Review your daily routine and diet.

Everyone knows firsthand what laziness is: who hasn’t had to be lazy! Laziness is the lack of desire to do anything.

There are many proverbs and sayings about laziness: “Labor feeds a man, but laziness spoils”, “A lazy man in the middle of the river asks for a drink”, “A lazy spinner has no shirt for herself”, etc. Many folk parables are also dedicated to laziness, and traditionally laziness is considered vice. Being lazy is bad, because “no water flows under a lying stone,” and a lazy person, as a rule, lives at someone else’s expense, that is, he is simply a freeloader.

When we say: “I won’t do this because I’m lazy,” deep down we understand that the task at hand is not interesting to us, or we feel it is unnecessary, so we internally resist completing it. At the same time, we waste time in every possible way so as not to engage in something that our soul is not passionate about. After all, laziness does not necessarily mean doing nothing.

A student who, to put it mildly, does not like his life, would prefer to sit aimlessly on the Internet, talk on the phone for hours, play shooting games, just not do what he should do at the moment.

Another example: you can be lazy for years if a person understands that he will never need it.

3. Perhaps the main reason for laziness is lack of motivation.

The human body is designed in such a way that it allows us to take actions necessary for our survival. Where basic instincts are present, laziness does not exist. For example, it is unlikely that a healthy person will be too lazy to eat if he is very hungry.

In more complex cases of behavior due to motivation or lack thereof, things are not so simple. For example, an unemployed husband lies in front of the TV, and an irritated wife convicts him and persuades him. But he is lazy, because everything suits him, except, of course, his wife’s lectures. However, the pleasant opportunity to lie on the sofa outweighs the irritation from her words, so he will continue to be lazy. Most likely, he will budge only when the lights are turned off for debts, the food runs out, that is, when this situation no longer suits him and when he becomes motivated (unless, of course, the same wife continues to provide for him).

This is too simple an example, but it shows that if there is no motivation, then there is no energy, and the person becomes lazy.

The lack of proper motivation, for example, appropriate remuneration, on the part of management can lead to the fact that the entire team in any field of activity “sick” with laziness. And this disease is dangerous because it progresses. In this case, each employee will expect that his work will be done by someone else, and not by himself.

4. Lack of dopamine

Some scientists have concluded that laziness may be inherited due to the laziness gene, which prevents brain tissue from producing enough of a neurotransmitter called dopamine. Dopamine takes part in the formation of motivation and has an invigorating effect on the body. The lack of dopamine makes a person lethargic and inert.

Although, of course, the easiest way to justify your idleness is with the words: “I was born that way, you can’t go against nature.”

5. Laziness is contagious

Spending too much time in the company of inert people, we risk becoming lazy and becoming the same.

Is it possible to overcome laziness?

In fact, there are many methods to combat laziness. At the same time, some of the chronic lazy people came to the conclusion that it is impossible to fight laziness - but it can be used profitably by making friends with it. That is, don’t waste your energy fighting it, forcing yourself to do uninteresting things, work through “I don’t want to,” but do even less, but do what you like and leads to success.

Some people joke: “You can overcome laziness, but laziness.”

In addition, there is an opinion that in most cases the fight against laziness is the cause. The loser in this struggle experiences disappointment and dissatisfaction, which can ultimately lead to depression.

Still, why not try? Moreover, knowing the reason for our own laziness, it will be easier for us to do this.

1. Review your daily routine and diet

A person who is overcome by apathy, lack of interest in anything and reluctance to do anything due to fatigue and decreased vitality cannot be made to work until he returns to his previous form. This means he must rest and reconsider his daily routine and diet.

Natural stimulants are used as tonics for physical and mental fatigue: tincture of eleutherococcus, Chinese lemongrass and ginseng root.

2. Take a closer look at the people around us

If it turns out that we copy their behavior and easily succumb to the influence of others, in particular, we adopt the habit of spending our time idly, it is worth gradually changing our environment. No wonder they say that a king is made by his retinue.

3. Motivate yourself

To defeat laziness, you need to have a decent incentive and clearly imagine the benefits of our actions, that is, motivation, which will serve as our driving force on the path to our intended goal.

