Surnames bringing wealth name love. Female names that bring good luck!Useful information

NOVOSIBIRSK, March 20 - RIA Novosti. Many Novosibirsk residents have "happy" surnames. the day before international day happiness, RIA Novosti correspondent Elena Zhukova asked how such surnames affect their lives.

In 2012, the UN proclaimed March 20 as the International Day of Happiness to support the idea that the pursuit of happiness is a common feeling for all people on the planet. Also, according to the founders, the holiday is intended to show that happiness is one of the main goals of mankind.

Happiness is rare

There are not so many Novosibirsk people with surnames derived from the words "happiness", "luck", "joy". According to the Civil Registry Office for the Novosibirsk Region, from 1925 to the present, 169 birth certificates for children with the following surnames have been registered in the region: Udachin (a), Successful, Successful, Successful, Happy, Happy, Happy, Radostin (a), Radostev (a) and Fortuna.

Moreover, the most common of these surnames is Radostev. During this period, 58 Radostaevs were registered in the region. And the rarest surnames are Udachin, Udachny, Uspekhi.

A third of Novosibirsk use their appearance to be successful at workA third of Novosibirsk residents at least once in their lives used their attractiveness in order to achieve the location of their superiors, colleagues or clients, the recruiting portal HeadHunter reports on Wednesday following a study.

“At work, they believe that I really bring it (luck). With such a surname, interviews are easier. As my boss says, he didn’t even have questions after reading my resume - to take or not to take. Only because of the surname it was possible," Fortuna explains.

The interlocutor notes that an unusual surname gives some advantages in other situations. For example, traffic police officers become softer, studying documents, customs at the airport passes without delay.

“I don’t buy a lottery, I took a ticket several times, but alas. In a casino, they somehow accidentally gave me chips, threw them at random and won, but that’s all,” Fortuna said.

Schoolgirl Anastasia Udachina, in turn, says that her surname regularly helps in life and causes good mood those around.

“Once my new teacher gave me a good mark just because I have a beautiful and happy surname! Or, when I went to buy a kitten, the seller accidentally heard my surname and gave the kitten away for free,” says Udachina.

Christmas tree, elephants and tickets became exhibits of the Museum of Happiness in NovosibirskThe "Lucky Map of the World", a New Year tree, a horseshoe, birds, an umbrella of happiness, elephants, exotic amulets, toys became exhibits of the Museum of Happiness that opened in Novosibirsk. RIA Novosti correspondent Maria Kormiltseva visited him, made a wish and found out how he managed to collect such a collection.

Her namesake Yulia Udachina, who works in the field of trade, on the contrary, believes that the surname does not bring her any success.

“There was no special reaction, but they said that with such a surname you definitely bring good luck. I didn’t notice much luck. On the contrary, relatives giggle that they forgot to “not” sign to the surname, ”she smiles.

Another "lucky" Novosibirsk resident Alexander Radostev, who works in the information technologies, says that his surname adds curiosities to life.

"Funny situations happened when I walked sad or gloomy and met someone. In general, a fairly frequent super-witty argument to me," Why are you so gloomy, you are Radostev! Rejoice!". The surname helped to exchange a few words with the examiner on such an abstract topic and quickly figure out how to find mutual language", he says.

At the same time, Radostev notes that sometimes his last name is less interesting than his middle name, Jose. According to him, his surname is his mother's, and his Spanish father came to Russia to study at Moscow State University, then worked in Novosibirsk. They decided not to decline the patronymic, so that there would be no Khoseevich.

Happiness sound

Psychotherapist Alexander Butskikh notes that all words and phrases affect people in a certain way. There are many examples when, because of a surname, especially in childhood, complexes arise in people.

“With the surname Fortuna, Schastlivtsev, of course, there can be concessions, preferences, and a person can feel worthy. But besides the surname, there is a lot of everything, how a person will cope with his inner feelings, because there may be inconsistencies with such a surname. For example, he is a janitor works with the surname Schastlivtsev," Butskikh said.

Changing a last name to a happier one can certainly help a person feel more confident, he says, but it's too straightforward a way to boost self-esteem and doesn't always work.

