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1 . Gods of the ancient Egyptians. 2. Funeral rites of the Egyptians. 3. Religion and power of the pharaoh. 4. Priests-servants of God. Lesson Plan

What religious beliefs did the ancient Egyptians have? Lesson assignment:

The Egyptians did not have one god. Read paragraph 2 on page 49 in the textbook and determine: What gods are depicted on the slides and what did they patronize? 1 . Gods of the ancient Egyptians

1 . Gods of the ancient Egyptians Gods What forces of nature and activities did they reflect? Ra, Amon, Amon-Ra God of the sun 2. Apep God of darkness 3. Geb God of the earth 4. Nut Goddess of the sky 5. Thoth God of wisdom 6. Bastet Patroness of women and their beauty

Read the Myth of Osiris and Isis in the textbook (pp. 50-51). What natural phenomenon is reflected in this myth? 1 . Gods of the ancient Egyptians

1 . The gods of the ancient Egyptians Isis and Anubis are guides of souls to the kingdom of the dead. Drawing from the Book of the Dead.

2. Funeral rites of Egypt. The body of the deceased was embalmed - rubbed with special ointments. Then the mummy was wrapped in several layers of fabric and placed in special boxes - sarcophagi. The more noble the deceased was, the more sarcophagi there were, inserted into each other. The upper sarcophagi were given the features of the deceased

The sarcophagus was placed in a special pyramid tomb (for pharaohs), or a cave (for nobles). Construction of the tomb began during the lifetime of the noble Egyptian. Sometimes construction took decades. Next to the sarcophagus they placed things necessary for life in the afterlife. To prevent the tomb from being robbed, the entrance to it was walled up, and traps were built inside. Pyramid in section.

Pharaoh - “son of god”, “great god”. “He is the sun, seeing with his rays.” What connection exists between religion and government? 3. Religion and power of the pharaoh

4. Priests-servants of God. Consider the diagram “Duties of Priests” and answer the question: Why did the priests perform these duties?

On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes

Lesson-by-lesson development of a lesson on the history of the Ancient World (5th grade) for a textbook edited by A.A. Vigasina, G.I. Godera. "The Religion of the Ancient Egyptians"

Students consolidate knowledge about geopolitical features Ancient Egypt, which determined the specifics of the development of its culture; learn the fundamental principles that form the essence of religious ideas...

L.A. Sinyaeva Religion of the ancient Egyptians § 10. 06.29.17

What do we know about the Kings of Egypt? 1). What was the name of the king of Egypt? 2). How did Pharaoh get rich? 4). What hardships did the warrior and his family endure? 5). Who do you think the warrior and his family could have asked for help? GODS Who will formulate the topic of the lesson?

Beliefs of the ancient Egyptians § 10. Warriors turned to the gods for help. What problem arises? Problem: Did the gods help the Egyptians? What questions do we need to find out? I. Discovering new knowledge: 1. Gods and priests 2. Gods of the Egyptians 3. The myth of Osiris and Isis 4. What the Egyptians told about the land of the dead 5. The deification of Pharaoh III. We apply new knowledge. P. 56. 2 points – c. 4. 1 point – c. 2. 2 points – tasks. 1 point – y. answer. IV. Homework: § 10, c. 1 – 4. Choice: p. 56. rubric 2. task 1-2

1. Gods and priests Problem: Did the gods help the Egyptians? Exercise. Find out: 1). Why did the Egyptians give gifts to the gods? P. 51. 2). Why were temples built? P. 5152. 3). Who are the priests? What duties did you perform? P. 52. Who did the gods “help” get rich? Duties of priests

Temples and priests Serving the gods Observing the stars. Created calendars. Rice. 1. Priest Construction of pyramids Development of medicine Development of mathematics Temples were built in honor of the gods and pharaohs. Inside the temple there was an altar where statues of the gods were placed. Only priests and priestesses could enter the temple. The worshipers were in the square in front of the temple. Task 1. Consider the diagram “Duties of Priests” and answer the question: Why exactly did the priests perform these duties! Task 2. Write down the conclusion: who did the gods “help” get rich?

