The emergence of God. The Origin of Gods and Men - Earth Before the Flood: Vanished Continents and Civilizations

The ancient Greek gods often took on human form and lived in a society similar to that of humans. They were subject to ordinary emotions and too often interfered in people's lives for their own benefit. The only significant difference between gods and people was that the former were immortal. Each Greek city-state had its own main god or pantheon of gods, and, depending on the location of the city-state, the characteristics of the gods could vary widely.

It's difficult to trace because there are several myths about the creation of the world. But, as a rule, the laurel branch of recognition in this matter is usually given to the Greek poet Hesiod, who lived in the eighth century BC and wrote Theogony - the genealogical epic “The Birth of the Gods”, explaining their origin.

Greek gods as a creation myth

According to Hesiod, the process of creation of the world and the emergence of gods was as follows: from the unknown universe, from nowhere, the god Chaos (emptiness) appeared, who became the basis of everything - the basis of creation, birth, creativity. Chaos was so infinitely powerful, magnificent and fruitful that it expelled from itself several creatures - its children: Gaia - who became the goddess of the earth and the basis of all things, Tartarus - the god of the abyss and nothingness, the twins Eros and Anteros - the god of love and carnal desire and the god of denial love, Erebus - the god of darkness and Nyx - the goddess of the night.

Gaia was so attractive and beautiful that the insidious Eros, the only one who did not have his own children in the highest divine pantheon, did everything to awaken the father’s desire for his own daughter.

From the union of Chaos and Gaia, the god of heaven Uranus was born, personifying the masculine principle, and then a whole host of titans: three hundred-armed giant monsters with fifty heads and three one-eyed cyclops monsters, Uranus forever exiled them all to his uncle Tartarus, and only the next six sons and the same number of daughters remained with Gaia: Oceanus, Coy, Crius, Hyperion, Iapetus, Chronos, Fairy, Rhea, Themis, Mnemosyne, Tepheus and Phoebe.

The most cunning of them was Chronos (god of time). It was his mother Gaia who persuaded him to take revenge for the children thrown into oblivion. It was he who overthrew his father from the pedestal and became the ruler of the world, and then himself, having married his sister Rhea, became the father of many children, whom he devoured one by one.

Only one of the newborns was saved by inconsolable Rhea by deception - it was Zeus. And it was he who subsequently took revenge on his father, freeing the brothers and sisters swallowed by Chronos, but thereby unleashing one of the first and terrible wars in heaven and on earth - the war with the titans at Mount Olympus. In this war, the sky fell to the ground and she trembled and groaned with horror and grief, the ocean overflowed its banks and threatened everything in its path, the mountains collapsed, and even Olympus almost opened up and capsized into Tartarus.

Age of the Victorious Gods

It was the children of Zeus who became his saviors, lovers, enemies and comforters. They helped him defeat the Titans and establish power on Olympus, dividing spheres of influence between numerous relatives: thus Zeus’s brother Poseidon began to rule the seas, and Hades the underworld (the world of the dead).

Since the children of Chaos had previously multiplied tirelessly, then, in the end, each of them had their own business. His children Nyx (darkness) and Erebus (night) gave birth to many children, including: Ether (light) and Hemera (day), Somnus (death) and Pestilence (sleep, doom), Eris () and Nemesis (vengeance), Geras (old age), Charon (ferryman in the kingdom of the dead), three furies - Alecto, Tisiphone, Megaera - and several nymphs of the Hesperides.

They, and the numerous children of Zeus from three wives, seven official mistresses, darkness-darkness lovers, and began to rule the world. Since there were many of them - that is, a lot - and they all had, to put it mildly, difficult dispositions, wars and strife between them did not subside, falling from time to time on mortals - people. From which, by the way, the gods also gave birth to children - demigods who performed their feats, enjoyed life, fell in love and fought for love, glory and simply because they could not help but fight.

