Prayer for easy childbirth and birth. Prayer for a speedy delivery


In the first 2-3 months of life, a small person develops rapidly . More recently, the baby could not hold his head, and after a few months, the little explorer easily raises his upper body, leaning on strong arms!

Consider the features of the vision of 1 month old baby:

A few days after birth, it is still difficult for the baby to focus and keep his eyes on the object. But after a week, the baby has these skills perfectly, although objects that are too close or far from his eyes do not have clear outlines. newborn baby He sees well objects that are at a distance of about 30 centimeters from him. If you showing a toy , then try to bring it closer to this distance. Smiling, lean closer to the baby's face so that he can see your joy and positive emotions.

Now consider the development of hearing in baby:

The auditory nerve develops very gradually and it is premature to talk about good hearing in a child under 1 year old. In the first weeks of life, the baby hears sounds and spoken language is not very clear, a little muffled, as if he is in the womb. Try to communicate with your child more often, turn on calm, melodic music in his room more often.

Sing lullabies before bed. It is not at all necessary to behave very quietly in the presence of a sleeping baby and create pitch silence - if he reacts sensitively to every knock, then his nervous system will be unstable. Develop your baby's hearing by surrounding him with a variety of sounds (not too loud or harsh).

What will be the child already in 1 month after birth:


Baby care:

Be sure to hold the baby's head when he is in your arms! The head of the crumbs should not be thrown back;

At this age, you can not lift the baby , taking him by the handles;

In the first month of a child's life, it is advisable to hold it as follows: the body lies on one hand, while the head rests in the elbow area, and with the other hand you hold the legs;

Massage. It is very useful to massage the breast and back of the baby pads of fingers in a circular motion. In addition, massage the baby's legs and arms, as well as each finger individually;

Since the movements of a child at 1 month are largely limited, sweat often appears in some folds of the skin, which irritates the skin, causing prickly heat in the form of a small rash. . Try to wipe sweaty folds more often to avoid sweating , and in the worst case, pustules on the skin;

Clean the ears and nose, wash the eyes, hands and between the fingers, preferably in the morning, when the baby wakes up, eats and rests.

Why does a baby cry. 3 common reasons:

Discomfort and irritation of the skin from rough underwear or from the seams of the vest. You should change clothes to softer ones and put on a plowing on the baby's body with the seams out;

The kid "went to the toilet for the most part". Change his diapers and he will calm down;

Crying because he's thirsty or it's time to feed. Offer the little one a drink and try to feed him.


focuses on a nearby object, and by the end of the first month, tracks a slowly moving object;

by the end of the first month, he can raise his head while lying on his tummy;

can distinguish between patterns and contrasting colors;

should be able to suckle the breast for a long time (sucking reflex);

if you put a toy in the pen , spontaneously compress it, but almost immediately unclench it (grasping reflex);

closer to 2 months already knows how to walk;

can turn in the direction of the sound he hears or stroking on the cheek (on the right side, it will turn to the right);

should be supported by the entire surface of the foot, if you put it on its legs, holding it by the sides;

if you press on the pillow thumb baby, he will open his mouth slightly and tilt his head slightly (after a few months this reflex will be lost).


An approximate daily routine for an infant in the first month after birth:

The daily routine for a child in 1 month of life consists of the two most important components - nutrition and sleep, between which it is necessary to maintain appropriate intervals.

How much does a small child sleep at this age?

Up to 3 months of age, he sleeps an average of 18 hours. daily - long sleep at night up to 9 hours with a break for feeding and 4 short naps.

How do you know when it's time for your baby to sleep?

It's time for the baby to go to bed if he rubs his eyes with his hands. The eyes become red;

The baby begins to yawn, move his arms and legs more intensively, whimper;

In some children, movements become sluggish, he begins to close his eyes and make sucking movements with his lips.

What can be done if the baby is not sleeping well:

Turn on calm, quiet music or the sounds of murmuring water recorded on the carrier, other monotonous sounds of nature;

In order for the baby to have a sound sleep, you can ventilate and humidify the nursery;

Before the baby sleeps, make his bed warmer - it is not comfortable for the baby to fall asleep on a cold sheet;

Bathing in warm water with fixation of the head in a special circle - a great way to quickly put the child to bed after the procedure. Relaxing herbs can be added to the bath - hawthorn, chamomile or mint;

Do not turn on bright lights in his room. The best option is a small night light;

If the child constantly sleeps poorly and does not get enough sleep regularly, then try adjusting your diet. . Some foods cause colic and bloating when they enter the baby's stomach with mother's milk. Increased gas formation prevents him from sleeping normally;

Always put your baby to bed at the same time with the same bedtime routine.


Natural baby feeding

The ideal food for a one-month-old baby is mother's milk, which contains a balanced amount of nutrients and regulates the colonization of the intestines with microflora . In addition, breast milk supports the immune system in the child's body. If you are experiencing lactation problems or your milk is not nutritious enough, you will need to include infant formula in your diet. In extreme cases (if lactation has completely stopped), it is necessary to completely transfer the baby to artificial nutrition.

