Psychogram of Pythagoras by date of birth. Numerological theory of Pythagoras

In life, sometimes we do not have enough information about a person to know how to communicate with him, whether to trust him, in what respect we can rely on him. If, knowing his year/month/day of birth, you use the numerological matrix and make all the necessary calculations, you can learn a lot about him. Sometimes a person himself does not know what he is capable of in this life, the psychomatrix allows him to reveal all the secrets of his essence.

When calculating the numerological matrix of the fate of a person, you should not assume that you will be able to do it “in between times.” To be able to correctly interpret the results obtained, it is not enough to simply enter numbers into the table and read their interpretation. By studying the material below, you will understand how painstaking work this is, the result of which depends, first of all, on your mental abilities to collect, summarize and analyze information. The psychomatrix requires careful study and years of practice, then the information you receive will not be distorted by your own efforts.

A numerological matrix is ​​understood as a digital square consisting of columns and rows, into the cells of which it is necessary to enter numbers obtained through special calculations. All calculations are carried out according to the date of birth of the person being studied; some additional figures for the table are obtained in the process of working with it.

The Mystery of the Pythagorean Matrix

Famous in her own right Pythagorean matrix looks like an ordinary mathematical table, it is a square consisting of three rows and the same number of columns. Its secret lies in how numerology interprets the matrix and each of its elements, as well as the meaning entered into its cells.

Numerology is a science that studies numbers and their influence on people's destinies. All its laws are based on a technique according to which all digits of a number (including multi-digit numbers) are reduced to the unit digit. In the range of values ​​of single-digit numbers, each number is endowed with a unique meaning; its absence or presence (including its quantitative composition) in the matrix indicates certain properties of its character.

Interacting with each other, all these numbers complement or neutralize each other, changing the properties of human characters and their destinies.

All of them, together with their influence, shape a person’s life, controlling his thoughts, aspirations and actions.

Numerology received its development on the basis of a synthesis of knowledge about philosophy and mathematics. Pythagoras made a great contribution to its development, who developed the magic square - a matrix of values ​​for the characteristics of a person, which today is the basis for the emergence of new directions and methods for reading information about objects, events and phenomena. Most of all, numerologists are interested in the question of studying the fate of a person and the influence on it of various numbers that a person encounters from the day of his birth. It is noteworthy that the destinies of people can be similar, but there are no 100% identical destinies.

Pythagorean system

As an illustrative example, we can consider the interpretation of numbers in the Pythagorean system. For two thousand years, the principle of its use has not changed, and the results obtained increasingly indicate how accurate its analysis is in the personal characteristics of a person and the assessment of his fate.

Calculation algorithm using the Pythagorean table

  • We select the person’s date of birth (for example, November 17, 1991), and make the necessary calculations of the working numbers:
  • At this step, it is necessary to line up all the numbers of the date of birth and the working numbers obtained as a result of the calculations:

Working numbers have their own characteristics and meaning, through which the psychomatrix allows you to find out information about a person according to his date of birth:

  • Next, the numbers we obtained as a result of calculations must be entered into the Pythagorean square:
Analysis of the psychomatrix will give you answers to many questions

Now, using the table of values ​​to decipher the Pythagorean square, we will analyze the data obtained.

The matrix and the meaning of its elements

In the analysis, it is necessary to take into account not only the values ​​of the obtained numbers, but also the meaning of the rows, columns, diagonals, as well as the cells that make up the psychomatrix:

  • Lines:
  • Columns:
  • Diagonals:
  • Cells:

The interpretation of each row, diagonal, column and cell that makes up the square or Pythagorean matrix depends not on its position, but on the number of digits that are placed in them. An assessment of their influence on a person’s fate and life should be carried out by calculating the total set of numbers in a row, diagonal, column and cell.

Using the qualitative assessment scale, it is also necessary to determine how many times the same numbers enter each cell:

Number of digits Meaning
0 It indicates that a person does not have the quality interpreted by this cell; it is also possible that it has not yet manifested itself.
1 A poorly developed quality that a person often passes off as a strong property and deliberately tries to advertise it in public.
2 Well developed and active quality, clearly demonstrated.
3 An unstable quality, often manifests itself in waves - it fades away, then appears again, but in a hypertrophied form. More often it appears after provoking a person to an appropriate reaction.
4 Well developed feeling, stable and strong.
5 The feeling is most developed and can suppress other qualities of a person’s characteristics.
6 More than 5 numbers in one cell indicate overload; this is an overdeveloped and even exaggerated quality. This negatively affects a person’s character, since such a quality can create the appearance of its complete absence, but can powerfully manifest itself in a certain situation. In ordinary decoding, it is customary to adhere to the following scheme: the number 5 should be subtracted from the number of all digits (if there are more than 5) and interpreted as the remainder in the cell. For example, with 7 units, you should subtract 5 from 7, the remainder will be 2 - this is the number of digits in the cell and will be the most truthful in the description of this property. Accordingly, 6 – 5 = 1, where 1 will be the most accurate indicator of this quality.

It would be incorrect when the psychomatrix is ​​considered only on the basis of the analysis of individual rows, columns, diagonals or cells. Of course, they are all responsible for a certain quality and carry its specific meaning in a person’s character, however, such an analysis of the matrix will not be complete. In deciphering, it is necessary to take into account not only these “autonomous” qualities, but their totality and interconnection - their synthesis and influence on the character and fate of a person.

Decoding matrix values

We have looked at the general meaning of the matrix - the square itself, its columns, rows, diagonals, cells, the number of digits in them, now we can familiarize ourselves with the specific interpretation of them on real example. As a result, the secret of the characteristics of the person whose date was used in our example will be revealed to us:

  • Cell No. 1 – main character trait:
  • Cell No. 2 – energy donated by space
2 Describes human bioenergy A person actively feeds on energy from the outside.
2 Normal level of bioenergy; the person may be sensitive to weather changes.

Here it is important to consider which figure makes up the 2nd working number:

- if the resulting digit belongs to the interval , the person in question is " energy vampire »;

- if the resulting digit belongs to the interval , the person in question is " energy donor».

