A conspiracy to get rid of loans and debts. How to get out of debt? How to get rid of debts using runes

Attracting cash flow to your home is a multi-stage work, which is based on diagnosing a problem that has undermined the well-being of the family. The causes of poverty may be the artificial injection of negative energy - damage or ancestral karmic payback for dishonest manipulations with the money of distant ancestors. Before inviting wealth into your home, you will have to carry out a series of rituals to cleanse yourself of evil influences or remove a family curse imposed in the distant past.

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      Magic's help in getting rid of lack of money

      The most common type of material need is chronic lack of money in the family, when people work hard, but do not see wealth. Money doesn’t seem to take root in the house, and if you manage to save large sums, they are immediately spent on getting rid of loans or on other urgent expenses not related to improving family well-being.

      • The origins of persistent poverty may include:

        • a built-in “program” of poverty, when the head of the family reproduces the behavior model of his poor parents, who do not know how to handle money;
        • old damage imposed on the family;
        • karmic payback for unsightly financial frauds of ancestors or the head of the family himself in past lives;
        • energy vampirism of someone close to you.

        In all cases, except the last one, eliminating the cause, and then attracting monetary energy into the house can solve the problem. The algorithm of actions will be similar: first the negative message is removed, then the “hard poverty” is reprimanded on some subject (transferred) or symbolically burned, thrown away, and then the cash flow is “linked”. Do-it-yourself ritual amulets or coin caches placed in tree roots help a lot in getting out of the debt hole and “holding” the laid financial channel.

        If the reason for the total lack of money is revealed to be the action of the destructive aura of a relative, then no conspiracies against debts or poverty will help as long as the energy of this person is attached to the egregor (closed cell) of the family. Here powerful magic comes into force, cutting off family ties through which wealth is siphoned off, and all contact with the vampire himself is stopped.

        They work separately with different types of damage, which drives a person into endless debts and loans. If a person begins to systematically lose money or is hit with a stream of spontaneous expenses (on doctors, the needs of relatives), if he suddenly begins to live beyond his means, taking out loans, then an urgent diagnosis is needed to identify damage or the evil eye.

        It is also necessary to make a diagnosis if a similar problem passes down the family from generation to generation. You may have to get rid of the debt damage that was placed on the family tree many years ago.

        Definition of damage or evil eye

        To carry out the ritual, you need to buy a simple yellow candle from the church on any divine holiday and put it aside until the holidays or fasting are over. The ritual is carried out on a weekday, free from any church dates.

        At midnight, when you are alone, you need to light a candle and stick it directly on a wooden table, without a stand. In front of the candle, one item related to work activity is laid out - a key to the office space, an element of the uniform, a name badge. The thing should lie in such a way that a straight line can be drawn through it from the candle to the fortuneteller.

        At the beginning of the ritual, they read the “Our Father” three times, then take the candle in their right hand and move it in a circular motion over the object. You need to make at least 3 circles, but no more than nine, and all the time observe how the flame behaves:

        • the fire burns without flashes, evenly - there is no evil eye;
        • the flame rushes, crackles, emits smoke - there is damage, but it has not yet taken effect;
        • the candle went out almost immediately - there is an evil eye and it is already working;
        • the light is barely visible, but the candle is “smoked” by the pipe - the damage has been severe and its effect is already noticeable;
        • the fire will flare up and then settle down - work “for the future” is visible, that is, perhaps there is a generational curse for eternal poverty.

        To remove an old or powerful slander, rituals are performed several times, and the final one is required on the 26th lunar day, which has the highest power for this type of spell.

        If the above ritual revealed the presence of negative influence from the outside, then you need to regain your financial success through removing the damage; simple rituals will not help here.

        Removing damage to eternal poverty

        The spell “On Salt” is read over the course of a week, so you need to start the ritual as soon as the moon wanes. In advance, you should hand-sew a bag from unbleached canvas, bring a thin candle and a three-liter jar of holy water from the church. The day before the ceremony, they buy salt in a paper packet, but in such a way that they leave a few rubles of change for the seller.

        For three days you need to make purchases, and do not spend the change you receive in change, but put it in your wallet. The more coins of different denominations accumulate, the better.

        The ritual is carried out as follows:

    1. 1. Immediately after midnight, light a candle on the table.
    2. 2. Place an open pack of salt and a plate of holy water in front of the candle, place a sewn bag and a piece of red woolen thread.
    3. 3. All accumulated coins, without touching them with your hands, are poured directly from the wallet into a sewn bag.
    4. 4. Holding the bag in your right hand, with your left hand you take as much salt from the pack as will fit into the pinch and add it to the money.
    5. 5. Immerse the palm completely in a plate with holy water, and then shake the hand over the open bag so that the splashes sprinkle the coins with salt.
    6. 6. The bag is tied with a red thread into three knots (the ends of the thread are not cut).
    7. 7. Now you need to press the bundle of coins tightly to your naked body under your clothes and go outside to a spreading fruit tree.
    8. 8. At the roots of the tree, they dig a deep hole (up to the elbow), put a bundle into it, filling the cache with earth by the handful, read the prayer three times, after which they silently and without turning around, quickly leave.

    Words of prayer: “As salt dissolves in holy water, and salt water seeps through the ground, so the black word, rotten damage leaves me. By the power of Mother Earth, money is poured into me, the servant of God (your name) for all eternity. Amen".

    From this day on, every evening after sunset you need to come to the cache site and pour holy water from your handful on it, saying the same words. After midnight on the seventh day, the bundle is dug up, the money is put into a wallet, and the bag is burned right there near the tree. The charmed money must be spent in the coming days, leaving one coin as a talisman.

    Transfer to old clothes

    A conspiracy to get rid of debts by transferring them to an old, worn-out piece of clothing works against “fresh” damage or when you need to remove the influence of an envious glance. Clothing must be personal use, but in very poor condition. You will also need an onion that represents the bitterness and tears of poverty.

    The plot is read after sunset on the river bank. You need to turn your face towards the waning Moon, tie the onion tightly in your clothes and say three times, looking at the resulting knot:

    “Dashing squalor, go around me, the witch (your name) for thirty roads, step off the shore, and rush away from me through the stormy water. Hide under a snag, don't grab me. So that I never wear rags, don’t live in squalor, don’t shed tears, don’t eat salt and water with onions, don’t count pennies. Carry, carry you, the seething water, and I am free of will and rich. I send poverty away, I lock the word-lock with a key. On the tongue - a lock, a lock - on a key, a key - in the river. Amen".