“The strongest influence on a person is dissonant surnames that are associated with some kind of abusive words. As a rule, he is teased in childhood and he has to defend his surname. In this regard, the fighting qualities of such a person develop quite strongly. If he cannot do it overcome, then the surname will play against the person," explains psychotherapist Igor Lyakh.

In his opinion, such surnames as Radostev, Schastlivtsev and the like can influence a person if, along with the surname, parents put into the child the idea that he is their happiness, and then psychologically the child feels the love of his parents, and through this mechanism a person can feel happier for absolutely no reason.

"The second option for acquiring such surnames is when a person takes a pseudonym for himself, changing a previously unsound or unsuccessful surname to a euphonious and more successful one. Then this act is conscious for him. A surname can affect if a person believes in it, and this is associated with positive emotions " , - says Lyakh.

A beautiful surname for a girl means as much as neat good clothes. Agree, there is a difference in sound between the names "Olga Lozhkomoeva" and "Olga Lebedeva". In the first case, an untidy girl from the outback appears before the mind's eye, in the second - a beautiful sophisticated lady. Fortunately, it is possible to choose a new surname and change it in official documents.

This step must be approached responsibly, so it is not necessary to immediately run to the registry office and the passport office. Social media is a great place to try on any pseudonym!

  • Bauer;
  • Wagner;
  • Weber;
  • Grossman;
  • Callenberg;
  • Kaufman;
  • Koehler;
  • Laufer;
  • Merz;
  • Merkel;
  • Osterman;
  • Etinger;
  • Erdman.

These surnames sound beautiful in combination with the names Anna, Maria, Sofia, Angelina, Erika, Aurika. For example, Anna Bauer, Angelina Erdman.


Japanese surnames are beautiful, sound original and have a certain meaning. You can choose the option that suits your inner world or evokes pleasant associations.

Girls who love anime and manga can also choose a Japanese name as a nickname for social networks. For example, Aiko Shimizu - "child of love" + " pure water”, Akemi Sakurai - “bright beauty” + “sakura at the well”.

Korean surnames

Asian peoples attach great importance to the name of the child - both names and surnames are not given by chance. When reading, it is worth remembering that the surname is written under the name, so the first syllable is given to it. The next two are the name. Interesting fact: only 12 variations of surnames consist of 2 syllables, and all the rest are monosyllabic. Less popular surnames are used by very few native speakers, this is a special category of people.

  • Jin - Ho (translated as "precious lake");
  • Monkut ("crown");
  • Jung ("love");
  • Hong ("rose");
  • Trey ("oyster");
  • Haneul ("sky");
  • Dung ("brave");
  • Tea ("pearl");
  • Isyl ("purity");
  • An (internal);
  • Choi (high born);
  • Tu (starry);
  • Kim (gold)
  • Kwon (fist);
  • Khan (ruler);
  • Dream (star).

Chinese surnames

In China, surnames began to be used a very long time ago - even before our era. At that time it was considered a luxury, and was used exclusively for members of the imperial families and aristocrats. In the modern life of the Chinese, there are few surnames - a little more than a hundred names. Most often, these are single-syllable and look like one hieroglyph. Their origin, as well as about the whole world, depends on many factors: the profession or the name of the state that formed the basis of China, such as it is now. All strangers from foreign countries were called Hu. Women very rarely take their husband's surname - the most common option is double or their own, maiden.

  • Gia (beautiful);
  • Ai (love);
  • Huijong (loyal, wise);
  • Ningong (calm);
  • Venkian (purified);
  • Ji (pure);
  • Meihui (beautiful wisdom);
  • Zhilan (rainbow orchid);
  • Jiao (beautiful, graceful);
  • I (grace);
  • Yui (moon);
  • Yuming (jade brightness);
  • Yun (cloud);
  • Ruolan (as an orchid);
  • Ting (grace);
  • Fenfang (fragrant);
  • Kiaohui (wise, experienced).


Italian surnames are for girls with character. Everyone knows what Italians are temperamental. If impulsiveness, emotionality and energy are the main features of your character, feel free to choose a surname from the following list!

The red-haired beauty will suit the surname Rossi, who lives by the sea - Marino, who has the external data of a sophisticated aristocrat - Conte, cheerful and energetic - Allegro.

In medieval Italy, the name Esposito was entered into the documents of orphans by default. The meaning of this word is nobody's, free. A self-sufficient and independent young girl can use such a pseudonym, he will emphasize her personal qualities and add originality.


