Fortune telling for the betrothed at night. Riddles of dreams - prophetic dreams and fortune telling for the betrothed

In the evening, eat a lot of salty food so that you have more thirst at night. When you go to bed, say the phrase: “My betrothed, come to me in a dream, bring me water.” The one you dream about is your future husband.

Before going to bed, in the place where you usually have it, build a bridge from twigs. Place a pillow on it and, falling asleep, say: “My betrothed, take me across the bridge.” According to reviews of fortune tellers, it is known that the groom really comes in a dream. You can check this for yourself.

You can try another old one. Take the lock and turn on the water in the tap. Hold the lock over the stream and say: “My betrothed, come to me in a dream and ask for water.” The lock is then locked and placed under the pillow. This night she should dream about her future husband.

Take a comb and place it under your pillow before going to bed. Say the phrase: “My betrothed, come in my sleep and comb me.”

It is believed that an unclean spirit comes to a girl in a dream in the form of her future groom.

Maps will help you recognize your future husband. Take the deck, take out the four kings, put them under the pillow. Say: “My betrothed, my betrothed, come visit me.” In your dream you will see your groom in the form of one of the kings. It is quite possible that the betrothed will not be alone in the dream. The number of men you see will be in the future.

Not only themselves, but also their mothers can call the future groom. To do this, you need to take the girl’s thing and put a lock on it. Say: “Betrothed, come to help the bride out.” Next, the item along with the lock is placed under the pillow. And the son-in-law should dream of his future mother-in-law. Perhaps she will also be shown a number in a dream, which will mean the number of years until her daughter’s marriage.

Street fortune telling for your betrothed

Sit by the window at night; your family should already be asleep, so as not to disturb you. Say: “Betrothed, walk past my window.” Now wait for the first pedestrian or group of passers-by to appear. If people passed by the window and they were having fun, whistling, laughing, it means that married life is going to be good. A silent passerby, on the contrary, means a poor existence in.

Go outside and find a fence made of boards. As you walk along it, say: “Poor or rich, widower or bachelor.” Whichever word the fence ends with, that’s how the future husband will be. You will be able to judge the veracity of fortune telling when you meet your betrothed.

Take a felt boot or a boot and go outside. Throw the load over your right shoulder. Before doing this, say: “In which direction does my betrothed live?” In which direction your sock or felt boot points, the groom will come for you from there.

In another version of fortune telling, the boot must be removed from the left foot, and not carried into the street with you in your hands.

You can guess the name of your future spouse. Bake a pancake and go outside with it after 10 p.m., but no later than midnight. Go ahead and bite the pancake. Ask the first passerby you come across what his name is. This is the name your future husband will have. If you meet a woman first on the street, it means you won’t get married in the next year.

Spending the night in a new place? We offer dream fortune telling to find out what awaits you in the future. This one is one of the lightest and most comfortable. Below we will talk about how to correctly perform the ritual in order to see in a dream the answer to the question you are interested in.

In the article:

Sleep is the door to the unknown

Since ancient times, the state of sleep was considered special and even mystical. In many magical traditions, there are practices with the help of which one learns the present and the future, receives answers to a variety of questions, and communicates with the dead and the living.

In the broadest sense of the word, all dreams are prophetic. All dreams contain elements of prophecy, knowledge or warning. But these warnings may be communicated explicitly or hidden in symbols.

Vrublevskaya G. “Self-instruction manual on dream interpretation”

Our ancestors, the ancient Slavs, had their own ways of working with what they saw in dreams. These can also include fortune telling. Among the most common ways to see what you want in a dream is to use special rituals and.

There are several simple rituals that are performed before bed.

If you want to know about your betrothed in a dream

The majority of fortune telling in dreams have one goal - to find out what the betrothed looks like. That is why this type of prediction was practiced together with other fortune-telling on Christmastide or Christmas Eve.

There are several rules for conducting rituals, which are always recommended to be followed very strictly. First of all, there should be no one in the room where the fortuneteller will sleep. It is better to guess on the night from Thursday to Friday.

Among the precautions against evil spirits, the ancient Slavs had a rule: to make the bed inside out on the night of fortune telling. The fortuneteller herself also wore her nightgown inside out, and went to bed in the opposite direction from her usual one.

Divination rituals

Among the most popular and easiest ways to find out the name and appearance of your betrothed is to go to bed in a new place where you have never spent the night before, with the words:

Dream about the bridegroom in a new place.

