Celebrate 40 years or not.

Is it worth celebrating the 40th anniversary? This question is asked by many people on the eve of the round date. There are many superstitions that claim that a person who has arranged a festive event for his fortieth birthday will begin to rain down misfortunes and misfortunes as if from a cornucopia. Therefore, you should figure out whether a party arranged for 40 years is an omen of misfortune or not, and why 40 years are not celebrated.

Many people know that it is not worth celebrating 40 years, as misfortunes will fall on a person. However, where this belief came from is known only to a few.

In Christianity

The number 40 intersects with christian religion. 40 days after his death on the cross, Jesus Christ ascended to heaven. In addition, after baptism, the Savior spent 40 days in the wilderness, where he was constantly tempted by the devil. Also 40 days lasted global flood.

IN biblical history a period of 40 years is also mentioned, during which the Jews wandered in the desert before they were able to find their happiness in the Promised Land. Therefore, in the minds of people since time immemorial, it has clearly taken root that the number 40 has an inextricable link with severe suffering and death.

Word parsing

Also negative meaning can be caught in the decoding of the word "forty". If we divide this word into two components, we get “rubbish” (garbage, dirt) and “rock” (fate).

Thus, "forty" can be interpreted as "dirty fate", in connection with which the celebration of a birthday is interpreted as the joy of a person on the eve of a future full of sorrows and troubles.

In numerology and tarology

The explanation why 40 years should not be celebrated can be found in the laws of numerology, as well as in tarology. In the East, it is believed that the number 4 means death. In accordance with the principles of numerology, the number 40 has the same meaning as the number 4, since the addition of numbers gives exactly this result (4 + 0 = 4).

In Tarot cards, the lasso "Death" is denoted by the letter "M". At the same time, in the alphabet used in Hebrew, the letter "Mem" corresponds to the number 40.

In astrology

The forty-year milestone can be called a crisis in the opinion of many astrologers. Between 39 and 43 years, a person is under the influence of Uranus, which in this period is on natal chart becomes in opposition to itself. Such a position of the planet entails sudden and serious changes - from a change in place of residence and profession to a complete reset of the value system.

Pluto also contributes to the crisis, under the influence of which a person begins to panic, rush about and get confused in life guidelines.

Another explanation why it is impossible to celebrate 40 years is rooted in the mists of time, when life expectancy was about four decades. In those distant times, forty years was actually the limit of a person’s life, so to arrange a holiday that emphasizes old age birthday, was considered inappropriate.

The attitude of the church to such a belief

The Church does not recognize the assertion that it is impossible to celebrate 40 years. Moreover, belief in omens, according to the Church, is a sin. Therefore, from the point of view of the clergy, celebrating the fortieth anniversary is not forbidden and there should not be any prohibitions.

The opinion of esotericists about the celebration of the fortieth anniversary

Esotericists warn that on the day when a person turns 40, he experiences a serious energy blow. Therefore, if among the guests of the hero of the day there is an ill-wisher who has an "evil eye", serious damage can be done to a person's energy, which in the future can affect the physical and emotional state.

It should be noted that the number 40 surrounds the halo of magical perception for a reason. After all, after a person dies, his soul continues to remain on Earth for 40 days. In addition, it takes 40 days for a woman who has given birth to a child to become clean again. Before the expiration of this period, a young mother is forbidden to attend church.

The celebration is given a negative connotation by the belief that at the age of 40 a guardian angel leaves a person. It is believed that after living 4 decades, a person gains wisdom, so help heavenly patron he doesn't need it anymore.

Do they celebrate the 40th anniversary abroad?

The danger in the celebration of the fortieth anniversary is seen only by the Japanese. This is explained by the fact that Japanese the number 4 is consonant with the word "death". Therefore, in Japanese buildings there are no fourth floors, no fourth numbers of apartments, houses, buses, TV channels and other things.

In addition, many residents of the Land of the Rising Sun avoid celebrating birthdays if the number indicating the number of years lived contains the number 4.

The belief that 40 years should not be celebrated applies more to men. It is the representatives of the stronger sex, according to legend, that in the event of a celebration, they are in serious danger and even premature death. However, in Lately Many women also began to refuse to celebrate.

