Professions related to fire. Are you in the right place?

The basic rule can be formulated as follows: a profession should be chosen in the sign of the element most favorable to a person.

Analysis of the natal chart allows you to assess a person’s potential capabilities and his predisposition to a particular type of activity.

Having a calculated natal chart, you can determine in which area it is most favorable for a particular person to work. Or how suitable the job he is already doing is suitable for him. To do this, you need to “enter” into the map the Element to which the activity corresponds, and consider it in relation to the element of Personality, the Pillars of Fate and the pillars of Luck. As a result, a conclusion is drawn about the prospect of achieving a good result or when this result can be expected.

When analyzing the natal chart, we determine which elements are favorable and which are not, and what needs to be added. In this aspect, the element of the profession becomes very important. Work and activity takes up most of our time and, naturally, affects human energy.

If a profession is chosen in the sign of the element most favorable to a person, then it can be argued that this activity will bring material income and moral satisfaction.

For example, if a person has natal chart If there is little Water or it is weak, but at the same time he works in a transport company and his activities involve a lot of communication with people, then we can confidently say that Water has been added to his energy map and the balance of elements is more harmonious.

Any profession or way of life can be symbolized by the sign of a certain element.

Some types of industry are clearly associated with a certain Element.

Earth. Industries: insurance, mining, chemical, software, real estate.

Fire. Areas of activity: energy and electrical industries, airlines, entertainment, restaurant business, production and sale of electronic goods, oil industry.

Tree. Industries related to textiles, fashion, clothing, paper, journalism, furniture, plants, flowers, wood-related consumer products. Agriculture.

Water. Areas of activity: transport, travel, cargo transportation, merchant shipping, communications, eateries and drinking establishments, resort business.

Metal. Industries: engineering, heavy engineering, automotive, metallurgy, jewelry business. High technology area.

More details about the belonging of a profession or type of activity to any element can be found in the table.

This division is somewhat arbitrary. Professions can combine several elements, or vary according to a specific type of activity.

For example, medicine can be classified as Water. But cardiology is the element of Fire, plastic surgery is Metal, and a homeopathic doctor belongs to the element Wood.

The belonging of a profession to any element must be considered in each specific case.

Depending on how the elements are manifested in the natal chart, we can recommend activities that require certain abilities: creative, organizational, analytical.

For example, if the card has a weak element of Creativity, then it is better to choose an activity that does not require creative abilities.

By analyzing the elements of Personality, Power and Wealth, you can assess a person’s business potential, find out whether there is a predisposition to create your own business (strong elements), or whether it is better to work for hire (weak element of Power).

No two people are the same. Each card is individual and for any person there is an optimal recommendation for choosing a profession.

Professions under the signs of the elements.

Air Transport
Import Export
Irrigation, irrigation Air conditioners Refrigerators Tourism
Beverage trade
Public utilities
Sailor Fishing Plumbing Cleaning Preacher Diplomacy
Journalism Seller
Doctor Medical staff Singer Pharmacology

Graphic arts
Furniture and clothing design
Wood processing
Furniture (sale, production)
Clothing, fabric
Public Relations
mass media
Botany, herbs

Stock game
Fire protection
Publishing house
Heaters, ovens
Electrical equipment
Trade in fuels and lubricants

Legal activity
Real estate
Food industry
Government service
Warehouse business
Management activities
Human resources

High tech
Heavy industry
Legal activity
Aircraft manufacturing
Mechanical engineering

Feng Shui is a knowledge that has long been used abroad for prosperity in business.

The most often mentioned is Donald Trump, who during the construction of a large business center in New York, he included in the estimate two million US dollars to pay for the services of a Feng Shui master.

And in the book of the famous American multimillionaire Dan Kennedy, “No B.S. Time Management for Entrepreneurs” has a whole chapter dedicated to Feng Shui. And these are just a few examples...