By creating their myths, marrying, breeding and sending the most passionate hero-gods to Hades, the ancient Greeks thereby created a holistic divine family, where everyone was relatives and did not tolerate “strangers” - but only on the ancestral land of the Hellenes. Conquering other territories, to colonial lands, the Greeks willingly introduced divine pantheon new - local gods, connecting them with

Yahweh and Huitzilopochtli - who are they? Reflections on the similarity of the outcomes of the Jews and Aztecs and the nature of the gods who led them(on 2 pages)

When I was preparing materials for the third book, I noticed the clear similarity between the exodus of the Jews from Egypt and the Aztecs from Aztlan. Despite the fact that the exodus of the Aztecs took place in the X or XI-XIII centuries. AD and lasted more than 200 years, and the exodus of the Jews - in the 14th or 13th centuries. BC. and lasted about 40 years (according to classical dating), they followed approximately the same scenario. I was especially struck by the similarity between the gods who guided the exodus of the Jews and the Aztecs - Huitzilopochtli (Vitzliputzli) and Yahweh (Sabaoth)...Both of these gods were omnipotent and invisible. They were always present somewhere next to the peoples they led, but they never revealed their faces. When they needed to show their power, they appeared in the form of a cloud, cloud, fire,... . )

Horned Moses - a Bible translation error or an anatomical feature? Reflections on the potential ancestors of the Chosen People
When I selected illustrations for my article “Yahweh and Huitzilopochtli - who are they? Reflections on the similarity of the outcomes of the Jews and Aztecs and the nature of the gods who led them,” then I came across a photograph of the statue of Michelangelo Buanarrotti “Moses”, completed by the great sculptor in 1542 and placed in the Basilica of San Pietro in Vincoli (St. Peter) in Rome (her a plaster copy is in the Pushkin Museum in Moscow). And I was struck by the similarity of Moses with the ancient Greek god Pan (ancient Roman Faun and Silvanus), depicted on an ancient sculpture in the Louvre... After that, I saw photographs of several more similar sculptures of Moses - in Cathedral in Salzburg, the cathedral in Angers in France, the Rosslyn Chapel in Scotland, etc., in which he looked almost the same as the god Pan, however, with one significant difference - Moses had human legs, and Pan had the legs of a ram or a goat. But Moses and Pan had horns on their heads. This couldn't be just an accident . )

I. Dobrosotsky. Celestials - gods and ancestors of humanity (on 3 pages)
I recommend reading the article by I. Dobrosotsky “Celestials - gods and ancestors of humanity.” In it, the author put forward a well-reasoned hypothesis that the ancient knowledge underlying modern religions, were brought to Earth by celestials - aliens from other planets, whom ancient people began to call gods. His ideas are very convincing that the celestials were the ancestors of people, and that the formation of modern types of people was the result of mixed marriages between the celestials and the “animal man”, which included the ancient inhabitants of the Earth . )


Demons. White and black humanoid demons
Before the Nativity of Christ and in the first centuries of the Christian era, the word “demon” meant a creature occupying an intermediate position between God and man. In the Rigveda, gods and demons, called by the same word “asuras,” were not separated at all and denoted any creature with supernatural abilities. The distinction between the concepts of "god" and "demon" appeared only in later literature. All “light” creatures, supportive and merciful to people, began to be classified as gods, and “dark” forces hostile to humanity became demons. Moreover, at different nations there were different criteria for determining light and dark forces. Therefore, the same creatures among some peoples began to be called demons, and among others - gods ( )

Demons. Snake-like, multi-armed, multi-headed, multi-body, one-armed, one-legged and similar demons
In the first part of the work, “White and Black Humanoid Demons,” I explained the principle by which the separation of white and black aliens in human form took place. Among many peoples (Ancient Egypt, Sumer, Babylon, Japan, Korea, etc.) they were often united in a group of solar deities opposing “black” snake-like, crocodile-shaped, multi-armed, multi-headed, multi-body, one-armed, one-legged and similar gods and demons who lived in the "underworld", the Underworld, Xibalba, Patala, etc. All these chthonic creatures were most often classified as demons or described as monsters. IN selected places (Ancient India, China, Indochina, America, etc.) they were included in the composition of gods, spirits, or legendary rulers and emperors (

