What does a sleeping girl mean in a dream? What does a girl dream about (interpretation according to Magini’s dream book)

What does a little girl dream about, according to information from various dream books?

Dream Interpretation of Meridian

Seeing the birth of a girl is happiness, joy. A newborn girl dreams of success in work.

If a young girl has a dream, then great joy awaits her, about which her mother will be very worried. Bathing a newborn means dealing with the problem, and feeding means avoiding problems.

If a woman dreams of a girl, then perhaps she will soon become a mother.

Why do you dream about a girl child? If this is a baby and a childless person has a dream, then subconsciously she is ready to become a mother. The second option is the desire on a subconscious level to always control everything in life. To see in a dream how a baby or a girl is being fed by some woman means that changes in the financial situation will soon occur, and a slight profit is possible.

Dream Interpretation of Grishina

Seeing in a dream a pretty girl whose appearance resembles a doll’s is a miracle.

Summer dream book

Seeing a girl is a surprise.

Babysitting a girl means quarreling with your boss.

They ask you to look after the baby - you will receive a serious reprimand at the workplace.

A man who sees a baby in a dream will have pleasant and long-awaited meetings with his family.

For a woman to see herself as a baby means that problems with children await her and news from relatives is possible.

An untidy girl in a dream means collapse, loss of hope, big problems.

Dream Interpretation of the Healer Fedorovskaya

Seeing girls is a surprise, a joy.

Having long conversations with a girl is a profit.

Letting someone else's girl into the house means guests.

Seeing an unfamiliar girl in the house is a sign of suspicion.

To kick a girl out is to be jealous of someone.

Copulation with a young stranger is fortunate.

Eastern dream book

According to him, dreaming of a beautiful girl in clean clothes is good news. But if the baby bites or gets dirty, then you should expect bad news.

Babysitting or playing with a little girl in a dream means learning something amazing.

Spring dream book

If you saw a girl, surprises are expected that will cause amazement.

Autumn dream book

If a woman dreamed that her daughter was unwell, then she would not get sick in life. For a girl, seeing a pretty girl means that she may soon become pregnant.

Children's dream book

If you dreamed of a girl, then there was a need to be alone for some time.

Maly Velesov dream book

A dream in which a girl is present prophesies the loss or death of a loved one.

Modern dream book

For a man, a dream with a little girl means joy from a long-awaited meeting with his family.

When a woman dreams that she is a little girl, her children will cause her trouble, and good news from her parents’ home is likely.

An untidy girl means failure at work, collapse, loss of hope, trouble.

Women's dream book

An adult woman who dreams that she is a little girl is trying to hide from life's problems behind her parents' back.

Dream Interpretation 2012

A girl is a symbol of immaturity; a woman remains a child inside.

Dream Interpretation of the Pechora Healer

The girl is an unexpected event.

Dream book of the 21st century

If in a dream a person is surrounded by young, beautiful girls, then in reality he will also find himself in a pleasant and interesting company. White clothes on girls mean good luck and prosperity.

To be a little girl in a dream means a minor loss and surprise; a girl entering the house means uninvited guests; trying to kick her out means failure; have long conversations with her - succeed, make a profit.

Dream book for the whole family

A girl means financial losses in the family; a loved one may leave and not return.

Talking to a girl means the unnatural death of a familiar person.

A girl whose hair is braided means the birth of a baby, chores, joy, and the implementation of plans.

Having a daughter of marriageable age and at the same time having a dream with a girl - it’s worth starting to collect a dowry.

Dream interpretation of birthday people of January, February, March, April

According to the dream book, seeing a girl in a dream means being very surprised by something.

Dream interpretation of bitches

A woman dreams that she is a little girl - worries, the inability to live on, a constant feeling of guilt due to bad deeds committed once.

The girl is a pleasant surprise.

Playing with your baby means maintaining a strong friendship for a long time.

Dream interpretation of birthday people of September, October, November, December

Seeing your daughter unwell means that in reality she will not get sick.

A girl who sees a pretty baby in a dream will soon become pregnant.

Dream Book of the Wanderer

The girl is a symbol of the protector. If a man had a dream, then he may have an assistant, and if a woman had a dream, then this means that at heart she remains a girl.

Dream interpretation of birthday people in May, June, July, August

If you dream of a girl of doll beauty, this portends a miracle.

It is not at all surprising if young parents or those who are preparing to become children dream of children. But if you don’t have children, or they are already grown, but you dream about kids, such dreams can carry an important message. Particular attention should be paid to what the child is dreaming about.

