What does the Kel Cross mean? How to understand the Celtic cross symbol? Celtic cross tattoo Celtic radiant cross talisman.

The Celtic cross is a symbol that has been used as an amulet since ancient times. It has many properties. Legends say that it protects from evil and gives wisdom to a person. It is interesting that this sign combines both masculine and feminine principles. It is used in different ways: worn as a pendant or pendant, tattooed with a symbol.

The Celtic cross is an inherently unique symbol, because it combines two cultures at once - pagan Indo-European and Christian. It looks like a cross enclosed in a circle. We can say that this symbol depicts life itself in its continuous flow. Also, the Celtic cross is a symbol of peace, harmony, balance.

The Celtic cross is also called the cross of St. Patrick, thanks to which, according to one version, this ancient symbol appeared.

There is still debate about its origin, because it is such an ancient amulet that it is not possible to know its history exactly.

There are four versions of the origin of the Celtic cross, but they all agree on one thing - this sign, or at least its progenitor, appeared among the Celts even before the arrival of Christians.

The first version tells of Christian missionaries who came to the Celts to convert them to their religion. They saw Celtic amulets with a cross and attributed their meaning to them, since such a symbol was close to Christianity.

They did this in order not to change the traditions of the Celts, not to break their usual life, but still bring their religion into it. This practice of gradually replacing pagan symbols with Christian ones is found in many cultures, including Slavic ones. With the advent of the new religion, the original traditions were replaced by Christian counterparts. A striking example of this phenomenon is.

But let's return to the Celtic cross. According to the second version, the Celts knew about it for a long time, but it did not play any special significance for them, and was not used as an amulet. With the advent of Christianity, the symbol began to be used more widely for the reasons described above.

The third version says that the Celtic cross as such did not exist at all until the Christians appeared there. It appeared thanks to Saint Patrick, who once in a pagan sanctuary saw a stone with a circle depicted on it. Then he inscribed a Christian cross in the circle, and from the merger of two symbols one appeared.

Therefore, the symbol is also called the cross of St. Patrick - in memory of the event thanks to which it appeared.

According to the fourth version, the prototype of the Celtic sign was. From him came the Coptic cross, and from the latter - the Celtic amulet itself. If you compare ancient signs, you can really see a lot of similarities in them.

In Ancient Rus' there was also a similar one; it was considered a sign of the sun, a powerful amulet. Its meaning among the Slavs basically coincided with its Celtic relative. It is also believed that the legendary knights of the temple were borrowed from the Celts.

Meaning of the Celtic Cross

Due to the fact that the Celtic sign synthesized the knowledge and wisdom of several cultures, it had several meanings and aspects at once:

  1. The cross itself in the circle is the world order, the Universe with everything that happens in it every moment.
  2. The circle means the inextricable connection between the past and the future. It seems to remind us that any past action will certainly manifest itself in the future.
  3. The Celtic cross is wisdom and harmony, prosperity in any of the many areas of life.
  4. A straight line is masculine, a vertical line is feminine.

The Celtic cross is a symbol of peace, harmony and balance, which depicts life in its continuous flow.

Thanks to these meanings, since ancient times the symbol has been the embodiment of everything that exists in the world. There are also two varieties of this sign. The first is an image of a cross with an elongated vertical line, which enhanced masculine features and expressed aggressiveness and creativity. The second option - with an elongated horizontal line - represented femininity and softness.

It is impossible to say exactly what the sign meant among the ancient Celts. There are many theories, including some quite unusual ones:

  • as a symbol of vices that are taken under control, which is why they are enclosed in a circle;
  • cardinal directions;
  • symbol of the four elements;
  • qualities and virtues that the Great Mother possesses.

One thing is clear - the symbol is inextricably linked with the sun, because the circle is a solar symbol. It reflects the change of seasons, and therefore is important for farmers. But it is also a sign of spiritual life, because for the ancient peoples, not only the harvest in the field was important, but also what a person reaps after his actions and choices in life.

In Rus', this amulet, although not very common, acquired additional meanings. He personified the divine wisdom that the pagan priests passed on to their fellow tribesmen.