A. Komogortsev. The myth of reptilians and amphibian civilizing heroes in the light of traditional sources
According to modern conspiracy theories, reptilians are a hypothetical race of humanoid reptiles capable of taking the form of a human and seeking to establish power over humanity. The modern popularizer of this theory, David Icke, insists on the existence of the “Babylonian Brotherhood” - a secret organization created by reptilians and ruling the world throughout human history. And Komogortsev tried to understand his work, who the reptilians could be in various religious and mythological traditions(

Giants and giants

Giants, giants, giants - who are they? Mythical creatures or the real inhabitants of the Earth?
Every now and then in my research I touch on the topic of giants, giants and giants. The site contains quite a lot of works dedicated to this mysterious disappeared people or, rather, peoples. They say that giants, giants and giants lived on Earth during four world eras... After the catastrophe that marked the change of the Fourth and Fifth world eras, which coincided with the Creation of the world according to the Bible and the Koran... they began to share the world with people. It just so happens that information about giants, giants and giants is scattered throughout the site and is not very convenient to use. Therefore, I decided to post on this page the names and announcements of my most important works, which directly talk about giants, giants and giants(

Giants and giants are the predecessors and contemporaries of people. How tall were the gods and demons?
One of my friends sent a photograph of a bas-relief from some Indian or Indo-Chinese temple (very similar to the bas-reliefs of the Angkor temple complex), which seems to depict a scene of the installation of an iron column. The photograph clearly shows that the column is being installed by giants, whose height is greater than the height of elephants, and only half the length of the column itself, that is, it is about 3.5 meters. Who were these giants? I realized this after a trip to the temples of Thailand and Cambodia. Photo reports about my trip are presented in the sections “Photo gallery" and "My research"(

L. Ramp. Sarcophagus with giants and machines from the past in the dungeons of Tibet
Lama T. Lobsang Rampa, in his autobiographical story “The Third Eye” (chapters “Potala” and “Last Initiation”), spoke about visiting the caves located under the palace-residence of the Dalai Lama in the Potala in the Tibetan capital of Lhasa (China). After passing through countless underground corridors, halls and stairs, he came to a huge niche. " In the center of the niche there was a black house... The walls of the house were covered with strange symbols and diagrams..." Inside it were three open sarcophagi made of black stone, decorated with drawings and mysterious inscriptions. One of the abbots, pointing to those who lay in the sarcophagi, said: “ look, my son, they lived like gods in our country when there were no mountains here yet. They walked across our land when the sea washed its shores and other stars burned in the skies. Look and remember, for only the initiated have seen this» (