To prevent lactation problems from affecting you, try to apply the baby to your chest as often as possible. When he sucks breast milk , then the production of the lactase enzyme is stimulated and the milk is secreted in the volume necessary for feeding. Sometimes a baby begins to fall asleep during feeding. In this case, it is advisable to wake the baby so that he continues to eat.

If the baby spit up often during feeding , then most likely he incorrectly captures the nipple with his mouth, swallowing air at the same time.

Artificial feeding of the baby

If you still had to transfer the child to feeding with adaptive mixtures, then be sure to follow the instructions for preparing a portion for feeding. If the food is cooked incorrectly, then the work of the gastrointestinal tract of the baby can be upset, which can lead to weight gain. profuse regurgitation or bloating.

The temperature of the mixture must not exceed 36 C

On average, a 1-month-old baby eats about 730 ml, if its weight is 3600 grams.

In the first ten days after birth, the number of feedings can reach up to 10. On average, a child in 1 month of life eats 7-8 times, including night feeding.

If the baby spit up profusely during artificial feeding , then most likely the bottle for filling with the mixture is incorrectly selected.

The consistency of the stool in an infant in the first month of life:

In the first few days, the child's stool - 3-4 times a day, the selection of dark green maconium

Then - a chair with a curdled mustard-colored consistency with a sweet smell 4-6 times a day.

Your baby's stool may have red streaks. This symptom may indicate the presence of microcracks in the colon. Usually there is nothing dangerous for the health of the child, but if you are not sure, then be sure to consult a specialist for advice.


It is known that infants gain weight very actively in the first month of life (with the exception of 2-4 days after birth, when the baby loses about 7% of its own weight). However, many children, even during this period of active growth and development, gain weight very slowly and this salient feature due to heredity - if both mom and dad do not differ in large dimensions, then the baby, as a rule, is not very large from birth. But a slight weight gain (or even a decrease) at 1 month of life may indicate that the baby does not receive enough nutrients during feeding or weight gain is holding back any disease.

The norm of weight of 1 month old boy is from 3.7 to 5.2 kg
The norm of the weight of a one-month-old girl is from 3.5 to 4.8 kg

The growth of boys at this age is approximately 52-56.5 cm
And the height of girls is 50-56 cm

On average, the baby gains about 630 grams of its own weight up to 2 months of life, and growth increases 3-4 cm after birth.

Be sure to contact your pediatrician if you find significant abnormalities in weight gain. and growth of the baby.


How to massage a child in 1 month of life? A visual demonstration of massage movements for the arms, legs, chest and back of the baby:

4 stages of complex massage for a newborn baby in a video lesson:

The first month of a baby's life is magical and restless at the same time. It is necessary in the first month of a newborn's life to learn how to feed, put to sleep and understand his constant requirements. And the beginning of the life of a newborn is saturated with them especially densely.

The first days of a newborn are pretty easy. All he really cares about is eating every few hours, sleeping well and often, having a dry diaper, and getting lots of love. But for you, as a new parent, caring for a newborn baby can seem a lot more difficult. Therefore, focus only on the main points and basic needs of the child.

Child development 1 month of life

Your newborn does little more than eat, sleep, cry. You will discover the child's reaction to things like light, noise and touch. You will see that the sense organs are working hard.

Vision in the first month of a child's life

Your baby sees things best at a distance of 20 - 25 cm. This is the ideal distance for gazing into the eyes of mom or dad.

Their eyes are particularly sensitive to bright light, so babies are more likely to open their eyes in low light.

Don't worry if your child sometimes squints or rolls his eyes. This is normal until your child's vision improves and the eye muscles strengthen.

Let your child look at many attractive things. People's faces, contrasting patterns, bright colors, movement is what newborns like the most. Black and white photographs or toys will keep your child interested longer than objects or paintings with lots of similar colors.

The child must be able to follow the slow movements of a person or object.

What can a baby hear before 1 month?

The baby heard sounds while still in the womb. The mother's heartbeat, the murmur of her digestive system, and even the sounds of her voice are all part of the baby's world before birth.

When a baby is born, the sounds of the surrounding world are loud and clear. A child may be startled by the unexpected barking of a nearby dog ​​or calmed down by the gentle buzz of a hair dryer.

Pay attention to the reaction of the newborn to the voice. The voices of people, especially parents, are the favorite “music” for a child. If the baby is crying in the cradle, see how quickly your approaching voice soothes him.

Taste and olfactory sensations of the newborn in the first month

Babies have a sense of taste and smell and will be attracted to sweet tastes rather than bitter ones. For example, a newborn will prefer to suck on a bottle of sweetened water, but will turn away or cry if given something bitter or sour in taste. Likewise, newborns will turn to smells they like and turn away from smells they don't like.

