Dolphin totem - characteristics and meaning. Dolphin totem animal - meeting good luck and finding joy Problems with the respiratory system and stress

Dolphin! Breath with me! Let's inhale Divine energy from the Universe together and in the rhythm of our breathing we will merge into one Whole...

Dolphin - Totem of the Breath of Life.

A long time ago, a Dolphin splashed under the Moon in the ocean, and our grandmother Luna looked at him for a long time and asked:
- Dolphin, baby, don’t you like the rhythms I created? Why don't you use them?

Which? Where?

Yes, the waves in which you splash and the tides created by me ebb and flow!

I like it! What should we do with them? I am a simple earthly creature and get simple joys from life. - said the Dolphin noisily flapping its fins on the silvery surface of the water.

Don't you want to experience other worlds and different aspects of time?

I would like to, but I am not a Shaman, but a simple earthly being and I don’t know how I can make such journeys, besides, I value that Life in which there are no difficulties!

Well, I created my own rhythms for all simple creatures! Now everyone can synchronize themselves with them and, in a trance of breathing rhythm with the Universe, become One with It - where there is no Past and Future, but there is a complete Present. After all, you still breathe like all creatures and you don’t see any difficulties in it...

And so Grandma Luna taught Dolphin to listen to the surf of the waves and breathe with them: Inhale deeply, rising above the water and holding your breath - diving into the wave of your intuition and coming out again - release the air from the depths of your entire insides, with the sound of a wave hitting the rock... A mighty breath The Ocean of Life Energy, so that all the organs of the body shrink to give room for its absorption.... and exhale - with the whole body, with the sound of the surf....

Practicing in this way, the Dolphin soon felt complete unity with the Universe, where he saw many different Worlds and aspects of time. There he met other creatures who were extremely interested in the inhabitants of the Earth, who are all missing to unite the Universe into One Integral Being!

Many people think that a dolphin is a fish, but in fact, a dolphin is a mammal. They feed their children with milk, like all other animals of this class and humans.

The fact that the dolphin lives in water is very symbolic for this Totem, because according to all ancient myths, Life originated in water. Water is a Symbol of the Creative Environment. We are born in the waters of our mother's womb and undergo a creative evolution of our maturation in order to emerge from it as a unique person. Water is also a symbol of Creativity, Emotions and Sexuality itself. It is a necessary element of all living things. This is a Symbol of New Space and New Forces.

The Dolphin Totem opens up new creative powers and expands the space of the Mind. Water is necessary for all living things, as well as breathing! There are a huge number of breathing techniques that balance health, psyche and open up new areas for us for emotional and spiritual growth. For example, by imitating the breathing of a dolphin, you can easily dissolve a bad mood and stress, gaining strength and Vital Energy. This type of breathing is especially beneficial for people with breathing problems and diseases of the respiratory system.

The dolphin is an expert in breathing and swimming through rhythm.
Learning to swim with the breath of a dolphin - this Totem will be your guide to new realities of your being.

He also has the gift of manipulating sound. Sound, breath and water - all this together is considered the source of Life. It is not without reason that it is believed that first there was the Word! Those. Sound it!

Sound is the Expression of Creativity. Sound comes from the womb of Silence and expresses the creative potential of thoughts and emotions. By learning to create internal sounds, together with the Dolphin Totem, you will learn the rare gift of self-expression outside.
To create sound, you need to breathe, and water is a powerful resource of the Creative Reservoir, from which you can draw Strength for your maturation, self-sufficiency and self-expression. Dolphin Totem - Teacher of how you can enter the Ocean of Life and draw from it self-knowledge and the necessary energies to achieve your Highest Goals.

Since time immemorial, dolphins have always been a sacred animal that has helped people in the sea as the saving Power of God. These are very intelligent creatures with big brains and great kindness towards people. Even now, when many of them die in fishing nets, dolphins still prefer to be closer to people and show their kindness towards us in every possible way.

Before meditating on the Dolphin Totem, ask yourself what do you want in your life? What Spaces and Paths do you want to open?
What blocks do you want to get rid of? What breath of Life do you want to breathe? And when His image is with you - BREATHE with your whole body with Him!


Hello Olanga! I read your “Animal Totem Trails” with great interest. Your life is amazing. These stories give you a lot to think about. Animals stand at the very source of religions, and therefore spirituality.
This topic is very close to me, I am interested in myths and folklore.
I invite you to my page.

Years of birth: 1934, 1966, 1998, 2030, 2062.

