Encyclopedia of tarot - the art of divination. Unique collection of tarot cards

Encyclopedia of Tarot, Hachette (Ashet collection), photo of the 3rd issue.

The series began publishing in Russia at the beginning of 2014; issues 3 and 4, as well as the 5th, are published in February.

2+3 issues - universal tarot (a full deck is assembled from two numbers), 4+5 issues - Egyptian tarot.

You can buy Tarot magazine online here.

In the broad panorama of the modern Tarot World, there are a large number of decks inspired by the Renaissance. Neo-Renaissance arose as a desire to revive the aesthetics of a special period of European art, imbued with the ideals of beauty and harmony.

Speaking about Tarot in the neo-Renaissance style, it is impossible not to mention, at least in general terms, what the Renaissance is. Renaissance is translated as Rebirth. In short, it is a cultural, artistic, literary and philosophical movement that developed between the 15th and 16th centuries, mainly in Italy, France, Germany and Flanders.

Characterized by the search for harmony and beauty in every manifestation of life, it was based on the idea that man, like the whole World, are the fruits of the goodness of the Creator.

Tarot cards are the embodiment of the philosophy and ideals of this era.


The ideals of beauty and harmony professed by the great artists of the Renaissance gradually faded away over the centuries, until their complete disappearance at the beginning of the 20th century under the onslaught of avant-gardeism (expressionism, surrealism, futurism, abstract art, etc.), which established new aesthetic norms preaching individualism and an abstract vision of reality. However, in the second half of the 20th century, there was an extraordinary revival of interest in Renaissance culture, and not only Italian.

The Renaissance reasserted itself especially clearly in the World of Tarot, becoming the main supporting element both from the standpoint of philosophy and stylistics.

Since the oldest Tarot cards, created in the 15th century, are a product of Renaissance culture, many modern authors, in search of symbolic and artistic forms that would not be influenced by the occultism of the 19th century, have turned to these original orginals. This process has given rise to numerous tarot decks that carry both a modern concept and an antique charm.

Waite-Smith Tarot


Arthur Edward Waite, one of Britain's greatest occultists, and Pamela Colman-Smith. a very talented illustrator, in 1909 they created a deck that was later named after them: the Waite-Smith Tarot, which revolutionized Cartomancy.

Of course, neither Waite nor Smith could have foreseen the extraordinary success that would befall the deck they created in 1909. Despite Waite's occult knowledge and Smith's artistic talent, the deck they simply called Tarot may have passed unnoticed by esoteric scholars among other similar decks and remained unknown to the general public.

Thanks to this, the Waite-Smith Tarot, the first in which the entire deck was fully functional, led to such important transformations in the world of Tarot that even today the iconography of the Minor Arcana in almost all modern decks is based on these cards.


Arthur Edward Waite was born in 1857 to an English mother and an American father, and lived in England, where he died in 1942. In 1888, the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn was founded in London, an occult society that played a special role in the history of the Tarot; Waite also joined this society in 1891. The Golden Dawn literally became a golden dawn for him, opening access to many of the secrets of the Tarot, which at that time were still kept secret within Masonic lodges or esoteric societies.

True, despite his merits, the occultist failed to move up the hierarchical ladder of society.

The reason is probably to be found in his adherence to religious Christian beliefs, which prevented him from merging with the esoteric paganism professed by other members of the society, in particular Samuel Liddell Mathers, Emperor (leader) of the Golden Dawn.

After the division of society into separate factions, Waite created the Independent and the Rectified Order of the Golden Dawn in 1903, and then, in 1915, founded the Fraternity of the Rosy Cross to replace the first. Through his numerous books, essays and translations, Waite made enormous contributions to occult science. But the most significant, undoubtedly, is the Waite-Smith Tarot deck and the accompanying book, The Illustrated Key to the Tarot.


A secret book was circulating in the Golden Dawn, written by the founder of the Order and based on translations of French esoteric literature of the last century in a new edition. This book was known as Liber T (Book of Tarot), which not only gave the meanings of the Tarot cards, but also described and deciphered their symbolism in detail, and also included images of the cards. The idea was that while learning the Golden Dawn, students would follow the directions in the book and copy the cards, drawing their own tarot deck. Waite, however, was not satisfied with Liber T.