Is it possible to celebrate 40 years for a woman or a man, to have a noisy party and invite guests to it, the hero of the day decides. If a person does not believe in omens, and also follows the canons of the Church, which considers belief in omens a sin, there should be no barriers to celebration.

From the point of view of the clergy, 40 years does not have any differences from other dates, so there can be no restrictions on the celebration of the anniversary.

At the same time, if a person believes in signs and does not seek to tempt fate once again, it is still better to refuse to hold an event.

People who are afraid of superstition and trust signs should not at all deprive themselves of the joy of having fun with family and friends. You can arrange a festive event, the occasion of which will not be a birthday, but some other event associated with the hero of the day.

For example, you can mark the end of the thirties, the onset of the fifth decade, or find some other interesting occasion. The main thing is to warn the guests so that when addressing the hero of the occasion, they do not mention his age.

In addition, arranging a holiday, you must carefully consider the list of invited guests. Let only relatives and close people be among the participants of the event.


Answering the question why 40 years are not celebrated, it is impossible to give an answer that would be justified with scientific point vision. At the same time, many factors that were previously considered as a reason for refusing a holiday have now lost their relevance.

In particular, if a few centuries ago, the average life expectancy of a person was about forty years, today, according to the age standards of the World Health Organization, young age is considered from 25 to 44 years, and old age occurs only after a person overcomes the 75-year milestone. .

However, superstitious people are still not recommended to have a birthday party. If a suspicious person, anxious about the signs that are passed down from generation to generation, arranges a banquet or a party, and then fears the vicissitudes of fate and reproach himself for the fun, the celebration of the fortieth birthday will only bring negative, since the expectation of imminent disaster will have a bad effect on the psyche and health person.

Mother of two children. I have been running a household for more than 7 years - this is my main job. I like to experiment, I constantly try various means, methods, techniques that can make our life easier, more modern, richer. I love my family.

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There are some figures in a person's life that cause genuine fear and apprehension. They are used in black magic, many superstitions and signs are associated with them. One of these mysterious signs is the number forty. It is with him that one of the most rooted superstitions in our life is connected, which warns against celebrating the fortieth anniversary. But where did this belief come from? why not celebrate 40 years? What happens if you still neglect this sign? This article is devoted to the answers to these questions.

Why you can not celebrate a birthday - 40 years

There are many facts confirming that the number forty contains a charge of negative energy.

Among them are the following:

  • Forty days after death human soul wanders the earth, forcing close people to be more careful in their actions;
  • For forty years the Jewish people had to wander in the wilderness before finding the desired promised land;
  • For forty days after giving birth, the lady needs to “purify herself”, after which she can sit on the bed of her own spouse or come to church;
  • For forty days and nights the Deluge continued, cleansing the World from many sinners;
  • For forty days Jesus was in the wilderness, undergoing temptations and various trials of the devil;
  • It is the forty-year milestone in Ancient Greece was recognized as the pinnacle of human flourishing and the beginning of decline, when death is visible on the horizon, because in the vast majority of cases no one lived up to fifty years old.

In the long history of human civilization, one can find other examples of how the mysterious and mystical number forty brought failure and disappointment.

40% of people do not celebrate this date

In the very pronunciation of the word "forty" you can isolate the parts "litter" and "rock". As if fate itself removes everything unnecessary, that is, it symbolically sweeps the garbage out of the storehouse of life. Is it necessary to interfere with her in this process and incur the punishment of Providence? Possibly at higher powers your scenario, and you should not anger them once again.

The origins of signs

The refusal to celebrate the fortieth anniversary may be due to the fact that the life of our ancestors was short. All people who lived to the age of forty were considered old: teeth and hair disappeared, the face was covered with traces of wrinkles, the body experienced a painful condition, with which the decrepit body coped with grief in half.

Watch the video. Why not celebrate your 40th birthday?


Many ladies know that the celebration of forty years is undesirable, as it can bring into their lives Negative consequences. This is mainly due to the characteristics of the female body.

