Night 31 on November 1st. Protection from evil spirits on Veles night

Completely different canonically, mixed up in the minds of people: the people who received a new religious holiday- All Saints Day, at a deep level, clung to beliefs that have ruled people's lives for centuries. So the Slavs had a similar holiday, the memory of which was almost completely uprooted from the people's environment, but nevertheless it remained on a subconscious level. Veles night in ancient times was called the night from October 31 (leaf fall) to November 1 (breast).

Veles night

According to the beliefs of the Slavs, at this moment Belobog finally passes Kolo Goda to Chernobog, and the gates of Navi (the other world) to the first roosters are opened to our world, to Yav. Therefore, on this night, the spirits of the ancestors turned out to be closer than ever to living people. And Veles night was primarily a holiday of family and clan.

The strength of the clan was revered as one of the most powerful forces. They asked their ancestors for protection and patronage, advice and predictions of the future, they drew resources for accomplishments and creations in the power of the family. A ritual meal was obligatory on this holiday - both for the living and for the dead. The living commemorated their ancestors at the laid tables, and the deceased were offered treats, honoring them in this way.

Ritual food of the Veles night - cereals, pies, pancakes, loaves of bread, apples, vegetables. Braga and wine were put on the table. From the meals, a small part was set aside on a special plate and placed on an ajar window - for the ancestors. They also put a lit candle there, so that the spirits of their ancestors would find their way more easily. Fire is generally one of the sacred elements of this night, since it is intended not only for remembrance, but also for purification. Fires were lit so that, by going around, it would be cleansed. They even walked barefoot on the coals - for the same purpose. Before sitting at the table, the owner of the house turned to the ancestors, inviting them to come and eat.

During the meal, they remembered all the deceased relatives, talked about them and with them, asking for patronage and advice. Veles night, as one of the most powerful sacred nights of the year, is good for many magical actions. You can guess, conduct a ceremony of cleansing yourself and your home.

If in the old days an open fire of bonfires was used for the rite of purification, then in modern conditions candles (especially church ones) also perform this role well. On the evening of October 31, be sure to light candles in the house. By the way they burn, you can determine how polluted your home is. negative energy: if the candle crackles strongly, the flame sways, smokes - this is a sure sign that the negative has accumulated in excess; if the candle burns evenly and quietly, it means that the background in your house is favorable. But all the same, on the magical Veles night, there is no way without the cleansing fire of candles. However, the most important ritual action on October 31 is a memorial dinner to enlist tribal support.

A ritual to support the family

Prepare a festive dinner - be sure to kutya (rice porridge with honey and dried fruits), pancakes, bake a pie or pies. It is also good to cook some of your favorite dishes in order to fully enjoy the taste of life. Serve red wine to the table, Cahors is the best. Put a lit candle on the window, a plate on which you put a little of each dish, and a glass of vodka covered with a piece of bread. Be sure to open a window or at least a window. Put a family icon on the table, if you have one, as well as photographs of deceased relatives from the family album. Light a church candle in front of the icon. It is good if you invite as many relatives as possible to the gala dinner. But you can celebrate in the close circle of your family. You can celebrate alone if you are single. Before you sit down at the table, you should turn to your ancestors: "Grandfathers, come, drink, eat with us."

Then, in your own words, pray to the icon for all the deceased relatives of your family, address them with a speech that you honor them, commemorate them, expect protection and support from them, tell us about your problems: what kind of help do you need. Then start eating, first of all remembering your ancestors with a glass of red wine and having a bite of kutya or pancake. Candles should never be extinguished, they must burn out on their own. In the morning, put the ritual food for the ancestors outside the window for the birds, and throw vodka out of the glass there.

Samhain and All Saints' Day

Samhain, as you know, was one of the most important holidays in the cyclic annual system of the Celts. Their year was divided into two parts - light and dark. The bright half of the year, turning to summer, began in the month of Beltane (May), the holiday traditionally celebrated on May 1 was also called. The dark half of the year, turning to winter, began in the month of Samhain (November), and such was the name of the holiday, which fell on November 1. Samhain in ancient times was a harvest festival: in the last month of autumn, cattle were driven from pastures to wintering in stalls, bins and pantries were filled with supplies, it was time for feasts and festivities.