And you can use the secrets of Feng Shui for success in business and professional spheres, using knowledge about the system of five primary elements - Wu Xing.

There are five such primary elements: Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal and Water. And they are associated not only with a certain shape and color, but also with the type of activity.

For example, a round shape is associated with the Metal element, while a square shape is associated with the Earth element.

It is very important to know that each of the primary elements is, in fact, a certain type of energy. And these energies enter into various relationships with each other.

For example, the combination of Water and Fire is a conflicting combination, while the combination of Water and Wood will be harmonious.

Using the knowledge of Feng Shui in general and the knowledge of Wu Xing, you can more easily achieve success and prosperity.

feng shui for office and money. step-by-step instruction

According to your birth data, as well as based on your goals, Chinese metaphysics can offer you many tools that will help you achieve greater success and prosperity.

And it is enough to take just a few steps in order to correctly use ancient knowledge in your workplace.

Step 1. Choose a favorable location for your office and desk

The first thing you will need to do is calculate your energetic birth number and analyze the placement of your desk and other work environment items.

The energetic birth number, also called Gua, will help determine whether you belong to the Western or Eastern group. Each group has its own favorable directions.

It is very important to choose the best location and direction so that the space supports you and your endeavors, and only then make corrections using the shapes and colors of the five primary elements of Wu Xing, which are also called the elements.

Important: There is an optimal place that you should occupy at your desk, conference table, so that you can look in the best direction for yourself, receiving the support of space.

Step 2. Do not disturb negative annual energies

Feng Shui is dynamic ancient system associated with the time factor. From the point of view of Feng Shui, luck is not constant, like everything in our world. Therefore, you need to follow the rhythms of nature in order to be successful, and apply knowledge of color and shape correction based on the time factor.

It is important to enlist the help of the annual feng shui energies that can either help or hinder you.

Some of these energies, such as the energy of the white Money Star, help to become richer, others, such as the energy of the dangerous Yellow Five, can attract serious problems and even ruin.

Step 3. Correct design of a business space according to Feng Shui

Depending on your birth data, some of the five primary elements will be especially useful to you. So, using the color or shape of such a useful primary element in clothing, accessories or jewelry, you will attract more luck.

To determine the usefulness of an element, an individual analysis of your birth chart is required.

Knowledge about the colors and shapes of the five primary elements will already help you achieve favorable changes.

Industries and areas of business are also associated with certain primary elements, using the symbolism of which you can achieve success.

In accordance with what element your activity is associated with, bring the colors and shapes of this element into the design of your workplace.

Element Wood

The following activities are associated with the element Wood:

  • Forestry industry, woodworking, agriculture,
  • Publishing, book printing, book business,
  • Creative activities, training,
  • Hairdressing,
  • Medicine, massage,
  • Food production,
  • and others.

Tree, then you should use vertical and rectangular shapes, any of the shades of green in the design in order to become more successful.


The following activities are associated with the element of Fire:

  • Advertising, marketing, PR,
  • Psychology,
  • Beauty industry, make-up, cosmetology,
  • Internet, television,
  • Telecommunications,
  • Cooking, restaurant business,
  • and others.

If your activity is related to the elements Fire, then using red will give you energy and drive to achieve your goals.


The following activities are associated with the element of Earth:

  • Gardening,
  • Real estate, construction,
  • Insurance, banking,
  • Accounting services,
  • Production and processing of stones,
  • Warehouse business
  • and others.

If your activity is related to the elements Earth, then the use of rectangular and square shapes, objects of any shade of brown or yellow will give you support for this powerful primary element.


The following activities are associated with the element of Metal:

  • Management, administration,
  • Legal services,
  • Metallurgy, railway transport,
  • Watch production and repair,
  • Logistics,
  • and others.

If your activity is connected with the element of Metal, then it suits you like no other White color and accessories, round-shaped jewelry.


The following activities are associated with the element of Water:

  • Consulting,
  • Working with any information
  • Travel business,
  • Transport and sea transportation,
  • Fishing and fish production,
  • and others.