The Celtic amulet helped in many ways:

  • he gave protection from any evil, warded off troubles;
  • helped to become more self-confident, taught to trust loved ones;
  • if a warrior painted the image of a Celtic magical sign on his clothes, then he would not be afraid of any weapon, and he himself would gain incredible courage and endurance in battle;
  • the amulet made life more stable and harmonious;
  • patronized the family, helped to understand each other and strengthen the connection;
  • thanks to the Celtic cross, the mind became clearer, the person made the right decisions;
  • revealed paranormal abilities, strengthened intuition.

Due to the fact that the amulet was connected with the past and present, since ancient times it has been a faithful assistant in various rituals and in magic in general. It is also suitable for creative people, it gives inspiration, helps to discover and develop talents.

In the form of a Celtic symbol, Tarot cards are laid out in a circle, and fortune telling also exists “runicCeltic cross".

How to choose and wear an amulet

The Celtic Cross amulet is inherently filled with positive energies and brings only good things. However, when choosing and using this amulet, you still need to adhere to several rules.

In order for an amulet with the image of a Celtic cross to always attract good luck, it must be worn constantly.

The first is the material. It is best to focus on the following:

  1. Wood - it itself has special energy, warmth and positivity, so in combination with a Celtic symbol it will be a powerful talisman.
  2. Of the metals, it is worth paying attention to copper or silver, because they are the best conductors of the energy and meaning contained in magical signs.

Some people believe that the best amulet is the one you make yourself. Then it will be imbued with additional energy during the creation process. When creating a thing, a person puts into it what he wants, making it ideal for himself.

Regardless of whether you bought the amulet or made it yourself, do not give it to anyone, do not give it away, do not lose or break it. Treat your assistant with care and respect.

Whatever thing the sign is applied to, it must be round in order to enhance its solar energy.

When wearing, follow a few more rules:

  1. Wear it constantly so that the amulet always attracts good luck.
  2. Always listen to your feelings. If the talisman is suitable and chosen correctly, then you will feel good. Negative feelings indicate the opposite.
  3. Treat the talisman as a part of yourself, your assistant. Ask for help, talk mentally with a magical thing.

A Celtic amulet can also be worn by Christians, but only if they do not treat it as a pagan amulet.

It should be noted that the flagwith a Celtic signbanned in Russiato spread due to its connection with Nazi symbols.

Celtic cross tattoo

It is not surprising that some people want to wear such a powerful amulet on themselves all the time. Celtic cross tattoos help with this. However, not everything is so simple here either.

Firstly, such a tattoo helps only good people, those who pursue good goals, and do not act out of self-interest and the desire to gain fame, power, and wealth. The sign mercilessly punishes bad people and only attracts trouble.

Often they make not just crossed out lines in a circle, but a cross with wings. Such a tattoo also takes on the meaning of innocence and purity. Also, the pattern should be even and symmetrical.

Depending on the part of the body, the meaning of a Celtic cross tattoo will vary:

  • back – protection from negativity;
  • chest - cleansing of bad energy;
  • head – harmony, spiritual development, but such a tattoo will make hot-tempered people even more irritable;
  • neck – development of creativity;
  • right shoulder or hand - gaining wisdom, connecting with ancestors, finding one’s calling, place in the world;
  • left shoulder or hand - connection with the otherworldly.

However, a tattoo applied below the waist will lose its power.

The negative meanings of a tattoo appear only if it is used by people belonging to radical organizations, as well as criminals. In this case, the symbol is interpreted incorrectly in accordance with the worldview of a particular group. The ancient sign itself carries only positive meaning.

The meaning of tattoos for men

A tattoo with the Celtic cross sign will only help good people, those who pursue good goals.

This symbol as a tattoo is suitable for men who have already found their place in life, have grown spiritually and are aware of the full meaning of the Celtic cross, its meaning and influence.

When applying the drawing you need to be very careful, make sure that it turns out exactly the way the young man himself wants. Therefore, you need to draw up an exact template of a certain size in advance, possibly with the addition of additional signs or runes. It is recommended to use the symbols of one people, in this case focusing on Celtic culture.

Men should not get this type of tattoo on their calves because it will be seen as disrespectful to Celtic traditions. It is better to apply on the back, forearms or arms.

The meaning of tattoos for women

For girls, a tattoo is ideal if done in the form of ornate or floral patterns.

The meaning of the picture in this case is as follows:

  • sincere, deep faith;
  • tenderness, vulnerability;
  • sophistication, grace.

Girls most often apply tattoos to the shoulder blade or forearm.

