The emergence of magic. Origins of ancient science

Almost everyone, when mentioning Ancient Egypt, imagines, of course, first of all the pyramids. Little historical information about the times of the pharaohs has survived to this day. The first of them date back to the period of the Old Kingdom. In general, they were built according to a single model.

There were so-called solar temples, the plans of which in their main features were similar to residential buildings from the times of the Middle and New Kingdoms. This was natural, because they were considered the dwellings of God.

general information

The people who served these temples belonged to a special class in Egyptian society. For example, in the time of Ramses they owned ten percent of the cultivated land and almost the same amount of population. Ancient Egypt, whose priests were considered to be in the royal service, did not have divisions into secular and ecclesiastical authorities. The positions paid quite well. Soon, the ancient Egyptian priests began to pass on their positions by inheritance.

Temple Servants

Studying this country, experts came to the conclusion that it was this class that played the main role in the process of formation and prosperity of the state, in the development of spiritual health and the preservation of historical and cultural values. Ancient Egypt, whose priests were considered the guardians of sacred traditions, according to Herodotus, was the most God-fearing and religious in the Ancient World. Previously, it was believed that the control of these clergy had a negative impact on the lives of ordinary people and on the development of statehood. In fact, the priests in Ancient Egypt, being the guardians of sacred traditions, played a huge role in the history and culture of this ancient nation. And this is evidenced by the fact that this civilization lasted longer than all the others.

Who are the priests

In Ancient Egypt it was a special clan. They possessed truly enormous power and were the legislators of etiquette. Moreover, whose priests were considered interpreters of the divine will, he lived by their rules. And this did not only apply to ordinary people. Even the pharaohs unconditionally listened to their opinion.


Egyptian temples were quite rich, even more than the rulers. Nevertheless, the priests of Ancient Egypt, whose rock carvings are proof of this, dressed surprisingly simply. They wore only aprons and on especially solemn occasions, these clergy are depicted in white robes. In many films telling about how Ancient Egypt existed and developed, the priests are presented with their heads shaved to a shine, so rubbed with oil that the sun's rays are reflected from their skulls. This appearance of the temple servants contrasted sharply with the attire of the local nobility, striving for luxury.


Nevertheless, many still have no idea who the priests were in Ancient Egypt. This is a special caste of servants of higher powers, which performed many functions in the country. They had to ensure respectful treatment and observance of rituals and ceremonies.

But their role in the life of the country was not limited to this. The knowledge that the Egyptian priests possessed still amazes historians and many other scientists. They were carriers of the most versatile mental baggage, which was passed on from generation to generation, starting from the times of extreme antiquity. All their knowledge and experience were kept as the strictest secret.

Today, scientists are making numerous discoveries by studying Ancient Egypt. The priests knew how not only to heal, they taught children, raised the best breeds of livestock, and obtained new varieties of plants. They are even credited with the ability to correct human morals. It was these servants of the gods who chose the most favorable time for sowing or harvesting, they determined the exact timing of the Nile flood.

Moreover, when making their forecasts, the ancient Greek priests used data from temple libraries, which contained very detailed observations of many astronomical phenomena. This is evidenced by numerous artifacts discovered during excavations.


Many specialists study Ancient Egypt. But no one can say that they know this civilization completely, and in particular, have a relatively complete understanding of this supreme caste.

The question of what knowledge the Egyptian priests possessed still remains open. But one thing can be said for sure: the overwhelming majority of scientists do not deny the version that humanity today uses their discoveries and their technologies.

In ancient Egypt, astronomy was very developed, which closely intersected with astrology. However, it was not “prognosticating”, but agricultural and medical. The priests studied the influence of stars and other celestial bodies on nature and the well-being of people.

But there is another opinion: our civilization owes the acquisition of the most secret knowledge to representatives of extraterrestrial civilizations. And this statement is connected precisely with such a state as Ancient Egypt, whose priests measured out the entire way of life of their people and their religious rituals in accordance with the laws by which they moved.

Surprisingly, this is the name of the main god of the Egyptians. Osiris... In this name one can clearly hear admiration and admiration for Sirius.


The priests, as many believe, did not set out to suppress the will of the Egyptians with religion. They did not intimidate the common people with it. Moreover, religion for this civilization was the key to social development and personal improvement.

In ancient Egypt, priests were divided into separate groups that performed specific duties. They were both keepers of sacred secrets and religious administrators. To obtain even the lowest rank one had to study a lot, and this process was serious and difficult. If, for example, we talk about the career of Bakenkhons, the high priest during the reign of Ramses the Great, then his training began when the future clergyman was only four years old, and it ended by the age of twenty.


This was considered their most powerful weapon. They used magic in almost every area of ​​life. For example, in order to cure a patient, an Egyptian priest first put him into a trance. During the patient's oblivion, he encoded his consciousness for the necessary result: for a speedy and complete recovery to occur.

They used magic in all areas of life, but in the therapeutic and protective sphere, closely related to medicine, the culture of trance reached its maximum development.

Any use of drugs in Ancient Egypt had to be accompanied by introducing the patient into this state, and then coding, carried out with the help of spells and appeals to the most authoritative gods.

Remote influence

The priests perfectly mastered the ability, through trance, to hostilely influence not only their opponents, but also the enemies of the state. To do this, they used secret mystical psychotechnics of various spells, for example, conjuring over wax figures of enemies, as well as over their magical images. For remote influence, they themselves needed to enter a trance in order to be able to influence the consciousness and body of their opponents.

Some experts believe that it was the Egyptian priests who were the founders of human knowledge about such a phenomenon as hypnosis.

Mortuary magic

It is known that these temple clergy were primarily engaged in servicing the cults of the gods. But not only. The priests were fluent in the technique of ritual - funeral - magic, since there were a lot of necropolises and tombs in Ancient Egypt. It is believed that they were able to use mystical secret spells to influence “ka” - existence after death, and were able to mummify the dead. The priests placed witchcraft objects specially made for this occasion in the sarcophagi near them. “Ushabti,” as they were called, according to the Egyptians, protected the “ka” of the deceased in the afterlife.

Customs and rituals

Many assume that in this way they showed their respect for the gods and never turned their backs on them. Another custom, when the priests on the day of the revolt of Osiris or on the New Year dressed in costumes and then went out into the city and walked through the streets, is very reminiscent of today's carnivals. The only difference is that among them they took place only on the new moon and were considered a special sacred rite, while among modern people it is an ordinary entertainment show. Nevertheless, the priests’ most powerful “weapon” was their magic. There was even a whole trance culture with amulets, potions, images and spells that protected, among other things, from various diseases: even from insect and snake bites, as well as scorpions and predators. In addition, special customs operated among this caste, which still surprise researchers to this day. For example, why did the ancient Egyptian priests back away when leaving the temple?

Many historians and researchers of ancient Egyptian civilization say that the Egyptian priests possessed secret knowledge that they received from a previous highly developed civilization. For example, one of the commentators on the film “Mysteries of Ancient Egypt” hypothesizes that the caste of Egyptian priests possessed some secret knowledge that they successfully managed to hide from others. This caste existed openly in Egypt, but after the end of the period of Greco-Roman domination in the country, it went underground. In his opinion, the successors and continuers of the policies of the ancient Egyptian healer corporation continue to live and operate to this day. Modern “priests” exist in the form of a secret organization (order) and still hide true knowledge from people. The Egyptian government participates in hiding the truth, not allowing researchers from other countries or tourists to visit certain monuments and structures of antiquity, and in some cases, genuine ancient monuments in Egypt (as well as in other countries) during the “restoration” are replaced with new reconstructions that meet the needs of modern history leaders in the formation of “public opinion” about what antiquity supposedly was like. In addition, there were reports that after Egypt became an Anglo-French colony, the Vatican was buying up and burning surviving ancient manuscripts there: what was the purpose of destroying evidence of past eras?