2. Gods of the Egyptians The Egyptians did not have a single god. Task: find out which gods are depicted on the slide. Write down their names. 1 1. God Amon-Ra God of the sun, main god, king of the gods. 2 2. God of the earth Geb They depicted the god of the earth as a man with the head of a snake 3 3. God Nut They represented him as a cow with a body strewn with stars 4 4. God Thoth God of wisdom, scribe. He taught people writing, counting, and various knowledge. Conductor in

3. The myth of Osiris and Isis Isis and Anubis guide souls to the kingdom of the dead. Drawing from the Book of the Dead. Assignment: 1. Read the Myth of Osiris and Isis in the textbook. pp. 53-54 2. Find out what natural phenomenon is reflected in this myth? Change of seasons: spring summer

4. What did the Egyptians say about the “land of the dead” Problem: Did the gods help the Egyptians? Exercise. Find out: 1). Who rules in the kingdom of the dead? 2). What does the deceased swear by? P. 5455. What did the oath of the dead teach the Egyptians? 3). How was the veracity of the oath verified? 4). Who will be allowed into the wonderful fields of the dead? P. 55. 5). Why was the body of the deceased turned into a MUMMY? P. 55.

Repetition of what has been covered What kind of weapon
Egyptian warriors?

Repetition of what has been covered

What were
hikes for
commanders and

Repetition of what has been covered

How were they arranged?
chariots and what
gave them
application in

Repetition of what has been covered

Find it on the map
and determine


Paragraph 10 of the textbook - read, answer
to questions.

ancient egyptian religion

religion of the ancients

Lesson assignment:

Find out what life is about religion
the Egyptians were different from
religious beliefs
primitive people?

Worship of sacred animals and plants

Religious Beliefs
originated with the Egyptians in
primitive times.
Life then depended on
happy hunting and
collecting, here
why Egyptians
worshiped animals and
by the forces of the plant. These
beliefs persisted for
throughout history
Ancient Egypt.

Worship of sacred animals and plants.

Along with them, the Egyptians
there was a belief in
powerful gods,
who were often depicted with
human body and
the head of an animal, bird or
Ancient Egyptian figurine
there is a god named Thoth
the head of an ibis bird, on
head with a striped scarf.
The Egyptians revered Thoth as
god of wisdom
fair trial
inventor of writing.

Gods and priests

The Egyptians believed
that housing is needed
not only people, but
and to the gods. In the deep
ancient temples -
"homes of the gods"
were built from
reed and clay.
These temples are not
Look at the drawing. This is what one of them might look like
ancient temples– temple of the goddess of war and hunting Neith.
In the courtyard in front of the temple there is a sign of this goddess -
shield with two crossed arrows.

Gods and priests

At the temples there were
priests - SERVANTS
It was believed that it was
the priest knows best
talk to god.
The pharaohs gave
fertile temples
land, livestock, slaves,
gold and silver.
Gifts were given
gods, but
disposed of them

The most important god
Sun God -Amon-Ra
The Egyptians considered the Sun.
The Sun God was called Ra,
Amon, or Amon-Ra. Each
morning he appears on
east. While the day lasts,
he floats slowly
sky. But now the day is drawing to a close
in the evening because the boat
Amun-Ra descends from heaven.
On the western edge of the sky she
floats through the gate
underground kingdom.

What did the Egyptians say about their gods?

The god of light is here
The god Amun-Ra in the guise of a cat enters
fight with the god of darkness Apep
enters mortal
fight with the god of darkness,
fierce serpent name
which Apep.
continues throughout
night. When defeated
the serpent shines again
corona of the sun
God, returning
the onset of a new

What did the Egyptians say about their gods?

