Eastern horoscope 1979. Horoscope zodiac signs by year, eastern animal calendar

Studying the character of people, you are surprised at some similarities in preferences and style of behavior. Ancient Eastern sages compiled a detailed description of the mental properties of people born in the same year. The sages also noticed a cyclicity of 12 years, which governs the individual biological year of each person.

This knowledge has still not lost its relevance and helps build the right relationships between different people. Today we’ll look at 1979: what animal does it represent? I had the opportunity to communicate with representatives of the Year of the Goat, and only a detailed study of their character traits allowed me to find a common language and agree on resolving important issues.

These are cheerful and sociable people, a little naive and eccentric. They will be able to adapt to any environment and achieve a comfortable existence. With all his charm and peacefulness goats are hot-tempered and impulsive. They love to stir up conflicts and sort things out over little things, but they don’t bring a single quarrel to a victorious end - they don’t have enough fire.

Also, these people are not capable of becoming leaders; they are good at being performers. In this regard, they choose spouses with authoritative character traits who can take responsibility for the family and personal well-being of the goat. Despite the protection of the earthly elements, the goat will still have its head in the clouds and lead a carefree lifestyle.

Note! The dream of any goat is to find a rich patron to enjoy a prosperous and carefree life.

This sign has contradictory features. For example, a goat can look both elegant and sloppy, or be both gentle and tough. They are friendly and welcoming, but can show unreasonable hostility.

Goats are artistic and talented, they can achieve success in the arts. Artistry is inherent in goats by nature; they play constantly and everywhere - at home, at work, in society. Sometimes the goat itself does not understand where is reality and where is pretense.

Developed intuition helps goats predict the outcome of future events, and this saves them from many troubles and troubles. Natural flair also helps goats manipulate people, which allows them to successfully achieve their goals. The goal of a sheep is to live at the expense of others, and many manage to do this successfully.

Positive character qualities:

  • tenderness;
  • caring;
  • agreeableness;
  • kindness
  • tact;
  • honesty.

If you look deep into the soul of a yellow earthen goat, you will see the soul of a naive child. Until a very old age, goats will remain at heart a small child who needs care and affection.

However, instability in character and unpredictability of behavior also result in negative aspects of character:

  • quarrelsomeness;
  • aggression;
  • mood swings.

Goats are fussy creatures, but they always fuss stupidly. Their lives are filled with chaos and confusion, so they need someone to guide their actions and lead their lives. When under stress, a sheep begins to panic and rush from side to side, instead of acting adequately.

Disorganization and inability to plan leads to the fact that the goat grabs onto several things at once, but does not bring any of them to its logical conclusion. They are used to swimming with the flow, and if an obstacle is encountered in the path of the current, the goat turns to the side.

If you look at the behavior of a sheep from the outside, it gives the impression of a reckless nature: it does whatever comes into its head. A well-developed imagination tells goats things that others cannot even imagine.

On a note! The goat's stubbornness often leads to it acting against its own interests and to its detriment.

People born in this year are easy-going and act on instinct without hesitation. Most often, rash actions lead to unpleasant consequences for which the goat is not going to answer. In difficult times, she simply hides behind the backs of her loved ones, who are trying to save their goat from the consequences of her reckless actions.

Goats are extremely dependent individuals and constantly need outside help.. They do not know how to achieve their goals, so they enjoy the patronage of more authoritative people. The goat will always thank you from the bottom of her heart for the help provided.

The psyche of goats is extremely unstable; they are prone to depression. and a gloomy outlook on life. Therefore, they need to monitor their mental health and take relaxing procedures on time. Mental breakdowns and depression are frequent companions of people under the auspices of the year of the goat.


Representatives of the male population born in Goz are distinguished by great emotionality and openness. It is easy to communicate with them and spend time in intimate conversations. They know how to listen to the end of the interlocutor, do not interrupt and behave elegantly in communication. However, you should not rely on them: they can let you down and set anyone up for the sake of their own interests.

Note! Men under the sign of the goat do not know how to conduct business and are capable of failing any project. They are setting themselves up for defeat before they even begin to act.