    When casting a conspiracy, you must sincerely believe that the onion tied in a rag is poverty itself, the source of all debts and the cause of tears.

    Reading for getting rid of debts

    This powerful ritual is able to manage monetary energy in such a way that debts and loans begin to be closed painlessly for the family budget. It is not designed to restore financial well-being in the house, so after all debts are repaid, the conspiracy will end.

    To carry out the ritual, a new padlock is bought, and only one key is kept, and the others included in the kit are immediately thrown away.

    The ritual is carried out at midnight, at a deserted rural crossroads where dirt roads intersect:

    1. 1. You need to go to the middle of the road intersection and put the key on the ground
    2. 2. Now you need to step onto the side of the road and say the spell three times.
    3. 3. After reading the final words, you need to quickly cross the road to the other side and say the spell again three times.
    4. 4. Similarly, moving counterclockwise, a complete circle is completed.
    5. 5. Having returned to the original position, you should close the ring with the fifth reading, pick up the key and quickly leave this place.

    From this moment on, the key becomes the family’s money talisman, which is carried in the wallet, in the compartment for banknotes. No one should know about the existence of the amulet until he “works off” his last debt obligation, after which both the key and the lock are buried somewhere under a tree.

    The words “To the key” are pronounced as follows: “On the four sides of the world, roads are laid out in front of the merchants, and at the crossroads my loans and debts are collected. I lock the castle with a key and free the merchants. Take generously from the cold northern wind, from the light western breeze, from the eastern dawn, and from the midnight moon. But beware of me, don’t turn in my direction. As the Moon leaves day by day, so the need and poverty leaves me. Amen".

    Ritual for release from credit debts

    The spell helps only if the debtor himself reads it, and the more negative emotions accumulated in him about the loan, the better the ritual will work. The entire ritual is allotted five days, so you need to start readings from the 3-4th day of the waning moon.

    The ritual algorithm is as follows:

    1. 1. A handful of coins are raked from the wallet and poured into the pocket.
    2. 2. Now you need to go out into the park or outside the city, where young aspen trees grow, and approach a tree that you like, covered with small leaves.
    3. 3. Having grabbed one of the branches with your right hand, you should quickly tear off as many leaves from it as you can fit into your hand with your left hand.
    4. 4. Undamaged torn sheets are counted out loud.
    5. 5. Immediately after counting, they quickly pronounce the spell for debts “To the aspen tree,” then they scoop out all the coins they brought and throw them under the root of the tree so that they hit the trunk and crumble.
    6. 6. The counted foliage is put into the pocket where the change was and taken home.
    7. 7. At home, the leaves are dried for three days, and on the evening of the fourth they are laid out in a metal bowl and set on fire using a church cinder.
    8. 8. As soon as the leaves become hot, place the bowl on the windowsill so that the smoke is drawn out of the window and read the spell “On the chains.”

    The prayer “To the aspen tree” reads like this: “Everything that God’s servant (name) owes is transferred to the aspen tree, and from now on it will be responsible for its debts. The aspen will pay the merchants with its leaves; the servant of God (name) will not remain in debt. Amen".

    And here is the spell for debts “On the Fetters”: “Smoke is blowing through the chimney, the house is getting cold, worries are multiplying. You, aspen smoke, take off my shackles, rush into the sky, dissolve forever. Set me free, guide me in debt-loan in heaven. Amen".

    While the foliage is burning in the bowl, you need to watch it. If the spell worked, then the fire burns the leaves within a minute. It’s worse if the leaf dust barely smolders, which means you won’t have to get rid of your debts soon. When the fire goes out, as soon as the foliage has taken up the heat, you should come to terms with the situation for this month and wait for the next waning Moon to repeat the ritual.

    Full moon spells

    Debt conspiracies read on the full moon are classified as “black” and are required when a person’s monetary energy is severely suppressed by powerful damage. Usually they are carried out in two stages - first, they cut off the energy channel through which monetary luck is pumped out and remove the damage itself, and then they tie financial well-being to themselves using church paraphernalia.

    Debt cut-off

    Having waited until the day of the full moon, you need to prepare everything for the ritual: a thick candle made of black wax, 2 pieces of parchment torn from a large sheet, an ink pen, a bottle of black ink, a new knife with a narrow, sharpened blade. When performing the ritual, adhere to the following sequence of actions:

    1. 1. 5-7 minutes before midnight, write the total amount of debt in words on parchment and dry the paper so that the ink does not bleed.
    2. 2. Exactly at midnight (everything is done silently), the piece of paper with the note is rolled into a tight ball and forcefully pressed into the wax side of the candle closer to the wick so that the crumpled note is completely drowned in the wax.
    3. 3. They light the candle with a splinter, let it burn for a while, then take a knife and with sharp movements cut the air in front of the candle, as if cutting an invisible channel coming from the debt.
    4. 4. When the fire burns down to the note and the smell of burning paper comes out, you need to tilt the candle over the second piece of parchment and spill a few drops of wax on it.
    5. 5. As soon as the candle burns to the middle, it is extinguished.

    The morning after the ritual, the wax blot is peeled off from the parchment intact and carried from the house to where there is a wide dirt road. Having found such a place, you need to stand in the middle of the road, throw the wax seal behind your back as far as possible and go home without looking back.

    Proofreading for church candles

    Proofreading for 13 candles is both the removal of ancestral damage (or curse) and the call of monetary luck. Only a baptized person who has reached the extreme degree of despair from his poverty can make such a conspiracy.

    On any divine holiday, you need to go to church and stand for the entire service, but do not put crosses on yourself, do not pray, and do not look at the faces of saints and saints. After the service, 13 identical thin candles are purchased. Coming out of the church gates, you cannot turn around and cross yourself, but you must say: “God, forgive me - let me find prosperity. Amen".

    On the very first full moon, you need to stay at home alone, and at midnight light all the candles on the table, placed haphazardly, and say, standing over them, in a confident, loud voice: “I call upon all the forces of the earth, aboveground and underground, to languish no more.” in poverty, but only in fun. If poverty has been inherited according to the family word, I wish that nothing remains of it. Full face of the Moon, take away my wretchedness and poverty, I will burn and perish in it. My word is true. Amen".

    You need to read the plot many times until small cinders remain from the candles. They are wrapped in paper and thrown into a hole the next morning, away from the house. Over the course of thirteen days, financial improvements should occur, but on the next full moon the result must be consolidated.