People live on earth, and
spread out over them
huge tent of the sky.
The Egyptians depicted
god of the earth named Geb
in the form of a man with
the head of a snake, like
"earth" animal.
Sky goddess Nut
seemed huge
cow; her dark body
studded with stars.

What did the Egyptians say about their gods?

Goddess Bastet – flexible
black cat -
women and their beauty.
Goddess of truth Maat

What did the Egyptians say about their gods?

The Egyptians believed that
ritual running of the Apis bull
fertilizes the fields. Cow,
gave birth to Apis, too
revered and kept in
special building. At one of
temples contained black
bull with a white mark on
forehead. The whole country was immersed in
sadness when this bull
was dying. The priests then
We were looking for a new Apis.

The Myth of Osiris and Isis

Osiris - god of life
forces of nature and
Isis - goddess
fertility, water
and the wind, patroness
navigation. Daughter of Hebe
and Nut, wife of Osiris.
Set is the god of the desert and
sandstorms and
Horus is the patron saint of the earthly

Judgment of Osiris

Preservation of the body of the deceased

u iya - preserved by embalming
A sarcophagus is a coffin in which a mummy was placed.

Reinforcing the material learned

What is the name of the home of the gods?
servants of god
Who are the priests?
How did the churches get rich? due to gifts from the pharaohs
The main god of Egypt... Ra
God of the vital forces of nature and fertility...Osiris
Goddess of truth, order and justice...
God of chaos and disorder, lord of the deserts... Seth
The goddess is the patroness of women and their beauty.

Lesson material on the topic When used in a lesson, the presentation can give 5th grade students a complete understanding of the beliefs and religion of the ancient Egyptians. Here the children will learn about descriptions of the life of the main ancient Egyptian gods preserved from sources.

Objectives and goals of the history lesson "" :

introduce schoolchildren to beliefs that originated during primitive society;

give students an idea of ​​the specifics religious worldview, the possibility of whose emergence is associated, first of all, with the emergence of a class society;
continue to develop children's interest in the topic."

Religion of Ancient Egypt - a brief description of the lesson

Similar to the beginning of the lesson in the previous history lesson article, the author methodological development proposes to conduct a historical dictation with 5th grade students on the following questions and tasks:

The state was located... ( in Africa)
Name the two seas that wash the Egyptian state. ( Red, Mediterranean)
What was the name of the first capital of Ancient Egypt? ( Memphis)
What was the common name for the ancient Egyptian kings? ( Pharaoh)
In what millennium was the unified Egyptian state formed? ( 3rd millennium BC)
Which pharaoh made the largest conquests and when? ( Thutmose III, 1.5 thousand years BC.)
Which African state, rich in gold, was conquered by the armies of the pharaohs? ( Nubia)
And what state, rich in copper ore deposits, was also conquered by the armies of the pharaohs in Asia? ( Phenicia, Palestine, Syria)
What alloy were used to make the tips of axes, spears and blades used by Egyptian warriors? ( Bronze is an alloy of tin and copper)

Religion of Ancient Egypt - review tasks

We offer one more task for the class. This time it is necessary to compose and write down a sentence consisting of a set of words: Nile, Mediterranean Sea, Northeast, flood, fertile silt, Egypt, delta.

The next task, also for repetition, is to establish the sequence of location along the course of the Nile of the following geographical objects: Libyan Desert, delta, Memphis, Mediterranean Sea.

Upon completion of this task, students answer the questions:
Why did the Egyptians build canals and also construct earthen embankments?
What was Pharaoh's army like?
What type of design did chariots have, and what role did they perform in battles?
Describe the campaigns of the Egyptian pharaohs on the map.

Religion of Ancient Egypt - learning new material

Work on a new topic is accompanied by a demonstration of presentation slides, where, with the help of illustrations, we introduce students to how the religion of Ancient Egypt arose in primitive times. It is not surprising that the Egyptians worshiped birds and animals, since people's lives then depended on the success of hunting and gathering.

