Presentation on the topic: Are there animals? Dangerous animals - presentation

Mosquitoes The British newspaper The Daily Telegraph names the “ten” most dangerous animals on the planet that pose a threat to humans. Mosquitoes topped the list of deadly creatures. Two million people die every year from diseases carried by these insects.

“sea wasps” The Australian “sea wasp” jellyfish, one of the most poisonous sea creatures, is in third place. The toxins contained in its "tentacles" are enough to kill 60 people. Since 1884, sea wasps have claimed 5,567 lives.

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1st place 2nd place 3rd place 4th place 5th place 6th place 7th place 8th place 9th place 10th place 11th place 12th place 13th place 14th place 15th place Links to the material used

2nd place: Australian jellyfish Second place goes to poisonous jellyfish. Their most dangerous representative is considered to be the Australian Jellyfish, also known as the sea wasp. This salad bowl-sized jellyfish can have up to 60 tentacles, each 4 meters long. Each tentacle has 5,000 poison cells and enough toxin to kill 60 people. Poisonous jellyfish are found in the warm waters of the tropics and subtropics. Scientists believe that the reason for the increase in their numbers is global warming of the world’s oceans and the activities of enterprises that save on wastewater treatment plants by dumping “food” for jellyfish into the ocean.

3rd place: Asian Cobra Although the Asian Cobra is not called the most poisonous snake, this does not make it any less dangerous. Every year, 50,000 fatal venomous snake bites occur worldwide. Asian Cobras are responsible for the largest portion of them.

4th place: African lion Does it have giant fangs? Fast as lightning? And that too. Razor sharp claws? Without a doubt. These big cats are virtuoso, perfect hunters.

5th place: Elephant Not every elephant is as friendly as Dumbo. Elephants kill more than 500 people a year worldwide. African elephants generally weigh 6400 kg. Enough to trample a person. In addition, the animal has very sharp tusks

6th place: Great White Shark It will use all 3000 of its teeth to bite anything that moves. A little blood in the water can make sharks extremely hungry. The white shark lives in warm waters in all oceans, as well as the Mediterranean and Japanese seas, often reaching 7-8 meters in length, and sometimes growing up to 12 meters. It was the white shark that was given the nickname “white killer”, considering it the most dangerous, fierce and powerful of all sharks.

7th place: Australian freshwater crocodile It can lie motionless in the water, waiting for prey. When it appears, in the blink of an eye, the hidden predator will jump out of cover and attack the prey, then drag it under water to drown and dismember it.

8th place: Polar bear Measures introduced to protect the polar bear population throughout the Arctic led to its population completely recovering and even exceeding permissible limits. At the zoo they seem so cute to us, almost like plush toys, but a bear catches up with a running man on Spitsbergen instantly, leaving not the slightest chance of survival. Today's polar bear became aggressive and lost his sense of fear. Often appears in human settlements. It’s not so easy to kill him; you can fire a dozen bullets, but the beast won’t care.

9th place: Monkey In many tropical countries, monkeys have moved from the forest closer to city dumps, finding food there. Often, flocks of monkeys attack children and even adults, take away food, rob peasants' supplies, and even empty the refrigerators of townspeople. At the same time, they imitate humans in many ways, sometimes even adopting the habit of knocking on the door to have it opened.

10th place: Black Widow The venom of black widows is extremely toxic: they are considered one of the most dangerous spiders in the world.

11th place: Buffalo This is a very dangerous animal, because it does not know fear even of humans. An adult male reaches 2 m at the withers and weighs more than 900 kg. The horns are very large, triangular in cross section. They can bend upward in a semicircle or diverge widely to the sides of the head, forming one gentle arc. The length of the largest horns was 195 cm. In addition to such an arsenal, it has a highly developed sense of smell and very acute hearing. He quickly senses strangers and can attack first. In preparation for an attack, the male digs the ground with his front legs and snorts loudly. And there is nothing to say about the danger of the buffaloes protecting the calves.

12th place: Poisonous Frog This is an amphibian the size of a half-liter jar. The back of the poisonous dark frog secretes a slimy neurotoxin that is thought to protect the animal from predators. Each frog produces enough toxin to kill 10 people.

13th place: Scorpions These arthropods are extremely common throughout the planet, especially along the 49-1 parallel. Of course, there are many types of scorpions - the most dangerous is the black thick-tailed scorpion, which can kill a camel, not to mention a person. More than 5 thousand human deaths per year are the price that a person pays for being in the neighborhood of this animal.