Studies have shown that mom's diet affects taste. These first flavors will help shape taste preferences later on. For example, a baby whose mother ate spicy food during breastfeeding is likely to favor spicy food.

Touch is important for a newborn. With each touch, the newborn learns life and its surroundings.

In the womb, babies are kept warm and protected, but after birth, for the first time, they feel cold, hot, hard seams of clothing.

Make sure the newborn finds external world calming place. Provide plenty of comfortable clothing and soft blankets, tender kisses, caresses, and comforting hugs.

From the moment of birth, babies begin to react to the world around them. Their reactions to a mother's hug or a loud sound are examples of normal child development.

Doctors use these factors to determine if development is progressing as expected. There is a wide range of what is considered normal, so some children develop skills earlier or later than others.

What should a child be able to do at 1 month of age?

Newborn behavior

  1. Turns head towards parent's voice or other sounds.
  2. Cries to communicate the need to pick him up or feed him, change diapers or put him to bed.
  3. Stops crying when his desire is satisfied (the child was picked up, fed or put to bed).

Motor and physical development of the child in the first month

From the very beginning, the child has a set of reflexes designed to protect him and provide the necessary assistance, even if parental instincts have not yet come into force.

These early reflexes include the searching reflex, which helps locate a breast or feeding bottle, the sucking reflex (helps you eat), the grasping reflex (the one that makes you squeeze your finger when it's in your baby's hand), and the Moro reflex (a nerve reaction that he feels when he is scared).

You can try testing your child for reflexes, but keep in mind that your results may vary and are likely to be less reliable than the doctor's test results.

Emotional and social development of a child up to 1 month of life

  • calms down from the voice and touch of parents;
  • can focus for a short time.

Cognitive skills (thinking and learning)

  1. Looks at faces.
  2. Follows the expression on the face of the parents.

Newborn care in the first month of life

If you haven't spent much time around newborns, their fragility can be frightening.

Rules for caring for a child in the first month of life

  • Be sure to wash your hands before handling an infant. Newborns do not yet have a strong immune system, so they are susceptible to infection. Make sure that everyone who interacts with the child has clean hands;
  • be careful to support the baby's head and neck when you carry him or put him in the crib;
  • do not shake the newborn, whether in play or when upset. Violent shaking can cause intracranial bleeding and even death. If you need to wake the baby, do not do it by shaking the baby. Instead, tickle your baby's feet or gently pat her cheek;
  • You need to make sure that the baby in the carrier, stroller or car seat is well fastened. Limit any activity that may be too rough or energetic for your little one.

Remember that a 1 month old newborn is not prepared for rough play such as shaking or tossing.

How to care for a newborn in the first month?

Newborn care at home includes feeding, changing diapers, changing clothes, caring for the umbilical wound, trimming nails, bathing, and going to bed.

Feeding a newborn

Mom decides for her newborn in the first month, breast or bottle.

You may be confused about how often to do this. As a rule, it is recommended, that is, every time he seems hungry. The baby may signal with crying, fist sucking, or smacking sounds.

A newborn baby should be fed every 2 to 3 hours. If you are breastfeeding, let your baby suckle for about 10 to 15 minutes from each breast. If you are formula feeding, give about 60 to 90 milliliters for each feeding. For each individual baby, you can individually calculate the one-time volume of the mixture.

When formula feeding, you can easily control the amount of food. But if you are breastfeeding the baby, it will be a little more difficult. If the baby seems satisfied, has about six wet diapers and stools several times a day, the baby sleeps well and gains weight well, then there is no shortage of food.

Before changing a diaper, make sure that all accessories are within reach so that you do not have to leave the baby alone on the changing table.

To change a diaper you need:

  • clean diaper;
  • if the baby has a rash;
  • a container filled with warm water;
  • clean cloth, wet wipes or cotton pads.

After each bowel movement, or if the diaper is wet, lay the baby on the back and remove the dirty diaper. Using water, cotton pads and wipes, gently wipe the baby's genitals. When changing a boy's diaper, do it with care, as exposure to air can cause urination.

When drying a girl, wipe the perineum from the labia to the bottom to avoid urinary tract infections. Apply ointment to prevent and treat a rash.

Always wash your hands thoroughly before and after changing a diaper.

Diaper rash is a common problem. As a rule, it is red and convex. After a few days, it will disappear with bathing in warm water, using diaper cream and a small amount of time spent without it. Most breakouts are caused by skin sensitivity that is irritated by a wet diaper.

To prevent or treat diaper rash, try a number of ways:

  1. Change your baby's diaper frequently and as soon as possible after a bowel movement.
  2. After washing, apply a "barrier" cream. Zinc creams are preferred as they form a moisture barrier.
  3. Leave the baby without a diaper for a while. This gives the skin the opportunity to take an air bath.

If the diaper rash continues for more than 3 days or seems to get worse, see your doctor. The rash may be caused by a fungal infection that requires medical treatment.


