What happens after the damage is removed. Is it true that when you communicate with a person who has negativity, you start to yawn? Why does a person yawn after brushing?

Why do you sometimes feel like yawning when working with energies?

When working with subtle planes and bodies, two types of special effects can be distinguished: belching and yawning. In the first case, the body reacts to low-vibration structures in the field and removes them (“uplifts”), in the second, it adjusts to higher vibrations and expands consciousness. These effects can be traced in everyday life - in dirty places, energetically saturated with darker and denser vibrations, belching occurs. In places where the Mission of Serving the Spirit or Knowledge takes place (school or temple) - yawning. Everything is individual, of course, and directly depends on a person’s ability to synchronize with space.

Typically, yawning occurs when something comes in or comes out. One way or another, yawning is a contact with the subtle plane. There is a cleaning of those highlighted dark areas in the grid because a lot of energy is passing through a person.

Similar effects are also possible if you decide to write down some insight, think about a decision, read new information, etc.

During energy cleansing, yawning is the first sign of negativity coming out. In other cases, it may be a sign of processing someone else’s low-vibration energy (in the company of people, for example).

Yawning is a normal process during practice. There is a redistribution of energy throughout the body, cleaning of subtle channels.

When you communicate with a certain person and you are attacked by yawning, then you seem to cleanse this person of “negativity”, and yawning is what comes out of you that you do not need. Be happy for yourself that everything is working so well for you.

“My grandmother said that with a yawn, the evil eye or damage comes out of a person, that is, cleansing occurs. And sometimes she herself noticed that yawning works as a defense. When communicating with a person, you suddenly begin to yawn, and the energy vampire leaves your space, and you yawn "You yawn and it becomes easier. It's like a defensive reaction from unnecessary information."

At the first attempts to yawn, we turn on completely and yawn to the fullest extent. We do not restrain ourselves, but on the contrary, we strengthen ourselves. Yawning is a very good sign - energy cleansing is underway. They do not yawn because they want to sleep, they yawn because before going to bed a person must relax enough for energy cleansing to begin. So, if you feel the urge to yawn, yawn to your heart’s content, don’t hold back. It is worth saying that during yawning, your body becomes vulnerable to the entry of negative energy structures into it. They seem to be trying to fill the “vacant space” that has formed. Yawning is the process of opening your inner world and entering there those energies that control you. In any case, if such information exists, it’s probably worth starting to control the yawning process in yourself. Yawn without opening your mouth too much, while intensifying the yawning process itself. Try not to yawn towards people.

Yawning is the restoration of the energy cocoon and deep cleansing of the subtle bodies. At the same time, cleansing and filling with energy occurs. Spontaneous yawning can signal that you are getting rid of some negativity. A person may yawn when deeply perceiving knowledge while listening. Yawning is an indication that energy is moving up the spine.

Sometimes a person is attacked by such yawning that it even brings him to tears. Such “withdrawal” can occur both during special cleansing techniques and spontaneously, without any apparent reason. This is explained by the fact that the fifth energy center, which is located in the throat area (chakra - Vishuddha), has been activated. One of the functions of this chakra is to neutralize the process of expansion of destructive energy in the human biofield. The cleansing process is accompanied by a deep yawn.

In the Eastern tradition, it is believed that when a person yawns, he cleanses and activates the chakras.

Thanks to this property of yawning, which is contagious, you can find out how this or that person treats you, you just have to start yawning. A person who does not experience rejection or hostility towards you will definitely respond with a mutual yawn. Yawning means sympathy. Scientists have proven that not all people succumb to the contagious nature of yawning, but only those who are capable of empathy.

There is an opinion that when a person yawns often, this indicates that he is damaged. Let's see if this is actually true.

Damage is a targeted, negative impact on a specific person, through various rituals and actions.

Signs of damage

  • Aggressive behavior directed at loved ones. Alienation.
  • Diseases that literally kill people.
  • Mental disorders: paranoia, depression, suicidal tendencies.
  • Addiction to alcohol, loss of values ​​and priorities.
  • Aversion to sunlight, reflection in the mirror, dissatisfaction with oneself.
  • Discord in the family. All its members are at risk.

There are various types of targeted effects (on health, on loneliness) and on the person as a whole (on death).

How are yawning and damage related?