Separately, we can highlight several rituals that “attract” the betrothed in one way or another.

    • Soap and a comb are placed under the pillow. CONSPIRACY:

My betrothed, mummer, come, wash and comb me.

    • Place a well of matches under the pillow. CONSPIRACY:

My betrothed, mummer, come to me to drink some water at the well.

    • The fortuneteller goes to bed wearing a sock or stocking on only one leg. CONSPIRACY:

Betrothed-mummer, come undress me.

Fortune telling using cards for a future dream

At night, four kings from a regular 36-card deck of cards are placed under the pillow. The deck must be new and must not have been used for games or fortune telling. CONSPIRACY:

Who is my betrothed, who is my mummer, dream about me!

King of Spades in a dream indicates that the betrothed will be older than the fortuneteller. King of Clubs symbolizes a widower, king of hearts predicts a young and rich man, and diamond- the one who the fortuneteller really wants.

Fortune telling for the betrothed

Write men's names on small pieces of paper. Place them under your pillow at night, and in the morning, as soon as you wake up, take out the first piece of paper that comes to hand. Whatever name you get, they will wait for your betrothed.

When packing, remember that you may not see anything. In this case, don't be upset. After all, you can always try again. However, there is no need to use this fortune telling often.

In addition, you should not focus only on the man you dreamed about. After all, in a dream you see only one of the possible options, but no one will say that it is the only correct option for you.

Several rules of prophetic sleep

If you want to look into the future with the help of dreams, so to speak, on an ongoing basis, and not just once, as our ancestors did, do not forget about the following rules:

  • When you wake up, immediately write down what you saw, so you can review your notes later and identify patterns that you may forget about during the day. Also, using a diary, you can track recurring scenes or images.
  • Explore a few of the most. See how the same symbols are interpreted. Try to see if these values ​​are the same for you personally.
  • Remember that often some symbols seen are interpreted the other way around, for example, tears are a sign of joy. Therefore, you should not be afraid of bad dreams.
  • If you are still frightened by what you dreamed and do not want it to come true in reality, tell as many people as possible about your dream.

There is still no clear definition of what sleep is. Scientists say that this is just a set of pictures, psychologists consider it signals of the subconscious, and magicians consider it a door to other worlds. Be that as it may, with the help of simple practices you can see what you want in a dream. The main thing is not to be afraid of anything and strictly follow the rules.

In contact with

Ask yourself, what time of day is truly the most mysterious? Of course it's night. Since ancient times, it was believed that under the veil of darkness there were hidden all sorts of forces that did not dare to come out during the day. At this time of day, people sometimes tried not to leave the house. The mysterious image of the night gave rise to many methods of fortune telling at night.

Using the features of the night as the time of day, many fortune tellings are associated with communication with otherworldly forces. It is during this period that such communication is most accessible, but at the same time dangerous. You should not disturb the evil forces again, otherwise they will certainly punish you. Don't ask for too much and don't guess too often. At the same time, we would like to remind you that you can find out the future in a simpler way, using only the energy of the environment, for example, or.

Below we present some of the most common methods night fortune telling. If you are confident in your abilities, then wait until night and start telling fortunes.

Night fortune telling for your betrothed

One of the most harmless ways of fortune telling at night. To do this, you will need highly salted food, such as fish or pickles. Eat so much that you become thirsty. But you can't drink! We need to wait until the morning. You need to go to bed, while saying “Night, show me who will help me quench my thirst.” Talk until you feel like you are falling asleep. If the night is inclined to talk to you, then in a dream you will receive an accurate answer. If during the night thirst overcomes you and you go to drink water, then your close acquaintance cannot be considered serious.

At night in front of mirrors

This nighttime fortune telling will also help you reveal your betrothed. To avoid consequences, you are not allowed to be alone in the room. You will need courage, two mirrors, a dark room and night. And of course, remarkable courage.

Place two mirrors opposite each other in the room so that each reflects the other. Wait until midnight. The room should be dark, but there should be enough light to see the images in the mirrors. For convenience, one of the mirrors is taken large and placed on the table, and the second, small one, is located in front of it.