One can agree with the hypothesis that the healing tradition, rooted in Egyptian antiquity, is still active today, although without publicity (history provides many facts confirming it), but about the content of the secret knowledge of antiquity There is no stable opinion yet. Can these include some physical laws unknown to modern scientists, knowledge of social psychology, economics and finance, or is it knowledge about some objective processes of social development that can be skillfully used in the interests of self-interest? - One gets the impression that modern witchcraft specifically fuels interest in the search for secret knowledge of antiquity, which is supposedly captured in many ancient Egyptian buildings, but the direction of the search is strictly controlled and does not go beyond certain ones established by someone certain framework.

And society mindlessly “twists a kaleidoscope of hypotheses”: the pyramids in Giza are either generators of some kind of energy, or antennas for transmitting these energies to other planets, or observatories for observing Sirius, etc.

Rice. 7. Sphinx against the background of the Cheops pyramid:
left - watercolor
David Roberts, dating from 1838 - 1839; on the right is a photograph of our days.

Photo 8. Close-up of storm erosion on a rock mass near the Sphinx

Some believe that the pyramids and the sphinx (Fig. 7 above) are very ancient, even “antediluvian” artifacts of a previous global civilization, pointing to traces of rain erosion (photo 8 below) on the sphinx, which were present on it despite the fact that throughout history of the current civilization, its location is one of the driest places on the planet, and the Sphinx was covered with sand almost headlong for most of recorded history; others ignore it. And there are others, for example, A. T. Fomenko and G. V. Nosovsky, who believe that many buildings and pyramids in Egypt were built in the 15th - 17th centuries AD. e. Christians, and the three pyramids at Giza symbolize the “Trinity”: “God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Spirit.”

Let researchers “frolic” in self-indulgence, write scientific and popular books, make films and show them to a gullible crowd, causing admiration for their bold hypotheses. The crowd is free to choose any of the many hypotheses to their liking, based on their understanding or misunderstanding of life.

Let everyone search for the truth, finding out how blocks of stone were processed and holes were drilled in granite and basalt, how blocks weighing up to 200 tons were moved - as long as the crowd is not interested in that specific truth which ancient Egyptian witchcraft not only owned, but in general did not hide, since it was the basis for building public policy. This truth, possibly received from the leaders of the previous - more developed - global civilization, is workable at the present time and allows the descendants and heirs of healers to subjugate the socio-economic systems of most countries of the world to their tyranny.

However, if these were priests and not healers, then they would understand that:

  • any exploitation of man by man is not supported from Above;
  • any system built on the basis of exploitation is unstable, as is proven by the current global systemic crisis that has affected all spheres of human activity, and especially the financial and economic sphere, which they now rule, and most importantly, the health of humanity.

And if we not just read, but carefully study the Bible, correlating its texts with social processes as such, then the secret of ancient Egyptian sorcery, longed for by many, will be revealed to us: however, it is not sensational, but banal in its essence. Here it is in all its ugliness, although presented to believers in God - in the name of God:

“Do not give to your brother (in the context, a fellow Israelite) for usury, neither silver, nor bread, nor anything else that can be given at usury; "Thou shalt lend to the foreigner at interest, that the Lord thy God may bless thee in all that is done with thy hands in the land which thou goest to possess it" (Deuteronomy 23:19, 20) "...and thou shalt lend to many nations, but you yourself will not borrow [and you will rule over many nations, but they will not rule over you] "(Deuteronomy 15:6). “The Lord [your God] will make you the head and not the tail, and you will only be on high and not below, if you obey the commandments of the Lord your God, which I command you today to keep and do” (Deuteronomy 28:12, 13) . “Then the sons of foreigners will build your walls, and their kings will serve you; For in my anger I struck you down, but in my good pleasure I will be merciful to you. And your gates will be opened, they will not be shut day or night, so that the wealth of the nations may be brought to you and their kings may be brought in. For the nations and kingdoms that do not want to serve you will perish, and such nations will be completely destroyed" (Isaiah 60:10 - 12).

This supposedly secret for a long time the social doctrine was written down in the public Bible and all this time it worked and is working for the descendants and heirs of the healers of ancient Egypt and brings them various dividends to this day.

What does the Delphic Oracle have to do with it then? - you ask. - And despite the fact that it is an important stage in the consistent actions of the Egyptian witch doctor on the path to global expansion.

An analysis of the Bible shows that neither the Old nor the New Testaments contain information about the existence of the Delphic Oracle. There is nothing about him in the apocrypha: both the Old Testament and the New Testament. But the development of Judaism and the formation of Christianity, based on the accepted chronology, occurred at a time when the Delphic Oracle was most active. It is known that the Apostle Paul visited Thessaloniki and Athens, the Apostle Andrew the First-Called preached on the territory of present-day Greece, but none of them ever mentioned the Delphic Oracle, although in those days it was: for the crowd - a well-known cult center, and for politics - a center management.

The following answers to this question are possible:

  • either the Oracle did not exist yet, and Christianity and Judaism appeared earlier than is commonly thought;
  • or the latter appeared much later, when information about the Oracle had already disappeared from people’s memory.

But neither one nor the other can be accepted, since many facts and cause-and-effect relationships do not fit into such a model of history, i.e., the “logic of the development of events” is violated.

There remains one more version: witchcraft covered its tracks, tried not to focus attention on the cause-and-effect conditions of its actions, in order to hide the possibility of identifying cause-and-effect relationships between the events taking place at that time, and for future generations of historians - to make the roots of culture (primarily political) inaccessible ) in which they live. Mention of the Delphic Oracle was apparently removed by later editors of the Bible in the process of developing the canon of the New Testament and all sorts of “patristic” traditions of historically real Christianity.

However, we were able to find some information about this from Josephus in “Jewish Antiquities” (book 3, chapter 6, verse 6): “In the sanctuary Moses placed a table similar to those in the Temple of Delphi.”

Josephus wrote his work almost half a century after the “crucifixion” of Christ: this means that he worked during the existence of the Delphic Temple and knew its structure and purpose well and may have visited it himself. What did he need there? - Josephus himself gives an answer to this question in his essay “Against Appion,” where he writes that he belongs to the priestly (“priestly”) Jewish family.

If this is so, then, consequently, the Jewish witchcraft, if not directly involved in the activities of the Delphic oracle, then communicated with colleagues outside the ritual setting, although the canonical sacred books are silent about this, as if nothing had happened.

True, much later - in the 19th century, a certain Levi Dowling wrote “The Gospel of Jesus Christ of the Age of Aquarius,” which tells about Christ’s visit to the Delphic oracle. Here's an abbreviated version of this chapter:

2. One day, when Jesus and Apollonius They walked along the seashore, a messenger from Delphi arrived quickly and said: Apollonius, teacher, come; The Oracle will speak to you.

3. Apollonius said to Jesus: Sir, if you want to see the Delphic Oracle and hear his speech, you can come with me. And Jesus went with him.

4. The teachers hurried; when they arrived at Delphi, there was great excitement there.

5. And when Apollonius appeared before the Oracle, he spoke and said:

6. Apollonius, sage of Greece, the bell strikes twelve; the midnight of epochs has come.

7. Eras are born in the womb; they mature and are born in glory with the rising of the sun, and when the sun of the age wanes, the age disintegrates and dies.

8. The Delphic era was an age of honor and glory; the gods spoke to the sons of men through oracles made of wood, gold and precious stones.