4. Sometimes you still get lazy

There is a parable about laziness: after death, one person found himself in a wonderful place where he could do nothing, just enjoy delicious food and get all sorts of pleasures. And so time passed in idleness until the person became bored with such a life. And he asked a passing creature in white robes when he would be able to do something, because such a life is worse than hell. To which the creature replied: “Where do you think you ended up?”

Thus, if sometimes you want to be lazy, you need to give yourself this opportunity. After some time, we will get bored with idleness, and we ourselves will develop active activity.

5. Remind yourself more often that life is short and there is no time to be lazy.

Sometimes it’s worth making an effort on yourself and instead of saying “I have to do this,” say to yourself: “I want to do this,” because “the road can be mastered by those who walk.” Otherwise, if we do not learn to manage our lives ourselves, there is a high risk that someone else will manage it. And not always worthy of trust and respect.

Three pairs of dirty cups on the table, unprepared reports, dust covering everything around - from the TV to your favorite book. Do you know what this is? Do you think that this is a dwelling abandoned by people in the last century? But no, it’s just that LAZINESS has settled in this house. And, of course, when this nice lady came to us, we begin to ask ourselves the same questions. How to deal with laziness? How to deal with laziness? How to overcome laziness?

We are sure that you can find a cure for laziness, you just need to really want it. So, let's begin...

1. Stop feeling sorry for yourself. As long as you show yourself the deepest pity, it will be almost impossible to overcome laziness.

2. Be decisive in your actions. Is laziness “persuading” you not to get out of bed for another 2-5-15-20-40 minutes? Stand up decisively. The faster you do this, the easier it will be to get rid of laziness.

3. Make a to-do list, write it down on paper. And as soon as your thoughts run out, proceed to the first thing on the list. It will be difficult, but this feeling will quickly dissipate and the work will “drag you in.”

4. Clean up your workspace. Start here, because who wants to work when the desk is in chaos? Place papers in folders, business cards in a business card holder, pencils and pencils in a spinner stand, spare batteries for phones in a special case, books in a stack, everything unnecessary and simply cluttering workplace- Add to cart.

5. Give yourself a fine. for every 5 minutes of delay. For example, in 15 minutes of delay you will not be able to eat your favorite cakes or buy a magazine about auto parts that came out the other day.

6. Take a contrast shower and freshen up. outside and ventilate all rooms. Perhaps laziness will simply endure the draft? :)

7. Invite guests for the evening. And then you will simply have to overcome laziness. You wouldn’t meet girlfriends or friends in pajamas, with unkempt hair and unbrushed teeth, would you? Believe me, laziness will blow away like the wind!

8. Plan every new day so that you don’t have even a second of free time. Laziness loves it when you are lazy.

9. Don’t be sour, live brightly and interestingly. Visit a fitness club, run races, go to a sports section. Eat right and get enough rest.

10. Love life. Those who love life and feel driven by it are never lazy.

11. Enjoy the result of your work. Where they work, there is no opportunity to be lazy.

12. Stop looking for a reason- all in your hands!

Proverbs about laziness:

  • Labor feeds a person, but laziness spoils him.
  • Lying on your side, you won’t even earn enough to take a snuff of tobacco.
  • I want to swallow it, but I’m too lazy to chew it.
  • The lazy man himself will lie down and put down his horse.
  • God sent me work, but the devil took away the hunt.
  • And the lying stone becomes overgrown with moss.
  • Without doing anything, you learn to do badly.
  • A lazy man in the middle of the river asks for a drink.
  • A mouse will not run into a sleeping cat's mouth.
  • Don’t feed the lazy one bread, just don’t drive him away from the oven.
  • The lazy Fedorka always has excuses.
  • Mother Sloth was born before him.
  • While the lazy one warms up, the diligent one returns from work.
  • Don't be afraid of me, little worker, I won't touch you.

Laziness, laziness, open the door, you will burn! - Even if I burn, I won’t open it.

- Titus, go eat some jelly! -Where is my big spoon? For work - not us, for work - not us, but to eat and sleep - you can’t find anything against us.

- Titus, go threshing! - My belly hurts.

- What are you doing? - Nothing. - What is he? - I came to help.

Perhaps yes, I suppose - at least give it up.

The artel has belly and arms - there is no other guarantee.

Without excitement, without care, do not expect joy from work.

To live without anything is only to smoke the sky.