Dream books from different times and peoples disagree about what a girl dreams about. As a rule, in rigid patriarchal societies it is believed that a girl in a dream is not a good sign. However, both Russian and European dream books assure: if you dreamed of a girl, then it is very important what she was like and what exactly happened.

  • For example, a girl could be born in a dream.
  • A female baby could be present in your dream.
  • It could be your daughter or a stranger's child.
  • It is worth paying attention to the vision in which twins were present.
  • It is important who dreamed of the girl - a woman or a man.
  • The interpretation of the dream will also depend on what exactly the girl was like in the dream - beautiful and joyful or unkempt and upset.
  • When you dream of a little girl, you can hold her in your arms, feed her, braid her hair, and so on.

As almost every dream book says, a girl in a dream means news and news. What signs about upcoming events you dream about can be understood if you analyze all the details.

Why do you dream about a child, a girl whose birth occurs in your dreams? The plot of such a dream is interpreted depending on who saw it. If such an event occurred in the night vision of a girl or unmarried woman, she needs to carefully monitor her behavior - lack of self-discipline can have an extremely negative impact on her reputation.

If a pregnant woman dreams that she gave birth to a daughter, some dream interpreters assure that the baby who will be born in reality will be female, and the birth will be favorable. Why does a woman dream of a newborn girl if she does not yet plan to have children? This vision means a very good development of events both on the personal front and on the career front.

Vanga's dream book says that if a woman dreams of lungs, the coming events in reality will be joyful, and worries will bring pleasure. Why do you dream of a child (girl) born after a difficult birth? It is worth preparing for the fact that in the near future it will take a lot of effort to successfully resolve problems.

If a man imagines that his wife has given birth to a daughter, then in reality he will have a chance to realize his stunning idea and receive certain dividends for it. The reward will not necessarily be monetary - new horizons may open up for the sleeper or he may be accepted by a higher circle of people.

Seeing in a dream a girl who was born to a friend (for a woman) or to a stranger (for a man) is a warning. Firstly, you should not envy those who are close to you, so as not to spoil your relationships with people. Secondly, if you were planning to start a new project, you should postpone it - otherwise someone else will be able to benefit from the fruits of your labor.

  • A breastfeeding baby can also symbolize a pleasant surprise. As the pre-revolutionary Noble Dream Book writes, a girl child appears in dreams, foreshadowing a “miracle.”
  • A baby looking into your eyes means your current romantic interest has a good chance of developing into a long-term relationship.
  • If, according to the plot of the dream, the infant is your daughter, such a vision may also portend troubles that will pass you just when it seems to you that they are about to fall on you.

Why do you dream about a child - a girl - not yours, but in your arms? If the baby is someone else's daughter, but the emotions were positive, then your friends may need your help. If the feeling of having to take care of a child was painful, in reality someone wants to shift their problems onto your shoulders, but you are quite capable of avoiding this.

Double Happiness

Often a baby does not appear alone in a dream. A dream where twins are present suggests that all omens for you are intensifying. If you dream about twin girls, this portends a good development of events both personally and financially.

A girl “in duplicate,” says the Modern Dream Book, can also promise the sleeping person the appearance of a reliable friend, on whom one can rely as on oneself. If you dream of twins who are keeping secrets, it is quite possible that you will be able to “crank out” a very profitable, but not very legal business, which will end quite happily.

Why does a woman dream about a girl if she feels like this very little girl? For a woman, such a dream means that in reality she should grow up, says the French Dream Book. Why does a man, especially a childless one, dream about a little girl? This vision foreshadows an imminent pleasant and joyful meeting with friends or relatives who have not made themselves known for quite a long time.

Why do you dream of a little girl - beautiful and well-groomed? Interpreters believe: when you dream of well-groomed children, including a beautiful baby, this is a good sign associated with upcoming pleasant events. If the girl you dreamed of was disheveled and grimy, in reality it will be necessary to show extreme scrupulousness in business.

Why do you dream about the girl whom, according to the plot of the dream, you had to adopt? The psychological dream book says that adopting a child is a signal of the sleeping person’s strong feeling of loneliness and the desire to take care of someone. The dream book warns: when getting rid of loneliness, you should not forget about moderation, and you should not take responsibility for other people’s actions.

You are rocking the baby in your arms - this portends that your plans are quite labor-intensive, but feasible. Dreams in which you feed a little girl while holding her in your arms have a similar meaning - a difficult task will bring a solid income.