Representatives of the year of the goat do not know how to plan the future; they have a whole swarm of unformed thoughts in their heads. In addition, representatives of this year adequately assess their capabilities and quite realistically believe that they are not able to cope with the situation. The man of the year of the goat is trying to convince everyone that victories in life are not his goal. But this is only because he simply does not know how to defeat them: he is not a warrior and not a winner in life.

The Goat man does not strive for family life, because he does not want to take on obligations and responsibilities. All these men are capable of is light flirting and temporary infatuation. You can marry such a man, but only if you try really hard. A smart woman can take a goat by storm and by cunning: move to live with him and leave no chance of escape.


These are very sweet, good-natured creatures, full of mercy and compassion. People are drawn to such women, because in their company it is very pleasant and you can feel your own importance. This is possible thanks to the goat’s ability to sincerely admire the virtues of others. If these advantages are not there, the goat will still find something to admire.

The goat’s ability to give people compliments on any occasion attracts crowds of acquaintances, friends and admirers to it. For example, a goat has the ability to find positive aspects even in the most unsightly situation. The goal is simple and clear - to calm the person down and support him emotionally. If you got a disgusting haircut, the goat will be able to find positive aspects even in this circumstance.

However, one should not think that the goat has many real friends: most of its contacts are of a secular, superficial nature. The goat is a flirt who loves empty fun pastime. Such women have many admirers of the opposite sex who have no hope of a future together with a careless, frivolous woman.

As a rule, the chosen one of a goat is an accomplished, wealthy man of an age who can provide her with a comfortable existence. This union is more reminiscent of a father-daughter relationship, but the goat is quite happy with it. Moreover, she strives for such relationships. It is vital for her that someone takes care of her and solves her problems.

Compatibility with other signs

Bull. The union is unfavorable, since the prudent bull is irritated by the goat’s recklessness and wastefulness, its irresponsibility and superficiality. However, the couple is quite harmonious in intimate terms, so marriages can be long-term and quite successful. The couple expects constant quarrels over money, but there are also enough positive moments in their lives. The main thing for a goat is a reliable partner, behind whose back you can hide from life’s adversities. The bull is impressed by the obedience and diligence of the goat.

Tiger. This union can also become successful, since the goat does not claim a leading position. She is an excellent manipulator, so being a leader is not at all necessary. The goat gladly shifts all its problems onto the tiger's shoulders and enjoys carelessness. There are skirmishes in a couple, but both partners quickly move away from the quarrel and coexist peacefully until the next skirmish.

Rabbit. This is a union of two infantile personalities that suits both. Nothing prevents them from enjoying peace and serenity. Since the rabbit is still more stable and predictable, he places the burden of responsibility for the family on his shoulders. The couple is so comfortable together that they are able to forgive even cheating on each other. It's unlikely that anything can separate a rabbit and a sheep.

The Dragon. Despite the serious nature of the dragon, the goat manages to completely subjugate this dangerous animal. Even despite the dragon’s hot-tempered and harsh temperament, the couple manages to build a harmonious and trusting relationship. An enterprising goat knows how to inspire the dragon to exploits and deeds for the well-being of the family.

Snake. This is a very prosperous and successful tandem in which trust and harmony reign. The wise snake knows how not to notice the tricks of the sheep, for which the latter is very grateful to her. The couple knows how to find compromises, but they rarely reach them.

Horse. The couple is not harmonious. The horse affects the sheep in the most negative way and excites it into obstinacy and quarrelsomeness. The horse does not know how to loyally control the goat and tries to take it under total control. This circumstance causes fierce resistance on the part of the sheep, which is accustomed to comfort and self-will. The goat can do eccentric things to annoy the horse.

Goat. The union has no prospects, although it looks eccentric and incendiary. There is no trust in the couple; both partners suspect each other of cheating. But the two sheep will not be able to separate completely and will maintain relations until the end of their days. Even if they separate as spouses, they will remain lovers and will continue to meet.

Monkey. There is no mutual understanding in the couple, since there is a strong difference in life goals and worldview. The resourceful monkey will not be able to use his manipulative techniques, since the goat turns out to be an order of magnitude higher. The sheep also does not always manage to manipulate the monkey, which leads to confusion. Partners are simply not destined to be together, since they cannot realize their qualities in this union.