By the age of forty, human biorhythms change, and the first signs of menopause come. It causes wrinkles and gray hair. Undergoes changes and general well-being, and psychological attitude. Stress, depression, sudden aggression are standard things that accompany the onset of menopause.

This cannot be avoided, since the changes in this period are programmed by nature. In addition, the very celebration of such a date has a negative effect on the entire body of the fairer sex, leading to an even greater loss of vital energy.

Many women do not believe in superstition and calmly celebrate their fortieth anniversary. Others fear for their physical condition and well-being.


For what reason do representatives of the strong half of humanity not celebrate their fortieth anniversary, and what is the reason for this? This superstition is rooted in one old history about the astronaut. He intended to go into space after celebrating his own fortieth birthday. Immediately after takeoff, the aircraft crashed due to unforeseen malfunctions.

There are a large number of similar life stories where men who ignored this sign die mystically.

Another interpretation of superstition says that the celebration of forty years can be the last anniversary in the fate of a man. Illness will prevent you from living longer. This superstition has no scientific evidence, but many empirical experiments can demonstrate that it does work.

If the representative of the stronger sex nevertheless decides to celebrate his name day, then he is at great risk of losing the disposition of fate.

Church opinion

Believing citizens who keep the precepts of the church need to listen to the point of view of the Orthodox hierarchs. According to them, the refusal to celebrate forty years is a sign of worldly fear.

People often fear this sign, which is associated with deeds of mourning. Forty days after the death, relatives visit the grave of the deceased person.

In general, the church recognizes this superstition as nonsense and rejects any bad influence given date on the fate of a person.

All the clergy are sure that for the servants of God, even the celebration of the thirty-third birthday, and in given age Christ died, does not bring sorrow and torment, since there is nothing reprehensible in this. Moreover, forty years are much less significant than this number.

The Bible narratives contain a large number of events associated with the number forty:

  • After the Resurrection, Christ was present on earth for forty days, sowing the light of hope in people;
  • The term of stay on the throne of the famous king of the Jews, David, was forty years;
  • A distance of about forty cubits is the width of Solomon's temple.

It becomes clear that not all actions are associated with death or sad events. Religion recognizes beliefs as sinful. The clergy advise to celebrate every year, given by the Lord, including the fortieth.

The point of view of psychologists

To the question of interest to many people, for what reason it is impossible to celebrate your forty years, psychologists answer that this is a personal choice of everyone. It all depends on what a person expects from this day. After all, thoughts can be material. He will wait for failures and troubles - they will certainly happen. And he will be filled with a festive mood, fun in his home and settle.

And yet, psychologists advise, just in case, not to mention the number forty on this day, but to congratulate the hero of the day on the end of the thirty-ninth year of life.

Opinion of astrologers

According to astrologers, forty years is a crisis period for a person. At this time, the planet Uranus has a great influence on him, promising significant changes and transformations.

Often people rethink life values. The negative impact of the planet is often expressed in the form of unforeseen circumstances, a crisis, a sad financial situation, a serious illness or a divorce.

All forties are also under the influence of the planet Pluto. This finds expression in the form of financial difficulties, possible bankruptcy and health problems.

At this stage, a person changes life values, and his actions resemble permanent throwing. Therefore, astrologers advise to celebrate the celebration of forty years in a calm and peaceful atmosphere so that the midlife crisis ends successfully.

Watch the video. 40 years - to celebrate or not?

Position of psychics

Psychics in life try to rely solely on their own strengths. At the same time, there are a large number of superstitions inherited from the ancestors in which they believe.

Answering the topical question of why it is worth doing without the celebration of forty years, psychics point to numerology. Number forty negative value does not have. The number four is a sign of creation, and forty represents the transformation of the worldview and mind. Therefore, adherents of numerology do not recognize anything negative in this.

All supporters of esoteric science are sure that this superstition is connected with the mysterious properties of Tarot cards, where the number forty means death. On the named card is the letter "M", which corresponds to the four.

The number forty is associated with a large number of things related to the burial of the dead. Therefore, esotericists do not recommend celebrating such a date. They believe that other world together with the dark forces - a serious matter. It is not recommended to be frivolous here.