First, let's look at the physiological explanation for yawning. People yawn to cool their brains. American scientists conducted the following experiment: two groups of people had to watch videos of people yawning; One group had a cold compress applied to their heads, the other a warm one. The group that had a cold compress applied to their forehead yawned significantly less often. In addition, those participants who were asked to breathe only through their nose yawned less often. This is explained by the fact that with such breathing, blood of a cooler temperature enters the brain.

Another purpose of yawning is the need to stretch and relax tired or tense muscles of the throat and tongue.

Physiology explains the reason for the yawning process itself, but why does a person often yawn and suddenly become drowsy, and how is this related to damage or the evil eye?

Previously, in villages it was believed that frequent yawning was a sign of the unclean, the evil eye or damage. This was explained by the fact that during the purification ritual, the victim of damage began to yawn. Today, representatives of various practices say that frequent yawning occurs in the process of cleansing a person from negative influences. If you have not gotten rid of either damage or the evil eye, this symptom is a sign of damaged energy. Either way, it's a sign of negativity. This kind of yawning cannot be confused with anything: as if there is not enough air.

How to get rid of this negative sign

Of course, before running to a psychic, consider all the physiological aspects of the problem. In addition, there are various breathing practices that will help restore energy (information technology to help). Positive emotions, relaxation, and comfort will also be beneficial. If none of the above helps for a long time, you should turn to a person who has a certain gift, but at the same time, you need to be careful not to become a victim of fraud.

There is an opinion that if you yawn when you say a prayer, it is an evil spirit that prevents you from repeating the sacred praise. Is this true, or is it simply fatigue?

In the article:

Why do you yawn when you say a prayer?

People tend to attach too much importance to what is happening, so they try to explain many things with the help of signs and witchcraft. Therefore, the superstition is so widespread that yawning during praise is a bad sign; a demon sits within the individual and resists the repetition of the sacred text.

But is it? Pay attention to what time of day you pray. If it's early in the morning and you just woke up, or late in the evening and it's time to go to bed, yawning is a normal process that indicates a desire to sleep.

Much depends on the room. It is possible that it is rarely or poorly ventilated. Yawning can also signal an imbalance of carbon dioxide and oxygen. When human blood contains a lot of carbon dioxide, the body tries to get enough oxygen, causing yawning.

If this is a regular occurrence, it may be time to see a doctor. Yawning too often may indicate the onset of diseases.

Yawning can act as a sedative when a person is very nervous. This allows you to cheer up and tone your body. You may be anxious at the moment, thinking about problems rather than concentrating on prayer.

Another reason for the phenomenon is boredom. There is an opinion that when a person is in a passive state, his breathing slows down, and his nerve cells work worse. When you yawn, the lack of oxygen will be replenished and blood circulation will improve.

The opinion that the process itself makes it possible to reduce mental stress is very common. It is because of this that a person yawns if he watches a boring movie, listens to an uninteresting lecture, or does something he doesn’t like.

Yawning with the evil eye

You can talk for a long time about whether damage and the evil eye exist or not, but still many people believe that regular yawning during prayer indicates the presence of negative witchcraft influence. Indeed, it is so.

Let's also remember the consequences for the victim. A person becomes depressed, he has no strength, he doesn’t want to do anything, his only desire is to sleep. Therefore, he may yawn regularly.

You can repeat it an unlimited number of times until it becomes easier. After suppressing a yawn, perform a high-quality cleansing ritual as quickly as possible to get rid of possible negativity.

Yawning is a natural reflex that stimulates the entire body and activates blood circulation in the brain. From a psychological point of view, Spontaneous yawning can occur in cases where the body tries to get rid of various blocks and clamps. They arise from restrained emotions (resentment, anger, anger) and from stress. Ideally, you should allow yourself to yawn freely, but since it is considered indecent, people hold back yawning, as a result of which they create a steady tension in the muscles of the jaws and head.

From an energy point of view , yawning is the restoration of the energy cocoon and the deep cleansing of the subtle bodies. At the same time, cleansing and filling with energy occurs. Spontaneous yawning can signal that you are getting rid of some negativity.

Healers speak that through yawning damage or the evil eye comes out (the body seems to squeeze all this negativity out). Yawning is, as it were, an indicator of a person’s subtle body. It may also indicate that you are “cleaning” someone nearby or “cleaning” yourself.