Rooster. This union will have everything: passion and violent conflict on any occasion. Partners do not know how to restrain themselves; they will be able to moderate their ardor only in adulthood. These signs can only be friends with each other, but not live in marriage or work together.

Dog. This union is not harmonious, but the partners still cannot separate. A dog gets married once and for all, but a goat does not tend to make responsible decisions on its own. Moreover, she is completely satisfied with the fact that all problems and all responsibility can be transferred to the dog.

Pig. Astrologers consider this union to be the most successful of all. Nothing can deprive partners of peace and disrupt harmony: they completely trust each other and do not limit someone else’s personal space. In everyday life, there is also complete mutual understanding: both partners act on inspiration and do not criticize each other. The pig and the goat inspire each other, so their union lasts a long time and both partners feel happy.

Rat. There is no indifference between representatives of these signs: either it is ardent passion or furious hatred. Astrologers consider this union to be completely compatible, but the rat and the goat lack the understanding to understand this. Both partners are quick-tempered and impulsive, this prevents them from establishing mutual understanding. If they learn to make mutual concessions, they will be able to build a strong and happy marriage.

Year of birth of the man of the year Goat according to the eastern calendar: 02/09/1967; 01/28/1979; 02/15/1991; 02/01/2003; 02/10/2015;.

The Goat man is a born politician, and is probably the most dexterous among all the signs of the Chinese zodiac. Seemingly calm and serene to the point of absent-mindedness, he is absolutely unpredictable, insidious and prone to manipulating other people. This man is very concerned about his own image as a virtuous and honorable gentleman; he will never show others his strength and ambitious plans.

The Goat man has truly gigantic ambitions; he craves wealth, power and influence, but almost never acts openly - his struggle takes place behind the scenes. In competition he is careful, vigilant and patient. He never acts recklessly or impudently. If a man of this type chooses a political career, you should not expect special scrupulousness and sympathy from him.

The Goat man, as a leader, is not prone to open tyranny, but does not tolerate criticism or insubordination. As a rule, being a boss, he tries to limit the access of others to his person, inventing multi-stage protective cordons for this purpose. It is useless to ingratiate yourself with this person in order to influence him; Having earned its favor, use it carefully. For him, the concept of “affection” or “friendship” does not exist if he is truly angry. This is a dangerous opponent who will not forget or forgive anything to anyone.

In matters of the heart, the Goat man is romantic, enterprising and inventive. He is able to get the object of his affection even despite the latter’s resistance. He will eventually overcome any obstacles on the path to his happiness with the help of his characteristic quiet perseverance.

Elemental signs of men Goat, Sheep

The Goat man, the Sheep of the Wood element, is less ambitious, purposeful and serious than the other Sheep, but absolutely as smart and cunning as they are. In addition, he is easier to negotiate with and can be a huge success in society.

The Goat man, the Sheep of the Fire element, has an irresistible charm! He exudes a calm dignity, refined sensitivity and romanticism that literally immediately sets him apart from his surroundings. This man, in addition, knows how to convince, which, along with his innate charisma, gives him great influence. Most often, in his chosen field and in life in general, he is accompanied by incredible success.

The Goat man, the Sheep of the Earth element, is rarely as hardworking or eloquent as other Sheep, but he has a vivid imagination and a real talent for getting along with everyone at once. He often achieves success thanks to his almost supernatural gift of making the most wonderful friends and acquaintances.

The Goat man, the Sheep of the Metal element, looks good-natured and frivolous, and in addition, he is always ready to provide a service. He has an unpretentious (and often simply careless) appearance and somewhat bohemian views on life, but this only gives him a special charm. His kindness and attentiveness can confuse anyone, and he may well become belligerent. Despite his tendency to frequent changes in mood and temperament, this man is quite purposeful and firm.

The Goat man, the Sheep of the Water element, is a truly outstanding personality! Charming, insightful and intelligent, he is capable of achieving great things, no matter where he starts. In appearance, incredibly sweet and simple-minded, almost to the point of naivety, this master manipulator is ambitious and absolutely ruthless.

According to the Chinese horoscope, 1979 is the year of the yellow Goat, the element of the year is Earth.

The beginning of the Year of the Goat according to the Chinese calendar is February 15, 1979, the end of the year is February 15, 1980. A person born before February 15, 1979 belongs to the Horse sign (the previous sign in the horoscope).