Without a walk you will lose a day, you can’t turn it back, but work is always in front of you.

You can’t even take a fish out of a pond without difficulty.

Idleness is the mother of all vices.

It's always hard for a slacker.

White hands love other people's works.

He gets down to business in a very uncouth manner (as if he himself is unfinished).

Beat the thumpers (blocks from which wooden cups are sharpened).

I ate pancakes, ate dumplings, but I don’t have enough strength for the third job - swinging a flail.

Beans are not mushrooms: if they are not sown, they will not sprout.

God gave health as a tribute, but get the money yourself!

God loves work. God's creation works for God.

Pray to God, and work yourself!

Pray to God, be strong and hold on to the plow!

God help me, don’t lie on your side!

If you sleep more, you sin less. He who sleeps does not sin.

A big talker is a bad worker.

It wanders like Ivashkin’s bast shoe.

There will be leisure when they carry you away (that is, after you die).

If you move forward, you will overcome the mountains, but if you sit still, you will see nothing but your hole.

If you are lazy, you will become hungry.

There would be a hunt, but there is still a lot of work ahead.

If there was a hunt, work would be in full swing.

There was a needle, but she went to bed.

If only there were bread and clothes, I would eat lying down.

If we had hands, they would give us the hammer (we’ll find it).

On a red day it’s lazy to spin.

Call the bast shoes.

If we don’t go into the forest, we’ll freeze to death on the floors.

If we don’t go to the forest, we’ll freeze to death on the floors.

There are flaws in the arable land, and there are holes in the caftan.

In the field, Malanya is not for the sake of a walk, but bends his back to reserve ahead.

In the field with a sickle and fork, and at home with a knife and fork,

Lie in millet on the stove (southern).

I ring a lot in an empty barrel.

The work is a hare, but the food is a Jew.

We lag behind in work, but overtake in food.

There is a lot of mud in standing water.

In times of need, a lazy man is a laborer, and in times of need, a laborer is a burly lazy man.

It falls like a stump through a log.

It's not raspberries, not in the summer. will fall off It's not a matter of pigeons, they won't fly away.

It's not a bear, it won't go into the forest.

We torture things, but we get away with it.

Business tortures, but business hurts.

Business teaches, and torments, and feeds.

He doesn't like jokes. Don't joke with the matter!

Day after day, and an ax into a stump; I look not at work, but at the sun (about corvée, i.e., is it time to end).

Day after day, and an ax into a stump; I look not at work, but at the sun.

Walking for a day, sick for two, and the next day off.

Day by evening, and work by tomorrow.

Hold on to your plow more tightly, it will be more profitable.

Children are lazy - parents are to blame.

Long (Long) thread - lazy seamstress.

He walks around the village during the day and treats heels at night.

The days are long (in spring), but the threads are short (that is, too lazy to spin).

We slept until lunch, got up and started having dinner: we ate, prayed, and went to bed.

For the time being, sharpen your axes, but when the time comes, you don’t even need an axe.

It’s good to lie on the stove for the finished bread.

Get everything with your hump!

A long thread is a lazy seamstress.

It's a long day until the evening, if there's nothing to do.

I don’t lie at home, and I don’t stand among people.

They realized that they were left with nothing to do.

Egyptian work. Hard labor.

He drives like he's selling eggs.

It goes like with pots, like with pots, like with curdled milk.

I eat, but don't do anything. We eat and eat, but work lies ahead.

Give him an egg, and a peeled one at that.

Knead it for him and put it in his mouth.

If only there were mushrooms growing on the stove.

Whoever gets up early, God bless him.

The one who gets up first will collect the mushrooms, but the sleepy and lazy ones go after the nettles.

He who grinds bakes bread.

He who is not afraid of work shuns laziness.

The hen is on the saddle, the spinning is thin for the whorl.

The cat loves the fish, but I don’t want to get into the water.

Easy to get, easy to live. Easy come, easy go.

Easy to eat, easy to do. .

It's easier to work with your hands than with your head.

Lying on the boundary, don’t expect a harvest.

Lying on the stove, I ironed the bricks. You won't let the oven sit.

You can't get food by lying down.

Lying down, my clothes were intact, and my belly was full of a fistula.

I'm lazy and the sun doesn't rise at the right time.

It lies down, but happiness runs away.