You will change your baby many times a day.

Here Here are some tips to make work more enjoyable for you and your baby:

  • start with comfortable clothes. Look for stretch fabrics; wide necks; loose sleeves, cuffs and ankles; buttons, snaps or zippers on the front of the garment, not on the back. Lace may look adorable on your little girl, but it can be scratchy or even tangle your little one's fingers, so save it for special occasions;
  • Attach a bib if your baby is spitting up regularly. After all, it is much easier to replace than clothes.

Umbilical wound care and circumcision

Taking care of your umbilical cord is very important. Experts suggest wiping the area with alcohol until the umbilical cord dries up and falls off.

The navel area of ​​an infant should not be immersed in water until the umbilical cord has fallen off and the area has healed.

Consult a doctor if the navel area turns red, feels bad smell or there were discharges.

If the boy is circumcised, immediately after the procedure, the glans penis is covered with gauze lubricated with petroleum jelly so that the wound does not stick to the diaper. Gently wipe the head after changing the diaper with clean warm water, then apply petroleum jelly. The redness or irritation of the penis should heal in a few days, but if the redness, swelling, or pus-filled blisters get worse, call your doctor right away.

Nails were growing even before the baby was born, so you can get a manicure in the first week of life. This procedure should be carried out every 2 to 3 days in the first month, until the nails harden and stop growing so quickly.

When trimming, hold the child's finger, pressing the tip of the finger down and away from the nail. Gently cut nails following the natural curve of the nail. Make sure that you do not cut too low and do not make sudden movements. While holding your tiny toes, cut your nails straight without rounding the edges. Remember that toenails grow more slowly and therefore require less maintenance.

Although you won't feel well, try not to worry if you hurt your child. It happens to all well-meaning moms. Clamp the wound with a soft, clean, lint-free cloth or gauze pad, and the bleeding will soon stop.

Bathing Basics

You should wipe the baby with a soft sponge before the umbilical cord falls off and the navel is completely healed (1 to 4 weeks).

Prepare the following items before bathing a child:

  • clean soft washcloth;
  • soft baby soap and unscented shampoo;
  • soft brush for scalp massage;
  • towel or blanket;
  • clean diaper;
  • fresh clothes.


To do this, choose a flat, safe surface in a warm room. Fill a sink, if available, or a bowl with warm water. Undress the child and wrap him in a towel. Wipe baby's eyes with clean cotton balls dipped in water. Movement should be directed from the inner corner to the outer.

Use a separate cotton ball for each eye. Wipe your baby's ears and nose with a damp cloth. Then blot the cloth again and, using a little soap, gently wash your face and pat it dry.

Then lather baby shampoo and gently wash your baby's hair. Try to wash off the foam as thoroughly as possible. Gently wipe the body with a damp cloth, paying particular attention to the underarm creases, areas around the neck, behind the ears and in the genital area. Then you need to dry the skin, put on a diaper and clothes.

When your child is ready to take a bath, the first baths should be short.

An infant bath will be added to the items listed above. A baby bath is a plastic bath that fits inside a large tub. It is the best size for babies and makes bathing easier with it.

Make sure that the water in the bath is no more than 5 - 7 cm deep. Undress your baby in a warm room, then immediately put him in water to prevent chills. Slowly lower the baby to the chest into the bath, holding the head with one hand.

Wash your face and hair with a washcloth. Gently massage the scalp with your fingertips or a soft baby brush.

When you are rinsing shampoo or soap off your baby's head, place your hand on your forehead so that the lather runs down the sides to keep the soap out of your eyes.

Gently wash the rest of the child's body with water.

During the entire bath, constantly pour water on the child so that he does not catch a cold. After bathing, immediately wrap your baby in a towel, making sure it covers his head.

Hooded baby towels are great for keeping a freshly washed baby warm.

When bathing a child, never leave him alone. If you need to leave the bathroom, wrap your baby in a towel and take it with you.

Sleep Basics

A newborn who seems to need you every minute of the day actually sleeps for about 16 hours or more. Newborns usually sleep for 2 to 4 hours. Don't expect him to sleep through the night. Babies' digestive systems are so small that they need to be fed every few hours, and babies should wake up if they haven't been fed for 4 hours.

Put your baby to sleep on their back or on their side to reduce the risk. Also, remove all fluffy items, quilts, sheepskins, soft toys, and pillows from the bed to make sure your baby doesn't get tangled up in them and can't suffocate.

Also, in order to prevent unilateral flattening of the head, do not forget to alternate the position of the baby every night.

Many newborns have day and night mixed up. They tend to stay awake at night and sleep more during the day. One way to help them is to keep nighttime excitement to a minimum. Keep the light low by using a night light. Talk and play with your baby throughout the day. When the baby wakes up during the day, try to keep him awake a little more, talking and playing.

Encouraging the newborn to learn

As parents take care of their newborn, he learns to recognize touch, the sound of voices, and the sight of faces.