Character of the year 1979 according to the Chinese calendar

According to the Chinese horoscope, 1979 passes under the auspices of two earthly elements at once. Firstly, Earth is the official element of 1979, and in addition, the element of the Goat (patron of the year) is also Earth. As a result, the Earth repeatedly strengthens its properties, influencing the character of 1979 and people born in this year.

In the Chinese horoscope, the combination of two Earth elements at once is considered very good. Earth enhances the most striking properties of the Earth. A person born in 1979 inevitably feels this. The earthly element endows him with patience, hard work, endurance and perseverance. The liberal character forces this person to carefully analyze everything before making decisions; he persistently and slowly moves towards his goals, achieving sustainable results.

The influence of two elements of the Earth at once endows a person born in 1979 with enormous inner strength and the ability to make his dreams come true, but excessive stubbornness sometimes greatly hinders him. According to the Chinese horoscope, he is reliable and cheerful, hardworking and conscientious, persistently pursuing his goal and determined to achieve it. In his feelings, he is distinguished by loyalty and constancy, and is very attached to his family and close people.

Character of a person born in the year of the Goat

It is almost impossible to refuse a person born in the year of the Goat (according to other versions of the Eastern horoscope of the Sheep). He knows exactly which doors to knock on, what to do and what to say to get what he wants. And at the same time, the Goat does not make complex plans for the future and does not weave cunning intrigues, but simply knows how to please and evoke in others an unconscious desire to help her. In a conversation, the Goat prefers not so much to talk as to listen: she does not pull the blanket over herself, but with genuine interest asks her interlocutor about his affairs and plans.

Years of the Yellow Earth Goat:

(People born in these years, according to the Chinese horoscope, are “heavenly twins,” that is, they have many similar character traits and outlooks on life).

Celebrities born in 1979:

As is clear, a person’s character and life, in general, are influenced by a huge number of qualities that do not depend on him. For example, a name or a zodiac symbol. The year of birth is also given special significance. According to the eastern horoscope, there are 12 animals that are zodiac signs. Each of them patronizes one calendar year. By carefully examining a person’s date of birth, it is possible to give a fairly complete and accurate description of his nature, preferences, and warn
any problems in life and even avoid serious illnesses. Let's look at the year 1979 as an example. What animal was he? What traits do its representatives possess?

Year of the Land Goat (Sheep). Common features

Many people sometimes wonder what animal year 1979 was according to the eastern calendar: Goats or still Sheep? Both of these friendly creatures are considered patrons of that period. In the eastern calendar there is another example of a double designation of the year: Cat and Bunny. During this calendar period, you can safely allow yourself little whims - for example, relax in nature or take an unplanned trip in the company of friends. According to the Chinese horoscope of 1979, the patron saint is the Goat or the Sheep. And he was not very suitable and measured in terms of money and politics. But balance was gradually restored. Sometimes the best solutions to emerging problems came by themselves, regardless of the presence or absence of competence or prudence. This year can safely be considered sometimes more suitable for creative people - for example, for comedy actors.

Positive traits of a person born in the year of the Goat (Sheep)

Such a person is truly the prototype of elegance and artistry. The year 1979 according to the eastern calendar was under the auspices of perhaps one of the most charming symbols. A person born specifically at this time is considered sophisticated and even somewhat feminine. The Goat (Sheep) symbol is generally recognized as the emblem of ladies. Such natures are shy, sometimes pampered. They love to listen to discussions about themselves and enjoy taking advice from other interlocutors. They often rely on someone else’s worldview. A person born in 1979 is never dependent on the situation and easily adapts to virtually any lifestyle, if at the same time he is provided with at least a small level of safety and security.

Often such natures differ from all other characters by their special tenderness and refinement of manners, as well as wisdom. They are often very religious. Such people are also no strangers to a passion for magic and the occult. These natures are prone to charity. They want to live a quiet, peaceful and relaxed life, dreaming of a happy and materially successful marriage. They often shine in some direction of creativity. They are quite smart and have good taste.