If your activity is related to the element of Water, then black and all shades of blue, as well as paintings depicting water, wavy shapes will incline luck to your side.

Let's summarize the procedure for using Feng Shui in business:

  • First of all, you need to calculate your Gua number and determine favorable directions for yourself. It is very important to start with this, and only then apply the colors and shapes of Wu Xing.
  • Check if you are disturbed by negative annual energies. The fact is that Feng Shui is a dynamic system, so the time factor cannot be overestimated. Figure it out, yours didn’t hit workplace in the sector of the annual Yellow Five, try to use the sector of the annual Money Star more often,
  • Study the descriptions of areas of activity and professions associated with each of the five primary elements, choose what is related to your specific situation. Add accents favorable color, you should not repaint the entire room in one specific color, even if it is favorable for your type of activity. Remember that good Feng Shui is about balance.

You can choose the optimal solution for your situation during a consultation; read more about that.

Please write your questions and feedback in the comments to this article.

Have a great Feng Shui!

With respect and good luck,

The basic rule can be formulated as follows: a profession should be chosen in the sign of the element most favorable to a person.

Analysis of the natal chart allows you to assess a person’s potential capabilities and his predisposition to a particular type of activity.

Having a calculated natal chart, you can determine in which area it is most favorable for a particular person to work. Or how suitable the job he is already doing is suitable for him. To do this, you need to “enter” into the map the Element to which the activity corresponds, and consider it in relation to the element of Personality, the Pillars of Fate and the pillars of Luck. As a result, a conclusion is drawn about the prospect of achieving a good result or when this result can be expected.

When analyzing the natal chart, we determine which elements are favorable and which are not, and what needs to be added. In this aspect, the element of the profession becomes very important. Work and activity takes up most of our time and, naturally, affects human energy.

If a profession is chosen in the sign of the element most favorable to a person, then it can be argued that this activity will bring material income and moral satisfaction.

For example, if a person has little or weak Water in his natal chart, but he works in a transport company and his activities involve a lot of communication with people, then we can confidently say that Water has been added to his energy chart and the balance of elements is more harmonious.

Any profession or way of life can be symbolized by the sign of a certain element.

Element Wood - creating something new

The element Wood is the element that creates new things:

  • Joiners, carpenters, woodcarvers, wood sculptors
  • Toilet paper production, paper production
  • Construction of wooden houses (+ Soil)
  • Nannies and kindergarten and nursery teachers
  • Tutors
  • Children's institutions
  • Medical professionals (except pharmacists), maternity hospitals, homeopathy, herbalists
  • Health, massage therapists
  • Eastern medicine
  • Herbal preparations
  • Designers
  • Architect (+ Fire)
  • Food industry, restaurant business (+ Water)
  • Cooking, canteens, cafes (non-alcoholic)
  • Cook, pastry chef (+ Soil)
  • Physical education workers (non-professional sports)
  • Fitness
  • Plant growing, floristry, agriculture (greens)
  • Plant nurseries, florists, agronomists, landscape design
  • Nutrition and Dietetics
  • Fruit growing
  • Weavers (especially with natural fabrics)
  • Architecture (new, atypical projects)
  • Writers, poets
  • Butchers
  • Jaegers

Element Fire - transformation

Element Fire - expansion of consciousness, nature of transformation, chemical reactions:

  • Church
  • Chemical industry, pharmaceuticals
  • Plastic production
  • Oratory
  • Professional sports
  • Any mental activity
  • Clowns
  • Subtle humor, satire (dumb humor is Water)
  • Educational activities
  • Scientific research, any exact sciences
  • Scientific journalism, research institutes, scientists
  • Cosmonautics, astronomy, space research
  • Beauty Salons
  • Couture fashion
  • Show business, party organizers (+ Water)
  • Fireworks, explosives
  • Welders, gunpowder production
  • Computer work, programming
  • CFO (+ Metal)
  • Psychologists
  • Analysts of any kind
  • Livestock (+ Wood)
  • Hunters
  • Working with natural fur, leather, silk, wool
  • Production of synthetic products
  • Computer techologies
  • Solar energy
  • Energy
  • Oil and gas sectors (+ Water)
  • Exchange (+ Water)
  • Meat industry