In the first weeks, you can start a few simple, age-appropriate toys that develop hearing, vision and tactile sensations.

  1. Rattles.
  2. Kids toys.
  3. Musical toys.
  4. Unbreakable bed mirrors.

Try toys and mobiles with contrasting colors and patterns. Strong contrasts (such as red, white and black), curves and symmetry stimulate the development of a child's vision. As vision improves and children gain more control over their movements, they will interact more and more with their environment.

While the focus these days is naturally on keeping the baby healthy, it becomes much more difficult if the mom doesn't stay healthy herself. Therefore, make your health a priority in the first month after giving birth. A short fifteen-minute sleep will allow you to refresh a little.

Keep stocks of easily accessible yet nutritious foods such as cheese sticks, hard-boiled eggs, yogurt, cottage cheese, fruit, and cooked vegetables so you can eat often. Know that your nutritional requirements will be higher if you breastfeed your baby.


When the child is 1 month old, he needs to be fed at least 6 times a day. Try not to control the time of feeding too strictly, let the child determine how much and how often he wants to eat.

Let the baby sleep enough at 1 month, be sensitive to his signals.

Even at this early stage, try to put the baby in his crib when he is tired, but not yet asleep. Most young children go to bed shortly after feeding, and their "sleep window" can be very short.


Perhaps you will observe early smiles when the newborn is one month old. But most likely this will be due to their reflexes, and not to the reaction. Closer to six weeks, the baby will give a true smile. Many children develop colic at the age of 1 month of life.

Motor skills of a 1 month old baby

A 1 month old baby will be stronger than a newborn. He may be able to raise his head to a short time when held upright or lying on the stomach. He might even be able to turn it from side to side. But you still need to give him support.

Your baby also becomes more expressive and may start to hum when he sees his family. Be sure to respond to his efforts to encourage these communication skills.

How to develop a child in 1 month?

  • provide the child with daily laying out on the tummy. This will help develop muscles in the neck and upper torso;
  • turn on the music and try not to filter your child's world. Although it may be tempting to tiptoe at home when the baby is sleeping, this will cause the baby to become sensitive to environmental noise. Babies who come to families with many small children do not react to household noise and learn to adapt because they have to.

All children are unique and go through developmental stages at their own pace. Development recommendations simply show what the baby can implement. And if not now, then soon.

If you have questions or concerns, ask your doctor for suggestions on how to help you and your baby grow together.

During the first month of life, a person has to get used to the new conditions of existence, to adapt to new conditions of life. Now this is no longer a newborn man, but an infant. During this month, he imperceptibly learned a lot, he already knows a lot.

Physical development

  • By the end of the first month, the baby gradually ceases to take the position of the embryo, moves more actively, twists his arms and legs. All his movements are still unbalanced, but gradually they become more coordinated. This will take another 2-3 months.
  • Some babies at 1 month manage to lift their head slightly when they lie on their tummy. The baby manages to hold the head for a while when held upright.
  • Lying on his tummy, he should be able to slightly raise his ass and head at the same time. If at this time he put his hand under his heels, he will push off from it and advance a few centimeters.

emotional development

  • In the first four weeks of life, the child already knows how to distinguish his mother's voice from all the others. He perfectly knows her smell, her touch.
  • The kid copies everything he can see. Smile at him more often. And very quickly he will answer your smile with a smile. And it will no longer be a reflex involuntary smile of a newborn, but quite conscious, intended just for you.
  • At one month, he has been looking at bright, motionless objects not far from his eyes for several minutes. He is already able to follow the toy with his eyes, which is slowly carried before his eyes.
  • The kid constantly copies the sounds with which he is addressed. At this age, the child begins to walk, responds when they turn to him.
  • At the age of one month, the child knows how to show his mood - crying or smiling.
  • The baby reacts to sounds, can determine where it comes from, turn his head in that direction.

That's how much, it turns out, the baby already knows! And you say - a month!

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What can a baby in 1 month video

Video: Development of a newborn from birth to 1 month. What should be able to? How to develop a baby at this age? How to deal with the most common problems of this age (colic, belching, crying, etc.)

When a baby first appears in the house after birth, this becomes the beginning of a new life not only for him, but also for young parents, who often do not know at all what to do with such a baby. The first month is always the most difficult, because new responsibilities and excitement await the young mother - it is at the age of 0-28 days that the baby is called a newborn.

Weight gain and height

A newborn baby of the first month gains 20 g daily, i.e. at the end of the month child recovers by about 600 g. Such an increase is less than those that await the baby in the coming months - this is due to the fact that in the first week the newborn loses up to 8% of its original weight. This phenomenon is observed in almost all 1-month-old babies and is quite understandable from a medical point of view:

  • the child excretes a lot of original feces, which is called meconium;
  • Mom doesn’t have much milk yet;
  • a large amount of energy wasted.