Negative traits

According to the eastern calendar, 1979 is the period of the capricious Goat (Sheep). This very trait is the main disadvantage of similar people. Such natures are prone to pessimism and invariable thickening of colors. They are capable of boring their interlocutors, friends and acquaintances, and often hesitate in the process of making even the most ordinary decision. These people are very undisciplined and are always late everywhere and everywhere. They completely lack a sense of belonging, which is why such individuals are often accused of dishonesty. Many representatives of this sign do not have a sense of responsibility. Such people usually do not occupy leadership positions because they are designed to report to others. Their next, very significant, shortcoming is the desire to live well at the expense of others. Therefore, among people born this year, there are many lovers of arranged marriages.

What should you be afraid of?

What animal is 1979? Completely incapable of any kind of commerce. Therefore, people born during this period need to avoid any kind of business and independent financial investments of a significant scale. They won't make businessmen. Such individuals cannot speak well; it is difficult for them to express their thoughts. Such people will not make competent and successful commanders. Therefore, they also need to beware of all positions related to military affairs.

Celebrities born in the year of the Goat (Sheep)

How true the properties mentioned above are can be judged by famous people who were born specifically under the sign of such an animal. In the year of the Goat (Sheep), Christopher Columbus, Archimedes, Michelangelo, Alexei Tolstoy, Misha Gorbachev, Anton Chekhov, Bulganin, Mikoyan, Prus, Balzac, Mark Twain, Sorge, Yaroslav Hasek, Karl Liebknecht, Potemkin, Gauguin, Pushkin were born. You see, this list contains very strong personalities of their time, who made many fundamental discoveries and left a striking mark on history. Despite all the shortcomings and disadvantages of this sign, you should always strive for something new in your own life. This also applies to those quite young people today whose date of birth is in 1979. Whatever animal you touch on the eastern calendar, it always has completely unique capabilities that can bring fame and universal recognition to its representatives.

Affairs with other signs

Not all people can bring satisfaction and happiness into the life of a person born under the sign of the Goat (Sheep). Comfort will be provided by those whose emblems are Pig, Cat and Horse. The last representative simply will not attach importance to whims, because there is great selfishness at work here. These character flaws will even amuse the cat a little. But the Pig will endure exactly to the extent that the Goat does not cross all conceivable boundaries in its own whims.

All other signs simply will not be able to withstand such a person next to them for quite a long time. Similar combinations also apply to people whose date of birth fell in 1979. Who according to your horoscope should not be allowed to get very close to you? For example, Bull. Such people give quite a lot to their own family, but at the same time they are demanding and expect the same in return. And individuals born under the sign of the Goat think, mainly, only about themselves. A relationship with someone born in the year of the Dog will not lead to anything great. This applies to both love and work. An alliance between two chronic pessimists is doomed to failure. This is especially true for those whose date of birth fell in 1979. What animal was he? Land Goats are very passive and dependent creatures.

What should other signs expect in the year of the Goat (Sheep)

Combination of horoscopes

People whose birth fell in 1979 should not only be governed by eastern interpretations. We have already found out what kind of animal he was, and we have barely even revealed the hidden character of similar persons. But what do the combinations of a goat with the usual zodiac signs mean?

  • Aries. Here is the Goat-Wrestler. All her life she will resist her own flexible nature and try to become the favorite.
  • Calf. A goat with a crazy amount of charm. Very idle, requires the care of friends.
  • Twins. Constant tricks and antics. A goat with a violent character.
  • Cancer. A person with a very good will.
  • A lion. A very proud Goat with a huge number of internal and external contradictions.
  • Virgo. Provides only services that do not require significant effort.
  • Scales. A goat with all the makings of a triumphant. But she is prone to cheating in relationships.
  • Scorpion. Ardent and very passionate nature.
  • Sagittarius. Determination itself. Often useful.
  • Capricorn. Thinker goat. He does everything with a bit of imagination.
  • Aquarius. Magical personality. The brain is only at the service of its own whims.
  • Fish. Creative person. Inspiration never leaves her for a minute.

Each representative of the eastern horoscope belongs to one of the five elements. Thus, people born in 1979 were born under the auspices of the Earth Goat. She is also called the Sheep. This sign is unusual in its essence. This is a wonderful character with an intelligent filling and pleasant appearance. The Sheep acquired extraordinary behavior and bright temperament thanks to 1979. According to the horoscope, who can be considered the most active and nimble is Kozochka.