If you feel in a dream that the baby in your arms has a high temperature, this portends recovery for one of the family members. Seeing an adult girl in your night dreams promises positive changes in life. Braiding a girl's hair is a sign of conversations in which a fair amount of frankness may be required from you.

As you can see, most dreams about girls are good and kind dreams. And if they warn us about some upcoming difficulties, then we are quite capable of coping with these difficulties.

I had a dream 😴

Regular 0 Nightmare 0

2 Dream interpretation of birthday people in May, June, July, August

The stranger a dream seems to us, the deeper its meaning.

Sigmund Freud

3 Miller's Dream Book

  • Girl - dreaming of a little girl is a reflection of your most tender and warm feelings.
  • For a pregnant woman, giving birth to a girl in a dream promises an easy birth and the health of the baby.
  • Dreaming of a girl being pregnant means minor troubles and troubles.
  • Feeding a girl in a dream means joy, fun, successful achievements.

4 Dream Interpretation of the Pechora Healer

Dreaming with a girl means:

Girl - to an unexpected event.

Inside everyone, even the best of us, lies an uncontrollable wild beast that wakes up when we sleep...


5 Phoebe's Great Dream Book

Girl dream meaning:

You dreamed of a Girl - joy awaits you associated with children or people younger than you. Imagine that you come to visit a house where there is a little girl. It's her birthday today. She is smartly dressed and has beautiful bows in her hair. You give her toys and a box of chocolates.

6 Dream Interpretation of the Healer Fedorovskaya

Babysitting a girl means a quarrel with your boss.

In a dream, you were asked to look after a little girl - expect a reprimand at work.

If a man sees a little girl in a dream, it means that joyful meetings with loved ones await him, from whom he has not received news for a long time.

Seeing a scruffy girl in a dream means that your affairs will come to a complete decline, your hopes will melt away like smoke, and you may also be in big trouble.

7 Magic dream book

You dreamed of a Girl - a new love. A frolicking girl - resourcefulness, ingenuity

After sleeping, we must wash our hands immediately, because when we fall asleep, the unclean spirit is applied to our hands and it is still there. You should wash your face without touching your eyes.

8 Dream interpretation of birthday people of September, October, November, December

Girl, in a dream means:

If a mother dreams that her girl is very sick, in reality she will be healthy.

If a young woman sees a beautiful girl in a dream, this means pregnancy.

9 Dream book for the whole family

Girl - a dream promises losses in the house. Perhaps one of the relatives (close or acquaintances) will leave home or city forever.

If a girl talks to you in a dream, one of your friends will die a “not natural” death.

A dream in which you see a little girl whose hair someone is braiding, foretells the appearance of a child in your home. A child will naturally require care and attention, but will also bring with it a lot of joy and pleasure. Perhaps the plans you have made will come true.

If you have an adult daughter, it’s time to take care of a dowry for her.

10 Dream Interpretation 2012

Why does a woman dream about a girl:

A girl is a reflection of the immature feminine principle. For a woman, it is also a reflection of the inner child.

When in a dream it seems that someone is waking you up and calling you, do not respond and do not look out the window - this is one of your deceased relatives calling you to them.

11 Dream book for a bitch

Why does a woman dream about a girl:

A girl is an amazing and joyful event.

Seeing yourself as a little girl means you worry about the mistakes you made in the distant past and because of this you cannot live life to the fullest.

Playing with a little girl in a dream means you will maintain good relationships with your friends for many years.

12 Dream book of Nina Grishina

Seeing a girl in a dream means:

Girls - amusement/surprise.

Talking to a girl for a long time is wealth.

Letting a stranger into your home means guests.

To see someone else in your home means you will have to suspect someone.

Kicking someone out of the house means jealousy.

Having intercourse with a stranger is happiness.

13 Women's dream book

A dream with a girl in the dream book is interpreted as:

If you dream that you are a little girl, it means that in reality you are subconsciously trying to hide in your parents' house in order to get rid of all the problems that arise in your life.

14 Dream book of healer Akulina

Dreaming with a girl means:

What does a Girl mean in a dream?

An amazing and joyful event associated with children or people much younger than you. Imagine that you are treating a girl to something tasty. Give her a gift.

