Where is the secret composition made in the Klondike. Dear players! One of the secrets

An unheard of violation of all traditions. I didn't drink coffee for breakfast, I didn't eat breakfast at all. But even this seemed to me not enough, today I will be a heffalump! The first ray of sunshine threw me out of bed like a tight spring. Quickly putting on my clothes and shoes, I rushed to my friends. Looking into the demolitionist’s cave, I whistled so loudly that bats and non-volatile mice rushed out of it in panic. - Leo! Urgent collection at the plane!!! - I shouted into the darkness and ran to Echo. I pulled my comrade out of bed, threw him the first kukhlyanka I came across and also invited him to the plane. As I was loading the last bag of food supplies, my sleepy comrades approached. - What's happened? Is Paul lost again? - shaggy Leo, yawning, tried to unhook the frightened bat, the same one resisted, squealing disgustingly. -Or did the Guardian get to Kate? - Echo shifted from foot to foot, apparently it was not very comfortable to walk down the street in socks, the Eskimo held his high boots under his armpit. - Everything is fine with the parents, but Jim Hopper, the famous archaeologist, disappeared without a trace. Once upon a time, his expedition went to Sanderra in search of traces ancient civilization. The search dragged on and the members of the expedition slowly abandoned hopes of ever finding answers to all the secrets of this land. On January 23, 1918, the last of his comrades left Sanderra, and since then nothing has been known about Jim. We’re going to look for him immediately,” I danced with impatience. - How much coffee did you drink today, my young friend? “You’re all sick,” Leo finally unhooked the mouse from his sleeve, but when released into the wild, it flew not far away - to the hood of the demolition man’s canvas jacket. Judging by the squeaking and scurrying in the hood, more than one mouse found shelter there. Leo spun around, trying to reach the mouse's hideout, but not reaching it, he waved his hand. - Not a bit! Last night I read in the newspaper an interview with the last returning member of the expedition and tossed and turned in bed all night, hardly slept, and could barely wait for the morning. We must find an archaeologist. - Hmm, as I understand it, the last news about Jim is more than a year old? Well, nothing bad will happen if we have breakfast now and then hit the road. An hour later, an hour earlier, it won’t play any role, but we need to recharge with energy,” Leoncy decisively turned around and headed towards my house. - True, we need to recharge, but not everyone. On the contrary, some people need to calm down. No coffee, just a glass of warm milk. And don’t argue with me, my friend,” Echo, who had only managed to put on one shoe, limped and galloped after the demolition man. - Okay, let’s have breakfast, just very quickly, and let’s go...

Nothing attracts us more than secrets. It would seem that I have everything one could dream of: a cozy home, true friends, a big and important business. But that distant and unknown, which I touched unexpectedly, just after talking with the archaeologist Alice, does not give me peace.
Just imagine: endless dunes, at the same time rushing somewhere like waves, and at the same time forever frozen. These dunes saw the birth of the Earth itself, they remember every moment of its existence. Every grain of sand holds millions, billions of secrets. And somewhere behind the curtain of sandstorms and mirages there is an Ancient City. For many centuries he hides behind his walls the Temple of the Four with its amazing story and a treasury full of artifacts. I imagined all this so vividly that now I cannot get rid of the strange feeling that time is under my control. As if I were the Chosen One. The one mentioned in the old legend. Is it so? We'll find out soon... So, let's go! The adventure begins!

The lost city in the sands of the Golden Canyon awaits its hero.
Pass the tests and earn the trust of the sages in the new Dune location.
Open the gates of the Temple of Four and receive the treasures of the Chosen One.

The location is permanent.
Located in Golden Canyon.
The necessary equipment is a Panama hat and a barometer.
Key building: Temple of the Four.
Microgoal: Get 20 units of silver.

To get to the key building, you need to find the right path to it and open the main gate.
To open the main gate, you need to create 3 keys in the Dune location.
The keys are located in the monks' abodes of Dune.
Abode of Yakub
Veneer 10 + pickled carrots
Monastery of Augustine
Slate 5 + vegetable stew
Abode of Grimm
Wire 10 + skewer

Construction stages:
1. Brick 10 + nails 15 + timber 10
2. Tile 25 + mortar 30 + secret composition 2
3. Mechanism 1 + slate 20 + rod 3
1. Pure silver = silver ore 25 + fire 50
2. Miner's Pack = Pure Silver 10 + Red Extract 2
3. Solar Treasure = pure silver 20 + secret composition
4. Sausage + 5 energy = toad 5 + fire 20
5. Fire 3 = brushwood 10 + matches
6. Fire 25 = coal + fire 10

Location quests become available after completing quests on the Inti Coast or building the Temple of the Four.

The past is great at keeping its secrets. Finding the Ancient City and infiltrating the Temple of the Four was very difficult. And only faith in our own strength, coupled with a great desire to see the ancient treasury with our own eyes, to feel and touch Time itself, did not allow us to give up. How great it is that the wise monks shared their knowledge and keys with us. And how good it is that they love not only history, but also gold.

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