After the collapse of the brotherhood, the occultist gathered a small group of associates who, in their rituals corrected in accordance with Waite’s mystical ideas, began to practice meditation on the new Tarot deck.

Beginning around 1908, Waite began to transfer his experiences of meditation into esoteric images, which were later translated into drawings on cards created by his student Pamela Colman-Smith. The deck was published by Rider between 1909 and 1910. The symbolic content of the deck was deciphered by Waite in the books The Key to the Tarot, and then, with some changes, in the Illustrated Key to the Tarot, published in 1910 by the same Rider.

Waite Tarot (book + deck of cards)

You can buy this set here.

The Waite Tarot is one of the most popular in the world, even glorifying the name of its first publisher, William Ryder, which was later reflected in the generally accepted name of the deck. This Tarot has received worldwide recognition and is in demand by the masses due to its internal concept, outlined by the author himself - Arthur Edward Waite in the book "The Illustrated Key of the Tarot", in which the traditions of the Tarot are intertwined with a deep understanding of Kabalism, astrology and philosophy.

In the introductory part of the book, Waite characterizes his personal attitude towards the Tarot as a universal system, including Macro and Micro cosmic knowledge: “The true Tarot is symbolic; it speaks no other language and does not use any other signs. Its symbols ", filled with inner meaning, truly become a kind of alphabet, which is capable of various combinations and carries the true meaning of everything. It provides the key to the highest Mysteries..."

The inspirer and creator of the deck, Arthur Edward Waite, was one of the greatest experts in the esoteric sciences of his time, a researcher of Freemasonry, Kabbalah and mystical teachings, the author of a large number of works, a student and follower of the famous Etteila. In 1908, Arthur Edward Waite wrote The Pictorial Key to the Tarot, and published it in London in 1911 (this The book is available in Russian).

The main provisions of the book are based on the Kabbalistic teachings that underlie the idea of ​​​​the Masonic Order of the Golden Dawn, of which Waite was a prominent member.

Deep penetration into the sacred secrets of the Tarot allowed Waite, together with the artist Pamela Coleman Smith, to produce a unique Tarot deck in which each card, including the Minor Arcana, acquired its own symbolic design expressing its meaning. This Tarot was a true revolution, becoming a real Bible for esotericists.

The book contains a translation of the complete text of The Illustrated Key of the Tarot - a work written by Waite himself, as well as research by Waite's biographers and a brief historiography of the Tarot.

The book gives not only an idea of ​​the transcendental meaning of the Tarot and the possibility of its intuitive comprehension, but also its reflection in the phenomenal world, as well as methods of interpretation and application at the everyday level.

Thanks to the detailed instructions for interpretation, a beautifully presented system of layouts and successful symbolism, this work has become an excellent tool for magic and predictions. The book is inseparable from a specially created Tarot deck.

Deck size: 7 cm x 12 cm.
Box size: 18 cm x 23.5 cm.

Collection Encyclopedia of Tarot will help you discover the exciting world of Tarot. Learn the art of interpretation and appreciate the artistic value of the most exquisite tarot decks.

Release schedule

№1 – Visconti Golden Tarot Deck (22 cards) + Horoscope 2014 – 12/31/2013
№2 – First half of the Universal Tarot (39 cards) + box for the Universal Tarot + Golden “Magician” card + Stickers and folder dividers – 01/16/2014
№3 – Second half of the Universal Tarot (39 cards) + Gold card “High Priestess” + 4 card stands – 01/30/2014
№4 – First half of the Egyptian Tarot (39 cards) + box for the Egyptian Tarot + Gold card “Empress” – 02/13/2014

How many issues of the Tarot Encyclopedia magazine are there?
81 episodes planned

Tarot card collection

Those who have just decided to study the Tarot should definitely pay attention to the new magazine series “Encyclopedia of Tarot” from the publishing house Ashet Collection. As a newcomer who was tempted to buy the first issue of the magazine, I was interested not only in looking at the cards, which look very attractive, but also in reading its contents. Everything is described in sufficient detail. Frankly, it was very exciting. The cards themselves are very beautiful, the drawings are high quality. The only negative is the thickness of the cardboard from which they are made: a bit thin. In general, everything is very worthy. According to the publisher, the cards were made in Poland, which certainly had a positive effect on their quality.

