Magic lining of clover flowers. How to find a four-leaf clover, what is its magical power

Clover - Four Leaf Clover. One petal for glory, one for wealth, one for love and one for health! The four-leaf clover is a legendary flower, a symbol of incredible luck. Finding it is almost as difficult as a flowering fern. Our ancestors believed that clover carries the great power of love, happiness, beauty and youth. Its leaves were collected, dried and then always carried with them. And the kind helper kept the happiness of its owner.... Four-leaf clover is a symbol of good luck. By ancient legend, the person who finds this rare specimen is, from that moment and forever, haunted by luck and success. Moreover, this lucky man himself brings good luck to everyone who meets him, collaborates with him, or is simply in his neighborhood. Magical Powers: Protection, money, love, loyalty, banishment evil spirits, success. Magical Uses: Two Leaf Clover: If you find this clover, you will soon find a lover. Three-leaf clover: it is worn as a strong amulet - a talisman. Quatrefoil: it protects against madness, strengthens spiritual powers, makes it possible to detect the presence of spirits and leads the one who wears it to gold, money or treasures. If two people eat a four-leaf clover together, a fire will break out between them. mutual love. Seven grains of wheat, placed on a 4-leaf leaf, make it possible to see fairies. If you put a four-leaf clover in your shoe before leaving the house, then you will have the opportunity to meet new love. Five-leaf clover: has the power to attract money and is usually carried with you for this purpose. White clover: counteracts damage and the evil eye when scattered around the room or carried with you. Red Clover: If added to bath water, it will help you solve your financial problems. It is also used in making love potions, and its infusion is used to drive out evil spirits by sprinkling it around the house. In general, clover has the ability to scare away snakes and evil spirits, and if you are disappointed in love, then wrap the clover in a piece of blue silk and wear it near your heart - this will help you cope with the situation. According to one ancient legend, for many years an old magician lived in the hollow of a mighty tree with his friend, a raven, whom he taught to predict the future. When the old man died, the raven flew over the forest and mourned his friend. Where the bird shed tears on the ground, a flower grew in the spring - a raven's eye (crow berry, monoberry, rannik, cross-grass, quatrefoil). And in the language of flowers, clover means waiting. Believe it or not is your business. But all these are the ideas of our ancestors.

Red clover has a long history—not just in medicinal uses and livestock feed. In the Middle Ages it was used to protect against witches. There are many legends associated with this plant, but regardless of myths and fairy tales, red clover is a powerful medicine. It begins to bloom at the end of June. Clover is used in folk medicine in the form of a decoction or tea, because this plant contains almost the entire vitamin alphabet. For treatment, flowers and apical leaves are collected.

Clover flowers contain essential oil, tannins, salicylic acid and other organic acids, vitamins C, E, B1, B2, K, and carotene. The leaves of this plant contain fat, salicylic acid and various amino acids. This entire “bouquet” of biologically active substances determines the nutritional and various healing properties of clover.

What can help cure red clover?

Red clover cures many diseases:

  • Atherosclerosis, accompanied by headaches and tinnitus, but only with normal blood pressure.
  • Cancers – stopping their growth in any part of the body. It perfectly cleanses mucus and blood.
  • If you bathe in clover decoction, any ulcers on your body will be healed.
  • Reduces elevated body temperature.
  • An infusion or decoction destroys infections that have spread inside the body.
  • It is a sedative for bronchitis and whooping cough. It copes well with dry, obsessive cough.
  • Frees the human body from excess uric acid, which is the cause of gout and arthritis.
  • Treats vaginal irritations.
  • They are used as lotions and poultices to treat fungal diseases of the feet, burns, ulcers and acne.
  • Suitable for the nervous system, it strengthens it and calms it in case of nervous exhaustion. If you feel that you lack vitality and energy, drink clover decoction.

Red clover is a natural estrogen. Helps get rid of hot flashes and night sweats during menopause, reduces the risk of developing osteoporosis in women.

There are no direct contraindications when taking clover. Its infusions and decoctions should not be drunk by pregnant women and people with reduced blood clotting.

Red clover in cooking

Not everyone realizes that clover is a valuable addition to the family table. Try making a salad from the young leaves and stems of this plant, and season the soup with the dried and chopped heads. All parts of the plant are edible. Flowers can be used to make wine. Red clover tea is very popular; it is not only tasty, but also healthy.

Clover in magic

In folk magic, red clover is used to attract money, to drive away evil and unwanted ghosts and to love spells. It can be sewn into a sachet by adding clover essential oil.

It is considered good luck to find a four-leaf clover because it brings good luck in love affairs and protects against evil spirits, diseases and the evil eye.