Prison meaning of tattoo

In prison, the Celtic symbol takes on a strongly negative meaning.

It is applied to the body by people who constantly live in danger, never knowing a calm life. As a result, the cross of the ancient Celts takes on the meaning of life, the result of which will be a violent, cruel death.

Everyone chooses for themselves which legend to believe in and what priority the amulet with the Celtic banner will have. After all, it is faith that charges the amulet with special power that helps its owner achieve his goals.

The Cross of St. Columb or the Celtic cross is depicted as an equal-beam cross with a circle located at the top. The history of the appearance of this symbol goes back to pre-Christian times. Although today most researchers assume that it is a symbol of early Celtic Christianity.
Celtic cross denotes the unity of air and earth, water and sun, which is why it is often called"Solar cross".

The history of the Celtic cross

This sign was first depicted in Ireland around 7 century and for many centuries, with the help of monks, they were actively installed throughout the country. About sixty have survived to this day. Celtic crosses, which to this day are considered a symbol of Christianity in Ireland.
Now it is no longer possible to say with complete certainty when the Celtic cross actually appeared. After all, archaeologists often find similar crosses in their excavations; some of the finds are estimated to be older than 5000 years.

Such crosses were used to mark the boundaries of the property of a monastery, cathedral or church. There is an opinion that such crosses were used as tombstones, but this is erroneous.
However, from the middle 19 19th century, the Irish who moved to foreign lands began to use Celtic crosses as a burial place, thus expressing pride in their people and showing everyone their origin. From that time on, the name appeared Celtic cross or " Irish cross", as it is often called, since these crosses were the main part of Celtic art.

In our time, the mystery of origin Celtic cross very ambiguous and hidden in the fog of the unknown. It is shrouded in many rumors and legends about the true meaning of this symbol. Now this sign is a lost ethnic heritage of Scottish, Irish and Welsh culture.

Although the Celtic cross is very closely intertwined with the Christian religion, many researchers claim that it is a real pagan symbol dating back to the dawn of time.
This is quite simple to explain, because when Saint Patrick decided to replace all pagan temples in Ireland with Christian temples; he decides to use symbols familiar to every Irish citizen, slightly changing their interpretation. Christian cross with the sign of the moon in the form of a circle, which symbolizes eternal life.

The Celtic cross is the most popular symbol of Celtic culture. Many people choose tattoos with the image of this cross.

Often, the described products have a Celtic ornament. The symbol has equal rays and is enclosed in a circle.

There is no exact answer to the question of the time of origin of the Celtic cross, but there are many theories. The most common are 4 theories of origin.

According to the first version, Christian missionaries noticed the Celtic symbol and gave it their own meaning, since it fit well into their religion.

Thus, they did not break the pagan way of life of the Celts. From that time on, this symbol began to be called the Celtic cross.

The second version says that the symbol was familiar to the Celts, but at the same time, they did not attach any ritual significance to it.

According to the third version, in Ireland, before the arrival of missionaries, the sign of the Celtic cross did not exist at all. According to this theory, St. Patrick discovered a pagan sanctuary and saw that there was a circle depicted on the stone. He drew a cross on it, combining ancient symbols.

That is why you can hear that many call the symbol the cross of St. Patrick. This story most often comes to mind when this symbol is mentioned.

A common theory is that the Celtic cross was an image that appeared thanks to the Coptic cross, which takes its origin from the Ankh (Egyptian symbol). This version is quite plausible, since when studying the graphic designs of these symbols, the similarity is noticeable.

To summarize, it can be argued that the cross in a circle was known to the Celts even before the Christians came.

Meaning of the Celtic Cross Symbol

Until the 18th century, the cross was a symbol that united 4 elements. But, after the arrival of Christian missionaries, the meaning changed.

It was taken as the basis for a new symbol, which signified the transition from paganism to Christianity. Some scientists believe that the cross appeared precisely during this period and did not exist before. There is also an opinion that the circle is a symbol of the pagan lunar goddess.

Tarot cards can also be laid out in the Celtic Cross position. In this layout, the map speaks about different aspects of a person’s life, depending on where it is located.

For example, you can pay attention to the element located on the left. This card allows you to learn about a person’s past.

An equal-angled cross with a circle is now perceived rather as a symbol of certain political views and does not carry a sacred meaning. It is worth noting that in the mid-19th century there was a surge in the popularity of the symbol and Irish crosses were used as tombstones.

