Name numerology: the meaning of numbers and letters of the alphabet. Basics of numerology, the meaning of the letters of the Russian and English alphabet Numerology, the meaning of numbers, the meaning of letters

It has long been known that words have power - creative or destructive, which we cannot always control. However, letters, as well as their sequences, which have a unique numerological meaning, have a huge impact on the world. They are studied by numerology - an exact science, not devoid of mysticism. Research around the world has shown how symbols “resonate” with their environment, which has made it possible to create tables where each letter of the alphabet is represented by a number with its own meaning.

The application of this knowledge is universal: a person who knows his numerical code gains access to invaluable information about own destiny, character.
The history of numerology goes back thousands of years. The oldest of the teachings about the meaning of numbers, their influence on nature and man - Vedic system numerological correspondence of numbers and letters, based on the merger of ancient Greek and Indian sciences. It attaches particular importance to the date of birth and initials as carriers of the Numbers of the Soul, Name, and Destiny. The main method of calculating the code is convolution, sequential addition of the numbers of the first name, last name, and patronymic to obtain a base digit that carries the meaning inherent in it. This method of obtaining a digital code was used back in Ancient Greece, where it was called isopsephy. In the 13th century, attempts were made with its help to interpret Holy Scripture, as well as other texts using the method of numerical decoding - gematria. Subsequently, the works of Kabbalists laid the foundation for the development of the science of cryptography.


When starting to decipher, you should use letters and numbers correspondence tables based on the research of A. Kisel, Cairo, S. Vronsky in the field of numerology. The tables are different for characters of the Russian and Latin alphabets, but the counting algorithms are similar.
The procedure for folding is simple:
1. Having decomposed the last name, first name, patronymic into the letters that compose them, establish a correspondence with the numbers from the tables given below.
2. First add the found numbers, then add the tens and ones places. You will end up with a row of three natural numbers. The basic number of the name will be their sum.
Below is a table for decoding Russian letters.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9


The numerological value calculated in the Latin version of its spelling will differ from the Russian one, because a person is closely connected with the alphabet of his native language. The symbols he uses when writing leaves an imprint on his life path, and consciousness is formed under the influence of the environment, an integral part of which is language.
The table of correspondence between Latin letters and numbers is as follows:

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Modern services allow you to quickly get the meaning of a name online; The classic method of counting will allow you to find out the code using simple calculations. When choosing a name for a child or changing a surname, it would be a good idea to seek advice from numerology. It is only important not to miss the signs of fate and remember that you are its masters.

The name has a huge influence on a person’s life and character from birth. Calculate different meanings You can easily create a name yourself at home.

Numerical correspondences of letters of the Latin alphabet

How to analyze a name in numerology

The meaning of the number of a name in numerology is considered as information about the character, abilities and temperament of a person. Numerological analysis of a name gives answers to the following questions: what abilities do you have, what is your internal motivation and how are you perceived by society.

It is easy to calculate the name number. You need to add up the numerical values ​​of all the letters of the full name and bring them to a single digit number. Decoding information is available to everyone; all that remains is to use it competently. We will consider methods for determining a number in three values ​​further.

How to calculate soul number by name

The sum of all the numbers of vowels in the full name, surname and patronymic is the number of the soul. The number of the soul is an indicator of a person’s aspirations, true and deep desires: what he wants from life, what he needs to realize in life.

  1. Unit - speaks about leadership qualities, ambition, determination and selfishness. A person with the number 1 will do everything to achieve his goals. He will overcome all obstacles, but will reach his intended heights.
  2. Two are calm, balanced, soft, passive and tactful people. They know how to control emotions and control themselves. They easily find compromises and carry out orders. They do not like to be performers; the role of an adviser suits them.
  3. Three symbolizes people who strive for power and control over people, and also desire universal recognition. They are used to living one day at a time, without long-term goals and plans. They are distinguished by frivolity in life.
  4. Four is a symbol of the four elements and seasons. Such people are distinguished by their balance, prudence, common sense, hard work. They try to control their emotions and rarely give them free rein, but they like to argue and express their opinions. Born reformers do not recognize rules and regulations. They achieve their goals independently.
  5. Five are eternal students. People who always strive for new knowledge and skills improve themselves and gain new experience. They love adventure, do not sit still, and are prone to adventures. They don’t think for a long time, they prefer to act immediately. The decision is made quickly. They are cheerful, resourceful and witty.
  6. Six are creative individuals. They love art and romance. Very sociable, kind, honest, loyal and reliable. They do not like noisy companies, preferring to spend time at home. They persistently pursue their goals.
  7. Seven - counts sacred number. Symbolizes a creative person who has very developed intuition and imagination. Such people are excellent - artists.
  8. Eight is a symbol of material wealth. Eights are usually distrustful, cautious and secretive. But in the professional sphere they reach the top in any field of business. They have excellent management skills.
  9. Nine is a symbol of perfection. Capable, successful and highly intelligent individuals. They often underestimate themselves, so it is difficult to find a path in life. They have creative and artistic abilities, as well as enormous physical strength.

