Essays on a free topic - what is spiritual culture. Essay: Spiritual life of society Essay on spiritual culture

I will raise the issue spiritual life of society. What is it? What is it and what does it include? And do we need spirituality at all?

These questions are rooted in the past. Even Plato himself ancient Greek philosopher) wondered what is human spirituality, or rather, what is the spirit. So the philosopher determined that the spirit is a kind of independent and ideal principle that holds the whole world. The display of this thought was found later by Christians, who used the definition of the ideal beginning in their religion. Their ideal starting point is God. In the future, the scholastics and apologists tried to explain this situation from the side of logic. But they did not succeed in this and had to take the ideality of the divine principle as a given, which nothing can shake: neither space nor time.

But in the 17th century, the foundations changed and a “revolution of the spirit” took place. In this century, it was argued that it was the mind that rules the world. And the truth is, how much humanity has achieved thanks to its mind. Industry, science, politics and law flourished, but no one wanted to wonder where such power of our mind came from. And only later, in the time of Hegel, Marx and Kant, they began to think about this and answer pressing questions about the possibilities and manifestations of the human mind. And then non-classical philosophy appeared. Which absolutely did not want to recognize the faith of mankind in a rationally constructed world. This philosophy "worshiped" only irrationalism.

Consider spirituality of public life it is necessary from two sides, since the nature of man himself is dual. This is both the material and the spiritual world.

This is such a sphere of public life that determines the specifics of this society. It includes the moral, cognitive and aesthetic principles, which form morality, science, religion, creativity and art. Thanks to them, three main ideals of personality are formed, to which a person strives throughout his life. The first ideal is truth. It reflects the reality of this world in the way that a certain subject sees it outside and independently of consciousness. The next ideal is good. An ideal to which we are accustomed from childhood. This is something good that evokes bright and positive feelings in a person. In itself, goodness is an evaluative concept that denotes the positive aspect of human activity. The next ideal is beauty. This is one of the most important categories of culture. It is beauty that gives us aesthetic satisfaction. Contentment not only eyes, but also hearing. The spirituality of a person is his true wealth. Many values ​​are formed by generations and passed from one era to another. And a person, applying his knowledge and good breeding, can also be guided by the values ​​of his ancestors. It helps a lot in life. Especially if parents instruct the child from childhood and accustom him to generally accepted norms.

It is through spirituality that a person cognizes the world around him, and also himself. Human spirituality is the predominance of intelligence and morality over material wealth. When a person wants above all self-development. He is always asking questions and looking for answers. He works on himself with great dedication. He understands that it is he who is responsible for his thoughts and actions. With wild interest, such a person reflects on the values ​​of being and asks himself the following question: what is the meaning of life. And you know, it doesn't matter if this person finds the answer and whether it will be correct. The only important thing is that he has already asked this question.

Let's look at the problems of this area of ​​philosophy. If a person does not know the world and himself enough, he will not be able to truly become a spiritual person and will not be able to create according to all the canons of spirituality: beauty, kindness and truth. And this means that the person is lost. Such a person will be incomprehensible both to society and to himself.

The problem of spirituality lies not only in the definition and concept of oneself, but also in overcoming oneself of "yesterday". A person must overcome life's difficulties without losing his life beliefs and values. Achieve your goals, realize them throughout your life. Self-determination of a person is based on such a quality as conscience. It is one of the main criteria of morality, which determines the measure and quality of a person's cultural spirituality.

One of the important terms of the spirituality of society is public consciousness. This is a set of views and ideas of an individual taken person or group of people, which can be directed to any object. We understand that each person will have his own consciousness, since everyone has a different vision of this world and everyone, thus, forms their own opinion. There are also several levels of consciousness. This happens because consciousnesses are formed in different spheres of our life. This is how we can view everyday consciousness. The kind of consciousness that shapes our daily habits. It's like experience gained over the years. Can be passed down through generations. For example, traditions and customs.

The next consciousness is moral, or it is also called ethical. It is this that sets the standard.