9. The Delphic sun sets; The oracle will come to sunset, the time is not far when people will no longer hear his voice.

10. The gods will speak to man through man. The living Oracle now stands in these sacred groves; The Logos descended from the heights.

11. From now on my wisdom and strength will decrease; from now on, the wisdom and strength of him, Emmanuel, will increase.

12. Let all the teachers stand up; let every creature listen and praise him, Immanuel.

13. And the Oracle did not speak for forty days, and the priests and the people marveled. They came from everywhere to listen to the Living Oracle, broadcasting the wisdom of the gods.

14. Jesus and the Greek sage returned, and in the house of Apollonius the Living Oracle spoke for forty days.

15. One day Apollonius said to Jesus when they were alone: ​​This sacred Delphic Oracle has spoken many things that are beneficial to Greece.

16. I pray, tell me who is speaking - an angel, a man or a living god?

17 And Jesus said: This is not an angel, nor a man, nor a living God who speaks. This is the unsurpassed wisdom of the minds of Greece, combined into a great mind .

18. This gigantic mind has absorbed the substances of souls, thoughts, hearts, speeches.

19. He will live as long as the minds of his teachers feed him with thought, wisdom, faith and hope.

20. But when the minds of the teachers of Greece become weak, this gigantic mind will dry up, and then the Delphic Oracle will speak no more.”

Why were these lines written? - It is possible that by that time many biblical scholars had questions related to the difficulties of reconciling individual historical events with the biblical description of history. Therefore, the leaders of global politics had to lift the veil not only over the Delphic Oracle, but also over other “blank spots” of the New Testament.

As we already wrote above, for some reason it was the Delphic Oracle that was especially popular, and it remains the most mentioned in various literary and historical sources. Although it is known that there were oracles at many temples, including in Egypt, the scant information that has reached us does not allow us to judge their activities, and therefore they do not arouse much interest among researchers.

If you are careful, you can find one significant difference in the principles of functioning of the oracle in Delphi from the oracles of other temples. At Delphi, the oracle was accessible to everyone, although this accessibility was determined by the amount of gold or gifts received by healers from pilgrims - nevertheless, there was fundamental accessibility for anyone who came to the temple.

In Egypt itself, oracles as social institutions served mainly healers, who asked advice from the “appropriate god” (in this case, the egregor) on what to do in each specific case. That is, the oracle was an instrument of witchcraft and acted on his behalf and to achieve his goals. In Delphi, at the beginning of its activity, the oracle received those thirsty for prophecies only once a year, and the rest of the time, presumably, was used for the internal needs of witchcraft and only over time became publicly available to everyone.

Thus, a certain sequence of events is observed:

  • at the first stage - development of management methods in the closed and well-controlled territory of Egypt,
  • on the second - the promotion of this “secret knowledge” (and in essence - political technologies and the social institutions that carry them) to adjacent territories in order to expand the sphere of influence to the borders of Europe and part of Asia;
  • at the third stage - the elimination of original national cults and their replacement with a unified system of mutually complementary Old Testament and New Testament cults, with a specific distribution of functions between the Old Testament and New Testament churches, which was accompanied by the elimination of the system of stationary oracles (their role was transferred to some of the “saints” of the biblical system cults that possessed the “gift of prophecy”).

That is, the oracles of pre-Christian antiquity are elements of the globalization management system. They are a thing of the past simply due to the fact that the globalization management system has been transferred to a new generation of “software”, in which the functions of previous oracles are implemented differently.

Until the era of biblical cults arrived, in terms of information, Egyptian society was divided into three parts.

Priesthood - witchcraft. It was the keeper of the facts of heterogeneous knowledge and the methodology for developing new knowledge. The priesthood isolated itself from society in that for it the creed of society and the corresponding cult were a mnemonic system for storing information, allegories and “mysticism” of which protected the monopoly on Knowledge from unauthorized access of the “crowd,” i.e., the rest of society. As this process developed, spurred on by increasingly pronounced egoism, the priesthood showed permissiveness in relation to the rest of society and gradually, opposing its own ad-lib to God’s Providence, lost the ability to speak life and degenerated into a hierarchy social witchcraft, who manipulated society, although he retained the named “priesthood”.

Elite" She received from witchcraft only the factual knowledge “in the part that concerns it” in practical activity: ready-made recipes, allegories, prophecies, but not the METHODOLOGY of acquiring new knowledge and the unauthorized reproduction of knowledge hidden by the hierarchy as the need for knowledge and skills arose in the activity. The “elite” became the social base of the bureaucratic corps of the state apparatus. The “Elite” was purposefully deprived of the completeness of factuality and holistic methodology, in which both types of thinking: objective-figurative and abstract-logical are developed and in harmony complement each other’s activities.

Crowd” - common people with a minimum level of education in the field of methodology and facts necessary to service the means of production outside the sphere of management.

This crowd-“elite” form of social organization, worked out on the Egyptian training ground, was promoted by Egyptian witchcraft to other countries.

The goal of this expansion was to suppress other control centers by creating a new information environment that, bypassing consciousness and without outside interference, would form the behavioral stereotypes of new generations entering life so that they would become slaves to the bosses of the system.

A culture based on biblical stories became such an information environment for countries within the sphere of interests of Egyptian witchcraft.

At the same time, with the transfer of the management of globalization to biblical “software”, the “priesthood”-witchdoctors not only went underground, but built for themselves a regime of unrecognizability by representatives of both crowds (“elite” and the common people), replacing themselves in public activities with religious teachers and clergy of the biblical cults

But to ensure the dominance of this system, it was necessary to discredit and destroy the control centers of the era of previous cults, one of which was the temple of Apollo with the oracle in Delphi.

Why have the oracles, including the Delphic one, become unacceptable to the leaders of globalization?

First a bunch oracle=pythia+priest-interpreter was protection against unauthorized access by a mere mortal to the oracle's information. The Pythia is chaste and naive; in most cases, she does not understand the social and political significance of the information she conveys. And the “priest”-interpreter, as a representative of a conceptually powerful corporation, always interprets the information received from the Pythia in favor of his caste in accordance with the political scenario accepted for execution. That is, the “priesthood” exercised direct control of society at its own discretion and did not allow mere mortals to participate in this process. But there was a danger that, due to the accessibility of the oracle, other members of society, having become acquainted with its work, would draw the appropriate conclusions and themselves learn to “mystically” perceive information from the noosphere, interpret it and build their behavior taking into account the acquired knowledge. Then society can enter a mode of self-government and begin to ignore the intermediary priests, depriving them of their monopoly on management. Biblical culture does not allow society to transition to a mode of self-government, so the disappearance of the system of oracles, including the Delphic one, was a matter of time. The mechanism of its self-destruction was built into it from the moment of its creation. What is its essence?

Photo 9. Wall to protect the Temple of Khorsa in Edfu (Lower Egypt)

When the Oracle became available to anyone who wanted to know their destiny, the need arose to regulate the sequence of satisfying the desires of pilgrims. To achieve the favorable attitude of the “priests” they had to be appeased. People brought gifts and money.

Herodotus in his History (Book One) describes in detail what countless amounts of gold and silver (approximately 6 tons of gold and 900 tons of silver, not counting various decorations and utensils) only Croesus sent to Delphi, wanting to know whether he should go to war against the Persians or not .

Gradually, the once sacred temple is turning into a bank in which one could save one’s finances. During Roman rule, money deposits from different regions of the Mediterranean were kept in the Delphic Temple. That is, in terms of content, it was a Mediterranean bank or financial center.