Numerical correspondences of Cyrillic letters

How to find out your appearance number

The appearance number is also called the personality number. It indicates the impression a person makes in society.

  • 1 - s;
  • 2 - b, t;
  • 3 - in, to;
  • 4 - g, l, f;
  • 5 - d, m, x;
  • 6 - n, c;
  • 7 - h;
  • 8 - f, p, w;
  • 9 - z, r, sch.

1 - you need to stand out from the rest. By introducing more bright colors into your wardrobe, gracefully highlight your image with cheerful colors, winning people over to you.

2 - you need to show your neatness and neatness. Remove unnecessary details from your image, achieving a calm and comfortable style. The gentleness of character can be emphasized with appropriate wardrobe elements.

3 - you need to focus on elegance and attractiveness. Pay special attention to the quality of wardrobe items, and also emphasize the image with precious jewelry.

4 - a simple style, expressed in minimalism and practicality, suits you. When choosing clothes for a holiday, you don’t need to wear too fancy things. At a party, you can stand out with a strict and elegant trouser suit.

5 - it is important to follow fashion trends. The appearance should be stylish and modern, but you shouldn’t go to extremes.

6 - those with value underestimate their appearance. They need to pay attention to their image and purchase clothes made from quality materials.

7 - you need to focus on elegance, choose your own style and stick to it. The straight style is perfect.

8 - expensive and high-quality clothes must be in the wardrobe of these people in order for them to look successful.

9 - special attention must be paid to posture, and in clothing it is important to maintain a discreet style and refuse black things.

How to calculate the number of an expression

The number of expression is otherwise called the number of fate or talents. This number indicates a person's innate abilities. You can recognize it by adding up the numbers of all the letters in the last name, first name and patronymic.

  1. Indicates leadership qualities that need to be developed. Such people are born leaders, curators, etc.
  2. You need to develop intellectual abilities. Areas related to mental work are suitable.
  3. You are naturally endowed creative abilities. You can implement them in music, cinema, literature, drawing, dancing, etc.
  4. These are reliable and responsible people. They are excellent performers, but do not underestimate their leadership abilities. The main thing for them is to see the result of their work.
  5. These people love freedom and independence. They may work under a boss, but they don't enjoy it. They can be travelers, bloggers, entrepreneurs or freelancers.
  6. You are made for family and charity. These are wonderful housewives who love to help other people.
  7. You have been endowed with universal abilities. You can develop in any field of activity.
  8. These people have management skills and the gift of persuasion. Good politicians and leaders.
  9. These are innovators who can change the world for the better. They are generators of ideas in various fields of activity.

Numbers directly influence the fate of their owner

Numerological analysis of personality is carried out not only by date of birth. The name also gives answers to questions about what a person’s purpose is, what individual abilities he is endowed with and in what direction he needs to move. Without this, it is impossible to develop harmoniously and self-realize in life.

0 = z, s, ss

6 = w, w, j

Vowels a, e, e, i, o, u, s, e, yu, i, consonants th , x, c, sch, and also ъ and ъ do not correspond to any of the numbers and are used as “placeholders” when selecting key image-forming words, which you will begin shortly.

This correspondence between numbers and letters was proposed because the corresponding combinations are easy to remember, as explained in the table below. A number of letters act as "fillers" to make it easier for you to construct the basic hundred mnemonic words.

The code used in the "main system" is easy to remember if you apply the memorization principles you learned earlier and take into account the following considerations.