Lie down, my tow, even for a whole week.

Lie on your side and look beyond Oka!

Lie on the stove and eat rolls!

Lie down, my tow, even for a whole week!

He lies there until the evening, and there is nothing to eat.

He lies on his side and looks across the river. Lying down doesn't work.

He lies on his side and looks at the river.

He lies on the stove and eats rolls.

I’ll get rid of the lazy one, I’ll get the sleepy one, but I won’t get rid of the fool.

You can tell a lazy person by his dress.

You won't get the lazy one, you won't get the sleepy one.

The lazy one is nudged, the diligent one is scolded.

A lazy person should only be sent to the forest to die.

Only send lazy people to death.

A lazy cat can't catch mice.

A lazy cat can't catch mice.

A lazy sheep even finds its own wool heavy

Is everyday life not a holiday for the lazy?

The lazy person never has time.

The lazy person never has time.

It's always a holiday for the lazy.

It's a holiday for the lazy on weekdays.

Even a mushroom is not worth bowing to the lazy.

Lazy people are too lazy to be lazy.

Lazy Mikishka has no time for books.

The lazy person does not have pain in the spine.

The lazy person does not have pain in the spine. Even a mushroom is not worth bowing to the lazy.

For the lazy, Friday is a hard day, Saturday is a hard day, Sunday is a week of remembrance, Monday is a slacker.

Lazy hands are no match for a smart head.

Lazy hands are no match for a smart head.

Lazy - for lunch, zealous - for work.

Lazy is always poor

A lazy person always does this: give me as much bread as I can, but I won’t work.

Lazy and lethargic, they sleep around.

The lazy man walks twice, the stingy man pays twice.

A lazy person will get wet in his hut.

A lazy person is not worth his grave.

Lazy for work, zealous for lunch.

A lazy horse looks at the shaft.

The lazy man goes to bed with the chickens and gets up with the pigs.

The lazy person puts on his shoes and wears his frills until lunchtime.

The lazy person sleeps while lying down and works.

The lazy man walks three times, and the stingy man pays three times.

A lazy student is held in low esteem.

The lazy is like the rich: he always walks.

Lazy people have to put in the most effort

Being lazy and taking a walk does not bring any good.

Laziness leads to poverty.

The people did not like lazy people, they laughed at them and did not feel sorry for them:

The lazy man is the brother of the beggar.

A lazy person is good at making excuses.

A lazy person and a slacker are two siblings.

The lazy man sleeps all day and gets wet, but night has come and he’s happy about the place.

The lazy man is healthy before lunch, but sick after lunch.

A lazy person is healthy at food, but sick at work.

I'm lazy and tired of sitting.

A lazy person is not looking for work, but is looking for work.

A lazy man in the middle of the river asks for a drink.

A lazy person won't tear his belly button.

A lazy person is quick-witted with excuses.

Tell the lazy person to roll up his sleeves - he will begin to teach you.

Don’t feed the lazy one bread, just don’t drive him away from the oven.

Lenzo, on the egg! - Is it cleaned?

Lenya, the lady, sat down and drove off.

Laziness is the mother of all vices.

Laziness is a belt, and dashing is a bast.

Laziness eats lunch without salt.

Laziness slurps without salt.

Laziness slurps without salt. Laziness takes care of clothes. Laziness, open the door, you'll burn! - Even if I burn, I won’t open it. Laziness, open the door! - Give me the poker! (i.e. to remove from the oven).

Laziness is driven out by hunger.

Laziness and reluctance - isn't it work?

Laziness and perelen are sisters.

Laziness and heaviness live in the swamp.

Laziness and heaviness live in the swamp.

Laziness does not lead to good things.

Laziness does not bring good things.

Laziness does no good. Laziness will not lead to good.

Laziness does no good, dines without salt, sleeps for no reason.

Laziness does no good, eats lunch without salt, sleeps without dinner.

Laziness does not do any good; it dines without salt.

Laziness does no good.

Laziness leads to poverty.

Sloth has built a nest in his bosom.

Laziness stretches itself even at work.

Laziness slurps cabbage soup without salt.

Laziness will not lead to good.

Lying on the stove, I was lazy and froze.

Laziness is laziness to take a spoon, not laziness is laziness to eat dinner.

Too lazy to get up and get a spoon.