It is known that the temples of Egypt of the Greco-Roman period served to accumulate and store money, for example, the temple of Khorsa (Hora, Hores, Horus) in Edfu, to protect the wealth of which it was necessary to build a wall ten meters high (see photo 9 on the left), although more Ancient Egyptian temples do not have protective walls.

Egyptian witchcraft knew very well the future of the Delphic temple and, accordingly, the future of the oracle with it. The temple, after becoming a financial institution, was subject to repeated attacks and was eventually plundered and liquidated by the Romans.

Can magic be considered science? Since the advent of magic, there have always been swindlers and charlatans who skillfully produced all kinds of “miracles” for an appropriate fee. And the curiosity of gullible simpletons encouraged them to continue their research. In addition, official science tends to deny and ridicule the secret knowledge of the priests, as well as everything that cannot be touched and examined under a microscope. And yet, predictions come true, and magic lives on, since interest in it has not faded to this day.

When and how did magic emerge? There is no consensus regarding the timing - it is only obvious that this area of ​​​​knowledge developed simultaneously with humanity. And magical formulas and rituals were invented in accordance with the laws of nature - after all, occultism in its essence is the same physics, but it’s not so easy to explain how magic works. We can say that ritual is an auxiliary tool that serves to tune the will of the magician and concentrate his attention.

What falls under the definition of magic or occult sciences? Currently, the line between secret sciences and so-called “alternative medicine”, etc. quite vague. If absolutely any actions that ran counter to the ideas of secular and church authorities were considered, then in our days the so-called. "bioenergy" is practically equated with official science. And before, perhaps, they could have been burned at the stake...

Today, magic can be called not only the secret knowledge of priests, but also any occult actions and rituals, the purpose of which is to influence a person’s health, psyche, attitude, etc. The emergence of magic and its development gave rise to numerous conspiracies for success, rituals, fortune telling and much more. This also includes astrology (after all, sometimes predictions come true), palmistry, numerology, mediumship and human supernatural abilities - telepathy, telekinesis and others.

Secret knowledge of the priests

Contrary to popular belief, a magician (or witch) is not are born, but become. Although, of course, there are people who naturally have some abilities for hypnotism. Teaching the occult sciences is serious work that will take a lot of time.

You should not expect rapid progress and supernatural miracles; those who dream of acquiring the secret knowledge of the priests, allowing them to shake mountains and turn back rivers, will never achieve anything. Those who are determined to become a magician, and who are not afraid of difficulties, should first of all. Since the emergence of magic, practices have constantly improved, and the keepers of the secret knowledge of the priests have lost their monopoly...

The French mystic and occultist Gerard Encausse, better known as Dr. Papus, advised developing your senses. To perform magical rituals, the sorcerer needs complete control over his will, and to achieve this he must study his body. You can start small - with the process of eating. Nowadays, few people pay proper attention to what they eat. You should be aware of not only the taste of food, but also the feeling of fullness and all your emotional reactions. Considerable benefit will come from eliminating alcohol and tobacco from the diet, which harm not only the physical but also the astral body, thereby preventing the performance of magical actions. This, of course, is not the secret knowledge of priests, but a very important condition for practicing magic.

You should persistently develop concentration, and its special form. Concentration should not take energy and tire you - the magician must be both relaxed and focused while performing the ritual. Concentration is developed through meditation exercises. You should take a comfortable position, close your eyes and monitor all the thoughts that appear in your mind.

There is no need to give in to the urge to start thinking about any topic. Thoughts should come and go without leaving a trace in the mind. The purpose of the exercise is to try to achieve a mental pause (a state of complete absence of thoughts). Over time, this exercise will bear fruit - you will be able to eliminate any unwanted thought with a simple willpower.

You shouldn’t pay too much attention to attributes - even the most complex magical actions will not require numerous tools. And the sacrificial blood of a goat or a cup from the femur of a virgin can only be found in horror films, and not in real practice. Although some books (for example, French grimoires) mention even darker attributes.

Occult practices of the peoples of the world

It is interesting that every people that has ever existed on earth had its own occult practices. One can recall many confirmations of this fact - ecstatic dances of dervishes, Scandinavian runic, Slavic, mysterious practices of Indian fakirs, secret knowledge of the priests of Ancient Egypt and meditation, so popular among eastern peoples. At all times, people have tended to look for a way to solve their problems using occult methods. Man has always strived for power, wanted to know his future, because some predictions come true... By the way, it should be noted that a developed occultist who possesses is indifferent to power, and a self-seeking person who decides to subjugate the world with the help of witchcraft is not able to achieve success.

In the early Middle Ages, priests enjoyed enormous authority; they shared power with the rulers of different states. In those days, it was rare for a commander to lead his troops on the offensive without consulting a personal astrologer; no one doubted that the predictions would come true.

The priests acted as intermediaries between the gods and humanity. They were also entrusted with the function of protecting the population from the machinations of demonic forces, as well as caring for the material well-being of the inhabitants of the state. Various gifts were brought to the priests, and they, in turn, had to heal people, protect crops and livestock, and, of course, perform rituals designed to appease the gods. The secret knowledge of the priests was supposed to serve the people.

To simplify the task of magicians and priests, various fortune-telling systems were developed. One of the most famous was the one consisting of 78 plates (22 major and 56 minor Arcana). With the help of Tarot cards you can get an accurate answer - predictions almost always come true. During its existence, this fortune-telling system has repeatedly changed its appearance. Today there are several decks of Tarot cards - decks of Lenormand, Aleister Crowley, Papus and others. But the original source is considered to be the Egyptian Tarot.

There is one related to the creation of this deck. According to it, the Egyptian priests decided to create this system and symbolically enclose all their occult knowledge in it in order to pass it on to their descendants. The deck was created, and the priests began to think about who to entrust with its storage. Some wanted to hand over the cards of virtue, and give the deck for safekeeping to a person for whom self-interest and any earthly desires are alien. Others objected to them that it was practically impossible to find such a person, and if he died, the knowledge would be lost. Then it was decided to give the Tarot deck to vice. This is how playing cards appeared. It should be noted that the predictions come true - the deck has survived to this day.

Lifting the veil of the future...

It cannot be said that the life of medieval predictors was calm and measured. On the one hand, they were revered, and they practically shared power with the rulers of states, and on the other hand, many of them became victims of their “failure.” At any time, the ruler could have the idea to find out whether the predictions come true or not, to inquire, for example, whether the astrologer knows the hour of his death. And if he called the hour, he risked losing his life ahead of schedule, because by executing him, the ruler could prove the inconsistency of the predictor.

However, it was also impossible not to answer this question - the fortuneteller would be recognized as a charlatan, and for this he would be executed. One astrologer got out of a difficult situation in a very original way - he told the ruler that their horoscopes were very similar, and as a result, the ruler would outlive the fortuneteller by only 10 minutes. The ruler did not take risks, because sometimes predictions come true...

Nobody likes bad news - it happened that even the messengers who delivered it were killed on the spot. Since the advent of magic and astrology, fortune tellers have been forced to say what the ruler wanted to hear. And if their predictions did not come true (for example, the troops lost the battle or there was a crop failure), the astrologer faced reprisals.