Spanish female surnames also have a beautiful sound. Most of them are derived from personal names:

  • Garcia - Garcia;
  • Fernandez - Fernandez;
  • Martinez - Martinez;
  • Diaz - Diaz;
  • Flores - Flores;
  • Santana - Santana;
  • Vincente - Vincente.

This option is best for a dark-skinned girl. The Spanish surname will be a hint of southern roots, a cheerful light disposition and a passionate nature!

What surname to choose a girl for VK?

For social networks, you can choose a nickname option based on your real first and last name. For example, Svetlana Semenova - Lana Sam (LanaSam), Anna Petrova - Ann Pietro (AnnPietro) with an emphasis on the last syllable. In a contact, you can choose a surname that will evoke certain associations in others. For example:

  • Angelova;
  • Snegov;
  • cold;
  • Lebedev;
  • Net;
  • free;
  • Winter (Summer, Spring, Autumn);
  • daring;
  • Secular.

The coolest surnames for VK are foreign. You can simply translate any word you like into English, French and get the original pseudonym. A brunette can choose Noir or Black, a blonde can choose Snow or White. There are no limits to your imagination. The main thing is that the pseudonym is combined with your real name. The most popular options are:

  • Noir (Fr.) - black;
  • Black (Black, English) - black;
  • Snow (Snow, English) - snow;
  • Light (Light, English) - light, light;
  • Strong (Strong, English) - strong;
  • Young (Young, English) - young;
  • Kitten (Kitten, English) - a kitten;
  • Fox (Fox, English) - fox, fox;
  • Horse (Horse, English) - horse, horse;
  • Sweet (English) - sweet;
  • Sugar (Sugary English) - sugar.

Combinations of two words sound interesting:

  • Sweet Caramel - sweet caramel;
  • Sugary Candy - sugar candy;
  • Dark Horse - dark horse;
  • Broken Angel - fallen angel;
  • Red Fox - red fox.

It is better to shorten your name so that it is combined with a foreign surname (Alexandra - Alex, Margarita - Rita, etc.).


The most popular names of girls for VK are borrowed from famous actresses, singers, models and other famous personalities. You can use the pseudonym of your idol or choose a fashionable option from those offered below.

The names of characters in books, TV shows and movies are popular:

  • Stark, Lannister, Targaryen (TV series "Game of Thrones");
  • Everdeen (Katniss Everdeen, the main character of the Hunger Games trilogy);
  • Swan (Bella Swan, "Twilight");
  • Granger (Hermione Granger, "Harry Potter");
  • Martin (Lydia Martin, a girl with unique abilities, the series "Teen Wolf").
  • Hermes - Ermes;
  • Lanvin - Lanvin;
  • Moschino - Moskino;
  • Herrera - Herrera;
  • Balenciaga - Balenciaga.

This option is suitable for the owner of model external data, refined taste, slender figure.


Many use Vkontakte and Instagram to sell clothes, other goods, and promote their services. It is advisable to choose a pseudonym that will reflect the essence of your activity. For example, if you have a page for an online clothing store, you can choose this option:

  • Krasotkin;
  • Dresseva;
  • Shmotkin.
  • Konfetkin;
  • Karamelkin;
  • Chocolate.

For any page of the online store, the following options are suitable:

  • Saleswoman;
  • Prodavashkin;
  • Pokupashka (Pokupashkina).

The options sound interesting: Masha Saleswoman, Dasha Buyer, etc. A well-chosen name will attract new subscribers to your page, and these are potential customers. Turn on creativity, fantasy, add a little sense of humor - and you will succeed!

An unusual cool surname for a girl can be obtained by choosing a rhyme for your name. This option is suitable for a cheerful and creative girl. The following combinations are found on the network:

  • Dasha Kasha;
  • Masha Chamomile;
  • Olka Dolka;
  • Irina Ballerina;
  • Arinka Mandarinka.

You can pick up a consonant word for any name using the rhyme generator on the Internet. As a result, you get cool and for the social network.


If you are not attracted to the original options, and you want a simple surname, then you can convert any male name and - done! Well perceived by ear:

  • Vladimirov;
  • Alexandrova;
  • Semenov;
  • Antonov;
  • Alekseev;
  • Andreeva;
  • Fedorov.