Earth Goat

Goats born under the auspices of the earth element, have remarkable artistry. They are sociable and are always surrounded by many friends. Creativity, a penchant for fantasy and funny antics do not allow acquaintances to get bored around this person.

The earthy (yellow) Sheep embodies the feminine principle, which is well developed in those born in 1979. She is naturally characterized by tenderness, sensuality and vulnerability. Often her character lacks firmness and determination, because these qualities are under the auspices of “male” symbols.

The duality of the sign leads to the fact that the Sheep often goes to extremes. If she loves, then for life. If he hates it, then with all his heart. This is a representative of contrasts in the eastern calendar, so one should not expect a golden mean from her decisions.

Characteristics of the sign

The main advantage of the Earth Goat astrologers call responsibility. Her sign is used in all areas of life. At work he is the most efficient worker, in relationships he is a caring soul mate. At the same time, the symbol can easily mix spheres by sharing breakfast with a colleague, as well as assisting a loved one in finding a job.

The goat is flexible and mobile. Her interests extend far beyond the horizon of everyday events. She is interested in history, politics, home economics and art.

Among the problematic qualities of the Yellow Sheep, stubbornness should be noted. She does not tolerate if events do not turn out the way she wanted. She is indignant and beats her hoof until those around her give in to her demands.

She is also stubborn towards herself.. The Goat does not know how and does not want to save, so it is capable of spending the last of its money on a beautiful but useless thing. At the same time, she will most likely remain on bread and water, thereby causing damage to herself.

Extravagance takes on a noble color when those around him need the help of this character. Then the Goat is able to move mountains and feed on air alone in order to help loved ones. She loves to be responsible, so she often takes the initiative in good deeds. If, by the will of fate, she was left without the people under her care, she will gladly feed stray cats, and when she retires, she will supply pies to all the children in the yard.

From the outside it may seem like the Goat is frivolous. But behind the mask of carelessness hides clear planning and calculation. The Sheep wants to appear free and independent and often is.

This is a strong sign. He prefers not to show his emotions. But in case of danger, the Goat is capable of attacking the enemy with such force that even the Bull will retreat from this tornado. Well, she doesn't know how to hide her anger.

Goat Man

He always looks younger than his age. Radiating optimism, this character attracts not only loyal friends, but also crowds of fans.

Charismatic to the point of impossibility, he will always support and advise. His humor is subtle, like the crust on a sweet pie, and just as pleasant to those around him. The Goat man is very tactful, so even criticism from his lips sounds soft and unobtrusive.

In relationships he is flexible and gentle. He does not want to take a leading position, because it is difficult for him to make decisions. A strong woman who needs an ally will feel most comfortable next to such a gentleman.

In love, the Goat man is fickle. The unpredictability of the sign results in instability of connections. It is difficult for a partner to understand her boyfriend’s superficial attitude towards life. He does not seek to build a foundation for the future by living one day at a time.

If the sign's carelessness goes too far, this man may decide on a marriage of convenience. In this case, a wealthy older lady becomes his chosen one.

Goat Woman

Women born under the symbol of the Earth Goat, acquire true feminine qualities from a very early age. This girl doesn't need to be taught manners. She herself knows how to eat properly and address elders politely.

Growing up, Sheep discovers hidden potential in herself. She is charming, attractive and graceful. This is enough to be considered a real star in intrigue, flirtation and seduction.

She is masterful in choosing a partner. Seeing the desired gentleman, she is capable of showing maximum cunning. She turns things around so cleverly that the guy won’t even guess about his role as a “victim.” At the same time, she also plays, forcing her chosen one to pursue her. All the Goat’s love adventures are aimed at achieving female happiness. She wants to be loved, but does not want to sit and wait for this very love.

In a Goat woman relationship, born in 1979, needs a guardian. She loves care, although she willingly shows it herself. Afraid of difficulties and needs a wise adviser. It is optimal if the love relationship develops according to the “parent-child” scenario, where she plays the role of a baby.

Goat and zodiac sign

The characteristics of the eastern symbol are influenced not only by the element, but also by its combination with the zodiac sign. Thus, different representatives of the horoscope bring different shades to the Goat’s temperament.

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