Religious consciousness determines the affiliation of a person or group of people to a particular faith/religion.

Political consciousness is expressed by a person as his view and beliefs on politics in the country, the world and determines his belonging to a certain social group, nation.

Aesthetic consciousness helps us perceive all the beauty of this world and determine what is beautiful and what is not.

Scientific consciousness is the consciousness that helps us understand ourselves and the world around us including nature through scientific methods.

And finally philosophical consciousness, which studies our thinking and asks the question: is it possible to know this world at all and how?

Consciousness of people can be similar or different depending on various factors: age, gender, nationality, social status and religion. And if people are similar in their beliefs or views on this world, then interpersonal communication is established, groups of people with similar interests and views are created. Essay on top speed, register or log in to the site.

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Man is not born to

Disappear without a trace as a speck of dust unknown to anyone.

A person is born in order to leave an eternal mark on himself.

V. A. Sukhomlinsky

Communicating with people, we all, as a rule, make up our own opinion about the interlocutor or acquaintance. One person seems to us beautiful, the other is smart, the third is cheerful. We subconsciously identify the main feature in his appearance and on the basis of this we conclude: this person is pleasant to us, but that one is not; with one I want to continue acquaintance, and the other we try

Avoid. It is interesting that most often we are pleased to communicate with pretty, beautiful people. But not only outer beauty attracts us. It's all about the inner light. After all, it is no secret that the eyes are an expression of a person's spiritual life, a mirror of his thoughts, aspirations, and feelings. Inner beauty is always reflected in the outside. And the higher the level of mental, moral, aesthetic development of a person, the higher his culture, the more expressive, attractive his appearance and the brighter the impression that he makes on others. That is why spiritual culture is almost always identified with beauty in our country.

I think this is largely due to the fact that a cultured person is always attentive and sensitive to the world around him. His open heart absorbs all the beauty that exists around him, and this beauty fills his whole being and is reflected in his external appearance. And here every detail, every little thing is important, because the beauty of the soul starts small. A person who is attentive and sensitive to the world around him is delighted with a cool stream babbling in the shade of trees, and a small bird that sings its joyful song in the first rays of the spring sun, and the crunch of pure winter snow underfoot. He will never thoughtlessly pick a flower, he will never leave barbaric traces of his stay in the forest. We educate ourselves in many ways. And the one in whom a noble pure soul lives, always strives for improvement, expands his knowledge, is interested in everything that happens around him. Such a person creates within himself a special world that never stands still, but is in constant motion forward, in constant development. A person of high spiritual culture strives to bring as much benefit as possible. The nobility of the soul is manifested in relation to familiar and unfamiliar people.

Often one has to see how people follow their fleeting desires, guided only by feelings. But, unfortunately, these desires are not always worthy. Thoughtless actions often bring pain and disappointment, and, even worse, evil and trouble to other people. Probably, everyone happened to see how people can hurt with one word, how, succumbing to an instant feeling, they can destroy something high, fragile, important. That is why the beauty of the human spirit lies, first of all, in the ability to comprehend one's actions and desires, the ability to decide for oneself, to give free rein to one's feelings, to express one's desires. Spiritual beauty is incompatible with ignorance, indifference, laziness. She cannot stand next to injustice and evil. A spiritually rich person will never pass by someone else's grief, he will not leave his relatives, friends, relatives in trouble. Subtly feeling the beautiful, such a person also acutely feels untruth, indifference, cruelty, he is always worried about what is happening and strives to make his own contribution to improving life.

In conclusion, I would like to quote the words of the famous teacher and psychologist V. A. Sukhomlinsky about beauty: “Beauty is a bright light that illuminates the world, with this light the truth, the truth, is revealed to you. good; illuminated by this light, you experience commitment and intransigence. Beauty teaches us to recognize evil and fight it. I would call beauty the gymnastics of the soul - it straightens our spirit, our conscience, our feelings and beliefs. Beauty is a mirror in which you see yourself and thanks to which you relate to yourself in one way or another.