It is believed that a change of name entails a change in fate. What about last name? It is possible that this rule also applies to her. A dissonant surname can cause jokes, ridicule and complexes at any age. If you have a desire to change it, then follow it. Just make a conscious choice new surname delighted your ears all your life.

VLADIVOSTOK, January 6, PrimaMedia. Sociologists say that people whose last name begins with the letter of the first half of the alphabet are much luckier in life, the Vzglyad newspaper writes.

The answer is simple - the self-esteem of people who open a list in a school magazine or an institute list of students helps to feel better and "advanced" among their peers. The names of the five richest people in the world - Bill Gates, Warren Buffett, Larry Alison, Karl Albrecht - confirm this rule.

Further more. From school and university, young people leave for later life, where numerous lists await them: a list of speakers hired, residents in the stairwell, an electoral list, and each of them is alphabetized. How much does this affect people, because you can just ignore it?

It turns out that it does: for example, English doctors found that patients whose last name begins with the letters of the last third of the alphabet are three times more likely than others to suffer from cardiovascular diseases.

It's not just about health, it's also about business. Experts from several American universities in Georgia and San Diego say that girls with bright and attractive names can count on major success in the world of show business, but the business world will be closed to them. That is, Gina or Melanie will never become specialists in prestigious clerical work, but Maria or Sarah have names that are quite suitable.

However, this approach is not unique to Americans. Vilnius resident Jonas Jonaitis has applied to the court to be compensated for the damage caused by the use of his name in government documents. In Lithuania, the combination of this name and surname is similar to the Russian "Ivan Ivanov", and 45-year-old Jonaitis is terribly tired of answering numerous questions. “When I fill out documents, they tell me that I need to write my first and last name, and not write off from the sample.

Some believe that since there is such a name, it cannot be changed, but the most resolute ones come to grips with fate and try to change their lives by changing their name. Of the inhabitants of the CIS countries, the citizens of Ukraine are especially decisive, where every year the names change from 10 to 20 thousand people, and sometimes this is due to the political situation in the country: in 2006, three men changed their surname to the surname of Yushchenko, one Yulia Tymoshenko appeared and one Yanukovych.

Ukrainians also do not bypass historical characters - a new Darwin has appeared in Crimea, Muller has appeared in Kyiv. But two citizens changed their fate in the most radical way: one changed his surname from Bezbozhny to Bozhny, and the second from Nevdahi (“loser”) to Vdakha (“lucky”).

The influence of the Internet is increasingly reflected in the names of people living in real world. It all started with harmless pet names like Gigabyte (which usually spoke of their voracity), but here's another example: on September 12, 2006, a boy was born in Sweden, whom happy parents named after their favorite search engine - Google.

NOVOSIBIRSK, March 20 - RIA Novosti. Many Novosibirsk residents have "happy" surnames. On the eve of the International Day of Happiness, RIA Novosti correspondent Elena Zhukova asked how such surnames affect their lives.

In 2012, the UN proclaimed March 20 as the International Day of Happiness to support the idea that the pursuit of happiness is a common feeling for all people on the planet. Also, according to the founders, the holiday is intended to show that happiness is one of the main goals of mankind.

Happiness is rare

There are not so many Novosibirsk people with surnames derived from the words "happiness", "luck", "joy". According to the Civil Registry Office for the Novosibirsk Region, from 1925 to the present, 169 birth certificates for children with the following surnames have been registered in the region: Udachin (a), Successful, Successful, Successful, Happy, Happy, Happy, Radostin (a), Radostev (a) and Fortuna.

Moreover, the most common of these surnames is Radostev. During this period, 58 Radostaevs were registered in the region. And the rarest surnames are Udachin, Udachny, Uspekhi.

A third of Novosibirsk use their appearance to be successful at workA third of Novosibirsk residents at least once in their lives used their attractiveness in order to achieve the location of their superiors, colleagues or clients, the recruiting portal HeadHunter reports on Wednesday following a study.

“At work, they believe that I really bring it (luck). With such a surname, interviews are easier. As my boss says, he didn’t even have questions after reading my resume - to take or not to take. Only because of the surname it was possible," Fortuna explains.