The word "truth" originally meant verbally and over time was transformed into the word "justice". Following the words "the true origin of God" an oral explanation of the origin is obtained. But based on the existing law of Justice of the Universe, the word God is established as the owner of copyright in the creation of a living human body. Due to the issue of authorial law and the mention of Jesus, in his case it is absurd to discuss a literary hero whose pattern of unnaturalness is distinguished. It is natural that a human body with a broken seal is unable to survive the loss of blood and the cooling of the body generally loses the meaning of the word alive. The main arbiter of destinies at this time and at that period in the life of society in a global sense already beat six myths about the resurrection. Didn't the sons of the creator fight over the right to be called resurrected into the truth? What kind of improvisation is this to create a human body under special conditions with a quick removal from society?
God is the name of the one who, by means of evolution, proved his copyright. That is, by means of the accumulation of souls who lived in human bodies before the Universal Explosion, they were able to reproduce only a herd of ape-like people. And only a soul with the surname God was able, by its birth, to present a person as homo sapions. The name of this man has come down to us, in a word, Adam, who, while talking with the Devil, did not suspect that he was talking with himself, and it is not surprising that he talked with God in the same way as he talked with himself. It was in this body that the secret of the reproduction of human bodies was kept. When they claim that Jesus brought Adam and Eve out of hell, I imagine his surprise at who he would meet.
But since hell and other acts contradictory to life do not change, it should be taken into account that humanity was created for humane purposes not for outrages against laws and lives. No matter how it is in words, I can notice how the basis of any truth. Jesus said: Whoever comes with the sword will die by the sword. And in another text he said again: I did not come to bring peace to Earth, but a sword. So don’t be surprised why he was executed, and his father gave him a complete refusal, so that he would learn how bad it is to always hang, hanging in the pillory during execution. Isli took nothing else except the sword, so what did he want? So that everyone would be afraid of his threats and crawl over the coffins? He talked so much about love, but he himself claimed that his birth was not real. But what to do with it, after all, 5000 years before there was a myth about the resurrection of Horus and also with the participation of the virgin birth. Breaking the pattern, he sacrifices to remain anonymously executed for the theft of 2,000 head of pigs. Although the New Testament says that pigs drowned in the sea, then no one thought that there would be arguments for this lie. Pigs do not have a tendency to commit suicide, especially since pigs by nature can overcome water obstacles. The ancestors of all of us considered it reckless that we would trust their distorted words from other myths, blindly joining the herd of slaves who trusted illusions, just as they trusted.
Bottom line: The true use of the word God is the definition of the person who has the copyright to create the human body!!!

Myths Ancient Greece. Introduction.

In early childhood, when I was studying at primary school in my native village in the Far East, by some miracle I came across a book with an image of a red-brick centaur on the cover - “Myths of Ancient Greece”, as I wrote about, with the appearance of the gods and heroes of Hellas in my worldview, which determined one might say, my entire future and my calling.

But much more significant: the myths of Ancient Greece underlie the worldview of the ancient Greeks and Romans, the entire ancient civilization and culture, which again emerged during the Renaissance in Western Europe and Russia. It is the myths of Hellas that constitute the quintessence classical education and classical style, containing poetry and the measure of things - beauty, the beauty of nature, its flora and fauna, the universe as a whole, the beauty of life and, above all, women, the beauty of art.

Therefore, contact with the myths of Ancient Greece in childhood and subsequently is always extremely beneficial and necessary, because European civilization and culture, all types of art are permeated with images of ancient legends and myths.

Now I know that that book with the red-brick centaur on the cover was published for children based on the book “Legends and Myths of Ancient Greece” by N.A. Kun, which was reprinted several times in the USSR. This book will become our guide, since the demand for the myths of Ancient Greece is great, and I myself am interested in plunging back into classical antiquity.


The origin of the world and the gods.

In the beginning there was only eternal, boundless, dark Chaos. It contained the source of life. Everything arose from boundless Chaos - the whole world and the immortal gods.

The goddess Earth, Gaia, also came from Chaos. It spreads wide, powerful, giving life to everything that lives and grows on it.

Far under the Earth, as far as the vast, bright sky is far from us, in immeasurable depths, the gloomy Tartarus was born - a terrible abyss full of eternal darkness.

From Chaos was born a powerful force that animates everything - Love - Eros.

Boundless Chaos gave birth to the eternal Darkness - Erebus and the dark Night - Nyukta. And from Night and Darkness came the eternal Light - Ether and the joyful bright Day - Hemera. The light spread throughout the world, and night and day began to replace each other.

The mighty, fertile Earth gave birth to the boundless blue Sky - Uranus, and the Sky spread over the Earth. The high Mountains born of the Earth rose proudly towards him, and the ever-noisy Sea spread widely.

Uranus - Sky - reigned in the world. He took the fertile Earth as his wife. Uranus and Gaia had six sons and six daughters - powerful, formidable titans. Their son is the Titan Ocean, which flows around the entire earth, and the goddess Thetis gave birth to all the rivers that roll their waves to the sea, and the sea goddesses - the Oceanids.