There is an opinion that full-term babies who were born on time, but at the same time with a small weight, gain it more intensively than chubby peers. If the baby was born prematurely, then dial desired weight it will be much slower. Average 1 month old baby grows 3 cm.

innate reflexes

All newborns of the first month have congenital reflexes, which are acquired regardless of any reasons and are unconditional. On examination, the pediatrician must check whether the repulsion reflex from the adult palm is well developed, how the grasping reflex is developed, whether the baby holds on to the finger placed in his palm, whether he leans on the foot when he is lifted to a vertical position, studies other reflexes. The general coordination of movements in the newborn is still absent.

By 3-4 weeks of life, some reflexes begin to fade, his movements become more focused and less impulsive.

With regular training, by the end of 1 month, the baby can raise his head for a while from a prone position on his tummy (we recommend reading:). This period is also characterized by fixation of the gaze on a bright object, even a short observation of the toy indicates the progression of development.

Also, the newborn begins to be active and even smile if they begin to talk to him in an affectionate voice (we recommend reading:).

The neonatal stage is the very first crisis period in the development of the baby. It is a transition from a dependent type of existence to an individual form of life, from darkness to light, from heat to cold, from one type of breathing and nourishment to completely different ones. Other types of physiological regulation of behavior come into play, and most systems actually begin to function anew. The appearance of the "revitalization complex" is the psychological criterion for the end of the neonatal crisis.

How to care for a newborn?

Proper care of a 1-month-old baby is vital:

  • Carefully handle the umbilical cord. The time when the navel heals is closer to the second week. Make sure there is no swelling or redness.
  • Look after your relatives. They should be washed during each bath. A small fontanel is delayed by 3 months, and a large one only by 18.
  • If you have a boy, watch the body's reaction while crying. See a doctor if you notice a bulge in your scrotum, groin, or belly button. This may indicate that the child has.
  • Do massage to strengthen the child's muscles and promote physical development. Massage should be performed for about 10 minutes, the ideal time is at least half an hour after eating.
  • Take care of sensitive baby skin, she is very vulnerable in the first months of life. Urine, feces and other irritants can lead to redness, so choose soft diapers and supplement your care with baby oil on sensitive skin.
  • Don't Forget About Hygiene: girls need to be washed only from front to back and do this after each diaper or diaper change, boys should be washed in the same way, only you need to pay special attention to the foreskin - it should be washed with running water without soap every 7 days. Babies should be bathed daily.

Massage for a newborn is not only pleasure and fun, but also a beneficial effect on muscle development. It is recommended to do it daily

How often does the child poop and pee?

Infants urinate approximately with the following frequency: on the first day - 1-2 times, by 5 days the amount increases to 15 times a day. By the end of the newborn period, the number of urination is 20-25 times a day. A small amount of urination after birth is associated with a small amount of fluid intake and immature kidneys.

The chair in 1-month-old babies is not the same and changes almost every day. In the first 2 days, the discharge of thick greenish-brown meconium is characteristic, followed by frequent stools that differ in consistency (mucus, greenery or undigested lumps may appear) - such a stool happens 8 times a day and is called transitional. A week after birth, the child begins to poop 3-8 times a day, while the stool has a sour smell, the color is yellow, and the consistency is mushy. Formula-fed babies poop less often. The frequency of bowel movements is 3-4 times a day.

If the baby is fed well-digestible breast milk, there may be a 2-day delay in stools, but there will be completely normal behavior. The baby does not experience discomfort, does not suffer from bloating or regurgitation.

baby sleep

Newborn babies spend most of their time sleeping total time sleep per day is about 18 hours. Waking time is spent mainly on food and hygiene. The periods of "festivities" are relatively short - about 15-20 minutes.

With age, the child will become more active, and now children often fall asleep immediately after feeding or even during it. If there are other reasons, it is also possible to wake up between feedings - such reasons include a diaper not changed on time, a sharp loud sound, or an uncomfortable position.

Child nutrition

1 month of life is an adaptation period, when the whole body of the baby gets used to the new living conditions. The same applies to nutrition. Infants who receive only mother's milk, as a rule, do not have clear time limits between meals. Mom feeds the baby on demand - a similar method is called free feeding. In 1 month of life, the baby is often applied to the breast - about 12 times, but there is also a more frequent desire to suck on mother's breast. Do not worry, the child has not yet established his own feeding regimen, after a while the schedule will change. The frequent requirement of the breast is associated not only with the satisfaction of hunger, but also with the satisfaction of the sucking reflex, which favorably affects the psychological state of the baby.

Artificer babies receive adapted formula about 8 times a day for two weeks after birth. Formula-fed babies should be fed strictly according to the schedule, and when the baby is already more than 2 weeks old, you can try to take a night break and sleep, so it will last about 6 hours, and the number of feedings per day will be 7. Babies who eat the mixture should supplement with water, which can be offered between feedings.