  • Cell No. 3 – main interest in life, passion, calling:
3 Describes a person's integrity A neat, punctual and pedantic person.
3 An unbalanced person whose mood often changes
33 Bioenergy is well developed, a person is capable of healing.
333 High level of bioenergy, a person can have extrasensory perception.
3333 Powerful bioenergy, innate psychic.
33333 An energy vampire who aggressively feeds on the energy of other people (after communicating with such vampires, people usually feel very unwell).
  • Cell No. 4 – health indicator (mental/physical):
4 Describes human health The person is in poor health.
4 A person is physically and mentally healthy, with excellent immunity; all diseases will begin to manifest themselves in old age.
44 Good health, high temperament, there is a possibility of genetic diseases.
444 Very good physical health, mental instability - the person is too temperamental and emotional.
4444 Mentally and physically an absolutely healthy person, who also has excellent immunity and health reserves.
44444 There is a reserve of health, but there is also a greater tendency to genetic diseases.
  • Cell No. 5 - shows the development of intuition and logic, the ability to analyze, weave intrigues, resolve disputes, etc.:
5 Describes a person's intuition and logical thinking Lack of intuition, achieves everything in life through one’s own hard work, makes many mistakes.
5 The channel of intuition is open, but he uses it weakly or unconsciously, so sometimes he makes mistakes in life.
55 A person is looked after by higher powers, everything comes easy to him, almost without effort; From such people they say “lucky”.
555 The channel is well open, the person is capable of clairvoyance.
5555 Powerful intuition, senses not only one’s own, but also other people’s problems.
55555 The channel of intuition is too open; a person is either a strong clairvoyant or will be prone to various mental deviations. Society does not understand, the relationship is complex.
  • Cell No. 6 – shows the attitude towards physical labor:

Describes a person’s attitude towards physical labor

Self-realization in life occurs exclusively through physical labor; there is no other calling in life.
6 The person is quite down to earth, ready to do any physical work, but is not capable of more.
66 Shares physical labor and approaches it creatively. Prefers to decorate the house and take care of the garden.
666 There is strength - the mind is at rest. Great physical potential “from Satan”, more often – a destroyer (criminal, warrior, etc.).
6666 A workaholic, a master who finds moral and financial satisfaction in work, is always ready for work of any kind.
66666 More of a theorist than a hard worker. He prefers the process of comprehending what lies ahead, builds a work plan, but almost never carries out it himself.
  • Cell No. 7 – shows the degree of luck and the presence of talents in a person:
7 Describes talents and degree of luck An ordinary person who has no talents is born with zero value in order to acquire talents for future rebirths through the process of work.
7 A person from birth has a talent that he should develop, spending a lot of energy and effort.
77 A talented person will make sense of everything he undertakes, regardless of the field of activity.
777 An angelic sign is a sign of the presence of special talents, more often artistry; A person with such a mark will not live long.
7777 Such people are called “Angels who descended to Earth.” A person who is absolutely incapable of evil must be prudent and careful in life.
77777 He is talented and lucky, but the direction of his actions is not always positive. Maybe both a famous artist or adventurer, and an equally famous criminal - a sharper, a swindler, a swindler.
  • Cell No. 8 – presence of responsibility and integrity, caring for others:
8 Describes the degree of integrity and conscientiousness A completely unreliable person.
8 Punctuality is highly developed (to the point of being boring).
88 A very responsible person, prone to self-sacrifice for the sake of another person, idea or important goal.
888 A person who gives himself completely without reserve for the good of society, even to the detriment of his own family.
8888 This combination is typical for people with parapsychological abilities.
88888 The sense of duty is well developed, integrity and responsibility are associated with other aspects, so such a person can promise a lot, but do little, while he “gnaws” at himself for unfulfilled promises. This is an exaggerated form of responsibility.
  • Cell No. 9 – level of spirituality, intelligence, clairvoyance:
9 Describes the level of development of spirituality, mental development and mental abilities A narrow-minded person, mental thinking is limited.
9 Mental development is normal, but no more.
99 Mental abilities are above average.
999 A witty person who grasps the essence of any event, literally, “on the fly.”
9999 Unique mental abilities. He thinks big and imaginatively, instantly analyzes what is happening and makes quick decisions. An outstanding thinker and philosopher with brilliant abilities.
99999 The level of mental development is so high that it can have a hypertrophied form. Usually such people are geniuses or schizophrenics.

Understanding the essence of numerology and the principle of operation of the matrix, using the magic of numbers, you will learn to determine the character of any person without any problems, with almost 90% reliability. You will learn about his inclinations and abilities, vices and capabilities, about his secret desires (in a general sense) and aspirations. Also, the Pythagorean matrix will indicate to you the level of your compatibility with this or that person in the future of your joint family, love or business life.

The Pythagorean square (table, Pythagorean horoscope) is one of the methods of analyzing a person by date of birth, developed by the ancient Greek philosopher and mathematician Pythagoras, who combined the mathematical systems of the Arabs, Druids, Phoenicians and Egyptians with the sciences of human nature. All people born in this world receive their vibration of a number that carries certain characteristics. The matrix allows you to determine, by date of birth, the typical character traits inherent in a person at birth.

To the page for entering new data

How to calculate your square using the Pythagorean method?

All people received their own number, which carries a certain characteristic.
Example: 12/5/1979 - (December 5, 1979)
1) Add up the numbers of the day and month of birth: 5+1+2=8.
2) Add up the numbers of the year: 1+9+7+9=26.
3) Add the resulting numbers: 8+26=34 - this is 1 working number.
4) Add up the digits of the first working number: 3+4=7 - this is the 2nd working number.
5) From the first working number, subtract double the first digit of the birthday: 34-2*5=24 - this is the 3rd working number.
6) Add up the digits of the third working number: 2+4=6 - this is the 4th working number.
First row of numbers: 5121979
Second row of numbers: 347246
Having counted how many digits are in both rows, we create a table:
11...44...77 8
Next, look at the characteristics of each table cell.