Titan Hipperion and Theia gave the world children: the Sun - Helios, the Moon - Selene and the ruddy Dawn - pink-fingered Eos (Aurora). From Astraeus and Eos came the stars that burn in the dark night sky, and the winds: the stormy northern wind Boreas, the eastern Eurus, the humid southern Notus and the gentle western wind Zephyr, carrying clouds heavy with rain.

In addition to the titans, the mighty Earth gave birth to three giants - cyclops with one eye in the forehead - and three huge, like mountains, fifty-headed giants - hundred-armed (hecatoncheires), so named because each of them had a hundred arms. Nothing can resist their terrible power; their elemental power knows no bounds.

Uranus hated his giant children; he imprisoned them in deep darkness in the bowels of the Earth goddess and did not allow them to come into the light. Their mother Earth suffered. She was oppressed by the terrible burden contained in her depths. She summoned her children, the Titans, and convinced them to rebel against their father Uranus, but they were afraid to raise their hand against their father. Only the youngest of them, the treacherous Kron, overthrew his father by cunning and took away his power.

As punishment for Kron, the Goddess Night gave birth to a whole host of terrible deities: Tanata - death, Eridu - discord, Apata - deception, Ker - destruction, Hypnos - a dream with a swarm of gloomy heavy visions, the merciless Nemesis - revenge for crimes - and many others. Horror, strife, deception, struggle and misfortune brought these gods into the world where Cronus reigned on the throne of his father.


Birth of Zeus.

Kron was not sure that power would remain in his hands forever. He was afraid that his children would rebel against him and doom him to the same fate to which he doomed his father Uranus. And Kron ordered his wife Rhea to bring him the children being born and mercilessly swallowed them. Rhea was horrified when she saw the fate of her children. Cronus has already swallowed five: Hestia, Demeter, Hera, Hades (Hades) and Poseidon (among the Romans Juno, Pluto and Neptune).

Rhea did not want to lose her last child. On the advice of her parents, Uranus-Heaven and Gaia-Earth, she retired to the island of Crete, and there, in a deep cave, her son Zeus was born. In this cave, Rhea hid him from his cruel father, and gave Krona a long stone wrapped in swaddling clothes to swallow instead of his son. Krohn had no idea that he had been deceived.

Meanwhile, Zeus grew up in Crete. The nymphs Adrastea and Idea cherished little Zeus. They fed him with the milk of the divine goat Amalthea. Bees brought honey to Zeus from the slopes high mountain Dictations. Whenever little Zeus cried, the young curetes (demigods) guarding the cave struck their shields with swords so that Kronus would not hear his crying and Zeus would not suffer the fate of his brothers and sisters.

Zeus overthrows Cronus. The struggle of the Olympian gods with the titans.

Zeus grew up and matured. He rebelled against his father and forced him to bring back into the world the children he had swallowed. One by one, Kron spewed out his children-gods from the mouth. They began to fight with Kron and the Titans for power over the world.

This struggle was terrible and stubborn. The children of Kron established themselves on high Olympus. Some titans also took their side, and the first were the titan Ocean and his daughter Styx with their children Zeal, Power and Victory. This struggle was dangerous for the Olympian gods. Their opponents were powerful and formidable. But the Cyclopes came to the aid of Zeus. They forged thunder and lightning for him, Zeus aimed them at the titans.

The struggle lasted ten years, but victory did not lean on either side. Finally, Zeus decided to free the hundred-armed giants Hecatoncheires from the bowels of the earth and call on them for help. Terrible, huge as mountains, they emerged from the bowels of the earth and rushed into battle. They tore entire rocks from the mountains and threw them at the titans. Hundreds of rocks flew towards the titans as they approached Olympus. The earth groaned, a roar filled the air, everything around was shaking. Even Tartarus shuddered from this struggle. Zeus threw fiery lightning and deafeningly roaring thunder one after another. Fire engulfed the entire earth, the seas boiled, smoke and stench covered everything with a thick veil.