Having mastered a special code, you will be able to translate any number to word and any word - into number.

This is done by replacing the digits of a number with their corresponding letters. Having received a sequence of letters, you must further use vowels and consonants not included in the code, as well as ъ And ъ as “fillers”, trying to get words that are easy to remember.

For example, from a table containing the first hundred keywords, you can see that the number 11 is translated, for example, into letters d And T, from which you can make a word date of.

0 Letter z - the initial letter in the word “zeru” (zero, zero); ABOUT - the last letter of the same word. Letter WITH is a paired letter 3, SS - often pronounced "s".

1 The letter G has one vertical line. D - paired letter for letter T.

2Letter N has two vertical lines and resembles a Roman numeral II(two).

3 Letter M, when rotated ninety degrees clockwise, it resembles a number in shape 3.

4 Letter H spelled like a number 4. This is also the first letter in the name of this number.

5 Letter L resembles a number 5, rotated ninety degrees clockwise. Another letter style L, namely how SCH, is an inverted Roman V(five). The outline of the palm of the left hand (which, as we know, has five fingers), facing us, with the fingers pointing up and the thumb out to the side, also resembles the letter L.

6 Sh - the first letter in the word "six". AND forms a phonetic pair with Sh. J- a letter combination similar in sound to AND.

7 In a letter TO you can see three styles of numbers 7. G forms a phonetic pair with TO.

8 F and IN resembles a number in shape 8, being, in addition, paired consonants.

9 B - mirror image of numbers 9, like a letter R. Letter P forms a phonetic pair with B.

Similarly, the number 43 is translated into letters h And m, from which words are easily formed plague.

Using two vowel fillers, it is easy to get the word "plague", which is just as easily translated back to the number 43 by dropping the "blank" vowels. (When coming up with a word, you should always adhere to the sequence of vowels, so that a is followed by e, then ё, etc., because by following this rule, you are more likely to “return” to the right word if you accidentally forget it. Preference, however, should also be given to words that are really easy to remember, so sometimes the rule stated above can be neglected for the sake of more “memorable” keywords.)

Similarly, the number 83 is translated into letters V And m, according to one of the code options, using two “placeholders” for which, we get the word udder, which immediately translates back to the number 83.

Memory training
Alphanumeric code

What a digital-alphabetic code is and why it is needed cannot be explained in just a few words, I will only note one thing that the CBC is perhaps one of the most advanced memorization techniques, which has a very wide range of applications and is suitable even for people with not very developed fantasy and imagination.

Memory systems based on alphanumeric codes began to be used a very long time ago, about 400 years ago. However, since Stanisław Minkfon Wesnschein proposed the first such system in the mid-17th century, it has been modified and improved several times. The main changes were made to this system by the Englishman Richard Gray already in the 18th century.

Nowadays, the alphanumeric code and the memory systems associated with it are successfully used by students of leading universities and higher technical schools in the world. In our country, this memorization technique is known, unfortunately, to very few. One of the reasons for this situation, I think, is that in the original the alphanumeric code was created for the Latin alphabet. In addition, many people at first glance find it difficult to understand. However, believe me, this is a big misconception.

The alphanumeric code that I want to offer you was taken from the book by N.K. Korsakova and I.A. Korsakov “Alone with Memory.” It is based on the conditional correspondence between consonant sounds and numbers from 0 to 9. There are alphanumeric codes based on the correspondence of vowel sounds and numbers, there are codes based on mixed correspondence, in a word - there are many options for the CBC. But it seems to me that the alphanumeric code that I present in this book is most convenient for a Russian-speaking person.

In addition, unlike most others, this pulp and paper book is two-dimensional, that is, in it two (and not one) letters correspond to one number at once, which significantly expands the possibilities of its use and also makes it easier. Although, naturally, you will be able to appreciate all the advantages of this pulp and paper mill only after mastering it. By the way, the first letter method, which we talked about in the chapter on memorizing numbers, is also a simple alphanumeric code.

Alphanumeric code table


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0


G d To h P w With V R n
and T X sch b l h f ts m

In order to freely use the TsBK, you need to learn this table very well, it you need to know the multiplication table. In order for it to become a reliable tool in your hands, you need to learn it so that at any time of the day or night you can say, without doubt, Which number corresponds to which letters and vice versa. Believe me, your efforts spent on memorizing the CBC table will more than pay off. Moreover, it is not difficult to remember it.