15 Psychological interpreter Furtseva

Girl dream meaning:

  • Being a little girl again in a dream for an adult means that the dreamer sometimes wants to be carefree, forget about responsibility, submit to the power of her partner, and receive more affection from him.
  • Why does a man dream about a girl - he has intimate dreams that he is ashamed to tell his partner about.
  • baby girl - a dream always brings about quick pleasant impressions.
  • If you dream of a crying girl in a dream, nothing bad will happen. This expresses your concern about the fate of your loved ones, which will quickly subside.
  • Dreaming of a girl with an innocent, angelic face is a harbinger of troubles. Your enemies are preparing a trap for you, be careful. The image of a “guardian angel”, an assistant in business for men; for a woman - primitive, childish models of behavior, she herself is the image and state of her soul.

16 Wanderer's Dream Book - Terenty Smirnov

What does it mean if a woman dreams of a girl:

If someone shudders in a dream, it means that person is growing.

17 Online dream book

What a girl might dream about:

A dream about a girl may indicate upcoming news. How good or bad they will be is evidenced by her appearance, whether she will be neat and beautiful, or in dirty clothes or ugly.

If a young woman sees herself as a young girl in a dream, it means that she will soon have some problems with her children, or she will receive good news from her relatives.

The dream book says that if she is a stranger to you, but is in your house, you have to suspect someone of something.

If you dream about how you play with her, your relationships with loved ones and acquaintances will be excellent and long.

If a man dreams of his wife nursing a child, he will be guaranteed stability in business and warm family relationships in the near future. If a girl dreamed that she was taking care of her baby

When a man dreams of twin girls

To see a dream in which you adopted a girl - in reality you will try to “adopt” or take responsibility for someone else’s business. You will try to cope with both your own affairs and those that you have assigned to yourself, believing that your strength is enough to work on two fronts.

When a woman dreams of a girl with long hair, in reality this woman is very worried. She is probably openly jealous of a more attractive and younger girl, or intuitively senses the possibility of a beautiful rival appearing.

Seeing a little sick girl in a dream is a bad omen. In reality, what you have in mind or planned will not be so easy to bring to life. Difficulties will arise. Seeing your child sick in a dream

Little girls in a dream are always a good sign. It’s especially good if you dream of showing your concern for a girl

A dream in which you see a newborn girl signifies the approach of good changes in your family life. However, if the child cries without calming down

Dreams in which you are holding a little girl in your arms indicate that you are currently in a difficult situation. And solving the problem will not be easy.

When you see children in a dream, this is a certain symbol that speaks of your plans. Your attitude towards these matters is almost “parental”. Perhaps this is the birth of an idea and its implementation. The business to which you devote yourself.

A dead child in dreams means difficulties, resentment, troubles. In a dream, a child often plays the role of a cause to which a person is dedicated. Be it personal relationships, work ideas, or other plans and their implementation.

If you dreamed of a red-haired child, expect trouble. Perhaps you will be disappointed, become a victim of a deceiver, or maybe a liar. Most likely, expect a dirty trick from a woman.

18 Dream Interpretation of Stealing Veles

Girl, in a dream means:

A girl is a loss, a death in the family.

19 Romantic dream book

If a girl dreams of a girl, it means:

  • Why dream of giving birth to a girl - you can soon meet someone with whom you will spend your life and be happy. The dream also speaks of secret desires, and seeing the birth from the outside means that you are a sensual person.
  • If a girl dreamed that she gave birth not only to a girl, but also to a boy, a fateful meeting and happy love awaited her. For married women, such images foreshadow a long-awaited conception.
  • Girls dream of babysitting and playing with a child when they are about to marry an indecisive person.
  • Why do you dream of twin girls walking hand in hand? You will soon make peace with your lover. For a man to see such girls, he feels lonely without love.
  • A crying girl means that promising plans will appear in life, but the achievement of which will not be easy for you.
  • If you dream of a laughing girl in a dream, life provides you with prospects and tempting solutions to your problems.
  • You dream of a girl, she clings to you, a series of changes in life begins, and the closer she clings, the more serious these changes will be.
  • When a girl is ridiculed by others, it means that in reality, beware of your hidden enemies. Evil people are preparing dirty tricks for you.
  • If you see the death of a girl in a dream, according to the dream book, your plans will not come true.
  • A girl’s illness means you will not receive outside support in resolving many issues. It's worth getting stronger. Your energy is sleeping, so wake it up and direct it towards achieving your goals.

20 Danilova's children's dream book

and prosperity.

Seeing yourself as a little girl in a dream means impending surprise or minor damage; if an unfamiliar girl comes into your house, it means uninvited guests; kicking her out means minor troubles; talking to a girl for a very long time in a dream means wealth and success.