Laziness does not feed my husband, it only spoils him.

Laziness spoils a husband, but getting up feeds him.

Laziness doesn't feed a man.

Laziness rolls over, sleep falls into bed.

Laziness does not feed, but only makes (spoils).

Laziness is not a belt. Cheer up the lazy one (with a loaf).

Laziness saves clothes.

Laziness is rolling: it won’t hit a finger.

Laziness was born before us. Laziness is older than us.

Laziness was born before us.

Laziness is older than us.

Laziness is worse than illness.

Laziness, on the egg! - Is it cleaned?

Laziness, open the door! “Give me the poker, I’ll open the stove.”

Laziness, open the door! - Give me the poker (that is, to get it out of the stove).

To cut down the forest - do not spare your shoulders. Yelling (plowing) is not how to play the pipe.

I walked through the forest, but didn’t see any firewood.

The summer has passed, the autumn has passed, and now it’s all snow.

The summer has passed, the autumn has passed, and now it’s snow on our heads.

He worked in the summer, he worked in the winter; spring came - the reckoning was settled, so the zholv came together (that is, it worked as a draw).

Either weave, or spin, or sing songs.

Either weave, or spin, or sing songs.

Either a trynka-bagpipe or a spinning wheel-winder.

A quitter in the shop is like a coward in battle: both are a disgrace to their country.

A quitter will always find a reason not to work.

A quitter and a slacker - their holiday is on Monday.

Loafers and slackers are also celebrated on Monday.

The lazy man himself will lie down and put down his horse.

A quitter is no friend to a drummer.

A quitter wants to live not by work, but by his tongue.

A lazy person is always unwell.

You can recognize Lonivy by his dress.

A lazy horse takes care of its owner (it won’t overstrain itself and cause him to lose money).

I love serk for his custom: he grunts and is lucky.

It’s nice to look at the threshers (as long as you don’t catch yourself).

People reap, and we lie under the boundary.

People reap, and we run from the field.

People plow, and we wave our hands.

People plow, and he waves his arms.

People worked, and he traded air.

Strap three, lean in! The filly is in the collar, and the barge hauler is in the strap.

A small deed is better than a big idleness.

Oil will not be born on its own.

Mother's shirts are worn out, father's pointer is brand new.

The bear lies down - the game has stopped (that is, while you are working, things are going well, if you get tired, things are standing still).

The miller is not a slacker, even though there is no business, but the ax is not in his hands.

Less build, more cut (i.e. work, don’t get started).

Mix business with idleness, and you will live a lifetime with fun (or: you won’t go crazy).

If there is more flax, there will be more fiber (there will be more fiber).

Well done, go for a walk and know yourself!

Grind finely - stand; spin finely - sit.

Frost grabs the lazy one by the nose, and takes off his hat in front of the agile one.

To waste money - to while away the days (i.e., the rest of idleness).

The man does not live rich, but lives hunchbacked.

The ant is not big, but it digs mountains.

The ant drags his burden uncomfortably, but no one says thanks to him; and the bee carries a spark, and pleases God and people.

Beat flies.

Beat flies. Meledu to melt. Call the bast shoes.

My thoughts are in the sky, my feet are in bed.

Trust in God, and don’t be idle!

It's threshing in the yard, but it's not threshing in the hut.

Don't get busy and don't get distracted from the job!

On a strong branch - a sharp ax.

Look at people and show yourself.

You can't work enough for peace.

You can’t even order a year’s psalter with our earnings.

Sweat in the field, pray in the cage, you won’t die of hunger.

Lying in one place, the stone becomes overgrown with moss.

There is a lot of haymaking (mowing) on ​​the sharp spit.

Lying on the wards and not seeing any bread.

Lying on the floors, you can’t see the slice.

Lying on the floors, you won’t see a slice (or bread).

Lying on the floors, you won’t even see a piece.

On a field with derm, a field with goodness.

To work behind the last, to food ahead of the first.

For a zealous horse there is not a whip, but reins,

What to spin with if passion is ready? The spinning spinner hits the floor, and she herself goes bang!

You won't be satisfied looking at someone else's work.

He ate, got drunk and fell on his side.

To make money, get up earlier.

I got a boil on my side.

He takes a tax (from the verb. to lean) in his work.