    Rituals for the waxing moon

    Conspiracies for the waxing Moon are read when the energy of the house and person is completely cleared of evil influence. Before the ceremony, you need to do a general cleaning of the house, wash yourself clean and dress neatly. Unlike dark rituals, conspiracies for wealth and well-being can be carried out repeatedly, but no more than twice during one lunar period.

    Coins in the water

    The spell “For money water” is read at midnight on a weekday. The table is placed in the room so that moonlight floods its entire surface. Place a cup of water in the middle and throw in a handful of coins of different denominations. Turning their face to the growing crescent moon and fingering the small change in the water, they chant:

    “The moon is growing round and there is big money. Gold and silver admire the moon, they themselves grow larger and wider. The moon is growing, and money is growing with it, from small pennies to big money.”

    The coins are taken out of the cup and laid out on the table on a white cloth to lie in the moonlight. Before dawn, the dried change is transferred to the wallet. One coin is left as a talisman, while the others are squandered.

    Money love spell on an egg

    The ritual is carried out strictly on the third day from the new moon, on any night except the one that falls on Friday. In advance you need to buy one fresh chicken egg (not factory-made, homemade), stock up on 3 coins of 10 kopecks, 3 yellow church candles.

    The ritual is carried out as follows:

    1. 1. At midnight, money is placed on the table in front of lit candles, tails up, in the shape of a triangle.
    2. 2. A burning candle is placed on top of each coin with wax.
    3. 3. Place an egg in the center of the figure and pronounce the words of the spell “On the egg” 33 times, without pauses.
    4. 4. Then the candles with coins attached are transferred to the kitchen, closer to the stove, and again lined up in a triangle.
    5. 5. In the usual way, boil the enchanted egg hard-boiled in a saucepan.
    6. 6. After cooling the egg in cold water, you need to take it in your right hand and hit yourself on the forehead with it three times, saying: “The egg from under the laying hen is about me, all the wealth is in me.” It is necessary for the testicle to crack, otherwise the plot will not work.
    7. 7. The egg is peeled and eaten, and then, looking at the shell on the table, they say: “Just as an egg can’t stay in its shell, I won’t have to deal with poverty, just as it won’t return to the shell, so I won’t be able to wrap myself in rags.”
    8. 8. The candles are blown out and buried in the ground that same night where people do not walk, and the coins are sewn into an amulet and kept at home away from prying eyes.

    The prayer “For an egg” reads like this: “A white hen was walking in a clearing, but she laid an egg, the egg fell to the ground, and it turned into money. Someone who eats a money egg will never be in need forever. I, the Lord's servant (name), walking through the clearing, looking at my feet, saw an egg and found monetary happiness. No one will take it from me and the wealth will not leave me. Amen".

    Signs to have money in the house

    Monetary energy must be constantly in motion, and storing large sums “under lock and key” for the future paralyzes the circulation of the energy flow, creating a stagnant aura that is very dangerous for financial wealth. It is better to lend money so that it comes back renewed, or put it in the bank, but not store it in bundles at home.

    Another mistake that leads to the fact that money does not tend to take root in the house is human greed. In the old days, it was customary to donate a tenth of one’s income to the glory of God, to the temple, and this served as a talisman for the person’s remaining profit. Reasonable charity has not lost its relevance in the modern world, but there are certain rules that help turn alms into the benefit of the giver:

    • you cannot give money after sunset, no matter how much you ask;
    • You cannot put coins in a beggar’s palm - only in a bowl or other container, always with your right hand;
    • you cannot give the last money in your wallet to the person asking - there must be one bill and one coin left in it;
    • You cannot lend on the waning moon.

    You need to handle money with care - do not crush it, do not store coins together with banknotes, do not leave it in plain sight. If there is a need for a loan, you should borrow or borrow on the moon when it is waxing, and repay on the moon when it is waning.

    Like any witchcraft, all money conspiracies tend to give a “reverse wave”, which cannot be avoided. The least powerful “return” is found in translations, the creation of amulets and money talismans, and requests for help from Higher powers without the use of church paraphernalia at home. Such methods help well with minor or spontaneous financial difficulties.

    The consequences of strong, “black” conspiracies include illness or even the death of one of the relatives of an inexperienced magician, severe conflicts, and energy attacks from envious people. If there is damage or the evil eye, when there is no choice and you have to act with aggressive methods, it is better to enlist God’s help, and after rituals to remove the evil influence, endure a long fast and repentance.

Debt hole: how to get rid of it with the help of white magic, with the help of practical life tips, how to learn to live without debt and not take on debt anymore?

Against the backdrop of fattening oligarchs ostentatiously flaunting their abundance and wealth, half of the country's population is driven into a debt hole. For years, wages that have not increased, economic instability, huge price hikes, willy-nilly for reasons beyond a person’s control, plunge him more and more into this pool. There are times when people, due to their financial illiteracy and greed, accumulate debts, but this does not change the overall situation.
Whatever the reason, you need to get rid of debts.
If every effort has been made, but there is no result, it’s time to turn to magic.

How to get rid of debts using magic: general rules?

get rid of debts using magic: general rules

You should not think that all this will happen easily and quickly.
After all, magic, like any other skill, has to be learned. In addition, what needs to be done is to ensure that difficult financial problems never happen again.

  • First of all we carry out cleansing ritual with egg. As a rule, the main sign of debt is damage. If you skip this ritual, the rest of your work may be pointless.
  • Then analyze why this problem happened. We look mentally to see if we are overcome by feelings of envy, resentment, and greed. These attitudes hinder successful well-being. At the energetic level, they expose the aura, which in this state is unable to retain the energy of financial success. Therefore, you need to get rid of such thoughts
  • At the end of the preparatory stage, it is necessary calm down internally. Let go of emotions. Don’t get hung up on personal relationships and life circumstances. Just look at yourself from the outside, as if it were you and at the same time not you. Only when the understanding comes that you managed to achieve this state, we begin the ritual. Otherwise, finding yourself in a world that is not clear to you with its own rules and traditions, there is a risk of making the situation even worse
    The preparation stages are completed. Let's begin the ritual.

How to get rid of debts and lack of money: rite, ritual?

How to get rid of debts and lack of money with the help of ritual?

Sometimes, despite all attempts to pay off the debt, such an opportunity never presents itself.
In this case, we use the ritual:

  • Performed exclusively during the full moon
  • In the room on the floor we lay out a square of four inverted saucers
  • Place lighted candles on each saucer
  • We take the following prepared in advance: A knife, a white cotton cloth measuring 50 by 50 cm, some salt and coins, thread
  • We stand in the middle of the resulting square,
  • facing east, we say:

“I will repay my debt to fate - I cry to the east.”