22 Dream Interpretation of Nancy Wagaiman

Interpretation of a dream about a girl:

You dream of twin girls, which means that two complementary news will please you beyond words. Triplets in a dream - three combined events will amaze you. Dream about Gemini - hearing the same message only from different sources. Twins boy and girl - soon your family will be visited by both joyful and sad events. When you dream of someone else's child, you will be shocked by someone else's profit and success. A beautiful girl dreams of significant good news. A very good interpretation of a dream in which there is a red-haired girl - good changes for the better await you in your personal life. A dream in which a naked girl talks about your illness. It's worth taking care of your health. A fair-haired girl in a dream means big profits. I dreamed of a blue-eyed woman - enlightenment in plans that had been standing still for a long time. A sleeping little girl in a dream means unexpected events of joyful coloring will burst into your life.

Good meaning: If a girl is in the water, then this dream means the appearance of something new in your life, and at the same time suggests trying yourself in something - changing jobs or finding a new hobby. This is a very auspicious period, and to get the maximum benefits, find some flat stones, place them in the bathroom and place candles on them. Light the candles; while they are burning, you should be in the water.

Bad meaning: If the girl is sad, then in the near future you will disappoint someone around you. To prevent this from happening, go to the cemetery as quickly as possible and bury a few potatoes near an unmarked grave.

Dreams about little girls are very interesting. All sources interpret them differently. However, to correctly interpret what the little girl is dreaming about, all the details of the dream should be taken into account. Much depends on the child’s actions and his appearance. This dream can be a harbinger of both good and bad events.

Eastern dream book

What a little girl dreams about foreshadows news. Whether they will be bad or good depends on what the child was like: clean, kind or dirty and evil. Babysitting a girl or playing with her means receiving news that will be very surprising.

Dream Interpretation of Grishina

What little girls dream of can mean surprise or amusement. Talking to them for a long time means wealth. When a person in a dream lets someone else’s girl into the house, it means guests are coming. Just seeing a stranger in your home means suspecting someone. Kicking a girl out of the house means jealousy.

Dream Book of the Wanderer

A girl in a dream symbolizes a guardian angel. For men, this dream foreshadows support or an assistant in business. For women, it personifies naivety and a childish behavioral stereotype. This may be temporary

Modern dream book

As a rule, for a man a girl in a dream is a harbinger of a joyful meeting with one of his relatives or friends from whom he has not heard anything for a long time. If a woman dreams that she sees herself as small, she will be faced with worries and troubles associated with children. This dream can also mean receiving good news from your parents. A sloppy girl means a complete decline in business. The sleeper's hopes will not come true and serious troubles are possible.

Women's dream book

When a lady dreams that she has returned to childhood, this dream indicates the presence of a subconscious desire to hide in the safe house of her parents from adversity and problems.

Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation

Usually what a little girl dreams about foreshadows a surprise in reality. If she cries, it means a pleasant surprise, which will most likely be material. When a girl laughs, it means tears. Talking to her in a dream means some surprise will greatly affect the life of the sleeper. If a dreamer scolds a girl for something in a dream, in real life he will face troubles that will happen through his fault. Babysitting and entertaining her means working for the benefit of others, which will bring a lot of positive things to a person.

Ukrainian dream book

Usually what a little girl dreams about portends joy. If a married person sees her in a dream, then troubles await him in reality.

Dream Interpretation of Fedorovskaya

A dream about a girl portends a surprise or a surprise.

Dream Interpretation of Felomena

Usually, (the girl) speaks of the approach of good changes in the family life of the sleeper. If the baby is crying, then at the moment the person has some problems in this area.

Dream book of the 21st century

If a person sees himself as a little girl in a dream, in real life he will face a strong surprise or a minor loss. Talking with her for a long time means great success and material well-being, which await the dreamer soon.

A person in a dream is immersed in another, amazing world, in which the past can intersect with the future. The images that come in dreams try to convey to a person what he should be afraid of, and in what cases he can relax.

Many people dream of small children. As various dream books testify, such a dream most often foreshadows upcoming changes, and in order to correctly decipher it, one should remember what gender, age the child was in the dream, what actions he performed and other additional details.

Why do you dream about a baby girl?

It doesn’t matter who dreamed of a baby, a man or a woman, but such a dream foreshadows both good changes in life. Especially if in the dream you have to care for a child. An additional information load is carried by a dream in which you need to feed the baby, bathe, change clothes and perform other actions. If you dream that a girl needs to change her diaper, but the dreamer cannot find it, then in reality he should be afraid of betrayal from a relative or friend with whom he has developed the most trusting relationship.