A horse would carry a gun for us, and we would follow it on foot.

We should plow so hard that we don’t get calluses.

Our work cannot be reworked.

Our guys went to eat some rye.

Ours were spinning, and yours were sleeping. Let's start spinning! - What kind of bondage? - Well, let’s go to sleep! - Get down!

Don't be afraid of me, I won't touch you!

Without taking up an ax, you cannot cut down a hut.

There will be no boredom if you don't sit idle.

Not all the work is done by the miller, but there is plenty of knocking.

I didn’t plow (I didn’t replant), so don’t be surprised at the rapeseed.

If you don't kill with your shoulder, you can't kill with a nag (burlatsk).

Don't look at the work, look at the finish!

Don’t say: I’ll do this work tomorrow - tomorrow has its work.

If you can’t beat it with a hammer, you can’t even take it with a spinning wheel.

Don't complain about your neighbor if you sleep until lunch.

Don’t take on your own business, and don’t be lazy about yours.

Not everyone is sick and moans.

Silence is not dashing, rowing is dashing.

Not many workers, but many scrappers (eaters).

The bee does not work for itself.

It’s not our business to sculpt pots, but our business is to smash pots.

It’s not our business to sharpen the staves (cups), our job is to sip from the staves.

It’s not our business to carve and iron, but our business is ready to rule.

Not from dew (harvests), but from sweat.

You can't chop off an oak tree without cutting off the navel.

Don't blame your neighbor when you sleep until lunchtime.

It is not the oven that feeds, but the hands (but the cornfield).

Do not feast on feasts if you sow grain.

Not for work food.

It is not the field that feeds, it is the cornfield. It’s not the paddock that feeds, but the cornfield.

Without sowing a handful, God send a handful!

If you don’t work hard, no bread will be born (you won’t achieve it).

Don't get used to idleness, learn handicrafts.

Don’t frighten the young man with work, but give him the rash (i.e., something to grind).

Don't let the goat near the cabbage, and don't let the lazy person near the collective farm barn.

It's not work that dries, but care.

The woman is not happy about howling, but she would be happy about peace.

If you don't crack a nut, you can't eat the kernel.

Don't sit idly by, you won't get bored!

You can't cut down an oak tree without blowing your lips.

There are not so many rich people in the world, but hunchbacks (i.e., stooped).

Not so much dew as sweat.

Don't build it hastily - you'll build it for the chickens to laugh at.

Don't rub it, don't wrinkle it - there won't be a roll.

Don't rub it, don't mash it - there won't be a roll.

It’s not a problem that the roof is bad, but it’s a problem that you’re too lazy to fix it.

It’s not a concern that there is a lot of work, but a concern that there is none.

Not crushed, not millet; Bread that is not ground is not flour.

It’s not hard to carry a bag if there is bread in it.

If you don't hit the pipe, a quail won't fly.

Not alone, but calmly; not selfishly, but freely.

The mare that went all the way to Kyiv is not tired.

A little rain, and the idlers can catch their breath.

Inappropriately arrogant: mix it for him and put it in his mouth.

No, I eat my own; and he is talkative, but not broad-shouldered - he sits hungry.

There is no better game for him than a look at each other.

No purse, so there is a back.

There is no way to pay the debt, so go to the Volga (that is, either to the barge haulers to earn money, or to rob).

Don’t sign up for any business and don’t refuse any business!

Nyvka, Nyvka, give me back my snare (the reapers say, rolling around the field, when they have squeezed out the bread).

Need and hunger will drive you out into the cold. Will drive hunger out into the cold.

Need teaches, but corvée torments.

Now it's a walk and tomorrow it's a walk - you're shirtless.

To work hard is something to boast about.

One chops, seven blow their fists.

One collects, the other yawns. One with a bipod (i.e. a worker), and seven with a spoon.

One season: harvest (the time of mowing and harvesting grain).

You cannot tie a knot with one hand.

Oh-oh-oh-oh-oh! barrels hurt; my sides hurt, but they don’t tell me to lie down.

Let's pray around (that is, somehow, quickly).

He doesn’t look at the calendar: his soul tells him holidays.

He serves for the goat in the stable.

He is on the pavement trampling committee.

To clear arable land is to accumulate dough.

We dig the earth down to clay and eat the chaff.