The Zoroastrian horoscope says that people born in the year of the dolphin are often of little importance to society, although they are humane, intelligent and insightful. By nature, they are wanderers; they often travel and move, as it is difficult for them to stay in one place all the time. Representatives of this sign love to philosophize, they look great, are well educated and know good manners.


Men and women born under the sign of the dolphin are truly peace-loving and friendly. They are able to find a common language with almost any person, even if they have not known him for long, and can make a new stranger their ally almost immediately.

They always sort things out peacefully, trying to find a compromise. They are fighters for justice and often defend their ideas with great enthusiasm.

Dolphins will help in any situation, and they do good deeds not in order to be praised or financially thanked, but from the bottom of their hearts. Such people are not afraid of hard work, they are diligent and purposeful.

In love and in relationships, those born under the dolphin totem are looking for a permanent partner for life. They are monogamous, and therefore are faithful spouses and wonderful family men.


The complete opposite of the dolphin is its antitotem - the shark. They are just as smart, but they are in complete control of the situation and establish contact with a person for their own benefit. Sharks are greedy and evil, for them there are no moral standards and rules.

Philosopher sharks often propagate false teachings, despise and distort the truth, create discord on any topic, and start civil wars.

By nature, these are real avengers; they will never regret even a loved one if they feel the “taste” of resentment. These people are ruthless and leave real chaos behind.
Determine your totem. A Complete Description of the Magical Properties of Animals, Birds and Reptiles Ted Andrews


Key property: the power of breath and sound

Activity period: all year round

The dolphin is a marine mammal. Many people think of dolphins and whales as fish, but this is not true. They possess most of the qualities that distinguish mammals from other animal species.

The fact that despite this, dolphins live in the sea is very significant. Many myths tell about the origin of life in the primordial ocean. Water is a symbol of creation, passion and sexuality. Since water also symbolizes altered states of consciousness and other worlds, a dolphin can become your guide to other dimensions.

Being a mammal, the dolphin does not have gills and cannot breathe underwater. However, his breathing method allows him to remain at depth for a very long time. Many breathing techniques have been developed specifically to facilitate movement into altered states of consciousness and help attune to certain energies. Mastering breathing techniques can help you become passionate and sexual, as well as heal your body, mind and soul. For example, imitating the flowing exhalation that a dolphin uses when surfacing can relieve tension and stress.

People who have problems with the lungs and breathing find it very useful to interact with the magic of the dolphin. Learning to breathe like a dolphin can allow you to access its energy. By tuning into the dolphin through your breath, you can ask it to take you to those places and times when the great ocean covered the entire earth's surface. A dolphin can show you the hidden depths of your soul.

The dolphin has a sound location system. It makes a series of clicks and picks up their echoes. Sound, breath and water are considered the sources of any form of life. Sound is a creative force. Sound came out from the depths of silence and created everything around. A dolphin can teach you how to create inner sounds in order to embody them in the outer world.

Breath is required to create sound, and water is the formless element from which we can form anything if we know how to combine breath and sound. Many peoples revered breath and sound and considered them sacred. According to the Babylonian doctrine of the origin of the universe, the gods generated by the goddess Tiamat in the waters of life did not come into the light for a long time until she called them.

A dolphin can show you how to enter the waters of life that give rise to all life, and through breath and sound, call forth from those waters what you desire most. To make your desires come true, there are certain methods of breathing and pronouncing sounds. If we use them incorrectly, we will find that our prayers go unanswered and our affirmations fall short of their purpose. The dolphin can show us how to do it correctly. (For more information on this, see my earlier book called Sacred Sounds.)

For early Christians, the dolphin was a symbol of salvation and eternal life. Among the ancient Greeks, it was considered a sacred messenger of the gods, as well as a powerful symbol of the sea. Thanks to this, dolphins were almost never killed. The dolphin often performs altruistic acts. He is distinguished by a large brain volume and high intelligence. In addition, dolphins are very sociable. When meeting people, dolphins' curiosity usually overcomes their fear, and they swim very close to them.

If a dolphin appears in your life as a totem, ask yourself some important questions. What changes did the words you spoke lead to in your life? If you find it difficult to answer, then the appearance of a dolphin will help you figure it out. Do you spend enough time outdoors? Is your blood pressure okay? What about your loved ones? When a dolphin comes into your life, it's time to breathe new life into yourself. Get outside, have fun, explore the world around you and, most of all, your breath.

