assertiveness can change the world around him, and his thirst for power leads to active action without thinking.

Scorpios are brave and fearless, loyal and devoted. They are great friends who will do anything for a friend. They have a deep understanding of other people's problems. However, they may also contain negative traits: envy and jealousy, aggressiveness and mercilessness, rudeness, ardor and vanity. These people are able to survive in any conditions.

Scorpio man

Male representatives of the sign are independent and pragmatic, often tough and intractable. They never doubt that they are right. For them there are no authorities, frameworks or anything impossible. These people take everything from life to the maximum. Individuals who are strong in spirit, with a will that cannot be broken, always have an impeccable reputation, despite often unlawful actions in achieving their goals.

The Scorpio man is a secretive person. He does not like to advertise what is going on in his soul. This person will never share his experiences even with close people. He solves his problems quickly, going ahead, overcoming all difficulties, even if he has to show aggression, pressure or violence. He has a tendency towards risky adventures and dangerous actions. Such a man cannot be controlled or forced to submit.

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