The Celts were characterized by the deification of natural forces - this is characteristic of all archaic religious beliefs. And the agricultural holiday Samhain gradually acquired a magical coloring: it was believed that the border between the world of mortals and other world. Samhain also became the festival of the dead. But in the Celtic tradition, this had nothing to do with the pious commemoration of relatives. The fact is that the Celtic population of ancient Ireland and Scotland believed that it was on Samhain that people who violated their geys die. Geis is a taboo, a magical prohibition imposed on a person. The system for determining the geys was run by the Druids. The meaning of the imposition of geis was an attempt to establish a magical connection between a person and the other world in order to protect a person from an unfavorable fate.

In this way, balance was achieved - they imposed geiss on someone, so he will no longer anger the Higher powers with excessive well-being. And the one who violated his geis launched the destructive mechanism of fatal failures. And these violators, who found their death on the night of Samhain, were by no means commemorated kind word. The meaning of such a day of the dead was an ominous reminder: observe the laws of the world order, otherwise punishment will fall on your head! Do not break the taboo, be able to negotiate with the other world through the right rituals.

Well, All Saints Day is a great Christian holiday, which has been known somewhere since the end of the 4th century. IN Orthodox tradition it is mobile and is celebrated on the first Sunday after Pentecost, that is, Holy Trinity Day, which usually falls at the end of May - the beginning of June. And in the Catholic and Lutheran tradition, the holiday is stationary: having wandered for some time according to the calendar, in the 9th century, All Saints Day was set for November 1. The meaning of Halloween lies in its very name. The English word comes from Anglo-Saxon, which literally means "Holy Evening". That is, the eve of All Saints' Day, like Christmas Eve - Christmas Eve.

Tonight, the whole Western and not only the world is celebrating the most damn fun and devilishly mysterious holiday - Halloween. But not everyone knows that initially people did not have so much fun on this holiday. Because that night they could - and still can - meet their dead...

Halloween in the West - what about us?

Our ancestors (Slavs) in the period from October 21 - 27 celebrated Navi week, in which dead relatives were commemorated. From October 28, Autumn Makosh began, when the Earth entered a period of rest and the water closed its chamber until spring. Veles night was celebrated from October 31 to November 1. According to folk beliefs, on this night the souls of the ancestors last time this year they visited their descendants living in Yavi, after which they flew to Bright Iriy until next spring. From November 1 to November 7, the Great Autumn Svarogje came, dedicated to Svarog, the Heavenly Koval and the Father of the Light Gods-Svarozhichi. At this time, Svarog fettered the earth with ice for the coming winter.

From October 31 to November 1, the night when the souls of your long-dead ancestors can descend and communicate with you. This night of extraordinary power. Many masters of magic work hard on this night. The West has distorted the idea of ​​this ancient pagan holiday. People now just have fun dressing up in carnival costumes.

In fact, on this night it is possible to restore the lost connection with the Power of your kind, to communicate with the souls of unborn children (abortions, miscarriage) - so that in the future your children and you yourself will not have health problems and fate will be favorable to you. At this time, you can ask your Family Power for help and well-being.

You can communicate with your souls former partners and start the movement of energies - for serious changes in life. You can see your destiny.

How to prepare for the Veles night and spend it?

It is advisable to prepare for the holiday, clean the house, throw away everything superfluous.

Buy candles, they will need to be lit, sandalwood sticks or oil in an aroma lamp will not hurt.

Prepare a treat for your ancestors (kutya or other treat) Put food on the table for the night, light candles, and be sure to put a chair.

Call the spirits of your kind to the meal and ask them for protection, strength and health for you and your children.

By the way, who has domestic cats, watch their behavior this night. You can see a lot of interesting things.

Be sure to clean the mirrors before and after the holiday.

Protection from evil spirits on Veles night

As already mentioned, many believed that on this night the spirits of the dead visit the houses of the living. However, along with the good ones, evil spirits could also come. And our ancestors, in order to secure their home, took an ordinary candle and went around the whole house with it, baptizing every window with this candle. At the same time, they said: “I put the holy cross on my window. With that cross I create constipation from the dark forces. They will no longer come to my house, but those who have already penetrated will perish here.