Element Soil - we stand firmly on the ground

  • Vegetable growing, soil cultivation, root crops
  • Real estate (like buildings)
  • Construction, construction professions (welder - Fire + Metal, but work in the elements Soil)
  • Manufacturing of building materials
  • Architecture (typical projects)
  • Mining
  • Miners, geologists, archaeologists, surveyors, reclamation workers
  • Topographers (on the ground)
  • Stone jewelers, stone sculptures
  • Ceramic factories
  • Librarians (+ Tree)
  • Renting out real estate
  • Hotel business
  • Warehousing activities, warehousing, warehouses
  • Pawnshop
  • Milkmaid (+ Tree)
  • Confectionery production
  • Production of clothing, footwear (casual), casual fashion
  • Utilities, janitors, cleaners
  • Interior designers (+ Wood)
  • Mortgage, real estate trade
  • Utilities
  • Roads

Element Metal - power and money

  • Army, military personnel
  • Administrative and legal system
  • Head of the enterprise (+ Fire)
  • Butcher (+ Fire)
  • Managing Manager or Administrator
  • Order taker
  • Steelmaker, heavy industry, rolled metal
  • Defense industry, aviation
  • Metal jeweler, metal sculptures
  • Hostess (guest reception service)
  • Banking activities, banks, non-cash, safe deposit boxes
  • Human Resources Department
  • Programmer (+ Fire), system administrator
  • Electricians (+ Fire)
  • Accountants (+ Fire), audit
  • Tax service
  • Social services (pension, children's + Tree)
  • Financial markets, economists, statistics, reporting (+ Fire)
  • Manufacturing of metal products, weapons, money
  • Car service, roofers, pipefitters
  • Policy
  • Law enforcement
  • Official sphere, executive power
  • Lawyers

Element Water - emotions and travel

Element Water - receiving pleasures and emotions, transportation and flows:

  • Drinking and drinking restaurants
  • Discos
  • Trade, buying and selling, speculation
  • Driver, trucker (+ Metal)
  • Firefighters
  • Fishing, fishermen
  • All professions related to water
  • Travelers
  • Theater, cinema, music
  • Bathhouse (if the purpose of the visit is to wash)
  • Sailors, divers, hydrogeology, oceanology
  • All work with lakes, rivers, seas
  • Marine and river business
  • Treatment plants
  • Laying water pipelines
  • Shipping
  • Drinking water production
  • Plumbers, plumbers
  • Fountain creators
  • Transport flows, any transportation
  • Cash flows, trade flows
  • Information flows, journalism, media
  • Internet, telephony, television, mail
  • Logistics, courier
  • Logistics
  • Network marketing
  • Gambling, striptease, sex, prostitution
  • Any profession related to communication
  • Writing music, lyrics, romance novels
  • Literary activity
  • Artistic activity (+ Fire)
  • Tourism

The sun's rays penetrated through the glass, into the windows, illuminating even the darkest corners in it. By falling on magic stones and being distorted in them, they created a flickering effect. Near the teacher’s desk, there was a stand with a large scroll with an image attached to it. The office is empty and a little scented with incense while there are no students, so that the aroma dissipates a little and becomes more delicate and acceptable to the olfactory organs.

Seven minutes later, the office was filled with voices of children discussing something near the stand with the image.Mrs. Crean hurried to the door, closing it behind her.

- Hello! I hear you have already started the lecture without me, - Smiling, she walked to her table and pointed the children towards their desks.