As soon as midnight strikes, the fortune-telling girl should sit in front of a large mirror and light two candles in front of it. There should be complete silence in the room so as not to frighten the Forces. Count the 6th and 12th reflections of the mirrors in a large mirror and see what happens in it. The image of your betrothed will appear in them; he will be exactly behind your right shoulder. You should not flinch or be afraid, gather your strength and look at every detail of the image. Then turn over your shoulder to your betrothed and say, “Get out of this place!”

This way, if you're lucky, you might even be able to see his facial features!

Fortune telling for the night on spruce

Find a spruce and break off a small twig from it with the words “Wise spruce, share the twig.” This must be done on the eve of fortune telling. Then go home and place the twig next to your pillow or under your pillow. After which, when night comes, go to bed with the words “Wise spruce, take my bed, show who you think about me and who dreams.” Repeat the words three times.

If you did everything correctly, then at night you will receive an answer in a dream, be attentive to details. Some images that you dream can be interpreted using ours.

Fortune telling at night with the answer by candlelight

If you want to know the answer to a question that concerns you, you can do the following. On the night from Saturday to Sunday, take two identical small pieces of paper, two candles and a mirror.

The question should be simple, with a yes or no answer. On one piece of paper, accordingly, we write Yes, on the other No. Candles must be completely identical and placed on a stand. Place a prepared piece of paper under each candle. And place it all in front of the mirror. When night comes, light the candles and ask your reflection “My image, tell me...” and then your question. Look at your reflection until one of the candles burns out or goes out (therefore, you should not take large candles). All this time, look in the mirror so that nothing happens there!

The piece of paper under the candle that went out first contains the answer to the question.

Kan Victoria Vladimirovna

Specialist in fortune telling and spiritual practices. For 2 years she traveled in Tibet and India. Conducts free fortune telling sessions for readers of our resource.

Articles written

Fortune telling about your betrothed or fortune at night before going to bed has existed for more than two thousand years. Such events should be treated as prophetic. After all, with their help, completely free of charge, a person is able to find out not only his future husband or wife, but also the answer to an exciting question. Of course, fortune telling for the night or for a husband is more popular and is widely known outside the lands of the Slavic peoples. It is difficult to say when such predictions appeared and who became their progenitor, but it has already been proven by more than one generation that they work.

All you need to do is make a wish, say the text correctly at night and go to bed.

All about types of predictions at night

Most of the spell words have already been lost, but the part that remains is divided into categories. They should only be used on permitted days. For example, fortune telling on New Year's Eve should be carried out according to the old style, and not according to the new one, taking into account the fact that you will have to go to bed before 12 o'clock at night. But fortune telling for love before bed or from Thursday to Friday will give the answer on any of the selected days or weeks. But again, it's worth looking at the church calendar. This is required in order not to guess on holidays, both large and small, but related to the Christian faith.

Fortune telling at night before going to bed can only be done on certain days. These special ones include:

  • from Sunday to Monday on New Year's and Epiphany holidays;
  • on the night of Friday 13;
  • from Thursday to Friday any week;
  • on Saturday at midnight.

As in previous times, it is recommended to carry out a fortune-telling ritual at night before going to bed so that the night light is full or increasing. The new month is generally considered an excellent moment for a prediction for the bride or fortune telling for the groom to become prophetic. Also, the period differs from all days of the year. At this moment, you can perform any secret ritual to find out: fate, future, loved one. Not only the spell of dreams is used, but also cards, mirrors, candles, and many other tricks. Recently, a new method has been gaining popularity - online fortune telling at night before bed, which is several times simpler than the standard options. It works just as well on New Year's Eve and on other days.

Night answer-question

Having dealt with the types and methods of magical events, questions arise about fortune telling at night before bed. And the main one is: “How to make a prophetic dream?” In fact, there is no problem with this. Everything is based on the concentration of your impulses and desires. There are also additional rules. They must be fulfilled. Although, as practice shows, and judging by the reviews, many people manage to get an answer to a simple fortune telling about the groom without following them. But to keep everything in accordance with the rules, let’s voice them:

There are methods of night predictions from the class “My betrothed, you are my mummer” using playing cards. Therefore, if you are interested in the question of whether it is possible to guess on maps at night, this disappears on its own. The only thing worth considering is that no predictions can be made for Easter or Red Hill.