Full list of characteristics

1) Human character, ego, will, awareness
No -
1 - If there is only one unit in the calculation, then this person is a sophisticated egoist. Not paying attention to anything around him, he strives to extract the maximum benefit from any situation, primarily for himself. He is little interested in other people and what and how they live. The main thing is that only he lives and should live.
11 - The person has a weakly expressed egoism (he constantly praises himself as if he is for sale, he is afraid to overestimate himself)
111 - The person has a good character, flexible. It is quite difficult to piss off such people; you can always find them mutual language.
1111 - A person of strong character, strong-willed. He does not tolerate sycophancy and lies, although sometimes, gritting his teeth, he can do this for the sake of loved ones. Men with such a character are suitable for the role of professional soldiers, women usually keep their family in their fist.
11111 - The man is a dictator, a tyrant. For the sake of his idea or whim, he can waste millions - or human lives, or money. To achieve his goal, he walks, as they say, “over corpses,” without looking back or stopping. If he does not have the opportunity to feel his significance, he may become a tyrant in the family, a hermit, or acquire some kind of mental disorder. Persistent in intentions, in revenge, adapts well. We are often pursued by some serious mania. Attached to his children or grandchildren. He is specific - tries to think everything through in advance.
111111 - This combination is rare. A person is usually tough, cruel, but for loved ones or “for the good of humanity” he is capable of doing the impossible. People are very extraordinary, often falling under the influence of one idea. It’s hard to communicate with them, it’s hard to compete with them.

2) Bioenergy, passion, sexuality
No -
2 - People who are ordinary in terms of bioenergy. Still, bioenergy is not enough. These people should avoid stressful situations, too strong emotions, exercise or sports are required, and yoga is most effective. Such people are very sensitive to changes in the atmosphere.
22 - There is a sufficient amount of bioenergy, is able to share energy with others, can become a healer. In the family of such people, in principle, it is rare for anyone to experience nervous stress, unless, of course, the relationship is complicated by some special circumstances.
222 - Sign of a psychic. It is possible that a person himself is not aware of his abilities, but such people are best suited to heal with their biofield. To develop their abilities, they only need a small push.
2222 - If you have ever met a woman with whom all men without exception are in love, or a man irresistible to all women, then you will probably be convinced that they have these twos. These people are very much loved by the opposite sex. However, these people with high bioenergy should be careful: they are the ones who are unmistakably targeted by those who have the “sign of Satan” - they draw energy from them, feed on it, literally pump it out.

3) The internal makeup of a person, thriftiness, decency
no - Usually very clean or punctual people; something sets them apart from the environment - they are constantly cleaning something, rubbing; women without C grades are excellent housewives, but are somewhat annoying with their desire for cleanliness; men carefully monitor their appearance and do not tolerate it when their girlfriends are late for dates. Children are brought up in strictness. They love to watch themselves in the mirror and utter clever, ornate phrases. The painstaking work is carried out impeccably.
3 - These people are not bothered by order, everything depends on their mood, “I do it if I want, or not.”
33 - A penchant for science is clearly expressed. Analytic mind. Good mathematicians, physicists, chemists, scientists.
333 - Increased inclination towards science; if it is not realized, it gives rise to impossible pedantry, stinginess, and an inclination towards constant “restoration of justice.”
3333 - Great ability, no desire to develop

4) Health, sexuality
no - Health is very poor, a person has been susceptible to various diseases since childhood; The more bad marks he gets, the more he will hurt, because one way or another he will be forced to give up his energy.
4 - Average health, it is necessary to harden the body; illnesses come with old age.
44 - By nature he is a very strong person with a high temperament.
444 - People with very good health and enormous sexual potential. Men are naturally very strong physically.

5) Intuition
no - An open channel at birth, so this person is always trying to do something, to prove something, his head is always in thought, he is in an experiment, in calculation. Life experience shows that this person is difficult to live with. He gets everything (pushes) with his head.
5 - The communication channel is open. These people make much fewer mistakes in life and in general, they can correctly calculate the situation and make the most of it.
55 - Highly developed intuition. They can predict the course of events. The most suitable professions for them are: lawyer, investigator.
555 - Almost clairvoyant. Such people always know how to act in a given situation, so they practically do not make mistakes. In some cases, upcoming events are accurately predicted.
5555 - Clairvoyants. Everything that happens around them is completely clear to them. There are moments in their lives when they are outside of time and space. Individuals who, when fully realizing their abilities, go beyond the ordinary human.

6) Degree of grounding, logic, prudence
no - Such a person came to earth to acquire a craft, physical labor is necessary, but he does not like it.
6 - A person is to some extent grounded, one can engage in creativity or exact sciences, but physical labor is a prerequisite for existence.
66 - The person is very grounded. These people are drawn to physical labor, although it is not necessary for them.
666 - The sign of Satan. People of high temperament, charming, invariably becoming the center of attention in society. The partner you are married to should have a lot of twos, because... he feeds from his partner and often, having pumped up the energy, goes to another partner.
6666 - This person in his previous incarnations gained a lot of grounding, he works very hard. For him there is no burden of labor (physical), he always works. An institute is definitely needed if there are 9s in the calculation

7) Measure of talent, connection with higher powers
no - This man was born to earn sevens, and you can only earn them through effort. A very hard life. Almost always leads to religion.
7 - God's spark. Life is much easier for such people; they have talent, but it is not clearly expressed.
77 - This is very strong sign angel-likeness, if fully developed. The person is very gifted, musical, has artistic taste, and can draw. If the calculation is two units, then his egoism can guide him and his talent. Such a person walks on a razor's edge, he succeeds in everything, good and bad. There are no closed doors for him. If he goes to court, they will definitely help him win the case or get him out of the hole. You need to learn altruism from childhood.
777 - Special sign. These people, as a rule, come to earth for a short time, and if they came with life’s prosperity, then paralysis awaits them in old age.
7777 - Angel Sign. People with this sign die in infancy, and if they remain alive, their lives are constantly in danger or disaster.