To see a dream in which a woman gave birth to a daughter means that the time has come to carry out her long-standing plans. Such a dream is extremely favorable because it indicates that a person will receive support from an influential person.

A baby daughter in a dream foretells that the dreamer will soon have good luck in all matters, which will greatly surprise those around him. If you dream that your baby is crying, you should expect a deterioration in your health.

Hold a baby in your arms

If a woman sees in a dream a little girl she is holding in her arms, then this is a warning dream. He foreshadows the emergence of a burden, which will hinder any progress. Sometimes such a dream promises trouble. It is very important to remember details, perception and mood. Certain plots can be interpreted as a manifestation of responsibility or care imposed by an outsider.

To see in a dream a child or girl whom a person holds in his arms, and at the same time he feels her heat, then in reality this indicates that the dreamer is suffering from a depressed moral state. There is a high probability that strong experiences await him, due to which he may get sick.

With long hair, blue eyes, in a white dress

Why do you dream of a little girl with long hair? This symbolizes a long journey. Soon the dreamer may go on a very interesting trip to another country. If you dream that a baby has braided her hair, then, according to the dream book, you should soon expect a new addition to the family or a long-planned dream will come true.

Why do you dream about a girl with blue eyes? This means that in reality someone shows tender feelings towards a person and this is mutual. The cold look of blue eyes portends failure in business. If, according to the dream book, the color of a small child’s eyes attracts the dreamer’s gaze, then in reality he should pay attention to a problem that has arisen quite recently. There is a high probability that a person will solve the problem in a favorable way if he finds out the cause of the problem.

Why do you dream of a girl in a white dress? This is a bad sign that portends imminent trouble. You should expect:

  • that one of your relatives will get sick or have troubles;
  • in all matters you will fail.

Holding a little girl’s hand means, according to the dream book, the dreamer will soon have problems. If in a dream a child stands next to a person and does not touch him, then in reality failures will haunt people from his close circle.

Child laughs, cries, hugs

According to the dream book, a little girl who laughs and has fun in a dream foretells pleasant chores that can solve old problems. If the child is beautiful and in clean clothes, then good news will appear soon.

If you dream that a baby is crying, then the dream book interprets it as follows - the dreamer should pay attention to his health. Seeing a disheveled and dirty child in a dream means:

  • failure in personal life;
  • the emergence of problems in business relationships.

According to the dream book, a girl child who hugs the dreamer means incredible luck in reality and good luck in all matters. If the child is unfamiliar, then guests will soon come with good news.

Seeing a child in a stroller

If a pregnant girl sees a little girl in a stroller in a dream, then such a dream suggests the gender of the unborn child. A girl in a beautiful stroller smiles at the dreamer - some unexpected joyful event should be expected.

An unmarried girl dreams of a girl in a stroller - for an imminent wedding, and the marriage will be happy.

Kisses and collects flowers

If in a dream the dreamer feels that a girl is kissing him, especially if this is his own daughter, then in reality this promises household chores, which will be pleasant. If you dream that your daughter is kissing a relative, then you should expect a new meeting or a pleasant acquaintance. Seeing a small child kiss an elderly person foretells uncertainty in your loved one. Such a dream does not bode well for anything bad, and everything will work out by itself. Kissing a little girl in your dreams means amazing events are coming soon.

Seeing a baby picking flowers in a dream is interpreted by the dream book as an upcoming pleasant journey that will bring a lot of useful information.

Talk and scold the girl

According to the dream book, talking to a small child is bad sign, which portends a very serious illness in a loved one that can lead to death.

Scolding a girl in a dream - in reality, an unpleasant event is expected that will arise through the fault of the dreamer. Playing with a baby means you have to work for another person, but the result will be unexpected and pleasant.

Accident with a girl

As the dream book interprets such a dream, in reality the dreamer must be careful and be very attentive. There is a high probability that the person is in danger that relates to children.

Miller's Dream Book

According to this dream book, the girl foreshadows some important event, thanks to which the dreamer’s life will change for the better. A newborn baby is a good sign. It promises joy pleasant chores, success in business. If this is a girl, then in reality the dreamer will do everything planned quite successfully. Breastfeeding in a dream means changes will occur in your life in the near future.

Thus, if you dreamed of a little girl, you should remember all the details of such a dream. Often this portends happiness and luck, and all troubles will be avoided. A girl in a dream is a good sign both for the dreamer himself and for those around him.

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