  • Turning west:

“I will repay my debt to fate - I pay to the West.”

  • To the north side:

“I will repay my debt to fate - I cry to the north”

  • To the southern part of the world:

“I will repay my debt to fate - I pay to the south.”

  • Raising your head up:

“I repaid my debt to fate, I paid all sides of the world.”

  • Leaving the square
  • Cut the prepared fabric into two halves with a knife
  • Wrap in the first - salt. Tighten tightly into a knot
  • We fix the coins in the second half
  • We connect two bags, tying with green thread
  • We put them in the closet. We are waiting for the next full moon
  • Don’t put out the candles, let them burn out to the end
  • Saucers are suitable for further use
  • When a new full moon occurs at midnight:
    take the bags and go crossing the road away from housing
  • Throwing into an untrodden space under a tree
  • We leave without talking to anyone and without looking back
  • Let's go to bed immediately. Saying: “Salt will cleanse, liberate, the debt is paid, the enemy is finished off.” The ritual is very strong

Debt conspiracy

get rid of debts - conspiracy

  • We perform the spell on the fifth day after the new moon. In clear weather.
  • Take a church candle
  • Pour running water into a glass
  • We stand near the window from which we can see the moon
  • Place a lit candle in front of the glass
  • We slander the water three times:

“Rest, for cold lips, for pale bodies, for silent miracles, make this water such that all my troubles enter into it, so that all my debts go into it, so that all my sadness goes into it. Yes, as soon as everything enters this water, it will remain in it, and I will be happy, and without unnecessary sorrows, amen, amen, amen.”

  • We take a glass and go to the first intersection. Be careful not to spill water
  • In the center of the intersection we splash water
  • Leaving dishes on the side of the road
  • You can use such a conspiracy only once. So that we no longer fall into monetary bondage
  • Conspiracy is only permissible for the baptized

Prayer for debts

get rid of debts - prayer

Poverty and need often accompanied Saint Spyridon of Trimythous
Therefore, he especially helps those who turn to him with prayer from their overwhelming obligations.

How to get rid of debts on the waning moon?

How to get rid of debts on the waning moon?

The most appropriate moment to get rid of any difficulties through magical ceremonies is the period of the waning moon.
There are a huge number of rituals and ceremonies.
Let's consider the most perfect and effective:

  • Within seven days, before the designated magical day of the ritual, we collect coins with the lowest denomination
  • On the chosen night, we go to a little-traveled, deserted intersection
  • Let's stand in the center
  • Scatter 2-3 coins to the four cardinal directions
  • Simultaneously saying in each:

    “I don’t throw away change, but I drive away my lack of money. Let it go into the forests, the abyss and the depths of the sea away from me, from my family and my home. Go, lack of money, into the distant distance, to a place from which you will never return. Amen".

  • After which, without looking back, we silently go home
  • We expect the situation to improve gradually, but the first changes will not occur earlier than in a month

Mantra to get rid of debts

Mantra to get rid of debts

When the Moon begins to wane 108 times in a row, in one meditation session, we read the mantra:


The most important thing is to have the right attitude and be detached. Let go of the situation and don’t expect instant results. It wouldn’t hurt to do this ritual even after all debts have been paid off.

How to get out of debt and learn to live debt-free?

How to get rid of debts and learn to live debt-free?

If it so happens that you have accumulated more debts than income received, you should not panic. There is always a way out of any situation.
Persistence, adherence to strict financial discipline and advice based on the experience of people who have been in this situation and managed not only to get out of the debt hole, but also to significantly increase their income, will help you overcome this difficult stage of life:

  1. We notify creditors.When the situation arises that there is not enough income to pay off loans, you should not hide from creditors. All the same, the debts will have to be repaid. It is better to maintain a good relationship with the bank. Submit, for example, to
    restructuring. It will be possible to make a smaller payment. The bank does not always make concessions. But at least you will demonstrate your willingness to pay. Avoiding lengthy litigation.
    Even at the beginning of the trial, the court will be more loyal, seeing your desire to do everything possible to repay the loans. Which will also influence the court's decision in your favor in the future.
  2. We constantly make minimum payments. Even if the debt seems overwhelming, we continue to make payments. 10% of your monthly income will not improve your situation, but it will at least reduce your debt a little. In addition, this will provide an opportunity to learn financial literacy. And the main thing is to understand that it is not possible to pay off all debts at once, but over time this will happen. And the rule of saving 10% of your income will help you reserve savings in the future.
  3. We make a contribution more than the minimum. Strict payment according to schedule does not allow you to save money. By making contributions at least a little more than the minimum, there is a chance to pay off the debt faster, thereby reducing the overpayment. Reducing debt is a good incentive for further action. We pay off the least profitable loans first.
    If you have several loans and it is not possible to repay them at the same time, we repay them one by one. We start with those with higher interest rates. This reduces the cost of servicing the loan, and the repayment process with the remaining, more profitable loans approaches.
    You should not make late payments on other loans. Penalties and fines further aggravate the unfavorable financial situation
  4. Paying off a small debt. After paying off the loan with the highest interest rate, we begin to pay off the smallest debt. We pay off small debts that can be paid off quickly. Reducing the number of loans will serve
    an excellent incentive for progress towards the task
  5. We only refinance loans with unfavorable interest rates. Sometimes, in order to close an old loan with a high interest rate, you can take out a refinancing loan from the bank with the most favorable rate. In this case, the economic benefits should be calculated very carefully. Even if the bet turns out to be less. Loan processing fees and other fees set by the bank can destroy this benefit. Therefore, if the difference in percentage is not big, there will be no savings. In this connection, we refinance those debts for which the rate is significantly higher than the recommended
  6. We distribute our money wisely. We analyze all our expenses. Maybe there is an opportunity to give up something and use the freed up money to liquidate the credit debt
    We keep strict records of expenses, recording them on paper; such a system opens up a hidden reserve for savings. Expense planning is the path to material freedom.
  7. We increase our income. Once order has been established in accordance with the previous paragraph, finances are under strict accounting and there is no room for irrational use of material resources. You may be wondering how to get extra income? Part-time work, on the Internet, maybe even a change of job to a higher paying one. We think. If you wish, you can always find at least a small extra extra. Even a small amount brings you at least one step closer to your goal
  8. Let's implement something unnecessary. It is recommended to sell the TV. This will help you get extra time for part-time work. If you have a car, we sell it. This will help not only to obtain additional funds, but also to get rid of additional expenses during financial difficulties. We send the funds received to repay the loan
  9. We do not make new loans. A firm decision to pay off all debts must be accompanied by the main rule - we do not take out new loans. There is no way to make monthly payments - we arrange debt restructuring. There is no money for pressing problems - we eliminate unnecessary expenses or look for additional income
  10. The best way to learn to live debt-free is to not take on debt.