Four-leaf clovers are very rare, but if you find one, before picking one, say: “One leaf for glory, one leaf for wealth, one for a faithful lover, and one leaf for good health.” Treleaf clover can also be used to make a protective talisman. It is believed to bring good luck.

Never underestimate the magical and healing power of this simple weed.

Common name: shamrock, honey stem, three-leaf grass

Aura: warm

Planet: Mercury

Element: all four elements

Deities: Mithras, Aphrodite, Astarte, Pluto, Persephone, Hercules, Saturn

Plant parts used: above ground part of the plant

Magic powers: protection, preservation of youth and beauty

Magical use.

The three-leaf clover is the emblem of many magicians and orders. The three-leaf clover symbolizes the divine triad, the threefold aspect of life of body, soul and spirit. It is often used in protective rituals. Amulets are made from clover to preserve youth and beauty, which are recommended to be worn on the body.

There is an ancient, rather complex ritual for preserving youth. Only in May, in the morning before sunrise, you need to collect dew and put 3 stalks of clover in it. Before sunset, remove the clover and apply this dew to your face daily before sunrise. No one should see or touch the closed cup of dew. Getting up early and periodically walking in the dew will rejuvenate you, unless of course you are a night owl.

Amulets from clover they save from trouble, the evil eye and damage, they carry youth, beauty and happiness. If you are lucky and find a four-leaf clover, pick it, dry it and carry it with you always. Each petal was assigned its own specific effect: 1- for fame, 2- for wealth, 3- for love, 4- for health.

Clover found on a moonlit night has great power, especially on the night of Ivan Kupala or in the morning before sunrise in May. The found clover should be dipped in holy water, reading the prayer to the Mother of God three times, then drying it in a book.

Love spell: If you give a four-leaf clover to your loved one, then he will love it too.

Wish fulfillment ritual: in a clover field, at sunrise, you need to throw a clover sprout to the north, then to the east, south, west. Saying: I call on the power of the four elements to help me for....... then talk about your request. At the end of the ritual, you need to pick one stalk from the clover at this place, take it with you, dry it and wear it as an amulet until your wish is fulfilled, or if you ask for health, then constantly. You can put the stem in a book, preferably corresponding to the request, for example, a request for children - in a book about raising children, in a request for health - a herbalist, etc. Keep a book with clover near your head.

Searching for four-leaf clovers is a favorite pastime for children and more. It is believed that the find promises a happy future and the fulfillment of cherished desires. People have long believed that four-leaf clovers are a symbol of good luck and a powerful natural amulet. The plant's glorious reputation continues to this day. An amulet in the form of a lucky leaf can become a reliable helper and protector - it’s enough to know some tricks about what it means and how to use a four-leaf clover.

Symbol meaning

The four-leaf plant was endowed with miraculous properties by representatives of different cultures and eras. His magical properties were explained by the rarity of natural specimens of the plant with four-lobed leaves. Traditionally, meadow clover has tripartite leaves. The discovery of the quatrefoil was considered an exceptional fateful event who promised happiness and good luck.

Pagan ideas

In ancient cults, the four-leaf clover was associated with the divine principle. It was revered as a gift from higher beings, carrying powerful protective power and knowledge. The meaning of the flower in different countries:

Christian explanations

IN religious tradition rare specimens of the flower were also considered bearers of special properties. According to legend, all quatrefoils came from one plant - the one that Eve took with her from the Garden of Eden after her expulsion. All plants with four-part leaves are reminders of Eden.

Christians understand the traditional clover leaf as the embodiment of the Holy Trinity. The four-blade specimen is associated with the cross and God's grace.

Another Christian version: the three parts of the leaf are faith, hope and love. The fourth brings good luck, is rare, and the find itself is revered as unexpected happiness.

IN modern understanding fans of the amulet plant can find a different interpretation of the symbol. The four petals should bring the owner of the talisman everything that a person strives for: love, wealth, health and fame.

The Irish Quatrefoil Misconception

Contrary to misconception, the quatrefoil is not a symbol of Ireland. The country's national emblem is the traditional three-leaf clover. Its Irish name, shamrock, means "young clover" and has no connection with the four-leaf clover.

The shamrock is the officially registered symbol of Ireland. The appearance of the emblem is associated with the Christian patron of the country, Saint Patrick. He preached religion among the pagan Irish people. Patrick explained the essence of the Christian doctrine of the trinity of God on simple example three-lobed clover leaf. Since then the Irish have entered the fold christian church, and Saint Patrick is traditionally depicted with a shamrock in his hand.