Energy practices: the benefits of yawning

Based on the above, you can understand that yawning is very useful. By constantly performing energetic yawning, you can relax your body, “yawn” all your energy blockages and fill yourself with energy. In addition, this exercise perfectly activates the brain to improve:

- visual perception and attention;

- sensory perception and motor function of the muscles that are responsible for chewing and sound;

— expressive and verbal communication;

- oxidation processes in the body;

- calm and reliable functioning of the facial muscles and body functioning (by improving its balance).

Relieving facial muscle tension helps improve visual perception and attention, develops the ability to absorb information well, stimulates creative processes and helps in communication. For example, when you start to clench your teeth and get angry, start yawning energetically. This will calm you down, relieve you of unnecessary negative emotions and help you find the right words. By doing this exercise consistently, you will be able to improve several skills, such as: public speaking, reading aloud, creative writing, clear thinking and clear vision during mental work, increasing vocal resonance, stimulating expression and creativity.

Exercise – anti-stress “Energetic yawning”

Place your palms on your cheeks and find the area where the upper and lower jaws meet. Start slowly massaging this area. Close your eyes and begin to yawn, without stopping massaging the muscle junction area. At first the yawn will be “fake,” but then you will begin to yawn for real, sweetly and deeply. Make 8-10 yawns, preferably adding a deep, relaxing one (“wa-a-a-a-u-u-u-u”) and stretch.

This is an easy and very useful exercise. Many energy practices are quite labor-intensive, unlike energetic yawning. So yawn to your health!

Is it true that when you communicate with a person who has negativity, you start to yawn? Answers:

No. A person who is being “vampired” yawns, for example on a bus; if someone sat opposite you and you started yawning, I advise you to change seats. You, Ira, can defend yourself if you know how to do it.

Psychic, magician, astrology, numerology, Tarot

Type of activity: Astrologers, Magic, fortune telling, Numerologists
Email me [email protected]
I will give you several simple methods of visualized protection.

A person from whom negativity comes out also begins to yawn after or during cleaning.

I might add that during the cleaning the client may generally feel cold, hot, sweating or dizzy. But people yawn and feel weak and drowsy mainly due to an attack by an energy vampire. I completely agree with Sofia. Best regards, Boris.

Practicing magician, Fortune teller, Numerologist, Astrologer, Psychic, NLP practitioner, numerology courses

Numerologists, Psychologists
When cleaning, you may experience nausea, headache, dizziness, and diarrhea after cleaning. And also very often people begin to yawn and feel sleepy. This happened to me. By the way, when my mother-in-law cleaned herself from the evil eye, almost everyone fell asleep and started yawning almost immediately.

Psychic, Self-development, Intuition, Courses, Training, Business

Type of activity: Astrologers, Magic, fortune telling, Courses, schools and seminars
I agree, Masha.

The author of the question published an addition: thanks everyone for the answers! By the way, about the cleansing, I did it in October and I had dizziness during the time. But to be honest, I didn’t see any special results other than an improvement in my physical well-being. Maybe it’s too early or is it all coming back to me so quickly? because lately the headaches have intensified and become more frequent and my blood pressure has started to jump, although for me this is early and rare.

Medium Arina

Type of activity: Magic, fortune telling
Not all the negativity has gone away. It also happens that a beginning psychic has phenomena similar to those described by you and a breakdown in fate. He can stare at himself, if he is afraid of the evil eye, his fears materialize. And he very much feels the energy of those around him, especially the negative. Up to the fact that the symptoms of the illnesses of those around him are transmitted to him. And he suffers until he understands that he has received strength. People who studied with me at the courses were often taken by ambulance, but the doctors found nothing. They were sick until they realized, with the help of teachers, who they were .Now they are treating others. Excellent healers.

Medium Arina

Type of activity: Magic, fortune telling
Maybe your abilities are also revealed. If you complete the 1st stage of Reiki, it will stabilize. There you will understand whether you have abilities and what they are. If something is revealed, you will continue to study in the right direction and become a healer. Uncontrolled power is a dangerous toy .If it exists, you need to learn to control it, otherwise you can cause harm to yourself and others. By accident, only with negative thoughts. Take a Reiki course, it won’t get any worse.

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