Why they say that 40 years cannot be celebrated

Some believe that the celebration of forty years can lead to prolonged illness, emotional distress, and even sudden death. And if the hero of the day himself nevertheless escapes evil fate, then one of the closest relatives or friends will take over all the problems. Like it or not, it is difficult to say unequivocally, because there are quite a few cases when there is another, more prosaic explanation for certain incidents.

How can you celebrate

It is one thing when the hero of the day is quite critical of certain superstitions, and it is completely different if he takes the advice of his ancestors to heart. Thoughts can "attract" some life situations, and even cause diseases. Therefore, the formed belief that it is impossible to celebrate the fortieth anniversary can lead to sad consequences when trying to follow the beliefs of loved ones regarding the celebration of the anniversary.

However, in any case, you can turn people's craving for superstition in a different direction. There are several options for celebrating forty years with minimal risk. However, in any case, people's craving for superstition can be reversed. There are several options for celebrating forty years with minimal risk.

Celebrate the end of the year. Warn all invited guests about the decision of the hero of the day to accept congratulations only on the departure of last year. The celebration will take place as usual, but there will be no emphasis on an unpleasant date. Additional excitement among the guests of the event is provided, because such a celebration is rarely seen - to see off the years of the hero of the day, and not to celebrate the newest stage.

Invite a small circle of guests. In esoteric science, the age of forty is considered a turning point in the fate of a representative of the stronger sex, when his biofield is greatly weakened. At such a time, it is extremely easy to be subjected to the evil eye, even if it happens by accident. Therefore, a decrease in the number of guests contributes to the collection of only close people who really wish the hero of the day well. Since in this case all of the above was dedicated to men, ladies of the anniversary can safely celebrate their forty years.

6 out of 10 people celebrate their 40th birthday on a different date.

Sometimes it is enough to simply move the date of the holiday after the date of birth for the superstition to stop working. When the event falls in the middle of the week, you can argue your own decision for the guests with the desire to relax on the weekend.

Change the theme of the celebration. You can make a themed event. For example, decorate a room in the New Year's style, make the setting for All Saints' Day, find a different holiday in the calendar. And let all congratulations be addressed to the hero of the day, but without a reminder of his age. For example, on the occasion of Valentine's Day, you can wish that all the dreams of a particular person come true. The idea of ​​such a celebration of forty years, most likely, will be gladly supported by all the guests.

Watch the video. Russians don't celebrate their 40th birthday. Why?


The opinions of people regarding this superstition, as well as their reviews, differ.

Have you always celebrated birthdays in a cheerful company of relatives and friends, but will you have to “miss” the 40th anniversary? This is what many anniversaries do who have stepped over their fourth decade, guided by common signs among us. Where do these frightening prejudices “grow legs” from, because so many do not celebrate their 40s and do not advise others?

The editors of the site have collected 7 reasons that explain the ban, and you just have to draw conclusions - believe or not believe.


In our country, it is customary to look for the truth of the ban on celebrating the 40th anniversary in the "negative" biblical chronology associated with the number 40:

For 40 days Jesus was in the wilderness, where he was subjected to the temptations of the devil;

The Flood lasted 40 days;
. 40 days the human soul is on earth after death;
. 40 years Jewish people wandered in the desert.
By the way, 40 days after the birth of a child, a young mother is considered “unclean” and has no right to go to church.


According to one of the beliefs, which is very popular, it is on the 40th anniversary of a person that his guardian angel retreats, leaving him without higher protection.


Some people who believe in esotericists find confirmation of why it is impossible to celebrate the 40th anniversary in numerology and tarot cards. In Eastern magic, 40 is the number of death. More precisely, not 40, but 4.

However, according to the laws of numerology, this is the same thing: 4 + 0 = 4. In the Tarot, the main Arcana "Death" has the letter designation "M", and the letter "Mem" of the Hebrew alphabet just corresponds to the number 40.


Residents of East and Central Asia consider the "four" a number that brings evil, misfortune and death. Therefore, this number is absent in the designation of floors, apartments, hospital wards, television channels and the names of equipment.


