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Ludmila, Novosibirsk

What can be done in the post, and what is not?

Hello, I heard from priests that fasting is a holiday, that you can’t do anything during fasting (repair, relocation); I heard from people that in fasting you can wash everything, clean, clean your home and soul for Easter. How to be right, what is possible in the post, and what is not? I'm afraid to buy new things in Lent, to make repairs: it often turned out that I would make repairs in Lent (put tiles on the floor), and then it would break and have to be redone. I myself try to observe fasting and pray. Right now in the apartment there is a bedroom and a corridor without wallpaper (just bare walls) and I'm afraid to glue and finish repairs in the post. Especially, great post. Where to find the truth?

Good! On the one hand, I completely agree that fasting is a holiday! Especially for the soul: the body is forced to move from the central pedestal, giving way to the main thing in a person - the Spirit. True, this can happen only with the right organization of life and only in the light of prayer.

In the monastic charters and the description of the Christian life of ancient generations, I have never met a ban on working during Lent, both Great and others. Logically, the time of Great Lent falls in the spring, and the proverb says that “in spring, the day feeds the year.” While praying and observing the Lenten charter, our ancestors cultivated the fields (without the use of tractors and other equipment), performed all the work necessary to ensure the life of families.

Probably, it would be more correct for you to take care of the appearance of the house, and the Bright Holiday Christ's Resurrection meet in a renovated house and walls brought to beauty. God help!

The meaning of fasting lies in repentance and spiritual renewal, and abstinence in food only contributes to this. And, as the clergy say, fasting without prayer is not fasting. In 2019, the time of Great Lent falls on the period from March 11 to April 27. What prayers should be read in Lent 2019?

If you have not read the entire Old and New Testament- make up for lost time in the coming forty days. Try to read Scripture every day, in a quiet environment, and then meditate on what you have read.

Prayers that are read in Lent

Talking about how to pray correctly during Great Lent 2019, it must be said that in addition to morning and evening prayers, you can read the psalms of King David.

As for Lenten prayers, there are two of them. First, it's great penitential canon St. Andrew of Crete, who lived at the end of the 7th - the first half of the 8th century and was one of the brightest church orators and literary figures.

His canon can be described as a penitential cry that reveals the abyss of sin and shakes the human soul. The meaning of the Great Canon is to bring us to repentance.

Another Lenten prayer, which is read only during this period, every day throughout the entire Lent, is the prayer of St. Ephraim the Syrian. Here is the text of this prayer.

"Lord and Master of my life,
do not give me the spirit of idleness, despondency, arrogance and idle talk. (Earth bow).
Grant the spirit of chastity, humility, patience and love to me, Thy servant. (Earth bow).
Yes, Lord the King, grant me to see my sins and not condemn my brother,
for blessed art thou unto the ages of ages, amen. (Earth bow).
God, cleanse me, a sinner (sinner)!”

(Read 12 times with waist bows. And once again the entire prayer in full with one earthly bow at the end).

The prayer of St. Efim the Syrian is read in churches even before the start of Lent, during Cheese Week. During Lent, it is read from Monday to Friday, since Saturday and Sunday are not considered fast days.

To pray correctly during Great Lent, try to cleanse your soul by forgiving people who have offended you in some way. Read the prayer:

“Lord, I forgive (man's name) for his actions and words. I have no desire to take revenge on him. Give me strength to get rid of anger and resentment. In the name of Jesus. Amen".

Lent is the longest and strictest of all. This period is aimed not only at bodily, but also at spiritual cleansing. So that a religious tradition does not turn into a regular diet, daily pray to the Lord and the saints.

Great Lent is the preparation for Easter. During this period, believers can achieve unity with God and purify the soul from sins. Many people mistakenly think that while fasting, you just need to give up prohibited foods. However, without prayer appeals and the performance of charitable deeds, fasting is an ordinary diet. Don't forget to go to church and try spend more time praying, than usual.

Meaning of Lent

The main meaning of Great Lent is not the rejection of meat and dairy products, but the purification of the soul. That is why the church recommends to refrain not only from certain products, but also from the usual entertainment.

During fasting, it is recommended to spend less time in front of the TV or on the Internet. Entertaining programs and meaningless information only litter our lives. Free hours are best spent in the church, where you can pray and repent of committed sins.

During this period, you can rethink your life, think about your destiny. During fasting, you will be able to look into your heart and understand what you really want from life.

Take care not only about cleansing your body, but also your soul. Get rid of negative thoughts and try to let go of old grudges. Imagine that every day you have the opportunity to start life from scratch, but for this you need to say goodbye to the past.

Morning Prayer During Lent

Orthodox believers know that every morning should start with prayer especially during fasting. With its help, you can create a positive attitude and protect yourself from any troubles.

“Lord God, be merciful to me a sinner. Cleanse my soul from sins, deliver me from evil thoughts. Protect me from enemies and from their atrocities. I believe in Your generosity and kindness that You give us. Glory to Thee, God. Amen!"

Evening Prayer During Lent

During the period of Great Lent, it is recommended not only to begin, but also end the day with prayer. This prayer It is advisable to say every night before going to bed:

“Lord God, the creator of all life on earth and the King of Heaven, forgive me for the sins I committed during the day in word or deed. Even in a dream, I, a servant of God, do not lose faith in You. I believe that You will deliver me from sins and cleanse my soul. Every day I hope for Your protection. Hear my prayer, answer my requests. Amen".

Before going to bed, do not forget to pray to your Guardian Angel:

“Guardian Angel, protector of my soul and my body. If I have sinned on this day, deliver me from my sins. Don't let the Lord God be angry with me. Pray for me, the servant (s) of God (s) (name), before the Lord God, ask him for the remission of my sins and protect me from committing evil. Amen".

Prayer for forgiveness of sins

During Lent, every believer must repent for his sins - this is an important part of spiritual cleansing. Remember to say a prayer every day.

“I turn, servant (a) of God (s) (name), to You, Lord, and with all my heart I ask You to forgive my sins. Have mercy on me, Heavenly King, deliver me from mental anguish and self-torture. I will turn to You, Son of God. You died for our sins and You rose again to live forever. I hope for your help and ask you to bless me. You are forever my Savior. Amen!"

The main prayer in Great Lent

Short Prayer Ephraim the Syrian is the main prayer for the period of Great Lent. It is said on weekdays, at the end of each Lenten service. With its help, you can repent, save your soul from sins, and also protect yourself and your loved ones from diseases and doing evil.

“The Lord God, Lord of my days. Do not let the spirit of inaction, sadness, self-love come to me. Give the spirit of sanity and humility, love and patience to me, your servant (e) (name). Lord God, punish me for my sins, but do not punish my neighbor for them. Amen!"

Holy Week- an important period of Lent. At this time, you need to eat right, excluding prohibited foods, and will help you with this. food calendar. We wish you happiness and health, and don't forget to press the buttons and

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