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Man is not born to

Disappear without a trace as a speck of dust unknown to anyone.

A person is born in order to leave an eternal mark on himself ...

V. A. Sukhomlinsky

Communicating with people, we all, as a rule, make up our own opinion about the interlocutor or acquaintance. One person seems to us beautiful, the other - smart, the third - cheerful. We subconsciously highlight the main feature in his appearance and on the basis of this we conclude: this person is pleasant to us, but that one is not; with one we want to continue our acquaintance, and we try to avoid the other. It is interesting that most often we are pleased to communicate with pretty, beautiful people. But not only external beauty attracts us. It's all about the inner light. After all, it is no secret that the eyes are an expression of a person's spiritual life, a mirror of his thoughts, aspirations, and feelings. Inner beauty is always reflected in the outside. And the higher the level of mental, moral, aesthetic development of a person, the higher his culture, the more expressive, attractive his appearance and the brighter the impression that he makes on others. That is why spiritual culture is almost always identified with beauty in our country.

I think this is largely due to the fact that a cultured person is always attentive and sensitive to the world around him. His open heart absorbs all the beauty that exists around him, and this beauty fills his whole being and is reflected in his external appearance. And here every detail, every little thing is important, because the beauty of the soul starts small. A person who is attentive and sensitive to the world around him is delighted with a cool stream babbling in the shade of trees, and a small bird that sings its joyful song in the first rays of the spring sun, and the crunch of pure winter snow underfoot. He will never thoughtlessly pick a flower, he will never leave barbaric traces of his stay in the forest. We educate ourselves in many ways. And the one in whom a noble pure soul lives, always strives for improvement, expands his knowledge, is interested in everything that happens around him. Such a person creates within himself a special world that never stands still, but is in constant motion forward, in constant development. A person of high spiritual culture strives to bring as much benefit as possible. The nobility of the soul is manifested in relation to familiar and unfamiliar people.

Often one has to see how people follow their fleeting desires, guided only by feelings. But, unfortunately, these desires are not always worthy. Thoughtless actions often bring pain and disappointment, and, even worse, evil and trouble to other people. Probably, everyone happened to see how people can hurt with one word, how, succumbing to an instant feeling, they can destroy something high, fragile, important. That is why the beauty of the human spirit lies, first of all, in the ability to comprehend one's actions and desires, the ability to decide for oneself, to give free rein to one's feelings, to express one's desires. Spiritual beauty is incompatible with ignorance, indifference, laziness. She cannot stand next to injustice and evil. A spiritually rich person will never pass by someone else's grief, he will not leave his relatives, friends, relatives in trouble. Subtly feeling the beautiful, such a person also acutely feels untruth, indifference, cruelty, he is always worried about what is happening and strives to make his own contribution to improving life.

In conclusion, I would like to quote the words of the famous teacher and psychologist V. A. Sukhomlinsky about beauty: “Beauty is a bright light that illuminates the world, with this light, truth, truth, goodness are revealed to you; illuminated by this light, you experience commitment and intransigence. Beauty teaches us to recognize evil and fight it. I would call beauty the gymnastics of the soul - it straightens our spirit, our conscience, our feelings and beliefs. Beauty is a mirror in which you see yourself and thanks to which you relate to yourself in one way or another.

Spiritual culture is the totality of all the achievements of a certain people in the field of art, science, religion, and the like. Spiritual culture can be material and non-material. The material part of spiritual culture includes paintings, architectural structures, sculptures, national costumes, handicrafts. The intangible component includes music, poetry, prose.

Spiritual culture is very important for every person. It contains the totality of the achievements of his ancestors and his contemporaries. A person should be familiar with the spiritual culture of his country. It helps us to understand our ancestors, our contemporaries. Through spiritual culture, people get an idea of ​​morality, of the norms of behavior that are accepted in this society. It is important to instill a love of culture from an early age. Thanks to this, we will get a spiritually developed person who will take care of his homeland, his relatives. Such a person will be able to better understand the culture of his homeland.

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