The interlocutor notes that an unusual surname gives some advantages in other situations. For example, traffic police officers become softer, studying documents, customs at the airport passes without delay.

“I don’t buy a lottery, I took a ticket several times, but alas. In a casino, they somehow accidentally gave me chips, threw them at random and won, but that’s all,” Fortuna said.

Schoolgirl Anastasia Udachina, in turn, says that her surname regularly helps in life and causes a good mood among others.

“Once my new teacher gave me a good mark just because I have a beautiful and happy surname! Or, when I went to buy a kitten, the seller accidentally heard my surname and gave the kitten away for free,” says Udachina.

Christmas tree, elephants and tickets became exhibits of the Museum of Happiness in NovosibirskThe "Lucky Map of the World", a New Year tree, a horseshoe, birds, an umbrella of happiness, elephants, exotic amulets, toys became exhibits of the Museum of Happiness that opened in Novosibirsk. RIA Novosti correspondent Maria Kormiltseva visited him, made a wish and found out how he managed to collect such a collection.

Her namesake Yulia Udachina, who works in the field of trade, on the contrary, believes that the surname does not bring her any success.

“There was no special reaction, but they said that with such a surname you definitely bring good luck. I didn’t notice much luck. On the contrary, relatives giggle that they forgot to “not” sign to the surname, ”she smiles.

Another "lucky" Novosibirsk resident Alexander Radostev, who works in the field of information technology, says that his surname adds curiosities to life.

"Funny situations happened when I walked sad or gloomy and met someone. In general, a fairly frequent super-witty argument to me," Why are you so gloomy, you are Radostev! Rejoice!". The surname helped to exchange a few words with the examiner on such an abstract topic and quickly figure out how to find a common language," he says.

At the same time, Radostev notes that sometimes his last name is less interesting than his middle name, Jose. According to him, his surname is his mother's, and his Spanish father came to Russia to study at Moscow State University, then worked in Novosibirsk. They decided not to decline the patronymic, so that there would be no Khoseevich.

Happiness sound

Psychotherapist Alexander Butskikh notes that all words and phrases affect people in a certain way. There are many examples when, because of a surname, especially in childhood, complexes arise in people.

“With the surname Fortuna, Schastlivtsev, of course, there can be concessions, preferences, and a person can feel worthy. But besides the surname, there is a lot of everything, how a person will cope with his inner feelings, because there may be inconsistencies with such a surname. For example, he is a janitor works with the surname Schastlivtsev," Butskikh said.

Changing a last name to a happier one can certainly help a person feel more confident, he says, but it's too straightforward a way to boost self-esteem and doesn't always work.

“The strongest influence on a person is dissonant surnames that are associated with some kind of abusive words. As a rule, he is teased in childhood and he has to defend his surname. In this regard, the fighting qualities of such a person develop quite strongly. If he cannot do it overcome, then the surname will play against the person," explains psychotherapist Igor Lyakh.

In his opinion, such surnames as Radostev, Schastlivtsev and the like can influence a person if, along with the surname, parents put into the child the idea that he is their happiness, and then psychologically the child feels the love of his parents, and through this mechanism a person can feel happier for absolutely no reason.

"The second option for acquiring such surnames is when a person takes a pseudonym for himself, changing a previously unsound or unsuccessful surname to a euphonious and more successful one. Then this act is conscious for him. A surname can affect if a person believes in it, and this is associated with positive emotions " , - says Lyakh.

Nowadays, not all ladies are in a hurry to change their surname after the wedding. Someone does not want to redo a huge number of documents, someone has already become known by his own last name and does not want to “start all over again” under the name of his husband. And someone considers his maiden name more euphonious. But before, getting married, the woman automatically received the surname of her husband. And it wasn't even discussed.

Where did the tradition of changing the surname come from, when you should not change your surname, and what it can change in destiny the site will tell.

The tradition of changing surnames

Many centuries ago, surnames as such did not exist, nicknames were attached to the names, as a rule, reflecting the occupation of men - Ivan the blacksmith, Vasily the hunter, Fedot the archer, etc. It also happened that some kind of physical defect or character trait became a nickname - a bully, stutterer, lame, etc.