- Today, pillows are canceled, since the lecture will be big, and you will need to show not only good memory and attentiveness, but also intelligence. Let's continue..

Today we’ll talk about the five elements (five energies). Yes, in addition to the energies of Qi, Sha, Yin-Yang and others, there are the energies of the five elements: Fire, Earth, Metal, Water and Wood. According to Chinese philosophy, these five energies are the fundamental energies of the universe. Therefore, they are present everywhere and in everything. Each of these energies has both Yin and Yang properties. Energies are reborn - one into another, interact.

She smoothly waved her wand in the air.

-The five elements form a circle and have a strict sequence, since each previous element generates the next one after it. These five elements are the embodiments of the phases of Qi. It looks like this, let's see:

Take a look - pointed with a wand at the image.

Fire gives birth to earth, earth gives birth to-> metal, metal -> water, water -> wood, wood -> fire

This is such a vicious circle. So we subdivide thiscircle into cycles:

1. Cycle of generation (creation, compatibility)

2.Destruction cycle

3.Softening cycle

And as you understand, this vicious circle is a generation.

Destruction, represented by a diagram, - pointed her hand towards the stand, where a star appeared inside the circle.

- Yes, it is in the form of a pentagonal star that the cycle of destruction is indicated. It is characterized like this:

Water extinguishes fire -> he melts metal -> metal cuts and destroys wood -> a tree drills its roots into the soil -> the earth absorbs water.

Look what it looks like:

And lastly, the mitigation cycle. We can see it in the previous cycle, look at the second picture. Those elements that are located between the elements of destruction are their softeners.

That is, this is how it manifests itself:

A tree -> absorbing water does not allow it -> to extinguish the fire, the soil extinguishes the fire -> not allowing it to melt the metal, a tree that has absorbed water -> resists the destruction of metal, fire absorbing a tree -> turning into soil -> softens the conflict of these elements.

The goal of Feng Shui is to establish balance between the elements.

Now, regarding which directions, qualities, animals, symbols, emotions, colors and phenomena correspond to each element, write down:

Fire - red, color; south; summer; triangle, horse, candles, activity.

Earth - yellow and color; end of summer; center; square, dragon, crystals, security.

Metal - white, golden; autumn; west; circle, rooster, metal, insight.

Water - black and color; winter; north; wavy shapes, rat, aquarium, peace of mind.

Wood - green; spring; East; rectangle, tiger, plants, desire for spiritual growth.

These energies are present in every person, they are very important for our health and well-being, so that they are in balance and harmony within ourselves.

From birth we have a certain type of energy, and some energies may be in short supply. Therefore, in the process of life, we strive to make up for that very deficiency. I will tell you about how one or another energy (element) in which it predominates affects a person’s character.

Therefore, we will now determine what energy influenced you at the moment of birth. All you need is a little bit. Chinese wisdom says that every year is marked by the influences of one of the five elements, and a person born in a certain year, to which a certain element (energy) corresponds, will have corresponding qualities in his character. But the main thing is that the elements influence fate, they will tell you what path is intended and where to look for luck. And so, let's determine our element of the year, mark it on parchment.

If the last digit of your year of birth is 0 or 1, then the year is ruled by metal. If the year ends in 2 or 3- element of water, 4 or 5- tree, 6 or 7- fire , 8-9-Earth.Now, you can find out in which direction to look for your luck, - She pointed to the scroll.

· Fire

To attract good luck in life, a person born under this element should develop in himself such innate qualities as: Optimism, romanticism, joy of life, the ability to joke, be creatively realized, be purposeful. You need to be able to lead (showing your “energy”, so to speak.) you leader. To be the center of attention, These people should be associated with communication, that is, working in a team, but in no case alone, this does not suit you. That is, you are inherent in such professions as: Leader of any groups, teacher ( lecturer), director, TV presenter, artist, organizer of anything. But you should avoid professions related to WATER energy. But you are also quite hot-tempered and selfish, harsh and aggressive, which you should suppress a little in yourself.. You are quite emotional, you vigorously express your feelings (joy, grief).