Talismans in the form of clover

To attract good luck, it is not at all necessary to go out into the field and look for a rare specimen of a plant. Any talisman in the shape of a lucky leaf or with its image will be a reliable amulet. For example:

Scientists and breeders have developed clover varieties that have four-lobed leaves.

Take note:

  • Quadrifolium - solid green leaves.
  • Good Luck - leaves with dark spots in the center.
  • Purpurascens Quadrifolium is a variety with leaf blades that combine dark burgundy and green colors.

How to attract good luck

To get the maximum benefit from the four-leaf talisman, you need to take into account some details. Depending on the desired goal, experts recommend using the amulet in different ways:

  • If a person strives for personal success, it is advisable to make the amulet his constant companion. A four-leaf clover pendant, other jewelry and tattoos will come in handy.
  • Those who dream of wealth should carry a four-leaf leaf in their wallet, without showing it to anyone.
  • Search happy love It will be successful if you put clover under the insole of your shoes.
  • A leaf of a four-leaf plant eaten in half with your loved one will help preserve and strengthen mutual feelings.
  • Family prosperity will be ensured by home textiles with the image of a four-bladed clover or a dried plant wrapped in white cloth and placed under the porch.
  • An amulet hidden in a blue scarf and kept near the heart will help improve health and get rid of fears.

Supporters of traditions believe that the most powerful amulet is the quatrefoil, which was found by luck. The discovery of a rarer specimen - the five-leaf clover - promises great success. And this is not the limit. An inspiring fact for fortune seekers: in 2002, a leaf with 18 blades was included in the Guinness Book of Records.

The four-leaf clover symbol, the meaning of which has been interpreted differently by each people, has a long history and sacred meaning. This find is too rare, therefore valuable and multi-valued. By revealing its secret, you can not only gain the spiritual experience of your ancestors, but also receive powerful protection if you use this symbol in your life.

The four-leaf clover is one of the most incredible finds. Biologists say that this four-petalled plant is extremely rare in nature, almost with the same frequency as a flowering fern. But if the fern cannot bloom for sure, then it is still possible to find such a clover.

History of the symbol

There are many beliefs and legends associated with clover:

  • Eve took the quatrefoil from Paradise so that it would remind her of a happy time in her life.
  • IN Ancient Egypt a four-leaf clover served as a talisman against magical influence and otherworldly forces, which is why he was depicted on mirrors.
  • This symbol was one of the main ones in Indian folk ornament.
  • The indigenous peoples of North and South America used it in magical cave paintings.

Wherever clover grew, the four-leaf clover was endowed with the properties of an amulet and amulet, as well as a sign of great luck in life. In Ireland he became national symbol: He is depicted on the flag, postage stamps, bars and other public places.

Clover enjoyed enormous popularity and love among the Russian people. As animal feed, it was considered the most nutritious and juicy. Clover honey has a rich and rich taste. In the old days, this herb was even dried and carried with them in small canvas bags as protection against the evil eye and damage. A girl dreaming of getting married washed herself at sunrise with dew collected from clover.

Four is the number of elements that exist on Earth. Depending on this, the symbol includes several meanings:

  • The first leaf is the sign of Fire. These are success, fame, popularity and vitality.
  • The second leaf is Water. Money well-being, prosperity in the home and spiritual harmony.
  • The third leaf is Air. Symbolizes love, faith and hope.
  • The fourth sheet is Earth. Health, family strength and longevity.

Besides, in Orthodox tradition the quatrefoil is compared to the four Holy Gospels.

The Slavs went in search of magic clover on a moonlit night during the period summer solstice or on Ivan Kupala. It was believed that it was then that a magical quatrefoil with infinite energy could be found.

It was believed that the quatrefoil must be eaten. So luck, happiness, joy and success will not escape you anywhere. If you divide it into two, the connection between these people will forever remain unbreakable. Therefore, clover was often interpreted as a symbol of strong love and faithful marriage.

However knowledgeable people and sorcerers advise carefully picking the grass and bringing it into the house. What to do with it next will depend on your plans for the future:

Quatrefoil in the modern world

Progress does not stand still, and breeders can easily grow clover in special greenhouses with a different number of leaves - from 4 to 21. It goes on sale and is in great demand.

And spiritual practitioners are skeptical about such production, arguing that clover produced in this way is nothing more than successful business, which has nothing to do with the subtle world.

If you cannot find a real four-leaf clover, you can purchase an amulet based on its shape or make it yourself by collecting four leaves from two plants. Even the image of this magic grass on simple paper, but with good thoughts and a positive attitude, it has its own spiritual power. Then the four-leaf clover, the meaning of which we learned from this article, will become a good helper and companion in all matters.

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