How to get an answer on Veles night

When our ancestors were in a difficult situation and did not know what to do, before going to bed they mentally asked for help from deceased relatives. To do this, they said: “Mom, dad (name any of the deceased relatives), today you come to our world, bring me advice. Tell me how to be, how to finish the job. Then they asked a question. Thus, they believed that they were communicating with their relatives through a dream, in which there would certainly be the necessary and correct advice.

Ritual for the fulfillment of desires

Since this night has always been covered with mysticism and mystery, our ancestors believed that this would help them fulfill their desires. And so that they would fulfill all their dreams, they wrote them down on paper and put them under the pillow, and before going to bed they said: “Dark night, I conjure help me. Veles, work hard, hidden, appear.

Signs on Veles night

As we mentioned, the Veles night is very reminiscent of the Celtic holiday of All Saints' Day, and this is evidenced by the similarity of signs. For example, both those and others believed that if it was difficult to kindle a fireplace or stove in a house, then evil spirits entered it, which they tried to drive away with all sorts of rituals.

Usually, dead relatives in a dream scared and still scare, but not on Veles night. After all, this has been considered a good sign from time immemorial, which means that they will help you in solving complex issues.

They tried to prepare the charmed coins for this holiday so that everyone who asked was enough. After all, if you distribute them all and do not meet a single beggar on the way home, then in the next year such a person will have a huge profit.

As we have already mentioned, on the night of Veles, new acquaintances were afraid like fire. Another sign was associated with this - if a stranger knocks on the house, then there will be trouble in the house, most likely in the coming year someone will die in the family. To avoid this, such guests were told afterward, “Calm down, a trace of a stranger, without causing trouble to us, without introducing us into labor, without causing trouble!”

We all know the sign of a black cat, but that night it was black dogs that were most afraid of, because if she appears in the house, then soon an enemy will appear in the life of the family that will spoil their peace of mind. But the white dog foreshadowed only good acquaintances.

But lending was also a bad sign, and usually such people were told that money could be borrowed only the next day. And the next day, borrowing money, they said after: “Veles-Velesok, hear my voice! The money will be returned, but I will not lose happiness and prosperity. Therefore, be according to my word!

October 31 is associated with Halloween, however, in Slavic culture, on the night of October 31 to November 1, their own holiday is celebrated - Veles Night. And, of course, this night is among the Slavs one of the most mystical and mysterious. Since ancient times, various ceremonies have been held and many legends have been associated with this holiday. How to meet and celebrate this night we will tell further ...

Veles night...

Magic night from October 31 (leaf fall) to November 1 (breast)

Everyone meets these magical days in their own way. Someone puts on terrible masks, likes American cartoon characters, carves scary faces out of pumpkins, scares each other; someone celebrates Samhain, following the Celtic traditions; someone is celebrating Veles night.

But the main thing remains the need to understand the processes that occur in nature, in the world and in us. If this is not the case, then everything turns into a farce, into games imposed on us, which lead to disappointments and life tragedies.

Veles night is a night of great power, when the boundaries between the worlds become thinner, when the spirits of our ancestors and those who will live after us appear as an integral whole, together with the dying and renewing world, with the elements and their power. The holiday is celebrated with noisy festivities and games with fire. And it ends with sincere gatherings, at which they remember departed relatives, friends, relatives, but without regret.

Our ancestors (Slavs) in the period from October 21 - 27 celebrated Navya week, in which dead relatives were commemorated.

Autumn Makosh began on October 28 when the Earth entered a period of rest and the water closed its chamber until spring.

Veles night was celebrated from October 31 to November 1. According to folk beliefs, on this night the souls of the ancestors visited their descendants living in Yavi for the last time this year, after which they flew to Bright Iriy until next spring.

From November 1 to November 7, the Great Autumn Svarozhye came, dedicated to Svarog, the Heavenly Koval and the Father of the Light Gods-Svarozhichi. At this time, Svarog fettered the earth with ice for the coming winter.

We must remember that this is, first of all, a family holiday.