· Earth

These people have such qualities as: reliability, constancy, peacefulness, concentration, working alone (a job where you will not be noticeable is suitable here, but a lot will depend on your activities) That is, it will not be you, but someone else who will be the leader different, but your work will be more important than the one who manages everything. The following professions correspond to you: Artist, Musician, Designer, Economics. But more everything that is connected with nature - Biology, agriculture, gardening, you can grow indoor flowers. What concerns the character of people - they are the opposite of people of fire, so to speak. Calm and stable, even phlegmatic. They are afraid of change, and the slightest change leads to despondency and depression. But they are very generous, reliable and modest.

· Metal

Those who have metal energy are freedom-loving, independent, strong. Fighters from birth, one might say. You are active, but you lack organization and order. Independent. Your own business is where you will succeed best of all and everyone. Therefore, any type of business is suitable. Professions where a lot depends on you and with increased risk are suitable for you, for example: Rescuers, bodyguards, work in the Ministry of Magic (in the Auror department ), also doctors. And due to your composure and impartiality, you can become good lawyers, judges, investigators. The mood is changeable, unpredictable, you often change your mind, but you are confident that you are right. Attractive, passionate and emotional.

. Water

People with water energies are soft and have internal flexibility, sensitivity, mobility. Adaptability and the ability to change, that is, not be afraid of change. The ability to sympathize and understand. Sociability. Such qualities will help a person succeed. Any regimes, routines, or monotony are contraindicated. That is, work related to the working day “from start to finish” is not yours. It is important for you to be and feel free. Just like fire people, water people are creative people. A little restless and sensitive. Often they cannot understand themselves. Prone to anxiety. Constant communication and movement are required. You are inherent in such professions as: Travelers, journalists, travel agency workers, translators, show business figures, traveling theater, circus, mail delivery, swimming trainers, sailors.

. Tree

And finally, people of wood energy are Independent. Artistic. Resistant to external influences and calm. Lovers of new things. Inventive and resourceful. They are looking for unconventional ways. They strive for internal growth and development. Balanced, charming, willing and able to help others, have good taste, love beauty, need aesthetics. You need a profession where you can show your ingenuity, experiment, add new ideas. But for this there is not enough sometimes perseverance. And unfortunately, things may not be completed. That is, you need a profession that requires experimentation and search: Design, Florist, Fashion Designer, Decorator. Everything related to aesthetics is yours.

I looked at the tired students,- Now, please, write down your homework.


1. Tell us about the elements. What they are. What are their inherent qualities, phenomena, colors, emotions, animals and symbols (3 examples each, which are not in the lecture).

2.What do they (the elements) influence and how?

3.Tell about cycles. How they happen.

4. Determine your element and write. Compare with the characteristics and write which traits you have the same. Perhaps you will notice that some trait is present in you from another element. Write that down too.

Additional task (essay and drawing)

1) "Write about yourself and your character. What you would like to add and what you would like to remove. What would you like to become in the future. Are your proposed professions suitable for you"

2) Drawing (how I represent the 5 circulating elements (energies)).

You can make two extra ones and send them on one piece of parchment.

In this article you will learn about what type of career, profession, or way of making money most closely matches the feng shui element associated with the moment of your birth. If the element corresponding to the current period of your life is different from the element associated with your birthday, then in order to better understand yourself and find the best use of your own energy in the world around you, you should use a combination of these two elements.

Element of fire in feng shui
If you are a Fire personality, you may feel better in positions where you are the center of attention and involve responsibility and leadership, and are more suited to leading people than being a mere member of a team. The entertainment industry is an exceptionally suitable place for you to release your overflowing, uncontrollable, child-like energy. For those whose birthday is associated with the element of Fire, teaching could be a very good profession, although they may lack the patience and tact required to work with young children. If you manage to balance the full power of your own energy with the benefits of the elements of Wood and Earth, then you will find that both your inspiration and your insight and foresight can work perfectly and will be useful to you in all aspects of entrepreneurship and you will not be intimidated even in front of film and television cameras!