However, astrologers did not always turn out to be insolvent; their predictions came true quite often. So, according to the author of the book “Ivan the Terrible,” Valishevsky, Bogdan Belsky, the favorite of Grozny, asked astrologers to predict the day of the tsar’s death. The day was predicted, and Belsky warned the astrologers that if they made a mistake, they would face execution - burning alive. That day, Grozny felt better, and Belsky reminded the astrologers of his threat. The soothsayers calmly told him that the day was not over yet. History has confirmed the truth of the prediction - on that day (March 18) the tsar died during a chess game with Boris Godunov.

and, having accepted laws and regulations from Pythagoras, as if they were divine institutions, they never transgressed them. The whole community was in unanimity, observing a piety close to a state of bliss. They made property common and after that they ranked Pythagoras among the gods, as a kind of good and humane demon, some calling him Pythian, others - Apollo of Hyperborean, others - Paean, fourth - one of the demons inhabiting the Moon, ...

others - one of the Olympian gods, saying that he appeared in human form for the benefit and correction of human nature, in order to give it a saving impetus to happiness and wisdom, and there was no better gift from the gods than the one revealed in the person of Pythagoras. there will never be.

...They accepted with complete confidence what he told them about gods, demons and heroes, about space and the various movements of planets and stars, about their oppositions, eclipses, deviations from the correct movement, eccentricities and epicycles ,

...about all the phenomena of the universe on earth and in heaven,

...about the secret and obvious nature of what exists between earth and sky, offering a correct and reasonable interpretation that is convenient for listening, which in no way interferes with either the emergence of visual images or what is perceived in the process of reflection, ...

...on the contrary, lessons, theoretical principles and all science as a whole seemed to visibly appear before the soul and had a cleansing effect if the mind was overloaded with any other activities. Such knowledge was transmitted to the Hellenes by Pythagoras so that they could comprehend the origins and causes of all truly existing things.

(32) The civil structure of the community was the best, unanimity and the principle “friends have everything in common” were observed, service to the gods and veneration of the dead, obedience to laws and education, silence and love for other living beings, abstinence from eating them, prudence and discernment, piety and other virtues, in a word, Pythagoras made all this desirable and worthy of pursuit for those who thirsted for learning.

So, taking into account everything that has just been discussed, the disciples rightly revered Pythagoras so highly.”

This is a brief description of the first part of the life of the amazing Pythagoras.

From the wealth of knowledge of the ancient Egyptians, which Pythagoras left us through the Hellenes, my attention was drawn to the “Sacred Tetractys » . Let's consider the main provisions about the Sacred Tetractys .

Knowledge about Tetractys go back to the ancient Egyptian tradition. From the Egyptian priests they became known to the great teacher and scientist of antiquity - Pythagoras.

"Feon from Smyrna claimed that ten points, or Tetractys Pythagoras (Fig. 1.) was a symbol of great importance, because to a keen mind he revealed the secret of universal nature. The Pythagoreans bound themselves with the following oath:

“I swear by the One who gave our souls Tetractys Who has origins and roots in eternal living nature."

In addition, it turned out that knowledge about Tetractys are also known in the Kabbalistic tradition - the ancient closed science of Jewish sages. In the works on the site in the “Judaism” section, for example, the Matrix of the Universe, the sacred basis of the science of Kabbalah and the Four Worlds of Kabbalah correspond to the space of Mula Purusha and Mula Prakriti in the matrix of the Universe, we have already discussed this issue.

In the Theosophical Dictionary of H. P. Blavatsky, I found statements about the Sacred Tetractys:

“The Sacred Four, by which the Pythagoreans swore; it was their most binding oath. It has a very mystical and varied meaning, being the same as Tetragrammaton- four-letter name of God.

These are four letters in Hebrew - "Yod, Heh, Vau, Heh", or in English - IHVH. The true ancient pronunciation is now lost. Sincere Jews considered this name too sacred to pronounce, and when reading sacred texts they replaced it with its name Adonai , which means Lord...

Rice. 1. The picture shows " Tetractys Pythagoras" This is a triangle in which ten points are inscribed in a certain order. These points are located on four horizontal levels, starting with one - on the first level, and ending with four - on the fourth level. Theon of Smyrna argued that the ten points, or Tetractys of Pythagoras, was a symbol of great importance because it revealed to the keen mind the secret of universal nature.

Christians commonly call IHVH Jehovah, and many modern Bible scholars write the Name as Yahweh .

So, Tetragrammaton first of all, it is One in four different aspects; then this is the fundamental number four (Tetrad ) , containing decade , or 10, is the number of perfection. And finally, It means primary triad (or triangle), merged into the divine monad.

Kircher, a learned Jesuit kabbalist, in his work... presents the Ineffable Name IHVH as one of the Kabbalistic formulas of the 72 names - in the form of the Pythagorean Tetrads.

Mr. I. Meyer depicts this as shown in Figure 2.

Figure 2 shows the arrangement of the letters of the Holy Name of God in horizontal levels Tetractys. Since it is known that each Hebrew letter has a corresponding number, it is possible to add up the numerical values ​​of each letter in any given word. This addition process is called gematria . In this case, these are the letters included in the Sacred Name of God:

Mr. I. Meyer also mentions that "the sacred Tetrad The Pythagoreans, it turns out, were known to the ancient Chinese." The last fact also seemed very interesting to me. It turned out that this is indeed the case. In the articles on the site, for example, - The mystery of the location of the Great Limit and the Monad of the Chinese sages in the matrix of the Universe, The discovery of the secret of the first ancestors of the Chinese Fu Xi and Nuwa in the matrix of the Universe, confirmation of the veracity of the mention of Mr. I. Meyer is provided.

Rice. 2.
The picture shows Tetractys Pythagoras, according to the levels of which the letters of the Sacred Name of God are written. Since it is known that each Hebrew letter has a corresponding number, it is possible to add up the numerical values ​​of each letter in any given word. This addition process is called gematria. In this case, these are the letters included in the Sacred Name of God. With this arrangement of the letters of the Name by level, the partial sums and the total sum of the numerical values ​​of the Hebrew letters are shown, giving the Kabbalistic formula of the 72 Names of God. Mr. I. Meyer also mentions that "the sacred Tetrad The Pythagoreans, it turns out, were known to the ancient Chinese."

Considering Tetractys in Figures 1 and 2, where instead of dots in the Pythagorean Tetractys the letters that make up the holy Name of God are written, I came to the following conclusion. If the ancient sages pointed out the extreme importance Tetractys , then maybe on its own Tetractys and is there a key to the world that we are looking for?

Then I decided to continue the sides of the triangle further down, and drew new horizontal levels - 5, 6, 7, etc. By analogy, I placed points at these levels, for example, on the 5th level - 5 points, on the 6th level - 6 points, etc. The result is a large triangular matrix.

It is possible, I admitted, that the large matrix is ​​a projection onto the plane of the world that we are looking for.

I began to call each of these points - position , and the horizontal line on which they were located – level or level " Divine Universe».

This is how I got a multi-level “pyramidal” matrix. In mathematics it is called - triangular matrix .

The second question that arose was, what is located above the upper acute corner of the matrix?

And I began to look for answers and clues in the treasures of knowledge of the ancient Egyptians. In fact, the question could be formulated like this. I must find among the ancient Egyptians any mention of two worlds, one of which would be called lower the world, and the other - top . Figure 3 shows a graphical representation of my question.

Rice. 3. The figure shows a graphical model of two parts of the world we are looking for. The dotted circle with a question mark marks the place of transition between the Upper and Lower worlds, the type of which was unknown to us.

The answer was not long in coming. It is known that in ancient times the territory of Egypt was divided into two parts - Upper and Lower Egypt . The main territory of residence of the Egyptians was the fertile lands along the coast of the Nile River, which flowed from south to north across the entire country. All the fertile lands along the great Nile River from its source to the delta where the Nile flowed into the Mediterranean Sea were divided into two territories.

The first, which started from the second cataract of the Nile and was located in the south closer to the center of the continent of Africa, and ended approximately in the middle part of the length of the Nile, was called - Upper Egypt (UpperEgypt).