Hello, friends!

Today we will talk about the totem animal dolphin. Perhaps no other mammal carries as much positive energy as this cheerful sea creature.

It is not surprising that as a totem it has powerful healing energy and is able to restore the lost joy of life. Let's plunge into the culture of different countries to get acquainted with the totemic meaning of this beautiful animal.

Dolphin totem among different nations

As an accompaniment of the gods, the dolphin is present in the myths of Ancient Greece. He accompanied Aphrodite, Apollo, Poseidon, and the latter was often depicted with dolphins, which symbolized the sea element and power. Also in Greece, he personified salvation and healing.

In Ancient Egypt, the dolphin was believed to bring good luck and was a favorite talisman of sailors. It is known that he was an attribute of Isis, and therefore was also the personification of water and motherhood. There is even a monument to dolphins in Hougaard.

The ancient Indians saw the sacred meaning of the dolphin as the embodiment of wisdom, energy and kindness, and the Celts believed that it brings freedom, joy, love of life and protects the element of water.

In Hinduism, the dolphin-like animal is associated with the god of love, Kama.

For early Christians, the dolphin was a symbol of Christ the Savior. And the dolphin, chained to an anchor, personified the crucifixion of Christ and the rebirth.

The image of kissing dolphins symbolizes good luck in love and happiness in family relationships.

Description of the animal

It is known that dolphins have very high intelligence, and they willingly make contact with humans. These are very intelligent creatures who, in addition, are not alien to emotions. They remember people, and are even able to take offense at those who treated them poorly.

They are playful and active, easy to train, quickly remember and learn.

These creatures, despite the fact that they live in water, breathe with their lungs, and when they sleep, one half of their brain is awake - this is necessary in order to float to the surface and take a breath of air. Dolphins are not fish, but mammals.

To navigate underwater, they use echolocation - ultrasound. Dolphins are able to distinguish each other by their voices, and for communication they use whistles and sounds similar to bird chirping.

It is known that dolphins often save drowning people, which is also why people treat them with such sympathy and see their image as a symbol of good luck.

This is not all that could be said about such amazing creatures, however, in this article we consider dolphins as a totem, and therefore we will need information about their properties primarily from this point of view.

How does it help as a patron?

The range of action of this totem is very wide, so you can turn to it with a variety of difficulties. Here I will write only about the main ones.

Respiratory problems and stress

If you have problems with your lungs, then the magic of the dolphin will help you heal. In order to join his energy, you need to master their type of breathing (forced inhalation and exhalation).

This skill will also help you cope with stress, since breathing techniques are especially useful during increased emotional stress.

Carefree and cheerful

Dolphin will help restore the joy of life. If you are depressed or simply in a low mood, the magic of the dolphin can return you to lightness and carefreeness. Dolphins often frolic like children, and a person associated with this totem can join in the energy of childhood and serenity at any time.

If you want to look at a situation with a fresh, unclouded look, or need your heart to prompt the right decision, you can also use the energy of this totem.

Working with Emotions

The dolphin totem can help you adequately express your emotions, influence people and situations emotionally, and be aware of your feelings. He also does a good job of processing emotions such as anger, fear and transforming their energy into positive ones.


As a symbol of good luck, this totem is good as a talisman in any business, but it is especially suitable for those whose work is related to water or the water element. These are professional swimmers, sailors, and lifeguards.

If you have a long journey ahead of you on water, then the magic of this patron animal will allow you to overcome all the obstacles you encounter along the way. You can find a way out of the most seemingly hopeless situations.

Communication skills

Contact a dolphin if you have difficulty interacting with people. This animal is very responsive and sociable, and its energy will definitely help you establish contact with the right person, win you over, teach you to listen and hear people, and feel their needs.

Working with this totem will develop your empathy and compassion and help you become an interesting conversationalist.

In order to activate the energy of the patron, you can wear talisman pendants with his image, as well as rings, brooches, for example, this brooch, or bracelets. Some people get a tattoo of their animal ally, but this is only acceptable if you are sure that you have identified your totem correctly.

If you don’t yet know how to identify your patron, then read this one.

Characteristics of a person

The dolphin is associated with the elements of water and air, so people with this patron animal are emotional and intuitive. They sense the mood of others well, the true motives of people do not escape them, and they know how to calm a person at the moment of an emotional outburst.

You can read about what the different elements mean and how to understand which one is yours.