In order to balance the energy of Fire in your activities and make them more effective, try to include the elements of Earth and Wood in your immediate environment, using plants, and maybe small groups of stones or sculptures, aesthetically placing them in your office or work area places. If you work in theatre, film, television or, for example, as a salesperson, then you can carry a piece of malachite or staurolite ("fairy stone") in your pocket, which will add more consistency and logic to you and make you more tolerant of what is in your your surroundings don't seem too inspiring to you. It would be advisable to avoid working near water or with overly dominant personalities associated with the element of Water. They will extinguish, flood, flood your energy and cause depression and dissatisfaction. This in turn will make you even more temperamental and prone to impulsive reactions simply to escape the waves of emotional energies swirling around you.

Earth element in feng shui
The Earth element is at its best when people of its type operate behind the scenes. Such people are able to accept responsibility or assign it to others if the need arises. Since you have the ability to manage and know how to accurately choose the means necessary for this, you can show confidence and persistence quite gently and tactfully, since you are confident that your thoughts, schemes, projects and plans are well thought out and rest on common sense, and are not the fruit of impulsive improvisation of irrational thinking. With your whole appearance, you inspire trust and reliability, which means that other people will feel comfortable with you, being confident in your commitment, devotion and loyalty. And even if your Fire colleagues turn out to be overheated, annoying and unceremonious, your warmth will be useful for their creative imagination and will help bring their ideas to concrete results and draw practical benefit from them. However, if you have to work with people associated with the element of Wood, they will drive you into a frenzy. You would rather prefer consistency, coherence, caution, independence and self-reliance than the liberal inclinations of people of the Wood element. Such people, being convinced that representatives of the elements of the Earth will be able to find time to sort everything out, may turn out to be too disorganized and prone to excessive experimentation. If you can balance your highly developed artistic talent and sensitivity with the benefits of the element of Fire and the ability of the element of Metal to bring improvements to the environment around you, then you will find that the self-confidence you display and the consistency of your efforts will fully pay off and bear fruit there, where others will become impatient and helplessly give up.

Bring the element of Fire into your work environment, which can be done by hanging a mirror behind your desk or work area. It will reflect pressing energy and bring more dynamism to your work area. Earth corresponds to a range of professions, from management, economics and politics (for the most ambitious) to antiques trading, book illustration, painting, ballet and music. If forced to work outdoors, Earth types may prefer gardening and landscape architecture. Interior design is also suitable for this type. The earth gives more abilities than other elements, but you should still make sure that the business you are doing or are going to do matches your abilities and calling.

Metal element in feng shui
You may do best at work when you are involved in something that involves responsibility. You find it difficult to be under the supervision of others, and working in a group or sharing responsibility for general work contradicts your inner need to do it yourself. Working alone or working as a valuable specialist would suit you best. By nature, you are not one to "walk the walk" and are not very social and would probably prefer to operate from behind the scenes, juggling big things and directing others to work in your interests. You have a need to maintain an impartial and cool appearance when you are around and acting among people, which means that you will be able to be a ruthless, cruel and ambitious person when it suits you. You may feel uneasy and find it difficult to work when there are too many Wood or Fire people around you.