The second, to the north from the middle part of the Nile up to the Mediterranean coast was called - Lower Egypt (LowerEgypt). This territorial division is shown on the map of Egypt (Figure 4), which I quote from the book by E. Moret, Kings and Gods of Egypt.

At first glance, it seems that there is nothing special about this division of territory along the Nile River. However, everything is not so simple here.

The fact is that, according to our working hypothesis, the priests had to leave supporting concepts in the existential life of the Egyptians that would indicate passages to a world unknown to us. One of the most important supporting concepts should have been the division of the territory of Egypt namely into two parts , in particular, to Upper and Lower Egypt, which was done by the Egyptians.

The above historical fact of dividing the territory of Egypt into two parts could be considered as an indication of the right direction of our search. In this case, it was possible to conclude that the world unknown to us is really divided into two parts.

These parts could also be called − Upper And Lower Egypt, even if this world was not called Egypt at all, but had its own name that is still unknown to us.

Rice. 4. The map of Egypt shows its territorial division into Upper (UpperEgypt) And Lower Egypt (LowerEgypt). The map is from the book by E. Moret, Kings and Gods of Egypt.

Now it was necessary to find out what type of transition between worlds takes place. One could assume that the crossing point also looks like the well-known “Star of David”. But we needed to find a description or type of transition specifically in ancient Egyptian artifacts, and I began to search for an answer to this question and found such an artifact.


Bog Ptah from ancient Memphis reveals the secret of the place of transition between the Upper and Lower worlds

I've only been to Egypt once. The decision to go and departure to Egypt happened simply and quickly. From the plane I saw the desert land and the magnificent sea illuminated by bright sunlight. The air was hot, but pleasantly dry. There was a feeling of comfort. The Conrad International Hotel in Hurghada and the guides from the company greeted us with a smile and surrounded us with care. I have never seen anything better than the Red Sea. Everything was conducive to a pleasant stay. What followed were trips filled with interesting impressions.

Rice. 5. The figure shows a figurine of the god Ptah from W. Budge’s book “The Mummy” with the symbol of life - ankh(ankh) and the rod of strength and power - you(uas). Ankh And Was located in the middle of the figurine's body. In front of the base of the figurine is a staircase with four steps. Ptah's clothes hide almost his entire body. Ptah (Ptah), « discoverer ", - "probably the oldest god of all the gods of Egypt. A temple was dedicated to him in Memphis, where he was revered since the First Dynasty. They said about him that he was the father of the gods who came out of his eye and the people who came out of his mouth . He was depicted as a mummy. He holds a symbol of power scepter (folded in three parts), connecting in itself – the scepter itself you , « force ", symbol ankh , « life ", and the symbol tet , « sustainability " Bronze and faience figurines of this god are quite common and resemble each other in appearance and the way they are made. Worn on the back of his neck menat . The meaning of this symbol is not clear.

And then one day I looked into one of the shopping shops in the hotel. There were a lot of necessary and unnecessary things for vacationers, and suddenly my gaze stopped on a book lying on a shelf among bright postcards. She was the only one. I took it in my hands. It was clear that it had been in the shop for a long time. On its cover it was written: The Mummy, A Handbook of Egyptian Funerary Archaeology. Author E.A. Wallis Budge, Dover Publications, INC., New York. Since at that time I was deciphering biblical texts, I stood thoughtful for some time. The owner of the shop was dispassionately calm, but it was clear that he was waiting for my decision. I paid, took the book and left and did not even imagine that here my real meeting with Wallis Budge and ancient Egypt took place. I know that there are no coincidences in life. This book was waiting for me. If I had not bought this book then, I think the reader would not have seen, for example, the article that he is now reading, and all the amazing discoveries that we can now read on the site page would not have taken place. Later, at a book fair in Moscow, I came across this book by W. Budge, translated from English by Mrs. S.V. Arkhipova, which was published by the Aletheya Publishing House in 2001.

It was to this book by U. Bazhda that I turned with a question about the nature of the transition between the Upper and Lower worlds. Repeatedly turning the pages of the book, I saw on page 358 a drawing by Ptah-Tatenen and it dawned on me that the answer to my question was right in front of me in this drawing! Analyzing the ancient Egyptian drawings of gods, I realized that almost all of them are not realistic descriptions of their bodies and appearance. These drawings are symbolically like " generalized hieroglyphs» describe the structure and character of divine forces which are identified with In the name and position in " matrix "of each specific god.

Because of its connection with resurrection and the other world, it was called Ptah-Sokar-Osiris . He was represented as a short, stocky boy with his knees bent and his hands resting on his hips. Sometimes he stands stepping on a crocodile, on his right is Isis, on his left is Nephthys, and behind him is a falcon with the head of a man, symbolizing the soul, on each shoulder is a falcon, on his head is a beetle, an attribute of Khepri, the god who gave birth to himself myself".

Here is another description of Ptah from the book Myths of the Peoples of the World:

"From " Papyrusa Ani »:

“Greetings to you, O you who came as Khepera, Khepera, creator of the gods.

You rise and shine and make your mother bright Chickpeas(i.e. in the sky, - W. Budge).

You are the crowned king of the gods. Your mother Chickpeas pays respects to you with both his hands.

The country of Manu (i.e. the land where the sun sets - W. Budge) joyfully accepts you, and the goddess Maat(the goddess of law, order, regularity, etc. makes sure that the sun rises every day in a certain place and at a certain time with absolute precision and infallible regularity) hugs you both morning and evening.

Greetings, all gods of the Temple of the Soul, weighing heaven and earth on scales, bringing divine food in abundance!

Rice. 7. The figure shows the principle of constructing a pyramidal matrices using a simple geometric figure repeated many times - a square. I called the intersections of vertical and horizontal lines, which are shown in circles - positions(position - position, place). Vertical dotted lines cut the squares in half. Horizontal lines defined the matrix levels. The intersections of vertical and horizontal lines are shown in circles in the figure. This designation was graphically convenient and, in addition, corresponded to a similar symbol - a circle, which denoted the Egyptian hieroglyph - Ar ( Ar). According to the meaning of the translation of this hieroglyph as a particle of speech - when, if such a symbol was also well suited for the purpose of marking the intersections of vertical and horizontal lines in a pyramidal matrix . We got a certain definition - If or When lines intersect, then the place of intersection is indicated by the hieroglyph Ar ( Ar) (circle). A dark rectangle equal in area to half a square similarly shows the areas of fertile land along the banks of the Nile that the Egyptians received from the pharaoh. Herodotus wrote: “The Egyptian priests told me that the king divided the land among all the Egyptians, giving each an equal rectangular plot. From this he created income for himself by ordering the tax to be paid annually. If the river took something from any plot, the owner came to the king and reported what had happened. The king sent people who were supposed to inspect the plot and measure how much smaller it had become, so that the owner would pay a tax proportional to the established (tax) on the remaining area. It seems to me that this is how geometry was invented, which was transferred from Egypt to Hellas.” It is significant to note that in the case of the shape of plots of fertile land, we probably have an example of the conscious action of the priests, who carried out the social and economic structure of society by analogy with the principles of construction " invisible world » , the secret of whose existence they knew and kept.

Another confirmation of the correctness of our approach to constructing the pyramidal matrix of the Universe is the image of a bronze figurine of a ruler (manager) from Upper Egypt, which is shown in Figure 8.