8) Sense of duty
no - Corresponds to an almost complete lack of sense of duty. A person never considers himself obligated to anyone, is in no hurry to give back what he has taken, and misses all the appointed deadlines.
8 - We can say that these people are endowed with what is called a sense of duty: they are responsible, conscientious, and precise in their deeds.
88 - A very developed sense of duty. These people are always distinguished by a desire to help others, especially the weak, sick, and lonely. Consider themselves responsible for someone or something. Usually wonderful family men.
888 - This is a great sign. A sign of service to the people. Such people either lead nations to lead them in the path of the chosen ones, or, remaining in the shadows, without sparing themselves and without sparing their strength, they work for their good. In any case, a ruler with three eights achieves outstanding results.
8888 - The sign will only appear in 1988. Children with this sign are born with parapsychological abilities and exceptional sensitivity to the exact sciences. Supernatural paths are open to them.

9) Intelligence
no - A person is not born with a brilliant mind, he needs to develop mentally, study a lot and diligently, but this is not easy for him.
9 - A person must work hard to earn at least one more nine.
99 - A person has a smart head from birth. They must study because... can achieve a lot.
999 - Very smart by nature, weak in learning, because... everything is given. They do not make any effort at all in learning: everything that requires any mental expenditure from them does not present any difficulties for them.
9999 - The truth is revealed to these people. If intuition is developed, then they are guaranteed against failure in any of their endeavors. With all this, they are, as a rule, quite unpleasant, since their sharp mind makes them rude, unmerciful and cruel. You can't expect compassion from them. There is no point in wasting effort on getting them to change their minds. Often openly contemptuous.

Ask any person and he will tell you his lucky numbers. But for some reason no one has lucky letters. Meanwhile, letters and numbers are united by a certain magical connection, the existence of which was known in ancient times.

Suffice it to mention that in the Hebrew, Greek and Arabic alphabets, all letters had their numerical equivalents. IN modern numerology, as we know, preference is given to the simplified numeric and alphabetic code developed by Pythagoras. He reduced the number of numbers used to nine (from 1 to 9), since these are the starting point for deriving all the others. There are also ways to turn complex numbers into simple ones. The most popular method is the addition of all the digits included in a given number until it becomes a single digit. For example, 527 will look like 5 + 2 + 7 = 14 = 1 + 4 = 5. Such numbers are called “vibrating”.

In all this there is deep meaning. By finding the vibrating dates of the most important historical events, you can determine what future trends were laid down at these moments - positive or negative. For example, July 4, 1776 is the day the Declaration of Independence was signed in the United States. We have the 4th day, 7th month, 1776. We add: 4 + 7 + 1 + 7 + 7 + 6 = 32 = 3 + 2 = 5. And five is the number of risk, instability, unpredictability. No other numerical vibration could more accurately express the risk and uncertainty, believes domestic astrologer S. Vronsky, which followed the signing of this document. The same applies to November 11, 1918 - the day the armistice was signed, the end of the First World War. The sum of the numbers here also gives five.

But history is history, and the main task numerology- studying the impact of vibrating numbers on a person, helping him to benefit from knowledge about them. Each of us has at least two main vibrating numbers - a name number and a birthday number. To determine the first, you must first know the principle connecting numbers and letters of the alphabet. To do this, under nine numbers, you need to write down all the letters of the Russian alphabet sequentially from left to right. Then each number will have several letters associated with it:

A-1 B-2 AT 6 G-3 D-4 E-5 Yo-5 Zh-2 Z-7
I-1 Y-1 K-2 L-2 M-4 N-5 O-7 P-8 R-2
S-3 T-4 U-6 F-8 X-5 Ts-3 Ch-7 Sh-2 Shch-9
Kommersant-1 Y-1 b-1 E-6 Yu-7 Ya-2

So how do you find out your "nominal" number? Choose the name that you are most often called by your family, friends, and colleagues at work. Next to each letter, write its numerical equivalent and add up all the numbers. If you get a double-digit number, repeat the procedure again. The result of all these actions will be a single digit number for your name.

The character traits inherent in people of each of the numbers are given below.

Number 1. Sun.
The source of all numbers is the beginning of all living things. Any number includes the number 1, but the number itself is indivisible; the unity of the universe rests on it. Sun people are leaders by nature, incredibly strong personalities who never go unnoticed in the shadows. These are passionate, impulsive, business-like people. If you are under the influence of this number, then do not isolate yourself in your own feelings, do not limit yourself to your own perception, otherwise you will come into conflict with the world around you. You always achieve outstanding success. You are characterized by generosity, pride, the desire to create something new, physical and spiritual strength, authority, the desire for power, initiative, a sense of responsibility, unconditional justice, and practicality. You develop harmonious relationships with people from the first, second, fourth, seventh groups.

Number 2: Moon.
People of the Moon are characterized by emotionality and openness. They easily adapt to surrounding circumstances and are often artistically gifted. They achieve their goals by avoiding obstacles and intuitively taking advantage of opportunities. They experience mood swings and unconsciously seek more strong man, which would reliably support them. They are very homely, tuned in family life, loyal, sensitive, never take risks. Their rhythm of life may change. They are introverts, so although they are friendly, they are often withdrawn in their complex inner world with a rich imagination. These people are characterized by the following character traits: a sense of responsibility, a desire for independence; when implementing their plans, they always act diplomatically and carefully, and do not allow others to force them to do what they do not like. They have a good relationship with the first type.

Number 3. Jupiter.
Jupiter people are mostly optimistic, they have a positive attitude towards both others and themselves; As a rule, they have a deep knowledge of their nature; They shower others with love and expect respect in return. They do not waste time on trifles, avoid difficult situations and conflicts, and often act like a magnet, strangely attracting happiness and harmony. A positive attitude helps them achieve their goal. People under this number are full of a sense of responsibility, strive for self-improvement, are influenced by idealism, are indecisive, and seek recognition. By acting openly, they strive to benefit themselves. They travel willingly and selflessly stand up for those in need of help. They have a pronounced inclination towards art. They go well with the third, sixth and ninth types.

Number 4. Uranus.
These are very wayward, stubborn people who never live by generally accepted rules and go their own way. They strive for social reforms, and try to reject the past. These are humane, internally independent people with a non-standard way of life, they strive to find possible larger number friends, show interest in spiritual life, love and admire nature. Although the people of Uranus are independent. they are not closed or lonely, they are company-oriented: even after the divorce, they continue to support former partner friendly relations. People of this type are active, very conscientious in their work, nervous, they have an excellent memory and good organizational skills. They get along well with people of the first, second and seventh types.