Performance Champions

Among hundreds of old and new methods to recognize your future husband, three of the most effective and popular can be identified. They are held not only during the Christmas or New Year holidays, but also at the girl’s request (only the permitted day is taken into account). All of them require a lining under the pillow:

Four Kings

One of the methods of fortune telling at night before going to bed is divided into options. The first of them is “For 4 Kings”. To do this, kings are selected from a new deck of cards and attached to a white sheet of paper. Then put it under the pillow and when going to bed they say: “I saw four kings, I attached it to white paper. I don’t know his name, but I want to see the groom. Let the king come to me in a dream, take my white hands and lead me down the aisle.”

Salty plot

You can only guess from Saturday to Sunday. Before going to bed, eat a lot of salty foods, but do not wash them down. Take a handful of salt with you under your pillow. Go to bed right away. Turn the pillow over three times and say the following words: “I ate salty, I ate salt. She didn’t ask for water, her mother sent her to bed. From Saturday to Sunday, your betrothed one, come and give me spring water to drink.”

Another type of fortune telling at night before bed. From Thursday to Friday or the night before Christmas, we put our comb and open scissors under our pillow. As soon as we have taken a comfortable position, we say: “As the white night descended into the light of God, like a cloud of sleep flies towards me, slave (name), the wind does not interfere with him, and helps to tell fortunes on the young foliage. The groom will come in the middle of the night, comb my hair and trim the ends.” On this day, the person for whom the fortune-telling girl is destined should dream.

Today, such prediction of the future is also very popular. You can see your destiny not only in the company of girlfriends, but also alone. This especially applies to fortune telling before bedtime. They are now held at any time of the year and day of the week. There is a huge variety of them. Therefore, a girl can always choose exactly the one that she likes and will accurately answer her questions. Naturally, most fortune telling is love. They indicate the lover’s attitude towards the young beauty. And many open the veil of secrecy: who will be the chosen one and future husband of the girl.

Such a useful gold chain

One example of the nightly future is the manipulation of a gold chain. To carry out this mysterious action, you must wait until everyone in the house goes to bed. And only then can you begin the process of fortune telling.

First, you should sit comfortably at the table and rub the gold chain in your hands. Warmth should begin to emanate from it. After this, you need to transfer it to your right hand and shake it slightly. Finally, the chain must be thrown very sharply onto the floor. They interpret the figure in the form of which the chain lay.

If this is a circle, then the fortuneteller will face difficulties in life. A straight line means luck everywhere and in everything, but endless knots indicate possible illnesses. You may also get a triangle, which indicates success in love affairs. The bow will tell you that you should expect a wedding soon. Of course, the heart is a symbol of happiness and love, as well as family and spiritual well-being.

Fortune telling by twigs

The fortune-telling before bed does not end there. Another option for predicting your future is to create a bridge that will help you see your betrothed. To do this, you must first prepare the twigs. From these, in turn, they build a bridge and place it under the pillow just before going to bed. At this time, the following words must be uttered: “My betrothed, mummer, come quickly and take me across this bridge.” Of course, the girl should dream about her future lover that same night.

Useful comb

There are fortune tellings before going to bed where a comb is used. One of them calls for putting a comb under your pillow in the evening. In this case, you will again need to say certain words: “My betrothed, mummer, come to me and comb my hair.” That same night the devil will definitely appear in a dream. This time he will be in the guise of the future groom and will begin to comb the hair of the sleeping beauty.

Who will bring some water

One option is related to food. To do this, the girl should eat something salty at night. These can be pickled cucumbers or herring. When it’s time to sleep, the “fortune teller” casts a spell in a whisper: “betrothed, mummer, be sure to come to me and give me some water.” The groom will hurry to find himself in the beauty’s dream.

Other fortune telling for the betrothed

You can find out your fate (your future husband) in other ways. It is enough, for example, to use fortune telling on a cigarette. There are different variations of it:

  1. One uses only a cigarette filter. You need to rotate it in your hands as many times as the fortune teller has reached the age of full age. After this, the outline of one of the letters of the Russian alphabet will appear on the filter. This is the first letter of the betrothed's name.
  2. Another cigarette fortune telling uses ash, which should be rubbed in the palms of your hands. And from the signs formed, as they say, one can understand the whole fate.

If there is a loved one

In the case when the betrothed has already been found, you can find out his attitude if you try fortune telling on the lines. Moreover, it can be carried out either independently, by manually drawing these lines in 4 rows, and then crossing out three pieces, or using the online version, which is found everywhere on the Internet. In this case, you won’t even need to remember and look for values.

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