Here are a few observations to help you master this table. Note that many of the letters in the top row are the first for the numbers they match: 2 (two) - D, 4 (four) - H, 5 (five) - P, 6 (six) - Sh, 7 (seven) - WITH, 8 (eight) - IN, 0 (zero) - N. The other three letters in the top row are also very easy to remember: the letter " G"resembles the shape of a number" 1 ", "TO"consists of three sticks, so it's easy to remember that it goes with a number" 3 ", A " R"similar to" 9 "reflected in the mirror.

The bottom row is a little more difficult to remember, but you can find some patterns in it: " D" And " T" are paired in deafness/voicing consonants, just like " 3 " - "WITH", "B" - "P", "IN" - "F". "SCH"easy to relate to" H" (remember: THICKET write with the letter " A"). You will only have to specifically remember the letters " M", "AND", "X", "L" And " C"As you use the alphanumeric code, you will very quickly learn this table by heart. As I already said, this table can have a lot of uses. I even find it difficult to choose where to start. Well, for example, look at how remember numbers using alphanumeric code.

In order to remember numbers, as you know, they need to be recoded into words, and you can memorize words in any way you like. First, the numbers need to be broken down into two-digit numbers. Numbers into words must be recoded as follows: the first consonant in a word is the first digit of a two-digit number, and the second consonant must correspond to the second digit using the alphanumeric code. For example: for the number " 35 "you can make up the words: cap, drop, coupe, piggy bank, cube, cobra, trunk, hippie, etc.

In all these words, the first consonant is " TO" or " X" - denotes a number " 3 "by alphanumeric code, and the second - " P" or " B" - corresponds to a number " 5 ". For the number " 66 " you can come up with the words "cone", "awl", "shawl", "checkers", "horse", etc. For the number " 83 "you need to make up words in which the first consonant will be " IN" or " F", and the second consonant is " TO" or " X". These words will be, for example, “station”, “vortex”, “ficus”. When you memorize the table of alphanumeric codes, like a multiplication table, then composing such code words for two-digit numbers will not present any difficulty for you, exactly same as multiplication 7 And 8 or 6 And 4 .

To translate single-digit numbers into words, you can first make them two-digit and remember them as " 00 ", "01 ", "02 ", "03 ", etc. Another way to translate single-digit numbers into words is to select words where the letter corresponding to the number will be the only one in the word, for example " 3 " - ear, " 8 " - fairy " 1 " - hedgehog (so, yogi), etc.

*** Exercise 30.





Memorize the alphanumeric code table thoroughly, and then, without looking at it, translate the words below into the two-digit numbers corresponding to them according to the Central Bank of Russia. Check your translation for accuracy.

*** Exercise 31.

For the following two-digit numbers, come up with words corresponding to them according to the alphanumeric code. (Remember that the first two consonants in words are significant.)

93 -




*** Exercise 32.

Memorize a series of numbers, using the CBC to translate them into words (two numbers per word) and any method known to you for memorizing words (methods of sequential or related associations, Cicero's method).
9 5 0 4 7 8 8 9 2 3 0 2 6 9 7 3 4 1

Please note that in one word can be converted into three numbers at once, in this case, words (that is, there will be fewer memorization units, which, naturally, is very beneficial for us). For example, I divide the numbers from Exercise No. 31 into groups of three (three-digit numbers are obtained) and turn them into words (the first three consonants in these words are significant): 950 - ruby, 478 - sentry, 892 - gates, 302 - conductor, 697 - wool... But!!!

Unfortunately, not all three-digit numbers (but still the majority!) can be recoded into words(and those that are easy to remember later, that is, those that have vivid images). Some numbers, for example the last number from Exercise 32 - number 341 I couldn’t recode it into a good word. That is, I could not come up with a word in which the first consonant would be " TO" or " X", second - " H" or " SCH", and the third - " G" or " AND".

Draw your own conclusions. If you can remember where you recoded numbers in threes and where in twos (by the way, experience shows that this is not at all difficult), then use both double and triple codes; if not, stop at double.