14th place: Hippopotamuses Of course, at the zoo, these clumsy fatties open their mouths so funny so that visitors throw buns and other goodies in there... Under natural conditions, hippopotamuses are capable of developing unprecedented agility, especially in water - woe to anyone who accidentally collides with a hippopotamus during mating games: then the peaceful hippopotamus turns into a wild beast, capable of killing anyone who disturbs its peace.

15th place: Bees In addition to ordinary honey bees, there are killer bees that live in South, Central and North America

Are there any dangerous animals? In general, all animals can be called dangerous. Animals are dangerous not only because they carry fleas, lice and dangerous diseases. Some animals (for example dogs) are dangerous because they can be aggressive and attack a person. In general, all animals can be called dangerous. Animals are dangerous not only because they carry fleas, lice and dangerous diseases. Some animals (for example dogs) are dangerous because they can be aggressive and attack a person.

Scorpio The mere mention of the word “scorpion” makes us think of dangerous poison. This is explained by the fact that meeting a Scorpio can be very unpleasant. The mere mention of the word “scorpion” makes us think of dangerous poison. This is explained by the fact that meeting a Scorpio can be very unpleasant. Scorpions are related to the spider. The scorpion has four pairs of legs, two strong claw-like pedipal fingers, with which it usually holds prey. The scorpion also has a long articulated tail, at the end of which there is a pointed sting, connected by ducts to poisonous glands. Scorpions are related to the spider. The scorpion has four pairs of legs, two strong claw-like pedipal fingers, with which it usually holds prey. The scorpion also has a long articulated tail, at the end of which there is a pointed sting, connected by ducts to poisonous glands. When moving, the scorpion holds its tail in a curved arc above its body. Having caught the prey with its claw-like pedipal fingers, the scorpion bends its tail over its head and plunges its stinger into the victim. The venom either kills or paralyzes insects, spiders and other creatures that the scorpion feeds on. When moving, the scorpion holds its tail in a curved arc above its body. Having caught the prey with its claw-like pedipal fingers, the scorpion bends its tail over its head and plunges its stinger into the victim. The venom either kills or paralyzes insects, spiders and other creatures that the scorpion feeds on. Basically, the scorpion is nocturnal, and during the day it hides in the shade, for example under a stone, under bark or in dark corners of the house. Adult scorpions usually live and travel alone. Basically, the scorpion is nocturnal, and during the day it hides in the shade, for example under a stone, under bark or in dark corners of the house. Adult scorpions usually live and travel alone. The scorpion is a viviparous animal, and after birth, small scorpions attach themselves to their mother’s back, but she does not feed them, and after a few days the babies leave and live on their own. The scorpion is a viviparous animal, and after birth, small scorpions attach themselves to their mother’s back, but she does not feed them, and after a few days the babies leave and live on their own. Scorpios live in hot climates. They vary in size from 1 to 17 cm in length, and the largest species are found in the tropics. Scorpios live in hot climates. They vary in size from 1 to 17 cm in length, and the largest species are found in the tropics.

Snakes In poisonous snakes, one of the salivary glands produces a substance that is dangerous to the victim. This substance is snake venom. The venom of some snakes is so dangerous that it can kill an elephant. For others, this substance is not so poisonous. It can only kill a small lizard. In poisonous snakes, one of the salivary glands produces a substance that is dangerous to the victim. This substance is snake venom. The venom of some snakes is so dangerous that it can kill an elephant. For others, this substance is not so poisonous. They can only kill a small lizard. Right above the fangs there is a hole leading to the poison-producing gland. When a venomous snake bites, the venom enters the gutter and flows through it into the wound made by the fang.

Homeless animals There are a lot of animals on the streets of cities that do not have owners or homes. Of course, most of them are dogs. You probably want to feed and pet a stray dog. But this cannot be done, because: There are a lot of animals on the streets of cities that do not have owners or a home. Of course, most of them are dogs. You probably want to feed and pet a stray dog. But this cannot be done because: 1. The animal may have an unpredictable character. 2. The animal most likely carries fleas or ticks. 3. The animal may have rabies or other diseases. 1. The animal may have an unpredictable character. 2. The animal most likely carries fleas or ticks. 3. The animal may have rabies or other diseases.

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