Number 5. Mercury.
People of this type have a highly lively and resourceful mind. They show initiative in everything, quickly find the rational grain in any matter, and often strive to try their hand at rare professions. Stupid routine is alien to them. Everything is in full swing in their hands, they are impetuous in everything, they think quickly, draw conclusions, and work. The ability to express thoughts is of particular importance to them. They are overwhelmed by a thirst for knowledge, critical, resourceful, but quickly become discouraged by failures. This is an ambivalent personality. These people are loved and popular, not very economical, insatiably curious about all manifestations of life, charming, and never lose their individuality. They find a common language with their own kind, but essentially get along well with all other types of people.

Number 6. Venus.
People of this type radiate sensuality, they are all loved without exception. Their charm helps them avoid pitfalls in life. Since everything comes easily to them, they must be especially careful when handling money, otherwise they risk suffering big losses. But strangely, they always have enough funds. They are often married to a wealthy partner. They love everything beautiful and have a cheerful disposition. Often these are very attractive people. Sometimes they are arrogant and give too much attention appearance. They keep up with the times, are enterprising, sociable, and have a knack for the arts. They work successfully in areas where they have to communicate a lot with people and have a sense of justice. If they have any goal in front of them, then they are hardworking, but basically they prefer to devote themselves wholeheartedly to the joys of life. They combine especially well with the third, sixth, and ninth types, but in essence they are very accommodating and peaceful.

Number 7. Neptune.
Since this planet is interconnected with the Moon, Neptune people harmonize well with people of the second type. They are usually philosophical or religious and have a compliant character. Often they have an unstable financial situation, because money melts in their hands like snow. They have great ideas, but rarely follow through. They are prone to gambling. These are subtle, highly sensitive natures, merciful and sensitive to the mood of others. They have difficulty making decisions, are usually physically weak with a fragile constitution, and do not tolerate quarrels and conflicts. Most often they are employed in social services, are often musical, and sympathize with all those who suffer with all their hearts.

Number 8. Saturn.
Saturn people are receptive, often do not find understanding from others and suffer from loneliness. Their external coldness and aloofness hide a thirst for spiritual warmth, but they do not know how to show it. They do not like anything superficial; they love order and material security. Everything comes to them with difficulty; they achieve everything on their own. Their way of life is characterized by constancy and often, especially closer to old age, material wealth. People of this type are characterized by stubbornness and a sober view of things. They highly value rules and laws. These are pragmatists, prudent in everything, careful, punctual and methodical, very hardworking and persistent in achieving their goals and ideas. They rarely find themselves in a subordinate position. In life, people of this type are aimed more at material well-being; they must certainly be confident in tomorrow, however, are prone to melancholy. They remain absolutely faithful and you can always rely on them. They find a common language best with people of the second type and sympathize with people of the seventh type.

Number 9. Mars.
The people of Mars are ready to conquer everything on their own. They do not accept objections, but only resist them even more. They have courage and strong will and, thanks to these qualities, achieve great success. But impulsiveness negatively affects their activities. They often do not weigh their strengths and do not distribute them rationally. In love and partnership, they often have problems - excessive pride affects them. Possessing good organizational skills, they categorically cannot stand a subordinate position. If they purposefully applied their strengths and abilities, they could achieve tremendous success. So, they are distinguished by initiative and enterprise, energy and self-confidence. These leaders by nature rely on themselves, do not allow themselves to be surpassed, are sometimes a little merciless and unceremonious, and have great willpower. Find mutual understanding with people of the third, sixth and ninth types.

Want to make your own predictions? Find your birthday and name numbers. Then the number of the day on which you planned to do something important. Now add up all the numbers included in this date in a way known to you. As a result, you will have three vibrating numbers. Sum them up and you will get the vibrating number of a given day of the month exclusively for you. And then, checking the order indicated above, it is easy to determine which undertakings and by which numbers should be decided so that Her Majesty Fate smiles at you.

211. Guest, 2020-01-15 21:16:56

Numerology studies the influence of the vibration of numbers on a person’s character and life. Fortune telling by numbers was popular among ancient philosophers and mathematicians. The basic principles of modern numerology were laid down by Pythagoras and his students. One type of numbered fortune telling is fortune telling using the Pythagorean table.

Numerology is a science that studies the influence of the vibration of numbers on human life. Fortune telling using numbers has been popular since ancient times.

A person carries out various arithmetic manipulations with the numbers of his date of birth and writes the results in a square. Each square is responsible for one area of ​​a person’s life or ability. Fortune telling is relatively complex, but gives reliable results.

How to make a Pythagorean square

Numerology as a doctrine originates from Ancient Egypt. The priests caught on thin thread between numbers and human character. Ancient Greek philosopher and the mathematician Pythagoras supplemented and developed existing knowledge. He combined the mathematical harmony of the square, arithmetic calculation, and the magical vibration of numbers.

The date of birth is taken as the basis for fortune telling using the Pythagorean square.

It is this numerical set that predetermines the qualities of character, mental abilities, and life goals of a person. The Pythagorean square itself consists of three columns, each of which has three lines (a total of nine cells). Each cell is responsible for its own aspect.

How to create a Pythagorean table (let's take as an example the hypothetical date of birth 06/12/1986):

  1. The numbers of the day and month of birth are added up: 1+2+6=9.
  2. The numbers of the year of birth are added up: 1+9+8+6=24.
  3. By adding the results, the first working number is obtained: 9 + 24 = 33.
  4. The digits of the first working number 3+3=6 are added to obtain the second working number.
  5. The first digit of the birthday is multiplied by 2 and subtracted from the first working number. 1*2=2, 33-2=31, the third working number is obtained.
  6. The fourth working number is obtained by adding the digits of the third number 3+1=4.