They are good friends and tend to collaborate and work in teams. They know how to smooth out conflicts in a team, but do not tolerate rudeness from management. Such a person will never work where he is treated poorly, but goodwill is a very good motivation for him.

Dolphins are cheerful, spontaneous and good-natured, and people sometimes take advantage of this. They are extroverted by nature and cannot be alone for long. They react very sensitively to coldness in communication, instantly get upset and withdraw into themselves.

Dolphin children are easy to learn, they are very inquisitive, but if the material is presented dryly and uninterestingly, they are quickly distracted and may seem frivolous and lazy.

Such people have a penchant for musical art, they love to improvise, try themselves in new genres of music and willingly share the products of their creativity with people.

Dolphin men are energetic, lively and optimistic. They rarely get discouraged and are always ready for new achievements. They value care and variety, and are instinctively drawn to affectionate and balanced women.

Women are calm, love children and are ready to devote themselves completely to their family, but they also need new experiences. If a partner does not pay attention to them for a long time, then they may even go on a trip without him.

Both women and men are very easy-going, and if they find a good company, they are ready to go with it to the ends of the earth. They value friendship very much and can forgive their friends almost everything.

Such people are very lucky. They rarely have to get out of difficult situations, as they have a unique ability to avoid getting into them. They are easy-going, but very vulnerable.

If you want to find an approach to a person with this animal ally, try not to burden him with problems, respond to his ideas and suggestions and never raise your voice at him.


Friends, in this article we talked about a wonderful totem - the dolphin. I wish you good luck in your practice. Share your thoughts in the comments, subscribe to new blog articles,

And I’m not saying goodbye, because we’ll see you soon in a new post!

This marine mammal is adored by many. The dolphin is a unique symbol of the seas and oceans - expanses of water that so attract us with their beauty and sense of boundless freedom.

Dolphin people also sincerely love freedom and water - these two concepts are inseparable for them and are reflected in the perception of life. They need water at a deeper level than “ordinary people.” It is from it that they draw their strength and energy. Dolphin people structure their way of life in such a way that there is as much water as possible: they have fountains at home as decoration, the walls are decorated with paintings of expanses of water, and they try to arrange their place of residence in a place where there will be a river nearby ( bay, sea, ocean or at least lake).

In the case when the main home of dolphin people, by the will of fate, is located in the city center, they try at the first opportunity to go to the nearest body of water and/or visit swimming pools (and give them free rein, they will go for a swim there every evening after work) .

And, naturally, such a vital need for water (and this element symbolizes the state of altered consciousness and dreams) is reflected in dolphin people at the level of the world of subtle matters. The transition to other worlds or “dreamwalking” is a natural process for them. And the transition itself to such states is very simple and even commonplace for them - this ability is given to them at birth. These strong abilities in human dolphins are further enhanced by the fact that dolphins never fall asleep completely, and during sleep they are in a certain borderline state (they can breathe only when they are conscious). The very way dolphins breathe is very interesting: they do not know how to breathe under water, and in order to stay in the “abyss of the sea” for a long time, they can hold their breath for a long time. Thanks to this specificity, dolphin people are predisposed to a wide variety of breathing techniques, which can help them both when immersed in meditation and in solving psychological problems. There are different ways of working: for example, with the help of “correct” breathing you can get rid of stress and bring your physical condition back to normal (qigong, etc., etc.).

Dolphin people have unique abilities of “mental hearing” (they “got this” from the sound location system of dolphins) - their sensitivity to sound perception is very high. Dolphin people can hear sounds that go on in the background during a telephone conversation and quickly identify them, suddenly unexpectedly informing the interlocutor of his location. They also perfectly navigate the “thin shell of our world” - hearing the voices of various Spirits and entities.

In addition, dolphin people have innate abilities to “orient themselves” - they always know where they are and with them you can safely go to “uncharted lands”, since it is impossible to get lost when you are close to a dolphin person.

Dolphin people are wonderful friends who love communication and are always happy to help people around them, promptly coming to the aid of those in need and without further ado doing everything in their power. They love people and big companies, easily fitting into any team.

Another interesting property of them is curiosity. They are constantly in a state of learning and learning something new (dolphin people enjoy going on all kinds of excursions and love watching relevant TV shows).

Dolphin people are highly intelligent, have a sharp mind, brilliant memory and excellent ability to analyze, which helps them in the process of work. They will easily and quickly move up the career ladder, provided that they have chosen a specific type of work where their analytical mind, good memory and quick intelligence can be fully revealed.

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