According to the collection description, starting with issue two, with each release we will receive half a deck and one card from the Golden Florentine Tarot deck, made using gold embossing in the style of the Renaissance. I hope that the remaining cards will look no less solid than those included in the first issue. In addition to the Florentine Tarot, I was interested in the Medieval deck, the cards for which were created on the basis of medieval engravings. I intend to collect a complete collection.

The project was the original idea of ​​the Italian side - Lo Scarabeo. In 2004, the publishing house came up with the idea of ​​​​creating a complete and detailed book about the Tarot: one that could accompany the reader from the basics to the most advanced readings and methods.

The implementation of the idea took more than 10 years!

To reach the point where the project is now, it took a lot of effort, time and energy, a lot of knowledge, competence, patience and research. Like any labor of love, it seemed too big, too ambitious and too “special” for the market. And he truly became a gem of his own. The goal of the project is to structure all the information in such a way that it is extremely understandable to a beginner and interesting to a Tarot expert.

The Tarot Encyclopedia is a comprehensive series of books, each volume of which varies in the level of complexity of the material. Due to its great popularity in Italy, the Avvalon-Lo Scarabeo publishing house decided to launch a project to translate the publications. Thus, a detailed translation of the first volume, compiled from the basics necessary in the work of any Tarot practitioner, is being prepared for launch on the Russian market.

You can read one chapter from "Encyclopedia of Tarot" to get an idea of ​​the project (note that the chapter presented is taken from the original book)

After receiving her BA in Literature and Religion from Hunter College, Sasha began her private tarot reading practice. She quickly became a popular tarot reader in fashion circles and the media, becoming a staple of Fashion's Night Out and serving clients including Burt's Bees, M. Missoni and Christian Louboutin.

Sasha and her tarot books have been featured in documentaries and media outlets such as Sirius XM Radio, The Wall Street Journal, The Daily News and appeared on the cover of New York Business magazine. She regularly appeared as a guest on WPIX Channel 11's morning news, doing spreads on pop culture topics and celebrities.

In the early 1990s, at a party, someone put a Tarot deck in Barbara's hands and she has been doing readings ever since. Barbara has been writing and lecturing for as long as she can remember. She has published a number of books on tarot, including Tarot for Beginners, Steampunk Tarot, Golden Tarot, The Dreamer's Mystical Tarot, and Tarot of the Hidden Realm. Barbara also enjoys working with clients using tarot decks to better understand requests.

Mark is the author of Putting Tarot to Work, Taking Tarot to Your Heart, What's in the Cards for You?, I Ching for Beginners, and The Complete Beginner's Guide to Tarot. He calls Tarot "the ultimate visual brainstorming tool" and shares techniques to help others ask the right questions and achieve their goals.

Marcus has been working with and teaching the Tarot system for over thirty years. He co-founded the world's largest professional tarot association. His first book, Tarosophy, has been called a "major contribution" to the Tarot and his books won the COVR Prize in 2013.

Tali has long studied and written about the tarot and is credited with bringing the long-hidden White-Trinick Tarot to publication in the book Dwelling in the Sanctuary (2012). She is the co-author of innovative teaching books such as Tarot Flip, Tarot Life, and others, which are regularly among the top ten best-selling tarot books on Kindle. Her book, co-authored with Marcus, Secrets of the Thoth Tarot, was called "amazing" by Mary K. Greer.

Italian writer and one of the greatest international experts on the connection between art and esotericism. He is the most authoritative person in the history of the Tarot.

Editor-in-chief Lo Scarabeo. Working with Tarot from an early age, he has been involved in the creation of over 100 Tarot decks and books.

The ability to interpret Tarot is a real art,
and collecting decks is a prestigious activity that allows
decipher the secret symbolism of ancient knowledge.


Fantasy Tarot:
Tarot Thousand and One Nights, Tarot
Drakonov and others

Metaphysical TAROT:
Egyptian Tarot, Tarot of Angels
and others

Classic Tarot:
Medieval Tarot, Tarot
Gold of Icons and others

Symbolic Tarot:
Universal Tarot, Tarot World
Leonardo da Vinci, Tarot of Cleopatra, Tarot Signs of the Zodiac
and others

Get to know different types of layouts and master numerous techniques for working with TAROT that will help you better know and understand yourself and the people around you. Find answers to any questions with the Celtic Cross, Time Line, Egyptian, and many others layouts.