To ensure that we never fall into such bondage in the future, we observe basic rules:

  • We keep accurate monthly records and planning of financial receipts and transfers
  • We no longer issue loans. But if you want to repeat the extreme sensations, we follow the principle - 20% and no more permissible loan of the amount of annual income
  • We monitor payments for all banking transactions so that closed loans do not end up with a debt for servicing them. Which we learn about when a decent amount has already accumulated

    By balancing your capabilities with your desires, you can do without loans. Having repaid all debts, you should exclude even thoughts about such a situation in life: How and with what to repay the loan?

An easy way to live debt-free

get rid of debts

You don’t need to be a highly competent specialist to plan expenses. This is the only correct and easiest way to live without debt.

General principle planning used by fairly successful people is that:
We use 50% of income for necessary current needs
20% for repayment of debts, in the absence of any for savings
30% - for training, entertainment and any additional expenses
In each case, an individual approach is needed. But by using the basic principle of planning, it is possible to avoid becoming a slave to debt. Live comfortably without carrying this heavy burden.

Having rethought the whole situation, we replace the irresponsible attitude towards the financial part with a competent and practical approach.
We do the opposite - we make savings, rather than accumulating debts. Then there is a feeling of freedom and understanding of a full life without painful debts.

get rid of debts

Video: Getting rid of problems using White magic

Everyone has probably borrowed money at least once in their life. There is nothing indecent or shameful about this. Sometimes you really need to grab money before payday or borrow for a large purchase so that after payday you can immediately pay off your bills.

Experts advise that first, find out whether you are really destined to earn a living at odd jobs for the rest of your life? Or have you, through your own wrong actions, driven yourself into a financial trap of large debts?

And only then think about how to get out of debt.

Karmic bad luck in the financial field is, of course, very difficult. But don’t rush to make a diagnosis – first you need to analyze everything.

Here is the method that the clairvoyant suggests Fatima Khadueva, winner of the “Battle of Psychics”:

Find 20-30 minutes of free time for yourself so that no one will disturb you. Sit down, relax. Imagine an imaginary glass wall in front of you and see yourself on this wall. Look carefully, detachedly.

Now ask yourself questions. But keep in mind that for correct conclusions, clear formulation of questions and sincere answers are important.


  • What have you done to achieve financial success?
  • Have you chosen a specialty that is in demand?
  • Do you know your way around the world of money?
  • Do you think money is evil?

Answer as best you can - as you know, you won’t fool yourself.

A ritual to help you get out of debt

To break this vicious circle and finally get out of debt, to get out of the debt hole, you need to perform a special ritual. It is held on a full moon.

To carry it out you will need:

  • White fabric
  • Four wax candles
  • Salt
  • A handful of coins
  • Green thread

Light four candles and place them on four inverted saucers. Place these saucers on the floor so that each of them is directed in a certain direction of the world. Stand in the center of this circle and clockwise, starting from the eastern candle, closing your eyes, say:

“I will pay my debt to Fate - I cry to the East!”

“I paid everything to Fate, I paid to all sides of the world!”

After this, go to the window, take a knife and cut a piece of white fabric in half with it. Put salt in one half, a handful of coins in the other and tie both resulting bags with green thread. Hide them in the closet until the next full moon.

On the next full moon, exactly at midnight, take out the bags and take them to the road away from home. Find a beautiful tree and leave these bags near it.

When returning home, do not turn around, do not talk to anyone, do not give anything to anyone. Go to bed and before going to bed say: “Salt will take away all my troubles and return my debts.”

This concludes the ritual for getting rid of the debt trap. Now the Universe will help you, and all you have to do is act in the right and necessary direction.

According to Fatima, the most unpleasant thing is that debts can be contagious. Often, to get into this “quagmire” on an emotional and energetic level, it is enough to live with an inveterate debtor in the same house.

The most important thing is to remember that get out of debt and get out of the debt hole oh, how hard it is, so it’s better not to fall into it. May you always be surrounded by the favorable energy of wealth and success!

Today I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, will tell you how, with the help of an independent conspiracy, to solve the issue of debts and influence scammers, how to force a thief to return what was stolen, and force the debtor to repay his debts. In previous materials, I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, have already presented rituals for getting rid of troubles and failures associated with the financial sector, and also discussed methods for filling a person’s money channel.

And it also happens that you yourself consciously become a debtor. For example, there is no money, but it is needed right now. With magic, it makes no difference who you borrow from: the bank, friends or mom. If you are afraid of refusal, I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, will tell you what kind of conspiracy is needed to lend money.

A strong conspiracy to find money - a talisman will help bring good luck into your life

But first, I would like to say a little about the currently fashionable money talisman - the scooping spoon. Such a money amulet can be made from any material, but preference is still given to silver. But in order for a souvenir to become a money talisman, you need to work hard, reading magical conspiracies to attract money. You can find a scoop spoon in souvenir shops. Or you can take an ordinary coffee spoon, perform a witchcraft ritual with it - and the money talisman is ready.

To attract wealth into your life, you can even read conspiracy for found money, making a real money magnet out of randomly received bills or coins. But be careful here, because often sorcerers cast spells on money and plant it so that foolish people can take it.

At the end of the article, I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, will give you for your reference an effective ritual for finding treasure, which can be used as a spell to find money on the street. It works on personal strength, and therefore everything depends on how much you are into the ritual of finding money - on your desire and visualization.

A strong conspiracy to get rid of debts - how to pay off poverty at a crossroads

In the rituals of practical money magic, there are many ways to get out of poverty, get rid of obligations and debts that are pulling you back. Various conspiracies for getting rid of debts and loans are effective. You can perform a witchcraft ritual using personal power, or through demons or the dead. Magic rituals for debts and otherworldly entities are effective, but here everything depends on contact with the Forces.

You can also ask for the Power in your own words to get rid of debts and loans on your own, to buy yourself out of poverty, so that the result will be better than from strong rituals and conspiracies.