Those who do not believe in the magic of numbers see the negative in the fact that the literal equivalent of the number "40" consists of two words "sor" and "rock". This combination can be understood as rubbish (impurity and fate) - fate, inevitability, outcome.


A number of astrologers consider the 40-year milestone a crisis, since from 39 to 43 people are under the heavy “patronage” of the planet Uranus, which at this stage becomes in opposition to itself on the natal chart (astrological birth chart of a person).

This position of Uranus leads to sudden and major changes in life - from a change of residence, work, to a serious reassessment of values, bankruptcy, crises and illnesses. During this period, Pluto also works on the “hand” of Uranus, introducing throwing, panic and confusion of life guidelines into the crisis.


The ban on celebrating the 40th anniversary may also be due to the fact that the life expectancy of our ancestors was very short. Those who lived to the age of 40 were already considered a deep old man: teeth and hair fell out, “kilometers” of wrinkles covered the face, the body was “occupied” by diseases that the exhausted 40-year-old body could hardly cope with.

BELIEVE OR NOT?It's up to you. By Christian faith any superstitions and signs are a whim, and believing in them is a sin. And if you analyze all the frightening events associated with the number 40, it turns out that after the test, a new, better life always comes ...

AND FURTHER: There are several ideas for celebrating the 40th anniversary if you believe in omens and are afraid to celebrate this ambiguous date:
. celebrate not the onset of 40, but farewell to the 39th anniversary;
. celebrate 40 years and 1 day;
. arrange a 40th birthday disguised as ... New Year

Many have probably heard that it is better not to celebrate the 40th anniversary. The one who dares to celebrate this date will allegedly be haunted by misfortunes.

AiF.ru decided to figure out what could be the basis of this prejudice.

Where could the belief that you can not celebrate the 40th birthday come from?

The number 40 is associated with many important events for Christians:

  • The Flood lasted 40 days;
  • For 40 years the Jewish people were forced to wander in the desert before they found their happiness in the Promised Land;
  • 40 days after his death, Jesus ascended to heaven;
  • For 40 days Jesus was in the wilderness after his baptism, subjected to temptations and various temptations of the devil.

In this regard, it could be postponed in the popular mind that the number 40 is associated with death and suffering. And therefore, it is better not to celebrate this particular date in a series of your own birthdays.

Some especially superstitious people point out that the point is also in the very word "forty". They break it into two parts: "sorry" and "rock", which, in their opinion, can be interpreted as "dirty fate". If we develop this idea, it turns out that those who celebrate their 40th anniversary are rejoicing in their unhappy future.

How does the Church deal with superstition?

Russian Orthodox Church considers this and other superstitions to be a sin.

Is the 40th birthday celebrated abroad?

Only the inhabitants of the Land of the Rising Sun are suspicious of the 40th anniversary. The fact is that in Japanese the four is consonant with the word "death". Therefore, some citizens of the state prefer not to celebrate those birthdays that have this figure. Also, superstitious Japanese do not like to live on the fourth floor, be fourth on the list and watch the fourth channel on TV.

How can you celebrate the fortieth birthday of a superstitious person?

There are several options for celebrating 40 years for superstitious people:

  • note the departure of 39 years;
  • celebrate 40 years and 1 day;
  • change the reason for gathering guests. For example, decorate the house in the New Year's style. And let all wishes be addressed to the birthday man, but without mentioning his age.

40 years is great! 9 myths about age that have nothing to do with reality

This year, a huge number of our idols of youth are turning or have already turned 40 years old. Charlize Theron, Drew Barrymore, Reese Witherspoon, Benedict Cumberbatch, Colin Farrell, even cutie Toby McGuire have crossed this line and, it should be noted, they feel very good. So, is there life after 40?

Do not be afraid to become a middle-aged person - it is better to throw a party with mojitos and dancing! Stop clinging to stupid numbers! Here are 10 big fat misconceptions about age that have nothing to do with reality at all. Proven.