Plants were also endowed with supernatural properties. Similar beliefs persisted throughout the history of Ancient Egypt. And this kind of belief was called totheism. In parallel to this, there arose a belief in gods among the Egyptians, depicted in human form, but with animal, as well as snake and bird heads.

The teacher instructs the children to read the section of the paragraph that talks about priests and temples. After which we begin to get acquainted with the deities of Ancient Egypt. The first one the guys learn about is the sun god Amon-Ra. Its special role in the religion of Ancient Egypt is due to the fact that agriculture in the 3rd millennium BC. became the most important occupation of the region. And faith in the power of the Sun God was deep because sunlight and heat are the most important factor in the growth of cereals and other useful plants. At the same time, the Sun is capable of burning crops, mercilessly scorching and drying up water bodies, turning the earth into infertile land.

What are the similarities between religious beliefs Egyptians and primitive people? Why did the sun god become the main god of the ancient Egyptians? What natural phenomena are reflected in the myth of Osiris? What was the role of religion and priests in Ancient Egypt?



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Religion of Ancient Egyptians

Problematic question Why was it important for the pharaoh to have a tomb - a pyramid? What are the similarities between the religious beliefs of the ancient Egyptians and primitive people?

Look at the drawing. This is what one of the oldest temples could have looked like - the temple of the goddess of war and hunting Neith. In the courtyard in front of the temple there is a sign of this goddess - a shield with two crossed arrows. The Egyptians believed that housing was needed not only by people, but also by the gods. In ancient times, temples - “dwellings of the gods” were built from reeds and clay. These temples have not survived.

Temples - homes of the gods

Priests There were priests at the temples - that it was the priest who knew best how to talk to God. The pharaohs gave the temples fertile lands, livestock, slaves, gold and silver. Gifts were made to the gods, but the priests disposed of them.

What role did the priests play in ancient Egyptian society? Priests Stargazing Servants of worship Medicine Construction of the pyramids Mathematics

What the Egyptians told about their gods: the god of the Nile - Hapi, one of the main gods of Egypt, Ra, Amon or Amon-Ra - the god of the sun. His name is translated as “sun”. The deity appeared either in the form of a bull or in the form of a Phoenix bird.

Geb personified the main deity of the earth. Why is Geb depicted with the head of a snake?

He patronized knowledge and wisdom. God of the moon, writing, counting, magic and sorcery. He was depicted with the head of an ibis bird. Thoth was called the "scribe of the gods." He was depicted as a man with the head of an ibis, often with a brush for writing and a palette in his hands. Thoth's wife was the goddess Maat.

One of the central female deities, Bastet, or Bast, personified the hearth, femininity, fertility, joy and fun. The goddess was depicted in the form of a cat or a woman with a cat's head, in the earliest tradition - in the form of a lioness. Often four kittens were depicted at the goddess’s feet.


“The myth of Osiris and Isis Let’s find out what natural phenomenon is reflected in the myth of the god Osiris Read the text on pp. 53-54

Judgment of Osiris

Preservation of the body of the deceased A mummy is a body preserved by embalming. A sarcophagus is a coffin in which a mummy was placed.

The deification of the pharaoh Pharaoh is not just a man Pharaoh is a powerful god, the son of the sun god Ra The sun god is the king among the gods, the pharaoh (his son) is the king among people The closest connection between religion and state power Religion is the most important support of state power in Egypt.

Consolidation of material What are the similarities between the religious beliefs of the Egyptians and primitive people? Why did the sun god become the main god of the ancient Egyptians? What natural phenomena are reflected in the myth of Osiris? What was the role of religion and priests in Ancient Egypt?

Homework Differentiated task: 1. - complete the task in the “Think” section. 2. - analyze the table compiled in the lesson “gods of Ancient Egypt”. 3. - complete the task in the “Describe” section.

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