The result is two number series 1261986 (date of birth) and 336314. Now you need to fill in the Pythagorean square. All numbers 1 are entered in the first cell, 2 in the second, 3 in the third, etc. If any of the numbers in the row is missing, the word “No” is written in the cell or a dash is placed. The table for our hypothetical date of birth looks like this:

111 4 7 - no
2 5 - no8
333 666 9

If you count the total number of numbers in two rows, you can find out the number of lives lived by a person on earth. The Pythagoreans believed that earthly lives there can only be 15. After this, a person moves into a new quality and into a new world.

How to interpret the Pythagorean Square

In the Pythagorean square, each cell, column, row and diagonal has its own meaning and is responsible for its quality. Table cell values:

  • 1 – character;
  • 2 – energy;
  • 3 – interest and inclination towards science;
  • 4 – health;
  • 5 – logical thinking;
  • 6 – propensity for physical labor, down-to-earth;
  • 7 – luck;
  • 8 – responsibility, sense of duty;
  • 9 – memory.

Cell “7” in the Pythagorean table is responsible for memory

Fortune telling according to Pythagoras can be accurately interpreted using the meanings of the lines of the table.

Vertical lines:

  1. The first column is responsible for self-esteem.
  2. The second column shows the performance level.
  3. The third column makes it clear about talent.

Horizontal lines:

  1. The first line defines determination.
  2. The second line characterizes family, the desire to create and live in a family.
  3. The third line shows stability of character.

The table has two diagonals, which can be represented by an increasing and decreasing graph. Diagonal value:

  1. The falling diagonal (from cell 1 to cell 9) characterizes spirituality, the degree of human harmony with nature, God, firmness of judgment and faith.
  2. The ascending diagonal (3-7) is responsible for temperament in the intimate sphere.

In everyday fortune telling, interpretations of the lines of the Pythagorean square are rarely done. Usually limited to the main table.

Decoding the numerical values ​​of the Pythagorean square


The strength of human character is symbolized by the number 1. The indicator of character traits depends on the number of numbers:

  1. 1 – the person being guessed for has a selfish character. He doesn't care about other people. He wants to get out of any situation with maximum benefit for himself.
  2. 11 – a person’s egoistic traits are weakly expressed, he likes to praise himself.
  3. 111 – the coincidence of three units speaks of an agreeable character; anyone will get along with such a person.
  4. 1111 is a very strong and strong-willed person, does not tolerate lies and flattery. He’s ready to do anything for his family, but he doesn’t show it to anyone.
  5. 11111 – a large concentration of units describes a dictator. In the family and at work, this person is despotic, vindictive, and spares no expense for his whims. To achieve career growth, he is ready to resort to meanness.
  6. 111111 – a combination of six units is very rare and characterizes a cruel but extraordinary person.

111111 - a rare combination that characterizes a tough but extraordinary person


The word energy means the thirst for life in all its manifestations. This category is symbolized by the number 2:

  1. 2 – low level of vitality, a person quickly succumbs to boredom and becomes depressed. One two often characterizes lonely introverts.
  2. 22 – the usual level of vital energy, sufficient to realize your ideas and plans.
  3. 222 – energy with good potential. Often 222 characterizes people with highly developed intuition, the gift of clairvoyance, and the ability to heal with the biofield.
  4. 2222 – a very high charge of vital energy. People with combination 2222 attract the attention of others, everyone wants to draw on their energy. Sometimes you have to be careful about this.

Interests and aptitudes for science

Cell number 3 is responsible for a person’s interests and his potential in the sciences. It is impossible to determine propensity only by the number of triplets in the cells; other indicators must be taken into account.

Combination values:

  1. No – The word “no” in cell 3 does not mean there is no scientific potential. The person is very neat, well-mannered, knows how to express thoughts competently, knows a little about everything, and is unlikely to be able to clearly define the vector of development.
  2. 3 – characterizes a person of mood who rarely finishes the job he has started. You won’t be able to build a career as a successful scientist with this approach, but it’s always worth trying.
  3. 33 – a person has the potential for development in the exact sciences (mathematics, physics).
  4. 333 – if desired, a person can develop in any scientific field, his perseverance and self-exactingness will help him in this.
  5. 3333 – characteristic of a typical scientist.


The number 4 corresponds to the health indicator in the Pythagorean prediction table.

The combinations are very easy to interpret:

  1. No - a person has health problems, these can be congenital or acquired with age.
  2. 4 – average health indicator, you need to take extra care of yourself, toughen up, and play sports.
  3. 444, 4444 – characterize a healthy person, with high love of life and activity.

444, 4444 - a combination that personifies a healthy person with an active lifestyle

Logical thinking and intuition

The way of thinking is characterized by the number 5. Logic and intuition are usually considered on different planes. You can say this, logical thinking is conscious intuition. The ability to do one and the other is again determined by the concentration of fives:

  1. No, I wouldn’t exactly call a fortuneteller logical; he’s more of a dreamer. Intuition will also not help you find a way out of the situation; you have to achieve everything through hard work. An object with 5-net is not inclined towards technical sciences, you need to look for yourself in another field.
  2. 5 – knows how to use logic, but does it rarely, intuition is poorly developed.
  3. 55 – often such people manage to get away from problems with the help of their strong intuition.
  4. 555 is a combination of almost clairvoyants; intuition never fails them.
  5. 5555 – occurs in exceptional cases, characterizes an object with the gift of clairvoyance.

Down-to-earth and propensity for physical labor

Some people like to work with their hands, while others like to work with their heads. Some are creators, others are artisans. This is neither good nor bad, all people are equally needed. Cell 6 is responsible for down-to-earthness and a penchant for physical labor:

  1. No - characterizes people who are absolutely not inclined to physical labor. They can only work well if you can admire the results later.
  2. 6 – one six indicates that the object of fortune telling may engage in physical work, but it is unlikely to be enjoyable.
  3. 66 – the combination indicates someone who likes to do physical labor, but only of his own free will.
  4. 666 - there is no need to be afraid of this combination; in the Pythagorean square it has nothing to do with the devil. 666 indicates someone who can easily cope with any physical work.
  5. 6666 - the fortuneteller works a lot and hard, for him this is a common thing. Likes to receive rewards for work.