However, you still need to work according to established, proven standards and safe rules of witchcraft. You can’t last long on inspiration alone and you can’t achieve serious heights in real magic. Well, here, for example, is an effective ritual for paying off debts. Working, tested many times in practice. It's not strong spell to get rid of debts in its pure form, but it really helps to get out of the debt hole, close loans, and influence finding money.
Before reading an effective spell for debts, typical for money rituals of this type, prepare the following materials:

  • old cup
  • 7 any coins
  • a handful of earth or sand

An independent ritual to get rid of debts should be performed on the waning moon, after sunset. Throw coins into the cup one after another, read the words once for each coin:

“Here is your payment for poverty from me, have fun, poverty from morning to sunset, walk poverty, drink, eat, but don’t touch me, God’s servant (name). Here’s your ransom, here’s your tribute, but leave me alone in poverty, leave me alone forever.”

Throwing all the coins into the cup, pour earth or sand into it, then read the text of the conspiracy against incurring debts 3 times:

“You, poverty, should lie under the ground (sand), but I, not knowing grief, live in joy, make friends with money. Let it be so".

The cup is immediately taken to a deserted intersection, where it is left with the words: “I bought myself out of poverty, said goodbye to troubles. Exactly!". There is no need for ransom here. However, if before a good conspiracy to pay off debts and throw off the burden of lack of money, you do, then it is necessary to pay off. In such rituals, the payoff for unexpectedly finding money is standard: coins, vodka. Someone carries cigarettes, black bread, depending on the experience of a practicing magician, or your personal preferences, but I, magician Sergei Artgrom, advise - do not skimp, pay off with the trinity.

This magical ritual of poverty alleviation is very simple.

Despite his exceptional help, it is clear that in this way, in severe, advanced cases, one can only alleviate the fate of a person suffering from debt, but cannot cure it. But, in practical magic, any problem can be solved. There are very strong conspiracies to get out of debts and loans. In advanced, complex cases, it is good to use wax castings of money negativity. Even better is to work comprehensively with annealing.

A powerful conspiracy to pay off debts - through 3 graves for a good life

A magical ritual to pay off debts, strong, 100% working. But, as with any independent ritual for money, there are pitfalls. So, let's talk about everything in order. Firstly, you need to understand that this is cleaning, and not work to attract big and fast money. Work is going on at three graves, and the main thing here is to get along with the dead. And that’s precisely what witchcraft power, experience and intelligence are required for.
A strong spell to get rid of debts and loans, of course, does not literally write off your debts. The ritual works as a cleansing of closed paths; reserves open up for the performer, due to which he gets the opportunity to change his financial situation. The magic ritual for good luck in money matters begins to work in full force after about 2 months. For some, it may unwind earlier.

To perform a cemetery ritual in order to get out of debt, you need the following:

  • new knife
  • cup with honey
  • 7 nickels

They do a money ritual for debts on their own, on 3 personalized graves. It is clear that you need to look for graves with your name, or with the name of someone to whom an effective ritual for attracting money through 3 graves for a good life is addressed. Do a strong ritual on Friday. And, since this is a cleansing, the moon should be waning. At the first grave, stick the knife vertically into the ground up to the hilt, and read the words of the conspiracy for debts:

“I’m tied with shackles, but tied in a noose, my life is ruined, so it’s turned crookedly, now I ask the dead man, now I close it with a knife, what’s knitted, now it’s cut, the noose is trimmed, so my life is straightened forever. A knife for the dead, yellow rye for me, and a golden field. Amen".

Bow low to the grave.
You need to bury a bowl of honey on the second grave. Use a container with a lid. When digging in, you need to read the second strong conspiracy to get out of debt:

“Sorrowful, since it is let down, everything is washed with a salty tear, the dead will now bless everything with honey, the bitterness snows, and the tear dries up, my fate will now be matched with the sweetness of honey, like the dead with honor, and with sweetness for me. Amen".

Bow to the grave.
On the third grave you need to bury 7 nickels, and at the same time read the spell text for debt relief:

ATTENTION IMPORTANT: I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, recommend everyone to wear a proven Talisman to attract the energy of money and luck. This powerful Amulet attracts good luck and wealth. A MONEY AMULET is made strictly individually, under the name of a specific person and his date of birth. The main thing is to immediately set it up correctly in accordance with the instructions sent, it is equally suitable for people of any religion

“The seven-nickel coin is now buried, because it was accepted by the dead, since it was accepted, then my fate is blessed, so may it be enjoyed by luck, my life is golden, but crowned with whim. Amen".

Bow to the third grave.

And leave according to the rules, without looking back. If everything is done correctly, then a very strong conspiracy to get out of debt will show its results, and life will become different. There is no need to leave anything on the graves, but the owner of the cemetery must purchase it!

Let's look at how the conspiracy to get rid of debts works through 3 graves

In the black rite, in order to find good luck, a practicing magician makes a request to the dead to remove life's obstacles and for positive changes. That is why a magical ritual is performed not on the waxing, but on the waning moon. Before opening paths, it is necessary

  • clean out the negativity
  • remove damage
  • remove the evil eye,
  • remove obstacles

It's logical. But, if a practicing magician perceives this effect not only as an effective ritual and conspiracy to get rid of debts, but also as work to attract finance, then it is permissible to perform it on the waxing moon. But not before the cleaning is done.
I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, consider it advisable to do this: magical cleansing on the waning moon. Including cleansing from financial failures and closing paths. On the first lunar day, on the waxing day, carry out witchcraft rituals to fill the money channel.
I, magician Sergei Artgrom, repeat: the strongest ritual for getting rid of constant lack of money on 3 graves is really working, and works well for novice magicians. It works great during stagnation in life, shows a noticeable and, most importantly, stable result when you need to attract luck and luck. If you think of it as opening a path, that's exactly how it works. If you treat this work as a conspiracy to get rid of debts and attract wealth, it really attracts money. If you are making a conspiracy specifically to attract money, then after the ceremony is performed, do not forget to secure it, i.e. put a lock on your work so that things don’t get ruined ahead of schedule.

And here is a very subtle point. A matter of perception. If you look at this cemetery creation as a strong conspiracy to get out of debt, then there is no need for fastening here. But it’s imperative to install protection on your financial channel after you’ve cleared out all the negativity. But, first check with diagnostics whether all negative programs have been removed, so as not to accidentally put under protection some old family stealer of monetary luck. Diagnostics are also needed before conducting a cemetery ritual to get rid of money problems. It is best to do it in combination; the ritual really gives a stable cash income, and goes well with other conspiracies for good luck in the financial sphere. But it happens that this magical ritual is simply not suitable for a person. And then you may not receive wealth, but even lose any sources of monetary income.
In general, from experience, I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, recommend this powerful conspiracy to pay off debts, carried out on the waning moon. It works very well as a transfer of failures in business and complete lack of money. There is simple and expressive symbolism here. It’s not for nothing that the hangman’s rope is mentioned. To remove the stranglehold of a corrupted life, the performer gives the ghoul a knife. Then the second and third graves work on the purchase, which the magician leaves - this is honey and 7 nickels. Before starting a ritual for good luck with money on your own, purchasing for the cemetery Hosts is mandatory. Of course, too.