For many people, the Celtic cross, for many centuries, has been a symbol of Christianity and is not associated with paganism.

The meaning of the Celtic cross as a talisman

The Celtic cross, whose meaning can be interpreted in different ways, is often used as a talisman.

It is believed that a talisman in the form of a Celtic cross helps solve the problems of the person who wears it. When it is said that it helps to make the right decision, it means that when making a difficult choice, it is easier for a person to decide on a specific option. That is why it was believed that this symbol gives wisdom to the person who wears it.

According to another opinion, this talisman helps a person find his purpose in life and do everything he has in mind.

In addition, many people wear an amulet in the form of a Celtic cross in order to find a loved one. In this case, the amulet acts like a magnet and helps attract a certain person to the owner. It is believed that after the wedding, the talisman helps preserve the feelings of people in marriage.

Also, a talisman, according to some beliefs, is necessary in order to protect against harm. This means that all the evil that is directed towards the person who has the amulet will not be able to harm him.

At the same time, it helps protect against the evil eye and damage. That is why warriors wore such amulets, believing that they could protect against death.

Some people wear the Celtic cross because they believe it attracts good luck. At the same time, they believe that it also affects people who are nearby in various situations in the same way.

When choosing a specific talisman, it is worth considering what symbols are depicted on it. The Celts decorated crosses with geometric figures, each of which depicted a specific god.

Rules for choosing and wearing an amulet

The amulet is made only from wood, silver or copper. Other materials and other materials are not suitable, as talismans made from them will not have magical powers.

That is why, before choosing a symbol, it is important to know what material the amulet is made of and what symbols are printed on it.

If you choose other metals for the amulet, it will not have the described properties.

Celtic cross tattoos

Tattoos that depict pagan symbols and talismans are becoming increasingly popular. That is why many people choose the Celtic cross as a tattoo.

People who believe in the power of this symbol argue that such tattoos must be applied carefully, since the image can also carry negative energy.

It is believed that a tattoo depicting the cross of St. Columbus does not carry negative energy.

The part of the body on which the image is applied also matters:

  • a tattoo with a Celtic cross on the chest is created to cleanse a person’s soul from negative energy;
  • if the image is applied to the back, it symbolizes protection from damage and any similar influences;
  • a tattoo on the head helps to understand one’s own path, but it is important to take into account that such a tattoo should not be worn on the head by people with an unstable psyche, especially when the person is hot-tempered;
  • a tattoo on the neck helps to discover the talent of clairvoyance, intuition also develops and other talents are discovered;
  • a tattoo on the right hand is applied by people who want to understand their purpose; the image also helps open the path to true knowledge;
  • a tattoo below waist level is applied only to decorate the body;

If the image is applied to the left hand, it is considered to be a source of energy. At the same time, a tattoo helps to strengthen connections with other worlds. That is why it is chosen by people who are in any way connected with magic.

Features of choosing a Celtic cross tattoo for a guy and a girl

Typically, a tattoo with the image of a Celtic cross is chosen by accomplished men who give it a special meaning and believe in its power. That is why, before applying a tattoo, you should take into account important notes about what the symbol should be.

On girls, an ornate pattern or a floral pattern in the form of a cross looks good. This image will mean not only true faith, but also tenderness and sophistication.

Prison meaning of the Celtic cross

The Celtic cross is often used by nationalists and skinheads, and in prisons such a symbol represents a life that will ultimately end in violent death.

Thus, this tattoo is used by people who live, aware that they are constantly in danger.

Despite its ancient roots, the image can be interpreted in different ways, but in places of detention its meaning is not one of the most pleasant.

Negative meanings of tattoos

As already mentioned, the symbol can be applied with a negative meaning. But this happens when it is used by people in a certain field of activity.

Examples include members of nationalist organizations and criminals.

But, if the image is chosen for good purposes and is chosen correctly, it brings the owner only what he desires.

Celtic culture, with its diversity and richness of images and symbols, has made a huge contribution to the history of tattoo art. The Celtic tattoo style has become one of the most beautiful, popular and preferred tattoo styles. This is one of the few ancient and modern cultures that was able to convey the primary, true essence and meaning of tattoos.

There are many ancient Celtic symbols for tattoos (for example, tattoo Celtic patterns), one of them, and perhaps the most striking and famous, is the Celtic cross.