Ancestral spirits return to their descendants to teach them lessons and bless the whole family. Before dark, a Fire was lit, jumping through which, as well as walking barefoot on hot coals, was a rite of purification and liberation from evil forces.

At night, at this time, a plate with treats for the souls of the dead is put out on the street. A candle is placed on the windowsill, it indicates (like a beacon) the way for souls who are ready to come to you and help. Apples, pumpkins, zucchini, autumn flowers are placed on the Altar of the holiday. They remember departed relatives, friends, relatives, but without regret.

The days of commemoration of the ancestors were sacredly honored by the Slavs

Before the festival, they cleaned the house, washed in the bath, where they left a bucket clean water and a new broom for the souls of the ancestors.

They laid a festive table, where the owner of the house before the meal of the rivers had a special word (“Grandfathers come, drink with us, eat ...”), and invited all the ancestors to dinner.

All the doors in the house were opened so that the ancestors could enter and sit at the table.

Before proceeding to the next dish, part of it was put aside on a special plate for spirits.

The solemn memorial dinner lasted quite a long time, everyone remembered the best in their dead relatives, those deeds that more than one generation of this kind can be proud of. During the festive dinner, it was allowed to talk only about the ancestors - their lives, individual cases and character traits, their words and instructions were recalled, wise advice and good deeds.

This conversation began with a story about the oldest and most famous ancestor, and ended with a recollection of the dead recently.

At the end of the celebration, the owner saw off Grandfathers with the words: “Goodbye Grandfathers, go ... troubles with you, take away illnesses, wait for us for a long time ...”.

What can we do for ourselves, our kind, our primordial soul?

How to spend Veles night?

On the day before the Veles night, remember all your living relatives and friends, wish them something good. You can call them, write, visit and say a few warm and pleasant words. Just to let them know: "I see you ... You are in my life - and this is important to me."

In the evening, put a candle on the window, which will be a beacon for your deceased relatives. Turn off the electric light in the house and light other candles from the fire of the first one standing on the window. And near the table, leave a few empty chairs for those who may look at your light and for the ancestors who will come to your call.

Set the table by preparing baked vegetables, pies, pork, poultry, game (after all, Veles is the patron saint of hunters), fresh, home-baked and, of course, yeast bread. Putting red wine or mead on the table (no need to mix - it's unhealthy), raise your glasses and remember your departed relatives.

Remember them with a kind word, thank them for the fact that you even exist in this world. Remember the names of those whom you remember, and remember those whose names have already been forgotten. Say thanks to the living, parents, grandparents. Wish good and success to children and grandchildren, because they are our continuation, they will remember us when we are no more. Veles night is a celebration of the connection between generations, a day when we look not only back, but also forward.

And do not forget to put a treat on the street - even a small saucer - for those dead who have been forgotten, whose lineage has disappeared, who there is no one to remember. Let them remember you with a kind word somewhere out there, in their worlds...

Imagine yourself standing in a wide open space - in the steppe, or in a field, or on a hilltop. Imagine how you slowly turn back and suddenly see an infinite number of people standing behind you.
The faces of those closest to you are familiar - these are your parents, grandparents. Some of them are alive, some are already dead. Those who stand further do not show you their faces, But you know that they were also in your destiny, that without them your life would be impossible, that they also brought you here and gave you the opportunity to come true.
Say thank you to all of them. Promise them that in memory of them you will definitely do something beautiful and you will definitely LIVE LIFE FULLY, breathe deeply, love with all your heart!
This will be the most valuable gift for them and the most fulfilled embodiment of their memory.

And then you can take stock of the past year. Remember everything that was achieved, what was good. Thank the Higher Powers for this. Think about what should remain in your life from the past year, and what should go away forever. Write on a piece of paper: "Let them leave my life ...". Burn this note and scatter the ashes into the wind.

And let the vacated place be occupied by your plans for the future. Think about what you would like to achieve? Dream! And may the Veles night serve as another reminder of our duty to our ancestors, ourselves and future generations.

On this night, the spirits of the ancestors return to their descendants to teach them lessons and bless the whole family. This time brings the worlds together so close that those who know and are brave can change their fate... to divert the inevitable from themselves or find the way to a new life.