Which conspiracy to choose to lend money?

I want to offer you a white conspiracy to give a loan, read it before taking a loan from a bank. You can practice an effective spell not only for this occasion, but in general, if necessary, to borrow money in a difficult situation. It is done through Christian Forces, the performer addresses them.

And here is this white conspiracy to lend money. You need to wear a handkerchief under your armpit for 3 days. When you come to ask for a loan of money, wipe your face with this handkerchief on the threshold and mentally say:

“Lord, my God Christ, my angel brought a request. My Lord, You said: ask, and it will be given.” Amen".

A strong conspiracy to return stolen money

To force a thief to return what was stolen, you need to take an old rusty knife, read the spell to return stolen money 3 times, so that your breath touches the blade of the knife. After which, take the enchanted knife to the cemetery and stick it in the registered grave of the thief or debtor. Leave, as always, according to the rules. I note that this independent conspiracy to return money will help you take back your money not only from an unscrupulous client or boss, but also from scammers, who, in fact, are also thieves.

Read the words of the text of a strong conspiracy to get your money back:

“The dog barks, the pig digs, the wind blows, sparks fly, the locks creak, they don’t close. The sharp knives became dull, became covered with dirt, and the slave (name) felt dryness, aching, melancholy, yawning. Hands are taken away, eyes cannot see, ears cannot hear, hair is falling out, teeth are rotting. Someone else’s goods are of no use, my word is locked, no one will open the lock, the dog will faithfully guard. Amen".

How to find money on the street - a warlock spell for treasure

Probably each of you would like to have the ability to often find money on the road. In the arsenal of black magic there are such effective conspiracies that help to find treasures. That is, treasures in the literal sense, well, and that money that, so to speak, is in bad shape. For example, you can use an effective spell to gain the ability to find money on the street.

Get up before dawn. Take a burning candle in your left hand and read the words of the conspiracy to find money 7 times:

“I will get up with the dawn, I will walk with the early sun along the hills and ravines, along the hills and steeps. I will find a huge stone, and under that stone lie gold, jewelry, clear stones, cast silver, cast pearls. I will roll away that stone like a feather and take what lies under it, and I will take for myself the good silver and all the yachts with clear pearls along with gold. Whoever laid the treasure dreamed about me (name) that I would come in the morning with the sun and I would take everything that was allotted. Shine quickly, the sun is clear. Show me the way to the treasure, to the strong and heavy stone. For me, he will be a feather, a light sliver. Dawn, clear dawn, show me the path to the golden treasure that lies in places unknown to me, behind a hill, behind a hill in the middle of a valley. Wind, wind, blow quickly, mark the path for me to the treasure myself, so that I can find the treasure, like my home in the middle of the night. And you are a strong pebble, make way, fall down, let me take the treasure, like rye from a great field. I am going on a path and I will find that treasured treasure that was laid for me by a hand unknown to me. Goy."

Many people live from paycheck to paycheck, counting every penny. It is not always possible to change the situation, so some turn to the magical powers of rituals to help them get rid of debts and improve their financial situation. However, rituals for getting rid of debts will only help if you believe in them and carry out all manipulations clearly, following the rules.

When we borrow money from a loved one or friend, we promise that we will soon return the amount without making you wait long. But it is not always possible to repay debts on time; there are many reasons for this:

  • the child is sick;
  • sent on an urgent business trip to another city;
  • personal health has deteriorated;
  • wages were delayed;
  • utility tariffs have increased;
  • a car or household appliance has broken down.

The list of reasons why it is not possible to return money on time could take a long time. People often wonder how to get out of this situation. They are looking for ways to break the chain of failures, improve their financial situation, and stop borrowing money.

If rituals are carried out correctly with the help of magic, you can change your own destiny, improve your financial situation, and become financially secure.

To understand why you have to borrow money all the time without the possibility of quickly returning it, you should turn to magic. She will answer all questions and help you get out of the situation. But in order for rituals to produce the desired results, you need to know about the basic rules that must be followed.

Rules for conducting rituals

Carrying out rituals and conspiracies that could improve the life situation, get rid of debts and “whiten” the black streak must be in accordance with the rules. First of all, it is worth remembering that you cannot tell anyone about the ritual, otherwise you may encounter the opposite effect.

Witchcraft rituals are the area of ​​​​black magic, but you should not be afraid.

Rituals for liberation from financial difficulties are not performed using blood or warlock paraphernalia. You can carry out the ceremony at home, the main thing is to strictly follow the rules, without renouncing any of them.

It is forbidden to use rituals for fun, testing how they will work in the absence of financial problems. You should not joke with magic, as such entertainment can play a cruel joke on a person, causing the opposite effect.

The rules are as follows:

  • The ritual is performed on the waning moon. If the goal is not just to get rid of debts, but also to increase capital, it is necessary to carry out manipulations on the waxing moon.
  • When performing a ritual, believe in the result. Without faith in positive changes, it will not be possible to achieve the desired effect. Get rid of the thought that magic is powerless in this situation, and it will not be able to improve your financial situation, but will only take away time. Remember the internal energy, and if it is positive, then the result will be desired.
  • Don't wish harm on others. Mentally ask for forgiveness from the people you owe money to. Tell them about your financial difficulties and make them believe that you will return every penny in the near future. Be good-natured with people, only in this case magic will be on your side.
  • When performing the ceremony, try to completely forget what borrowed money is for a month. Save on personal expenses, do not spend money on unnecessary things. After the ritual, you must configure yourself to the fact that borrowing money is not what you need in life.

These are the basic rules, the implementation of which is mandatory. Rituals are highly powerful and lead to the desired results, but only if you believe in it. A sense of self-hypnosis must be present during any ritual.

Rituals to end debt forever

Getting rid of debts is not as difficult as it might seem, especially if you use the powers of magic. Conspiracies will help you get rid of the problem of lack of money without forcing you to turn to famous sorcerers and magicians. All manipulations are carried out at home.

To get rid of the habit and need to borrow money forever, you need to perform the following rituals:

  • weekly spell for water;
  • rituals for the waning moon;
  • ritual of getting rid of the financial crisis;
  • cleansing the wallet from negative energy.