The cross is considered a symbol
spiritual development and represents
is one of the most ancient
and popular layouts.


The Horseshoe layout gives an answer to an exciting question and suggests ways to solve it.



According to one version, this deck appeared thanks to the ancient Egyptian priest Hermes. Its creation is also attributed to the French occultist Jean-Baptiste Pitois.


This versatile deck with modern Italian design is a must-have for every tarot reader.


Sacred images of Orthodox icons on a golden background of cards in this series will help you find the key to eternal secrets. “Knock and it will be opened to you!” - it is said in the Gospel.


The elegant miniatures of this exotic deck capture all the magic of oriental fairy tales and stories.


Images from the paintings of Leonardo da Vinci embody all the beauty and wisdom of the Renaissance.


This deck, based on medieval engravings, will help you analyze a situation that interests you.


22 Major Arcana. It is one of the oldest decks that has survived to this day. One of the first fortune-telling decks, popular among Italian aristocrats of the 15th century, was used as a basis. The drawings were made by an unknown Lombardy artist. The Twenty-Two Major Arcana represent a masterpiece of Renaissance art and culture.


This luxurious, gold-embossed deck features a Renaissance style. It is based on 17 unique maps preserved in the archives of the National Library in Paris.

Starting from issue #2, each issue features a new gold card. 78 CARDS!

Since time immemorial, covered in legends, the Tarot has aroused admiration. Egyptian, Florentine, medieval. Collect the most significant decks in the world.

Tarot deck collection

The ability to interpret Tarot is a real art, and collecting decks is a prestigious activity that allows you to decipher the secret symbolism of ancient knowledge.
With every release Collections Encyclopedia Tarot you will receive: magazine, half the deck Tarot (39 cards) and 1 card Golden Florentine Tarot.

. The deck is based on unique cards preserved in the archives of the National Library in Paris. Starting with issue #2, each issue features a new gold card. Collect the entire 78-card Florentine Tarot deck!

With the first release of the collection you will receive Golden Tarot Visconti this is one of the oldest and most precious decks that has come down to us. One of the first fortune-telling decks popular among aristocrats of the 15th century was used as a basis. The drawings were made by an unknown Lombardy artist. The Twenty-Two Major Arcana represent a masterpiece of Renaissance art and culture.

  • Medieval Tarot
  • Magazine

    Colorful and informative magazines, divided into 7 sections, will tell you everything about the mysterious world of Tarot. You will learn about the history of the Tarot, methods of working and interpretation of cards, the most popular methods of fortune telling, the symbolism and significance of a wide variety of decks.

    Sections of the Tarot Encyclopedia magazine:

    • Working with Tarot. From this section you will learn how to learn to interpret the Tarot: how to interpret the meanings of the cards, which decks to choose, and which divination methods to use.
    • Introduction to the Arcana. In the section you will find: meanings, keywords, symbols and descriptions of all cards.
    • Fortune telling spreads. This section will introduce you to different types of spreads and card arrangements.
    • Interpretation of the Arcana. This section provides examples of fortune telling with answers to frequently asked questions.
    • Tarot in the world. A section about the history of Tarot and a description of the most significant decks in the world.
    • Masters of Cartomancy. This section will talk about the works and thoughts of famous people.
    • Cartoman's Library. Presentation of all decks from the Tarot Encyclopedia collection.

    Release schedule

    №1 – Visconti Golden Tarot Deck (22 cards) + Horoscope 2014 – 31.12.2013
    №2 – First half of the Universal Tarot deck (39 cards) + Individual box for the Universal Tarot + Gold card of the Florentine Tarot "The Magician" + Stickers and folder dividers – 16.01.2014
    №3 – Second half of the Universal Tarot deck (39 cards) + Golden Florentine Tarot card “The High Priestess” + 4 card stands – 30.01.2014
    №4 – First half of the Egyptian Tarot deck (39 cards) + Individual Egyptian Tarot box + Golden Florentine Tarot card “The Empress” – 13.02.2014

    How many issues

    Total planned – 81 issue.

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