Married women and children received something similar to a surname. Initially, it sounded like this: Matryona, Fedor's wife, or in short - Matryona Fedorova. If a man was successful and famous in his business, then the prefix (surname) became his professional nickname - Akulina, the blacksmith's wife, in short - Akulina Kuznetsova. If the flaw or character trait was very striking, then the woman could turn out to be, for example, Marya Zaikina.

For sons, the prefix to the father's name became a real surname in two cases - if they were named after their father or they chose the same occupation.

After the surnames were fixed as an independent and no longer dependent fact, the change of a woman's surname after the wedding became, so to speak, automatic. That is, a woman who became a "husband's wife" ceased to belong to one clan and passed into another. And the new surname said that the wife completely belongs to her husband. It sounded like this: Whose Martha? - Fedotova.

Nowadays, changing the surname is optional, it's just a tribute to tradition. Although there are still men who take a woman's refusal to change her maiden name as a personal insult. In the event that a man cannot even hear without a scandal that you will have your own surname, it is better to strain yourself and follow the lead of your spouse, since this seemingly insignificant factor can cause constant quarrels between the husband and wife.

However, there are cases when the surname should not be changed even under the threat of a conflict.

When not to change your last name

Name change: traditions, psychology, numerology /

This is where numerology comes into play. The fact is that a conflict may arise between the personality that was formed before the wedding, and the personality that will be formed under the influence of a change of surname. And it’s good if the new surname begins to balance your shortcomings, as, for example, in the case of changing the Number of the Name (the sum of numbers in the full name) from 5 to 2, that is, from the “eternal wanderer” to the “ideal partner”.

But if you are “changed” from One to Nine, it will be difficult and very uncomfortable for you to live, since you will be transformed from a leader into a person forced to serve.

Therefore, before deciding to change your surname, do not be lazy and calculate which Number you belong to from birth, and which Number you will get if you take your husband's surname.

To get started, write full name, patronymic and surname given to you at birth. Look at the table, which number corresponds to which letter:

Add up the numbers separately for the first name, then for the middle name, then for the last name. Collapse each result if necessary. prime number(from 1 to 9). For example, you get 12, so 1+2=3.

Then add up the three results and collapse again, if necessary, to a prime number. This will be your Name Number.

Do the same operation with your first name, middle name and last name, which you are going to take after the wedding.

Now look at another tablet, what character you have from birth, and who you will become if you change your last name.


Brief characteristics character

Independence, craving for leadership, the ability to make decisions independently, male character traits

The mood for partnership, the ability and desire to work in a team and take into account the interests of another person. The eternal search for a compromise

The ability to achieve any goals with the help of a word, sociability, creativity. optimism, enthusiasm

Forced submission to circumstances, diligence, attitude to overcome difficulties and at the same time - unwillingness to live by the rules

The desire to change the place of residence, occupation and partners. Craving for extreme sports and adrenaline rushes. Disclaimer

Search for beneficial interaction (you to me, I to you), refusal to communicate if there is no such benefit. Search for balance and harmony. Responsibility for those around you

Closure, the desire to analyze everything, meticulousness, attention to detail

Craving for hoarding and power, the desire to measure everything with money, the ability to competently handle finances, the desire to manage the family budget

Service to others, submission to others - forced or voluntary, humility. Inability or unwillingness to make decisions. dreaminess, romanticism

If the characteristics of the Name Number that you have are fundamentally different from the characteristics that you will receive when changing your surname, then it is better to refuse this step, otherwise you will change not only your character, but also your fate. And it can be very painful.

Moreover, this can adversely affect relations with your spouse, because he fell in love with you not only for your beautiful eyes, but also for some specific character traits. And if this changes, it is not yet known how your husband will perceive it.

And, by the way, from a numerological point of view, it is considered ideal when the Number of the Name before the change of surname coincides with the Number of the Name after its change. This suggests that you have truly chosen your person, and you have every chance to live a long and happy life with him.

However, if you want to save yourself and not offend your husband, you can consider the option with a double surname. And if the numerological indicators of this option suit you more than just changing your last name, then “the sheep will be fed and the wolves will be safe.”

The psychological factor in the change of surname

We figured out numerology, but we cannot discount the psychological perception of our maiden name and the surname of the future husband. It happens that a woman is madly in love with the surname received at birth, especially if this surname is harmonious, “rich”, famous.

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