Finally, the titans wavered. Their strength was broken, they were defeated. The Olympians chained them and cast them into gloomy Tartarus, into eternal darkness. At the indestructible copper gates of Tartarus, the hundred-armed giants - the Hecatoncheires - stood guard so that the mighty titans would not break free from Tartarus. The power of the titans in the world has passed.

The fight between Zeus and Typhon.

But the struggle did not end there. Gaia-Earth was angry with the Olympian Zeus for treating her defeated titan children so harshly. She married the gloomy Tartarus and gave birth to the terrible hundred-headed monster Typhon.

Huge, with a hundred dragon heads, Typhon rose from the bowels of the earth. He shook the air with a wild howl. The barking of dogs, human voices, the roar of an angry bull, the roar of a lion were heard in this howl. Turbulent flames swirled around Typhon, and the earth shook under his heavy steps.

The gods shuddered in horror. But Zeus the Thunderer boldly rushed towards Typhon, and the battle began. Lightning flashed again in the hands of Zeus, and thunder rumbled. The earth and the firmament shook to the ground. The earth burst into flames, just as during the fight against the titans. The seas were boiling at the mere approach of Typhon. Hundreds of fiery lightning arrows rained down from the thunderer Zeus; It seemed that even the air and dark thunderclouds were burning from their fire. Zeus incinerated all of Typhon's hundred heads.

Typhon collapsed to the ground, such heat emanated from his body that everything around him melted. Zeus raised Typhon's body and threw it into the gloomy Tartarus, which gave birth to him. But even in Tartarus, Typhon also threatens the gods and all living things. It causes storms and eruptions; he gave birth to Echidna, half-woman, half-snake, the terrible two-headed dog Ortho, the hellish dog Kerberus (Cerberus), the Larnaean hydra and the Chimera; Typhon often shakes the earth.

The Olympian gods defeated their enemies. No one could resist their power anymore. They could now calmly rule the world. The most powerful of them, the thunderer Zeus, took the sky for himself, Poseidon took the sea, and Hades took the underground kingdom of the souls of the dead. The land remained in common possession. Although the sons of Kron divided the power over the world among themselves, the lord of the sky, Zeus, still reigns over everyone; he rules people and gods, he knows everything in the world.


Zeus reigns high on bright Olympus, surrounded by a host of gods. Here are his wife Hera, and golden-haired Apollo with his sister Artemis, and golden Aphrodite, and the mighty daughter of Zeus Athena (for the Romans Diana, Venus and Minerva) and many other gods.

Three beautiful oras guard the entrance to high Olympus and raise a thick cloud covering the gates when the gods descend to earth or ascend to the bright halls of Zeus.

High above Olympus the blue bottomless sky stretches, and golden light pours from it. There is no rain or snow in the kingdom of Zeus; There is always a bright, joyful summer there.

And the clouds swirl below, sometimes covering the distant land. There, on earth, spring and summer are replaced by autumn and winter, joy and fun are replaced by misfortune and grief. True, even the gods know sorrows, but they soon pass, and joy reigns again on Olympus.

The gods feast in their golden palaces, built by the son of Zeus Hephaestus (among the Romans Vulcan). King Zeus sits on a high golden throne. The courageous, beautiful face of Zeus breathes with greatness and a proudly calm consciousness of power and might.

At the throne is his goddess of peace, Eirene, and the constant companion of Zeus, the winged goddess of victory Nike.

Here comes the majestic goddess Hera, wife of Zeus. Zeus honors his wife; Hera, the patroness of marriage, is treated with honor by all the gods of Olympus. When, shining with her beauty, in a magnificent outfit, Hera enters the banquet hall, all the gods stand up and bow before the thunderer’s wife. And she goes to the golden throne and sits next to Zeus.