The meaning of the Celtic cross tattoo takes its historical basis and meaning from the origins of Celtic Christianity. But an even more ancient pagan prehistory is also known. Images and stone sculptures of the Celtic cross with a circle around the center appeared and began to be used in Ireland before the beginning of the eighth century.

To this day, the myth is known that the Celtic cross appeared on the Irish island thanks to St. Patrick, the first Christian preacher and educator of Ireland. In the symbol of such a cross, St. Patrick combined two heterogeneous images: the cross - the generally accepted symbol of Christianity and the sun - the embodiment of the most revered pagan deity. Therefore, Celtic crosses are often called "solar crosses". For the Celts, the sun symbolizes infinity, continuity and cyclicality of life; it is considered the main spiritual source, a fiery center with the properties of birth and rebirth.

There is another purely Christian interpretation, which means by the circle the “Sun of Faith” - the undimmed light of faith in the Lord.

The four sides of the cross often symbolize the union of the four elements of nature or the four cardinal directions.

The Celtic cross symbolizes constant spiritual development and expansion of consciousness. The cross is a single indestructible union of heavenly and earthly forces. The center of the cross is the point of intersection of these forces, the intersection of the natural and the supernatural. Sometimes the Celtic cross is depicted as a knot of complex work that never begins and never ends, that is, woven from one single thread of life.

At the end of the twentieth century, the Celtic cross became the emblem of a political movement - neo-fascism. And in modern times, nationalists and skinheads use it in their symbolism.

In the art of tattooing there are not so many symbols such as the Celtic cross; such a tattoo combines a huge ancient symbolic meaning and incredible Gothic style and the beauty of the image. On the body, such a tattoo looks beautiful and ergonomic.

The meaning and symbolism of the Celtic cross

Ancient symbols have always awakened interest in the souls of people and attracted them with their mystery and beauty.

These can easily include the Celtic cross, the meaning of which is not clear to everyone, but it is this sign that comes to mind when we talk about the Celtic tribes and about such a movement in esotericism as Wicca. The Celtic cross itself is an equal-beam cross containing a circle. It is a symbol of Christianity (Celtic), but has deep pagan roots. Symbolizes earth, water and air in unity. Denotes closure and cyclicality. The cross appeared before the 8th century in Ireland. In addition, its rays expand and go beyond the circle, which symbolizes a person’s ability to self-knowledge and knowledge of the world around him. Therefore, it is not at all by chance that the Celtic cross is also used in Tarot fortune telling. This layout is not very complicated, but very accurate, so even a novice fortuneteller can use it. Let's look at it below.

Celtic cross. Tarot spread

When you choose a significator, you need to lay out the cards. The Celtic cross should have the following layout:

The main influences or basis of the situation. This card speaks about the atmosphere in which the recognizer is located, as well as about the state of his spirit or about the person and other objects influencing the situation. The first card is placed only on the significator.

The next card either weakens or strengthens the influence of the first. It talks about facilitating or hindering circumstances: situations or events expected or existing now. If this is a favorable card, then the bad influences will weaken and the good ones will strengthen. It is placed horizontally and across the first one. These two cards should form a Small Cross.

The inquirer’s real goals and the likelihood of achieving them at a given time. The card must be placed above the Small Cross.

The main thing is the situation under discussion, as well as events in the recent past that in any way influenced the real state of affairs. The map is placed to the right of the Small Cross.

A description of a situation that has recently occurred, is currently occurring, or is in progress. This card is placed under the Small Cross.

The sixth card describes the future development of the situation. Placement: to the left of the cross. These six cards form a Celtic cross. Four more should be located vertically and to the right of it, no more! They are called a staff. They unfold from bottom to top.

The seventh card animates the questioner, and also shows the situation or attitude towards oneself.

The eighth card speaks about the environment of the learner, events in his home or around himself at this time.

The secret thoughts of the informant in the current situation, as well as fears and hopes - all this is shown by the ninth card.

The outcome of the situation itself, a description of everything that happened. If the last (tenth) card is a figured one, then it embodies the person who holds the outcome of events in his hands. It helps a person understand where the situation is leading, rather than talking about the inevitability of fate.


To summarize, it should be noted that for each person the cross means something different, special and sacred. The Celtic cross will forever remain a symbol of beauty and mystery for people.

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