The number 7 is responsible for luck in a person’s life:

  1. No - you shouldn’t rely on luck in life, only patience and work will bring you what you want.
  2. 7 – luck is very rare, you may win the lottery, but you shouldn’t count on more
  3. 77 – Fortune often turns its face.
  4. 777 is a successful combination both in slot machines and in the Pythagorean square. A person often receives gifts from fate without making much effort.
  5. 7777 – rare, characterizes an object with exceptional luck. Such people need to be wary of envious people.

7777 indicates that a person has rare luck

Call of Duty

A sense of duty and responsibility towards other people are characterized by combinations of the number 8:

  1. No - a sense of duty is absent from birth, but this does not mean that it cannot be cultivated in oneself.
  2. 8 – capable of being responsible for one’s actions and repaying debts (any), but this ability is poorly developed.
  3. 88 - always ready to help the weak and sick, serve for the good of the Motherland, will always be grateful to his parents.
  4. 888 – characterizes an exceptional person with a highly developed sense of duty; he can become a good manager, commander, etc.
  5. 8888 – occurs only in those born in 88. People with this combination have psychic abilities.

Memory and intelligence

The last cell of the Pythagorean table is responsible for a person’s intellectual abilities and memory. Nines meanings:

  1. No - he is not good at learning, since childhood he has not had intellectual potential. You need to try yourself in professions not related to brain activity.
  2. 9 – mediocre mental abilities, you need to study long and hard.
  3. 99 – good memory, sufficient intellectual potential. A person with two nines can try his hand at science.
  4. 999 – naturally high intelligence. Such people do not need to study in order to remember something; they only need to read once and understand everything; they are well versed in numbers and technology.
  5. 9999 - people with this combination are open to the truth, they also have high intuition, they can become cruel, arrogant and unpleasant in dealing with people.

Fortune telling by date of birth is the most reliable type of fortune telling.

In addition to the Pythagorean square, there is a Vanga chart, from 1 to 100. It is used for daily and long-term forecasts. The Nostradamus circle is not a numerological fortune-telling, although numbers are used there.

Today ordinary people know many in various ways, how you can get to know yourself better and foresee your future. There is nothing wrong with this, because it is always better to be prepared for what awaits. That is why in this article I would like to talk about this in an interesting way recognize yourself as a Pythagorean square.

What it is?

First of all, I would like to remind you that Pythagoras is an ancient Greek scientist and philosopher, whose works people still use. Regarding this problem, he tried to combine the mathematical sciences of the Arabs and the knowledge of nature and Kabbalah of the Phoenicians. It is thanks to this symbiosis of knowledge that the well-known Pythagorean square appeared, which helps people not only get to know themselves better, reveal not only strengths, but also weaknesses of character, but also, in a sense, foresee the future and, if possible, avoid negativity.

About calculations

It is worth saying that many people have heard that there is a Pythagorean square. How to calculate it is the first question. However, I would like to say that there should not be any special problems in the calculations. Right now I would like to talk about this in detail, describing a clear algorithm of actions.

  1. On a piece of paper you must write your full date of birth in numbers (letters are definitely not needed for calculations).
  2. You need to add up all the numbers that are written on the piece of paper (numbers, not numbers, this is very important!) - this will be the first number (it will be two-digit).
  3. To determine the second number, you need to add up all the digits of the first number.
  4. Finding the third number will be somewhat more difficult: from the first number found, you need to subtract the date of birth, which is then multiplied by two.
  5. If necessary, the third number must be reduced to a monosyllabic form: for this it is necessary to carry out the already known actions: add the numbers given number. This will be the fourth number.

Calculation example

So, Pythagoras? It may seem that it is quite difficult to calculate it by looking at the algorithm of actions alone. Now I would like to give an example of calculations so that it is easier to understand everything.

  1. Let the person's date of birth be as follows: 08/22/1987.
  2. We do simple mathematical calculations: 2+2+0+8+1+9+8+7 = 37. This is the first number we are looking for.
  3. To get the second number, you need to reduce the first to a single-digit form: 3+7=10; 1+0 = 1.
  4. We are looking for the third number: 37 - (22*2) = 37 - 44 = - 7.
  5. The fourth number is additional: again 7 (if there were more than 10, it would have to be reduced to an unambiguous form).

Nuances in calculations

So, it became clear to everyone that numerology is currently in the works - the Pythagorean square. We seem to have figured out how to calculate it, but it is worth saying that certain questions and nuances may arise in this matter. So, what could possibly go wrong at first glance?

  1. It is possible that the first and second numbers will be the same. This is normal, because there are situations when already the first number is single-digit.
  2. When calculating the third number, two is a constant factor that does not change.
  3. Frequently asked questions regarding the third number: it often ends up being negative. There is nothing wrong with this either, just to work you will need to take the same number, but without the minus sign.
  4. If the third number turns out to be single digit, it will be equal to the fourth.

Determining the numbers you need

So, all the calculations have been made, now you need to try to compose the Pythagorean square itself. First you need to select two rows of the required numbers.

  1. The first row is the date of birth: 2281987.
  2. The second row is all the numbers obtained during the calculations: 37-1-7-7.

So, all the numbers have been calculated, now you can try to make the square itself. In its form, it will be a table of 3x3 cells in size, which should contain numbers from 1 to 9. It will be important that the table should be read in columns, and not in rows, as we are more accustomed to. Those. in the first column the numbers 1, 2, 3 will be placed from top to bottom, in the second - 4, 5, 6 also from top to bottom, in the third - 7, 8, 9. There should be no zeros in the table, so you just need to miss them. So, now you need to insert into these cells all the numbers that are located in the two found rows - the date of birth and the calculated elements. All ones must be entered in the first cell, all twos in the second (as described above, it is second in the first column) and so on, until nine. If there are no certain numbers in the previously compiled rows, the cell simply remains empty, you can write the word “no”. That’s all, the “Pythagorean square” psychomatrix is ​​ready, an example based on the previously calculated rows is given below.

The square is completely composed, now you can move on to interpreting what is depicted there.

How to decipher the psychomatrix?

So, we have completely compiled the Pythagorean square by date of birth, now we need to correctly “read” everything that is encrypted there. I would like to say that the more numbers in one cell, the greater the influence of this number on the fate and life of a person.