People associated with the element of Fire are spontaneous and have the ability to inspire others, but their temperament and focus on their own problems may conflict with your dedication to a cause, participation in any campaign or struggle, or even your ambition. The Metal type expects achievements in a big way. People associated with the element of Fire usually try only for themselves. People associated with the Metal element can benefit greatly from anything in their work environment that is associated with the Water element and that reminds them of the need for communication and self-expression. You will find that healing and health care professions will be particularly rewarding because they will involve both your need for research, investigation and observation and your ability to remain open-minded and calm in acute situations. You have an innate ability to listen, although you may find it difficult to resist acting as a judge as well. However, people associated with the Water element will prove invaluable in your chosen field of activity, and you may find that in their presence you are able to balance the involuntary desire for isolation associated with the Metal element with the need to have vital strength, resilience and the ability to restore your physical and mental health. You can choose any of the following professions: investigation, scientific research, maritime professions, dangerous assignments, financial consulting, financial exchange and gambling. People associated with the Metal element will work hard and long for your success with blessed determination, but they never rely on others when it comes to their future. They don't need to be encouraged or flattered. That is why they often have a reputation for being ruthless and inclined to work alone.

Element of water in feng shui
People associated with the element of Water must communicate with other people. If they do not share their experiences with others, then they either become something like icebergs, filled with neuroses, or turn into a hurricane of frivolity that cannot be stopped. If you are surrounded by people at work who can give you complete freedom to do what you want, especially when you feel the need for change, then you will feel great. Your restless nature is ideally suited to work in show business, the film industry, television, etc., where you can be constantly on the move.

Sometimes you may seem unreliable, ready to evade a common task at any moment, while others are intensely engaged in the task assigned to them! However, everything will be different if your occupation requires you to convince someone or use your imagination and ability to create. The ability to write, the gift of public speaking and the ability to express oneself are the values ​​and talents associated with this element. You might prefer music to painting, but in whatever field you use your Creative skills, this will only increase your confidence that your chosen profession brings you peace of mind and satisfaction. Other professions that are suitable for people associated with the element of Water include therapy, psychology, medical consultation, midwifery, ambulance and all professions where you need to help people, as well as training in how to deal with the public. However, due to the fact that you are very sensitive to the people around you, it is important for you to retire in time, relax and unwind with your loved ones.

Bring the element of Wood into your work environment in the form of wooden sculpture or an upward plant, but avoid horizontally trailing or drooping plants, as they can depress your fluctuating energy. Working with Fire people can be draining, and Earth people can influence you in such a way that you feel unable to leave your desk or lose all your communication skills. People associated with the Wood element will teach you not to judge others, and the Metal type will increase your self-confidence.

Element of wood in feng shui
If you are a Wood person, you may find that you work best in an environment where you can be free and express your individuality. You have a nose for everything new and a taste for experimentation. You have the ability to see long-term prospects for developments in your field of activity, and you can come up with many ideas about the future, so you could take up work that requires a scientific approach or involves experimental research. If you choose any field of activity, then first of all you will require that it be original and that there be a place for your ingenuity. You have artistic inclinations, which means that you will prefer an aesthetically pleasing place to work. The fact that you have humanistic values ​​will strongly incline you to work in social work or to solve environmental problems, where the opportunity to travel and explore freely is the first requirement to satisfy your tendency to avoid direct contact with people.

Working with people associated with the Earth element can create favorable conditions for satisfying your need to justify ideas and goals, while people associated with the Fire element could encourage you to take risks and carry out your plans with more energy. Water types' callings involve one-on-one contact with people, as is the case in counseling and helping professions, and they will find such work attractive. However, it will be better for you if Water types surround you than when you are personally involved in such activities. Therapy requires a strong predisposition to close relationships with people, and this is uncomfortable for some Tree people even in their personal lives.

Avoid working with Metal type people; they will conflict with your idealistic dreams, which is due to their aggressive and arrogant ego. If you have to work temporarily under difficult conditions, you can improve your well-being and self-confidence if you carry a piece of lapis lazuli or amber in your pocket or purse. Something like architecture or archeology will suit you, but if you have to do administrative work, you will eventually get tired of it. You have a need to enjoy the diversity of the world, to see how others improve their lives, health, social environment, or change their profession for a better one. Any activity in which you can help people improve their standard of living, whether at home or abroad, could provide you with an opportunity to exercise your inherent altruism.

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