The worlds of Navi, Reveal and Rule are a single whole, but the paths between them are closed.
Only the gods are given to move around all three worlds, but everyone else needs either a reason or an invitation. Here is Veles night and allows without an invitation and without a reason, just to come of your own desire and your will to this or that world.

Veles himself, Ruler of the Three Worlds, Lord of roads and crossroads, holds open door between worlds!

May the light not go out on a night like this
And on the threshold - a little rye husk.
See how in the warm flutter of a candle,
The road recreated by memory burns.

Give the one who asks easily a large chunk
And throw away the broken things
A red bunch lies on the altar of mountain ash,
Today the souls of our ancestors are with us together.

Take from them, as of old, one more lesson,
And also from relatives, accept a blessing.
Once a year and for a very short period of time,
Get in touch with the great renewal.

The border is erased and transparent between the worlds,
There is no difference between the living and the dead.
The gates are open even before the first song of the roosters,
The spirit of consecration burns in the blood of the people.

The world is formed by a myriad of human souls,
They were born in it and lived gloriously for a long time.
Poet, soldier, historian, doctor and someone's husband,
They will come home on starry bright dust.

Do not forget about those who retired into the darkness,
And those who took offense at the dark origins.
The world is divided by a line, a verdict - therefore
Any of the halves honestly ruled by the gods
On such a night, hope for native advice,
On the power of memory and forgiveness of ancestors.
Let the dark fade into the scarlet dawn
Leaving the husk and pumpkin on the threshold for the children.

Sergey Brandt

Many people love to observe traditions and rituals, and Halloween is no exception. On the night of October 31 to November 1, one of the most ancient holidays of Samhain is celebrated. With the advent of Christianity, it was transformed into All Saints' Day.

Samayan falls annually on the same date on the night of October 31st to November 1st. Halloween is a very ancient and unusual holiday that makes many people shudder with its customs and rituals. For some, it is not the most important holiday, but other people try to observe all signs and traditions.

History of Samhain

The night from October 31 to November 1 is special, very strong and magical. The Slavs used to call it Velesovaya or the holiday of Samhain. It is attributed to the Celtic and means the end of the harvest period and the completion of grazing. This holiday is associated with witchcraft. To date, it has become known as Halloween, it has become one of the most beloved by adults and children. On this day, children put on carnival costumes and go to celebrate it.

The celebration of Samhain traditionally lasts exactly 1 week. They start on the evening of October 31, then from November 1 to 3. Be sure before the holiday, people begin to actively prepare for this event. They prepare not only costumes, but also various delicacies, conspiracies, love spells. The name of the holiday "Samhain" comes from the ancient word "meeting".

Celtic tribes on the night of October 31 to November 1 began to celebrate New Year, which was divided into two parts, on the dark side, these are the autumn months and on the bright side, the holiday began in March-April. In Samhain, two sides, both light and dark, come together. The world of people met with the world of the dead.

There is a legend that it was on this day that the hills opened up and otherworldly spirits burst into the world of the living. Thanks to the open magical doors, not only spirits, but also various creatures could easily move both in one direction and in the other. According to legend, spirits could interfere in people's lives, the good ones helped, the bad ones tried to do the opposite.

Traditions and rituals for Samhain

On this day, people pray to communicate with their relatives, who have long since left the world of the living. The Celts believed in various spirits and beings, among them were various mythical creatures, fairies, gods, spirits. Samhain, this is the time when people could get rid of everything unnecessary in the house, which influenced a happy future. There are a huge number of traditions and rituals associated with this holiday.

On Samhain, people divided the harvest, one half was hidden for the winter, the other was left for a festive feast. Animals were also given special attention, they were carefully checked, those cattle that were healthy and young were left for the spring, and those that could not stand the winter were made part of the festive table and supplies for the winter.

Protecting the home from witchcraft and evil spirits on Samhain

Not only summer solstice associated with fire, but also Samhain. First, the inhabitants of the village extinguished all the fire in the house, in the stove, then they went out into the street and performed rituals. To do this, they took one of the largest torches and went from one house to another. Cattle were led through the smoke. It was believed that this method protected people from evil spirits and witchcraft, and the cattle was cleansed of filth. After the ritual was performed and the evil spirits were driven away, it was possible to go into the hut and kindle the stove.