We must forget about youth clothing brands

Complete bullshit! I wear what I like and feel comfortable in, from H&M and Zara to camouflage pants. I refuse to follow the fashion marketing and advertising standards imposed on me. In truth, we come to this age with such diverse tastes in clothes that it is very difficult to drive them into any kind of framework. Someone even at 20 likes soft and loose suits, while someone at 40 continues to wear miniskirts and stilettos.

No more dancing!

It must be said that people much under 40 are susceptible to this myth. Dancing has always been a form of physical exercise - and this is not about zumba classes or hustle lessons, but about real dancing, when you rock on the dance floor in a club all night long. Last year my friend asked me to dance and after a desperate battle with inner demons (which, by the way, shouted “everyone will laugh at you!”, “your boobs are not good enough, look at those 20-year-old girls!”) I took and agreed. Now I go dancing every month.

By the way, the inner demons were terribly wrong. Nobody laughed. Boobs adequately withstood the test. And I felt like who I really am - a lively and sexy woman. And, most importantly, these nightly dances make me feel freedom and independence - something that I lost while sitting at home with the children.

Only healthy lifestyle, only hardcore!

Bah, I say. BA! There are different types of bodies. I do not undertake to speak for everyone, but for myself, I found out that a more or less normal diet and moderate exercise is what you need.

We live in a city where everyone is obsessed with fitness and healthy lifestyle. Almost everyone you know has just run a marathon, or just runs, or does yoga, or whatever. But not me! Not because I don’t believe in the benefits of sports, but because, firstly, I’m terribly lazy, and secondly, I decided not to do anything that makes my soul not sing (another advantage of forty). Of course, I can pump up my biceps or my ass, but I don't want to. I like my body so much.

There is no sex!

Or rather, it is, but only if you are a MILF (Mother I'd Like to Fuck) or shoot young boys for money. These two things are mutually exclusive and frankly I hate them because they are desperation. Of course, there are deliberately sexy "mommies" looking for adventure, and elderly ladies who are willing to pay young men. But do not talk about them derogatoryly. After all, older men date younger girls all the time and no one judges them.

The peak of your sexuality is in the past

Nothing like this! If it is believed that the peak of sexuality overtakes a woman at 35, then I did not notice it, because I was up to my ears in caring for children and dirty dishes. Now that the children are grown, I can once again pay attention to the true needs of my body. Now I have enough time and self-confidence to flirt and go on dates with my own husband. And to be honest, the last few months have awakened the most lustful goddess in me and brought about sexual experiences that I could not have imagined before.

The only joy in life is watching children grow up and become good people.

Because if you don't enjoy it, you're a bad parent. And if children suddenly do not become good people - even worse.

I love my children. Watching them grow up is the most important part of my life. But this is not enough. I must have my own own life, with its own ups and downs, discoveries and defeats - this will be better for everyone, and for my children in the first place. What do they see if their parents only do what they drag them from circle to circle? That being a parent is a sacrifice? That only their oversaturated lives matter? That your own life ends when you become a parent? Yes, fuck it all! I have things to do besides children. And that's good for all of us.

Concerning good people… Well, I think I did my best. However, do not forget that my upbringing is not everything. There are also social and environmental factors and, God forgive me, genetics. I cannot answer for them.

All the best things in life have already happened.

This delusion is the hardest to deal with. When you're young, you seem to be charged with electricity. Meeting new people, adventures and love - all this seems to be ending for many, or at least significantly reduced. But it all depends on you. For example, I have done quite a lot to expand these boundaries imposed on me: I travel a lot, meet new people.

You are no longer interesting to those under 40

Complete bullshit! At 40, you are already wise and self-confident enough, but not yet too old to attract those who are younger than you. I have many friends who are in their 30s and now their lives are endless diaper changes and nightly feedings. They say that I give them hope and a light at the end of the tunnel, because they see that a person at 40 can have a really cool life!

Everything is over

Harriet Beecher Stowe published Uncle Tom's Cabin at age 40, Benjamin Franklin helped draft the Declaration of Independence at age 70, and Caitlin Jenner became a woman at 65. There is life after 40. I promise! So if you're over 30, stop pretending to be a hose! Take a mojito and feel free to join our ranks! There is just room for you on the dance floor.


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