There are many rituals for getting rid of debts, each of them has enormous power and guarantees results at the end. But in order for the magic to work 100%, it is necessary to follow the sequence and rules of rituals, which we will discuss in detail.

Weekly spell for water

The conspiracy is carried out every day during the week; Tuesday is considered the optimal day to start the ritual. During the ritual you will only need a glass of sacred water. Some sources say that it is permissible to take water from the tap, but for greater effect it is advisable to first consecrate it, endowing it with magical powers.

The ritual is performed in the morning on an empty stomach, the best time would be 6–7 am. The sacred water is placed in a glass and left for a few seconds until it stops shaking. Next, you need to stand over the glass, stare at it and think about your debts. Then the phrase is spoken over the water:

The water is fast, the water is clean, you flow wherever you want, you always find your way, you fill the earth with yourself, you never become poor. Let me wash my face, get a drink, help me feed myself, show me a way to get rid of debts and free myself.

After this, you should wash your face with water from a glass 3 times, and drink the rest.

The procedure gradually brings you closer to financial independence every day, eliminating the habit of borrowing money without paying it back for a long time. Life will be filled with new possibilities. A highly paid job will appear that will allow you to no longer go to extremes or borrow money.

Ritual of incineration of the financial crisis

Getting rid of debts, as well as gaining complete financial independence, requires regular, correct rituals to get rid of the financial crisis. To carry out the rite of incineration of the financial crisis, you need to take:

  • church candle;
  • black pencil;
  • paper.

The candle is lit near the window. On a white sheet of paper with a black pencil you should write how much you owe and to whom. The leaf is rolled up and burned under the fire of a candle, saying the words:

Candle-candle, help me in business, burn all my debts.

The leaf should burn to the ground. Throw the ashes out the window so that the wind scatters them.

The effect of the ritual is observed after a few weeks. In order for the power of magic to be preserved and protect you from subsequent loans, you need to pay off your debts during these two weeks, putting an end to it.

Cleansing the wallet from negative energy

The wallet also has negative energy, although many people don’t even think about it. Money is dirt, which over time has a negative effect on the wallet, worsening its energy. As a result, the wallet seems to push money away from itself, forcing the owner to look for it on the side and borrow it.

To get rid of negative energy, you need to perform a cleansing ritual.

For this you will need a wallet and a candle. The ritual is carried out mainly in the evening, no one should know about it. Sit on a chair and place a lit candle in front of you. Hold the wallet with money in your hand, take the money out of it under the flame of a candle. If there are bank cards, coins, or business cards in your wallet, these also need to be removed. When emptying your wallet, say:

As this wallet is cleared, my debts evaporate.

The conspiracy is pronounced until the wallet becomes empty. Leave it in this state overnight, allowing it to get rid of negative energy. Return the bills, cards and coins in the morning.

If there are wrinkled or torn bills in your wallet, get them in perfect shape: glue them or straighten them. Magic does not recommend placing various checks or discount cards in your wallet, because they block access to money.

Rituals against lack of money for the waning moon

A ritual for the waning moon will help put an end to lack of money, normalize your financial situation and increase your earnings. The technique is strong - it allows you to get rid of debts, and also discourages the desire to borrow money again. As soon as the moon becomes smaller, you can start thinking about performing this ritual. Its effect will be observed within a few weeks, subject to maximum faith in the magic of the ritual.

To perform the ritual you need to take:

  • paper;
  • black candle;
  • a spoonful of honey;
  • black pencil;
  • spoon of sugar.

At midnight, open the window and sit by it, light a candle, write on a piece of paper the amount that still needs to be given. Place a few drops of honey in the middle of the paper and pour sugar inside it. Fold the sheet into an envelope and put it in a place where no one will find it.

The candle must be extinguished and left on the table. The next morning, bury the candle far from home and burn the paper sheet. Expect financial well-being, the ability to pay off debts, and no need to borrow money again.

If debt is a curse

Financial troubles can accompany a family from generation to generation; this is nothing more than a generational curse that needs to be gotten rid of. Ancestral karma is a strong thing, which only strong magic can change. To implement your plan you will need:

  • glass of water;
  • a raw egg.

Eggs have long been used in magic because they have power and guarantee the desired effect.

You need to take the egg with both hands, saying:

A white egg, a white face, a bright angel answered me: Evil people, the servant of God (name), bypassed you and took your money. I will help you, I will protect you. He spread his wings over me so that no one could wipe me off. He took away evil, slander and slander with his wing, and put up a fence around the oak tree for a hundred centuries. Whoever approaches out of evil will not find the door-window into my abode. That fence stands, an angel flies over it. I am under an angel, I am not afraid of anyone. Amen, amen, amen.

Then it is lowered into a glass of water and stirred clockwise with a knife. After this, the water from the glass is poured into the toilet, and while flushing, the following is said:

I give away someone else’s, I take away what’s mine.

The ritual is powerful because it involves getting rid of a family curse, involving close relatives. In order for the manipulations to proceed correctly and give the desired effect, you should first consult with a magician who will answer all questions. If you have no desire to deal with the problem of a family curse on your own, you can turn to psychics for help.

Rituals for getting rid of debts allow you to achieve financial independence in the near future, the main thing is to know about all the features of a particular ritual, and carry out all the manipulations in secret from others. If you believe in the power of magic, you can quickly remove the generational curse, say goodbye to the habit, and borrow money.

How to avoid loans and credits in the future

When deciding to carry out a ritual that allows you to get rid of credits and loans, it is important to first pay off your debts and cleanse your energy. After this, you need to go to the pond, throw a coin into the water, saying:

May all debts be reduced and not return to me in the future. I will drive them away from me like I drive away clear water. I’ll pay for it in silver, I’ll give away what I don’t need. I'll throw the key into the water and dissolve it. The loans are closed, locked forever. Amen.

Sorcerers and magicians say that it is necessary to keep your wallet in order and clean, rid it of unnecessary garbage, and carry only money in it. Any candy wrappers, checks, credit cards are items that prevent funds from flowing into your wallet. By clearing it of such debris, you will restore the positive energy of your wallet, allowing it to once again accept an unlimited amount of funds.

Strong rituals for getting rid of debts will allow you to once and for all cleanse the necessary energy, which will contribute to financial security and the absence of the need to borrow funds. The main thing is to follow the rules of conduct, have the necessary attributes available, and perform rituals alone with your thoughts, without extraneous stimuli.

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