Calculating the required dose of the adapted mixture is quite simple: 80xY or 70xY, where Y is the day of the baby's life. This formula is valid for children in the first 10 days of life. Birth weight affects the choice of the first or second formula option. Babies with a body weight of more than 3200 g at birth receive a mixture according to the first part of the formula, if the weight was below this indicator, according to the second. The one-time volume of the adapted mixture is calculated as follows: the resulting value should be divided by the number of feedings.

Calculate the amount of the recommended mixture is necessary to avoid overfeeding, which can adversely affect the health of the child's gastrointestinal tract


How much to walk with a newborn in the first month of life depends on the season and weather. In warm summertime, you can walk with your baby almost the next day after being discharged from the hospital, but the duration of the walks should be short at first. Start with 15-30 minutes and gradually increase your outdoor time. After a week, your walks with a newborn can last almost 2 hours, i.e. practically occupy all the free time between feedings.

Dr. Komarovsky advises walking 2 times a day if the weather is good. Babies born in the cold season must first adapt a little at home. After 1-2 days, you can start the first walks in the fresh air, but keep in mind that you should not walk with a newborn if the air temperature is below -10 ° C or if there is a strong wind outside. The duration of walks is about 10 minutes at first and gradually increases to 40 minutes. If the weather permits, the walking time can be extended even up to an hour.

Examinations of the first month of life

Having reached the age of 1 month, the child goes to the first appointment with the doctor.

  1. Mothers should show their child not only to a pediatrician, but also to other specialists: a neurologist, an orthopedist, a surgeon.
  2. If there are indications, the list of specialists can be increased - the pediatrician gives a referral for an examination to a cardiologist or ophthalmologist.
  3. A monthly baby should be checked with an ultrasound examination to identify possible pathologies in the development of the hip joint.
  4. Along with this, ultrasound of the brain and internal organs is performed - such a thorough examination will help to identify diseases at an early stage.
  5. At this age, the child should do an ECG (electrocardiogram), where an experienced doctor will analyze the work of your baby's heart.

What should a newborn baby be able to do at 1 month? Did conditioned reflexes appear in time? The answers to these questions will help young parents understand whether the baby is developing correctly, whether everything is in order with his health.

Focus on the data of pediatricians, compare indicators, but do not panic if, in some respects, the newborn is slightly behind the norm. In a timely manner, consult a pediatrician to correct the diet, daily routine.

general information

The first month is the period when the child adapts to the environment. The baby is recovering from the birth process, gradually forgets about the stress.

At first, do not demand a response from the crumbs to your actions, do not be upset if the newborn reacts poorly to your smile. Soft, pleasant intonations, an affectionate voice are no less important than a sufficient amount of milk from mom.

Indifference, unwillingness to talk with the child (“he still understands little anyway”) increase anxiety, reduce the feeling of security in the newborn. The first month is not only endless feedings and never-ending fatigue, but also a period of establishing contact between mom, dad and baby, a gradual awareness of a new state - “parents”.

The level of development of the child in the first month

What does a 1 month old baby know? Pediatricians use several criteria to evaluate. It is important for parents to know whether the baby is developing correctly, in case of noticeable deviations, seek help in time.



  • the eyes are still developing, it is difficult for the baby to concentrate the gaze, the vision is still fuzzy;
  • by the end of the first month, the baby sees well objects that are 20-30 cm away from him. That is why a bright rotating toy above the crib is a good training for the optic nerve;
  • after 3-4 weeks, the newborn distinguishes the faces of adults during close communication: during feeding, baby care procedures;
  • at 1 month, the child knows how to follow a toy moving in front of his eyes. One condition - move the object (preferably a rattle) slowly.



  • the baby hears much better than he sees;
  • the baby easily understands where the sound comes from, reacts, turns the head;
  • after 2-3 weeks, the newborn distinguishes voices. High sounds are especially pleasant to the baby. That's why mom's voice gets more attention than dad's;
  • the speech apparatus develops, by the end of the fourth week the newborn pronounces the first “words”. The sounds are not at all like the speech of adults, they resemble the cooing of pigeons. They say that the child is "gurgling".

Advice! Be sure to communicate with the baby, sing lullabies, turn on quiet, calm music. Screams, harsh sounds, loud, aggressive music frighten the baby, often cause crying.

Height and weight

These important indicators speak about the correct development of the newborn. The development of each baby has its own characteristics, but be sure to consider the general trends.

The pediatrician will tell you if the newborn has gained enough grams in the first month of life or if he is lagging behind in weight. The indicators are also affected by heredity: with large parents, the child is unlikely to suffer from excessive thinness.

Optimal performance:

  • sufficient body weight gain - from 400 to 900 g. By the end of the 4th week, girls should weigh from 3.5 to 4.8 kg, boys - from 3.7 to 5.2 kg;
  • active growth is a sign of the normal development of the crumbs. Height increases from 2 to 4 cm, reaches 52 to 57 cm in boys, and 50 to 56 cm in girls;
  • a couple of centimeters should also be added to the volume of the head and chest.