Rice. 8. Photograph of a bronze figurine with silver inlay showing the eyes of an Upper Egyptian ruler of the early 26th Dynasty (664-610 BC), British Museum, from T.G.H. James. In his left hand the ruler holds a symbol - cube – « volumetric cell matrix of the Universe "or the pyramidal matrix of the Universe. In the right hand of the ruler there are probably prayer beads. By analogy, in the case of constructing a three-dimensional, and not flat as in Figure 7, pyramidal matrix of the Universe, its elementary cell will be a geometric figure - cube. In this case, the symbol is “ cube"in the hand of the ruler receives its semantic justification, as an indication of the significance of this symbol and its connection with the matrix of the Universe. In our subsequent studies, we will consider mainly the planar, rather than volumetric, version of the matrix of the Universe. It should be noted that the dating years of the ruler from Upper Egypt exactly coincide with the period of the reign of the pharaoh - Psammetichus I, (664-610 BC), the Second Pharaoh of the XXVI Dynasty . A description of the deeds and reign of this pharaoh is given in Appendix 1.

A few words about the matrix. This is not just a geometric design depicted on paper. In fact, according to this law, the field of Divine energies that create and support the Universe is built. Therefore, we probably have the right to call our matrix a reflection of these energies or simply “ energy matrix of the Universe" I will continue to use this term when denoting or describing the matrix. I also note that we are currently considering a triangular matrix on a plane, and the real “ energy matrix of the Universe"represents two volumetric quadrangular pyramids facing each other with sharp vertices, which overlap accordingly.

Let's return to considering Figure 6 - the god Ptah. It was logical to assume that from the eyes of the wands you on the image 6 A to the point where they come together in the hands of Ptah, exactly four horizontal levels are laid in matrix. In this case, the wands from their base to the heads of the wands will determine the position Tetractys in the matrix. Moreover, this Tetractys will be turned with its sharp top down. Then another Tetractys, with its apex pointing upward, will be located in the area from the ear of the god Ptah to his elbows. Next, I placed Ptah’s drawing into the matrix I had built, and, by changing the size of the drawing, I achieved the fulfillment of the conditions that we discussed above. The result of the graphical analysis is shown in Figure 9.

Rice. 9. The figure shows the result of a graphic combination of the Egyptian drawing of the god Ptah with “ energy matrix of the universe". The picture above shows the hieroglyphic writing “ Name" God Ptah. In the middle it is shown how the drawing of Ptah’s body stands in the matrix. On the right and left, similar drawings show separately the positions of the two Tetractys in the drawing of Ptah's body. Below in the picture A And IN the position of two Tetractys in the matrix is ​​also shown, each of which includes ten matrix positions. The crown (Atef) on the head of Ptah reaches the 8th level in the Upper world of the matrix of the Universe, and the legs of the god stand at the 10th level in the Lower world of the matrix. Top 4th positions (4th level " top"matrix) Tetractys, turned with its apex down, are located respectively in the following places of the picture - the two outermost ones on the heads of the staff you, one of the two middle positions falls on the back of the head of Ptah’s drawing, and the second on Ptah’s eye.

Examining the combination of the drawing of the god Ptah with the matrix that I obtained, I observed the amazing proportionality of the joint drawing. It became obvious that Ptah’s drawing was indeed made according to the geometric drawing of the matrix of the Universe. After this, the matrix was removed from the god's drawing. So the drawing of God became the key to " invisible world" It seemed true. But for me, both in this case and in the future, it remained completely unclear how the Egyptian draftsmen were able to achieve an almost exact likeness when changing the scale of the drawings. It seemed that they had at their disposal devices similar to those known to us today, projectors?! After all, all the drawings that I present in my work were made using a computer. And even the computer made errors when transferring or scaling drawings. I still don't have an answer to this question.

From the analysis of Figure 9, two interesting consequences followed, which are graphically shown in Figure 10. From the figure it is clearly seen that the place of transition between the Upper and Lower Worlds is described by two main sacred symbols - two Tetractys and the “Star of David”.

Rice. 10.
The figure shows two sacred symbols that describe the transition zone between the “Upper” and “Lower” worlds of the matrix of the Universe (between “Upper” and “Lower” Egypt). On the left in the picture A- two Tetractys are shown, and on the right in the figure IN, the well-known “Star of David”, which includes 12 positions, 6 of each top And bottom matrix of the Universe. Since we are considering the principles of construction of the Divine universe, both of these symbols Tetractys and the “Star of David” in their sacred meaning can be understood as international symbols. These sacred symbols are " keys "to the place of transition between " Upper" And " Nizhny"peace in the Universe in " energy matrix of the Universe ».

Rice. eleven. Original photograph of the top of an Egyptian priest's staff Was, which we talked about above from the Egyptian collection of the British Museum - and further - a stylized head of an animal - (upper part of the staff Was).

Thus, the Egyptian drawing of the god Ptah revealed the secret of the place of transition between “Upper” and “Lower” Egypt, and, accordingly, between the “Upper” and “Lower” worlds of the matrix of the Universe.

A photograph of a golden priest's mask from the British Museum was used to make the screensaver.

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©Arushanov Sergey Zarmailovich 2010


Annex 1:

Vladimir Andrienko, (with the participation of Dmitry Nekrylov, graduate student of the Drahomanov Kyiv National University) - - Late Kingdom period, XXVI dynasty:

Psammetichus I, (664-610 BC), Second Pharaoh of the XXVI Dynasty

The main goal of this great pharaoh was to restore orderly and centralized government and restore the neglected irrigation system that was the basis for the prosperity of Egypt.

Moreover, Psammetichus I saw the great trade routes that crossed the vast Assyrian empire from end to end, and he understood the great economic importance of foreign trade for the nation. This trade could be subject to duty, which would bring enormous income to the treasury. Therefore, he restored previous relations with Syria, Phoenician galleys appeared in large numbers at the mouth of the Nile.

Psammetichus recruited Greeks into the ranks of the Egyptian army and attracted Greek traders to commercial transactions. Greek colonies and craft settlements with trading posts quickly spread along the shores of the Mediterranean Sea. Psammetichus was probably the first Egyptian ruler to sympathize with the emergence of Greek colonies in Egypt. And during his reign the country began to abound in Greek traders, especially in the northern part.

With the strengthening of central power in Egypt, economic and social growth began. Great-power foreign policy was also revived.

During this period, strife began in Assyria, and this power had no time for Egypt. Immediately after the death of Ashurbanyapal in 627 BC. An uprising broke out in Babylon. Moreover, the townspeople called for help from the Chaldean prince Nabuapluutsur. New king of Assyria Ashuratelilani 9626-621. BC) waged war with the Chaldeans. The western provinces fell away from Assyria. Pharaoh Psammetichus I captured Ashdod, and the Jewish king Josiah captured Northern Palestine. At the end of 626 BC. Nabopolassar was proclaimed king of Babylonia. He made an alliance with the king of Media and the Arabs. They rushed at Assyria from three sides.

From the era of Psammetichus I a whole stock of folk Greek legends has reached us, which shed light on this period, since the local sources almost completely perished due to the fact that they were located in the unprotected Delta.

Psammetichus I raised Egypt from a state of weakness and decline and when he died after a long reign, he left the state in a state of such peaceful prosperity that the country had not known since the death of Ramesses III, i.e. for 500 years.

Appendix 2:

Cairo Museum. Exhibits address: -

Dictionary of Antiquity, translation from German, SP “Vneshsigma”, M., 1992, p. 222. " HIEROGLYPHS(Greek hieros - sacred and glyp-hein cut), ancient Egyptian picture writing, used from the beginning of the 3rd millennium BC. e. until about 200 AD. Initially, each picture corresponded to a specific word; later, syllabic and consonantal signs also developed; vowel sounds were not expressed. For everyday use, simplified writing was born from hieroglyphs, hieratic (Greek hieratikos priestly, which was used primarily for religious texts) and italic demotic (Greek - people – used for secular texts). In Hellenistic times, through the combination of some demotic signs with Greek letters, the Coptic script, named after the Copts of Egypt. The meaning of the hieroglyphs was not known for a long time, and only in 1822 J. F. Champollion managed to decipher them using Rosetta stone Hieroglyphs were also used in 2nd - 1st. thousand BC among the Hittites and on about. Crete".