Ori, pray to God: Pasha, don’t worry about anything!

Idleness makes a person sour.

We won’t get a shirt from the kikimora (even though he spins).

From laziness - illness, from work - health.

From laziness my lips sagged like pancakes.

From laziness I am overgrown with moss.

From laziness it became blister (swollen).

From laziness they become overgrown with moss.

Laziness makes a person sick, but work makes a person healthy.

Having nothing to do, the cockroach climbs onto the floor.

From work you will not be rich, but you will be hunchbacked.

From the labors of the righteous one cannot make stone chambers.

You will be full from your labors, but you will not be rich.

We will not be rich from shata and bata (i.e. chatter).

After lying down on my sides, I didn’t like to take up the threshing hammer.

The retarded and lazy are always behind.

Why is the cat smooth? - I ate it on my side.

The earth is a mother to a plowman, and a stepmother to a lazy man.

To plow is not to sleep. Either plow or play songs.

You plow - you cry, you reap - you jump.

They plow the arable land without waving their hands.

Blame your neighbor for sleeping until lunchtime; but he gets up early, chops wood, and doesn’t wake us up.

Take a breath (rest physically or spiritually):

Playing a song is not a field to shout.

The stove is waning, debts are piling up (i.e. delicious food).

Beer with kvass (with acid), a horse with a hesitation, and a man with laziness live for two centuries.

I would drink and eat, but work wouldn’t come to my mind.

It’s bad to live without worries, it’s bad to live without a kind word.

By finished work delicious lunch.

According to the fishery, intestines were shared (from the fable about the fox).

The food tastes better at work.

Know both the worker (and the master) by work.

Beat and blow, jump up and sharpen, but there is no work to do (say, blacksmith).

Povalya, God feeds (i.e. we lie down and eat).

Povalya, God doesn’t feed you. Sleep: the sovereign will send the treasury.

Water does not flow under a lying stone.

He will knock under one window, beg under another, rest under a third - the girl is gray, but she has her own will.

The tax has been paid, there is bread, and lie on the stove.

The Cossack ate on his side, which is why the Cossack is smooth.

I'll go for a walk White light yawn.

I'll go look like good people I'll take a look.

While driving to the barn, the sweat of the day is half; While driving to the yard, it’s time to have breakfast.

While the lazy one warms up, the diligent one returns from work.

As long as the flail is in your hands, the bread is in your teeth.

Be lazy and lose bread.

It's time to sharpen the balls, it's time to sew the boot tops.

The dejected pig digs deep roots.

The priest was not tired; he got up early for matins.

If you sow “but”, “nothing” will grow.

If you sow a basket, you will reap a little.

It was sown as small as a basket, and it grew a little.

God sent me work, but the devil took away the hunt.

It's good to go for a walk after work.

After the bread, after the salt, rest for an hour, then wrap up a piece of lard and a bag of laziness.

After bread and salt, rest for an hour - wrap yourself in a piece of lard and a bag of laziness.

The sweat pours out, but the reaper takes his toll.

Praise (nag), yes to the plow.

If only the crane would go to the measurers, they don’t hire me like that, but I don’t want to be a thresher.

I went to wash the black males clean.

Right leg, left leg - rise a little!

Holidays are memorable, but everyday life is forgettable.

He remembers holidays, but forgets everyday life.

Holidays are frequent, but the hands are the same.

Idleness is the mother of vices (translated).

Idleness loves boredom.

Insipid harness (lazy). His hands were hanging loose.

He rushes like a gray gelding.

He set to work like a louse on a body. He goes out of his way.

I want to swallow it, but I’m too lazy to chew it.

Walking days is akin to theft.

Be lazy and you will lose bread. I would eat and drink - that’s my business.

If you get lazy, you'll lose your bread.

Ulyana woke up neither late nor early: everyone was leaving work, and she was right there.

Weed millet - prick your hands.

Goodbye kvashnya, I went for a walk.

Goodbye, kvashnya, I'm off for a walk!

Strand your hair, girl, don’t be lazy, don’t wander around the shops!

Even if the daughter-in-law is a fool, if only she blew fire into the wound.

The bee is working - the candle is useful for God.

Puff, puff, through the mountains, don’t sleep until dawn!

We do nothing for five days, and rest for the sixth.

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