In the first 2-4 days after birth, the baby loses excess fluid, weight decreases by almost 10%. With a sufficient amount of milk from the mother, in a few weeks the baby will regain weight, gain the necessary grams. Weight loss over two weeks may indicate severe pathologies of the digestive system. Mandatory consultation of a pediatrician and gastroenterologist.

Reaction to the environment


  • by a month, the baby notices when a familiar person approaches the crib: he moves his legs, arms, slightly hums “in his own way”;
  • facial expressions gradually develop, the baby wrinkles his face if he doesn’t like something or makes funny faces, trying to show emotions;
  • sometimes it seems to close people that the baby is smiling, but more often, this happens by chance, unconsciously. The child will begin to express his joy more fully, satisfaction a little later.

Physical activity


  • after birth, muscle tone is increased, movements are poorly coordinated. For this reason, the baby twitches his arms and legs, cannot fully relax;
  • The baby sleeps most of the time. Many children prefer the “frog pose”: lying on their back, the child bends and raises his arms, clenching his fists. The legs are also bent, but slightly apart. With muscle tension, this position does not cause inconvenience to the newborn;
  • turn the baby over on your tummy. The kid will slightly raise his head, 4-5 seconds will keep it on weight, slightly turn to the sides.

Important! If a child at 3-4 weeks old, lying on his tummy, does not even try to raise his head, be sure to contact a pediatrician to find out the causes of muscle weakness.

Features of the nervous system

Parents should know what unconditioned (acquired) reflexes should appear in a baby at 1 month. The right set of reflexes helps the newborn to quickly get used to the new world.

If you notice that one or more reflexes are weak, visit a pediatric neurologist to find out the cause of the deviations. Do not panic, perhaps you need to communicate more actively with the baby, pay more attention to the development of the baby.

A set of reflexes indicating the health of the nervous system:

  • sucking. The reflex is laid from birth. The child rhythmically sucks any object (finger, nipple, dummy) that has fallen into a tiny mouth;
  • search. Touch your cheek or corners of your lips. The baby will turn his head, slightly open his mouth in search of food;
  • prehensile. Touch your palm, stroke it lightly: the baby tenaciously squeezes the fist, tries to hold a finger or an object;
  • automatic walking. Support the baby, put on a hard surface. Even in a month, the child will sort out, pull his legs, as if “walking”;
  • protective. The reflex does not allow the baby to choke if the newborn is placed on the tummy. The baby will immediately turn his head to one side, he will breathe calmly;
  • Moro reflex. Tap on the bed where the baby is lying, about 25 cm from the baby. With proper development, the child will spread the arms (fingers are extended), then take the original position;
  • crawling. Put the newborn on the tummy, touch the feet. The reaction will be immediate: the baby will slightly push off from your hands;
  • Babinski reflex. Try stroking the outer edge of the tiny foot. The reaction testifies to the correct nervous regulation: the foot will turn to the side, the fingers will spread out.

The degree of development of a child aged 4 weeks should be assessed by a doctor, but parents will benefit from information to understand whether all reflexes are present. Carry out the proposed tests, observe the reaction of the baby. You will not only appreciate the condition of the newborn, but also learn more about the tiny creature.

1 month old baby care

The patronage nurse and the pediatrician will tell you how to bathe, feed the baby, how many grams the newborn should gain during the month. Adhere to certain rules, handle the baby carefully: the child is rather weak.

Remember: not all actions allowed in half a year are allowed in 1 month. For example, do not lift a tiny body only by the handles, be sure to hold your head. Don't tilt your head back.

For proper development, health promotion, observe the following rules:

  • hold the newborn correctly: put the body on one hand, gently hold the legs with the other hand. The head in no case hangs down, but lies on a bent elbow;
  • gently massage the back, breast of the newborn. Knead each finger in circular massage movements, then the legs and arms. Don't push too hard, be careful. Massage every other day for a few minutes;
  • treat skin folds carefully. At 1 month, the baby weakly moves his arms and legs, does not fully unbend them, sweat accumulates in the folds. With insufficient care, prickly heat and a more severe form - diaper rash in newborns can develop. Frequent urination and bowel movements often cause irritation of the delicate skin on the buttocks and inguinal folds. Treat the wrinkles with boiled water, wipe dry, lightly powder;
  • In the morning, be sure to clean your eyes, nose, and the area between your fingers. Regular hygiene is an essential element of prevention skin diseases. Remember: a sick baby develops worse, suffers from problems with the intestines due to the imperfection of many systems on initial stage life.

At 1 month, the baby adapted a little to the new world, but many body functions have not yet manifested themselves in full force. Communicate with the baby, show bright pictures, sing songs, do a light massage.

Now you know how to ensure the full development of a newborn baby. Proper care, a calm, friendly atmosphere in the family are important. Remember: the further development of the little man, his health and activity largely depend on the first month of life.

Read more about the development of a one-month-old baby in the following video:

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