Iamblichus of Chalcis, Life of Pythagoras, translation from ancient Greek and comments by V.B. Chernigovsky, M., ALETEIA Publishing House. 1997

PythagorasPythia And Gore, or Horus, Horus, who, as we know, was the Great God of ancient Egypt. ( Note ed.).

CambysesII, son of Cyrus II, was a Persian king from 529 to 522 BC. The conquest of Egypt by Cambyses occurred in 525 -524 BC.

Here magicians are the name of the ancient hereditary priests of Persia and Media. Initially, until the 7th century BC, this name was borne by the East Lydian Lydian tribe, from which a special class of preachers and priests of the Zoroastrian religion later emerged. During the time of Iamblichus, priests of all religions of Iranian origin were also called magicians - ( Note edit.).

Greek colonies on the coasts of Sicily and southern Italy, especially around Tarentum. — Note ed.

In Greek philosophy, a demon was a creature located in the world hierarchy between gods and people and carrying out their connection - Note ed.

In Greek mythology, Apollo is the inspirer of poetry and music, medicine and legislation, he manifests himself in science through the art of divination, in art through harmony, in politics through justice, in ethics through the purification of the soul. In one of his incarnations, Apollo is the god of sunlight, creating order and harmony. Associated with Apollo was the myth of periodic return (see Losev A.F. Mythology of the Greeks and Romans), according to which Apollo comes to Greece every spring and returns to the country of the Hyperboreans in the fall. This country is dedicated to Apollo, his descendants rule there and an ancient people live there, who are called priests and servants of Apollo and among whom he loves to stay most of all. Apollo of Hyperborean, revered in this country, was originally the god of harvest, harvest and sunlight, who later acquired heroic traits. — Note ed.

Pean- according to Homer (Iliad, paragraph V, 401) - healer of the gods. Later he was identified with Apollo and Asclepius. In some cases, Paean is one of Apollo’s nicknames, associated with his gift of healing. — Note ed.

Eccentricity (orbit) - an element characterizing the shape of the orbit. Depending on the magnitude of the eccentricity, the orbit can have the shape of an ellipse, parabola or hyperbola. Epicycle- auxiliary circle: (if) the planet moves uniformly along the epicycle, while its center moves along another circle with a center in the Earth - (along) the so-called deferent.

An encyclopedic exposition of Masonic, Hermetic, Kabbalistic and Rosicrucian Symbolic philosophy; Interpretation of the Secret Teachings hidden behind the rituals, allegories and mysteries of all times. Manly P. Hall. Publishing house "SPICS", St. Petersburg, 1994, p. 229-232.

E.P. Blavatsky, Theosophical Dictionary, Publishing House "Sphere" of the Russian Theosophical Society, Moscow, 1994, p. 394

TETRA… , TETER... (from Greek - tetra...), often a compound word meaning four. For example, Tetrahedron(from Greek tetra… And hedra- face) is one of the five types of regular polyhedra. It is a triangular pyramid with 4 faces (triangular), 6 edges, 4 vertices (3 edges converge in each).

DECA... (from Greek deka- ten), prefix to designate names multiples of one, equal to 10 original units. For example, 1 dal (deciliter) = 10 liters.

E. More, Kings and Gods of Egypt, 2nd edition “ALETHEYA”, M., 2001, p. 8.

E.A. Wallis Budge, The Mummy, Handbook of Egyptian Funerary Archaeology, second edition, revised & greatly enlarged, Dover Publications, INC., New York.

E.F.U. Budge, Mummy, materials of archaeological research of Egyptian tombs, "Aletheia", M., 2001.

With all due respect to the Aletheia Publishing House, I was upset by how much the original source was cut down, the format of the book was reduced, and the sections appeared in a different layout. Because of this, some of the essential material was lost to the reader, and important emphasis was shifted. Taking this opportunity, I would like to wish the publishing house “Aletheia”, if possible, to correct these shortcomings in the next edition of W. Budge’s book “The Mummy”. However, despite all the shortcomings, I am sincerely grateful to the Aletheya publishing house, which for many years has been publishing books on ancient Egyptian culture and religion for Russian readers.

Myths of the Peoples of the World, encyclopedia, vol. 2 (k-ya), M., Soviet Encyclopedia, 1992, p. 345-346.

Wallis Budge, Egyptian Religion, Egyptian Magic, “New Acropolis”, M., 1996, p. 352.

TATUNEN(Tatenen, Tanen) - “The Rising Earth”, the god of the earth revered in Memphis, who created the world, gods and people from the primeval chaos. Perhaps in the hymn the epithet Tatenen means “primordial hill” as the principle of the beginning of the creation of the world; it is usually associated with the name of Atum (Temu) and Ra.

All the symbols and statues are not read that way at all. The symbols are drawn according to the laws of space, and so are the statues. These are the laws by which those people lived. They lived without wars, without slaves, without diseases, were 10-12 meters tall and loved to build pyramids. Now people don’t have the slightest idea about these laws, so they die. Symbols are the alphabet of the laws of space.

About Pythagoras and his studies in Egypt - .... (it is not right). He was the son of the god of light Apollo, and was considered by his contemporaries to be the son of god and a prophet.
And about his studies in Egypt and so on... - these are later postscripts, trying to explain his divine revelations - with rational explanations and to inflate the wretched knowledge of the barbarians.

What Pythagoras discovered - neither the Egyptians, nor the more backward barbarians the Babylonians and Persians - had ever dreamed of. They were too black and stained for that.

Only the Children of Light (i.e., the White race) and no one else are capable of such discoveries as those of Pythagoras.

  • Dear, “Someone” under the “nickname” is Sybil. The prophetesses were called Sibyls - “SIBILLA, SIBILLA, Sibylla, Σίβυλλα. This name was borne by divinely inspired women - prophetesses who belonged to different times and peoples. The news of the ancients about their number, name, homeland is uncertain and differs from each other. Plato knows only one Sibylla, Aristotle, Aristophanes mention several of them; in the time of Varro, 10 Sibylles were distinguished" ... . We have removed rude words in your review, since rudeness, an impudent and arrogant tone in conversation do not contribute to the knowledge of the Truth. Moreover, a person who allows himself to do this does not respect either himself or his interlocutor.
    Try to be more benevolent - it will change your life for the better. Be a “child” of Light.
    By the way, regarding the knowledge of “backward barbarians”, read, for example, our work, section “African Religions” - Secrets of the symbols of shamans in the matrix of the Universe. Part two. Dogon, and the Secrets of the symbols of the shamans of the world in the matrix of the Universe. Part three. Voodoo. Maybe you will change your opinion on this issue.

Better late...
Lots of system information. I haven’t gotten into the matrix yet, but historically you can read and read about esotericism. The style and form of presentation are much more accessible than that of H. P. Blavatsky.
Thank you!

It was very interesting how the tetractys and the star of David were shown in the drawing of the god Ptah. I sincerely thank you for the useful information presented in an accessible manner. I wish you health and prosperity!

Thanks to the author for useful information in life. I read in Ancient Egypt there were schools in which priests taught techniques of mastery beyond the capabilities of the body.
Are there documentary sources for public access?
Thank you in advance

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