I can also offer you this option: recode mainly three digits per word, and when you are forced to recode two, use words that have only two consonants, for example, for “35” not “drop”, “cap”, etc. , but only “coupe” or “cube”, then you won’t get confused when playing. When you get better acquainted with the pulp and paper machine, practice, you will be able to determine for yourself optimal memorization strategy, convenient for you specifically. Or maybe you will be able to invent a more universal pulp and paper mill.

In the future, you will learn what information can be remembered using the alphanumeric code (believe me, there are a lot of such things), but before that, get acquainted with the word-numeric list compiled on the basis of the CBC and how to use it. Let's start with its application.

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Slavic numbers were used for counting and recording. This counting system used symbols in sequential alphabetical order. In many ways it is similar to the Greek system of writing numerical symbols. Slavic numbers are the designation of numbers using letters of ancient alphabets -

Title - special designation

Many ancient peoples used letters from their alphabets to write numbers. The Slavs were no exception. They denoted Slavic numbers with letters from the Cyrillic alphabet.

In order to distinguish a letter from a number, a special icon was used - a title. All Slavic numbers had it above the letter. The symbol is written at the top and is a wavy line. As an example, the image of the first three numbers in the Old Slavonic notation is given.

This sign is also used in other ancient counting systems. It only changes its shape slightly. Initially, this type of designation came from Cyril and Methodius, since they developed our alphabet based on the Greek. The title was written both with more rounded edges and with sharp ones. Both options were considered correct and were used everywhere.

Features of number designation

The designation of numbers on the letter occurred from left to right. The exception was the numbers from "11" to "19". They were written from right to left. Historically, this has been preserved in the names of modern numerals ( eleven twelve etc., that is, the first is the letter denoting units, the second is tens). Each letter of the alphabet represented numbers from 1 to 9, from 10 to 100 to 900.

Not all letters of the Slavic alphabet were used to represent numbers. Thus, “F” and “B” were not used for numbering. They simply were not in the Greek alphabet, which was adopted as a model). Also, the countdown began from one, and not from the usual zero.

Sometimes a mixed number designation system was used on coins - from the Cyrillic alphabet and most often only lowercase letters were used.

When Slavic symbols numbers from the alphabet represent numbers, some of them change their configuration. For example, the letter "i" in this case is written without a dot with the sign "titlo" and means 10. The number 400 could be written in two ways, depending on the geographical location of the monastery. Thus, in the Old Russian printed chronicles the use of the letter “ika” is typical for this figure, and in the Old Ukrainian ones - “Izhitsy”.

What are Slavic numbers?

Our ancestors used special notations to write dates and necessary numbers in chronicles, documents, coins, and letters. Complex numbers up to 999 were denoted by several letters in a row under common sign"title". For example, 743 in writing was indicated by the following letters:

  • Z (earth) - "7";
  • D (good) - "4";
  • G (verb) - "3".

All these letters were united under a common icon.

Slavic numbers that denoted 1000 were written with a special sign ҂. It was placed in front of the desired letter with a title. If it was necessary to write a numeral greater than 10,000, special characters were used:

  • "Az" in a circle - 10,000 (darkness);
  • "Az" in a circle of dots - 100,000 (legion);
  • "Az" in a circle consisting of commas - 1,000,000 (leodr).

A letter with the required digital value is placed in these circles.

Examples of using Slavic numerals

This designation could be found in documentation and on ancient coins. The first such numbers can be seen on Peter's silver coins in 1699. They were minted with this designation for 23 years. These coins are now considered rarities and are highly valued among collectors.

Symbols have been stamped on gold coins for 6 years, since 1701. Copper coins with Slavic numerals were in use from 1700 to 1721.

In ancient times, the church had a huge influence on politics and the life of society as a whole. Church Slavonic numerals were also used to record orders and chronicles. They were designated in writing according to the same principle.

Children were also educated in churches. Therefore, the children learned spelling and counting precisely from publications and chronicles using Church Slavonic letters and numbers. This training was quite difficult, since the designation large numbers a few letters just had to be learned by heart.

All sovereign decrees were also written using Slavic numbers. Clerks of that time were required not only to know by heart the entire Glagolitic and Cyrillic alphabet, but also the designation of absolutely all numbers and the rules for writing them. Ordinary residents of the state were often ignorant of this, because literacy was the privilege of very few.

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