First cell

Consider the Pythagorean square. What does the first cell mean? So, this is an awareness of what is happening around him. If the calculations result in only one unit, this is an inveterate egoist. In our case, there are two of them. This person is close to selfishness, loves to be appreciated, and is afraid of being underestimated. Three units indicate an agreeable character, four - that the person is strong-willed. Five units define a dictator and a tyrant, and six – a tough person who, however, will do even the impossible for his loved one.

Second cell

What do twos squared mean? This is human bioenergy. If there are no twos in the calculations, this means that the person is open to receiving this very energy. Such individuals most often love old things, communicate without problems with others and are well-mannered by nature. One deuce indicates that a person does not have enough energy to live. Such individuals often feel atmospheric changes, which is also a must. Two deuces - people with enough bioenergy can heal other people. Three twos are often good psychics or people who have a well-developed sixth sense. Four twos in a person’s psychomatrix attract people of the opposite sex.

Third cell

The third cell will tell you how decent and clean a person is by nature.

  • No C's - a punctual and clean person, but notices all the negative nuances surrounding him.
  • One troika - it keeps order according to its mood.
  • Two triplets are people who are scientifically inclined and clean.
  • Three threes - a high tendency to self-learning, they are fanatic about cleanliness.

Fourth cell

Determines human health.

  • Absence of fours - a person can get sick quite often (especially if there are a lot of twos in calculations).
  • One four - a person will not get sick too much, periodically, no more than others.
  • Two fours - a person of good health and increased sexuality.
  • Three fours - the same as with three, but twice as large.

Fifth cell

The fifth cell will tell you how well a person’s intuition is developed.

  • There are no fives - the human channel is open at birth. Such people themselves achieve everything in life, try everything “by tooth”, experiment and are always in thought. It is often quite difficult to get along with such people.
  • One A - such people make few mistakes in life.
  • Two A's - such people have highly developed intuition.
  • Three A's are practically clairvoyant, they extremely rarely make mistakes, they foresee everything.
  • Four A's are true clairvoyants; they often feel not only what is happening in this world, but also in the other world.

Sixth cell

  • There are no sixes - such people acquire a craft that requires physical labor, but they do not like to work hard.
  • One six are down-to-earth people, but they can study well.
  • Two sixes - a person is very grounded, loves physical labor.
  • Three sixes are the sign of Satan. Such people are obligatory, but they feed on the energy of their partner. Having sucked it out, they move on to another person.
  • Four sixes - such people work very hard, work a lot physically. Very grounded.

Seventh cell

Seven speaks about how much a person has been touched by God's spark, whether he has talent.

  • There are no sevens - such people are born in order to earn sevens. Their life is often difficult, and they often come to religion.
  • One seven - there is talent, but it is not clearly expressed. This is something you can work on to change the situation.
  • Two sevens are a strong sign of angelicity. If you develop talent, you can achieve a lot. There are no closed doors for such people.
  • Three sevens - special sign. Such people did not come to earth for long. Often in old age they are paralyzed.
  • Four sevens are the sign of an angel. Such people, if they do not die in infancy, are often in danger.

Eighth cell

This cell will tell you how much a person has a sense of duty.

  • There are no eights - if a person has taken something, he is in no hurry to give it back.
  • One is that the sense of duty is developed.
  • Two eights - a very developed sense of duty. Such people strive to help everyone and cannot refuse anyone.
  • Three eights indicate that a person was sent to earth to serve people.
  • Four - such people are born with knowledge of the exact sciences and have parapsychological abilities.

Ninth cell

As for the last, ninth cell, it determines the human mind.

  • There are no nines - a person is by nature poor-witted.
  • One nine - you need to develop the second nine in order to consider yourself an intelligent person.
  • Two dozen - such people are smart from birth, love to learn.
  • Three - such people are smart from birth, but do not like to study, because... a lot comes naturally to them.
  • Four Nines are people of a sharp mind, but they are often rude and unmerciful.


It is worth saying that you can also calculate compatibility using the Pythagorean square. So, for this it will be necessary to compile psychomatrices of both members of the couple, but here you will need to look at how similar people are. To do this, you need to look not only at each individual cell, but also at the columns, rows, and diagonals. What is important to know here? Lines:

  1. The first line is the goals line. You need to look at how many numbers a pair has in a given line. Up to three - such people often change goals, from three to six - they are quite purposeful, more than six - people are even ready to make sacrifices for the sake of their goals.
  2. The second line is family. Considering the Pythagorean square, you can calculate compatibility using this one line. So, if a person has up to three numbers in the second line, he is not a family person by nature, family values ​​are not important to him. From three to six numbers - such people value family relationships, more than six - they idealize them. Just based on these indicators, one can conclude how suitable the couple is for each other.
  3. Habits. This is also an important point in calculating compatibility. So, people who have up to three numbers in the third line change their habits easily and without problems, from three to six they have difficulty adapting, more than six are pedants and do not like even the slightest violation of order, it is difficult to get along with such people.
  1. The first column is self-esteem. Up to three numbers is low, from three to six is ​​normal, from six is ​​high self-esteem (it’s hard to be married to such people).
  2. Second - column material well-being. Up to three numbers - such people cannot and do not want to earn money on their own, from three to six - they are good at providing for their family, from six and above - for such people money becomes an obsession.
  3. Looking through the Pythagorean square (which has already been fully calculated), it is also worth paying attention to the third column in this psychomatrix. So, this is an indicator of a person’s talent. Up to three numbers - a person’s talent is weakly manifested, from three to six - the talent is strong, rushing out, from six and above - such people are gifted, their abilities are obvious.

When studying the Pythagorean square, the compatibility of a couple can also be viewed along the diagonals, wanting to make sure how suitable people are for each other.

  1. The first diagonal is passion. Up to three numbers - people are calm, with a weak temperament. From three to six - individuals are temperamental and passionate; from six and above - too strong a temperament, which often finds a way out in creativity. Based on these indicators, people can conclude how suitable they are for each other.
  2. The second diagonal is faith. Up to three numbers - such people believe in few people or anything, from three to six - people are believers and often superstitious, from six and above - they are often religious fanatics.

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