Bonfires were made in the middle of the road, people gathered and jumped over it, this helped to save a person from evil. On Samhain, large meals became obsolete.

Treats for Samhain

In ancient times, a European feast was located. He could protect the people from evil and dark forces. Whoever came and sat down at the table, it was believed that he succumbed to evil. Sliced ​​bread was placed on the table during the celebration, dishes from meat, fish, and milk were placed. Also, it was possible to put apples, nuts, pies. The main drinks were wine, beer and mead. On Samhain, people walked, danced, rejoiced at the dawn of a new day.

The celebration dragged on until early morning. Early in the morning on November 1, to get rid of anger, bad thoughts and a broken heart, people went to a large reservoir, pressed pebbles, sat on the bank of the river and threw stones into the water. Be sure to say such words "Let go." It helped to get rid of past quarrels, resentments and love.

During the celebration of the Samhain holiday, young people could take a walk. The walk helped to get rid of bad thoughts and bring happiness and good luck to fate. People enjoyed autumn colors these days. On a holiday, you can guess both for your betrothed, and for a successful and happy life.

Among the Slavs, the night from October 31 (leaf fall) to November 1 (breast) is called Veles night, when Belobog finally gives Kolo Goda to Chernobog, and the Gates of Navi until the first roosters (or until dawn) are wide open in Yav. The next day (1st breast / November) is sometimes called Marina's day.
Veles night is a night of great power, when the boundaries between the worlds become thinner, when the spirits of our ancestors and those who will live after us appear as an integral whole, together with the dying and renewing world, with the elements and their power.
The Slavs had their own names for this day. So in Belarus - Dzyady - a pagan rite of commemoration of the dead. The rite of "Dzyady" is a source of pure thoughts and feelings. He has always been given special importance. It is this rite that can save from the forgetfulness of one's roots, which leads to lack of spirituality and loss of morality.

According to folk beliefs, on this night the souls of the ancestors visit their descendants living in Yavi for the last time of the year, after which they fly to Bright Iriy until next spring.
Veles night is a magical night of testing and initiation. On this night, it is easiest to descend into the dungeons of your subconscious and gain the Force if you can overcome your fear. This is a time for purification, reflection, understanding and, perhaps, the transition to a new level.
At night, at this time, a plate with treats for the souls of the dead is put out on the street. A candle is placed on the windowsill, it indicates (like a beacon) the way for souls who are ready to come to you and help. Apples, pumpkins, zucchini, autumn flowers are placed on the Altar of the holiday. They remember departed relatives, friends, relatives, but without regret.

The days of commemoration of the ancestors were sacredly honored by the Slavs. Before the festival, they cleaned the house, washed in the bath, where they left a bucket of clean water and a new broom for the souls of their ancestors. They laid a festive table, where the owner of the house before the meal of the rivers had a special word (“Grandfathers come, drink with us, eat ...”), and invited all the ancestors to dinner. All the doors in the house were opened so that the ancestors could enter and sit at the table. Before proceeding to the next dish, part of it was put aside on a special plate for spirits.

The solemn memorial dinner lasted quite a long time, everyone remembered the best in their dead relatives, those deeds that more than one generation of this kind can be proud of. During the festive dinner, it was allowed to talk only about the ancestors - their lives, individual cases and character traits, recalled their words and instructions, wise advice and good deeds. This conversation began with a story about the oldest and most famous ancestor, and ended with a memory of the dead recently.

At the end of the celebration, the owner saw off Grandfathers with the words: “Goodbye Grandfathers, go, take (trouble, illness, etc.) with you, wait for us for a long time ...”.
Remember at Samhain all those who have already died. They, too, lived their lives and gave their fruits to the world. It does not matter whether they were evil or kind, generous or stingy, strong or weak. It doesn't matter what they were and how they lived - they helped shape, create the world in which we now live. The history of the World comes to us together with the souls of the dead.

On this holiday, try to enjoy every taste, every smell and sensation. Feel that you are alive.

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