Near the throne of Hera stands her messenger, the goddess of the rainbow, the light-winged Iris, always ready to be quickly carried on rainbow wings to the farthest ends of the earth to fulfill Hera’s commands.

The gods are feasting. The daughter of Zeus, young Hebe, and the son of the king of Troy, Ganymede, the favorite of Zeus, who received immortality from him, offer them ambrosia and nectar - the food and drink of the gods.

Beautiful charites (the Romans have graces) and muses delight them with singing and dancing. Holding hands, they dance in circles, and the gods admire their light movements and wondrous, eternally youthful beauty. The feast of the Olympians becomes more fun. At these feasts the gods decide all matters; at them they determine the fate of the world and people.

At the throne of Zeus stands the goddess Themis, who preserves the laws... There is also the goddess Dike, daughter of Zeus, defender of truth and enemy of deception. But although Zeus sends happiness and misfortune to people, the fate of people is still determined by the inexorable goddesses of fate - the Moirai (the Romans have parks) who live on Olympus. The fate of Zeus himself is in their hands. Fate rules over mortals and gods. No one can escape the dictates of inexorable fate. There is no such force, such power that could change at least something in what is intended for gods and mortals. Some Moirai know the dictates of fate.

Moira Clotho spins the life thread of a person, determining his lifespan. The thread breaks and life ends. Moira Lachesis takes out, without looking, the lot that falls to a person in life. No one is able to change the fate determined by the moiras, since the third moira, Anthropos, puts everything that her sisters have assigned in a person’s life into a long scroll, and what is included in the scroll of fate is inevitable. The great, harsh moiras are inexorable.

The minds of great sages and philosophers throughout history have been interested in answers to fundamental questions -? What? and so on. By studying the works of these people, one can find different thoughts on this matter. But to the question of how God appeared, no one has yet been able to give a specific answer. For modern man, the answer that “God has always been” does not provide sufficient understanding.

Since childhood, looking at the world around us, we see that everything originates from somewhere: trees grow from seeds, fire appears from a lit match, water cools below zero degrees and forms ice, etc. Our thinking is accustomed to this formula: “if something exists, it means it came from somewhere.” Following this logic, humanity successfully explored the Universe, making all kinds of scientific discoveries and discovering the fundamental laws of the universe - the law of conservation of energy, the law of cause-and-effect relationships, etc.

Naturally, people of faith tend to apply the same logical formula to the source of their faith - God. Since God exists, then it means He came from somewhere. How did God appear? Where? To answer these questions, it is necessary to have a more or less specific understanding of who God is. ? All world religions agree that God is the creator of this world, the entire Universe. One of the most popular and scientifically accepted theories of the origin of the Universe, the big bang theory, says that space and time arose at one point 13.7 ± 0.13 billion years ago. Thus, God the creator of the Universe began to create this world 13.7 billion years ago. Accordingly, space itself and time itself are the creation of God. What happened before the big bang? It is impossible to answer this question correctly. The words “before” or “after” have their relevance only in connection with the concept of time. 13.7 billion years ago time appeared, but before that it did not exist. Therefore, the question – what happened before the big bang – has no answer.

Now let's return to the answer to our main question - where did God come from? The word “appeared” is inextricably linked with the concept of time: there was a time when something did not exist, then at a certain moment this something appeared. So how did God appear? The answer is that God did not appear. He could not appear because there was no time. God created the entire universe, including space and time.

We are part of the Universe. Our thinking is based on the world that exists around us. We are accustomed to the fact that there is time and space. Our worldview, the questions we have, the decisions we make, and our whole life are based on this. The answers to the questions: where and how God came from, obviously lie beyond the boundaries of our Universe. And in order to answer them clearly, you need to have a mindset based on what is outside our Universe, outside the framework of time and space, and not on the knowledge and experience gained within the framework of universal space during your life. But man, created by God, is not yet capable of this.

So how did God come into being? Where did God come from? The very word “appeared” is limited to the universe. And the answer to these questions lies outside the Universe created by God.

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